HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/11/2022ARCHITECTS + P L A N N E R S January 11, 2022 City of Springfield Development & Public Works Department Current Development Division 225 5'^ Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Tall Pine 30'^ Industrial Development (202114/1.3) Site Plan Review Application — Submittal Project Address: 30"' Street — Not Yet Assigned Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000 Property Owner: TTG Properties, LLC Applicant: Troy & Tamara Goertel Attachment C Contact: Troy Goertel Mailing Address: 40499 Mohawk River Rd Mohawk, Oregon 97454 Phone: 541.501.0207 E-mail: tgoertel@tallpineinc.com Applicant's Representative: TBG Architects+ Planners Contact: Jordan Cogbum or Kristen Taylor, CSBA Mailing Address: 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541.687.1010 E-mail: JCogburn@tbg-arch.com or KTaylor@tbg-arch.com On behalf of the applicant, TTG Properties, LLC, enclosed is a Site Plan Review application for the proposed industrial development at 30'^ Street. In accordance with the Site Plan Review submittal requirements under SDC 5.17-00, the following electronic documents are provided for review by the City Staff: Site Plan Review Application Form - 1 Copy Site Plan (8%" x 11") - 1 Copy Attachments - 4 Copies: Written Statement Attachment A Tax Assessor's Map Attachment B Legal Description Attachment C Deed for Tax Lot 4000 Attachment D Title Report, Dated January 7, 2022 541.687.1010 1 132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Attachment E Jeff Parker Subdivision Recorded Plat Attachment F Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Plan Diagram Attachment G Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram Attachment H FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 41039C1161 F Attachment I Stormwater Technical Memorandum, Dated January 5, 2022 Attachment J Lighting Specifications Attachment K Geotechnical Report, Dated June 25, 2021 Plan Set - 4 Copies: T1 Title Sheet T2 Topographic Survey C1.1 Utility Plan C2.0 Grading Plan LA -1 Landscape Plan A1.1 Site Plan A2.1 First Floor Plan A2.2 Second Floor Plan A3.1 Exterior Elevations E000 Site Lighting Photometric Plan If you have any questions, please call Kristen or me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal. Sincerely, rP.aMsmaemm Jordan Cogb 'A Jordan Cogburn Senior Planner KGT/JC cc: Troy Goertel, TTG Properties, LLC Anna Backus, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. David Dougherty, Dougherty Landscape Architects Z WRO=114 Tal Pine 3ah Slnael IndudfiaRCa pl gencAate PWn Retie M2114 SPR Cope LtrAtl IO . • 1[ RIT­VLP Ex City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ 111- Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: L]Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal, ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: Q Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Troy and Tamara Goertel I Phone: 541.501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC lEmail:tgoertel@tallpineinc.co Address: 40499 Mohawk River Road, Mohawk Oregon 97454 Applicant's Rep.: Kristen Taylor, CSBA Phone: 541 687.1010 ex: 112 Company: TBG Architects+Planners Email:ktaylor@tbg-arch.com Address: 132 E Broadway, Eugene Oregon 97401 Property Owner: Troy and Tamara Goertel Phone:541.501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC Email:t oertel@tall ineinc.co Address: 40499 Mohawk River Road Mohawk Oregon 97454 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-00 TAX LOT NOS : 4000 Property Address: Not Yet Assigned Size of Property: 1.0 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed No. of 1 Dwellmna Unift per aCre7 0 Proposed Name of Project: Tall Pine Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal:New industrial office and warehouse building, with associated parking, landscaping, and site infrastructure. Site is currently undeveloped. Existing Use: New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 93902 sf Si natures: Please sign and Drint Mour name and date in the aDDrociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre -Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: Signature Submittal Owner: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.176 pertaining to a complete application. %xey �e"W" Date: January 10, 2022 Sign u Troy Goertel Print Revised 1/7/14 Ia 2 of 11 Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 160 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 3 of 11 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ® Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. X❑ Site Plan Review Application Form ❑X Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. Density - if applicable, list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. ❑X Copy of the Deed ❑X Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ❑ State or Federal Permits Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. ❑X Completed Attached Scoping Sheet ❑X Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: ❑X All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ❑X All plan sets must be folded to 61/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents. • The City's Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or n part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. Revised 1/7/14 KL 4 of 11 a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ❑X Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor X❑ Vicinity Map ❑X The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ❑X The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department X❑ The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ❑X The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ❑X Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/3 feet above the ground (stands of more than five (5) trees may be shown as a cluster with mix of trees species noted), riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings b. Site Plan ❑X Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ❑X Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings; measured setbacks shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor when minimum setbacks are shown. X❑ Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ❑X Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and ADA parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping. ADA routes from public rights-of-way whall be designated including at grade connections ® Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ❑X Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ❑X On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ❑X Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed X❑ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ❑X Note location of existing and planned Lane Transit District facilities (within '/3 mile) Revised 1/7/14 Ia 5 of 11 ❑X Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses ❑ Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a defined sequence addressing street connectivity between the various phases and accommodating the logical extension of other required public improvements, including but to limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. The applicant must clearly indicate which phases are proposed for approval under the current Site Plan application and which are deferred to future review procedures. c. Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Location and width of all existing easements X❑ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including jurisdictional status other than City. Indicate connection points for roof drainage. X❑ Location and type of existing street lighting X❑ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, waterline backflow preventers and similar public facilities ® Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails X❑ Location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. Detail must be proportionate to the complexity of the proposed project. X❑ Show existing and proposed spot elevations or contours, and direction of drainage patterns. d. Proposed Grading, Paving, & Utilities Plan X❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer, except where noted below X❑ The approximate size and location of storm water management systems components ❑X Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rights -of -ways within or adjacent to the proposed development X❑ Location and width of all proposed easements ❑X Location and type of proposed street lighting ® Information on existing slopes over 5% shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed surveyor and be drawn with one foot contour interval lines; land with a slope over 10 percent shall be shown with 5 foot contour interval lines Revised 1/7/14 Ia 6 of 11 e. Landscape Plan ❑X Prepared by an Architect, Landscape Architect, or other Landscape Professional approved by the Director ® Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ❑X Where applicable, screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ❑X Location of existing and proposed street trees f. Architectural Plans ❑ Where abutting residentially zoned properties, exterior elevations of all proposed structures over 140 square feet for the development site, including height, shall be shown g. On -Site Lighting Plan X❑ Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached X❑ Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Additional Materials That May be Deferred at the discretion of the applicant until Final Site Plan or Building Permit Submittal: ❑X List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size and spacing ❑X Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, a planting plan shall be provided. X❑ Irrigation Plan showing of irrigation lines, required backflow preventers and above ground utilities. X❑ Photometric test report for each light source. ❑ An applicant may submit conceptual floor plans in order to have staff address Resolution of potential nuisance conflicts Additional Materials That May be Required by the Director: IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ❑X Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ❑ A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 7 of 11 ❑ Where a multi -family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑X A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table, or if required by the City Engineer ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives ❑ Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ❑ The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request X❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ❑ An Annexation shall be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Revised 1/7/14 Ia 8 of 11 Au ES TYP BICYCLE PARKING LAND USE CODE SUMMARY g O=� .g C) e m AREA CALCULATIONS Fg p6.„,..., ,.........,.� ,..me... PARKING CALCULATIONS^ �• SR� EPL, , ... LEGEND . g a.. EMAHGEDkY 4 LUc z Lu d(LoF �WaV- Hcy»= SITE PLAN & DETAILS & NOTES ARCHITECTS + P L A N N E R S January 11, 2022 City of Springfield Development & Public Works Department Current Development Division 225 5D' Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Tall Pine 30'^ Industrial Development (202114/1.3) Site Plan Review Application — Pre-Subm ittal Project Address: North 30'^ Street — Not Yet Assigned Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000 Property Owner: Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: Applicant's Representative: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: WRITTEN STATEMENT SUMMARY TTG Properties, LLC Troy & Tamara Goertel Contact: Troy Goertel 40499 Mohawk River Rd Mohawk, Oregon 97454 541.501.0207 tgoertel@tallpineinc.com TBG Architects+ Planners Contact: Jordan Cogbum, Senior Planner 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541.687.1010 JCogburn@tbg-arch.com or KTaylor@tbg-arch.com In accordance with the Site Plan Review submittal requirements, this written statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complieswith the criteria under SDC 5.17-100. The proposal is subject to the Type 11 application review process per SDC 5.17-110(B). Summary of Request: The present request is for Site Plan Review approval of an industrial building with the associated site infrastructure, parking, and landscaping. The proposed approximately 9,902 -square -foot building is one- story with a mezzanine. The anticipated single industrial tenant will include permitted secondary office, manufacturing, and warehouse industrial uses. 541.687.1010 1 132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 12 Additional details regarding this proposal are provided on the Site Plan Review drawings, the remainder of this written statement, and other materials attached herein. Project Objectives: The Tall Pines 30' Street Industrial Development represents an effort to raise the standard of typical industrial development in Springfield. 1. Enhance the quality of local industrial development. 2. Provide attractive, functional, and safe spaces for small industrial businesses and their employees. 3. Ensure compatibility between the proposed industrial and existing residential development to the east. SITE INFORMATION Location: The project is located on 3T Street, Springfield, Oregon, north of Main Street. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Tax Lots: Lane County records identify the site as Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000. Refer to the attached Tax Assessor's Map. Legal Description: Refer to the attached Legal Description. Acreage: The project site totals 1.0 acre according to Lane County Assessment and Taxation records. The subject site includes one lot, identified as Tax Lot 4000, which fronts 3T Street. Address: Not yet identified — 30' Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Ownership: The site is owned by TTG Properties, LLC. Refer to the attached Deed and Title Report. The applicant also owns the adjacent Tax Lot 4100, which is not proposed for development at this time. Plan Land Use Designation: The lot is located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and City limits. The area of the subject lot was annexed to the City of Springfield in 1948. The lot is designated Light Medium Industrial in the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). The Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan also designates the lot Light Medium Industrial. Zoning: The lot is zoned Light Medium Industrial (LMI). The Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District applies to the subject lot. Property to the west, north and south are also zoned LMI. Property to the east across 30' Street is zoned Medium Density Residential. Street Classification: 30' Street is classified as a major collector on the City's Functional Classification map. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 3 of 12 Environmental: The subject lot has soil type Coburg -Urban land complex. Per the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the site is located in area X, determined to be outside of the 500 -year flood area. Refer to the attached Flood Insurance Rate Map. The site is located in the Maia Wellhead facility protection area within the 10 -year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). As required, the applicant will apply and obtain a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction. Reference the attached Erosion Control Plan, which notes the 10 -year TOTZ and the requirement of a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction of the on-site building. Surrounding Land Uses/Access: The site is located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary on the west side of 3T Street. To the east of the site, across 3T Street, is a multi -family residential development. There is a railway line located to the west of the site. There is a developed industrial property abutting the northern and southern property boundaries. The primary access to the subject site will be via 3T Street. There is one shared access driveway existing on the north end of Tax Lot 4000 that connects directly to 30' Street and with an easement for use by Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200 and 4300. A proposed driveway is shown on the south end of Tax Lot 4000 that connects directly to 3T Street. III. BACKGROUND OF THE SITE The subject lot was created as part of the Jeff Parker Subdivision, as recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069738. Tax Lot 4000 is Lot 5 in the subdivision. Refer to the attached Jeff Parker Subdivision recorded plat. IV. SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL CRITERIA This section is organized by the Site Plan Review approval criteria under SDC 5.17-100. Applicable approval criteria are outlined in bold italics below, followed by proposed findings in normal text. The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type 11 Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria A. through E., below have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. Decisions approving an application, or approving with conditions shall be based on compliance with the following criteria in Springfield Development Code Section 5.17-125: MW. -1 T T TT:. o....Tw: City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 4 of 12 A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) plan diagram and the Mid - Springfield Refinement Plan diagram designate the subject site as Light -Medium Industrial (LMI). This land use designation and the LMI zoning district (per SDC 3.2-405(8)) are intended to provide land for a variety of industries, including those involved in the secondary processing of materials into components, the assembly of components into finished products, transportation, communication and utilities, wholesaling, and warehousing. The external impact from these uses is generally less than Heavy Industrial, and transportation needs are often met by truck. Activities are generally located indoors, with outdoor storage. This designation may also accommodate supporting offices, light industrial uses, and industrial uses allowed in the Campus Industrial. The proposed development and the intended uses — industrial warehousing and manufacturing (prefabrication of wood framed walls, building material packages and timber truss fabrication with some metal fabrication and machine work) secondary business office and outdoor storage — are consistent with this criterion. There is no applicable Conceptual Development Plan for the site. B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development unless otherwise provided for by this code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The subject site is within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and the City limits. They are currently served by the key urban services as prescribed in the Metro Plan. The proposal includes on-site stormwater facilities on Tax Lot 4000 to serve the proposed project prior to discharging into the existing public stormwater system. Refer to the attached stormwater technical Memorandum and civil and landscape plans for details. Additionally, there are existing public utility easements on the site for current and future extension of public utility systems. Refer to the attached Topographic Survey for details. There is an existing fire hydrant along 30' Street in the front of site. The proposed building is a Type V -B sprinklered structure. The farthest point of the proposed building is less than 400'-0" from the existing hydrant at the northeast comer. The driveway designs meet the needed radii required for emergency service vehicles. As demonstrated, there is adequate public and private infrastructure capacity to serve the site at the time of development. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 5 of 12 C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and constmction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. The proposed new development complies with applicable standards as further discussed below. Section 3.2-400 LMI Zoning District Development Standards The tenant for the proposed building on Tax Lot 4000 will be an industrial warehouse and secondary business office and outdoor storage uses. All uses will be consistent with the allowed use categories listed under the LMI base zone per SDC 3.2-410 at the time of tenant infill building permit submittal. Specifically, the development complies with the LMI Development Standards (SDC 3.2-400 LMI base zone) as follows: • The Development Standards required under SDC 3.2-420 do not apply for three reasons. First, the subject site was created prior to 1982. Second, the minimum lot size and frontage standard of SDC 3.2-420 is a standard imposed for the creation of new lots or parcels. The proposed development does not include partitioning or subdividing the subject property. Third, this standard is not a design or construction standard, and therefore not applicable. • The one-story structure is compatible with adjacent development and land uses. The proposed structure is not within the height limitation zone that is applicable when abutting a residential district. Per SDC 3.2-420, the height limitation applies to the first 50 -feet on-site measured from the property line nearest the residential zone. As shown on the attached Site Plan, the proposed building on TL 4000 is located about 70'-0" from the property line to the east and 30' Street right-of- way line. Then, it is an additional 60'-0" across the right-of-way to the MDR -zoned properties to the east. Therefore, the maximum building height limitation adjacent to the MDR -zoned properties is not applicable to the proposed building. Refer to the attached plan set for details. • Per SDC 3.2-420, the minimum building front yard setback in the LMI zone is 10'-0" and parking and driveway front yard setbacks are 5'-0". The building, parking and driveways either meet or exceed the required front yard setbacks along 30' Street. Refer to the attached Site Plan. • Except for the rear setback, all proposed parking and driveways either meet or exceed the required minimum 5'-0" setback from interior property lines as required per SDC 3.2-420. The applicant owns both Tax Lots 4000 and 4100 and wants the opportunity to connect these lots at the time of future development of Tax Lot 4100. Per the landscaping standards at SDC 4.4.-100(H), the '[I]andscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same property may be exempted by the Director from planting requirements if the area is not visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property." Therefore, as owner of the abutting property and because the landscape setback is located at the back of the site out of view of the public right-of-way, the applicant requests that the Planning Director exempt the S-0" landscape setback along the rear yard to accommodate the future development of Tax Lot 4100. