HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 1/12/2022AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/MS Teams Staff Review., Tuesday, February 1, 2022 9.•00 —.9.,30 am. 1. Site Plan Review 811-22-000021-TYP2 811-21-000298-PROJ TTG Properties LLC Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-00 TL: 4000 Address: 690 30t' Street Existing Use: vacant Applicant submitted plans to construct a new industrial office/warehouse building. Planner: Melissa Carifio Meeting: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.as�x ,A !t 4" 41; J ARCHITECTS + P L A N N E R S January 11, 2022 City of Springfield Development & Public Works Department Current Development Division 225 5'^ Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Tall Pine 30'^ Industrial Development (202114/1.3) Site Plan Review Application — Submittal Project Address: 30"' Street — Not Yet Assigned Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000 Property Owner: TTG Properties, LLC Applicant: Troy & Tamara Goertel Attachment C Contact: Troy Goertel Mailing Address: 40499 Mohawk River Rd Mohawk, Oregon 97454 Phone: 541.501.0207 E-mail: tgoertel@tallpineinc.com Applicant's Representative: TBG Architects+ Planners Contact: Jordan Cogbum or Kristen Taylor, CSBA Mailing Address: 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541.687.1010 E-mail: JCogburn@tbg-arch.com or KTaylor@tbg-arch.com On behalf of the applicant, TTG Properties, LLC, enclosed is a Site Plan Review application for the proposed industrial development at 30'^ Street. In accordance with the Site Plan Review submittal requirements under SDC 5.17-00, the following electronic documents are provided for review by the City Staff: Site Plan Review Application Form - 1 Copy Site Plan (8%" x 11") - 1 Copy Attachments - 4 Copies: Written Statement Attachment A Tax Assessor's Map Attachment B Legal Description Attachment C Deed for Tax Lot 4000 Attachment D Title Report, Dated January 7, 2022 541.687.1010 1 132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Attachment E Jeff Parker Subdivision Recorded Plat Attachment F Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Plan Diagram Attachment G Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram Attachment H FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 41039C1161 F Attachment I Stormwater Technical Memorandum, Dated January 5, 2022 Attachment J Lighting Specifications Attachment K Geotechnical Report, Dated June 25, 2021 Plan Set - 4 Copies: T1 Title Sheet T2 Topographic Survey C1.1 Utility Plan C2.0 Grading Plan LA -1 Landscape Plan A1.1 Site Plan A2.1 First Floor Plan A2.2 Second Floor Plan A3.1 Exterior Elevations E000 Site Lighting Photometric Plan If you have any questions, please call Kristen or me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal. Sincerely, Jordan Cogburn Senior Planner KGT/JC cc: Troy Goertel, TTG Properties, LLC Anna Backus, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. David Dougherty, Dougherty Landscape Architects Z WRO=114 Tal Pine 3ah Slnael IndudfiaRCa pl gencAate PWn Retie M2114 SPR Cope LtrAtl I�� exc xirars.vuxxevs City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ 111- Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: L]Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal, ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: Q Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Troy and Tamara Goertel I Phone: 541.501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC lEmail:tgoertel@tallpineinc.co Address: 40499 Mohawk River Road, Mohawk Oregon 97454 Applicant's Rep.: Kristen Taylor, CSBA Phone: 541 687.1010 ex: 112 Company: TBG Architects+Planners Email:ktaylor@tbg-arch.com Address: 132 E Broadway, Eugene Oregon 97401 Property Owner: Troy and Tamara Goertel Phone:541.501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC Email:t oertel@tall ineinc.co Address: 40499 Mohawk River Road Mohawk Oregon 97454 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-00 TAX LOT NOS : 4000 Property Address: Not Yet Assigned Size of Property: 1.0 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed No. of 1 Dwellmna Unift per aCre7 0 Proposed Name of Project: Tall Pine Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal:New industrial office and warehouse building, with associated parking, landscaping, and site infrastructure. Site is currently undeveloped. Existing Use: New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 93902 sf Si natures: Please sign and Drint Mour name and date in the aDDrociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 Au ES TYP BICYCLE PARKING LAND USE CODE SUMMARY g O=� .g C) e m AREA CALCULATIONS Fg p6.„,..., ,.........,.� ,..me... PARKING CALCULATIONS^ �• SR� EPL, , ... LEGEND . g a.. EMAHGEDkY 4 LUc z Lu d(LoF �WaV- Hcy»= SITE PLAN & DETAILS & NOTES ARCHITECTS + P L A N N E R S January 11, 2022 City of Springfield Development & Public Works Department Current Development Division 225 5D' Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Tall Pine 30'^ Industrial Development (202114/1.3) Site Plan Review Application — Pre-Subm ittal Project Address: North 30'^ Street — Not Yet Assigned Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000 Property Owner: Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: Applicant's Representative: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: WRITTEN STATEMENT SUMMARY TTG Properties, LLC Troy & Tamara Goertel Contact: Troy Goertel 40499 Mohawk River Rd Mohawk, Oregon 97454 541.501.0207 tgoertel@tallpineinc.com TBG Architects+ Planners Contact: Jordan Cogbum, Senior Planner 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541.687.1010 JCogburn@tbg-arch.com or KTaylor@tbg-arch.com In accordance with the Site Plan Review submittal requirements, this written statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complieswith the criteria under SDC 5.17-100. The proposal is subject to the Type 11 application review process per SDC 5.17-110(B). Summary of Request: The present request is for Site Plan Review approval of an industrial building with the associated site infrastructure, parking, and landscaping. The proposed approximately 9,902 -square -foot building is one- story with a mezzanine. The anticipated single industrial tenant will include permitted secondary office, manufacturing, and warehouse industrial uses. 541.687.1010 1 132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 12 Additional details regarding this proposal are provided on the Site Plan Review drawings, the remainder of this written statement, and other materials attached herein. Project Objectives: The Tall Pines 30' Street Industrial Development represents an effort to raise the standard of typical industrial development in Springfield. 1. Enhance the quality of local industrial development. 2. Provide attractive, functional, and safe spaces for small industrial businesses and their employees. 3. Ensure compatibility between the proposed industrial and existing residential development to the east. SITE INFORMATION Location: The project is located on 3T Street, Springfield, Oregon, north of Main Street. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Tax Lots: Lane County records identify the site as Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000. Refer to the attached Tax Assessor's Map. Legal Description: Refer to the attached Legal Description. Acreage: The project site totals 1.0 acre according to Lane County Assessment and Taxation records. The subject site includes one lot, identified as Tax Lot 4000, which fronts 3T Street. Address: Not yet identified — 30' Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Ownership: The site is owned by TTG Properties, LLC. Refer to the attached Deed and Title Report. The applicant also owns the adjacent Tax Lot 4100, which is not proposed for development at this time. Plan Land Use Designation: The lot is located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and City limits. The area of the subject lot was annexed to the City of Springfield in 1948. The lot is designated Light Medium Industrial in the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). The Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan also designates the lot Light Medium Industrial. Zoning: The lot is zoned Light Medium Industrial (LMI). The Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District applies to the subject lot. Property to the west, north and south are also zoned LMI. Property to the east across 30' Street is zoned Medium Density Residential. Street Classification: 30' Street is classified as a major collector on the City's Functional Classification map. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 3 of 12 Environmental: The subject lot has soil type Coburg -Urban land complex. Per the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the site is located in area X, determined to be outside of the 500 -year flood area. Refer to the attached Flood Insurance Rate Map. The site is located in the Maia Wellhead facility protection area within the 10 -year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). As required, the applicant will apply and obtain a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction. Reference the attached Erosion Control Plan, which notes the 10 -year TOTZ and the requirement of a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction of the on-site building. Surrounding Land Uses/Access: The site is located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary on the west side of 3T Street. To the east of the site, across 3T Street, is a multi -family residential development. There is a railway line located to the west of the site. There is a developed industrial property abutting the northern and southern property boundaries. The primary access to the subject site will be via 3T Street. There is one shared access driveway existing on the north end of Tax Lot 4000 that connects directly to 30' Street and with an easement for use by Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200 and 4300. A proposed driveway is shown on the south end of Tax Lot 4000 that connects directly to 3T Street. III. BACKGROUND OF THE SITE The subject lot was created as part of the Jeff Parker Subdivision, as recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069738. Tax Lot 4000 is Lot 5 in the subdivision. Refer to the attached Jeff Parker Subdivision recorded plat. IV. SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL CRITERIA This section is organized by the Site Plan Review approval criteria under SDC 5.17-100. Applicable approval criteria are outlined in bold italics below, followed by proposed findings in normal text. The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type 11 Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria A. through E., below have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. Decisions approving an application, or approving with conditions shall be based on compliance with the following criteria in Springfield Development Code Section 5.17-125: MW. -1 T T TT:. o....Tw: City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 4 of 12 A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) plan diagram and the Mid - Springfield Refinement Plan diagram designate the subject site as Light -Medium Industrial (LMI). This land use designation and the LMI zoning district (per SDC 3.2-405(8)) are intended to provide land for a variety of industries, including those involved in the secondary processing of materials into components, the assembly of components into finished products, transportation, communication and utilities, wholesaling, and warehousing. The external impact from these uses is generally less than Heavy Industrial, and transportation needs are often met by truck. Activities are generally located indoors, with outdoor storage. This designation may also accommodate supporting offices, light industrial uses, and industrial uses allowed in the Campus Industrial. The proposed development and the intended uses — industrial warehousing and manufacturing (prefabrication of wood framed walls, building material packages and timber truss fabrication with some metal fabrication and machine work) secondary business office and outdoor storage — are consistent with this criterion. There is no applicable Conceptual Development Plan for the site. B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development unless otherwise provided for by this code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The subject site is within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and the City limits. They are currently served by the key urban services as prescribed in the Metro Plan. The proposal includes on-site stormwater facilities on Tax Lot 4000 to serve the proposed project prior to discharging into the existing public stormwater system. Refer to the attached stormwater technical Memorandum and civil and landscape plans for details. Additionally, there are existing public utility easements on the site for current and future extension of public utility systems. Refer to the attached Topographic Survey for details. There is an existing fire hydrant along 30' Street in the front of site. The proposed building is a Type V -B sprinklered structure. The farthest point of the proposed building is less than 400'-0" from the existing hydrant at the northeast comer. The driveway designs meet the needed radii required for emergency service vehicles. As demonstrated, there is adequate public and private infrastructure capacity to serve the site at the time of development. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 5 of 12 C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and constmction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. The proposed new development complies with applicable standards as further discussed below. Section 3.2-400 LMI Zoning District Development Standards The tenant for the proposed building on Tax Lot 4000 will be an industrial warehouse and secondary business office and outdoor storage uses. All uses will be consistent with the allowed use categories listed under the LMI base zone per SDC 3.2-410 at the time of tenant infill building permit submittal. Specifically, the development complies with the LMI Development Standards (SDC 3.2-400 LMI base zone) as follows: • The Development Standards required under SDC 3.2-420 do not apply for three reasons. First, the subject site was created prior to 1982. Second, the minimum lot size and frontage standard of SDC 3.2-420 is a standard imposed for the creation of new lots or parcels. The proposed development does not include partitioning or subdividing the subject property. Third, this standard is not a design or construction standard, and therefore not applicable. • The one-story structure is compatible with adjacent development and land uses. The proposed structure is not within the height limitation zone that is applicable when abutting a residential district. Per SDC 3.2-420, the height limitation applies to the first 50 -feet on-site measured from the property line nearest the residential zone. As shown on the attached Site Plan, the proposed building on TL 4000 is located about 70'-0" from the property line to the east and 30' Street right-of- way line. Then, it is an additional 60'-0" across the right-of-way to the MDR -zoned properties to the east. Therefore, the maximum building height limitation adjacent to the MDR -zoned properties is not applicable to the proposed building. Refer to the attached plan set for details. • Per SDC 3.2-420, the minimum building front yard setback in the LMI zone is 10'-0" and parking and driveway front yard setbacks are 5'-0". The building, parking and driveways either meet or exceed the required front yard setbacks along 30' Street. Refer to the attached Site Plan. • Except for the rear setback, all proposed parking and driveways either meet or exceed the required minimum 5'-0" setback from interior property lines as required per SDC 3.2-420. The applicant owns both Tax Lots 4000 and 4100 and wants the opportunity to connect these lots at the time of future development of Tax Lot 4100. Per the landscaping standards at SDC 4.4.-100(H), the '[I]andscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same property may be exempted by the Director from planting requirements if the area is not visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property." Therefore, as owner of the abutting property and because the landscape setback is located at the back of the site out of view of the public right-of-way, the applicant requests that the Planning Director exempt the S-0" landscape setback along the rear yard to accommodate the future development of Tax Lot 4100. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 6 of 12 • As allowed per SDC 3.2-420, note (4)(a), "no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that easement," the applicant proposes a metal fence within the PUE along the east property line and portions of the north and west property lines for security reasons. Refer to the attached Site Plan. • On-site pedestrian circulation has been provided throughout the site, which connects to the owner's adjacent Tax Lot 4100 to the west and to the public sidewalk on 30' Street. The site design either meets or exceeds the required ADA minimum S-0" wide clear pedestrian pathway to accommodate pedestrian circulation throughout the site. • No outdoor merchandise display areas are proposed. • No drive-through facilities are proposed. Section 3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District The lots are located in the Maia Wellhead facility protection area within the 10 -year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). The applicant understands that the following requirements apply per SDC 3.3-235(C): 1. The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs [dense non -aqueous phase liquids] is allowed upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. 2. All hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Springfield Fire Code 2702.1 and 2704.2.2). 3. All new use of DNAPLs are prohibited. 4. Any change in type of use or an increase in the maximum daily inventory quantity of any DNAPL is considered a new use and is prohibited. 5. The following requirements for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted: Schedules and procedures for inspecting safety and monitoring and emergency equipment. The applicant shall develop and follow a written inspection procedure acceptable to the Director for inspecting the facility for events or practices which could lead to unauthorized discharges or hazardous materials. An inspection check sheet shall be developed to be used in conjunction with routine inspections. The check sheet shall provide for the date, time, and location of inspection. note problems and dates and times of corrective actions taken. and include the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated safety manager for the facility. As noted above, the applicant will apply for and obtain a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction of the proposed building. The required Erosion Control Plan is included in this Site Plan Review Submittal, which notes the 10 -year TOTZ and the requirement of the Drinking Water Protection Permit. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 7 of 12 Section 4.2-105 Public Streets The proposed development does not trigger the need to create or extend any public streets. The proposed project has direct access to 30' Street, a major collector. The sections of 30' Street adjacent to the proposed project meet the standard street right-of-way and paving width dimensions. No additional public right-of-way or street improvements are needed. The proposed 9,902 square foot structure will generate less than 100 peak hour trips and less than 1,000 average daily trips. According to Springfield Transportation Staff, the proposed use is categorized as Land Use 110 -General Light Industrial in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. Per Staff's citation of the ITE manual, the proposed use generates approximately 0.92 peak hour trips per 1,000 feet of floor area or 4.96 average daily trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area. When applied to the proposed building, these trip generation rates produce approximately 9 peak hour trips or approximately 49 average daily trips. These totals are well below the maximum 100 peak hour trips criterion and the maximum 1,000 average daily traffic criteria. No Variances are requested with this application. No known traffic safety, street capacity, future planned facility, or multimodal concerns exist along the site frontage. Based on the findings here, no Traffic Impact Study is required. Section 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways According to Springfield Code Section 4.2-120(A)(1), all developed lots/parcels shall have an approved access either directly to a public street, a private street that connects to a public street, or through an irrevocable joint use/access easement. The Code does not limit a development site to one access. The subject site has frontage on 3T Street with direct access proposed to this public street. The proposal will also access the existing irrevocable joint use/access easement that extends westward from 30' Street along the northern property line. The project includes one proposed driveway with direct access to Tax Lot 4000 off 30' Street and one existing driveway from 30' Street to the existing irrevocable joint use/access easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200 and 4300. The distance between the proposed driveway to 30' Street and the existing shared driveway is about 142-0" as measured from the centedines. Refer to the attached Topographic Survey and Title Report for details about the easements. Due to the Industrial zoning of the site and layout of the existing access connection, the proposed driveway is requested as to facilitate efficient loading/unloading operations and large vehicle maneuvering along the southern and western areas of the site, as discussed below, while mitigating potential safety impacts to the parking areas and pedestrian crossings at the northeast area of the site. According to Table 4.2-2, the width of a 2 -way driveway shall be a minimum of 24'-0" and a maximum of 35'-0". The proposed driveway connection to 30' Street is about 30'-0" wide and the existing driveway proposed to remain is 35'-0". The proposed and existing driveways to 30' Street have throat depths on the site of about 40'-0" from the start of the driveway and at least 30'-0" from the property line, both of which exceed the minimum 18'-0" standard. The northern driveway is existing with a joint use/access City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 8 of 12 easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200, and 4300. The southern driveway approach is a dedicated driveway serving the site (Tax Lot 4000) and is separated from the existing driveway curb return on the same side of the street by greater than 100 feet, as noted above. The proposed site driveway meets the City's dimensional requirements for commercial/industrial driveway approaches and is consistentwith separation spacing of Table 4.2-4 and previously approved driveways along 30' Street, a major collector street. The proposed use and associated business Tall Pine Contractors, Inc., is responsible for the pre- fabrication of construction materials, particularly trusses. The raw materials and finished products are received and sent to job sites using trucks of various sizes, with the largest being about WB -62 tractor trailers. These large vehicles require room to maneuver, wider turning radii, and multiple access points to limit awkward reverse movements. The applicant requests the southern access connection to 30th Avenue to enable more efficient on-site maneuvering and exiting. The recently approved Site Plan Review for New Way Electric, Springfield Case Number: 811-20-000110-TYP2, and 3T Street Industrial Buildings Case Number TYP216-00056 proposed similar arrangements of and spacing between a central shared access drive and an exclusive access connection to 30th Avenue. Based on the variety of large vehicles expected at the site and the precedent established by Springfield in the projects noted above, the applicant requests a direct access connection to 30th Avenue. The proposed project will be developed and maintained to provide on-site circulation in compliance with City code standards. The above findings, and existing City approvals demonstrate that the proposal is consistent with these standards. Section 4.2-140 Street Trees Currently, there are no street trees located along the section of 30' Street adjacent to the development site. Therefore, there are two new street trees proposed as part of this development. Refer to the Landscape Plan for details. Section 4.3-140 Public Easements There are adequate existing public utility easements (PUE) on Tax Lot 4000 for current and future extension of public utility systems. Refer to the Topographic Survey for details. The applicant proposes to extend the subject site's private stormwater connection south within the PUE running north -south across Tax Lot 3800. The applicant requests approval from the City to provide the private stormwater utility in this PUE running north -south across Tax Lot 3800 as shown on the Utility Plan. In addition, the applicant will submit a draft easement from the owner of Tax Lot 3800 at the time of Site Plan Review Submittal to locate the stormwater utility on their property. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 9 of 12 Section 4.4-105 Landscaping The proposed project meets the landscape requirements. The proposed parking area located between the street side of the building (east fagade) and 30' Street includes 8 parking spaces. Therefore, Section 4.4-105(F)(2), parking lot planting areas requiring a minimum of 5 percent of the interior of a parking lot if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street does not apply. As illustrated on the attached Landscape Plan, the proposed landscaping associated with the parking lot and driveway setback areas meet the City's landscape requirements. As described above, the applicant requests an exception to the required landscape setback along the rear property line as allowed per the landscaping standards at SDC 4.4.-100(H). As owner of the abutting property and because the landscape setback is located out of view of the public right-of-way, the applicant requests that the Planning Director exempt the requirements in order to accommodate future development on Tax Lot 4100. The proposal is consistent with all other applicable the standards. Section 4.4-110 Screening Where outdoor mechanical devices are proposed on the site, they will be screened with vegetation per SDC 4.4-110(8)(1). The back of the site will be used for outdoor storage. Consistent with this code section, the existing metal fence is proposed to remain to screen the back of the site, which will be site - obscuring as applicable. There is also an existing slatted chain-link fence proposed to remain, located along the entire Tax Lot 4000 and 4100 southern and western property lines. The proposed outdoor trash and recycle area is screened with slatted chain-link fence, as required per SDC 4.4-11 0(13)(3)(c). In addition, the mechanical unit proposed on the north side of the building will be screened with slatted chain-link fence, as required per SDC 4.4-110(8)(3). Refer to the attached Site Plan and Landscape Plan for details. Therefore, these criteria are met. Section 4.4-115 Fencing As noted above, a maximum 8'-0" high metal fence will enclose the entire site for security purposes, which is consistent with the maximum allowed fence height is 8'-0" in Industrial zones. The existing fences located along the south and west property lines and a portion of the north property are proposed to remain. A new maximum 8'-0" high ornamental metal fence is proposed parallel to the east property line and a small portion of the north property line (with a gate on the east side of the building) and a new maximum 8'-0" high chain link fence is proposed to match the existing fence along a portion of the north property line with a gate to the west of the building. Per SDC 4.4-115 Table 4.4-1, note (1), the proposed ornamental metal fence parallel to the east property line is behind the front yard setback. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Therefore, these criteria are met. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 10 of 12 Section 4.6-110 Vehicle Parking The vehicle and bicycle parking calculations are based on the proposed industrial warehousing and secondary office uses. Per Table 4.6-2, the proposed industrial warehousing and secondary office uses, are required to provide a minimum of 15 off-street vehicle parking spaces. The applicant is proposing to provide 16 parking spaces — including one accessible space. The applicant proposes a parking lot design in compliance with SDC 4.6-115. all standard and ADA stall widths are a minimum of 9'-0" wide and 18'-0" in length including a 2'-0" bumper overhang on landscaping beds and walkways where applicable. Refer to the attached Site Plan and Vehicle Parking Calculations table for specific locations and details. The dimensions and proposed striping of the parking spaces and drive aisles meet the parking area standards per SDC 4.6-115 and -120. These findings, together with the architecture and civil engineering drawings, demonstrate that the proposal is consistent with these standards. Section 4.6-130 Loading Areas There are two delivery and loading areas located outside of the required setbacks. Refer to the attached Site Plan for details. The total proposed on-site loading area is approximately 11,656 square feet for an approximately 9,902 -square -foot total building area, which exceeds the required 250 square feet of minimum loading area per SDC 4.6-135(C). The stormwater runoff in the proposed design will not enter the building by using site grading and/or a sanitary drain on the exterior of the building at all bay door locations. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Details will be provided at the time of building permit submittal. Section 4.6-140 Bicycle Parking The proposed bicycle parking spaces, location and facility design on the development site complies with SDC 4.6-145 through -150. There are three short-term and two long-term bicycle parking spaces required. There are 4 unsheltered short-term bicycle parking spaces located in front of the building along the on-site pedestrian walkway system with ramps that connect to 3T Street, which exceed the required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces. The proposed short-term spaces are hitching post or staple type racks. All bicycle parking spaces are visible for use by the public. Two long-term bicycle parking spaces will be located inside the warehouse area in a secure location, which will be proposed in compliance with SDC 4.6-145-150 at the time of individual tenant infill building permits. Refer to Sheet A1.1 for Bicycle Parking Calculations and typical details. Therefore, these criteria are met. Ii. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 11 of 12 D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The proposed driveway on 30' Street and the orientation and alignment of the building will serve to maximize efficiency for access, on-site circulation and function while minimizing impact to the adjacent properties. The site plan design is organized so that the main access points to the building are located directly off 30' Street and off of the shared access drive. The vehicle parking is located in the front and south side of the site with access via both the existing shared driveway and the proposed driveway. The proposed landscape islands located at the ends of parking aisles provide clear drive aisles to facilitate safe circulation. As noted above, the Site Plan shows on-site circulation for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles as required by the Springfield Development Code. Designated on-site pedestrian circulation is provided for employees and clients of the business from the adjacent, existing 3T Street public sidewalk to the proposed building entrances. On-site pedestrian and bicycle access are provided by a clearly marked, striped, paved walkway across the drive aisles. The existing public sidewalk on 30' Street provides access to adjacent and nearby residential and industrial areas. The closest transit stop to the site is located approximately 0.4 miles south of the site, west of the intersection of 30th Street and Main Street, and on the north side of Main Street, which is served by Lane Transit District route 11 Thurston. The proposed project abuts other industrially zoned properties. It is not directly adjacent to a residential zoned area, transit stop, neighborhood activity center, or other uses that would benefit with additional connectivity to abutting properties. As stated above, the existing and proposed driveways on 30' Street are in compliance with the Springfield Code Development standards, are sited similarly to the previously approved connections along 30' Street and address the access requirements for industrial uses. Parking areas and ingress- egress points have been designed to safely facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian circulation and avoid congestion aswell as provide connectivity within the development site. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil orgeologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Y i City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 12 of 12 The proposed site does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The site is relatively flat. There are no existing trees and shrubs. wetlands. rock outcroppings; orwatercourses on the site that are impacted by the proposed development. There are no known significant archaeological resources. Therefore, the criterion is not applicable. V. Conclusion Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments and drawings, the proposed Site Plan Review application meets the criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the Planning Director approve the proposal as presented. Both the applicant and the applicant's representative are available for questions, as necessary. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Jordan Cogburn or Kristen Taylor at TBG Architects+ Planners (541.687.1010). KT/JC cc: Troy Goertel, TTG Properties, LLC Anna Backus, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. David Dougherty, Dougherty Landscape Architects ZtPROJt202114Ta1 Pine Mh Street Intl uslnahCorrespV,gencASite Plan Remee )2114SPRWrXten Statement. doc I� exc xirars.ruxxevs City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT CONTENTS Attachment A Tax Assessors Map Attachment B Legal Description Attachment C Deed for Tax Lot 4000 Attachment D Title Report, Dated January 7, 2022 Attachment E Jeff Parker Subdivision Recorded Plat Attachment F Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Plan Diagram Attachment G Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram Attachment H FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 41039C1161 F Attachment I Stormwater Technical Memorandum, Dated January 5, 2022 Attachment J Lighting Specifications Attachment K Geotechnical Report, Dated June 25, 2021 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD Appendix 4 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 87477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.spingbeldorgov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ------------- -------------- -------------- _(Area belmd& llnefilledout byAppBeath)-------- -------------- (Please return to Clayton bkRochern @ City of5prirgfield Development and Public Works, Fax # 736-1021, Prone # 736-1036), email: cnweahern(d,rpring&ldor.gov Project Name: Tall Pines 306 St Industrial Applicant: Anna Backus, PE Assessors Parcel #: 17023100 Date: 01/05/22 Land Use(s): Industrial Phone #: 541-648-4902 Project Size (Acres): 1.00 ac Fax #: n/a Approx. Impervious Area: 0.79 ac Email: Anna.backus@kpff corn Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The site is currently an empty unpaved lot. Proposed conditions will include a warehouse, three rain gardens, underground utilities and a paved parking lot. 10 year Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Discharge from each of the rain gardens will be piped to a 10" collector pipe that will run south through the 20' wide public utility easement located on the west side of the site. The collector pipe will extend through the adjacent property and connect to the existing storm main in the shared drive lane to the south of the adj acent property. n/a Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Filtration by the rain garden will treat runoff from impervious surfaces on the site. n/a (Area below this tine fffed outby the City nndReturned m theAppbenn0 (At a nuninwn, all boxes checked by the City on the front and back ofthis sheet shall be subntitted or an application to be con Tete or subnddal although other requirements tnary be necess n/a Drainage Study Tyne (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study — (use Rational Method for calculations) E Mid -Level Development Study- (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full DIainage Development Study —(use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: E Wellhead Zone: 10 year ❑ Hillside Development: n/a ❑ Wedand/Riparian: n/a ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: n/a ❑ Soil Type: Coburg -Urban land complex ❑ Other Jurisdictions n/a Downstream Analysis: E N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Clayton McEachern @ City of SpdngBeld, email: cmceachem@springfeAd-. r gov, FAX.., (541) 7361021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS F° off f10 ° oam: * Bared upon the infornudionprovided on tie front ofthu sheet, tie follmving represents a nunmunt of whcd it needed far an application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this Cut should not be used in lieu ofthe Springfield Development Cock (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design d"mal. Compliance ce with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific inibiona inn may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subnutfai ensure completed farm has been signed in the slime provided below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A E❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for monmvater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. E❑ Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stmmwater Management Manual. E❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stops water Management Manual (Sec2.4.1). E❑ If a monmvater treatment smile is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stonnwater Management Manual. ® Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. E❑ All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall E❑ U Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ® ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. E❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year storm event and overflow effects of a 25 -year storm event E❑ The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section ❑ E A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ E Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. E ❑ Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). E❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. E❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. E❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stone pipes shall be designed to E❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. E❑ Private stonnwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private monmvater flows from one property to another. EDrywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: htto://www.deg.state.or.us/wo/uic/uic.htm for more information. EDetention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *77nirform shall be included as an attachmen4 inside d'efrond cover, ofthe stonn"Wer. shuhr. * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted storrmveter study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT Lighting Specifications IA L/THON/A Lla"nivG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS 11111111, ED OSE—mese:pxifimlarcPar USA standardsnnly. Square Surightstmlta general pmpme lgM pole fu up to 39 from mounting heigM,. This pole provides a robust at msteNmheopturn On mounting area huland Pont I ght. CONSTRURION—i Shaft The pole shaft is of uniform dimension and wall thickness and amade of a weldable grade, hot -iIad, mmmer<ial- qua Iin steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55 RSI (I I gangs, .1196 ),or W NSI (7yaugs,.IM ).Shaft toneplem with a fulhleal lognormal hgh- frequency electric esisbncewed. Uniformlysgw re'm crops -section with flat sad, small mmn radii and excel Pot torsional qualities. Available shaft widths are 4",5"and6". Pole Top: APush non -mebIic blacktop cap'OprorldM ba all poles thatandI mee'ne dall'mgpavnmbr side -mount l umiwire arm assemblies or when ordered with PT option. HaMMM: A reinforced hamil le with grwM'mg prowsom IS provided at 18" fatm the base on side A. Positioning the handhole lower may nm be possible and renu res eigmer ing renew; conwR loch Support-OddmafubflMr Inbrmntion. Every ha WhoklrclMmacwerandpwerantthmem hardware. behandholehmanomiwldlmenvonolzs"x5°. B C.:Admable ABSplastictwv-p'recebllbasecwerfinNbrdmmatch thepok,'OpatvidM wdM1 etth pokmwmby. Additional basecweropt'unsareavaibbkupon apquest. AMv Gaze/ BONS: AmMr hase'O famlrntM from stuel that duet ASTM A3fi vandardsaM run ha afterM to match emtmg foundations, parent factory On modiba'mm. Awhm bolt are mare fircri m ASTM FI554Smndardsgmde55, (55 YSI minlmun ybld sre�gtM1 aM tendlestrength of]5-95 RSU. Topthreadedpoflmp(nomma112'9'chos-dWMgahaa Mper MTMA-153. HARDWARE - All command bstmers are hgh-strenglM1 garranbpd