HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-07-20& INSPECTION LINE 726-37 69 COMBI NAiiON APPL ICATION/PERMII 1 .!nJob Address Legal Description EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t l,Jater Heater . Ftg. l4ai Sq. Ftg. Access._SG --\Va]ue of l'/ork owner ff )l-sQln A/rnil1 ,anl.L10*t*fu1aL,ffiDescribe-work( Family Residen@ ..e., Build Single Addres s Z.zr I Constructi on Lender Addres s Phone name ss Pri ma Structura l El ectri cal I Mechani cal 1 \ E 1 al ELECTRI CAL MECHAN I CAL PLUI.IBI NG N0. l Each single fixture Residence of SQ FT furnace/ burner to BTLI' s Rel ocated (new fi x. building addi ti onal ) Res 'I New circuits alts or extensions SERV ICES Floor furnace and vent Recessed wa 'l I Duplex (l bath) each +Appl iance vent tionarY evaPAdditional bath -__-.--t- TemPorarY Constructi on [.later servi ce Chan in existing mu lt family, cornm or Ient fan with sinqle duc t Sewer Vent-system apart from heatinq Pr"-A.!- t-Storm Sewer 0f amps. Mec nica exhaust tlood stove/heater ---l =I ISSUANCF 0F PFRIIIT TOT AL C HARGE S TOT AL c HARGES I tri ca 1 port 1 0n o f th 1 s perm''I t TOT AL CHARCES be done bY a an Electrica n E I e ct r 1 ca 1 Con tractor the e ec I 'I REQU I RES tha t tlte E I ec tri c a 'I wo rk 1 and returned to the Bui 1 d 'I ng Di s on I^IHER E S T A,TE LAN been 1 ned by 1 Supe rV s 0r ha I 1 t be VA I I c u nt 1 I the I a be 'I has s s t ruesn0cert'I t ha t a 1 'I 1 n forma t 1 on he reon s I etedt anY te of ap p 'I ca on for t do hereb.Y nce w1 th the 0rdinances f the c I tythecomp 1 I rk shall be done in ccorda t NC OCCUPANCY wilI be made and correct, and I fu rthe r ce rt 1 fy t ha nd a wo ng to the work described herei n and tha of he S ta 0reqon Pe rtaini tha t g 1 stra t 1 0n vll th the Bu 1 1 de r s of Sprit of anY Board i 1on1y su n9 f I e 1 d a nd the Laws t Di VI I fu rt her cer ti fy m.y re noted hereon and th a t wi thout the Permi ssion of the Building s on ba 1 for exemp ti on I sstructureredbyORS701055thatIfexemPtthe5s force nd ef fe ct as req 'I I be ed on thi s proj ec s 1 n fu 1 I a 1 'I a nc wi t h 0r?s 701 0 55 r{1 us bc trac tors and emp I oyee s who are n comDon G I DA S I GNATURE tlAl.tE(P1ease Pri nt) l'la i 'lue q Fto Ftg Fts al ueZo Load Acces s Fi r Val ue Group SQ TOTAL VALUAT an 51, BUILDING PERNIT Charges and Surcharges an Res Fence FI F 0the PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Demo Sl dewal k ELECTRICAL PERtlIT Charges and Surcharges ,OD T,IECHANICAL PERHIT Charges and Su rc ha rge s _L 5 A/C Paving Total Comb. Permit Curb Cut TOTAL l5t t o . Ftg.0ther / COHI.I./IND. FEEDERS 0f oca teInstal I /a ter/ re , t COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERI'IIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. e!amp!e- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference I7TTr4'32. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition to SprTnlTield EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources1. example- heat,/electrical ceilino/o2. exampTe- wa terfiea t,eFlETecTFiEilTorE. Square footage or valuati6il-ETd- 1. , example- l2l! sq. foot house, 5002. ;xamEler Jf new project, ctreik-i-ew check add, etc.F. Building permit information:l. example - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. examp]e - remodei existing garage into family room3. example - convert single iamily-residence iniorestaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Sect.ion 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Bui)d.ingDivision Staff.must be able to contait appropriitepersons_regarding design information