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 6 of 12 • As allowed per SDC 3.2-420, note (4)(a), "no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that easement," the applicant proposes a metal fence within the PUE along the east property line and portions of the north and west property lines for security reasons. Refer to the attached Site Plan. • On-site pedestrian circulation has been provided throughout the site, which connects to the owner's adjacent Tax Lot 4100 to the west and to the public sidewalk on 30' Street. The site design either meets or exceeds the required ADA minimum S-0" wide clear pedestrian pathway to accommodate pedestrian circulation throughout the site. • No outdoor merchandise display areas are proposed. • No drive-through facilities are proposed. Section 3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District The lots are located in the Maia Wellhead facility protection area within the 10 -year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). The applicant understands that the following requirements apply per SDC 3.3-235(C): 1. The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs [dense non -aqueous phase liquids] is allowed upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. 2. All hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Springfield Fire Code 2702.1 and 2704.2.2). 3. All new use of DNAPLs are prohibited. 4. Any change in type of use or an increase in the maximum daily inventory quantity of any DNAPL is considered a new use and is prohibited. 5. The following requirements for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted: Schedules and procedures for inspecting safety and monitoring and emergency equipment. The applicant shall develop and follow a written inspection procedure acceptable to the Director for inspecting the facility for events or practices which could lead to unauthorized discharges or hazardous materials. An inspection check sheet shall be developed to be used in conjunction with routine inspections. The check sheet shall provide for the date, time, and location of inspection. note problems and dates and times of corrective actions taken. and include the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated safety manager for the facility. As noted above, the applicant will apply for and obtain a Drinking Water Protection Permit prior to construction of the proposed building. The required Erosion Control Plan is included in this Site Plan Review Submittal, which notes the 10 -year TOTZ and the requirement of the Drinking Water Protection Permit. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 7 of 12 Section 4.2-105 Public Streets The proposed development does not trigger the need to create or extend any public streets. The proposed project has direct access to 30' Street, a major collector. The sections of 30' Street adjacent to the proposed project meet the standard street right-of-way and paving width dimensions. No additional public right-of-way or street improvements are needed. The proposed 9,902 square foot structure will generate less than 100 peak hour trips and less than 1,000 average daily trips. According to Springfield Transportation Staff, the proposed use is categorized as Land Use 110 -General Light Industrial in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. Per Staff's citation of the ITE manual, the proposed use generates approximately 0.92 peak hour trips per 1,000 feet of floor area or 4.96 average daily trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area. When applied to the proposed building, these trip generation rates produce approximately 9 peak hour trips or approximately 49 average daily trips. These totals are well below the maximum 100 peak hour trips criterion and the maximum 1,000 average daily traffic criteria. No Variances are requested with this application. No known traffic safety, street capacity, future planned facility, or multimodal concerns exist along the site frontage. Based on the findings here, no Traffic Impact Study is required. Section 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways According to Springfield Code Section 4.2-120(A)(1), all developed lots/parcels shall have an approved access either directly to a public street, a private street that connects to a public street, or through an irrevocable joint use/access easement. The Code does not limit a development site to one access. The subject site has frontage on 3T Street with direct access proposed to this public street. The proposal will also access the existing irrevocable joint use/access easement that extends westward from 30' Street along the northern property line. The project includes one proposed driveway with direct access to Tax Lot 4000 off 30' Street and one existing driveway from 30' Street to the existing irrevocable joint use/access easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200 and 4300. The distance between the proposed driveway to 30' Street and the existing shared driveway is about 142-0" as measured from the centedines. Refer to the attached Topographic Survey and Title Report for details about the easements. Due to the Industrial zoning of the site and layout of the existing access connection, the proposed driveway is requested as to facilitate efficient loading/unloading operations and large vehicle maneuvering along the southern and western areas of the site, as discussed below, while mitigating potential safety impacts to the parking areas and pedestrian crossings at the northeast area of the site. According to Table 4.2-2, the width of a 2 -way driveway shall be a minimum of 24'-0" and a maximum of 35'-0". The proposed driveway connection to 30' Street is about 30'-0" wide and the existing driveway proposed to remain is 35'-0". The proposed and existing driveways to 30' Street have throat depths on the site of about 40'-0" from the start of the driveway and at least 30'-0" from the property line, both of which exceed the minimum 18'-0" standard. The northern driveway is existing with a joint use/access City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 8 of 12 easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200, and 4300. The southern driveway approach is a dedicated driveway serving the site (Tax Lot 4000) and is separated from the existing driveway curb return on the same side of the street by greater than 100 feet, as noted above. The proposed site driveway meets the City's dimensional requirements for commercial/industrial driveway approaches and is consistentwith separation spacing of Table 4.2-4 and previously approved driveways along 30' Street, a major collector street. The proposed use and associated business Tall Pine Contractors, Inc., is responsible for the pre- fabrication of construction materials, particularly trusses. The raw materials and finished products are received and sent to job sites using trucks of various sizes, with the largest being about WB -62 tractor trailers. These large vehicles require room to maneuver, wider turning radii, and multiple access points to limit awkward reverse movements. The applicant requests the southern access connection to 30th Avenue to enable more efficient on-site maneuvering and exiting. The recently approved Site Plan Review for New Way Electric, Springfield Case Number: 811-20-000110-TYP2, and 3T Street Industrial Buildings Case Number TYP216-00056 proposed similar arrangements of and spacing between a central shared access drive and an exclusive access connection to 30th Avenue. Based on the variety of large vehicles expected at the site and the precedent established by Springfield in the projects noted above, the applicant requests a direct access connection to 30th Avenue. The proposed project will be developed and maintained to provide on-site circulation in compliance with City code standards. The above findings, and existing City approvals demonstrate that the proposal is consistent with these standards. Section 4.2-140 Street Trees Currently, there are no street trees located along the section of 30' Street adjacent to the development site. Therefore, there are two new street trees proposed as part of this development. Refer to the Landscape Plan for details. Section 4.3-140 Public Easements There are adequate existing public utility easements (PUE) on Tax Lot 4000 for current and future extension of public utility systems. Refer to the Topographic Survey for details. The applicant proposes to extend the subject site's private stormwater connection south within the PUE running north -south across Tax Lot 3800. The applicant requests approval from the City to provide the private stormwater utility in this PUE running north -south across Tax Lot 3800 as shown on the Utility Plan. In addition, the applicant will submit a draft easement from the owner of Tax Lot 3800 at the time of Site Plan Review Submittal to locate the stormwater utility on their property. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 9 of 12 Section 4.4-105 Landscaping The proposed project meets the landscape requirements. The proposed parking area located between the street side of the building (east fagade) and 30' Street includes 8 parking spaces. Therefore, Section 4.4-105(F)(2), parking lot planting areas requiring a minimum of 5 percent of the interior of a parking lot if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street does not apply. As illustrated on the attached Landscape Plan, the proposed landscaping associated with the parking lot and driveway setback areas meet the City's landscape requirements. As described above, the applicant requests an exception to the required landscape setback along the rear property line as allowed per the landscaping standards at SDC 4.4.-100(H). As owner of the abutting property and because the landscape setback is located out of view of the public right-of-way, the applicant requests that the Planning Director exempt the requirements in order to accommodate future development on Tax Lot 4100. The proposal is consistent with all other applicable the standards. Section 4.4-110 Screening Where outdoor mechanical devices are proposed on the site, they will be screened with vegetation per SDC 4.4-110(8)(1). The back of the site will be used for outdoor storage. Consistent with this code section, the existing metal fence is proposed to remain to screen the back of the site, which will be site - obscuring as applicable. There is also an existing slatted chain-link fence proposed to remain, located along the entire Tax Lot 4000 and 4100 southern and western property lines. The proposed outdoor trash and recycle area is screened with slatted chain-link fence, as required per SDC 4.4-11 0(13)(3)(c). In addition, the mechanical unit proposed on the north side of the building will be screened with slatted chain-link fence, as required per SDC 4.4-110(8)(3). Refer to the attached Site Plan and Landscape Plan for details. Therefore, these criteria are met. Section 4.4-115 Fencing As noted above, a maximum 8'-0" high metal fence will enclose the entire site for security purposes, which is consistent with the maximum allowed fence height is 8'-0" in Industrial zones. The existing fences located along the south and west property lines and a portion of the north property are proposed to remain. A new maximum 8'-0" high ornamental metal fence is proposed parallel to the east property line and a small portion of the north property line (with a gate on the east side of the building) and a new maximum 8'-0" high chain link fence is proposed to match the existing fence along a portion of the north property line with a gate to the west of the building. Per SDC 4.4-115 Table 4.4-1, note (1), the proposed ornamental metal fence parallel to the east property line is behind the front yard setback. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Therefore, these criteria are met. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 10 of 12 Section 4.6-110 Vehicle Parking The vehicle and bicycle parking calculations are based on the proposed industrial warehousing and secondary office uses. Per Table 4.6-2, the proposed industrial warehousing and secondary office uses, are required to provide a minimum of 15 off-street vehicle parking spaces. The applicant is proposing to provide 16 parking spaces — including one accessible space. The applicant proposes a parking lot design in compliance with SDC 4.6-115. all standard and ADA stall widths are a minimum of 9'-0" wide and 18'-0" in length including a 2'-0" bumper overhang on landscaping beds and walkways where applicable. Refer to the attached Site Plan and Vehicle Parking Calculations table for specific locations and details. The dimensions and proposed striping of the parking spaces and drive aisles meet the parking area standards per SDC 4.6-115 and -120. These findings, together with the architecture and civil engineering drawings, demonstrate that the proposal is consistent with these standards. Section 4.6-130 Loading Areas There are two delivery and loading areas located outside of the required setbacks. Refer to the attached Site Plan for details. The total proposed on-site loading area is approximately 11,656 square feet for an approximately 9,902 -square -foot total building area, which exceeds the required 250 square feet of minimum loading area per SDC 4.6-135(C). The stormwater runoff in the proposed design will not enter the building by using site grading and/or a sanitary drain on the exterior of the building at all bay door locations. Refer to the attached Site Plan. Details will be provided at the time of building permit submittal. Section 4.6-140 Bicycle Parking The proposed bicycle parking spaces, location and facility design on the development site complies with SDC 4.6-145 through -150. There are three short-term and two long-term bicycle parking spaces required. There are 4 unsheltered short-term bicycle parking spaces located in front of the building along the on-site pedestrian walkway system with ramps that connect to 3T Street, which exceed the required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces. The proposed short-term spaces are hitching post or staple type racks. All bicycle parking spaces are visible for use by the public. Two long-term bicycle parking spaces will be located inside the warehouse area in a secure location, which will be proposed in compliance with SDC 4.6-145-150 at the time of individual tenant infill building permits. Refer to Sheet A1.1 for Bicycle Parking Calculations and typical details. Therefore, these criteria are met. Ii. City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 11 of 12 D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The proposed driveway on 30' Street and the orientation and alignment of the building will serve to maximize efficiency for access, on-site circulation and function while minimizing impact to the adjacent properties. The site plan design is organized so that the main access points to the building are located directly off 30' Street and off of the shared access drive. The vehicle parking is located in the front and south side of the site with access via both the existing shared driveway and the proposed driveway. The proposed landscape islands located at the ends of parking aisles provide clear drive aisles to facilitate safe circulation. As noted above, the Site Plan shows on-site circulation for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles as required by the Springfield Development Code. Designated on-site pedestrian circulation is provided for employees and clients of the business from the adjacent, existing 3T Street public sidewalk to the proposed building entrances. On-site pedestrian and bicycle access are provided by a clearly marked, striped, paved walkway across the drive aisles. The existing public sidewalk on 30' Street provides access to adjacent and nearby residential and industrial areas. The closest transit stop to the site is located approximately 0.4 miles south of the site, west of the intersection of 30th Street and Main Street, and on the north side of Main Street, which is served by Lane Transit District route 11 Thurston. The proposed project abuts other industrially zoned properties. It is not directly adjacent to a residential zoned area, transit stop, neighborhood activity center, or other uses that would benefit with additional connectivity to abutting properties. As stated above, the existing and proposed driveways on 30' Street are in compliance with the Springfield Code Development standards, are sited similarly to the previously approved connections along 30' Street and address the access requirements for industrial uses. Parking areas and ingress- egress points have been designed to safely facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian circulation and avoid congestion aswell as provide connectivity within the development site. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil orgeologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Y i City of Springfield Site Plan Review January 11, 2022 Page 12 of 12 The proposed site does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The site is relatively flat. There are no existing trees and shrubs. wetlands. rock outcroppings; orwatercourses on the site that are impacted by the proposed development. There are no known significant archaeological resources. Therefore, the criterion is not applicable. V. Conclusion Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments and drawings, the proposed Site Plan Review application meets the criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the Planning Director approve the proposal as presented. Both the applicant and the applicant's representative are available for questions, as necessary. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Jordan Cogburn or Kristen Taylor at TBG Architects+ Planners (541.687.1010). KT/JC cc: Troy Goertel, TTG Properties, LLC Anna Backus, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. David Dougherty, Dougherty Landscape Architects ZtPROJt202114Ta1 Pine Mh Street Intl uslnahCorrespV,gencASite Plan Remee )2114SPRWrXten Statement. doc I� exc xirars.ruxxevs City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT CONTENTS Attachment A Tax Assessors Map Attachment B Legal Description Attachment C Deed for Tax Lot 4000 Attachment D Title Report, Dated January 7, 2022 Attachment E Jeff Parker Subdivision Recorded Plat Attachment F Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Plan Diagram Attachment G Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram Attachment H FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 41039C1161 F Attachment I Stormwater Technical Memorandum, Dated January 5, 2022 Attachment J Lighting Specifications Attachment K Geotechnical Report, Dated June 25, 2021 City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHM ENT A Tax Assessor's Map WHIM 111iiii ��sFE INNI F Ni e e� - City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT B Legal Description Legal Description of Property For Assessor's Map 17-02-31-00 Tax Lot 4000 Lot 5, Jefferson Parker Subdivision, as fled and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069738, Official Records of Lane County Oregon. City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT C Deed for Tax Lot 4000 T CASCACE TITLE co. TITLE NO. 0325797 ESCROW NO. EU21-0627 SB TAX ACCT. NO. 1692597 TAX ACCT. NO. 1692605 MAP/TAX LO"L NO, 17-02-31-00-04000 MAY/TAX L0'I NO. 17-02-31-00-04100 GRANTOR 30TH STREET BUSINESS PARK, LLC GRANTEE TROY GOE,RTEl., and TAMARA LYNN GOERTEL 40499 MOI IAWK RIVER RD MARCOLA, OR 97454 Until a change is requested all tae statements shall be sent to the following address: ***S.AN1E AS GRANTEE.'** Lane County Clerk 2021-019233 Lane County Deeds & Records 03/19/202102 50 58 PM RPR -DEED Cnt=l Stn=9 CASHIER 06 2pages $1000 $11 00 $1000 $61 00 $92.00 After recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 811 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM 30TH STREET BUSINESS PARK, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, conveys and warrants to TROY GOERTEL and TAMARA LYNN GOERTEL, as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described real property free of encuni mines except as specifically set forth herein: Lots 5 and 6, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION. as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002- 069738, Lane County Deeds and Records in Lane County, Oregon. The one consideration for this conveyance is 5340,000.00 AS PAID BY/TO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 103 L BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitbns fee ORS 195.300 to 195.336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 510 11, C'HAT'TER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 833, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON" ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTNUENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNITOF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED 1S A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LO'r OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 (Definitions for ORS 92AW to 92.192) OR 215.010 (Definitions), TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (Definitions for ORS 30.930 to 30.947), AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195300 to 195.336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for rest fiction of use of real property due to laud use regulation) TO 195336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAFFER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTION'S 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. Except the following encumbrances', Covenants, Conditions, Resnietions, Easements and Rights of Way of record, if any. Datedthis s'1A dayof 30th Street Business Park. LLC by: Tammy Holdings, LLC, Member �Y By: Shauphtylacjd,-A thorized Signer OFFICIAL MNo �vPueL rW' MYCOMMISSION COMMISSION EXPI WRD-IX Produced using RLID (WotiWrlid.org) on 11/29/2021 at 11:18 AM State of Oregon County orLane This instrument was acknowledged before me on '$�le�tC� - 2021 by SHAUN HYLAND AS AUTHOIUZLD SIGNER FOR TAMMY HOLDINGS, LLC AS MEMBER OF 30TH STREET BUSINESS PARK, Itr `a OFFICIAL STAMP MIKALA ANN DONNELL NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION NO. 964964 PAY COMMISSION WIRES JULY 30, 2021 AMP ONNELL -0BEGON 0.964904 5 JOLY 30, 2021 (Notary Public for Oregon) My commission expires—IS—A,-i_ 3.0t__-'�� WF2 EX Produced using RLID (wwvd.rlid.org) on 11/29/2021 at 11:18 AM City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT D Title Report, Dated January 7, 2022 T CASCADE TYTLE CO. TROY GOERTEL 40499 MOHAWK RIVER ROAD MARCOLA, OR 97454 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT Date: JANUARY 07, 2022 Our No: CT -0332489 Charge: $300.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: Lots 5 and 6, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069730, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. and as of: DECEMBER 21, 2021 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: TROY GOERTEL AND TAMARA LYNN GOERTEL as tenants by the entirety Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Eugene -Springfield Land 6 Water Company, by instrument recorded April 4, 1940, Reception No. b202 p436, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 2. Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, reserved in deed from West Oregon Lumber Company, recorded September 25, 1945, Reception No. b297 p666, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 3. Terms and provisions of two industrial track agreements with Southern Pacific Company, dated respectively January 25, 1944, and November 8, 1945, as set out in the covenants in those deeds from Cascade Lumber Terminal, Inc., to C.W. Gurrier Lumber Co., recorded July 23, 1954, Reception No. 1954-034615, and Reception No. 1954-034616, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 4. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Winlock Handle Co., a co -partnership, by instrument recorded August 6, 1945, Reception No. b293 p606, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 5. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware Corporation, by instrument recorded January 5, 1946, Reception No. b307 p093, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. MAW OFHCE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGEPLAZAOFFICE 811W LA ETTESM 915 HWY 101' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 47M VE,LAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAU.ING: PO BOX 508' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 689-2233 * FAX: (541)185-0309 PH: (541) 99]341] * FAX: (541)9978246 PH: (541) 653-8622 * FAX: (541) 8444626 Order No. 0332409 Page 2 6. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware corporation, by instrument recorded November 20, 1941, Reception No. b224 p395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Declaration and Covenant, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 24, 1997, Reception No. 1997-042504, Lane County Official Records. B. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of Land Partition Plat No. 2001-P1460, recorded March 27, 2001, Reception No. 2001-016719, Lane County Deeds and Records. 9. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Farah 6 Parker, LLC, and the City of Springfield, recorded March 27, 2001, Reception No. 2001-016721, Lane County Deeds and Records. 10. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of Jeff Parker Subdivision, recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-O69730, Lane County Deeds and Records. 11. Joint Use and Access Easement 6 Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-O69742, Lane County Deeds and Records. 12. Public Maintenance Access Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded January 11, 2019, Reception No. 2019-001360, Lane County Deeds and Records. 13. Private Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded January 11, 2019, Reception No. 2019-001361, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 1692597, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31, 44000, Code 19-00, 2021-2022, in the amount of $2,059.71, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 1692605, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31, 94100, Code 19-00, 2021-2022, in the amount of $2,630.07, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: at/aa: Title Officer: DOUG PIERCE T. CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 17-02-31-00 DLC 80 ELL 4COR 89'59'50"E lJil7 Vo- SM 14'49"E 1001 a " 0.25 AC 50 4 1 E 3.3' 1000 4 9 7. 1 TRA( .67 AC 900 4900 —2�•, _ � � 3.02 AC f sss�os m i TRACT "A" COMN 315' '- 5 9°42'63'E )0 3401, 199.60' 273.&4 A_ m 4200 e s 4300 I ; 4401 1.06 AC o m 1 AC I i 3W 5.4 A, 1400 78 f �' ry - °42' '4V 4 _ I 9 0.91 AC 4100 275.o3 1500 1.08 AJC ^ 4000 1 AC g ) 1 AC I r WEST S60'4283 -E 5 1 542.36' 19$.19' 275.05' I nl 4�O1 N 1600 3800 3900 m a 0.93 AC 'l -03 AC 1A ku 1 $94 5.14 A 323.43' T 3 wI' 1700 47 *1 0.76 Ac 37aa o1 b� ��,�� —180034311832 "1.28 AC F 380050 z Z� S.3769 1.12 AC 2 ��? 1.04 AC I N89°q2"54 323.43' ' 1900 PONT _e'4r` _ — INT ELL 4wnn �n � L _.w 1'l THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. i) ..,..a- ae, , ...Late, a--- Ca. a-, ..a yeas "lea, 11mie R. Het -lay ZColor, PUD11a :fat BreGaN pfietii gen "qN9 Camvia eon:..eirs. Fall 2oth, 1042. -LLL _ _ _ £ A S E PI £C@"T B1947 1 Filed forlRemord AF1940 9:59 O'alo.k A. M. W. E 511 d C ty Cloik y I'm E 1M. ) By Can L. I—Ie4 [th Deputy Y EASBID E-N':T I ig d T. L Gmrd.yl mad Fan r L G dries, In. 6tantome a— 1. .—arm nbod reel Ftppemty, boosted In Lane County, Oregon: Set do the North 11 f t a T C C t ➢'A C ad 5:59 admiam 1 th of vith ti Last line f Ce tF 1 P 111 A ilm d` Iger of acid North It.. 17.15 chain. to moat sue telly PI E ..a.., of aid Italy, eat line of amid slily. n axtenelon theeeoF'1n a dimem, ,due 46I6fi minis. a ..at of Southerly Shutheast"e of maid` claim,. Vieit to .aid -Southeast r7 chain. Beat I, its inter... ties lith the Out line of mold Railroad Rlgh o the ei.t'of beginning, containing B0 more. being real at T. C. Carter n C.--I.x': C1e1m I. T6wnatiip 17 South Runge 2 S.mt of the NSlla,,te .Ion of which: there in a slaugh which name in a general Northweetaxly lough Carries =surface enter In winter and :early spring sonths. Vu,.a.-£prlogfiad Land and at., Company I Oreron ec',eaetlan in rigetion business in the d,6trint .here said laid in donated and deslrea h ee the Care`s sees over th-1 ria above d ... r+bed far too marrying of Party and is Willing to clear out and onlerp the same :me as to carry off above deac food p-.Imom tq:a better v,a, than It has 1-1fora parried e Sppingfle ld Land end :Vlst.r Gone., Costley to c natru.t"a lateral t0 1 Lon tN "I f st line 2T,d feet North of theS th ll.., th II,6 _qqq ,batt. Hy rat.£ a atrnight line to the East III.. anelaereticn of the paymeut of One Dollar ('I.11) oanetpt of wdo, fa unaensignod, Gvsntare E1,. and Front unto he Lugene-Springfield Lend are Coxpoaatl on, a perpetual right to transport water-gare.a said Snthe .laugh n exiotIte e Iran. the `said peoperty^and .. r Cen.- 9r Camp ony j'by a ...ting :e agree. that It mill Olson tee ... 0 will .alar'. the meta 's busy not to a sad 12 feet"Wide, .end keen on to provide drainage for Surface water'at all tim.a stecept in Mises to o ultx-st find --Intel- 0 bridge eOr... Can along], suitable for Oros. a egalpgem-t. Ana the undet.1gred give `end grant —to the Rugene- ^ Compny the right of way for the c rseres tion of a lateral'. said V the poi at Indies tea above, said right of way to be nix f made I It.. of the lateral am menstruated, and the ri,. to ge upbe th. leap .a tract, -1..... me inteinra more, nIn. C smear eD le arca({. to the ...peaky Dove ama—ibed 1.Go leg upon ..is Frop.rt, ,suit. ; the o r th. right to fee at., p-mino thibugh the .lcugh or lateral the o Option fee 'fi ve (55 ya e fry date her , to p—, ore o ' . alone proper ty at tib.' F i of J�rg.aC per .er The co'.., deo .Itanfill` bridge a ,:`jou lateral/. and al..gh: 19 agreed that theord °aerean9 who .ver used herein shall be ,hall Snelua the ..110 of the C-1 ad the weed herein shell De .1nially binding noun and .bell Include the hot,., P , r -.I,ns of the Greater., i0 in to the lasso d.m.tlaar the Co.ntuxe neve a cuteh thia ayesement in aupli Cate, this 171h day ItND'& WATLR"COMPANY T. 1. Oaeaeer (I..,) FoI ny I. ...men (Sar l) itetyleeasvrer E IT egglounleD, that oa thie`ldlh our meg I.rnh, JTW P -101111y mean fole me, a I--- in and for aria :C0nty, t 0 metele ma T. I. Dmoo o I.e., um� L. O.,tlner, be 11 n STATE OF OREGO14 ) ) se. COUNTY OF LANE ) EN IT REMEM6BERED that on this (L(d of November, parsonelly came before mc, a Notary Puhlin in and far said county and state, the within named. Geo. Giuetius, and his wife Maizie 0. Ginusti.na, Ermiitio Girotina and his wife, Iran. Gi usF,ina, John. Giuntine and his wife., Lucy Givati.na, and Anae]nio Giust3nn and his wife, :foaepni,ns Glustind.,. to me peraonally 'Mown to be then identical persons described in and who executed the within instrument. end acYnOWiadged to 'ms that they executed the same freely end yalutttaril.y r0r the uses and purposes therein named. Wn PNU'ns my hand and eeui Lhis ,7j' k�day o!' November, 1P41. tel c�r.a. `F- r Notaryf nutilia ror Sv My 60 ie�idn�. xplra»t 1 C, i ry �, ------------ Boor and in consideration or the puce et Ono Dollar (11.00), receiptwhereof is hereby acknowledged, a night -of -way is hereby granted to Mountain States Poxer"Company,. a Delaware corporation, its successors and designs forever, with the right to erect and maintain , �. and situated in the County of_ Lenge State of GTPE4,_. and described as Polloxs: r ,Lm,tely._g.>aP-x_mila eitt of_il'rs ci Cy limita, of SprLgfiela axe _bound 0n the 40uth, by_tba c_e;zI. It to understood that the empleyees of tLe Mountain Stator Power Company, its sur Caesors and assigns, shell at any time when necessary, have arcees to said right -or -way end the equipment thereat, for the purpose or repairs, etc., praVidad alwaya that ,sig Mountain Ststas Fowey Company, its sucroaeors and neeigna, sna.11 be hold responelble for any demage which mag be untieca 'o, ly done to the property absne dere r!bed. 4L LS6 yyts✓ hand r::.nd esul this ..day or UrSle In the aleaenre of (Seat) STATE /V"rvC i'>; �-_C fl��4osfGf;�-rf4 us,,.ew;,46euz� TATE 01 OREgWN, � BE IPI MUNBED That an thLLe �4' .-.dry ois-a e,7.y A. D, 19# / , dorone me, the ondera9pned, u Notary Yublie, In end rn for the paid County and SiaLe, perianaliv-A//ppeadrod tom withdn -. nr mend �rp� riu��11FI'r"��..y6� ��FFsG�x0.xr=<S.Z7FCNEwiL ,_ _._ he,G41known to me to be the Wontisnl individua l S.. so exemrted the within tnatrumant ntad noknowlodgod to llio the exerutod the name Creely and Vo1uuturi17. / 1N WII'I1E5$ WHEREON, I, have hereunto not my hand and Np'(•ar L¢1 Senl the day and roar last ab a sii San. � . li ' Notary i b11e for Oregon. My hIoe.isfieft o aItJ 3at�m�����BI, } a s f m P B 99 i - 3g I - RNDfP ALL ALTYRYTHGSI'J PPESENTS,T]V Yle6t Qi_pgm Lopho ei•_(Ioriany, 1 rnhon del r r r..,at ct n0 ernder th Imws of the 9tnte of QP¢TSaA_ III -A,,dcr,L,00 of anTen.nn d..no/10flth_ -_-_ �.,,-., ., ,. _,... -0oLnes 'to it Ped by/WAnlack aLtradlP. 0D1� B.AD.- I.... F.... __ _..... 1 1111 r , re%ame o o n sen nom e+r to aid W],alock .�Wn&l.a Co'.-..cap¢rtner abip ItI ., It 911,CC ¢660 r6 _ LYLLt. and a,ci,na /nreeor tG fano nq +ant "o" tl th tlai.... m f" Ieredibe-at ud aPPur " th ...... do bI rpJn9, or nr.Jnsn.PP.Tlnee'.i0: and oS-oll Is ellta, rep At, Sea cold ¢Wro.t of illoty of ape tV.R.r Rand the,, - mdSiart ELf CoremfV of. J.�aAE ....._.—,and. Stota o/O p bmended amd d van lied n, JaAI s to -,,fit Beginning at the Intersection of the north line of the J. G Carter Donaticn Land Claim No. 56, Notif. 9405 in. tmanehip 17 Ionia Penge 2 West of Willamette L'enidlen, w1tl the ea's't line S the right of wey of the Wandling Hrdn'ch of the southern Pacific Rillroea thence south 801 38' east 566 feet, thence south O° 21' west 300 feet, thence north 92� 391 seat 69.6 feet thence north 63' 50' weot 100,.9 feet, thence north 92-'§5 est 106185 feet, thence south 771 29 west 102.7 feet thence south SO- c0- e0 seat 203.93 feet, thence north 0 attot 25B feet to the price of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon, Alsoranting an easement for roadway area,, Inc. east 60 feet of the rCeinder of the grantor's sronarty connecting the herein ne=_crlbsd property with the present XcNentleHlghway. TO HAVEAND TO HOLD It, ra o,l to 01-11d, Winj.ek datoL' a QD..;, a d o"' " �n r,bvLr. foar allir,ma ,00, s aloe IN It rrz'NDS9 IYf1, " I"', 'art", od,11 - limon of fla-t RoT11 of ld be l deb. a. ,o,idN ,t and Sao, cd d thee, Pro a, 1 to h s annd ti- Prae2r)zot h Sect oval � t Ito h, rda'ru mol.145 6th Z l aePoor d . ._... A D 19h5 We at Orel n Lumber Ctlmp6ny y nen'[vo N'ranm s1r ..- f'>,aid, '.A.:L. p1ro Into s , G. B ruff Sre eta Gi,jA al a STATE OF OREGON, C,.'d, 0- P9ultn..h............. ,�ss_ on ths- nih d.1, If, July ._._.. ...._1.4.45 r,ef0*o me ......ed .'y__'3__ i!olnLeeh _____ _____ nA S. G. _Bounus 11. W me Pee.e I(l L n, wh i 0 bdy .w�uo'v 1 d N Fl,nt Ite, 1I m,l.. A 1IlCIRi.PBh— er tho P—i E t mid ho, idee slid J, _ t. 0 , S. reGrrp of- 39es.A_9;egC,a_l+unber Qampany -- _. .._.__.._.. —thn ,ifh '-,f Cl,po 1 ,, mui Owl 11 r r JAZ vfI aed r i............t .lm co+,—t d Ifen{d Corl I m,d tlmt h, -W f"'t, f pl, y'z'd i, i oot 1 i-. Lel. 1f of —d C,, t. , b" mtlJmrit, f it, Ifou.+$ of F I.*F, om A. L. l 1pdv+d .-M-1'nnrnt la l t o o.et Ind hcd f nurd Cr+ I"'o, . I Tltln,oxvw ,ttha„eh ul It Ill A11-1 —11 aFfi.111I'll ffl—f ell, 11fil lht /*,C 01^, vW rw,tl t 111"—ti M, cnnvmiee iun :y �r ee (J e 1 IU 4 G G KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS That WEST OREGON LUMBER COMPf Nv, pa Oregon Corporation duly organized find exintlaa, under the laws of the State of pOregon, in consideration :^of the sum of Ten Dollar. Q10.00) to it .paid by CASCADE LUMBER TPRMINAL INC., au :Oregon Corporation, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Selland Convey to said CASCADE LUMBER TERMINAL INC., its successors and asci'..' the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenaacea thereunto belonging or in anywise appertairin, and also all the estate, rig'ut, title and interest at law end equity, therein and thereto, .ituated in the County of Lane, and State of OTegoan, b.,odea and described as follows, to wSte Beginning at a point 258 feet .south 00221 Weatof the int er ee ct ion of the north line of the J.C.CARTEH Donation Lead Claim No. 56, Motif, No, 7465,1- Township 17. South, Range 2 West of 'Willamette':: Meridian, with the east line of the right of way of the Wangling branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence south 0022' ,.at 1059 fact thence south`. 690 -36 east 566f t thence north 00'1' east IO1q feet, thence north 72039 went 66 6 feet,th nee north 630 50was e t 108 9 flat thence north (2045 went 105.65 f et, trent. outh 17023 west 102.7 feet, ,hence ..south 8005§.30 vest 203=93 feet to the place of beginning, a Lane county, Oregon. Also a right of way for road purposes over and .along the road now existing on the east dyke 'af Lbe 'Je et ".Oregon Log Pond had run clog thereon to the McKenzie highway, which said east dyke is located upon the .I '. following ; property, to-pit: B Rlnoics at the Intersection of the south boundary of the J.C. Carlo, Doneticn Land Claim No. 56, Notf. No, 7465,„in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian with the east line of the:roll I -read right of way, and irunning thence north 1715 feet `along the railroad right of waY, tfience east 566 feet, thence South 1715 feet thence west 566 feet t0"t as f piece of beglnnlnK. : Subjecttothe terms of that certain lease granted by the West O,Pvnn Lnm11P Cmmobv to Crown Z.11-h—h acilic Company's main line right: of pray hieb said 'strip of land a railroad npar o'nst ratted by the Crown Zellerbach Corners - plan -Subject to the right of Nay Granted to Winlock Handle Co, by instrument filed August 5, 1945 1n Lane County, Oregon under Clarkes filing #155303, and unto the West .Oregon Lumber Company 'a -right of way far the purpose of maintaining and operating a water ditch along the east line of the above described Property, and sl.o O Reserving apt. the West Dregs. Lumber Cc .... y a right of way for the purposes ,of constructing maintaining and operating a railroad_. spur track over, upon .and acres. the land. now leased by the said West Oregon Lumber Company to Crown Zellerbach Corporation, which said land in hereinabovedescribed. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the said Cascade Lumber Terminal Inc.., its successors and assigns forever. And tee said West Oregon those, Company does covenant with the said Cascad. Lumber Terminal Inc. that it 1. lawfully oelaed in fee simple of the above described and granted premises, and has a valid ilght to convey slow; that the said reaf. property is free from all locumbrancee, and that It will, and Its successors shall warrant and defend the came to the said grantee, Its successors and designs forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persona -whomsoever, provided thstlt Is a condition of this con- veyance that the grantee shall not and the gr ,cee covenants that it will not in the construction and use of the said right of way hereby: granted unto the grantee, suffer to oerult anything to be done that will Itself, weaken, Interfere with or damage the banks of the said pond and that the said right of way fon road purposes shall be maintained at the Joint expense of grantor, the grantee and the Winlock Handle Co., each c.ntvtbutl.ng thereto 1, accord- . ones with theestent of use of the said right of way. arepted, hes causes these presents to be signed by its F,,,eiaent and Seeretarp, and Its oarporate seal to be hereunto ¢£fixed thia 22nd day ofSe pte ube�_ A.D. 1945. ,..,;. WEST OR'e60N LUMBER COMPANY � I By President WEST OREEGWNLUMBER COMPANY Ey C� Secretary 5"'ATE OP ORE'GO , as, County of Lane. On this 22nd day of Seotember , 1945, _before that ka, sealed In '.half of said PMbl.t. by authority of '1t of Dirso"'., cG. rs, and A.S..E, Mddn ask. S G. free art . acknowledged said Sne to be t[,e Yree actsnd deed oP said Corpe,order. In Teetl... y: whereof., I have hereunto set my It, affaedmy officialreal, this the day and year first A mycei21ficate, written. My Commission expire. wiOltIIC 1 Cl I I, atlom'cOil _ nl 'ifnl „i ta. l`9tr nvl I th Li Illi - "et1 11 At vu[ LL I 1 1poijilill [l e: l elefti i --i td tl tnr .n Ilr Iln m 1Lnt 9vn1I, l R T�O and Rl u: 1.11on III, IT aJ ae vnrlu nr. .797 / �eC.� 6„H[ OSI/... ��rCv.c. �':: aT�. ��r. ,✓... ! oi; e..... h ' .II'mut l . I M trlr Nl.ne l . e �iorrn. l,.. ! 11 f v t gll f '1 Plo �1 oul �I Ian n[�In le„pmnWl lin{ th.11 �d�n �i9'I l In Lill 1, li,m 1—. l➢ fl- l i_( liul - I nm i.N I^'P"r'Ip 1 - 1 xeyiM1ed_ v. II n hd I �3mae� u-„n.Gr'-c\\Wn yy t.Vr nn Pomp I90N —lit - " J yt � N 1 J :# Ila"] pC o loon I... .. .. -- ___ J !1 _- ___ ------------------------ FA6&PlLN4 FOR RIGHT III ' Pav .Irlrnrtiv f LI m oP On Dnlla: (,Iii r "'J""I uuf '.1 od, u. F] - l l l g-�Eof Gr litilliltaill Statoe Po'— Oompmry lDel porn- 0 ;ita 'nd assi4F with do'l'l, to emt Iml. titin in Aovtii,pt n'vllnp. eleyM1an 'el mslc F '.thug of tM1c f 11 wing: wiOltIIC 1 Cl I I, atlom'cOil _ nl 'ifnl „i ta. l`9tr nvl I th Li Illi - "et1 11 At vu[ LL I 1 1poijilill [l e: l elefti i --i td tl tnr .n Ilr Iln m 1Lnt 9vn1I, l R T�O and Rl u: 1.11on III, IT aJ ae vnrlu nr. .797 / �eC.� 6„H[ OSI/... ��rCv.c. �':: aT�. ��r. ,✓... ! oi; e..... h ' .II'mut l . I M trlr Nl.ne l . e �iorrn. l,.. ! 11 f v t gll f '1 Plo �1 oul �I Ian n[�In le„pmnWl lin{ th.11 �d�n �i9'I l In Lill 1, li,m 1—. l➢ fl- l i_( liul - I nm i.N I^'P"r'Ip 1 - 1 xeyiM1ed_ v. II n hd I �3mae� u-„n.Gr'-c\\Wn yy t.Vr nn Pomp I90N t7xu'? zsae;_arur�a o�,arxlsa}r, tem'fia�l&tlC�.a � aaz�t^,>5, WnIA td erab~dre� vya'Es.wuit# gL, d�¢;� ita zanamcasscra Arses dsddrasaa With the "Hawn", SiCi:'pk��G'3rli�MYCG%�Y unda;n eartifloatess resrm record¢ of Lane C)e#nC4s t.hcmunte oaimnp,3n�!a Ir in esam1 sr appoPtaan,YM t$iGaa"C,ia& "�e,arrty cf xs-ne aaata,6tRtt Qi .xestnr, boanded and ¢degt'%%?f `a 'aP tminr a: thti `o B:Yrnocvdvn or tate e,"&at -Una or be railroad right of aaay With phis as5uo _ 11" at iJ 3. C. Carter aonttion Lena a'last:a No 5h, Motif)10. 748l5, 1n tamaashiaa 17 South mf .. "ang„as 2 Wea't: Of ago WIMmette Meridian and reaaaaeve tkmaat eatl as tn,e acuth llama O?ftld the 31see or sola rallmai 'aha„p chains mom or '!eac to tha norrth ?.36610 aP ton 012a IV thomae igon along aald rood, JA IJO 8,57 ghaaao tar t%,'Aus une a.' t” mitrowt r -t 961 lth &1011-edeld line t :Tt3 msMins to t€am PlUet -,.f 1+adsrn s�y..iaz',: seln$ e pax+t of eald Camelot, :i8 Claim 'fF 1" niA 1,2,:9A CtU30y, 'r[y mac eptIve thevefrwft is trait of 0.,&Q6 acres deaden to load 4asreaty Cor s mail :cs alvaW» bmd 4w that ®oa1a dorsa ticor ',.g. K. apace&+us and hla M. wheeler to lane county, carea'srea, „mccarde'l Feb. �., d9 e to VOILIep !67.. ;.sages 130 of LIMid Crunty dr.agan Dodo ?nes+Pt tharerml the F013aa 1144 That 4ar- t4ln tonat, of rmsal a,x^xpevl, e+axaxtynsi car ii3ea%asts n%Mdle On, a ro-Pe.4reraaiga, by dare ja god 7wly rasa P. 4-S, acrd s+€icorrded ,#u uaS: Ey, fl:,ifida,, In s'to 1ieed, rQcQ dR oY Ups County:, rretgon, in .arrdr 293, pase 606,, Alto Oxcoat eaa% ea.Nt444 Cmc, of Max prap-sztyp osnxa'Trap to aeeacadt %,Wd aear ` arAral l aq , an "U4 .. _. t,aar r sko4 pyx dito dabid awpiamber..maa lm; as^r4ad saptemk"r 2hY %445, in 4414 deeds recon in In'40ed. dated dn13 6> 1945, ZrA ftenivd0d d 6, 1$445 3,es "5s3 dead a*a3;er ?ale in i6[sdk s -q& page 606, {uj §A,O$p®taaa2 easgacent to bVIOS. ta°en end cvnvev,,..water thrmMh the ax3�eM1k- �LLt,}.ra1d"^ drainage ditch, Imauding the terga and s°nareor, as ,granzed natale• E. alffigtilm, Mmmj V., iDlunt Lna and Orescrr H, G$u¢tina Immmunt ftWd _ 1Auduet 20, 1961 T100f4ed SePtgMIM' 6, 19%, ,in geld - - deed reawde In pnla r $kat. •nnmm rn _ I C HAVE ANT) TO MCILD the OR= to said C. W. ft'mriar L:s DOV Co— it", nw<; e•aee::-ry anal atem£s'nm, forever, And aaata caacadL 1.umb,r'A'egmlfal iac,. aoet co,,,,,t wit%'timid i7VAiTR'YMP ui130€P Co.. $T.es tb3d6!3o1keGi0 al:i9 ASR?,{ndtne $'YJZ°wsJG&. sati" it k%,o!.aIn neluad it few aia!ple of the Sad �°c.nerd glm xibk'M Wig hag e vslxd right to money the 'aiwo; that aanec*...Esmasew'a, except as wteuvu .vtateaa'• And the, fwl.os+trl; (1j idAu!". for the riseaal year -.a'5J4 -t - (."'i tone, Beat; canGi :;.ane of u'at Certain :nduttrial. 1 i ;�„ e e't ro' ae.' Sonthorn kacisla i:fi:,wparty, toe&t Gt*E!,Q;ni) L= bar i; t1/.^.Gany and t1lown sSC j.:.J➢Y1,Y,'1tiY coo ')Ormtion dated Jmmum y ;ateu.t ( j L,,%, strv: "x:C1e.A.o,, c; gala eepta jo lju; etrdn. ..s•taaa ag e ent bc4wo' _ ,kuth➢ m P aelflo Company Land 'Cascade . .. .uvaber T'a ad!a?. 3;no— &&tede� -wA7rr g. 1°sail :t. e'3 tha8 34. aa521„ £lilt $t•v. I'rtiUCRl9 "JGX`a; "hell, warr.ar.t =:F.'.i Lwend the aga.g' to .gall ra nn' 00, ItS vbuocv2ora ro io a'taalarcea. r0rover, ngaxi.nst the lawful ,$.'.gy k a aemxnua of `.!1 ptrn FLf .; IQg''vv'r. a;..ccp-. as kabovo `i 6_it C:13. new a.,Iy ths.0 i6> and its s;=;Wre�ts o0at to-O-,'4��,ra dwy V1, v : A,y, 19x4, _ �a>asas4Saa L9rtua�Y '�:�k"T.P$k�. It ill to 3v".: 'R+..`p - a �3iiPe9.rd�'+ASk�%�(�'rh� xsnr+.e tde bs£A items Y '4`y w=� y��y [RI m. 3�i✓.=ni s - rcu1 L ` Sh��ryA.p43" �y"i N1 -ryY 6¢�ff Cfi m daaLA qYS n rf�. L"pipg i'1R"ak d3'u%LCR i4 that he 041� =8. V. mcAuster it the 44X+etl.�4�.'fl'L'r, - lissi;UrE l'a,. iA3E$Ls$' it tiY4 4etiT"ekYEw"yf of 4"49ffi4#9�0rz= Ieac., the 6:irptrd' t9,Q3B E'.esA=SSYeUSi'Ars Y2. ar53fi`. d i t."VW goal c ..: t3 tile x fe i+froins InatYRu94 y't is tS.'U+ tatat 'aid vas a9: itwrki t4n.$ aegled As 9rctSisnA.R' faC uebRdA corpora ;:v auuhorat8 or its 3aeavxa, and o'Ald ,r,. V. Mc4ljZt4l&od YtvWrr, S. Fiul'or.° aammloA4 the r 1 axecu*,2cn Of taao-:E.�' 2nr^trur:ae4t to ro eieo-; ra^a& aot and dem of',tI ~ l corgawrrnL3 ar» a' '4Ys Y.aesxri nt3" 4e T5.e 4tu g ax GNm cPa; pv^eri yaen'. i.",."saE In 4r4.`ra'e ¢:°,� C24'LL# TL iFfl SLa=✓i3 fir,. ..Ei.+?t:. { >k a� TaTra or aOmisslan *xy9.asese z i 'mw n A the laws e, Isle AtnCe Rw y a au�ctl r¢ds a s gran enrsareaims, ➢ade3n, amid and COR 55}"'usxtu asa.19 C. its Wncaessrord aax9 ava:kaa>e: $e#°aT6r, kha faRSb�y y. with the ten0woP4 s, hared&tamensa: a�flx artemaWeew/GsdE P,�: rights under s*rtificetes resorted June 2l, l��"A/, in do _.