HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-25Rcce ill "tob lacation: Aaaeecote Map ll -6 Subdiuision: Asnep: Addtess:t City: Ne0 Addition Date of Applicaticn. General P lurnb 1ng S uD erv n EIec t r Retntircrl Tn socetians PR)CIDUEE F1n INSPECII1\\ R|QUEST;CALL 7 eady fort"iLL be nade the aane dcy, reEteate ncde l1 aq nA\.c4 -t iob aCdreae, type of inspec'-icn Requelts tecei"*ed befcre 7:00 ct .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICA?I- '/PERMTT 225 ilorth |th Street * SprLngfteld, )regon 97477 Building Ntsision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTEI-.D ?cz Iot il Phone: DeacrLbe L'or"l<: 62t?12.6{ Iour City Deaigtuted Job Ntnber fa: o I (-7 t-Al Date: VaLue 26-3769 (tecondet) state your City deaignated iob nwnber, inspection, Contractora or Ooners nane arA plone nunibct.aftet 7:00 ot vtLL be rmde the next wrkitq dag, r cl It ia the neaponaibility of the permit hotden to oee that aLL inapectiona ate nade at the proper time, that aaoh cddveas is neadab'"e Jiotn the otteet, anC that the permit oatd ia Locatecl at the ft,ont of the properW..Building D"Jvicion approve<l plan sh,cll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL- tinea. Pcge 1 of J ec E,r ca tI; x x UNDERSLAB PLL'\EINC, ELIQIRICAL e WCHA.IIICAL: lo be nade befot,e anytlotk is cotered, SIIE INSPEC?I)N: To be made aftet,etca,r;tlon;6t pricr tc set up of forns. INSULATI)N/VAPOR BARRIER IilSPECII0N : lo be maCe after aLL inaulaticn ad required uapor banie"a aae in pl,a,oe but before any Lath, gyp*wn board ot unLL oouening ie applied,.crd beforeay inculation ia concealed. I-A DRYVAT,L INSPECIION : I Xl ;fG; aTT-Eyr^taTTl.s - but prior to any tapi MAS1NRI: Steel locatton, bond beatns, gnouting ot, oenticals in accordance Lr|th U,B.C. Section 2415. OR Sani+.aty eetset sappeil et propatty Lir:e Septic totk ptorped and ftlled tith gratel X n w POO?INC I ?)UNDATICII: To bedfi e t-iV errc iffiiiZ, c au a t e d forns a:,e erected, but priot, pouring ccncreta. uN oERCROU\! D ?1.!Ae r NC, EEVE8,onew- @-66nchee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUI.IB IIIC,E, TIECIIANICAL : of floon ineuktion or decking. I,IOODSTOVE: cctnpGffi, After installation ia CURB & AI'PEOACH APSON:After forne@v;;AtA-6ut nfror. to pouring concnete. SIDEHA1,K & DR|VEWAY: For aLL con-cr;teniing Gtiin atreet right-of-txy, to be nade after aLL exca- Dating canplete & fom uork & sub- base nntertal in pbce. IENCE: hhen conplete -- ProviCe gatee or mooable aectione thnough DIIF 57tse7 7zE-ts Pinal - l{hen abooe itens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is aonplete or stru:- ture noved od, ptenrLsea cleaneC up. Blooktng od, set-up Plwbing connectione -- a€oer atd uater Eleottioal Conneotion - Blookitq, oet-ui atd plwrbing conneotions rruet be apprc,*ed befoto nequeating eleolrtcal inepecliol Aooeesory Buitding PiruL - After pcrchea, atc, @e oanpleted. ekirting, decks, nnCe and to !A!E!, To be made in place, ns, fi Posr AND BEAM: To be nade prion toL4 frffi;trof floo, insulLtion ot, decking. m R)ucil Pr,uyBiltc. E.,Eq!R!c4L E t"tE?H-@.