HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-02-11iob Locaticn: Aeceeaons l,hp i A)ner: Addteas:Phore: od 'ValueDate of App edditicn ll ,n, DN ..RESIFENTIAL.. C1MBINAII 0N A- .,LI C Af I0 N /PEPJttIy 225 North |th Stteet Springfied, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 sPRINGFIELD til Date: GeneraL l.lechat',ieaL trician It, ia thd respoaoibility of tle permit lolder to aee tlnt aLL inapectionn da nade at the ptopen tin€, that ecch;ddress is rec,:^bie fran the atreet, dnd, tr:@,t the pqntt card ie Located at t*e frcnt of tle properfil.-t\uilding Nvicion appro"*ed, pthn elull nenain on tto Buitdirh situ at alt' tthee.- of inspecticn beJ'cre 7:00 c:t oR lntat 3url;. Soti:tg easet cappei =t P?op."t! liEe Septic tork pltqed tx. filied trith ira:,tel Pinal - J,lhen cbcue iiaas are ccnpletedtd. when Cattciition ia cqr=Lcte or st?uc- tt;rre noued o.C prattaas clbanei up. Blockiry atd Set-up Pltnbhrg connecticns -- sa)err atC uater Eleatrical Cctnection - Blockir.g' set-uP zcrches, skirtiry, decks "ieted. Accescot?* Buiding Fital - Aftcr etc. are calp F;;e 1 of 2 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I\EPECTION : Io be nad.e after aLL inaukticn ad required, uqot b*lr,ie?a aue in pl.a.ce but bgfare ory Lath, Wpsunt boarC or rnLL cooeting ia applied, and befote oty. inaul,ation ie coicealed. tlLSglB!: Steel location, bond, @gfiutirq or oerticcls in aacofrd@e irith U,B,c. Seetion 241 S. wooDsT)vt:@a.After installation ie Kl rcornc I FIaNDATTIN: To be no.d.e )A) ;f;ffiffi;rcdoated and' fistme are ereoted, but prior to Wuying ccncret.. doayunrr, ilsPECrloN: Tc be nadeIX|;rffit@Tie in ptace,Tbut prtor tu ary taping. UNDERSLAB PLUNDIIIG. ELECTRICAL d WCHATIICAL: fo ba nade before angu:rk :]g cortctad,. 'these itupecJiona haoe been nade and, apprcueC. CARB & APPRCACil APPAN: ate etected but prtot, concrete. SI?g INSPECIION: esaauation, but , farms. FIPEPLACE:;,Gfr|; tion. FTTIAL PLUAWW FINAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL lo be rmde afterpria b aet up of f- utDgqcp,oulD pLatmrvc. ssvr,R. et.trgl.tJN@ Lirq trenchea.,-,X7 unoenrLooRffifrE, ilEc$ANrcAL :rA@of( ' noon inauLtion or decking. dfpu--llp-Uly, ro be rmde prton to fil A"t"tW"f ftoon ineuition ot clect<Lng. After formsto poum.ng Wior to plccirq and befote froning f.eci.ttg LnEPec- SIDE\|ALK 8 DRIVWAI: For aLL con- crete pauing tithin etreat right- of-t'zy, to be nta.Ce after aLL etca- vating canplete t for'a L)ork & sub- base nnterial tn place. --TALL projact eonditione, such ae tho inetallatton of street t?ees, ccnol.stion of ;iu required Land.sccping, eto., naot be aatisfiad before tla BMIDIiiC PIIIAL:an 5c raqueated. flIN,|L BUILDINC: The Final Building Inepection naet ba requeateC after lhe linal ?LwtbinX El,ectrical, and llechanical Inepect'Jona luua been nade atd approued. lV .oRltlr,rE, ltrrct be requected. aften f2\l "ppr.oual of rough plwbing, aiectri- ' cal 2 nechanical. Att toofittg bracing ! chinncya, etc. mtst be ccnpletad. No t;rt,.k ie to be can- cealed until, thia inepecticn laa been tmde atd, approued. .ALL ilANttCLES AttD CLEANOUTE ttUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJ\JSTNE\|T TO 8E MADE'AT No COST tO cM vou 8@neba nadc thc Io|/gf Cifu DeaQTated ilob thnb6J, Io tr rl la :ence: Men conalate -- ProuiCe L) @ or mouable' aectians through l-l -'p.u.s. tl I-] Jcb llwbcr:\D ,(?one L-COC il:Reference llunbers: Bedroons:t: Accesa. lot Facea - P. L. Lace tote u-lr ,5 ti', l ValueFTC LOT TYPE fnteri.or Corner Panhandle CuL-de-aac Iot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooetaga. # of Storiee total Eeight Iopogruphy t.Q.lotrl+ct+SqnoI'|iain knade Carport Aocesao?u A537t/^/FtN|SIA 4q4 "t,/4TOTAL VALUEmS.D.C. I.5 c a Paid: ..