- raght r000rft Or IAne County. Orepan, in &.ww 2, dte- uov Rod =ltlr .hoftunto xaalcre31e1a, 0r In fl.ny tr"' An --- -- €.iteaF-ed est the-vnl;v of Lw� and state nl' O"Zon- DMAnded..__ and dogdxihed as roklans, to eaitt _..._ . beginning it a Point 250 roe% south 0- 2a° 111.aC iho .tntaereonti." of the north lima of the d C.xtaartev fMouttlan "-A CIMW No. pa. Utir. 7 5, in "eaxmssntp 37 South Aanpgo 2 :seat of _ Willamette Meridian, math tete eEat line ei' the right of We!? of the Wessling braneh of the 2<st VMrr. S'ine:Iflo RellrOad, thence deuth a' a21 West 1009 t'ect, tenet, 5011th 8n, 38, east5t% rest, thma is nerth 0' 21' root 10447 Net,, thonae n'anh 32' 31V wort. . . ehcnoe north 72' Aly' creat 30^5.85 Peas, thane south .. 7' Pa. woof 102.7 k'ctt. ektarce South 66' 59, 309 went 103.93 Yee: to ttce place oi. beginning in Sana County. Sts°,W;Qn. n argot and 35 45k Peet south $9' a6` MostWaMostof of the the north ltme or the J. alm No. 58, Nettricat"10A -10 or the right of m Of the $ewtharan SaatfIs C' 22° uses a distance of. ewe south 89, 38' swa; a Inchon, theists north- 0' 09 bogl Fnivsp, t'. as. mention, ana zregag a. almottm w vjftta or Seemed of right-af Waae ineaa •gt dated F k 1991. recorded ,vogmemVett.. in as dead. ;. recorsu In Basic 444, page 988. (a tva"and�^u' *WD �ddtl*M of ebat c attain wa%ar Contrast betwom ._ y FfetCenaie %3'x'Ygaw%on Asaaalatlon, a nta-;srFarn oo- li7 operative aaaooiation orgaenlme6 under tpha 2®aa of the state Of Oregon, 2^d West Oregon B:.tIDhaM* r3ua�als$.. { ¢e Oregon corporation, stated Augmoe 30, 1943 Aar- rludln_m, that certain, right e4 way tifaa°ss3u.Y'ffiY6#rad _....� { "u iSVzs WD To OLta the smsm,-to said C. le, Quentier PL"'bm' �.�.. , its auccez mors and eaaigno, forever. A 4 sAtat. Coscado Lmmnbrr Torelinal inc. dos. aovmrean,. With RAW C. WP 47uerr; 9r Ln,^,dtl ar Co,, It. syn cu't•'.`aazr aazd aY,@'1%41E. rzrovvr, _... Ch-at it 9.a la".afclzy Seized in fee simplo a the above adeverl'"d ard. gra.r:tvd gromlovs, a[5" baa a valla r3.Rkt 'Lc. oonve.J tote 40m; . that WA rata pmpartg is :'res £rom all enoei+nhssxsozu, eAct@£ ax Above 2ta"a and ogre,c float fallml¢ g;: (1) taxte for tha- _. fiecul year 1954^1955; (P) terms and ea3al.t%ons or that certain 3ndua*.rias ere¢e egxv€sr,�nt betreen $vVtharn raa4.tfa (Itmam, beat Oregon Lmb er CwDany. and '„reacts 3e3.1erGaef4 CordaaYat�Cr3I .... e ateYi ,January 19, 19A'At (3) terms arse➢ atoditiond of that mar »fin %..,cluatritI track agraament baGreen Sanatharin &aa fi'£e Cammy and Cawssade "mber Urml,rel Inc., dated hovember g, 1945; and that it will and its successors MMU um"ant and daraad tkv rents to vaid, grantee, Its aueoeaeoramW aasjgos. f0swadi,. z°w a etude gublie in are. se Por o seayp�t7 ami atb#n appeased the uitklxx utoroA J. 1F. aSatos-his to me BmiGsan, x=na hr" , rir:t 4[354' edri3"'�%a" #ts'rzt _ that hE aiald3 2.- vy MoAlizor 44 the E7caesideast, load Ito��- eaid lob* S. ? i2as in the Seulvallary of Cascade — h 'Cnrcaara., itul., 'Ale ©e-jasr.letini 8..u. ulaize5'aaa d+.ir 4b uka+^�i t,&C iA a l affirat to ties ia£eping instiuevent is the enngxnma&s - pp 5ca'. aY 3016 aoryorat .an; that acid 3Arsts`aunont toulm visned - ff 3 and aeataed in bdhtlf of .unit corparaatlou by allthoritd Z-f its be.,r: of dirnc.to ;; mid uMd J. V. McAlister md &ejae2,t_. F1. iRAi P'x aeutvn rd ,av 'th" ezeegtlon @i meli8 1"Vz%nlant. %`0.'_. be t1r %^. eta:e Led deed of .said-eos"F>£ivatian. 'a' ;'aGt "YS3tiY edY tE,G4' T ;heve h6reeunto got `s'iq FImnd h and 'A"ixed my c1P;g5:si. 10"I ",bc dag Inc, guar rii st 9.1 -bid eiq cort.lf±eac, ¢have lorltter— x t e i ar _—d b SCRPj a c 4Y rCvg*fln ..,........ r n� --I 3742504. DECLARATION AND COVENANT p7S UECCLARATION COVENA 's ode this / / day of ON, by hereinafter refected to m "Owner." ^0 �5: 2949 )ry,24'971104PEC 15.OD > av_NN.2VWMPF9N0 10.00 I. Owner is the owner in fee of the real estate described as Parcel A, a description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof as if fully set forth; 2. Parcel A, or portions thereof, is a compensatory mitigation site, the establishment and maintenance of which was agreed to by Omar as a condition of Permit number 97-294 (Permit) issued by the U.S. Army Corp., of Engineers, Portland District(Corps) pursuant to Section 404 of the Clem Water Act (33 USC 1344); 3. Owner has applied to the Corps for a permit to place fill in a water of the state, and but for Owner's agreement to restrict the use of Parcel A to compensatory mitigation in perpetuity w evidenced by this document, the Owner's permit application would have been rejected by the Corps. NOW, THEREFORE, in partial consideration of the Corps' issuance of the Permit, a copy of which Permit is attached hereto as Exhibit B and whose compensatory mitigation terms, restrictions, and coed times as they apply to Parcel Aare by this reference incorporated herein as if fully set forth (Permit Obligations), the Owner hereby declares and covenants that 4. Owner, Owner's heirs, administrators, executors, assigns, and grantees shall take all actions necessary to mitigate the adverse eovuonmmml effects mashing from the permitted fill by complying with the Permit Obligations which apply to Parcel A. 5. Owner's obligations to perform the terms, conditions, and <uncourn contained in this document and the Permit Obligations (Owner's Total Obligations) shall bind Owner to the extent of his/her legal or equitable interest in Parcel A; that Owner's Total Obligations shall be binding on and enforceable against Owner's beirs, administrators, executors, assigns, and grantees mod such time as the permit is modified, revoked, or suspended, or expires without having been exercised. 6. The right of enforcement of Owmar's Total Obligations shall belong to the Carps aad its it assigns. , 7. In the event of any violation or threatened violation of my of Owner's Total Obligations,. the Corps will have in addition to the right to collect damages, the right to enjoin such violation or threatened violation in a court of competentjurisdiction 8. It is expressly declared that no breach m-iodationof Owner's Total Ohhgafions shall t terminate this DECLARATION AND COVENANT, but this limitation will not affect, m my marmer, my other rights or. remedies for my breach of this DECLARATION AND r t I COV SANT. 1'��RTUJUx. `i ru (��III.0 as pd Di.wcorxon. `31$) Mt E ® 9'742504 9. Failure to insist oa my one or more cases upon the strict performance of my one or more of Owner's Total Obligations or to exercise any remedy herein contained shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of such element(s) of Owner's Total Obligations. - 'I 10. Owner's Total Obligations will continue in full force and effect until such time as the permit is modified, revoked, or suspended, or expires without having been exercised. 11. If my clause, sentence, or other panic. of Owner's Total Obligations, or if any of the teens, restrictions, and covcamts of this DECLARATION AND COVENANT, becomes illegal, null, or void for any reason, or held by my court of competent juridsdiciton to be so, the remaining portions wit remain in full force and effect. 12. Owner's Total Obligations shall be both implicitly and explicitly included is my armorer, conveyance, or encambrmce of PmmI A or my part thereof. Any instmment of ttamfeA conveyance or encumbrance affecting all or my part of Parcel A shall set forth Owner's Total Obligations either by reference to Us document or by setting forth the full texts thereof. 13. This DECLARATION AND COVENANT and my provision, term, restriction, or conversant contained herein may be terminated, amended, modified or revoked only upon written approval of the District Engineer of the Portland District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. To be effective such approval must be witnessed, authenticated, and recorded pursumt to the law of the State of Oregon. 14. Nothing contained in this DECLARATION AND COVENANT will be deemed to be a gift or dedication of my portion of Parcel A to the general public or for the general public or j for my public purpose whatsoever, it being the intention that this DECLARATION AND COVENANT will be strictly limited to and for the purpose expressed herein. 15. In partial consideration of the foregoing, upon receipt of a certi;ed c of this document, as recorded in the Office of the County Recorder for County, ---Oregon, the Carps will issue the validatede validated Pe Date. 1�—/7'77 Owner Subscnge,�apd swem to before me sue:,smmnim roarraaaue this /��""' day of 1997 'nrP.�atYYu te� of /1 "TAY wr': ea Notary Public for the StateofI,GL'r/6-A]'TiY//�1 My commission expires /•/�!/1—�s 200KIMNMRL1AWAR1EZ j IgAM13�3 S J 9742304 PARCEL A ' Beglnning sthe Northvesr GornerdOLD WINDMILL TRACT, os planed and l 1 M L_ y� Co P g � oG 0039' m xo fie` recorded In Back 13, Page ?A, Lane Oourny Oregon Par- Records, sold pdm being marked by a 5/8 Inch Iron rod; run thence along he Wesr line of said Plat Seem O' 32 30' West 1 W0.55 fee, ro a 5/8 Inch Iron rod thenceled trga sold Weat Por Boundary North 89' 42 54' West 30000 =es ro a 5/8 inch Iron rod thence 5amh 0'32 30Wei 58433 fear ro a 5/5 Inch Iran rod thence North 89'a2 54' Wast 2a4A0 fee, ro a 5/8 Inch Iran rod. Mance along the arc of a 245.00 t. -_� foot radlus curve to be left, the on, chord of which bears Nanh 21'12 03' Weer ,. 36.76 feet to a 5/8 Inch Iron rad: thence along the arc of a 305.00 foot rodlua curve to the H int, the long chord of hlch bears North 12'42 43' West 135.06 fear to a 5/8 Inch Iron rad; Thence North 0'04 46' Eas, 269.80 feet to a!5/8 Inch Iran rod: thence North 89'42 53' Wesr 4%267 feet ro a 5/8 Inch Iron rad ser on the rested, right ct woy of the Mehevk Branch of Tie 5oshern Pooft Rallyded; rhence along sold right of way Norris On 11' 04" East 1934.37 fee to a 5/6 inch Iron rad: r'nence leaving said ngM of way Norh 60' 37 4 Eas 204.59 Feer to o 5/8 Inch Iron rod: thence North 1`7'00 10' Eas 10270 been to a 5/8 Inch Iran; thence Beath 73,00 50' Eos 105,85 fen ro a 3/8 Inch Iron rod; thence South 6a'➢' 50' Eas 1OB.90 feet to a 5/6 Inch Iron rod: thence Routh 73' 00 50" been 68.60 feet to o 5/8 Inch Iron rad. thence North O' 00' 50' Eas 300.00 fen to a 5/8 Inch Iron rod se on the Northerly line of the J. O. Carter _ Danatlon Lcnd Olalm No. 58, Township 17 Sarah, Range 2 Weer of the Wlllamnre Meridian; run thence alar, sold line Sarah 89' 59 50 Be, -141.29 fes To a 5/8 Itch iron rad es on the 5oathery right aF way IF the Southern PacNlc Ra;1,and,. rhence along sold right of way along the arc of a 620.00 fcor radlus carve to le-. 1 7 rhe long chord o, which bears South 7894' fd Eosr 1 5/6 In red: thence Inch Iron rod: rhence S30"We 24' 21' 7 fe 240.66 fen rf a,Ih Inch Con rod: ihenw_ Sdmhmy. to 30' Wes 317.97 fear rd the Place of Bey nning in SprinyFleld; Lane Caurrty. Oregon. - i l 1 J L_ i l 1 J This is a Placeholder for DOCUMENT # Division ofChief Deputy Clark P001.016119 Lane County ty DDeedseeds and Records IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $36.00 00160217200100167190010017 03/21/2001 06,69 46 AM RPR -PART Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 05 $15.00 910.00 911.00 This document is Land Partition Plat No. 2001-P 1460 Owner: Farah & Parker LLC Dedicatee: Springfield Twn.17s Rng.o2w Sec. 31 LANE COUNTY DEEDS & RECORDS Divleten of Cn1.r Deputy Clerk �6I.9I612I L.n. C.unty Deeds and Reoonds III 11111111111111111 00160219200100167210040042 83121/2001 08 AS W9 RPR-RGRE CnL.I 91n.0 CASHIER 00 920.00 910.00 911.00 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATION of the cowman s herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred W as City, and - -0,.!, t ?"R4, LLC ,hereinafter referred to as Applicaot(s), do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as F Mows: I. Applicaot(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth in Paragraph 7 below and, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield. 2. Applicants) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following Development Application k4nnoN fof- Eyae(Ml � Wlsog n (LC 3. 1'lie development will cause both an immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of City and Lune County including the specific public improvements necessitated by the development as set forth in pmagmph 6. 4. This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction of any public improvement tlmt the development necessitates. The objective is to pro rom efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for a district wide improvementmecbadsm where construction occurs in a coordinated project with the participation of adjacent and other properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in cenjuaction with each development application. There is no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will be possible and the City reserves the right to requine construction of the improvements in We future at City discretion. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost ofthe following publicfacility improvements described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with respective cost assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake and complete such public improvements. (b) Applicant and city acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater that the costs that would be apportioned if the improvements were constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later. (e) Applicant acknowledges that the liming of the construction of such improvements is with in the sole and exclusive direction of the City. 6. (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Sots ,boas teholude: Wsurfacepaving; (xjstonow"is; (X)sanitarysewcra; {curbs; W)gutters; (X) planter. strips; (X) street trees; 6C)street lights; (Aj sidewalks. (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the Intersection of N /R (c ) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances. Applicant acknowledges that it understands that the improvements made will be those required to bring the street to Cull urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards exist at the time the improvements are made nod may, thereto[., differ fmm the list of Improvements checked herein. 7. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A") AKA 3d' � r f)n - Ay7a) 'rl. 7001301 S 300 Property Address Tax Let No. RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIF N STREET - SPRINGFIELD - OR. - 97477 'Phis agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City. 9. APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND'PO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSIRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant does not waiveanynghtto protest the amount or manner ofsprcadiog the nssessmenf lhemof, if the salve shall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitabifty or unfair upon said property of Applicant. Applicant's acceptance of the non-renlonslr9nce condition is in consideration for the City's waiver of he requirement for the immediate construction of file pabl is improvements that the development necessitates. This improvement agreement waives the property owner's right to file a written remonstration. It does act waive a property owner's right to comment on file proposed district or Say related matters orally or in writing. 10. City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terns ofthe Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws ofthe Slate of Oregon, Lane County, sad City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subject to the Isom and conditions of approval at forth therein, 11. It is the intention ofthe parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall.Nl with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon die heirs, c e,.murs, assigns, administrators, and snavricars ofihe parties hereto, and shall be conslrued to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane Court, Decd Records. OTM Qn WHEREFORE, he parties have sal their hand this day of Marc 2001 Ey-Lua," Fiat By Applicant Applicant STATEO/F�IOpREGON )\ �QSI 69. County orvTm A/�ri,) O�I ~ MQ,f61— ce this T day of before me appeared_ 1JOrhey l���( (r and who beingsworn did say that they are lila President and Secretary, respectively of the corporation, and that the seal affixed hereto is its seal, and that this deed was voluntarily signed and sealed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. Before are. Of�ICIO CON dE MsoNBONNON of Pub 'Rop�,gc, onnran SIGN meoM70INION �PfAMMJS610N N¢336)B3 niar1 M/fAMN69CN ENNA65fPf A,NO By City of Springfield DENNIS R ERNST ALC. Dom R. Reeks—C,Ty SOgvae.R STATEOPOREGON ) ) 99. County of Lane ) On this MARCH ZOO t ,there personally appeared dofore me V,,,K Cil of S ir field and signed document DENNIS P. ERNST, /{L<. LIT`($URVEVeR Y p ng /gned [he above IAL ii2LR?2teFg2� A✓' I /I.fR CYC NANCY MACMA00 Notary Pu is for Oregon /,/ NOTAgY PN3LIc � ¢as, My Commission Expires=�A OY COMMISSION NO. 335646 Mr Wra155WA CNIB ME 1& 100 SaiIaIIIIIIIIIIiiiiS RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DRPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD - OR. - 97477 Exhibit "A" BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO EASTERN LANE COUNTY FIRE PATROL ASSOCIATION BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 14, 1946, IN BOOK 308, PAGE 163, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89' 42' 54" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 300.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00' 32' 30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 584.32 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 26, 1998, REEL No. 2378, RECEPTION No. 9804630, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89' 42' 54" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 182.18 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 30th STREET DESCRIBED ON THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 3, 1997, REEL No. 2312, RECEPTION No. 9744946, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SID EAST LINE ALONG THE ARC OF A 305.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 19' 28' 23" WEST 64.08 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 64.20 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE ALONG THE ARC OF A 245.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 12' 42' 43" WEST 108.49 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 109.39 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE NORTH 00' 04' 46" EAST 608.59 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED ON THAT BARGAIN AND SALE DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDING No. 2000004438, DATED JANUARY 25, 2000, BEING ON SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID 30th STREET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 00' 04' 46" EAST 1324.06 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE ALONG THE ARC OF A 170.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 45' 31' 13" EAST 242.26 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 269.65 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE SOUTH 89I 02' 19" EAST 373.34 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH REBAR MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 67, 'OLD WINDMILL TRACT" AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 13, PAGE 24, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS;THENCE NORTH 00' 32' 30" EAST 60.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF -HAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON SAID DEED No. 2000004438; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, NORTH 89' 02' 19" WEST 372.90 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CHORD BEARS SOUTH 45' 31' 13" WEST 327.76 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 364.82 FEET ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID 30th STREET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE SOUTH 00' 04' 46" WEST 1324.06 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND HERETOFOR DESCRIBED ON INSTRUMENT No. 9744946; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE SOUTH 00' 04' 06" WEST 338.79 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 26, 1998, REEL No. 2378, RECEPTION No. 9804630, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89' 42' 53" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 472.67 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE MOHAWK BRANCH OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY; THENCE NORTH 00' 11' 04" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE 1934.37 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1945, IN BOOK 293, PAGE 606, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 80' 37' 40" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 204.59 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 77' 06' 10" EAST 102.70 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 73; 06' 50" EAST 105.85 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 64' 11' 50" EAST 108.90 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 73' 00' 50" EAST 68.60 FEET '1'O THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 00' 00' 50" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 300.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF DONATION LAND CLAIM No. 58, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LANE COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE SOUTH 89' 59' 50" EAST ALONG SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM LINE 141.30 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE ALONG THE ARC OF A 620.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CHORD BEARS SOUTH 78' 14' 49" EAST 133.04 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 133.29 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 84' 24' 21" EAST 240.65 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS NORTH 00' 32' 30" EAST FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE AFORMENTIONED "OLD WINDMILL TRACT" 317.97 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE AND THE WEST LINE EXTENDED OF SAID- "OLD WINDMILL TRACT", SOUTH 00' 32' 30" WEST 1998.52 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. CONTAINING 48.527 ACRES MORE OR LESS. This is a Plaeeholder for DOCUMENT # Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 200Y.069136 Lane County Deeds and Records IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II111 $41.00 0910912002 03,29;51 PM RPR-SUBD Cnt=1 StnoB CASHIER 05 $5.00 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 This document is a SUBDIVISION: JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION OWner: Parker Development NW, Inc. Dedicatee: city of Springfield Twn.I?s Rng.2w Sec.3I LANE COUNTY DEEDS & RECORDS 1 %1,42 JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION mLLNI PILL I P17 11 20- -110, 31 1 17S 11 mrd :o o��4 w "�`�o nµ�a. wa soa�cm�asi vov�IL r«1 -F2„ z as I lti k,u w+ � .uN- - - - 3 i 2 }m� J ES 1 %1,42 1. lti k,u w+ � 1. � .uN- - - - 3 i 2 }m� J ES �N s m.