orb. steel. All nonstruatmal fmtmeisanewho 'ued uzinp-pbtM pmbonsteelmstainksssrel. FINISH- Ema durablestmdard povder-cwt finNhas'mcWe Dark Bunre, White, Black, MMinm Nature and Postal Alummum coma. Cassie bushes'udMeSzndsbne,CDarew1 fnay,TennNGireq BagM Red and Steel Blue calms. Architectural Colors and Special Parishes are available by Wme and mhode, but are nm landed to Hot-dgped Galvanized, Paid uer Hm-drypM Garran'upd, RAL Com¢ Custom Cn1us and We." Was nanit, pull bamplea led V. palm fimelft a aaibble fu costumer field -paid appyawtbm. BW MERICAM- Product with the BM option'easembled in the USA and muetthe BuyAmezirn(n) pemiredpatca.t "uhaarEmIl ea EAR, OEARSand OOT. Pknseref r to wwwacubbrands.mMbuva merican baadddbwl'mfcamat'nn. INSTALLATION- BO ad sort polescadhout having fidures'msb11M. EactuysupplM tempbtesmmt betrothal RttfflgaflChMMt. IehaniaLgMM willnmxcaptda'miba'Mca anchamgepkca t due bfaibreb use INMnia Lightning facbmtempli Npoleore shard etlde, allpimmrvewrapping mustberemoved ImmMbte yWart del'nerybpreent finNh damage. Lnhonia LgMing lsmtrespuidble On the bundat'wn desgn. WARPANW— I -yen 11mmM warranty. Comp hate warranty tum located at acadvmanduoMswvmlManannflerna-and conditions NOTE:Acmalperfmmancemayddk waeekd nM1useaenv'nwmentaM optimum. Spnificatbm egos b change rashout uetke. TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT w; NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "i- POLE" rote LITHONIA#SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD ape Anchor Base Poles SSS SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL IIIA guy Amnion seebomron, mains, OUTDOOR POLE SSS SSS Square Straight Steel Poles lead t'minwill.atrdependin9on wt��=elmed.mmnnwnM1wnl=an�leme,entame. TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE 71- POLE" LITHONIA #SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD 5% Nanilfi-1. NoorinN 5edes mauntin9hel si our 1 SSS' 10'-39 9 4"1191.1196'9 tenon moumino AEAISniend drill shimm lmtalled Standardmbm (furl/2U 9G 4491.11939 PT Open top l'mdodn mounT VD VOlatbndampn DDPON Dirkbmme inumomems,aAd-6 X 5"it 91.1196'9 NOW Hm'¢ontalalmbrttket(ifixtuoul OWH%D White F. M-6l,uak Ex N-fi equab w 51491.17939 TM E--3/8''O.D.12"NPS) OMiffiAST_ 2at183° NUy Fnmon wtletlrnelmtkal` DBI%D Black 2(1 AS 6'491.17939 T25 2-7/81' OLD. (2-1/2" "'. DIABAST_ Eat 90° CPL12/xy 1/2"(nupl'm9` DMB%D Med'mm NPS) ". 0443991_ Sat 90° (PL34/ry 3/4"mwl.m9v bounce SeeGenocidal 'mfmmatbntable Aete(hi l 'mfmmat'wn table TM 3-iR"0.0(3"INS) DM99A5T 4at9R CPLt/xy Vital DNA%D Natural futmmpkte fm(ohnni T35 4"O.D.13-1/2"NPS) !, OMFDn-uex end drill NPL1Yry 1/2"@readcd nipple` aluminum oNmin9 mdm'm9 XAC/XAD/XSF/XSFIXVR/YVF mountino^' Classk mbrs 'mfotmatbn) 'mfmmat'wn.) Dtillmon MUMMQ N19MAT 1at90° Ill 3/4"tineadidn'ppk` DSS Sandsloce 20r -Orr W19 tat91° DM2AMAT_ 2.t183° NPL1/ry 1"tbreadM n'gpk` DiCM1arcoal" W28 2at18(PEXE, "i DM79MAi_ 2at9R EMtalxodbok" DIG Tennkgtcen DM28 PL 2ati8RwNM1 one 'i, DMnMAT_ Sat 90° NEC lOmmLLadi kmcd DBA BI Inked 9 stlt ploggM handhrchmant DL Labeled) haddhe DM29 2at9R DM99MAi_ 4at9R N btm'wo mating° BB Stcelbbe Own Sat 90° A"hnrcl"ml(arl Sceekl F'mkMs Ell Oat 90° UAL Lrnan(hmbolb Okludewhen Gahanded, Paint wm (S%NSX/ASX/AEAIS`AMEItl`/ "i mwil an(Iwtbdtlacem� Gehanded," Coke, HI AIXAX Chill"wumin" ID Tampellesktant handMkewn Cmtmn(obrsaN DM19AS tat 90° famecers Extended Warranty I. UL UL feted with khat preludes NEC FmisM1esavailable. Ell tat Oil mnplbnt(weo) DM29AS tat 90° ''i MA BuyAmmkaln)Aet(omplbnt10 W399 Sat 90° ".. DM999 Oat 90° AADallllmwntinn ''.. W19AAD 1at9R ". DM28AAD 2at180° DM29AAD 2at91° DM39MO 3at9R DM99AAD 4at90° RX Drllmnmlm" DM19E5% 1 a 91(1 DM28ES% tat LAW ' DM29ES% 2at90° DM39BX 3at90° ". DM49BX 4at90° NOTES'. 1. Hand here saved lHH(d full base mverslm(l and hepcaps (To shIpped xgn[tly, W need mall cut do tom doradditiwal pans p'ex good ras rep lxements. 2. WalI 1M1Idnsiss will beslgnHad with a"('(1l 6auge)a a"G(74calin nwnwd.re'("-0.1196°I"6°- 0.1793". 3. stated too possindudetepup.When oNering burn moddre, and drill muuNrg 6r Na urc plgMbx NG died inno. Di The rom dhave n lno masa me a red extra hand had 9. mead the fidocre, stop smoffir rthe cenot ddll'mg template parts in anderenlMiw [wnpMibility 5. Ipart "1"ort" N deelgcare fidureslxl e . DIT9AS12. 6. Spxlfy loatlw and wlenhtlon when a Medng opdw. For ". SpxFythem,hahwe Ne hxof pde'm hMorfing"More wdrMektladirchesxilM1a=". 6mnm'e' 5R=5ond20ft3m-X-3 For "'. SpecryodwMbn6om handump LAG(D) Fekrb McWnMde@ieddimday mMlom. 6mnp'e: l/Tddm,hr d5'8°,anenAi OflU54C IALIMOMA L/GNT//VC ]. Nobel oU x23/8"0. D. trnwshndal lM ndlusarc pmvlding 12' rward2ANCALlfmdeny Has hotlmnhlarmrtMesimemOtspalfywlN HAM 6ample'HAPODD. A, (omhircdon oftenwtop and drill mount ududeseAa handhole EHH does not include rwep akri¢Vazmml "'if dNN. 9 Llovikseinahad rwmsiw renslana. IO. Use when mill anifirrtiws are mg, a red IL Wdltlonal mlorsavallade; ss www Nonhmmh¢hmb¢or AMi[Mural(obrs hmdure form No. 1913). Available hylmmal guofewlW(wwlthdurykmathik POLE -SSS OUTDCOA: One LNboniaW Cm,cw,GAMO12 Plwne:830.29-SEAV12ID8) www.InhaddWaom 019942021 A(ully Brands Lgbtinryln(.AIIti9M1tsre-xwd. An. 10/101 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAY ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "T1- POLE" LITHONIA #SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD EPAvaLeSxetaN 99 7-93 mind hap her lR flmarawa 6 aanepalehigM Er 706 equals Xft&q. BASE DETAIL 0 0 or TKHNI@L IN FORMAT ION -EPA (fUO with 1.3 gust Shaftbase (wlag Number Nominal Shaft Deal Uf j- Pole5haft5rze (Base in. r ToP l Wallthick (1n) Oauge eOMPN Mar, weigh EPA(W)with 1.1 guirt Al 90MPN wall 10OMPH Mar weight Bolt wle (in) Poltsitt (in. rin. ain.) App rorinote sldpwei�t Obq SSS109 10 4Ax10A 0.11% 11 IDA 765 238 595 18.9 473 8-9 3/4xi8x3 75 SSS12K 12 4Ax12A 0.11% 11 24.4 610 188 470 148 370 8-9 3/4.18x3 90 SSS149 14 4Ax14A 0.11% 11 19.9 4% 15.1 378 it] 293 8-9 3/4xi8x3 IN SSS16K 16 4Ax16A 0.1196 11 15.9 3% 118 795 8.9 223 8-9 3/4.18x3 115 SSS189 18 4Axi8A 0.1196 11 12A 315 93 m 63 OR 8-9 3/4xi8x3 RS SSS209 20 cl 111196 11 91 290 67 167 43 150 8-9 3/4.18x3 MO mm" 20 4AxNA 0.1793 7 14 350 11 275 8 Ad 8-9 3/4.30x3 198 SSROS( 20 5AX20A 0.1196 11 17.7 943 12.7 343 9.4 235 10-12 ixMx4 185 Mn% 20 5Ax20A 0.1793 7 28.1 7A3 21.4 535 161 905 10-12 ixMx4 2fi5 SSS259 25 4Ax25A 0.1196 11 48 IN 2A IN 1 W 8-9 3/4xi8x3 179 SS9254G 25 4Ax25A 0.1793 7 108 279 73 188 5.4 135 8-9 3/4xMx3 245 MASSE 25 5Ax25A 0.1196 11 98 245 63 151 33 150 10-12 1.36.4 m M2S5G 25 5A.25A 0.1793 7 183 963 133 333 93 m 10-12 1.36.4 360 SSS304G b 4Ax3OA 0.1793 7 63 168 4.4 110 2A 65 8-9 3/4xMx3 795 SSS30M b 5Ax30A 0.1196 11 43 IN 2 W 10-12 ix36x4 265 SSS30% m 5Ax30A 0.1793 7 103 261 63 161 3.9 IN 10-12 ix36x4 383 SSS30W m 6Ax3OA 0.1793 7 19 475 133 3M 9 m 11-13 ix36x4 520 Stt355G 35 5A.35A 0.1793 7 5.9 150 ZS 100 10-12 1.35.4 990 Stt35W 35 6A.M.0 0.1793 7 114 310 71 190 42 105 11-13 1.36.4 SW SSS39W 39 6Ax39A 0.1793 7 72 IN 3 75 11-13 1x36 x4 fi05 EPAvaLeSxetaN 99 7-93 mind hap her lR flmarawa 6 aanepalehigM Er 706 equals Xft&q. BASE DETAIL 0 0 POLE PATA or POLE PATA Shaftbase Bull Bolt Base Baseplate Template Anchor halt Anchor bolt and Andwrbolt 'Itt circle oltion diameter thickness description description templatermnbm description A ec 4'Y 8"-9"315-3.75 8"835" O]5" ABTEMPLATE PBOOW I AB18-0 All3/cleaM'3" 4'G 8"-9"338 -3.75 8' 825" 115" ABTEMPLATE PBOOW ABM -0 ABSS49G 1410"1" S' 10'-1T' 35"-4" it" 1" ABTEMPLATE PSOOIO ABM -0 ABSS9-5 1'),36),4" 6" 11" 13" sl 4.W" 12.5" 1" ABIN PLATE PBOOII ABM -0 N/A 1'),36),4" A B Ilm� II I! ,Illi illy IA L/TNON/A L/GUT/NG• NANDNOLEORIE11il N P B Craul[OM19 nde R. A_" Handbale IMPoRTANTINSTALLATIOR NOIFS: •OanN erx[p�le wiNou[M1rving fixture lnsfallN. . fxtorysuppl'ed hmArte must he used when seLdng amhwhoRs. Lithwia Lighdngwillula,ap[ daimfl nu-1-hwagep'xementdueto hlluretouse Lithwia Lghtingfx...mplahs. . RpdearestoreloutsHeallpmtrrWewnpping mmthremualmmedirtelyupwhllverym peertfilushdam,ge . LRhwia Lghting lsmth,spwsihlefwthe foundrtondegn. POLE SSS OUTDOOR'. One Lithonia%N Con,e,W3W12 PMne:800.705-SEAVp378) wwavIthom'il 019942021 AmNy Broad, Inal lmc. All TOOK resnwd. Are. 101891 TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "T1" &"Z LITHONIA#ESX1-LED-P2-40K-R3-MVOLT-UPA-BLS-DDBXD-M2 �'a Contractor Select" ESX1 LED Area Luminaire The ESX1 LED area luminaire prances the comb instead of best product, best price and best deliveryand is idealforreplocing 150Wto40M HID luminaires. ESXproaides upti enemy saving, long service life and fast payback. All E91 lummairs feature adjustable light output, providing two light levels from each Immune, une, allowing greater flexibility in thefield and on distributrs'shelves. ESX LED Is competitively priced and always in stock forqukkdelivery. FEATURES: • ReplasesiSDWta400WHID • 8,010 to 25,000lumens • Adjustable Light Output (ASO) technology ldefaull set to hgh) • Type3opticavailablem,10001(and5000K • Reversiblearm mounts onto minimum 3.5'mund and square poles ' C@11111®wclxlxx P11114. mrarmseJr= UTTER a"rano. .