- Faea --. tJ-), , h). 25,,s a)E 3 ,& Building Volue & Permit P/h) oE fd: Building Paldt ?otal Clangea State Plumbing Permit No oerson alu:Ll conattuet, inatall, alter or clwnge any ned or ecieting ilriitrrg or dtainage sastal in uhole or in part, unleae euch penaon ia the iZjit, {o"t"t"o, o7-o ttlolid pl*,ber'a l,tc-eneb, eicept tlat a P?rsol '*! qo. ptiitiig uotk to property utvLch ie orsned, Leaeed ot operated by the appli,- aant. /o"NO.FEE * CEARGEITEM Fbtwee Reeidential (1 bath) Seuer Plntbtng PenrLt State eo Oo 60* Electricol Permit were state Ia,t nequitea tlut the electrtcal wrk be done by _an Eleetnieal conttuetor, the electytcal portion of thia permit elall tpt be oalid until the Labet lne been aigned by the ElectrLoal ContractoP. ITEM State at Nas/Ettend, Circuita Sert;ioe fr?A*-qz lillL/A2r7oD IT9M NC,F9E CIIARCE Ftttn-zce P?UtS Ezha*t HooC Vent Fot g 4- el) Wcodstooe /o ao /5 ao z State * Mecho nicol Permit Pemrtt fsaudl@e Meclanical Pemdt .- ENCROACHMENT -- v Secarita Dewsit Sto?aqe l.laintenance Pcrmit /oLQ,L VnArgCS Curbcu! side^llk Fenee Electnical la.bel Mobile Hone hlL, NA) d, p 25.3s TO?AL AMOUITT DUE: ^30b,o8 I HA\E CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED tle conpleted appli,cation fot pernit, and do ieieby certify ttnt aLL infonatibn heteoi ie true atd correct, atd r furthZr oe*|iy that cny ard aLL uo,k penforyed .lal-l be done in accot- 'dance ,,ttth tie- ordinancZe of the citA bf Springfield' ard the La'ta of the * State of 1regon pettaining to the :.,r,,.k Ceacribcd herein, cnd tlat N0 oCCU' pAnCy *itt bZ naae of any atructure tttlrout permiesion of the Building N- oieion. I fu?ther iertiiy that otly conttactore and.mployeee uho are in conpliance iitn ons ?01.055 uiLL be ueed on thie ptoiect zJf?/ Data t \ ,4 ,/) 4'*, I OREGO'V SP]IINGFIEL() 225 ITYI5 STRBBf, SPRINGPIBID, OREGON 97477 INSPBCTION RBOIIBSI: 726-3769 OPFICE: 726-3759 1 or Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork ls not started vlthtn 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CONIRACTOR INS"TALI.ATION ONLY Electrlcal Contractor Address cl Phone Supervlsor License Number Explration Date Constr Contr. Number Explration Date Slgnature of Supervlslng Blectrlcian 0vners Name Address Cl ty Phone -3 OIINER The installatlon ls belng.made onproperty I ovn vhich is not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Slgna DATE: EIJSTRICAL PERIIIT APPIJCATION City Job Nunber COHPI,BTE FBE SCIIEDT'IJ BELOV New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelllng unlt. Service Included:Items Cost 1500 sq;ft. or less Each addltlonal 500 sQ. ft or portlon thereof Each Hanuf,d Home or Modular DveIIing Servlce or Feeder $ g5.oo $ 15.00 $ 3s.00 Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcuits included). Installatlon, Alteratlons or Relocation: 3 A Sum B 100 amps or less 101 amps to 4OO amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 amps to 1000 amps_ 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $gs $60 $e0 $ 00 00 00 00 00 00 $130 $300 35 D C. Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 200 amps or less $ 35.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00 0ver 600 amps or 10001oils see ,8, aE6ilil Branch Clrcults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel One Circuit Tlro to ten Clrcults Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof B. Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Signal Circuit or Iimited energy panel_ $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OP ABOVB .<O c'o -5--S2S:/ $ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 1s.00 5f State Surcharge TOTAL 29o =7RECBIVBD BI: cltoloE