HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-08-04.. REIJENTIAL.. COMB TNATI ON APPLI CAT IO N /PEP,MII 225 North ith Stneet Sprtngfi.ed, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRTNGFIELD 38 lebtl qiob Locaticn: Subdiuision: Aecesao"s l@ I Address: tlgt ru 3g 7ilpL GY Phone: 7e6^{gg AaE": city: S/8** Fnro ORefla-ztp: Q ?'lZt Deacrtbe L'otk: Jr,*r- fur--^* &;2aa 6 oDate of n :l d!,) Value8-- 8L ldditzon RanoCel ')^o,-?"-;-/ fl/f:oO !rL i Sigred: Date: 8-14e- Gqretal 1-''<-tllr-L-r<- - PLunbing ELectrical !.!eehcieal Cowtmrction Lend.et It iE ttta reapano.LbilitV of ttn pemt iotd,e to eee thzt aLL inspectiolB cne nade at ;he pro?e, tin6, t1',4t ecch zs;nese is teaia':s1,e fran tlu stteet, @d, tlat the p$nit cod ie Lccated d the fzottt of tlo_p"qerq.lBuildi,q b-uisrbl @rw-ed pTbt slall rerwin on tl1ts BuaUillS Situ 6t aLL timea. PROCqDAPE POR INS?EClfOil RgqWST: CaLL iJ)D Lrecotfu) etcte yottr City Ceaignated iob ambet, iob al"dteas' t_tgp1 of inspecticn @aa,!folittspectiofl,co|t?acbreoia,nersnaneotd.photlemlttbo.P.eqEst8lecei".edbeJ.cle7:00c't:liLL be iad.. the eane d4, "equ.Bts node aft* 7:00 on urtll be nad,e tlo nezt'"nrking day. tail szYou, CiLl De*i4rutd, Job lhnbe Is: Smita.g s,ila .q?ec .t V:o?*tg Line Septic totk Vaqed d, fili,ed !1,th linal -,ll4ten abcue itane ee caryLeved c.d uhen dqlrcl"iticn ia corclc;a o! satc- ape raocd c-i pratlsae c'teanei ug. Bloaking otd. set-tp Plunbittg corunecticns -- sa)e? ctC aater Electn)cal Ccnneetion - Blcckirq, set-uD od, pltnbitq connectione fi;st 'te befote requcsting elec=rieal lr.speczio:,t Acceeso?i BuiH:.tg littzl - l,fter 2crchea, skirting, decks, etc. @e cqi.ated. lo be aft*cFF ttr€Fr7a[. *a uatLoa, but pricr E tct tq of fotnlr. UNDERSLAB PLANBflIG. SI,ECIRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: to be de befote oqffite eovetd,. F0OTIXG ! F1UND$fCfl: to be nln @tedo'd. fonw ee eteetad., h/.t prtor to pouring ccTlclets. uNDncP.o ur D PLUtErlc - swER Jllgj, Litq treachea. UIIDE,?ILOOR PLW.$ fl G 4 I.IEC9AilTCAL :@o7floor insuktiott ot decking. ?0Sl A[P_@4A: To be rud.e priot to ffiLl-'ffiof 11oor iwtta;Lor or deckitg. R1UGE PrulEI$C..s\EiRr?At e vEcsJ illfC|-L: i'lo ')o"k ie to be cc"*eteri ,,* these itupeciions hae be*z nnne dd. qttrteC. FI?EEI!!E: bio? to glccirq fcsinS - ncxe?LaLs cDu, ,eJofe irortung '-nepee- tion. ?RAl.nIC: Mtlst be recaected. aftet @ of rough plttr,bing, e-Lectri- a,L d aechori,cal. AL! toofing bracirq ! chitrmeue, etc. mi,st be ecnoleted. llo tru,& is to be con- ceald, until thia inaoecttca traa been nufu ad apgnoai. ?ITIAL PLAABIfrO FIIIAL I,IECEAIIICAL lItrAL EI,ECIRTCAL TNSITLATION/VAPOR SARRj3R IIISP9CIION : lo batafu at'tet aLL'blstktbi ed, requ*ed, uqor ba,zriett oe in plzce bat befcre ay Lath, WpEwn booC or taLL aoxinq ia qplied,, otd befote oty insul,atbn is co?Eea,Ld. DRYIIALL IilSPEC!1N: Tc be nade aftet aLL &ALELL ia in pbca, but prior to ang tqing. ItASOflB!: Steel Location, bond. Wglar/tittg or oerticals in aeeordoute Ltith U.B.C. Section 241t. I I \IOODSTO'IE:J@.Aftd instalTz,tion ia CURB & lPPPCACE AP.