�-31 s IIIdao xi �a �. .. e 4 1. INDT�« III I airRTPJE GO CAPv / 1 I_m FILING S YQ�Ofi91Y�n wecoxoeo NI.00 AT,AL,,, M141 E.S v1 68T LEGEND PORGAIGNIGM IMUCT61C TREE F-11- 11 ETTER 'PEAMEELD-7 OL _-ulrLETrwx� - N ALLGNLT BE I'll "I I�T"TL UBC IND 'CREEP EEPANNEITI AD OLSON ft MORRIS JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION Gas i1H--i,FA�Mu—�klli44MWIHHHILI mInfah�mn„—nnnnn�_mand ryx x xill DEELB .1Cl�t1 e Y 9:" rPr, .;` m REMILD ."TIED GL/l, UIII�tlllJpI�IIIYIIII INDT�« III I airRTPJE GO CAPv / 1 I_m FILING S YQ�Ofi91Y�n wecoxoeo NI.00 AT,AL,,, M141 E.S v1 68T LEGEND PORGAIGNIGM IMUCT61C TREE F-11- 11 ETTER 'PEAMEELD-7 OL _-ulrLETrwx� - N ALLGNLT BE I'll "I I�T"TL UBC IND 'CREEP EEPANNEITI AD OLSON ft MORRIS i1H--i,FA�Mu—�klli44MWIHHHILI mInfah�mn„—nnnnn�_mand �I_�_ xill ��/ccml _ AN e mnep' p-ua.'m' .-ew[o mivao Cew-x_-epi[ HLF n'u nw /ewl.rztii:'W _mwtwb m'm m irem -B _ _ ______. emr _ 30TH STREET �[y --L _ r 11 ILE �7 EL+PART rm ..r j. ~�' 3� DID AN ARED �ce 11 vm[w Im�rn ® MAN, [wR d �[ i1I[rM wms`iuemuurt } ia'.xvxe ev..- F FULL' Wynn F'I- ABBED GO G.R. - Lu q ZE LEE ERN IIL INDT�« III I airRTPJE GO CAPv / 1 I_m FILING S YQ�Ofi91Y�n wecoxoeo NI.00 AT,AL,,, M141 E.S v1 68T LEGEND PORGAIGNIGM IMUCT61C TREE F-11- 11 ETTER 'PEAMEELD-7 OL _-ulrLETrwx� - N ALLGNLT BE I'll "I I�T"TL UBC IND 'CREEP EEPANNEITI AD OLSON ft MORRIS —yo.=ar— _romi_ JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION 1.11 M 1.o 0 �� a we oxo�c =OLS'OV RMORR6 RN D - --- ---7 IUI - �I e S £EGER 2� a w siXi�l � I < r [4T` z gg n' =OLS'OV RMORR6 + : III FOUND P U III .� --� !E ; !1E 9z!„ `\ \11 P -D ~ r IN AT, Ell + : III FOUND P U III .� JEFF PARKER SLRI71VI810N IFI]Es.1„o _ Ai -0M m w .—I CRI 8�[I7oP5!1133TR 8 0 IM I IEDAEIEI MA- LATE ILSS- 'I IF' 11 -1 ITE, ME -, IT CC3AT1 9211 Ell 11 11 o [ uoxwans =NALLIAl OFT THE wrrv. o¢a eovsw rw. sm my axr r rde[ pl:/LTER,, mn ME 'UT A' LOT 11 ME A LEFT HE OFFERED OSIDD LIFE 1-1, HE 11 1IFF"M"FE HARIALRES IF DA- FEE TIE' D111IEl ��LEFF FIRT T, ED ��FFFHSF , 5L EST LAID rm.- O 11 xu v as ere�eao a FAR FRE RE �wa'u! xon n.esal V 0 N euxow¢ovuwi F g 1 TI STATHE -ED 'I' SAD THAT IF IS A < e. ran, xu Q erg Grvs.mIEl ev xeouq w xHIS enoar ur�ms� HE'—A.D_n�wur i—r mm V �XJ_ vA llirtln-.-� an .m m .....:. n..., me. xnw.ueuca nen' ur roxvssry vrnc�-�ro;,ie>IoneS— 35 ooae _ i ,T SAFEED FAR EAE LED ITAFTEREEI FEEL S, IFIE 3"I Fo APPROVALS & Y�l ,�t ss it's 1 A c)HO .(tm�¢.aaF ws 11 IFEREDE1 "1 5 1111 A mss. 1F11 wws � .nss. - wrvrt.mmnv7 Ll �MaER A.x9.�LATE CAUTHE smm HE 10-1,111 L k mmxrs w� o�—�Ai 9gpgR a OF a Y w=w - jid `'"� OLSOn AS MORRIS 1 A JEFF PARKER SORDIVFSION �; a. WETu AI)TARC1 �� R�FO'O�RYER IIIIIIIII It1IIryryI wuc E.S. 0ltl61i pR. mmn[ /m/oi r�`F �e ..+ala ml -I !!M1m— HIM miii,i � m v a. WETu AI)TARC1 �� R�FO'O�RYER IIIIIIIII It1IIryryI 4CT 1 09031Agp 0ltl61i pR. r�`F �e El El WETI R _I 1 aJE � N ARE APEA TRACT EC ,SEE, 115 15°.. $ e nc�s. L— o�SE 11 m v a. WETu AI)TARC1 �� R�FO'O�RYER IIIIIIIII It1IIryryI 4CT 1 09031Agp 0ltl61i pR. r�`F �e El El WETI R _I 1 � N ARE APEA TRACT EC ,SEE, a. R�FO'O�RYER IIIIIIIII It1IIryryI 09031Agp 0ltl61i pR. r�`F ax.um. ,SEE, e nc�s. O aw y wwm on .x x — war wrr J I'll ISE "I -T -CE ElEElElT ISEEI.E. ., i r 11.1 1 w .rn n Y j s-sre a e y - — OIN S06 f MORR6 1 ,Fi., -:Z- -o Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2002.069141 Lane County Deeds and Records 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111 $36.00 00333996200200fi87420020021 09/0 9f2002 03.26.61 PM RPR-ESMT Cntc2 Stn=6 CASHIER 05 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 JOINT USE AND ACCESS EASEMENT& MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Parker Development Northwest, Inc., is the owner of Lots 6 and 7 of the Jeff Parker Subdivision, as recorded on Land Subdivision Plat No. 200.7 D 65 97 , dated Se,,7.T Z 20oZ, Lane County Oregon Survey Records, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, the owners, heirs or assigns of Lots 6 and 7 of said subdivision will have Joint Use and Access within, and share in the Maintenance of, that real property constituting the panhandle driveway easement. Said Joint Use and Access Easement was created in, and is shown on aforementioned Land Subdivision Plat. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared that: L The owners, heirs and assigns of the above named Lots of said proposed subdivision shall share equally in the costs of maintenance and operation of said easement. 2. The owners, heirs and assigns of said Lots shall cause said easement to remain free of structures and parked vehicles and shall be available for access to the public road at all times. 3. Maintenance shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by the easement deem it desirable. 4. Public and Private utilities will be allowed within the easement. 5. Emergency vehicles shall have rights of access within said easement. 6. Maintenance will occur in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications, and evidence of compliance will be submitted to the City annually. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00. Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 1410 Oak St. Suite 200, Eugene OR. 97401 Granted and declared this i c 1 day of o t � , 2002. I azker, President P ei Development Northwest, Inc. State of Oregon) County of Lane) dWN �.Iatxama.S Personally appeared the above named Jeff Parker, and says that he is President of Parker Development Northwest, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, and that the forgoing instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation and he acknowledges the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Beforc me this io"" day of J oda , 2002. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: �0;-')o5 OFFICIAL SEAL �r 0A^9B5`d L �3®6� �pq NOTARY FUBnC-0aEGON COMMISSION NO 300238 hftl COMMOi..'ON Cffto N, r.'ffB 22015 y Lane County Clerk 2019-001360 Lane County Deeds & Records 01/11/201901:44:10 PM , RPR-ESMT Cm=tSm=t CASHIER Os 5pages After Recordin g $25 00 $t t 00 $1000 S61 00 $107.00 Return to: Hershner Hunter, LLP PO Box 1475 Eugene, OR 97440 PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT (Condition 13) Rush Creek Holdings, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, and 30th Street Business Park LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (collectively "Grantors") own the real properties described as Lots 6,7 and 8, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon (collectively the `Property"). Grantors hereby dedicate forever to the City of Springfield, Oregon, a municipal corporation ("Grantee") a public access maintenance easement described on Exhibit A on and over the Property. The easement herein is a continuation of that "CL 25' Public Access Maintenance Easement" appearing on the face of the Jeff Parker Subdivision Plat recorded in Lane County Deeds and Records on September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738. Grantee acknowledges that the section labeled "C3" of the CL 25' Public Access Maintenance Easement as shown on that plat was not formally dedicated to Grantee, and Grantee agrees not to use and waives all rights, if any, to use the section "C3" of that easement. By way of clarification, this dedication allows access for public agencies, but not the general public. DATED: January 4, 2019. RUSH CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC 30th STREET SIN S PARK, LLC By: Hyland Busine ark, LLC, Member By: , �<� By: Doug emW John Hyl d, M aging Member Page I—PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS AGREEMENT 01717969.DOCX After Recording, Return to: Hershner Hunter, LLP PO Box 1475 Eugene, OR 97440 PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT (Condition 13) Rush Creek Holdings, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, and 30th Street Business Park LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (collectively "Grantors") own the real properties described as Lots 6,7 and 8, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon (collectively the "Property"). Grantors hereby dedicate forever to the City of Springfield, Oregon, a municipal corporation ("Grantee") a public access maintenance easement described on Exhibit A on and over the Property. The easement herein is a continuation of that "CL 25' Public Access Maintenance Easement' appearing on the face of the Jeff Parker Subdivision Plat recorded in Lane County Deeds and Records on September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738. Grantee acknowledges that the section labeled "C3" of the CL 25' Public Access Maintenance Easement as shown on that plat was not formally dedicated to Grantee, and Grantee agrees not to use and waives all rights, if any, to use the section "C3" of that easement. By way of clarification, this dedication allows access for public agencies, but not the general public. DATED: January 4, 2019. RUSH CREE HOL NGS, LLC By: Dou eldkam Member 30th STREET BUSINESS PARK, LLC By: Tamm Holdings LLC, Membe By: n/ John Hyland, NKager Page I—PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS AGREEMENT 01717969.DOCX STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) xt 6l� This instrumetyt was acknowledged before me od� _ 2019, by Doug Feldkamp, Member of Rush Creek Holdings, LLC. OFFICIAL S1 WYCOMMISSION YNTHIA LODISESINFOflD NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON � V�ICOMMISSION NO. 937740 Notary ublicf Oregon EMPIRES APRIL 02,2019 ,..,�I .� My Commission xpires: C4 1 LZ� � ( STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LANE ) This instrument was acknowledged before e on , 2019, by John Hyland, Managing Member of Hyland Business P , LL . My THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: h J Ck /1 Chris Moorhead, City of Springfield Surveyor Date Page 2—PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS AGREEMENT 01717969.DOCX STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowle ed bef re me on Feldkamp, Member of Rush Creek Hol ' gs LC. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE ) My C mission Expires: G' OFFICIAL BTAMP SHAYUI KAY BEkYIE NOTARY PUBLIC-0REGON COMMISSION N0.965477 IIY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 13, 2021 This instrument was acknowledged before me Hyland, Manager of Tammy Holdings LLC. THE CONVEYP Springfield, a Mc interest conveyed CITY OF SPRIN By: Chris Mot 2019, by Doug 9, by John Notary Publd for Uregon �� /3 �,p� My Commission Expires: , ��� forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of rporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or hereby accepted. surveyor Date Page 2 -PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ACCESS AGREEMENT m 717969.DOCX EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC ACCESS MAINTENANCE EASEMENT A strip of land being 25 feet wide for the purpose of public access and maintenance, being a portion of Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Jeff Parker Subdivision as recorded on Land Subdivision Plat No. 2002069738, dated Sept. 9, 2002, official records of Lane County, Oregon being 12.5 feet both side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "PLS 655" at the southeasterly most comer of said Lot 7, said point being on the Westerly Right of Way of 306 Street; thence leaving said Right of Way alongthe common boundary between said Lots 6 and 7 North 89°42'53" West 24.61 feet; thence 47.17 feet along the arc of a 30.07 foot radius curve to the right, the chord of which bears North 44046'16" West 42.48 feet; thence North 000 10'20" East 85.21 feet; thence 30.78 feet along the arc of a 40.00 foot radius curve to the right, the chord of which bears North 22012'49" East 30.02 feet; thence 30.77 feet along the aro of a 39.57 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 22019'56" East 30.00 feet; thence North 00003'25" East 20.24 feet to the Point of Terminus on the northerly boundary of said Lot 8 from which the Northeast comer of said lot bears South 89042'53" East 35.90 feet. The sidelines thereof will extend or truncate at the Lot boundaries. EXHIBIT A Public Maintenance Access Agreement.DOCX Lane County Clerk 2019-001361 Lane County Deeds & Records 01/11/201901:44:10 PM RPR-ESMT CII Stn=1 CASHIER 05 6pages After Recording, S30 00 ss 00 $11 00 $1000 $ea 00 $51 00 $137.00 Return to: Hershner Hunter, LLP PO Box 1475 Eugene, OR 97440 PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Condition 12) PARTIES: RUSH CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company ("Rush Creek") 30TH STREET BUSINESS PARK, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company ("Hyland") RECITALS: A. Rush Creek owns the real properties described as (the "Rush Creek Properties") Lots 7 and 8, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. B. Hyland owns the real properties described as (the "Hyland Properties"): Lots 5 and 6, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069738, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon, AGREEMENTS: EASEMENT. 1.1. Hyland hereby grants and conveys a perpetual non-exclusive easement to Rush Creek, and Rush Creek hereby grants and conveys a perpetual non-exclusive easement to Hyland, on the terms and conditions of this agreement. The width and location of such easement is described on Exhibit A (the "Easement Area'). 1.2. The easement herein individually benefits each subdivision lot comprising the Hyland Properties and the Rush Creek Properties. Upon any partition, subdivision or other division of the Hyland Properties or the Rush Creek Properties, the easement created hereby shall benefit and be appurtenant to all resulting parcels or lots. Page 1 -PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT 01718011.DOCx 2. PURPOSE. The owners of the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties, and their permittees, may use the Easement Area (a) for access between the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties to the public road by any means, and (b) for any public or private utilities within the existing public utility easement in the Easement Area. Emergency vehicles will have the right of access through the Easement Area. 3. IMPROVEMENTS. The owner of the Rush Creek Properties is improving a portion of the Easement Area with paving, fill, a curb cut, landscaping, curbs and gutters. The improvements will encompass all of the Easement Area on the Rush Creek Properties and a portion of the Easement Area on the Hyland Properties. The owner the Hyland Properties will pay for the cost of the paving, fill and a curb cut on the Hyland Properties, and will promptly reimburse the owner of the Rush Creek Properties for the cost of the paving, fill and a curb cut on the Hyland Properties upon receipt of an invoice from the owner of the Rush Creek Properties. Any improvements occurring over the balance of the Easement Area on the Hyland Properties will be at sole expense of the owner of the Hyland Properties. 4. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. The parties will maintain the Easement Area in good condition and repair. Joint maintenance or repair will occur when a majority of the owners of the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties reasonably agree that it is necessary or desirable. The cost of any maintenance, repair or operations of the Easement Area shall be shared equally by the owners of the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties. Provided that, if any party causes material damage to the Easement Area beyond normal wear or by the party's fault, then that party will promptly repair such damage at the party's expense. If any party places utilities within the Easement Area as allowed herein, that party will be responsible for repairing and restoring any damage to the Easement Area caused by the placement, replacement, maintenance, repair or other work in connection with such utilities. 5. NO OBSTRUCTIONS. No gate may be placed across the easement without the written permission of the owners the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties. No party shall materially interfere with the use of or access through the Easement Area by any other party. No party shall store any property, equipment, inventory, or any other items on the Easement Area; park on the Easement Area; place structures upon the Easement Area; or otherwise materially obstruct access over or to the Easement Area. 6. RIGHTS RESERVED. The owners of each of the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties reserve the right to use the Easement Area for any use that is not inconsistent with the use of the easement by each party as provided herein. 7. PRIOR ENCUMBRANCES. The easement created herein is subject to all prior easements or encumbrances of record. 8. NON -MERGER. This easement and the fee simple ownership of the Rush Creek Properties and the Hyland Properties will remain separate and distinct and will not merge if there is common ownership of any of the properties, unless merged by a separate instrument expressly effecting a merger. Page 2—PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT 01718011DOCx 9. BINDING EFFECT. All of the covenants, agreements, conditions and terms contained in this easement shall be binding upon, apply and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the owners of the Hyland Properties and the Rush Creek Properties. The easement is appurtenant to the Hyland Properties and the Rush Creek Properties, and shall run with the land. 10. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. If any legal proceeding (including arbitration) is commenced for the purpose of interpreting or enforcing any provision of this easement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney fee in such proceeding, or any appeal thereof, in addition to the costs and disbursements allowed by law. 11. WAIVER. No waiver of any right arising out of a breach of any covenant, term or condition of this easement shall be a waiver of any right arising out of any other or subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant, term or condition or a waiver of the covenant, term or condition itself. 12. COUNTERPARTS. This easement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which is deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts constitute one and the same document. 13. PRIOR EASEMENT. Rush Creek and Hyland, as successors in interest, are parties to a Joint Use and Access Easement & Maintenance Agreement recorded in Lane County Deeds and Records on September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069742 (the "Prior Easement'). The Prior Easement is hereby terminated and extinguished. If the Prior Easement cannot be terminated without a plat amendment, then the parties waive their rights under the Prior Easement and agree not to use or assert any rights arising out of the Prior Easement. DATED: January 4, 2019. RUSH CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC 30TH STRE By: Hyland By: du O`cfc By: Doug Veldkamp, Merntli5r John STATE OF OR�/Nc�E�GON ) •�yce COUNTY OF L�tidF. J ) PARK, LLC LLC, Member Member This instrument was acknowledged before me onJCA , 2019, by Doug Feldkamp, Member of Rush Creek Holdings, LLC. NotaryPublic , 14M My Commission Expires: Page 3—PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT 01718011.DOCR 9. BINDING EFFECT. All of the covenants, agreements, conditions and terms contained in this easement shall be binding upon, apply and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the owners of the Hyland Properties and the Rush Creek Properties. The easement is appurtenant to the Hyland Properties and the Rush Creek Properties, and shall run with the land. 10. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. If any legal proceeding (including arbitration) is commenced for the purpose of interpreting or enforcing any provision of this easement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney fee in such proceeding, or any appeal thereof, in addition to the costs and disbursements allowed by law. 11. WAIVER. No waiver of any right arising out of a breach of any covenant, term or condition of this easement shall be a waiver of any right arising out of any other or subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant, term or condition or a waiver of the covenant, term or condition itself. 12. COUNTERPARTS. This easement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which is deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts constitute one and the same document. 13. PRIOR EASEMENT. Rush Creek and Hyland, as successors in interest, are parties to a Joint Use and Access Easement & Maintenance Agreement recorded in Lane County Deeds and Records on September 9, 2002 as Recording Number 2002-069742 (the "Prior Easement"). The Prior Easement is hereby terminated and extinguished. If the Prior Easement cannot be terminated without a plat amendment, then the parties waive their rights under the Prior Easement and agree not to use or assert any rights arising out of the Prior Easement. DATED: January 4, 2019. RUSH CREEK LD GS, LLC 30TH STREET BUSINESS PARK, LL By: Tammy It ings LLC, Member By: By' Doug eldkamp, ber John Hylan anager STATE OF OREGON ) as. COUNTY OF LANE ) This instrument was acknowled before me on 2019, by Doug Feldkamp, Member of Rush Creek Ho in s, LLC. NAry Public for Oregon My mmission Expires: Page 3—PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT 017180U.DOCx OFFICIAL STAMP SNAYLA KAY BENVIE STATE OF OREGON ) NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION N0. 965477 ss. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 13, 2021 COUNTY OF LANE ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on(,,611 Q � •v , 2019, by John Hyland, Manager of Tammy Holdings LLC. _ J AAA u for Oregon ri l3 Myy Commission ommiswsn Expires: Page 4 RIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT 01718011.DOCX EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREA A portion of Lots 6 and 7, Jeff Parker Subdivision as recorded on Land Subdivision Plat No. 2002069738, dated Sept. 9, 2002, official records of Lane County, Oregon for the purpose of access and maintenance to benefit Lots 5 —8, said Jeff Parker Subdivision, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "PLS 655" on the westerly Right of Way of 30" Street, being the Southeast corner of said Lot 8; thence along said Right of Way South 00°04'46" West 60.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence leaving said Right of Way along the northerly boundary of said Lot 5 North 89°42'53" West 269.96 feet; thence leaving said northerly boundary North 00°17'07" East 60.00 feet the a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "PLS 655" at the Southwest corner of said Lot 8, thence along the southerly boundary of said Lot 8 South 89°42'53" East 269.74 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT A Access Easement - Rush Creek - Hyland.DOCX City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT Jeff Parker Subdivision Recorded Plat �N EZ 2 t�_ p SHEET oo _ JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION �����II uM44 ������pp��IIIIIIIIII VIII �lIXWWl�d������� ui.m nsounueu �� _ w� N --Fa. Go— m�o`onmrv� maw"=e �1 �N EZ 2 t�_ p SHEET oo _ ImLs1,t �����II uM44 ������pp��IIIIIIIIII VIII �lIXWWl�d������� ui.m nsounueu �� _ �Z ., maw"=e _ er OLSONBS MORRIS ,p IT Ell ELIEN —Al- E— JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION NO 'EATTIEN ALIT Al —111. w1� �� s .: IT V iy ie T`- i smnma �h,�III IIIIIIId.INllllJllllllllllll u ° �""'"" inc�u gl I -- A.