HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-13Ese$sora Map ll Subdit;ision: A-mer: Address: Ci NeD Addi-tian RemoCel R'?il,- e&./, .. RESIDEI'-*- AL" APPLICATION/ PERI.LIT !25 North |th Street SprLngfield" Onegon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 b Locaticn: SPFIINGHELD I'c,.x Lot ll Phone: zip o9. Value oo Your City ted Job Number fs: VAPOR BA 1U after aLL LCn - Deecribe tlork:R4** R-"+ ")*"x *X c(l*r ; &F; It ie the responsibility oi tte permit hoder to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the , fton the strebt, and that the permtt eard is Located at the fnont of the-,pt'operty.iOuitding D.Jticiot apptoted plan shcll remain on the Buildittg Site at ctLL tines. PPocEDUpE FoR INSPEC?19!!_?g^UES!;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City Cesigna-ted job eady for inspection, Contraetars or Afie"s nane cnd phone tsitl be nade the sane dcg, "equests made after, 7:00 on uvtll be made the nctl;:,sorklng daii. Date of General lilechanicaL Construction Lendet SITE INSPECTI1N: Io be nade after ercao;ti';n,Tt prior tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELIC?RICAL & MECHT-\||CAL: ?o be nade before ang ffiF-li-i6,sotnd. FOOTING & F)UNDATICN: Io be tnaCe ;F;F Aenct;ar.e eacattated and forns at,e erected, but prior to pouning ecncrete. uw4aiaaiiD P LUMD r! c, s.qw?- !tA!E!?, DBLrl\tE: To be made ptiot, to fil-Tirq-liinchee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & MECHANICAL: o1 floor ineulation on decking. pyopet, tine, that ecch cddtess is t'eadabl-e number, iob aCiress, type of inspec=icti nttbcr, Pequesis receii:ed befcre 7:00 c:i required uapon barriers ate tn place but before ang Lath, gApsun bcarC ot' tnLL cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed.ll Ir -1 posr Mo asnu: To be nade prior to) T;;i;TE {an of floor insui)tion on INSPTCTION: Tc be made after aLL dryuall is in pl.ace, but prior to any taping. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond idffijg?outing or oerticals in accordorce Llith U.B.C. Section 241 s, IIOODST1VE: Aften installation is anpleted. CURB & AIPF}ACH APSoN! After formsai,e-;rect;7-6* paa to pouring concrete. SfDEWALK & DRIYE:\IAY: Fot, aLL con- c?e;;nd1r6;ltir; s tneet right- of-txA, to be maCe after aLL eaca- vating conplete & fotn wrk & sub- base natertal in place. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections thnough P. U. E. BUILDING: Ike ?inal Electrical, and MeclnnicoL 4) l ANICAL: GliT-these inspeetions haue- been made arui appnooeC. ': Ption to pLccirq before franing f.acing LnsPee- FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ETECTRICAL Lr at tl\ \ u !ecetp t lt \2-q lrtt I -a{Date: i2--tZ OR :,:OVE-' BUILDI:|CSDEI,iOLIT Sanitary seset' eapped ct property Lir.e Septic tank p"i.-ped ant ii.Lled uith gra:sel Pinal - hhten abcue itens are ccnpleteti and ahen Cenclition is complete o" stl'tir- tut,e nooed and prenises cleaneC up. l.tcb Le Hcnes Bloeking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e! url, uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ut and plwnbing connections rm;st be apprcted befc;t,c requesting e?.eclrtcal inspeclio:: Aecessory BuilCing Final - After pcrckes, skirting, decka, etc. are c.cmpleled. P*.':e 1 of 2 v *AI'L I4ANH)LES AND cLEANouTe MUS? BE AIIESSTBLE, AD,tusntEit? To BE 11ADE AT tto .':sr ro crry D r l ---ALL project conditions, such as tlrc i.nstaLlaticn of sttreet sy2s-c, :c:.;.cle,"ion of Lhe required Landscaping, atc., rmtst be satisfied befone the BUILDII'IC EIIIAL can be requested.tl Building fnspectiotz mtet be requested cftet, the final Plumbing fnspections hauc been nade and approoeC, nI Z L-co dJOB NO, !ataL SOLAR ANCESS REQ.- rst: .-BeC.roorns: Zone lteat Receipt ll: \ r HAw |AREFULLy E1LaTNED the eornpleted. appli.cation for pertnit' and do herebu certifv ttot oLL" t*ii)natilon hereoi;;-i;" and cotT ect'' artC I funthbr eertifs 'no' I|r""|"ff ;;-;;;':;p;;'f-omed stnll be dote in aceor- 'dance vLth tne ora'utii'""*;f ;i''; iti 'rlf bpiiift''ia' and the Laxs of the ?,;,2-"|"i,.1,",0,""1*1i:f "i1",'::;:;!if iZX;;:r,*r2:"iz;";iTl'Y.iii{{3:i- 'Jyi::"i';n;z?";i!ru"i;:1"";ii1;;;t;i\,.t,::*,fl{cveesuhootein eonpl;-ance dith cRS ioi'biiiiit- be" used on this pt'oieet z-/3 Building Volue & Permit This perm;-t is granted on the erpt'ess condi'tion tlnt the said,constnletion sLnll, in alZ ,espects,- ioili' 'to th-e.,r'dinance cdop.ted iy the Citv of g;O:.i"g7tita, inelluding'tn.-2lil"g CYd.inanc-e, regulaii]g the ecnstruct^:^t:.,^ "ia "'in ol Lutld.ings," ond ^ty be'susp.ended ot' reuokeC at cra tLme upon D'c- Lation of any ptcuisions of said Ordinances' --F ValueSQ. F?G ?OTAL VALUE Building Permtt Date Paid: State Signed:Total Ctnt'ges Access t: Lace t ITEM t 03 S.D.C. 1.5 x P.L House Lot Faces -LCT TYPE _ fntericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de'sac Int Sq. Ftg. % cf lct Caserage_ i of Stories Total Height Topography Plumbing Permit NoDePconslnllconsttllct'instal!,al.ter.olelangecnaned.cI|eristing ii"iriU'0i"."'7"ZiriZ" "i"tLn-in'rtoi" or in pant, -unlesi such pe,son is the Legal possessot' of ";1"1;;"pi:;;i'"";l t,'"'i"' &cept that a person na'1 do plwnbing uo*k to p""p"|ii*,iniZi-l-" o*.a, LeZsed ot, opetated by the appli- eant. cllAli(;a Plunbing Perntt NO State th.C--r.IU oct_CO Sani Seuer )1'EM Fictu.r'es Residential (1 bath) Electricql Permit Whet'e State Lau requires that the electri-cal uork be done by -an Eleotrieal Contraetor', the electrJilot' ponti'on of t'his -pernit sfall not be oaliC until ;7;';1;t;1 ias been signed tv the Electt'ical contl'actot" t G,3 Nau/Extend Cit'cuits Setoice State Total CIIARCENCIT9M L:rharct HooC Vent Fsn Wcodsto:le C,ox-> \c\s\c-\oa- Mechcrnicol Permit Permtt Issuence llechanictl Permit tSecar"i Pernit Curbcut Sida,talk L Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOIJNT DUE:* * Sign \- Date CHARCEf LLNU. Res. So. qry-$LU'= \. \5 F\nnzce BTUTS Ma;-nteflance