HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1962-04-03I
lgrrE soqEglqE PERlrrt ANp RECE_IPr
ISCEIIII IS IIEBEBY ACF{OWIADGED on behalf of thc C13y of Sprtngflcld
of chc ruo of,321*-80 patd by ,..a , n ':
for perolaeton co cooacct tht
proparty bcrotn darcrlbcd to tbe trunk te$er aylBen of the Clty of
Sprlogfleld, Sald propr;ty for utrich thle pennit 13 trarLsd ta
daocrtbcd er followa:
Sldr ltorttr 32nd Strrct, Springfield, Gr*gon.
Lot 5!, OId llrrdrllt Tract, Springfield, Lane County, 0rcapn'
thLr rocctpt md P.tlntt to conncct to thc Clty of Eprlagtteld
3firdr .filrr tyttcr blr bero lrrnt.d and thc cocc brrcin ret f,ortb
o*gclrd m tha baalt o! ooc-brtt (U2) the rqutvrlooB cort of ar
ottht (E) tach lltotel rGrt .t tba current prtcc tn thlr .rc!. Ihr
rror har becn conpuEad at Che raBc of pcr
rDutttng frdrt foot toc r lroat foot 88e
Ttrlc pernrtt and recatpt doar not lncludc nor chell lt walve or ba
tn lteu of, aoy oerrer user charg! to be peld or called for to bc prtd
by Etrc Ctty ordtnancst of tht Ctty of Sprlngfleld; nor docr lt tacludl
thr coct for, nor ahall tt be coostrued to be a plrnblng pcrntt to
couect the hotrec screr lluc to thr ratd Eruok taser; but Ctrtr rtcclpt
aEd p.Ett docr lncludo thr cOrt of thc t connccBloo locrtod on tbe
tnrnk !eu.r ltnr for ths urc of the proPcrty heralo deccrtbod.
Detad at Sprlagftcld, Ortgoo, thtl
dey of
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