HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-07-20\ ..RESIDFNTIAL.. " APPLICATi-,-,,PERIII? 225 North ith Street Springfield' 2z'egon 97477 Bui,Ldi.ng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : To be nwde after aLL ineulaticn md. required oapor boriels are in pla,ee but before otg Lath" gltplun boarC or tnLL couering i,e applied, and. before oty irnulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECAfilN: Ic be mad.e MZT@atTte in plaee, but prior to cny taping. MNSQIRI: Steel Location, bond Gffijgrouting or oertdeals in aceordotce Lrlth U.B.C. Section 2415. W11DSTOVE: After installation is atnpleted, CURB & MPR1ACH AP\QN: After forns ane e?ectAmniG to pouriiq conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRfVE'llAY: For all con-c?e;Valr@frfrfr etreet risht- of-teA, to be made aften aLL erea- oating cawlete & forn uork & sub- base natertal in plaee. I It, ia the responoibility of the pemit loltet to aee that aLL inapectiow are nade at tlte ptopet tine, fran the atteet, and tltat the petmit card ia Located at the frcnt of the property.tBuiUing Nuiciot approxed plan shall remain on tlte Building Site at aLL- times. ecch cddreea isq+0 PR12EDUqE F1R INEPE1?I2N RSQUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yout City design^zted job ntmbe?, job aCdress" type of inspeclicn eadyfolinspection,Contractonsoia*","",-,eindpno7enumbel.-P.equeetsrecei,1Zdbefcle.7:00an t""iLL be nade the sone dcy, r,eqtests nade after ?:00 on urill be nade the nact;,nrking day. lour City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs: Date: SITE INSPEC?ION: ezcansation, but ?o be nade after pr.ton to eet up of wcitWna aoyk is cooeted. foxns. AilDDRSLAB PLUMBING, gLEffRICAL A ': ?o be nade a?e and are t prior to Pourang to UNDERFLOOR PLT]I,IBING & MECHANICAL:'o7 floor ineulation or deeking, POST AND BEAM:: To be nade prior toffitTffiof floor itpulation or deeking. ROUCH PLU|BIIIG. ELEORICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork ie to be couered .util these inspections lnoe been nad,e and. approueC. FIREPLACE: tuior to placirg facingmatertale and. before frotrtng inspee-tion. FRAI.IING: l,tust be tequeoted aftet approoal of tough plwrbing, electti- a.L & neclnnical. ALL roofing btacittg 8 ehirmege, ete. tntet be i cotnpleted. No uork ie to be con- ., cecled until thi,a inepeetLon laerbeen made anC approoed. PENCE: Vhen conplete -- ProoiCe gatee ot mouable sectione through P.A.E. ) waar PL(JMBINI I rradr, MEcttANrcAL I rrm ELEITRT;AL ALL projeet eonditions, such as the installatron of street trees, conpleti,on of the required Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfi.ed before the BULLDINC FINAL can be tequested. 1INAL BI|LLDING: The Final Building Inspecti.on mtst be requested a.fter the Firtal Plunbing Electtieal, a'd Meclanical rnspecii'ona iwue been made atd approoed' Job Lacation: Ics Iot #Aeseeaore Map # Subdirtision: \f\PhoneAddz,ess: zip:City: Descrtbe h'ork: ValueDate of App Lieatian Additicn RemoCeL General Plumbing lanervfsElec Er DE\IOLrcI)U 0R l.iOWD Sanilaty serser capped at propertg Lire Septie totk punped a;d fi,Lled ttth gra;sel Pinal - tt4ten abctte i.tens axe canpleted arid uhen C*.toli,tion is complete o" sttac- tute moued old pnenrLaes cleaneC up. Blocking old Set-up Pltnbing connectione -- aa/te? d uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonneetions trust be approued before requesting eleelrical inspecliot Acceesory Building Pirul - Aftet pctches, ekirting, decl<s, ete. ate cornpleted. Pege 1 of 2 *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS LIUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTI,ENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY n H Tr tr tr JOB NO.OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedrooms Lot Faces - !!eat P. L.House Caraqe North Eaat tt Fireplace South l Woodstor;e l,lest l 7 cf Lct Casenage_ Oeatpaney Grot ,/r.'Zone / LOT ?WE * fnteriot Cormer Panlundle CUL-de-sac # of Stories ?otal lleight ?opography Iot Sq. Ftg. -- Feee -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pernrit is gtanted on the er?"e88 condition tlat the atiid-conett'ttction "iiLL', i.n all ieepecta, confortn'to the 1rd.inance adopted 6y the city qf Springfield, inoluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnetmtcticn and use of buildings, and may be euapended or reuokeC ab cnA tine upon uic- lation of anA prcui.sione of eaid 0rdirances. SQ. FTG Value TOTAL VALUE AI?EM S.D.C. L.5 x Building Pendt lotal Clnrges State Date Paid: Signed: t#: Plumbing Permit No penaon slnll constntet, inetall, alter or clange,any neu-c? eaieting -pttintl.ng o? drainage syeten in uhole or in part, unlees euch peroon ia the iegal pbseea"ot of a u-oli.d ptmbet's Licenee, esgePt tlwt a pe"*on ^og 4o-ptirnUiig uork to propefty ihi.ch is ottned, Leaeed or operated by the appli- cant. oc) NO TLL CHARCEI?EM Pi.ctut,es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbtng L Electricql Permit l,lhete state Lan requi?es tlnt the electri.cal uork be done by an Eleatrteal Contractor, the electrtcal pot'tion of this permit alwll not be oalil until the Label las been eigned by the Electrtcal Contractor. NO ?otal Il zu /Ext end Ciz,canl t s Set uice FSE CIIARCE * Mechonicql Permit Eshd)st HooC r.s Vent Fot Hcodstooe Permit rssu.ance Meclwnical Permtt -- EI'ICROACIIMENT -- Securitu Deposit Storage lbintenance Petmit Pf,an Eratniier ?otal I HAW CAREF\ILLy EXAI,IINED tle eonpleted application for pernit, artd do het,eby certify tlat aLL infornatibn hereon is true d?ld eo"?eet, @d I furthet, cettify that ang ard aLL uork perfotned elnll be dote in aecop- dance tith the 2ydinances of the City of SprLngfield, ard the Lae of the* state of lregon pertaining to the wrk ceecrlbcd heretn, and. tlat N0 1cca- PAI'tcv trill be nace of atry sttaeture tithout permieeion of the Buitding N-uision. r fu.tthen "Ft-rfl that,only eontracioye and e,npicye"s uh,o ore ineanplianee uith oRS ?01.0bs uiLL be-used. on thie f"iii,i't -"---AD.bcut SideuaLk 7 Mobile llone 7-:o-"O?AT, AMOI.I]IT DIJD: *ls,1S ed Date \t