-i;,rot| r-; t;-b-; ..ou;n;A- urtil theae inspecttons have been made and. approued.. F|PEPLACE: Prior to plccirq facingmaterials ard. before franing inepec- tion. f84!!I_[_C: l'tust be requected after @t of rough plima;ng, ilectri-cal & nechanical. ALI roofing bracing E chirmcya, ete, mtst be , coilpletcd, llo ucrk ia to be cor . cecled until thio inspection l:ic,s 'been tude anC approved. m a tr FIIIAL PLUI,IBIilA FINAL MECHAIIICAT, PIIIAL ELEC?RICAL 8 'AlL project conditions, such ae the i.natallation of s!?eet treea, conploti.on of the ' n1quired LanCsccping, eto., tmtet be eatiafied before the EllILDIllG PINA\ can be requested. fA PrNAL BUTLDTNI: ?he Einal Building fnepection rwet be requeated after the Final Plunbing \1/ Eleetrical, anC Neclunical fnspectiona hqta been ttade atd approoed ( 'ALL HANIICLqS AND CLDANOUTS tilJST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\ENI T0 BE M4DE AT lto COST r0 Cry &4 g*r) a K JOB NO.SOLAR cEss REQ.-L-CO G* BeCroons Laca Building Vo Iue & Perm it Thia penrit ia granted on the o.rpreay conrlit;ion ttnt the tatrl conctntc-Li.on a_IuLL, -in-atl.reqrccLs, conJ'orm Lo the Ordinav)c ulopte,l tiy Lhe City ofSpr-ingfield, includ.-ng the Zoning Crdlnancc, ragulcLin,j tlt"e acnstr.ictictr and.uae of bui.Ldings, ancl mey ba euapende,L or rleookeC'at dty t--ne upon uic-la.tion of arty ptouieiona of said Ordinances. A Penrit 'State fotal Clangee Lot Facea - Setbaeks P, L.llouee Gdt aqe Access North ./2, Eaat 2/' South 7' Iat Sq. Ftg, ruffi LoT lWE N of Lot Couerage -ffiA> I of Stortee _J ?opogmphy A25 V fnterior x Total Height ,/Z , Cormer ' Panlund,Le CuL-d.e-eac 8.6' thin 'vs6.fi ry-22 Gct ace faz.ze 4/d Carpcrt Accessot'u ?O?AL VALUE s,D,c. 1.5 r oo Fea: Pard: Plumbing Perrnit Ng pgreon oha-ll .conatruct, ina!al!., alter or cltangc cny ned cr ezistingplwnbittg or drainaE\e ByTlq in uhole or in part, LnLesL such person is- the legal.poaaessot. of a ualid plwnberts Licensb, ezcept tl:at a person na.g doplmbing uork to ppoper!:lJ uhich ia or^med, Letzted o'r operatei by th, aip,Li-cant, tll ?d. o? 2e-E N0. I -2> .go Sani Sanen Fiztutee Reaidential Qbath) Plw$ing Pertrit State {- I Elecf ricq I Perm i t t{hete state La,t requires tlat the electrical aork be done by an glectrical Contractor, the elecbrical portion of lhie pennit shall not- be uali,C w.ttilthe Label haa been aigned by the Electttcal- Contractor, 15 oi 3/l{ 1r,1{ Nar/Extend Circuits 2p Total aP Mechonicql Permit Ethanab Hoo,l.S'D Vent F@t -A ?ry/,rr4Z /u* aO Permit feeuoroa l,teclanioal Perrit 2 a #3/-s-.5 Permit I llAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the conpleted appltcation for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL tnfonrction hereon'ie true and conect, anC I f'urthen .eentify that ang ard aLL wonk perfomed alal!. be dote in accor- dance ttth the 1rdinencea of the City of'Springfield, and. thc Lane of the State of Ore.gon pertaining to the lurrk Ceecribed herein, cnd llnt NO OCCI- PA.NCy dill be trud.e of ang st"uctur.e uitho;,tt permtoaion of the Building Di-uieion. I fut thar centifg that otly contractors ai,;d ezplcyeee uho ar-e in carpliance uith oRS 701.0s5 ui,LL be uaed on thie project ?otal ^ C'utbcu'- Sida,talk Mobile llane Aa aror^L Ailoutt? DUE, a 15 t g ,11 1577rAa Signed te 7.o q7 ?4 ?,/4- z r 6e?