or jbb iitecorrect.i ons , etc.II' Abbreviated prumbing, Mechanicar, & Electr.ical scheduresA. Except where blink spaces o.cu, in irie J;;.;i;;;;;-"portion of the Mechanica.l and Electrical Schedutes.the applicant nqed fiil_in only rhe ltr. e.i.i-il:ui.nt ^ to_the,appropriate item(s) to 6e insta,lled - --"--- - B. Full piumbing, Mechanicil, and-Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Divisionl. To conserve. space on the-permit iorm the scheduleshave been abbreviated2. if the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should .onirit-in.ful I schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF I,,ILL FILL OUT ALL FEES ANDCHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, the labe.l must be delivered to theetectrical contracror ror signaiure by his;i;;;.i;.i',"supervisor. The general conlractor ii ,ot irir,o.irui. -to sign the electiical label.I r I . App I r cant to sign and datelJhenever poss.ible, .the initial appl icat.ion wil I be used asa worksheet onrv. where possibiE, srltding Diviiio;-i;r;;will.prepare u iypg written.opy-unJ-..turn it to theapplicant at rhe iire tte-aci;;i ;;;rit is .issued for hiss i gna ture.IV. Fees and Charoes Plan.check feis are due and.pfJable at the time of theapplication, and no plans wiii"O. proi.rred untij thesefees. are paid. Ail bther i..i ina-.tirges are due andpayable when the permit is issueJ. -'- V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY r forced air gas sol ar sq. foot garage - if addition, PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Clerk w ?d fr 1- fl1s4 7A40 PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI.ICY: rmPe t a I I anc tpp ex t f rom 'temp ts tra 'lreg o w'tn ht Bthe .Iu dI er s oB rda cbe ua es Additional project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name da tes'l gna tu re city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A. roaorroN or srcN (ADDRE'')Corn I -03-2 SPFTTNGFIELE' PERMIT APPLTCATION L 7# 74 INFORMATIONz 726-37s3 INSPECTtoNS! 726-3769 .' LECAL DESCRIPTION O}INER OR PROPERTY I TA.:" LOT ?l08pe n 65 2- 2225ss ADDRESS I OI.JNER OF SIGI'I CIF OTITER THAII PROPERTY OWNER)5 tvte/ qruts IGN ADDRESS NAME OF BUSII'IESS, FIRM, ETC.(:e CLLLch USE AI{D C}IA"RACTER OF SIGN y'tonmtw INCIDEI{TAL y'ooustE rtcs SINGLE FACE }ltTtTI-FACE P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD D. E. .B. ,rrt oF woRK: ' eo 5igi" Pr,rf J. a ck trq n'lhe r-. oh Fuh ProPeFB Fn o vrn Sf r.eet, AI.TER RELOCATE OTHER y'sw.cr C' ,rr.uarrRAl 'YPE oF srGN: MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTITER Ir4*rto"o***c PROJECTING I'ALL ROOF . H(ISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY H(ISTII'IG SIG}IS? G \ e 4t No EXISTING SIGNS 1+ sz, Fl, V"S rrq-c l"BUSTNESS, ETC, y"s t witLe4 'I.rrLL srcN HAvE ELEcTRTcAL wrnruct Ve.S rF -yEs. iil{rc* l.,p,.y? rr,scrorc;Z, srctttl{ttuirw *ED ( rND;E fiflLy, J w?gpj Le c-th i ilLr.r*rc* coNrRAttbR-D;;t^ LeE3T;; - H c PI:CIIELISC. ADDRESS , DU"TE}ISIONS, I]ISTALITTION & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPJICAL DI].,IENSION OF SIGN IIORIZONTAL I.IIDT}I OF SIGN DII.IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPT1I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE -NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE TIIAN 12" 6VEE pusr.rc pRopEpsy rnE srcN EREcroR }ruST TILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI'ID PPOP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. E YES t/no 8'4' tt -l -b tt I 12. 