$N: oe etecteC but pi.o? After fotmsb pourirq conaaete . SIDE\IALK E DRT,EllAl: Fot aLL con- c?ete pa)it1g rrtthi.n etneat ight- of-ury, to be ruCe aft* aLL ezca- vating canolete & fmr wk I cub- base tcterial in place. |rhzn anplate -- botti-C.e ot nouable sectiane tlvough ,ALL iIANECLES AI|D CLEAfl)WS HUS? 3E . CCES,IBLE, ADJUSAIEN! !0 3E \L4DE ,"? N0 CCST ?C :ry d rcncs,tN@ Dil? E ALL proiect condittbne, such aa tlu inetallatzon of street t"e$, cc.Pl;zion- of ;he reqired lnndseqirg, otc., iilst be satisfiad before tl,,e EUIUIXC Ff}lAL :tn be reoueaxed. fiNAL ilILDINC: The Final tsuidittg Inspectioa flugt ba "ec\tested cfler ;he Final ?Lunbing Electrical, otd l,lechc.ical fnspectioaa hante been nade od a?ptoued. gcaitoi laaaalina tr tr Ir tr T t 6L tl3 z , Referenee llr.ttnbersJob Nwtbet: Zcne: ,lat Sq. Etg. % ci Lct Cotsetage | # o7 s*oi"" irotal Eeight l,iopogr,qhg Building Pdwit State ?otal Clwrges L2r rwE _ Intericr _ Cormet _- Pcnhodle Cul-de-sac Bedtoons Building Volue & Permit This perrmt ts granted on the erp?ea| cond._ttion tlwt the said constYaction slrall', in aLL ieepects, confonn 1o the 7rdittutce adopted la tte Citg 2fSpilgyi."l,d, i.ncllding- the Zoning Cy&inanc_e, regzla*tng the ccnstmtct;cn *i ;; of 'buildi.rt4s,- otd may be- suspetded ot y,etsokeC at st, time uport tic- TatLon of any prcuisions of said orditattzes. Lot Faces -Ene"au Sourees rilpe Setbaeks lleat DT House Caraqe Aceesg.Watef !!eate? No?th Eost Eireplace South lloodstoxe West F!G x ValueIIEM i,bin Crf,dce C@Do?t Accesao4t rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 n PLan Cheek Fee: Date Paid: t. Signed: N0.!LLi!EM lirtutes Resid.altial (1 bath) Sditarg Sedet ildte" Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constmtct, instal!,- alter ot chotge-ang neu.c? edsting -ilrinlrrg or dtaina4e sAstdtt in utwle ot in patt, unlese sueh pereon is the 7"iit p"o"""""o, o7" o ,tZlid pl*,bet's iic-ens-b, en9ept tltat a .P??sT ttto'! q pifit;ii uork to'poop"otg ihi"h i" ottned, Leaed ot operated by the qPLi'- ent. {,tlAt'luL * Plmbtng Pe"ttttt State Electricql Permit wlete state La,t nequites tlat the electrtcal uotk be done by -ot ET,ectrical Citoo.too, the eliotrLeal portion of this _pernrLt stBLL not be oali-d wttil the Label ha,s been signed bg the Electtlcal Cont"dcto"' ,l Na,t/Ertend, CircttLts Sqtsice CIIARCENC.trF' Flrtttce ElU'S Edtanst HooC Vent Fan licodstotle Mechonicol Permit Permtt fssuance Mechanical Pefirit Securitu Deposit Storage llaintenanee :;wbcut Sidanalk l* aolence E1,eetz,ical la.bel t4obiie Hone I HAw 1AREFULLY EnAMINED tle eotttpleted appli.cai;ion for perwtt, otd, do nii"Oa ;;tiiA inot "tt i.nfornation hereoi ia tnte and. ccrreet, aztd. r ptter eertZ-|y that any ird "lt ao.tk pe-rforned -s.?aLL be done i-n accot- bi:nce vLth th'i Ordinanc'es of tle Ciq bf -SprLngfLeld' and th3 La,te of the * State of Otegan pettaining to tlte uoy,k Ceecribcd herein' cnd tlwt N0 1CCU- pANCy ltill be naCe of any"atructut'e uitltout permisai-on of .the Bui,Tding Di- tsiaion. I flirthen "'n"il,ig th,t ,.-LLA eonfi,aitons aad enplcgees uho ore in catpliance'uith cns ?01.055 aiLL be used on this ptoieet PLan Ecawnet d-/ -a* ua,e Date T]TAL Ail1tillT DW:*t8.0o Total Cltc.taes Tol:al Charoes State .- ENCROACHI'IENT -- Total C\u.raes