/765 ,1, /. bc ) CHARGE €z-ra / / I I Rcoeip'c r..RESIDENTIAL.. SPrlINGFIELD APPLTCATIOD /PERMIT 225 ilorth |th Street -Spr"ingfteld, aregon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-s7 53 'lob tocaticn Aoaeaootz Map ll 5\bditision: ,e ?c.r tot il I $b Asner: Address Jo sr ci h Phonc: Deocribe h'ot'li: Value 6€g ( 'ti-p 7L/4 e1 Neo Addit RenoCeL itobiLe IIonc ra ors \ t--'-?>.//.-\--\ c-< hta:-\- 7a6-- Date of App lieatictr Ceneral Y-t l77aa 1 P lutnb I I.lechanica [].eccrical Sunervising_lllec(-rit iitrr It ia the reaponcibility of tle permit hold.en to ase that aLL inopectiona dra nade at the propet tine' that ,,coh cilteas ie neadab'-e J'ron the street, anC t)tat the perrit oard. is Lccated at.th.e ftont of the,-Pto.Perty.-rSuildiry Divi:io:: ctp;t,oce<l plan shcll remain on tlrc Duilcltng Sitc at aLL tinea. PLOCSDU1E FOn INiqEL-!]!!!_N9!E!!;CALL 726-3769 (tccorcler) ctate your. City Ceaigna.ted iob nwnbet', job aCdrcaa, type- of inspe_c)icn "adyforinspection,co,1tractorBoia,mer"-tlane-andpLonenulttbct..Reque8t8neceivedbefore?:0Ccl'siil be nade the aone clcy, reEteate ncde after 7:00 an viLL be nada the ncxt tnrking day. Iour City Deaigr.ated Job Nwnber Ia:87 _o4b+ Remtired Tn sopctt'.cns --1 SITE INSP9C'IION: I'o be made a!'ter | ;rc;;;no,r,-rG pricl tc set up of - forme. -1 UNDERSLAB PLL',r.DIltC, ELECIRICAL & | ilECHr-ttIcAL: To be nacle belore any t&tk L8 00Dcted, -1 roorttc t Fou,\D,1?ftn: To be nace ) ;f;;-ffitts ,tnt excauatecl arul forns are erectad, but pt'iot' to puring ccncrete. u N DSR C llo U l! D P !. ut! :i I N C ) _S Stt E !1, tt.4T E !?) )-Lir4 tt'enchee. DnYUAt,t, INSPEC"I'!)N: To be nada;lE;il inouaTTio in ptace, but prior to any taping. ||ASONRY: Steel location, boncl Sifrijgroutirrg ot, verticala in accordance uith U,B.C, Section 2415. w00DsTovE cc,rryr1;TA After inotalZation toUNDERFLOOR PT.UI,!B i']C,I iIEC!IANICAL: T;-CAI p;l"r to iatuttatioit o1 fToor inaulcticn or decking. POST AND BEAt.l: To be naclc Prior to installaioi-of floot' inst:Lation or decking. !cA!, .t ill:cll- bc cotjere,I I NS u t,A'.t' tov / vA Pofi Blllt tlR !!!!!!!f9N :DTTIOLITT; b;-ilfu afi". a|t ;ioutitlcn avtd rcquired uapon batrier's a.re in plaoe but before any Lath, gypown board or unLL couet,ing ie applied, crd before ay inculation is concealed, Sanilary eeoet ccppeil et ptoperty Lixe Septic totk pwped atd filled trith gratel Final - Lhen above itens are ccnpleted and uhen denolition ia oanplete or atnt:- tura motted ard premleee aleaneC up. Elookinq and Sct-up Plwnbing connectiono -- aa))al ard ualep Elaotrioal Conneotion - Blooking, oet-u, ad plwnbing conneotione nust be apprcted beforc requeattng eleolrical inepec'-ion Aoceosory* Butldtq Final - Aftar pcrchee, akirting, decks, ato, ate aanpleted. ttobi ur.these inspections hatte beer CUND & AI'PI\CACII APIION: are erecte:.l but pt'ior to conct'ete, SIDEUA|,X .$ DRII't:l,tAY: For qll con- .r.t" pr*'iqi{;il; otreet right- of-tx:y, to be nadc aften all erca- vating canplete & form wrk & tub- base rmterial in plate. After forms pouring is tc) rmnle arul approve:!. FIPEPUCL: Prior to plccir4 facingnctetials and bcfore ft'taning inapec- tion. FRAI:INtl: ltust be requccte<l afier diFrav"t ol rough ptwnbing, e-lcctt'i- cal & meclwnical. ALI tooJ'ing bracing C chirmcya, etc. nrrst be . conrpletcd, llo ucrk ia to be con- . cecled until thio inspection lna 'been tnde anC approved. FINAL