HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-05-29e . --.. j! _:.:.j::r.:i.Nft.:-; .... ;- :- .. RESIDLNTIAL.. zz s North rrr r,roni"trcATro, /PERttrr Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-s7 s3 SPFIINGFTEL.D )lll Ne,,)J,-lr^-Deseqtbe h'ork:J"*"-/ 6e4-W 4cD Additicn RemoCel {rd Siqned: Date Date of App Licaticn Value GeneraL /8ro f,/2 rsJob [aeaticn: Aesessore Map #?a lat il ,4 ,/)I"7}' Otmer: Phone:Addtess / . Plwnbino ELectr"Leal L cong!ruqlion_!edeL It i8 the tespottsibilit-y of -tte permtt hotder to aee tlut all inspeetions oe made at the ptope" tine, that ss.clr atlirssl is rendabie Iy,!-t!g sttee-t, anc that the-penrtt-cod ie l.ocated at the frcni of the propetty.tzuiuing Nuiciotz appro"*ed plbt slcll remain on the sdtal"g site at aLL'ttmes." ?.!?)1EDUPTF1R. IySPECTI1N,Eg--qyESr.'CALL726-3769(recoyder) state gour, Ci.ty Cesignated. job rur-,bet, job aCitese, tgpe of inspee:.lcn?-queaterl ardlhen gou uiLL be teady fo-r inspeetion, Contnaetcr" oio a,rteTs-rcne-""a pno"" mnber. -pequests reZei;"-Ld b|1cre'?:00 c1'*'LLL be made the sane dcg' ?equests made aftet, ?:00 an urtlt be nade the nest tnrking'day. Iour Ci.ty Desigr.ated Job Numbez, fs:Fa o>{7 Pomn'anl r- I I INDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELEC?RICAL & WCH4|IICAL: ?o be rade befor;e any uotk is cooeted. LCPTING & FOUNDATfCN: ?o be rm.Ce @;; tl,encn;; a";Zscauated attd forns ate ereeted, but priot, to pout-ing ecncrete. AND9RG.1CUT]D PLAMETNG, SEI,IER. W,ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made pr"Loz, to fil-Lir4 trenches. AIIDERFLOAR PLUI,ETilG & MECITANTCAL : ?o be nade prioz, to installation of floor insuT,ation or decking. SITX INSPIC?I1N: Io be nade after ezcansation, but priar tc set up of forme. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER II\SPXCTTON : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn a.-d. required uapot, buz,ie?s @e in pl,aee but before ory ?.a.th, Wpsun boarC or tnLL couering is applied, ard. before any insulation is coneealed. DRWALL fNSPZCTf)N: Tc be madeafter aLL dryuall is in pLa.ce, but prior to any taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oerticals in accotdotee tLth A.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODST)|/E: After irctallation is anrpleted. CURB & APPRCAC\| APP0N: Aftet fornsee erecteC but priot, to pourtng conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRfIEWAI: Pot aLL con- e"et" p@frAffi st?eet right- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL eoea-lating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base nater[al in place. ?EIICE: Wen conplete -- Prooide gatee or motsable eectians thnough P.A.E. ^D \.ntE- at,ffn-'l?c Sanitatg saser capped at properfui Lit:e Septic totk p:aryed and filLed ttth gra;sel Pinal - h4ten abctse'Ltens ee ccnoleted and uhen Certclition is eotnplete'ot etruc- tute mooed and g,etrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa.:,)e? otC uatet 7 Posr uto atm: To be nade prLor to, I Gii1a[cn of ft oot, insuT)xion op fuckirq. FAUG|I PLi;i..GiiiG. ELEā‚¬TRICAL E fiECH:A!!9AL: No uotk is to be couered wttil these inspeetions hanse been Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-uD and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprct;ed b9f9re requesting eleclrLcal insVteeli.on Aecessory* BuilCing Final - After pctckes, skirting, decks, etc. dt,e cotnpleted. nanie ard. approueC. f np.wucEi poLo, to plccirq facingt t materials and. before froning inspei-tion. -l faultnc: Must be requested after J appz.olral of rough plwr,bing, ilnil"i-cal & neclnnical. ALL noofing btacing E chitrmegs, ete. trust be . eornpLeted. tto uoz,k is to be can-. cealed unttl this inspection lue'been made anC approued.