— I-.___ -------- ---------- 1, ENNEIA, _ __ 10M4 ITTRI 7 4 LEE, NET EA_ 'A.— LA .exx..oti All IT r�sOT _ 'WML A&— A, ,,....�, 3 INITIAL MINT o H. AN w1� �� s .: IT V iy ie T`- i smnma �h,�III IIIIIIId.INllllJllllllllllll u ° �""'"" inc�u 1, ENNEIA, Z 4 LEE, NET EA_ 'A.— LA .exx..oti All OLSON 8 MORRISl TEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION [a[ a� 1J(1 N A 1RE1 � s @➢6 rEil IIIIIIIIIII I'I!VIIVIIII)I,III�p101111111 "" �_:�_ ' �Z� EPEE He �— s y t ro M. MIT, '_+ -1 I� TEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION [a[ a� 1J(1 N A 1RE1 � s @➢6 IIIIIIIIIII I'I!VIIVIIII)I,III�p101111111 "" �_:�_ ' �Z� EPEE MIT, '_+ -1 — — J J O OLSON 8 MORRIS . JEFF z y�y U } ^^ - „ �2y« �/� , »- � » � ; my� _ � \ s . .s. . y : \(j y W w c, c J M 7 � «§ � / , ` U } ^^ �2y« �/� »- � » ; U } ^^ \ �/� » ; _ r d� � \(j y W w c, c J 7 � «§ � / , ` U } \ JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION 2� \> il \��� � Z ��y+m \ m� . \~� d\ ' ° ®« - »2 A � / } \� N� \ ^ % yA 13 2� \> il . .� Z \ \� N� \ ^ % yA 13 � } NxF sn .mr.e¢ 111 ILI— --I JEFF NREER SLBONISION , D.'OND­.. Xpr`13- LIZ-- IIIIIIIIIII�I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN ur mor. ^ ur nuxam rc���� �-'-• ° DID it uOrx. INDrx u,.x.x xcrz DO DO -r.P avx wxc NE 11 1— IADDIIN ED I Ll F6 �ID ZD ITNO =M "MIDSLIMUT II 11D -D- NDIDE D -IH BAG,.A1 4.e Y ��•• •• ,� 4P w. ay.n rww: a mvvu In Xpr`13- LIZ-- ur mor. ^ ur nuxam rc���� �-'-• Y C xcrz DO DO -r.P avx wxc 11D -D- NDIDE D -IH BAG,.A1 4.e Y ��•• •• ,� 1�2YU9 - w. ay.n rww: a mvvu _ sxertx or x � OLJON R MORRIS l0. City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT IF Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram N 0 A ].000 ® F.BA rue w.ne.�.e mi. my w.. amree we, alplm m® uB, oo�co...fi a cor.wwan,.yava �®.vuk mr a.e.. e.,e w..w®ie a..ao.oluro w.p.ewnep�oriaw ^.., —m sm p,.n®rmpmiNun d,CiW4. m�a�,mp.avaW sweet inu.aipiW &m mlyms,¢oAa. (W,m181.van� 'min8.ew. lv,Rtlfw PNeY.heWtlMe.ef ea wMNeepptoglabpwmmmW fl Be... 9pivefieM, u Ime Cwery wuh mpwbJiry fm plm 1.Wd ,Mrelopism.BNepmaG. Thaeettno ..eme wie,yiee.,.e.wv.eree mi. n.e.n. Hattra, mtifiulirn .y m.o will h eyw2.ImE. Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram Irne m,.,v,ewe o. ana v.m..e.r aw nae ni.g,.w, ma aemiva.e. .rme inne �..noe.ro,evi..mee,,,.evel.ie.aeen.vie, u.et . .,..i..ad.seo ❑•.w o....y..,i..wwi , vwii.... � HWB o...rv..e....0 ®m.w.i....el. —LBBB /�/a.....o...a. �.en.i o...a...t �a .nirvw�.,.. �. .. m.i ®" .U...a.® Nml.,..oii a.., M. ..... . .aw.. ©n ine..aa E.—B,.wi ❑..wm w.,.A, N..+w. wrv.w. ... Iva vena N 0 A ].000 ® F.BA rue w.ne.�.e mi. my w.. amree we, alplm m® uB, oo�co...fi a cor.wwan,.yava �®.vuk mr a.e.. e.,e w..w®ie a..ao.oluro w.p.ewnep�oriaw ^.., —m sm p,.n®rmpmiNun d,CiW4. m�a�,mp.avaW sweet inu.aipiW &m mlyms,¢oAa. (W,m181.van� 'min8.ew. lv,Rtlfw PNeY.heWtlMe.ef ea wMNeepptoglabpwmmmW fl Be... 9pivefieM, u Ime Cwery wuh mpwbJiry fm plm 1.Wd ,Mrelopism.BNepmaG. Thaeettno ..eme wie,yiee.,.e.wv.eree mi. n.e.n. Hattra, mtifiulirn .y m.o will h eyw2.ImE. City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENTG Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram Sk I& City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT H FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map Map Number 41039C1161F City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENTI Stormwater Technical Memorandum, Dated January 5, 2022 Memorandum January 5, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Methodology Stormwater Requirements The City of Springfield references the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual for the requirements for water quality treatment. The 2014 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (SW M M) implements a hierarchy system in which infiltration facilities must be considered first. If infiltration is not possible, filtration facilities must be sized. The City of Springfield requires that at least 50% of vehicular areas are treated via vegetated methods. As described above, the on-site soils allow for only low infiltration. Therefore, vegetated filtration facilities have been selected for water quality treatment. Proposed Stormwater System The proposed improvements include an industrial office building and paved parking. The building will be the high point of the site, and the pavement will sheet drain away from the building towards all four edges of the site. The site is divided into three drainage basins, described in detail below. There's no impervious area on the existing site, but the proposed site includes 34,266 square feet of impervious area. Basin PR -1 contains the south half roof area of the proposed building, as well as the paved area along the west and south of the site. It is 28,175 square feet in total, 23,505 square feet of which is impervious. All runoff from basin PR -1 is received and treated by Rain Garden, RG -1. Runoff from the south half of the roof will be piped from the downspouts into a storm pipe that will route flows west and then south to RG -1. Runoff from the south paved area will sheet flow to the south across the lot. Approximately half of this flow will enter the east end of RG -1 through a curb cut. The other half of this flow will be collected in a curb inlet at the east corner of the site's southern parking stalls, from which twill be piped directlyto RG -1. Runoff on the western lot will sheetflow west to a valley gutter, which will convey water south into RG -1 via a curb cut. o Rain Garden RG -1 has a treatment area of 1,293 square feet and a treatment depth of 6 - inches, with sufficient storage capacity to filter the water quality design storm. An overflow inlet will be set at 6 -inches above the rain garden treatment surface for overflow in larger rainfall events. - Basin PR -2 contains the northern half of the roof area of the proposed building, as well as the paved and vegetated areas north of the building. It is 8,990 square feet total, 6,075 square feet of which is impervious. All runoff from basin PR -2 is received and treated by Rain Garden, RG -2. Runoff from the north half of the roof will be piped from the downspouts directly into RG -2. Runoff from the paved and vegetated areas north of the building will sheet flow north and drain into RG -2. o Rain Garden RG -2 has a treatment area of 242 square feet and a treatment depth of 6 - inches, with sufficient capacity to filter the water quality design storm. An overflow inlet will be set at 6 -inches above the rain garden treatment surface for overflow in larger rainfall events. Memorandum January 5, 2022 Page 3 of 4 - Basin PR -3 contains the eastern area of the parking lot. It is 5,920 square feet total, 4,686 square feet of which is impervious. All runoff from basin PR -3 is received and treated by Rain Garden, RG - 3. Runoff will sheet flow east across the lot and enter RG -3 via curb cuts. o Rain Garden RG -3 has a treatment area of 146 square feet and a treatment depth of 6 - inches, with sufficient capacity to filter the water quality design storm. An overflow inlet will be set at 6 -inches above the rain garden treatment surface for overflow in larger rainfall events. All calculations and details for the site and facilities are included in the Appendix 2. Analysis Stormwater Runoff Calculations The runoff for the impervious areas has been calculated and the swa les have been sized using the Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator. The calculator determines runoff using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) Method and NRCS 24 -Hour Type 3A Hyetograph as outlined in Appendix M of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual. The facility capacity is based on the requirements and facility details found in Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (see Appendix 2 for the Stormwater Facility Calculator results). For analysis purposes, each basin of the property required the following information as input data for the computer model: • Impervious Area (Ai), in acres • Curve Number (CNi), impervious • Travel Time (Tc) • Total Precipitation Precipitation data for the respective storms are City of Springfield design storms are shown in Table 1. Table 1: 2411our Precipitation for5orinefield. OR w4 0.83 2 -Year 3.30 5 -Year 3.80 10Year4.30 25 -Year 4.80 50Year5.0 100 -Year 5.20 To size the rain gardens, the following information was needed: • Bottom area, in feet • Bottom width, in feet • Storage depth, in inches • Side slopes This information, as well as the runoff results from the proposed basins, is shown in Appendix 2. The rain gardens meet the requirements of the City of Springfield. Based on the requirements of the Stormwater Memorandum January 5, 2022 Page 4 of 4 Management Manual, no errors were found in the stormwater system design. The facilities and conveyance components have enough capacity to handle the required storm events and should be approved as designed. Downstream Capacity Calculations In general, the downstream capacity is not a concern because stormwater runoff from the site is eventually piped to an existing City of Springfield ditch on the east side of 3011 Street. The only flow constraint is the 24 -inch pipe that crosses 300, Street to the public drainage ditch. This pipe serves six lots, so the maximum runoff from this project at the 30 -year storm must be less than one-sixth of the pipe's capacity. Using Manning's equation, the capacity of the 24 -inch pipe was found to be 17.05 cfs. See Appendix 3 for calculations. The total runoff produced by this project site during the 30 -year storm is 0.7104 cfs. There is sufficient capacity in the 24 -inch pipe for the additional runoff from this project site. Attachments: Appendlx 1: Existing and Proposed Basin Map Appendlx 2: Proposed Runoffand Water Quality Calculations Appendlx 3: Downstream Capacity Analysis Appendlx 4: sformw ter scoping sheet This document must be QCed by a KPFF admin 2100382- pm a --- (479) rAv Lor µrm 490)- I 1 \ ,p al ` 1 � BASIN EX -1',,., X-1 AREA= 36,950 SE� I I I 1' r I I I \ BASIN EX -2 -� AREA-6,WSF LN) SHEET LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — — — — — — — — — STORMWATER BASIN BOUNDARY STORMWATER BASIN MAP ru ar M� BASIN PR-2 AREA=8,930 SF �- - IMP. AREA-6,0755E w BASIN PR-3 AREA=5,9205E BASIN PR-1 0 SE IMP, AREA=4,6865F AREA=28,1155E U IN IMP. AREA= 23,505 5F K ' I 1 I I w I Age � p q�' - � 479 SHEET LEGEND 7g+ PROPERTY UNE STOR— — — — — — — — — — ElKiIN ATER BASIN BOUNDARY STORM PIPE ® TALL PINE 30TH STREET STORMWATER BASIN MAP PR BASIN Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Instructions: 1. Choose Facility Type 2. Choose shape 3. Complete information in highlighted cells Facility Shape Bottom Area: Bottom Width: Side Slope: Storage Depth: Growing Media: Surface Storage Capacity Infiltration Area @ 75% GM Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity (avg) Results Raingarden Rectangular 1,293 sf 18 ft 3 tot 6 in 24 in 714 cf 1,500 sf 2.5 in/hr 0.087 cfs Below -Grade Rock Area: Storage Depth: Void Space: Tested infiltration rate Infiltration Safety Factor Rock Storage Capacity Design Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity WATER QUALITY EVENT PASS ROCK CAPACITY 100% SURFACE CAPACITY 1% OVERFLOW (CF): 604 Recurrance Peak Flow Interval (cfs) Volume (cf) Rock Capacity WQ 0.0201 604 100% 2 -Yr 0.0853 3,396 100% 5 -Yr 0.2230 4,415 100% 10 -Yr 0.4804 5,502 100% 25 -Yr 0.6028 6,699 100% 50 -Yr 0.6544 7,405 100% 100-Yrl 0.68881 7,775 100% Meets Infiltration? Filtration Only 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene,01197401 541.64.4902 kpa.mm ma Project Name: Sample Basin:I Date: 01/05/22 Rock w/ Perf 1,293 sf 12 in 0.40 .3 to .4 (typ ) 0.10 in/hr 2.00 517 cF 0.05 in/ 0.001 cfs Appendix 2 SBUH Calculation Worksheet for City of Springfield Storm Events k l J j j Tall Pines 30th Industrial Date:01/05/22 Designer: MG Basin:2 User-Suoolfed Data Pervious Area Im ervbus Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNpery Time of Con centratir Tr, minutes 2,915 Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres 0.14 Impervious Area Curve Number CNimp 9R Note: minimum Tc isfive minutes 0,07 RO 5 CI of6 rin 'all 24Nour Relafell Depths Nlla 1Adlstrlbutbn Total Project Area, Square Feet 8,990 Recurrence Interval Recurrence Interval WQ 2-YrI 51r I 10 -Yr 1 25 -Yr 1 50 -Yr 1 100 -Yr Inches 1 0.83 1 2.4 1 2.9 1 3.4 1 3.9 1 4.2 1 4.4 Calculated Data Total Project Area, Acres 1 0.211 Total Project Area, Square Feet 8,990 Recurrence Interval WQ I 2 -Yr I 5 -Yr I I I 25 -Yr I 50 -Yr I 100.Yr Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, as 0.04 0.101 0.11 0.1sl 0.19 0.191 020 Total Ru noff Vol ume, V, cu bic feet 32 1,2991 1,63 1,9921 2,3321 2,501 2,685 Time to Peak Runoff, hours 7231 7.931 7331 7.931 7231 7.931 723 80]Willa eUeSr,tSuite4 Eurn,OP9]01 XL W09@ kpff. m Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Instructions: 1. Choose Facility Type 2. Choose shape 3. Complete information in highlighted cells Facility Shape Bottom Area: Bottom Width: Side Slope: Storage Depth: Growing Media: Surface Storage Capacity Infiltration Area @ 75% GM Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity (avg) Results Raingarden Rectangular 242 sf 2 f 3 tot 6 in 24 in 213 cf 524 sf 2.5 in/hr 0.030 cfs Below -Grade Rock Area: Storage Depth: Void Space: Tested infiltration rate Infiltration Safety Factor Rock Storage Capacity Design Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity WATER QUALITY EVENT PASS ROCK CAPACITY 100% SURFACE CAPACITY 0% OVERFLOW (CF): 213 Recurrance Interval Peak Flow (cfs) Volume (cf) Rock Capacity WQ 0.0131 213 100% 2 -Yr 0.0300 1,064 100% 5 -Yr 0.0300 1,324 100% 10 -Yr 0.1341 1,716 100% 25 -Yr 0.1638 2,002 100% 50 -Yr 0.1915 2,267 100% 100-Yrl 0.20241 2,387 100% Meets Infiltration? Filtration Only 12010ak5treet,5uite100 Eu,,OR9J401 541.64.4902 kpe... ma Tall Pines 30th IMustrial Basin:2 WW01/05/22 Rock w/ Perf 242 sf 12 in 0.40 .3 to .4 (typ ) 0.10 in/hr 2.00 97 cf Acfs0.05 in/hr 0.000 Appendix 2 SBUH Calculation Worksheet for City of Springfield Storm Events k Ul l Tall pines 30th Industrial Date:01/05/22 Designer: MG Basin:3 User -Supplied Data Pervbus Area Im ervbus Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNpery Time of Concentration, Tr, minutes 934 Impervious Area, 5F 4,686 Impervious Area, Acres 0.11 I mpervious Area Curve Number, CN imp 98 Note: minimum Tc isfive minutes 0.02 80 5 Wour Relafell DehsNllaW dlsrlbutbn —WQ —2 -Year —5 -Year —10 -Year —25 -Year —50 -Year —100 -Year Total Project Area, Square Feet 5,620 Recurrence Interval ur6rn erencenterval 2 -Yr I 51r I 10 -Yr 1 25 -Yr 1 50 -Yr 1 100 -Yr Inches 1 0.83 1 2.4 1 2.9 1 3.4 1 3.9 1 4.2 1 4.4 Calculated Data Total Project Area, Acres 1 0.131 —WQ —2 -Year —5 -Year —10 -Year —25 -Year —50 -Year —100 -Year Total Project Area, Square Feet 5,620 Recurrence Interval WQ I 2 -Yr I 5 -Yr I I I 25 -Yr I 50 -Yr I 100 -Yr Peak Flo. Rate, Qpeak, as 0.021 0.07 0.01 0.101 0.11 0.131 0.14 Total Ru noff vol ume, V, cu bic feet 2481 9121 1,1211,3SSI 1,5841 1,720 1,811 Time to Peak Ru noff, hou rs 7$3 7.83 7331 7.83 7$3 7.83 7$3 Runoff Hydrogroph 0.18 0.14 0.12 0.10 C" V L 0.08 rc 0.06 0.04 0.02 —WQ —2 -Year —5 -Year —10 -Year —25 -Year —50 -Year —100 -Year 0.00 0 500 1000 ism 2DDD 2500 Time, minutes 8MWibn UeSr,tSuu,400 Eurn,O89]01 XL W09@ kpff. m Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Instructions: 1. Choose Facility Type 2. Choose shape 3. Complete information in highlighted cells Facility Shape Bottom Area: Bottom Width: Side Slope: Storage Depth: Growing Media: Surface Storage Capacity Infiltration Area @ 75% GM Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity (avg) Results Raingarden Rectangular 146 sf 2 f 3 tot 6 in 24 in 129 cf 320 sf 2.5 in/hr 0.019 cfs Below -Grade Rock Area: Storage Depth: Void Space: Tested infiltration rate Infiltration Safety Factor Rock Storage Capacity Design Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity WATER QUALITY EVENT PASS ROCK CAPACITY 100% SURFACE CAPACITY 0% OVERFLOW (CF): 184 Recurrance Interval Peak Flow (cfs) Volume (cf) Rock Capacity WQ 0.0183 184 100% 2 -Yr 0.0183 742 100% 5 -Yr 0.0434 942 100% 10 -Yr 0.0959 1,160 100% 25 -Yr 0.1203 1,397 100% 50 -Yr 0.1306 1,541 100% 100-Yrl 0.13751 1,618 100% Meets Infiltration? Filtration Only 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene,01197401 541.64.4902 kpa.mm kpff Tall Pines 30th IMustrial Basin:3 WW01/05/22 Rock w/ Perf 146 sf 12 in 0.40 .3 to .4 (typ ) 0.10 in/hr 2.00 W58 cf 0.05 in/hr 0.000 cfs Channel Report Hydrafiow E�nms E enswn fcr Aulotl M Civil 3M by Aulotl , Inc. EX 24 -IN PIPE CROSSING 30TH ST Circular 17.05 Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 100.00 Slope (%) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.013 Calculations = 1.20 Compute by: Known Depth Known Depth (ft) = 1.80 Elev (ft) Section 103.00 102.50 102.00 101.50 101.00 100.50 100.00 99.50 0 Appendix 3 Tuesday, Jan 42022 Highlighted Depth ft = 1.80 Q (cfs)= 17.05 Tree sq =2.98 Velocity (fUs) = 5.72 Wetted Perim (ft) = 5.00 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.49 Top Width (ft) = 1.20 EGL (ft) = 2.31 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 -0.50 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD Appendix 4 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 87477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.spingbeldorgov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ------------- -------------- -------------- _(Area belmd& llnefilledout byAppBeath)-------- -------------- (Please return to Clayton bkRochern @ City of5prirgfield Development and Public Works, Fax # 736-1021, Prone # 736-1036), email: cnweahern(d,rpring&ldor.gov Project Name: Tall Pines 306 St Industrial Applicant: Anna Backus, PE Assessors Parcel #: 17023100 Date: 01/05/22 Land Use(s): Industrial Phone #: 541-648-4902 Project Size (Acres): 1.00 ac Fax #: n/a Approx. Impervious Area: 0.79 ac Email: Anna.backus@kpff corn Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The site is currently an empty unpaved lot. Proposed conditions will include a warehouse, three rain gardens, underground utilities and a paved parking lot. 10 year Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Discharge from each of the rain gardens will be piped to a 10" collector pipe that will run south through the 20' wide public utility easement located on the west side of the site. The collector pipe will extend through the adjacent property and connect to the existing storm main in the shared drive lane to the south of the adj acent property. n/a Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Filtration by the rain garden will treat runoff from impervious surfaces on the site. n/a (Area below this tine fffed outby the City nndReturned m theAppbenn0 (At a nuninwn, all boxes checked by the City on the front and back ofthis sheet shall be subntitted or an application to be con Tete or subnddal although other requirements tnary be necess n/a Drainage Study Tyne (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study — (use Rational Method for calculations) E Mid -Level Development Study- (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full DIainage Development Study —(use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: E Wellhead Zone: 10 year ❑ Hillside Development: n/a ❑ Wedand/Riparian: n/a ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: n/a ❑ Soil Type: Coburg -Urban land complex ❑ Other Jurisdictions n/a Downstream Analysis: E N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Clayton McEachern @ City of SpdngBeld, email: cmceachem@springfeAd-. r gov, FAX.., (541) 7361021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS F° off f10 ° oam: * Bared upon the infornudionprovided on tie front ofthu sheet, tie follmving represents a nunmunt of whcd it needed far an application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this Cut should not be used in lieu ofthe Springfield Development Cock (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design d"mal. Compliance ce with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific inibiona inn may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subnutfai ensure completed farm has been signed in the slime provided below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A E❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for monmvater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. E❑ Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stmmwater Management Manual. E❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stops water Management Manual (Sec2.4.1). E❑ If a monmvater treatment smile is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stonnwater Management Manual. ® Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. E❑ All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall E❑ U Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ® ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. E❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year storm event and overflow effects of a 25 -year storm event E❑ The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section ❑ E A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ E Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. E ❑ Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). E❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. E❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. E❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stone pipes shall be designed to E❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. E❑ Private stonnwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private monmvater flows from one property to another. EDrywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: htto://www.deg.state.or.us/wo/uic/uic.htm for more information. EDetention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *77nirform shall be included as an attachmen4 inside d'efrond cover, ofthe stonn"Wer. shuhr. * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted storrmveter study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT Lighting Specifications IA L/THON/A Lla"nivG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS 11111111, ED OSE—mese:pxifimlarcPar USA standardsnnly. Square Surightstmlta general pmpme lgM pole fu up to 39 from mounting heigM,. This pole provides a robust at msteNmheopturn On mounting area huland Pont I ght. CONSTRURION—i Shaft The pole shaft is of uniform dimension and wall thickness and amade of a weldable grade, hot -iIad, mmmer<ial- qua Iin steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55 RSI (I I gangs, .1196 ),or W NSI (7yaugs,.IM ).Shaft toneplem