•r.•rr Noce Notall Prot mnPgura[ionop[ionsarenamed In dreContarmrSelxtprogram. MoremnPgurationsareawilable. Clirkhe• or viaitw.reacul brand—or and sezmhfor E91 LED NI luminous feature ad j entable lightoutpupa reversible arm for mounting on round and square polaand dark bronco finish. The lumen moorland lnputwamshovn are nominal wlua. CONTRACTOR SELECT ESX1 SERIES LED Paget M2 fL/THON/A Specifications INLENDEDUY: The ESXoHers a rompletearec lighting package providingevery4hirg receded to replace 15oWto400N HID area luminaires Adjustable light output providcetwo light leelsfom one product, allowing grederflaibihry while helping"nos nwntmy costs. CDNSLRUCIIOk The ESX LED are lummairefeatures a Logged diecastalummurn win body housing that ones houtdinipatirg fins and flowthrough venting to provide optimal thermal management that both enhances LEDeUkacy and wends component Ibe. The mounting an s made of evaded aluminum and itvever iblelunnion al lows for mounting on round and square poles. The luminaires op&s are I rated, and sealed against moisture and erwionmental certain icards. The Iawpofiledegn resuhs In a low EPA ESX is rated for minimum 1.5 G vibmtbn Used per ANSI C13631. ELECTRICAL: Ughtengmw consist of higheHkacy LEDs with LED lumen maimenancegreaterthen 187161,000 hours. Color temperature(CCT)options of 4000K and 500oK with minimum CRI of 70 are available Elertmnicdnivas are 0-1oVmpable of continuousdimming,and ensure ,stern pawerfador>90%and THD<20%All Ithrushes have 6eVsurge pentad a rDrag r Input veltagesavaiable in M4OLT(120-27N)and HCUTI3474800). INSLAINTIDk FSXfeatures an worded aluminum an that s reversible al lowing eta mount on bath mord and square poles. E91 ran be mounted onto minimum 3.5'square and rood poles. An acrenory wall mount bmckd is also avaiable. IJIMIN S: UL listed to meet US. and Canadian standards. Suitable for wet locations. Rated for 40Y minimum ambient. Desgnaghts Concodiuni IIRC) Premium qualified product. Not all versions of this product maybe DIC Premium quali ed. Hucsecheckthe DIC Doalifed Products butatypm, desinnlUhtsoUioMtoconfnmwhchwe nmarequaldied. WARRANLI*. Syear limited warmnry Complete wanranry tenors located at Mob Actual performance may diflerasa result of endusca er nmenment and application. All wines are desgn or typical values, measured under ahemtory conditions at 25 Y. Spcaihodionssubjettochangewehoutm&e One LitFonia Wag Congers,OA30012I 1-800-708-73781 ww Lhhoniacom Q2021Acuity BrandsLighm,,Inc. AllrigMsreserved. Rev. 02,gi TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAY ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE 71 rr LITHONIA #ESX1 -LED-P2-40K-R3-MVOLT-U PA-BLS-DDBXD-M2 Dimensions IMMIO� �i IMM1�� IMMLM�� Luminaire tengm W I WIdm W I Height(gh I weight I EPA ADJUSTARLELIGUIDIFLPULIAlO) Internal Switch. Povidestwelght lEwl; forgrederflexibihry within one 4%�,productldeauhs tto high). The UM reversible arm is designed to mountanto round and square poles. During wMilation, the flat and of theanm s placed against the flat surface on square poles. When using with muM poles,the arm can betumed sound so that the curved card a placed against the curvature on round pales. E91 can be mounted onto minimum 3.5' square and round poles. CONTRACTORSELECT ESXI SERIES LED Page 2 oft • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED 1,550 LAmera, 1IW 30KSULK TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT WPX LED WPXI LED NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. Wall Packs 34] 347' TYPE "We 6,000 Lumen, 47W WK 5000K LITHONIA #WPX3-LED-40K-MVOLT-DDBXS SP• F F 5>0 c us ....y �. 20 Introduction Specifications The WPX LED wall packs are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing solutions for both H ID wall pack replacement and new construction opportunities. Available in three sizes, the WPX family delivers 1,550 to 9,200 lumens with a wide, uniform distribution. The WPX full cut-off solutions fully cover the footprint of the HID glass wall packs that they Front View side view replace, providing a neat installation and an upgraded appearance. Reliable IP66construction and excellent LED lumen maintenance ensure a WPzt 8.Y(M.6cm) 1 11.Y(283cm) 1 33'(8.1 m.) 4.0'(103.) 0.6'(Aci I) 6.1 Ds Re) long service life. Photocell and emergency egress WR2 93°123.1Lm) 1 123°(31.1Lm) Ia3°110srep) I 4r(113cm) 1 0.Y11.7cm) 82I11 ) battery options make WPX ideal for every wall WPX3 9s°(24.1Lm) IIV(33ALm) 5Y(13]Lm) 4.Y(12A.) 0.Y(.7.) nnles ls. 11 mounted lighting application. • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED 1,550 LAmera, 1IW 30KSULK DuITurRe MIT 120-2)1V WPXI LED 2900 Lumen, 24W Q 4000K 34] 347' WPX2 LED 6,000 Lumen, 47W WK 5000K Wte immM1m0plEm, WPX3 LED 9,200 Lumens 69W Plate 1p Note: The lumen output and input power shown in the ordering tree are average representations of all configuration options. Spun fic values are avebabk on request FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The eVP%LED-cl pad¢ aredasigmul to proNdaa cmLaflamen,, wargy.eMciantrol Wion far the onafar.ane Whecenmentef eaiging HID wall p eckd The W nd, W mQ and WPX3 are ideal for replatlng luno 1 W W.2aAW and 41AW HID lumlealrem re rmencel% WPX lumlmen edallvara notes. wide dlndbmlon. WPX le rand fm 4rno 40T CONSTRUCTION WPX f-maa dl—in alume, In body wuh op, mal themal ma nagwrem Imp both enhances LED elkeq and aaacdm cormon nt He The lommaves ane IPM rated, and sealed agalnmI —,..,a on ene'en manbl com—"H. ELECTRICAL Light engl nee) configuretons mnslg of no h.aMcar. LE D, no LE D lumen mal numa— of L5 Pel no,m Colo r to mpe rata I. tCCT) Wtie and 3030K, 4030K and any) K wth minimum CHI of 70 Elammume ddvasen eryneo pose, fame, >W%and TITD egUo Al11, on mew have 6 of a. me pmrecLlon(Done'. WP() LED c reek,-- can a. m and a. me Pmnmlen raring oft kW In— be ordwed whh an gong nal6Wv umepmnahom All phorarelI HE)apeate on Moo 9(12W-2nN IMA Nora'. The standard WPX LED wall pack lura with fialciadjumibla once fagwe. Thlsfeameallovatuning the output cru ant of LED drivers to adjust the lumen outpa (to dim the IumIcaw (DEAL None DDBXD DuITurRe F411111 Eme V in, beery badop, CEC mmpl'RAt DWKKD White (QW, WC .11), DBIL) Black E14WC Emerge beel)'badup CECmmpl'ant 04w, -2o Cmm) Wte immM1m0plEm, GCnwltfanmy. PE Plate 1p geES 1. All WPX wall pxks dome with 6kV surge poemection weone on, except WPX1 LED P1 kae which domes with 25W surge pm@cton standard. Add SP W option to get WPX�1 LED o71 id, 6kVsuge prdection. Sample nomenclature: WPX1 LED P1 MK WOLT SPD6KV DDBXD 2. Bat@ry pack options only ecelable on WPXI and WP)2. 3. Bat@ry pack deens rot available with 347V and PE options. INSTALLRpN WP%wnbamountedd,,e lyow,as4ndardeletlriu1jund,onboa. Three1/2—hconduitpm6 ntheesidesa11orvf—effe-ounduit no Apon on the back sudare all pokatbough conduit ringo sudacesthatdonther electriuljund,onboa. Wiring can be opeeke the 'unuall on, mnr—mem In all cem WPXbonly recommended for collations wah LEDs facing doxnwwds. LISTINGS CSA Wnified to meet U.5 and Gmedian ebndel soluble for vel loutione. IPM Wted. DesignLigh%C nwniumO(DLQqualifiedpmdud. Notallversionsdthispmdudma,w DLC qualified. Plaaeeheekthe DLCOualified Products Lig at wwry des onl'ohn o VQPLW wnPom wnch-consaacl. Intamglonal DekSky /bmcienicn(IDA) Fgre Seal ofkpowll (FmE,a wandbla for all pmduds on ins page all no X03b color tamperer e,only WARRANTY s -mc a....tkdwma°q Completew a nm tecrneentedx a�l�dmnd:.ro /cunt mcm��our ancmn and ronmtmnaaanw Nob: Mual perbrmance may dills m a wult of and— endmnment and wichween All values aradmign or lypiul velum, mamured under IaIbrdorywnditionaat2SC. Simefiunons subject W change w,thout none '. L/MUMA WPX LED Rev. W/31/21 One Utdonia Way • Conyers, Gemgia 30012 • Phone: 1,800.205,5ERV p308b • ww.,.l Mone cora _ LlGNT/NG 0XA1-zG21 AwIn ma mi Dg he ng, Ino A I,ghtm,maned. COMMERCIALOUTDODR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. - -. I