3go 8+' . SITE INFOF]{ATION (LAND USE) .. EXISTING USE OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) vfnoooe. BusrNEss -ourDooR tlERcHAtlDrsrNc J OR e r. PB.OPOSED USE OF l. DEscRTBE TypE oR vATERrAts srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGN; r K, 0 oK2 c C trol- VENDORS, SIGN ..LDDI'.nSS L CITY LICENSE III]]'IBER 2O SIGN I.IANUIACTURER CIF. OTHER ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS 6 o 5 Sz r s EKP. DA -2 L 2 tock . I HAVE SAREFULLy EXAI1INED rhe completed application for permit-and do hereby certify that all informarion is rrue and correct, .rrI-i-f;[[;;-;;;iify th"t all work performed shall be done in accordance wirh rilI si-ii"iii"ra'sii" otai".""u, the- Uiriform sign code-as-adopted by the cLcv of Springfield and "11 olh"r"ordinancEs ;i-;i;;--ci;y-or-Spi:-"efieIi.and.the laws-of the State of Cregon perralning Eo ghe work descrlU"a i"."r".' f guithei-certJfy tha! rnv 91gn Cortraccor 'r-i- cense irirh rhe ciry-"i-'spii"gri"ra ii-in--i"it'force and effecr as- require'd by Springfield codes g-2-6(3) and g-7-r:o(rt.' i ri-ff lequest all required sign inspections listed on Ehe approved permic. NA},IE (PLEASE a L,, DATE oY- --S PLEASE REA-D 1)*w:AseParaEeaPP1ication1srequ1redforeachseparatesignasdef1ned 2> Electrical: Any Pemrlt issued under thls application will incrude wiring 1! o. on slgn structure,EE-e supp$-wirei ior "o""""iiorr-r*"c be covered on ._ffi dlnance. 3)red:s to be submitted ofe Ehe s ,n8; s d location the (Artlcle ternine comoll,ance withAlso,. dhow the follow-, of signs) : lng an (plan Eion a) Show G) show I slgns the location of alL exlsting slgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(s). bulldingt I 4) the I busine or For wallage s) I6) 7) 8) e) c) show the location of entrances open to the publtc and driveways. l{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and,calculatlons un1sE be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi shall conforo t--a""ig standarts ".i-rii"-"r-;;;"B"il;ir,! olri-sion 0fflce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant wlth no permit beingls sued. signs must xoeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the sprlngfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. --1------"-e ! t:*i.+llr"i*.ffiIei:-i;.::::":':i",# l:i:":n:l i!:i":;"1";'?:::.11,":; :i*::ill,,f:3-"3::;::3uelectrical lines which are energized at lese'tt."-i5o;;il": -ese rr' qr^, ff i"ili i1 nou installed within 60 days after the dare of lssue of thls peroit, rhe permiE shall Inspectlons : a)slEe rnsoection - to be mode before the sign is placed. usuaIly, the Footins rnspectionlrT-FFriEebreI mav b-e ,"t.-"t-ttri-""r. riile as irrJ sir. rnspgctlon. rr+:triftitr;S#-tion is to be made-after hole(s) rs e^c.vilea,-a"ii-piior to the plaeemenr of concrete.Final Inspection,- to be uade upon coryletion of all work.b) c) Electricar - all electrical.sLgns Eust be lnspected for erectrical hook up after the signis ereEEEd and before the srgn-i" E".""a-o"l- CAIJ. FOR TTIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON T14E 24 HOT'R INSPECTION IINE AT 726.3769 srcN DrsrRrcr lD?zoNE TOTAL SQUARE'FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS:bl-?1 SIIE/LOCATION4r'o**METHOD ATTACHMENT Yjtnar- OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS !0 BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: buLbb ut-U rw{L-lb bt OtandancL .s,{.I ADDITIONAI INTORMATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT },tAY BE ISSI,IED: us& APPROVED BY: D REcErPr I 17 4y STAIE SURCIiARGE TOTAI.: /?'l) ELECTRICAI b" rD DATE CLERK JOB SIGN SECTION:SIGN ORDINAIICE 6'&'4o hqw{whf lru?4Ln^, nh Olnn vru ov* Mtil_uta- u/tuL (t-td %) tw