with a fulhleal lognormal hgh- frequency electric esisbncewed. Uniformlysgw re'm crops -section with flat sad, small mmn radii and excel Pot torsional qualities. Available shaft widths are 4",5"and6". Pole Top: APush non -mebIic blacktop cap'OprorldM ba all poles thatandI mee'ne dall'mgpavnmbr side -mount l umiwire arm assemblies or when ordered with PT option. HaMMM: A reinforced hamil le with grwM'mg prowsom IS provided at 18" fatm the base on side A. Positioning the handhole lower may nm be possible and renu res eigmer ing renew; conwR loch Support-OddmafubflMr Inbrmntion. Every ha WhoklrclMmacwerandpwerantthmem hardware. behandholehmanomiwldlmenvonolzs"x5°. B C.:Admable ABSplastictwv-p'recebllbasecwerfinNbrdmmatch thepok,'OpatvidM wdM1 etth pokmwmby. Additional basecweropt'unsareavaibbkupon apquest. AMv Gaze/ BONS: AmMr hase'O famlrntM from stuel that duet ASTM A3fi vandardsaM run ha afterM to match emtmg foundations, parent factory On modiba'mm. Awhm bolt are mare fircri m ASTM FI554Smndardsgmde55, (55 YSI minlmun ybld sre�gtM1 aM tendlestrength of]5-95 RSU. Topthreadedpoflmp(nomma112'9'chos-dWMgahaa Mper MTMA-153. HARDWARE - All command bstmers are hgh-strenglM1 garranbpd orb. steel. All nonstruatmal fmtmeisanewho 'ued uzinp-pbtM pmbonsteelmstainksssrel. FINISH- Ema durablestmdard povder-cwt finNhas'mcWe Dark Bunre, White, Black, MMinm Nature and Postal Alummum coma. Cassie bushes'udMeSzndsbne,CDarew1 fnay,TennNGireq BagM Red and Steel Blue calms. Architectural Colors and Special Parishes are available by Wme and mhode, but are nm landed to Hot-dgped Galvanized, Paid uer Hm-drypM Garran'upd, RAL Com¢ Custom Cn1us and We." Was nanit, pull bamplea led V. palm fimelft a aaibble fu costumer field -paid appyawtbm. BW MERICAM- Product with the BM option'easembled in the USA and muetthe BuyAmezirn(n) pemiredpatca.t "uhaarEmIl ea EAR, OEARSand OOT. Pknseref r to wwwacubbrands.mMbuva merican baadddbwl'mfcamat'nn. INSTALLATION- BO ad sort polescadhout having fidures'msb11M. EactuysupplM tempbtesmmt betrothal RttfflgaflChMMt. IehaniaLgMM willnmxcaptda'miba'Mca anchamgepkca t due bfaibreb use INMnia Lightning facbmtempli Npoleore shard etlde, allpimmrvewrapping mustberemoved ImmMbte yWart del'nerybpreent finNh damage. Lnhonia LgMing lsmtrespuidble On the bundat'wn desgn. WARPANW— I -yen 11mmM warranty. Comp hate warranty tum located at acadvmanduoMswvmlManannflerna-and conditions NOTE:Acmalperfmmancemayddk waeekd nM1useaenv'nwmentaM optimum. Spnificatbm egos b change rashout uetke. TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT w; NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "i- POLE" rote LITHONIA#SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD ape Anchor Base Poles SSS SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL IIIA guy Amnion seebomron, mains, OUTDOOR POLE SSS SSS Square Straight Steel Poles lead t'minwill.atrdependin9on wt��=elmed.mmnnwnM1wnl=an�leme,entame. TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE 71- POLE" LITHONIA #SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD 5% Nanilfi-1. NoorinN 5edes mauntin9hel si our 1 SSS' 10'-39 9 4"1191.1196'9 tenon moumino AEAISniend drill shimm lmtalled Standardmbm (furl/2U 9G 4491.11939 PT Open top l'mdodn mounT VD VOlatbndampn DDPON Dirkbmme inumomems,aAd-6 X 5"it 91.1196'9 NOW Hm'¢ontalalmbrttket(ifixtuoul OWH%D White F. M-6l,uak Ex N-fi equab w 51491.17939 TM E--3/8''O.D.12"NPS) OMiffiAST_ 2at183° NUy Fnmon wtletlrnelmtkal` DBI%D Black 2(1 AS 6'491.17939 T25 2-7/81' OLD. (2-1/2" "'. DIABAST_ Eat 90° CPL12/xy 1/2"(nupl'm9` DMB%D Med'mm NPS) ". 0443991_ Sat 90° (PL34/ry 3/4"mwl.m9v bounce SeeGenocidal 'mfmmatbntable Aete(hi l 'mfmmat'wn table TM 3-iR"0.0(3"INS) DM99A5T 4at9R CPLt/xy Vital DNA%D Natural futmmpkte fm(ohnni T35 4"O.D.13-1/2"NPS) !, OMFDn-uex end drill NPL1Yry 1/2"@readcd nipple` aluminum oNmin9 mdm'm9 XAC/XAD/XSF/XSFIXVR/YVF mountino^' Classk mbrs 'mfotmatbn) 'mfmmat'wn.) Dtillmon MUMMQ N19MAT 1at90° Ill 3/4"tineadidn'ppk` DSS Sandsloce 20r -Orr W19 tat91° DM2AMAT_ 2.t183° NPL1/ry 1"tbreadM n'gpk` DiCM1arcoal" W28 2at18(PEXE, "i DM79MAi_ 2at9R EMtalxodbok" DIG Tennkgtcen DM28 PL 2ati8RwNM1 one 'i, DMnMAT_ Sat 90° NEC lOmmLLadi kmcd DBA BI Inked 9 stlt ploggM handhrchmant DL Labeled) haddhe DM29 2at9R DM99MAi_ 4at9R N btm'wo mating° BB Stcelbbe Own Sat 90° A"hnrcl"ml(arl Sceekl F'mkMs Ell Oat 90° UAL Lrnan(hmbolb Okludewhen Gahanded, Paint wm (S%NSX/ASX/AEAIS`AMEItl`/ "i mwil an(Iwtbdtlacem� Gehanded," Coke, HI AIXAX Chill"wumin" ID Tampellesktant handMkewn Cmtmn(obrsaN DM19AS tat 90° famecers Extended Warranty I. UL UL feted with khat preludes NEC FmisM1esavailable. Ell tat Oil mnplbnt(weo) DM29AS tat 90° ''i MA BuyAmmkaln)Aet(omplbnt10 W399 Sat 90° ".. DM999 Oat 90° AADallllmwntinn ''.. W19AAD 1at9R ". DM28AAD 2at180° DM29AAD 2at91° DM39MO 3at9R DM99AAD 4at90° RX Drllmnmlm" DM19E5% 1 a 91(1 DM28ES% tat LAW ' DM29ES% 2at90° DM39BX 3at90° ". DM49BX 4at90° NOTES'. 1. Hand here saved lHH(d full base mverslm(l and hepcaps (To shIpped xgn[tly, W need mall cut do tom doradditiwal pans p'ex good ras rep lxements. 2. WalI 1M1Idnsiss will beslgnHad with a"('(1l 6auge)a a"G(74calin nwnwd.re'("-0.1196°I"6°- 0.1793". 3. stated too possindudetepup.When oNering burn moddre, and drill muuNrg 6r Na urc plgMbx NG died inno. Di The rom dhave n lno masa me a red extra hand had 9. mead the fidocre, stop smoffir rthe cenot ddll'mg template parts in anderenlMiw [wnpMibility 5. Ipart "1"ort" N deelgcare fidureslxl e . DIT9AS12. 6. Spxlfy loatlw and wlenhtlon when a Medng opdw. For ". SpxFythem,hahwe Ne hxof pde'm hMorfing"More wdrMektladirchesxilM1a=". 6mnm'e' 5R=5ond20ft3m-X-3 For "'. SpecryodwMbn6om handump LAG(D) Fekrb McWnMde@ieddimday mMlom. 6mnp'e: l/Tddm,hr d5'8°,anenAi OflU54C IALIMOMA L/GNT//VC ]. Nobel oU x23/8"0. D. trnwshndal lM ndlusarc pmvlding 12' rward2ANCALlfmdeny Has hotlmnhlarmrtMesimemOtspalfywlN HAM 6ample'HAPODD. A, (omhircdon oftenwtop and drill mount ududeseAa handhole EHH does not include rwep akri¢Vazmml "'if dNN. 9 Llovikseinahad rwmsiw renslana. IO. Use when mill anifirrtiws are mg, a red IL Wdltlonal mlorsavallade; ss www Nonhmmh¢hmb¢or AMi[Mural(obrs hmdure form No. 1913). Available hylmmal guofewlW(wwlthdurykmathik POLE -SSS OUTDCOA: One LNboniaW Cm,cw,GAMO12 Plwne:830.29-SEAV12ID8) www.InhaddWaom 019942021 A(ully Brands Lgbtinryln(.AIIti9M1tsre-xwd. An. 10/101 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAY ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "T1- POLE" LITHONIA #SSS-20-4C-DMI9ESX-DDBXD EPAvaLeSxetaN 99 7-93 mind hap her lR flmarawa 6 aanepalehigM Er 706 equals Xft&q. BASE DETAIL 0 0 or TKHNI@L IN FORMAT ION -EPA (fUO with 1.3 gust Shaftbase (wlag Number Nominal Shaft Deal Uf j- Pole5haft5rze (Base in. r ToP l Wallthick (1n) Oauge eOMPN Mar, weigh EPA(W)with 1.1 guirt Al 90MPN wall 10OMPH Mar weight Bolt wle (in) Poltsitt (in. rin. ain.) App rorinote sldpwei�t Obq SSS109 10 4Ax10A 0.11% 11 IDA 765 238 595 18.9 473 8-9 3/4xi8x3 75 SSS12K 12 4Ax12A 0.11% 11 24.4 610 188 470 148 370 8-9 3/4.18x3 90 SSS149 14 4Ax14A 0.11% 11 19.9 4% 15.1 378 it] 293 8-9 3/4xi8x3 IN SSS16K 16 4Ax16A 0.1196 11 15.9 3% 118 795 8.9 223 8-9 3/4.18x3 115 SSS189 18 4Axi8A 0.1196 11 12A 315 93 m 63 OR 8-9 3/4xi8x3 RS SSS209 20 cl 111196 11 91 290 67 167 43 150 8-9 3/4.18x3 MO mm" 20 4AxNA 0.1793 7 14 350 11 275 8 Ad 8-9 3/4.30x3 198 SSROS( 20 5AX20A 0.1196 11 17.7 943 12.7 343 9.4 235 10-12 ixMx4 185 Mn% 20 5Ax20A 0.1793 7 28.1 7A3 21.4 535 161 905 10-12 ixMx4 2fi5 SSS259 25 4Ax25A 0.1196 11 48 IN 2A IN 1 W 8-9 3/4xi8x3 179 SS9254G 25 4Ax25A 0.1793 7 108 279 73 188 5.4 135 8-9 3/4xMx3 245 MASSE 25 5Ax25A 0.1196 11 98 245 63 151 33 150 10-12 1.36.4 m M2S5G 25 5A.25A 0.1793 7 183 963 133 333 93 m 10-12 1.36.4 360 SSS304G b 4Ax3OA 0.1793 7 63 168 4.4 110 2A 65 8-9 3/4xMx3 795 SSS30M b 5Ax30A 0.1196 11 43 IN 2 W 10-12 ix36x4 265 SSS30% m 5Ax30A 0.1793 7 103 261 63 161 3.9 IN 10-12 ix36x4 383 SSS30W m 6Ax3OA 0.1793 7 19 475 133 3M 9 m 11-13 ix36x4 520 Stt355G 35 5A.35A 0.1793 7 5.9 150 ZS 100 10-12 1.35.4 990 Stt35W 35 6A.M.0 0.1793 7 114 310 71 190 42 105 11-13 1.36.4 SW SSS39W 39 6Ax39A 0.1793 7 72 IN 3 75 11-13 1x36 x4 fi05 EPAvaLeSxetaN 99 7-93 mind hap her lR flmarawa 6 aanepalehigM Er 706 equals Xft&q. BASE DETAIL 0 0 POLE PATA or POLE PATA Shaftbase Bull Bolt Base Baseplate Template Anchor halt Anchor bolt and Andwrbolt 'Itt circle oltion diameter thickness description description templatermnbm description A ec 4'Y 8"-9"315-3.75 8"835" O]5" ABTEMPLATE PBOOW I AB18-0 All3/cleaM'3" 4'G 8"-9"338 -3.75 8' 825" 115" ABTEMPLATE PBOOW ABM -0 ABSS49G 1410"1" S' 10'-1T' 35"-4" it" 1" ABTEMPLATE PSOOIO ABM -0 ABSS9-5 1'),36),4" 6" 11" 13" sl 4.W" 12.5" 1" ABIN PLATE PBOOII ABM -0 N/A 1'),36),4" A B Ilm� II I! ,Illi illy IA L/TNON/A L/GUT/NG• NANDNOLEORIE11il N P B Craul[OM19 nde R. A_" Handbale IMPoRTANTINSTALLATIOR NOIFS: •OanN erx[p�le wiNou[M1rving fixture lnsfallN. . fxtorysuppl'ed hmArte must he used when seLdng amhwhoRs. Lithwia Lighdngwillula,ap[ daimfl nu-1-hwagep'xementdueto hlluretouse Lithwia Lghtingfx...mplahs. . RpdearestoreloutsHeallpmtrrWewnpping mmthremualmmedirtelyupwhllverym peertfilushdam,ge . LRhwia Lghting lsmth,spwsihlefwthe foundrtondegn. POLE SSS OUTDOOR'. One Lithonia%N Con,e,W3W12 PMne:800.705-SEAVp378) wwavIthom'il 019942021 AmNy Broad, Inal lmc. All TOOK resnwd. Are. 101891 TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE "T1" &"Z LITHONIA#ESX1-LED-P2-40K-R3-MVOLT-UPA-BLS-DDBXD-M2 �'a Contractor Select" ESX1 LED Area Luminaire The ESX1 LED area luminaire prances the comb instead of best product, best price and best deliveryand is idealforreplocing 150Wto40M HID luminaires. ESXproaides upti enemy saving, long service life and fast payback. All E91 lummairs feature adjustable light output, providing two light levels from each Immune, une, allowing greater flexibility in thefield and on distributrs'shelves. ESX LED Is competitively priced and always in stock forqukkdelivery. FEATURES: • ReplasesiSDWta400WHID • 8,010 to 25,000lumens • Adjustable Light Output (ASO) technology ldefaull set to hgh) • Type3opticavailablem,10001(and5000K • Reversiblearm mounts onto minimum 3.5'mund and square poles ' C@11111®wclxlxx P11114. mrarmseJr= UTTER a"rano. .•r.•rr Noce Notall Prot mnPgura[ionop[ionsarenamed In dreContarmrSelxtprogram. MoremnPgurationsareawilable. Clirkhe• or viaitw.reacul brand—or and sezmhfor E91 LED NI luminous feature ad j entable lightoutpupa reversible arm for mounting on round and square polaand dark bronco finish. The lumen moorland lnputwamshovn are nominal wlua. CONTRACTOR SELECT ESX1 SERIES LED Paget M2 fL/THON/A Specifications INLENDEDUY: The ESXoHers a rompletearec lighting package providingevery4hirg receded to replace 15oWto400N HID area luminaires Adjustable light output providcetwo light leelsfom one product, allowing grederflaibihry while helping"nos nwntmy costs. CDNSLRUCIIOk The ESX LED are lummairefeatures a Logged diecastalummurn win body housing that ones houtdinipatirg fins and flowthrough venting to provide optimal thermal management that both enhances LEDeUkacy and wends component Ibe. The mounting an s made of evaded aluminum and itvever iblelunnion al lows for mounting on round and square poles. The luminaires op&s are I rated, and sealed against moisture and erwionmental certain icards. The Iawpofiledegn resuhs In a low EPA ESX is rated for minimum 1.5 G vibmtbn Used per ANSI C13631. ELECTRICAL: Ughtengmw consist of higheHkacy LEDs with LED lumen maimenancegreaterthen 187161,000 hours. Color temperature(CCT)options of 4000K and 500oK with minimum CRI of 70 are available Elertmnicdnivas are 0-1oVmpable of continuousdimming,and ensure ,stern pawerfador>90%and THD<20%All Ithrushes have 6eVsurge pentad a rDrag r Input veltagesavaiable in M4OLT(120-27N)and HCUTI3474800). INSLAINTIDk FSXfeatures an worded aluminum an that s reversible al lowing eta mount on bath mord and square poles. E91 ran be mounted onto minimum 3.5'square and rood poles. An acrenory wall mount bmckd is also avaiable. IJIMIN S: UL listed to meet US. and Canadian standards. Suitable for wet locations. Rated for 40Y minimum ambient. Desgnaghts Concodiuni IIRC) Premium qualified product. Not all versions of this product maybe DIC Premium quali ed. Hucsecheckthe DIC Doalifed Products butatypm, desinnlUhtsoUioMtoconfnmwhchwe nmarequaldied. WARRANLI*. Syear limited warmnry Complete wanranry tenors located at Mob Actual performance may diflerasa result of endusca er nmenment and application. All wines are desgn or typical values, measured under ahemtory conditions at 25 Y. Spcaihodionssubjettochangewehoutm&e One LitFonia Wag Congers,OA30012I 1-800-708-73781 ww Lhhoniacom Q2021Acuity BrandsLighm,,Inc. AllrigMsreserved. Rev. 02,gi TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAY ELECTRIC, INC. TYPE 71 rr LITHONIA #ESX1 -LED-P2-40K-R3-MVOLT-U PA-BLS-DDBXD-M2 Dimensions IMMIO� �i IMM1�� IMMLM�� Luminaire tengm W I WIdm W I Height(gh I weight I EPA ADJUSTARLELIGUIDIFLPULIAlO) Internal Switch. Povidestwelght lEwl; forgrederflexibihry within one 4%�,productldeauhs tto high). The UM reversible arm is designed to mountanto round and square poles. During wMilation, the flat and of theanm s placed against the flat surface on square poles. When using with muM poles,the arm can betumed sound so that the curved card a placed against the curvature on round pales. E91 can be mounted onto minimum 3.5' square and round poles. CONTRACTORSELECT ESXI SERIES LED Page 2 oft • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED 1,550 LAmera, 1IW 30KSULK TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT WPX LED WPXI LED NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. Wall Packs 34] 347' TYPE "We 6,000 Lumen, 47W WK 5000K LITHONIA #WPX3-LED-40K-MVOLT-DDBXS SP• F F 5>0 c us ....y �. 20 Introduction Specifications The WPX LED wall packs are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing solutions for both H ID wall pack replacement and new construction opportunities. Available in three sizes, the WPX family delivers 1,550 to 9,200 lumens with a wide, uniform distribution. The WPX full cut-off solutions fully cover the footprint of the HID glass wall packs that they Front View side view replace, providing a neat installation and an upgraded appearance. Reliable IP66construction and excellent LED lumen maintenance ensure a WPzt 8.Y(M.6cm) 1 11.Y(283cm) 1 33'(8.1 m.) 4.0'(103.) 0.6'(Aci I) 6.1 Ds Re) long service life. Photocell and emergency egress WR2 93°123.1Lm) 1 123°(31.1Lm) Ia3°110srep) I 4r(113cm) 1 0.Y11.7cm) 82I11 ) battery options make WPX ideal for every wall WPX3 9s°(24.1Lm) IIV(33ALm) 5Y(13]Lm) 4.Y(12A.) 0.Y(.7.) nnles ls. 11 mounted lighting application. • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED 1,550 LAmera, 1IW 30KSULK DuITurRe MIT 120-2)1V WPXI LED 2900 Lumen, 24W Q 4000K 34] 347' WPX2 LED 6,000 Lumen, 47W WK 5000K Wte immM1m0plEm, WPX3 LED 9,200 Lumens 69W Plate 1p Note: The lumen output and input power shown in the ordering tree are average representations of all configuration options. Spun fic values are avebabk on request FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The eVP%LED-cl pad¢ aredasigmul to proNdaa cmLaflamen,, wargy.eMciantrol Wion far the onafar.ane Whecenmentef eaiging HID wall p eckd The W nd, W mQ and WPX3 are ideal for replatlng luno 1 W W.2aAW and 41AW HID lumlealrem re rmencel% WPX lumlmen edallvara notes. wide dlndbmlon. WPX le rand fm 4rno 40T CONSTRUCTION WPX f-maa dl—in alume, In body wuh op, mal themal ma nagwrem Imp both enhances LED elkeq and aaacdm cormon nt He The lommaves ane IPM rated, and sealed agalnmI —,..,a on ene'en manbl com—"H. ELECTRICAL Light engl nee) configuretons mnslg of no h.aMcar. LE D, no LE D lumen mal numa— of L5 Pel no,m Colo r to mpe rata I. tCCT) Wtie and 3030K, 4030K and any) K wth minimum CHI of 70 Elammume ddvasen eryneo pose, fame, >W%and TITD egUo Al11, on mew have 6 of a. me pmrecLlon(Done'. WP() LED c reek,-- can a. m and a. me Pmnmlen raring oft kW In— be ordwed whh an gong nal6Wv umepmnahom All phorarelI HE)apeate on Moo 9(12W-2nN IMA Nora'. The standard WPX LED wall pack lura with fialciadjumibla once fagwe. Thlsfeameallovatuning the output cru ant of LED drivers to adjust the lumen outpa (to dim the IumIcaw (DEAL None DDBXD DuITurRe F411111 Eme V in, beery badop, CEC mmpl'RAt DWKKD White (QW, WC .11), DBIL) Black E14WC Emerge beel)'badup CECmmpl'ant 04w, -2o Cmm) Wte immM1m0plEm, GCnwltfanmy. PE Plate 1p geES 1. All WPX wall pxks dome with 6kV surge poemection weone on, except WPX1 LED P1 kae which domes with 25W surge pm@cton standard. Add SP W option to get WPX�1 LED o71 id, 6kVsuge prdection. Sample nomenclature: WPX1 LED P1 MK WOLT SPD6KV DDBXD 2. Bat@ry pack options only ecelable on WPXI and WP)2. 3. Bat@ry pack deens rot available with 347V and PE options. INSTALLRpN WP%wnbamountedd,,e lyow,as4ndardeletlriu1jund,onboa. Three1/2—hconduitpm6 ntheesidesa11orvf—effe-ounduit no Apon on the back sudare all pokatbough conduit ringo sudacesthatdonther electriuljund,onboa. Wiring can be opeeke the 'unuall on, mnr—mem In all cem WPXbonly recommended for collations wah LEDs facing doxnwwds. LISTINGS CSA Wnified to meet U.5 and Gmedian ebndel soluble for vel loutione. IPM Wted. DesignLigh%C nwniumO(DLQqualifiedpmdud. Notallversionsdthispmdudma,w DLC qualified. Plaaeeheekthe DLCOualified Products Lig at wwry des onl'ohn o VQPLW wnPom wnch-consaacl. Intamglonal DekSky /bmcienicn(IDA) Fgre Seal ofkpowll (FmE,a wandbla for all pmduds on ins page all no X03b color tamperer e,only WARRANTY s -mc a....tkdwma°q Completew a nm tecrneentedx a�l�dmnd:.ro /cunt mcm��our ancmn and ronmtmnaaanw Nob: Mual perbrmance may dills m a wult of and— endmnment and wichween All values aradmign or lypiul velum, mamured under IaIbrdorywnditionaat2SC. Simefiunons subject W change w,thout none '. L/MUMA WPX LED Rev. W/31/21 One Utdonia Way • Conyers, Gemgia 30012 • Phone: 1,800.205,5ERV p308b • ww.,.l Mone cora _ LlGNT/NG 0XA1-zG21 AwIn ma mi Dg he ng, Ino A I,ghtm,maned. COMMERCIALOUTDODR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. - -. I TYPE "W" LITHONIA #WPX3-LED-40K-MVOLT-DDBXS Electrical Load Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecdora in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen mainten we factor that corresponds to the desired number d operamy burs below. For other lumen maloteiarce nfa Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === 1o0W i1W iWW 7WR3 WWI LED Pt i1W a09 OAS OAS ox 0.03 VXI LED P2 24W 0.200.12 1.00 0.10 0A9 0.02 WPX2 4M 0.39 OA aID 0.17 E14 WPX3 BAY ase om an OSS an Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecdora in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen mainten we factor that corresponds to the desired number d operamy burs below. For other lumen maloteiarce nfa Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === 1o0W i1W HID Replacement Guide I 3PF 105 5T 1o0W i1W iWW 7WR3 29W Bow 4M 40AW 60 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Usethese factors to determine relative lumen output for a+emge ambent OT I 3PF 105 5T 41-F IAN lox SRF 1.03 15% 5RF 1.02 IDY WE 1.01 Z% ]PF 1.00 Sox WE 0.99 35Y 9SF 0.98 90Y iW°F 0.91 Emergency Egress Battery Packs The emergenry battery bttkup 6 integral to the luminaire—no external housing or back box is required. The s mergenry battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of %minutes and deliver minimum initial output of 553li mens. Both battery pack options are CEC compliant. Standad RC 4W FArH WR2 LED MUM EGWH DDBXD ColdWenkd -IDT 14W E14WC WPX2LED90KALWLTEUMDDBXD t To see remorse btometdc reports ordowiload.ies Olesfor this project visit Ne Litbnia LighOng WPX IFD bmepage. Tested in aaoNarce with SNA LM-ry ab LWaJ sbdaNs teras. INIM LED PI ■ g.t k ■ 03k M gsf.F M ,.gfe II/ \11 WPX2LED WK1 LEDP2 WM LED Motoring Man =12 Feet. '. L/THL7N/A WrerED RwWs9lrzl One Lthonia Way • Conyers, Geeryia 30012 • Phone: 1$l1]oS5ERV (]37kD • www.11thoniamm _ L/GNT/NG. ®mm-2Q21Aodnaandugmmy1,m uingas,esswed. COMMERCIAL OUTDWR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT WPX LED 1,550Lumem,11W NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. Wall Packs WPXI LED TYPE "W2" Q 4000K 341 347' LITHON IA sn F F % #WPX2-LED-40K-MVOLT-E4WH-DDBXS c us 9,200 Lumen, 69W ....y �. 20 Introduction Specifications The WPX LED wall packs are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing solutions for both H ID wall pack replacement and new construction opportunities. Available in three sizes, the WPX family delivers 1,550 to 9,200 lumens with a wide, uniform distribution. The WPX full cut-off solutions fully cover the footprint of the H ID glass wall packs that they Front View side view replace, providing a neat installation and an upgraded appearance. Reliable IP66 construction and excellent LED lumen maintenance ensure a WRII at'(X6Lm) 11.1e(183Lm) 3Y 18.1 Lm) 4.V(103m) 0%I1.6Lm) 6.111 Re ) long service life. Photocell and emergency egress WPX2 9.1°123.1LnI) 1 R3(31.1LnI) I4.1°1105 Lm) 4.S(115LnI) I OT 7an) 8211:13.1 ) battery options make WPX ideal for every wall WR3 93°(2a.1Lm) 13n'(33aDn) ss°(13.lnI) a.Y(12aDt) 0.Y1t.1Lm) nal�ls. 11 mounted lighting application. • EXAMPLE: WPX2 LED 40K MVOLT DDBXD WPXI LED VI 1,550Lumem,11W 30KSULK Dad bmme MIT 120-21N WPXI LED 2900 Tire, 24W Q 4000K 341 347' WPX2 LED 6,000 Lumen, 47W SOK 5000K Note: mmM1moptom, WPM LED 9,200 Lumen, 69W PMtmelp Note: The lumen output and input power shown in the wderirg tree are average representations of all configuraWn options. Specific values are available on request FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The WPXLED, 11 pad¢aradeaigned to P—daa c-neffemen,, wergy.eMciantrol Wion br the onafar.ane replacen-mcf enduing HID wall pad¢. The WW1, W mQ and WPX3 are iiaal for replatlng luno 1 W W.2aAW and 44AW HID lumlealrem rey omeady WPX lumlmen edallvara unlfmm. wide dlndbuton. WPX lra rand fm 4rno 40T CONSTRUCTION WPX f-haa dlacmt a1, me, In body wuh op, mal themal ma nagwrem Intl both enhances LED efficaq and aaandm coupon nt He The lumIme— ane IP65 r gl and maaled against cools., on emi,on mmol cont mm.nta. ELECTRICAL Light engl mean configurerlons mnslg of no h.aMcar. LE D, no LE D lumen mal mama— of LWP(Al no,m Colo r to mpe rata I. tCCT) Wtionmd 3030K, 4030K and any) K wth minimum CHI of 70 Ell dLee, —e ryneo poke, facto, >W%and TITD¢EM. Al11, on mew have 6 of au rga pmrem., (Done'. WPX) LED c reck,conga can a.ndaN aurya Pmnedlo, raring oft kW In— be ordwed .,In an gong mal6Wv u,rwadom All phorarelI HE)areage on Moo 9(12W-21/ IMA Nora'. The standard WPX LED wall pack lura with fieldiagmibla dniv cmant faawe. TM1lsfeatweallovatuning the output cru ant of LED d,we to adjust the lumen omtpd(to dim the bonnet (hlank) Lou, 11111 Dad bmme E4WN Emerglry battery backup CEC ompl'out DWIU White MWCmla)° DBIXD Muck E14WC Emerg��yybme7 backup CECmmpl'ant (14W,-IDaCmla) Note: mmM1moptom, tonwltfanmy. PE PMtmelp WIES 1. All WPX wall pxks dome with 6kV surge protection whdard, except WPX1 LED P1 kae which domes with 25W surge pm@cton standard. Add SPD6KV option to get WPX�1 LED o71 ith 6kVsuge pmeEtion. Sample mmerclatrte: WPX1 LED P140K WOLT SPD6KV DDBXD 2. Bat@ry pack opt'ens only ecelable on WPXI and WPX2. 