TYPE "W" LITHONIA #WPX3-LED-40K-MVOLT-DDBXS Electrical Load Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecdora in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen mainten we factor that corresponds to the desired number d operamy burs below. For other lumen maloteiarce nfa Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === 1o0W i1W iWW 7WR3 WWI LED Pt i1W a09 OAS OAS ox 0.03 VXI LED P2 24W 0.200.12 1.00 0.10 0A9 0.02 WPX2 4M 0.39 OA aID 0.17 E14 WPX3 BAY ase om an OSS an Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecdora in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen mainten we factor that corresponds to the desired number d operamy burs below. For other lumen maloteiarce nfa Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === 1o0W i1W HID Replacement Guide I 3PF 105 5T 1o0W i1W iWW 7WR3 29W Bow 4M 40AW 60 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Usethese factors to determine relative lumen output for a+emge ambent OT I 3PF 105 5T 41-F IAN lox SRF 1.03 15% 5RF 1.02 IDY WE 1.01 Z% ]PF 1.00 Sox WE 0.99 35Y 9SF 0.98 90Y iW°F 0.91 Emergency Egress Battery Packs The emergenry battery bttkup 6 integral to the luminaire—no external housing or back box is required. The s mergenry battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of %minutes and deliver minimum initial output of 553li mens. Both battery pack options are CEC compliant. Standad RC 4W FArH WR2 LED MUM EGWH DDBXD ColdWenkd -IDT 14W E14WC WPX2LED90KALWLTEUMDDBXD t To see remorse btometdc reports ordowiload.ies Olesfor this project visit Ne Litbnia LighOng WPX IFD bmepage. Tested in aaoNarce with SNA LM-ry ab LWaJ sbdaNs teras. INIM LED PI ■ g.t k ■ 03k M gsf.F M ,.gfe II/ \11 WPX2LED WK1 LEDP2 WM LED Motoring Man =12 Feet. '. L/THL7N/A WrerED RwWs9lrzl One Lthonia Way • Conyers, Geeryia 30012 • Phone: 1$l1]oS5ERV (]37kD • www.11thoniamm _ L/GNT/NG. ®mm-2Q21Aodnaandugmmy1,m uingas,esswed. COMMERCIAL OUTDWR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT WPX LED 1,550Lumem,11W NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. Wall Packs WPXI LED TYPE "W2" Q 4000K 341 347' LITHON IA sn F F % #WPX2-LED-40K-MVOLT-E4WH-DDBXS c us 9,200 Lumen, 69W ....y �. 20 Introduction Specifications The WPX LED wall packs are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing solutions for both H ID wall pack replacement and new construction opportunities. Available in three sizes, the WPX family delivers 1,550 to 9,200 lumens with a wide, uniform distribution. The WPX full cut-off solutions fully cover the footprint of the H ID glass wall packs that they Front View side view replace, providing a neat installation and an upgraded appearance. Reliable IP66 construction and excellent LED lumen maintenance ensure a WRII at'(X6Lm) 11.1e(183Lm) 3Y 18.1 Lm) 4.V(103m) 0%I1.6Lm) 6.111 Re ) long service life. Photocell and emergency egress WPX2 9.1°123.1LnI) 1 R3(31.1LnI) I4.1°1105 Lm) 4.S(115LnI) I OT 7an) 8211:13.1 ) battery options make WPX ideal for every wall WR3 93°(2a.1Lm) 13n'(33aDn) ss°(13.lnI) a.Y(12aDt) 0.Y1t.1Lm) nal�ls. 11 mounted lighting application. • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED VI 1,550Lumem,11W 30KSULK Dad bmme MIT 120-21N WPXI LED 2900 Tire, 24W Q 4000K 341 347' WPX2 LED 6,000 Lumen, 47W SOK 5000K Note: mmM1moptom, WPM LED 9,200 Lumen, 69W PMtmelp Note: The lumen output and input power shown in the wderirg tree are average representations of all configuraWn options. Specific values are available on request FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The WPXLED, 11 pad¢aradeaigned to P—daa c-neffemen,, wergy.eMciantrol Wion br the onafar.ane replacen-mcf enduing HID wall pad¢. The WW1, W mQ and WPX3 are iiaal for replatlng luno 1 W W.2aAW and 44AW HID lumlealrem rey omeady WPX lumlmen edallvara unlfmm. wide dlndbuton. WPX lra rand fm 4rno 40T CONSTRUCTION WPX f-haa dlacmt a1, me, In body wuh op, mal themal ma nagwrem Intl both enhances LED efficaq and aaandm coupon nt He The lumIme— ane IP65 r gl and maaled against cools., on emi,on mmol cont mm.nta. ELECTRICAL Light engl mean configurerlons mnslg of no h.aMcar. LE D, no LE D lumen mal mama— of LWP(Al no,m Colo r to mpe rata I. tCCT) Wtionmd 3030K, 4030K and any) K wth minimum CHI of 70 Ell dLee, —e ryneo poke, facto, >W%and TITD¢EM. Al11, on mew have 6 of au rga pmrem., (Done'. WPX) LED c reck,conga can a.ndaN aurya Pmnedlo, raring oft kW In— be ordwed .,In an gong mal6Wv u,rwadom All phorarelI HE)areage on Moo 9(12W-21/ IMA Nora'. The standard WPX LED wall pack lura with fieldiagmibla dniv cmant faawe. TM1lsfeatweallovatuning the output cru ant of LED d,we to adjust the lumen omtpd(to dim the bonnet (hlank) Lou, 11111 Dad bmme E4WN Emerglry battery backup CEC ompl'out DWIU White MWCmla)° DBIXD Muck E14WC Emerg��yybme7 backup CECmmpl'ant (14W,-IDaCmla) Note: mmM1moptom, tonwltfanmy. PE PMtmelp WIES 1. All WPX wall pxks dome with 6kV surge protection whdard, except WPX1 LED P1 kae which domes with 25W surge pm@cton standard. Add SPD6KV option to get WPX�1 LED o71 ith 6kVsuge pmeEtion. Sample mmerclatrte: WPX1 LED P140K WOLT SPD6KV DDBXD 2. Bat@ry pack opt'ens only ecelable on WPXI and WPX2. 3. Bat@ry pack options rot available with 3a7V and PE options. INSTALLRpN WP% nbamounteddlracrlyow,as4ndardelacrriu1jund,onboa. Tfirea1/2—hconduitpm6 ntbee weallorvf—effe-ounduit no Atwo on the back sudare all pokathrough conduit ringo sudacesthatdonther electriuljund,onboa. Wiring can be made'm the 'mtegall on, cum,—mum In all cea WPX Ira only recommended for Imollatlonm with LEDs facing d—nwards. USTINLa CSA Wnified to meet U.5 and Gnadian ebndana soluble fm vel loutione. IPM Tied. DesignLigh%C nwniumO(DLQqualifiedprodud. Notallvereionedthleprodudma,w DLC qualified. Plaaeeheekthe DLCOualified Produde Lig at wwry des onl'ohn o VQPLW wnPom wnch-monsaa,al,fied. Intamarlonal DekSky /w,unanicn(IDN Fgre Seal of/ppowll (FmE,a wandbla for all r-oca on ins page all no X03b color tamperaure only WARRANTY S -mc a....tkmHD,,m C,—m,ew anmtenrneeneda a�l�dmmd:.ro /euammcm��our ancmn and rommtmmaaanw Nob: Actual perbrmance may dills m a vault of and— endmnmant and anchmeion All value aradaign or lypiul value, mamured under IaW raorywnditionaat2SC. Speoifiunons subject W change w,thout notice. '. L/MUMA WPX LED Rev. Q/31/21 One Utdonia Way • Conyers, Georgi a 30012 • Phone: 1,800.105,5ERV 931W • goo,.tuhoma cora _ LlGNT/NG 0XI1 Acuity aro nc� Dg in ng, l no AI ,ghtm,waned. COMMERCIALOUTDODR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. - P TYPE "W2"LITHONIA#WPX2-LED-40K-MVOLT-E4WH-DDBXS Electrical Load Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecbre in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen malmenswe factor that corresponds to the desired number d operaoig burs below. For other lumen maloteianne nGrn Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === toOW i1W iWW 7WR3 WWI LED Pt i1W 0.09 OAS OAS ox 0.03 W➢Xt LED P2 241` 0.200.12 1.00 0.10 0AoA1 0.99 WPX2 4M 0.39 OA LLID 0.17 014 WPM 69W am om OID OSS LLID Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecbre in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen malmenswe factor that corresponds to the desired number d operaoig burs below. For other lumen maloteianne nGrn Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === toOW i1W HID Replacement Guide I 3PF 105 5T toOW i1W iWW 7WR3 24W Bow 4M 400W 60 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Usethese factors to determine relative lumen output for a+emge ambent OT I 3PF 105 5T 41-F IAN lox SRF 1.03 15% 5RF 1.02 IDY WE 1.01 Z% ]PF 1.00 30% WE 0.99 35% 9VF 0.98 40Y iW°F 0.91 Emergency Egress Battery Packs The emergency battery bttkup 6 integral to the luminaire—no external housing or back box is required. The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of %minutes and deliver minimum initial output of 553lumens. Both battery pack options are CEC Compliant. Sun&d R( 4W EMH WPX2 LED 4MKMWff ENWN DDBXD rddWedhet -IDC 14W RMC WR2LED40KMVOLTE14KDDBXD t TosseoempletePEbWme smi ON IT "Mil"111 e,swordea lded.edi0lesforthispmbuctvisit Ne Litbnia LighVng WPXI Dbmepage.Te W[n aaoNarce with SNA LM-ry ab LWaJ sbdaNs teras. INIM LED PI ■ g.t k ■ 03k M gsf.F M ,.gfe II/ \11 WPX2LED WK1 LEDP2 WM LED Motoring Man =12 Feet. '. L/THL7N/A se %L RwWs9lrzl One Lthonia Way • Conyers, Geeryia 30012 • Phone: 1$l1]oS5ERV (]37kD • www.11thoniamm _ L/GNT/NG. ®mm-2Q21Aodnaandugmmy1,m uinghts,awwed. COMMERCIAL OUTDWR