PLUI,!DI IIO FINtlL tlt2llAil!CAl, FINAL ELECTRICAT, IENCE: Hhen cornplete -- ProviCe gutet; or nrooable aaotiona thnough P, U. E. ---:-'ALL projecL c:o1clitions, such as the i.nstallation of Itveet treee, conptotion-of the'requ'iretl lanclsccpir:g, ctc., mrct be aatiaficd bcfor.e the BUIWING PINA\ can be requested. FINAL BUILD\NC: 't'hc l".ina| Building Inapcation nuat be requeotad alter the Final Plwnbtng \J Elcctrical, anC tteclnrical rnspectiono hqva been nade ard approoed Palte I of 3Iqh IAT,L I,IANIICLES AND CLI:ANOU'I': III"I::'I'DT: ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE TI4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y ?ilK .lll I 1 JOU NO.soLAP-\qccEss trEQ.-r* co C/ r e/Conet BeCroons Soirr.r:rn !lcat Ra PLan Datc Pairl Ileceipt ll Signed actl to0e -- Fa-en -- Building Vqlue & Permit Thio pennil: i.a llrantrrl ott the ca.?rtros cowli.Ltlon t,lnt. tle r,tir-l consLruc.Lf. alnl.L, in all. renpccL:t, con!'oril Lo tlrc Oruii.rt,tt;,:a :nlo;t.,: ! lttr ite CiLy ol Sprinlfield, i.trcludirto !;lte lloning Crdinatv:t':, t,ciluLGt.in1 Lli,: ccnaLntcLtl.cn and use of bui,Ldtno:;, atxl n.;t1 bo eucpendo,:l or reool:cC ttL c,:'j b'Jnc upot; r) LaLion ol atty prcutaior,a of ta.id Ordinattccs. ' Buitding Perwit State Total Chargee Plwbing Pernit State SwcLarge Total Plumbing Pern'rit Nq percon altnll conct,t'rtct, inolall, a'l,ter or clangc cnll ned cr ezistirrg p_lunbing or drainaoe ayn!;en in uhole or in part, w.:Less such person ia th l9gal poaoasnor of a uali.d plwnbcr'o liccnse, arccllt, tl;ct a p'o:son nay do plunbing uork to ltroparLy uthich io ou;nctl, Lcascil or oitercted lty tl,e c;;pli cant. Electricol Permit l,lhere Sla,to lan,t rcquircs tlat, tha clactrical unrk be donc by an Slect,ricai Contractor, thc clectrical portion of this pcnttL sluzll rot be ualiC unttl t'he ldbel lna beett oioned by tlrc ElectricaL Cont,ractor, I\--\ Mechonicql Permit Perttrit faau@toe l,lechanical Pernrtt ta [-ot Faccn - Sc thacks P, L,llouoe Garaqc Accc ss Nortlt Eaot I LrA South Lot Sq. Ftg, 7 of Lot Coueraac LOT TYPE Interior _ Conner _ Panhandle Cul-de-aac Val.ucrTENFTGx ! of Storiee Total lteighL Topography l./ont I,ltirr k:t'ace Carpct,t Accegsoru TOTAL VALUE s.D,c, 1.5 x CIIANCEAto,ETF Fiztured Reeidenti.a.L (1 bdth) liani Seuen CHA RGP:NO,FI;E Neu/Ettetd Circuita Seroice \l5 I5-CO '15 Nc.FFN t CIIANCE ftirnzee YIU'S Eshant lloo,1. Vent P@i llcodatolse -- ENCROACHMENT -- i,,,,/. r,h,,r!' rl. I t t,, n :---z Sectrit tit l*ti.nte ttance Pcrmib Atrbcu! Sida,taLk Feree Electrical La.bel Mobile Nau cq<tb :Z' AF I IIAVE CAnEFUt,Ly EXAI'IINED tha conpleted application fon permit, and do hereby certify tlnt aLL info:,matiotr hereon ia true and, conrcct, ani I f'unthen cert.ify l;hat arty ard aLL oork perforncd alnl! be dote in accor- danca vtth the Ordinancea of tha City of Sprinofield, anC the Lana of tho State of 1regcn pcrl;aittittg to tha wrk Ceocrtbc,T hereln, cnd !|nt N0 1CCU- PANCI uill. be rrnde of any atrueture uithout penniaaion of the Suitdtng Di-uieion, I lttt thcr cerLif;1 that o:tly contt,actors ai;d ezplcilee e ut:o are in cmpliance oith CttS 701.055 wiLL ba uoed on thia project UoLt: Signed 1 D, e\-l L A ,.allr ,.rrtn nt,!.4 Ron. Sa. fta. 5.ou State Surclnrge Total Clta.rcae Charoaa A