\\ I l _l :l o FTTIAL PLUMBII|G FINAL MECHANICAL PII'IAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect conditions, sueh as the installation of stpeet ttees, conoletion of the required Land.seaping, etc., mtst be eatisfied befot e the BUILDfilG FMAL ean be requested- ?INAL BaILDING: The Fi,nal Building Inspeetion mtet be requesteC after the Final PlwnbingElectrical, ard Meclnnical fnspect:.ons ltaue been made atd'approved. .ALL ILAI\HCLES AND CLEANOU?g MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIEiII ?O BE |"ADg T.? I]O CCS? ?O CNY Page 1 of 2 I Subdioision: ,c eitu: &rrdl /4-Z T T T u tr w l tr tr T G+JOB NO.7 soLARAe-Ess REe.-L-CO Beitoons Lot Faces -Ene?g!) Sources Setbacks lleat DT House Ca?aoe Aceess Water !1eate" North Range East FirepLace South Waoriatoxe rnt Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooenaga # of Stories Total Height Iopography LCT ?WE _ fntericr _ Co"ne? _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis perwit is granted on the exp"ess cond.ition tlnt the said_constraetion sLnLL, in all respects, eonform to the }rdinance adopted fiy the City of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulctittg the ccnsttacticn cnd use of buildirqs, and may be susperd.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of cTty prcoisions of said Oydir.ances. I?E14 f;U x Value b.D.L. 1..).i TOTAL VALUE Euilding Penrit ?otal Clnpoes State Siged Reeeipt #: Date Paad. PLan Plumbing Permit No person shall constntct, install, alter or elnnge anA neD cr eristing plwnbing or drainage sAsta'n in uhole or in part, unLess sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plumbet,'s License, ercept that a person mag do phnbing uork to propertA uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the cppli- cant. NO FEE CHARGEUEM Ptbtutes Residetti^a.L (1 bath) Saner Plunbing Perrrit State &tt,ellan ge ]TEI,l ito.FEE CiIARGE Res. So. fta Ianpctog Setwice 1'; ^*,r' E r t e nd C i r c ui t s Electricql Permit Were State Lan requires tl",a.t the electtical uork be done by an Eleetuical Contractor, the elecet'ieal porLlur. af 'l:lzi; pen,tit ;!:;!L rct bc valiC,-ntoll the LabeL tns been signed by the Electuical Contracto?. L Stcte IotaL Permit fssuone MechaniceL Pemit Mechqnicol Permit v L -- ENCROACHWN? .- Sec,tv.i Permit ?otaL Asbcut Sideualk Fenee Mobile Hqne PLarT EEonLne?Date f flAW CAREFULLY EXLALNED the eornpleted applieation for permit, and. do hereby certify tlwt aLL infonnation het,eon is ttae and eorrect, anC I furthet, certify that any ar.d aLL uork perfotmed slall be done in aceor- dance ,"rLth the Ordintnees of the City of Springfield, and. the La;s of the State of )regcn pertaining to the wtk Cescribcd het,ein, end t?nt N0 OCCU- P.tNCy dill be rrud.e of any strwctute uithout permisaion of the Building DL-oision. f fw,ther certify that only cont?actot s and a,nplcyees uho a"e in canplianee uith 1RS 701.055 utLL be used on this projeet rT?M Ftt C!IARCE F\ttnace ETU I S bhanst Hood. Venfr FTt 44-ltu8,A{/A/r Ilcodsto;te ,r^/s,@ IOTAL A},!OUT|T DUE:',/5.N il c a {