3. Bat@ry pack options rot available with 3a7V and PE options. INSTALLRpN WP% nbamounteddlracrlyow,as4ndardelacrriu1jund,onboa. Tfirea1/2—hconduitpm6 ntbee weallorvf—effe-ounduit no Atwo on the back sudare all pokathrough conduit ringo sudacesthatdonther electriuljund,onboa. Wiring can be made'm the 'mtegall on, cum,—mum In all cea WPX Ira only recommended for Imollatlonm with LEDs facing d—nwards. USTINLa CSA Wnified to meet U.5 and Gnadian ebndana soluble fm vel loutione. IPM Tied. DesignLigh%C nwniumO(DLQqualifiedprodud. Notallvereionedthleprodudma,w DLC qualified. Plaaeeheekthe DLCOualified Produde Lig at wwry des onl'ohn o VQPLW wnPom wnch-monsaa,al,fied. Intamarlonal DekSky /w,unanicn(IDN Fgre Seal of/ppowll (FmE,a wandbla for all r-oca on ins page all no X03b color tamperaure only WARRANTY S -mc a....tkmHD,,m C,—m,ew anmtenrneeneda a�l�dmmd:.ro /euammcm��our ancmn and rommtmmaaanw Nob: Actual perbrmance may dills m a vault of and— endmnmant and anchmeion All value aradaign or lypiul value, mamured under IaW raorywnditionaat2SC. Speoifiunons subject W change w,thout notice. '. L/MUMA WPX LED Rev. Q/31/21 One Utdonia Way • Conyers, Georgi a 30012 • Phone: 1,800.105,5ERV 931W • goo,.tuhoma cora _ LlGNT/NG 0XI1 Acuity aro nc� Dg in ng, l no AI ,ghtm,waned. COMMERCIALOUTDODR TALL PINES 30TH STREET PROJECT NEW WAV ELECTRIC, INC. - P TYPE "W2"LITHONIA#WPX2-LED-40K-MVOLT-E4WH-DDBXS Electrical Load Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecbre in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen malmenswe factor that corresponds to the desired number d operaoig burs below. For other lumen maloteianne nGrn Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === toOW i1W iWW 7WR3 WWI LED Pt i1W 0.09 OAS OAS ox 0.03 W➢Xt LED P2 241` 0.200.12 1.00 0.10 0AoA1 0.99 WPX2 4M 0.39 OA LLID 0.17 014 WPM 69W am om OID OSS LLID Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data refererces the estapdated W-formarce prejecbre in a 25 ambient based on 6,M burs of LED @song(traded per IESNA WM 06 and pressaW per IESNA TW21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen malmenswe factor that corresponds to the desired number d operaoig burs below. For other lumen maloteianne nGrn Operating H ours ®®® I 3PF 105 Lumen Ead=== === toOW i1W HID Replacement Guide I 3PF 105 5T toOW i1W iWW 7WR3 24W Bow 4M 400W 60 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Usethese factors to determine relative lumen output for a+emge ambent OT I 3PF 105 5T 41-F IAN lox SRF 1.03 15% 5RF 1.02 IDY WE 1.01 Z% ]PF 1.00 30% WE 0.99 35% 9VF 0.98 40Y iW°F 0.91 Emergency Egress Battery Packs The emergency battery bttkup 6 integral to the luminaire—no external housing or back box is required. The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of %minutes and deliver minimum initial output of 553lumens. Both battery pack options are CEC Compliant. Sun&d R( 4W EMH WPX2 LED 4MKMWff ENWN DDBXD rddWedhet -IDC 14W RMC WR2LED40KMVOLTE14KDDBXD t TosseoempletePEbWme smi ON IT "Mil"111 e,swordea lded.edi0lesforthispmbuctvisit Ne Litbnia LighVng WPXI Dbmepage.Te W[n aaoNarce with SNA LM-ry ab LWaJ sbdaNs teras. INIM LED PI ■ g.t k ■ 03k M gsf.F M ,.gfe II/ \11 WPX2LED WK1 LEDP2 WM LED Motoring Man =12 Feet. '. L/THL7N/A se %L RwWs9lrzl One Lthonia Way • Conyers, Geeryia 30012 • Phone: 1$l1]oS5ERV (]37kD • www.11thoniamm _ L/GNT/NG. ®mm-2Q21Aodnaandugmmy1,m uinghts,awwed. COMMERCIAL OUTDWR City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application Attachments ATTACHMENT K Geotechnical Report, Dated June 25, 2021 Earth Engineers, Inc. June 25, 2021 TTG Properties LLC Attention: Troy Goertel, President 40499 Mohawk River Road Marcola, Oregon 97454 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 • Springfield • OR 97478 Phone: 541.393.6340 www.earth-engineers.com Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility 30th Street Tax Lots 4000 and 4100 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon 97478 EEI Report No. 21-088-1 Dear Mr. Goertel: Phone: 541.501.0207 Email: taoertelOtallpineinc.com Earth Engineers, Inc. (EEI) is pleased to transmit our attached Geotechnical Investigation Report for the above referenced project. This report includes the results of our field investigation, an evaluation of geotechnical factors that may influence the proposed construction, geotechnical recommendations for the building, and general site development. We appreciate the opportunity to perform this geotechnical study and look forward to continued participation during the design and construction phases of this project. If you have any questions pertaining to this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact our office at 541.393.6340. Sincerely, Earth Engineers, Inc. Greg Thibeaux, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Attachment: Geotechnical Investigation Report Raymond V. Aliperti Branch Manager Distribution (1 electronic copy): Addressee, Kristin Taylor, ktavlortDtbp-arch.com, Anna Backus, Anna. Backusakpff.com GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT For the: Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility 301h Street Tax Lots 4200 and 4300 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon 97478 EEI Report No. 17-179-1 Prepared for: Tall Pine Contracting Inc 40499 Mohawk River Road Marcola, Oregon 97454 Prepared by: Earth Engineers, Inc. 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 Springfield, Oregon 97478 Phone: 541.393.6340 EEI Report No. 21-088-1 June 25, 2021 isEarth Engineers, Inc. Prepared by: G PROF£S 8506 PE G14 CEW1 t��0 EXPIRES: 06/30/20 ZZ Greg Thibeaux, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Reviewed by: �1 Raymond V. Aliperti Branch Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Page No. 1.1 Project Authorization.............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Project and Site Description................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Services............................................................................................. 4 2.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Mapped Geology and Soils.................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Subsurface Materials............................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Groundwater Information....................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Seismicity............................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Water Infiltration Testing and Results.................................................................................. 12 3.0 EVALUATION AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS................................................. 14 3.1 Geotechnical Discussion...................................................................................................... 14 3.2 General Site Preparation..................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Structural Fill........................................................................................................................ 15 3.4 Foundation Recommendations............................................................................................ 16 3.5 Floor Slab Recommendations.............................................................................................. 19 3.6 Pavement Recommendations.............................................................................................. 20 4.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................. 22 4.1 Drainage and Groundwater Considerations......................................................................... 22 4.2 Excavations......................................................................................................................... 22 5.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................... 23 APPENDICES: Appendix A - Test Pit Logs Appendix B - Soil Classification Legend Appendix C - Historical Water Well Log Reports 1.1 Proiect Authorization Earth Engineers, Inc. (EEI) has completed a geotechnical investigation report for the proposed subject project to be located on 30' Street, Tax Lots 4000 and 4100, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon (see Figure 1 and Photo 1 below). Our geotechnical services were authorized by Mr. Troy Goertel on May 5, 2021 by signing our Proposal No. 21-P157, dated May 3, 2021. 1.2 Proiect and Site Descriotion Our current understanding of the project is based on information contained in emails from Project Architect Kristin Taylor with TBG Architects, received in our office by Greg Thibeaux of our firm, on April 7, 2021 and April 30, 2021. The emails contained the following attached site plans: Preliminary site plan prepared by TBG Architects and Planners, entitled Site Plan, Tall Pine 30th Street Industrial Development, TTG Properties LLC, 30th Street, Springfield, Oregon, 97477, drawing sheet Al, dated 4-22-2021 (Figure 2 below). Site plan for a previous similar project prepared by TBG Architects and Planners, entitled Site Plan, New Way Electric, 30" Industrial Development, Zap, LLC, North 30" Street, Springfield, Oregon, drawing sheets A1.1 and A2.1, dated 9-2-2020. We understand the subject project will be similar in scope to the previous project shown on this site plan. Briefly, based on the preliminary site plan and information provided to us, we understand that the proposed project consists of the construction of an industrial building with a slab on grade and a footprint of approximately 9,830 square feet, on the subject property. The approximately 80 foot by 100 foot proposed pre-engineered metal building will include 1,827 square feet of wood construction office space. In addition, the project will include new paved drive lanes and paved parking for 17 vehicles, based on the preliminary site plan (see Figure 2 below). The subject property is bordered by 30th Street to the east, a railway right of way to the west, a commercial development to the north, and an undeveloped lot and commercial development to the south (see Figure 3 below). Note that EEI is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for similar past projects located near the subject project site, on Lane County tax lots 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4200, and 4300. The past project on lots 4200 and 4300 (Umpqua Dairy Distribution Facility) is north of and immediately adjacent to the subject site. The site is currently relatively flat and level, with an elevation of approximately 470 to 472 feet above mean sea level, based on Google Earth imagery dated July 21, 2019. The project site is Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 2 of 23 currently covered with imported crushed rock gravel fill, and scattered brush and weeds. We observed small stockpiles of imported crushed rock and pieces of concrete debris on the site, as shown in Photos 1 and 2 below. Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map (base map source: USGS National Map, hftps://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/). Photo 1: Looking southwest at the project site. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0991 June 25, 2021 ., u Sprinfield g Approximate Project Site° �• Location �I rawv E Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map (base map source: USGS National Map, hftps://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/). Photo 1: Looking southwest at the project site. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0991 June 25, 2021 3 of 23 Photo 2: Looking west at the project site. Figure 2: Preliminary site plan provided by Project Architect Kristin Taylor. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 4 of 23 Other than the installation of utilities, no below ground construction is planned to our knowledge, and there are no retaining walls planned for the project. We have assumed the development will be in accordance with the provisions of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (2019 OSSC). We have not been provided with any maximum loading information from the project Structural Engineer. According to Mr. Goertel, heavy truck traffic may be present on the proposed pavements and floor slab. For the purposes of this proposal, we have assumed maximum isolated column, continuous wall and floor loading will not exceed 75 kips, 6 kips per linear foot and 250 psf, respectively. 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of our services was to perform a geotechnical engineering evaluation for the proposed building and, associated paved parking and drive lane areas. In order to evaluate the subsurface conditions, we performed six exploratory test pits (TP -1 through TP -6) to depths of Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0991 June 25, 2021 Page 5 of 23 between five and eight feet below the ground surface (bgs) using a subcontracted John Deere 85G tracked excavator equipped with a 24 -inch wide, toothed bucket (approximate locations of TP -1 through TP -6 are shown on Figure 4 below). Upon completion, the test pits were loosely backfilled with the excavated soils to approximately existing grade. This report presents the following recommendations based on our subsurface investigation and results of our laboratory testing: • A discussion of subsurface conditions encountered including pertinent soil and rock properties and groundwater conditions. • 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code/ASCE 7-16 seismic design criteria. • Imported fill requirements, including gradation and compaction. • Recommendations for foundation subgrade preparation and the overall suitability of the in-situ soils and in-place materials for use as structural fill. • Results of our infiltration testing. • Geotechnical related recommendations for conventional shallow foundation design including allowable bearing capacity, depth of footing embedment, minimum footing dimensions and estimated settlements. • Geotechnical related slab on grade recommendations. • Pavement section thickness recommendations for proposed asphaltic concrete, and concrete parking/drive areas, based on an assumed CBR value and assumed traffic loading conditions. • Wet and dry weather construction recommendations. • Subsurface drainage requirements. • Groundwater considerations. • Discussions on geotechnical issues that may impact the project. In addition, as requested, we performed three additional explorations for falling head infiltration testing in the proposed stormwater swale locations shown on the preliminary site plan. The locations tested were based on the preliminary site plan and information provided to us by Project Civil Engineer Anna Backus with KPFF Consulting Engineers, on May 21, 2021, on a marked -up site plan. We followed the procedures outlined in the City of Springfield Stormwater Capacity Design Standards, which references the EPA falling head percolation test procedure (Design Manual — Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems, EPA, 1980) to aid the project Civil Engineer in designing the stormwater treatment areas. We performed a washed gradation on a sample collected at the testing depth in infiltration location, IT -1, in order to classify the soil. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0881 June 25, 2021 2.1 Maimed Geoloav and Soils The subject site lies within the 1Mllamette Valley Geomorphic Province, east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Geomorphic Provinces. The WIlamette Valley Province is regional lowland that extends from just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, British Columbia. Wthin Oregon, this narrow alluvial plain is approximately 130 miles long and ranges from approximately 20 to 40 miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996). The province is drained by the 1Mllamette River, the longest north -flowing river in North America. Compressional forces attendant with uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountain Ranges during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs (approximately 4 to 20 million years ago) depressed the WIlamette Valley. The bedrock lithology of the WIlamette Valley in the vicinity of the subject site consists of the late Eocene aged (approximately 35 million years ago) Eugene Formation, a generally well consolidated to lithified, tuffaceous near -shore marine sedimentary rock that was gently folded during the geosynclinal compressional period described above (Yeats at al., 1991). Prior to deformation, low energy streams and lakes present within the southern 1Mllamette Valley during the Pliocene epoch covered the Eugene Formation with fluvial and lacustrine deposits of silts and clays to various depths. Wth the rapid uplift of the Cascade Mountains in the Pliocene epoch, steepened stream gradients resulted in increased erosion of the Cascades and rapid deposition of thick gravel layers that incised the soft fluvial and lacustrine deposits overlying the Eugene Formation. Locally, fining upward sequences of rhythmite deposits from the Pleistocene aged (approximately 2.6 million years ago) Missoula Floods are preserved that record up to 30 advance and retreat cycles of Lake Allison (Waitt, 1985), which filled the WIlamette Valley to a depth of approximately 350 feet with each flooding event (Allen at al., 1986). According to the Web Soil Survey's Soil Map - Lane County Area, Oregon (htto://websoilsurvev. nres.usda.aov/aooMllebSoilSurvev.asox), the native soils at the site consist of the Coburg -Urban land complex (soil unit 32). These soils are typical of stream terraces and are found on sites with slopes of 0 to 3 percent. The parent material is loamy alluvium over clayey alluvium. The typical depth to a restrictive soil layer is more than 80 inches below the surface, and the typical depth to the water table is about 18 to 30 inches. Coburg -Urban land complex soils are typically moderately well drained. The typical soil profile for the Coburg -Urban land complex is, 0 to 18 inches - silty clay loam, 18 to 53 inches - silty clay, and 53 to 65 inches fine sandy loam. 2.2 Subsurface Materials As mentioned above, the subsurface conditions at the site were explored with six exploratory test pits (TP -1 through TP -6) for the proposed structure and pavements on May 28, 2021. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Figure 4 below. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 7 of 23 The terminal depth of the explorations was between approximately 5 and 8 feet bgs. All of the explorations, except TP -3, terminated within the stiff, Fat Clay (CH) stratum. TP -3 terminated due to practical digging refusal in undocumented fill material. Disturbed "grab" soil samples were obtained at the test pit locations during our subsurface exploration. Each sample was marked and identified by date sampled, project name, project number, test pit number, and sample depth. The samples were transported to our laboratory for visual identification and laboratory testing. Samples not altered by laboratory testing will be retained for 90 days from the date of this report. Select soil samples were tested in the laboratory to determine material properties for our evaluation. Laboratory testing was accomplished in general accordance with ASTM procedures. The testing performed included moisture content tests (ASTM D2216), an Atterberg Limits test (D4318), and The Amount of Material in the Soils Finer than the #200 Sieve (ASTM D1140). The test results have been included on the Test Pit Logs in Appendix A. The soils encountered in the explorations, beneath the site surface, may be divided into two general strata, as described below: Undocumented Fill Material (TP -1 through TPS): The upper layer at all of the exploration locations, TP -1 through TP -6, appeared to be brown and gray, moist, undocumented fill materials. The fill encountered was generally layered and consisted of imported 6"-0 open graded angular crushed rock gravel, 3W-0 and 1"-12 crushed rock gravel and silty/sandy rounded gravel and cobbles (locally known as "Bar Run"). Pieces of wood/lumber, a buried asphalt slab, and debris (2 - inch diameter metal pipe, 2 -foot diameter concrete pieces)were encountered in portions of the fill. The fill was 4 to 5 feet thick at the exploration locations. We consider the fill to be undocumented because we have not been provided with any historical documentation to indicate whether it was placed as structural fill or not. However, based on the presence of deleterious materials in portions of the fill, it did not appear to have been placed as structural fill. The fill extent at each exploration location was estimated based on an examination of the soil samples, the presence of foreign materials, field measurements, and the subsurface data. The explorations performed are not adequate to accurately identify the full extent of existing fill across the entire subject property. Consequently, the actual fill extent may be greater than that shown on the exploration logs and discussed herein. Fat Clay (CH) (TP -1, TP -2, and TP -4 through TPS): The layer beneath the fill materials in all of the exploration locations except TP -3, classified as brown and gray, moist, Fat Clay (CH) in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), and appeared to be a native soil stratum. The clay layer extended to the terminal depths of the explorations (except TP -3). Based on observed digging effort and pocket penetrometer (unconfined compressive strength) tests ranging from 0.75 to 2.0 tons per square foot (tsf), the soil was medium stiff to stiff at the exploration locations. Moisture content tests on select soil samples ranged from 34 to 46 percent. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 8 of 23 Atterberg limits testing on a select sample of the clay resulted in a Plasticity Index of 69. Based on our laboratory testing results from this project and similar past projects in the near vicinity (including an EI test result), and our past experience, we consider the clay at this site likely to be very highly expansive. However, to save on additional cost, our client prefers that we base our recommendations partially on the assumption that the native clay at this site is potentially expansive, and thatwe not perform an Expansion Index (EI) test. The above subsurface description is of a generalized nature to highlight the major subsurface stratification features and material characteristics. The Test Pit Logs included in Appendix A should be reviewed for specific information at specific locations. These records include sample locations, soil and rock descriptions, stratifications, pocket penetrometer (unconfined compression) test results, and results of laboratory tests. The stratifications shown on the logs represent the conditions only at the actual test pit locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between locations. The stratifications represent the approximate boundary between subsurface materials. the actual transition may be gradual. Figure 4: Test Pit Location Plan showing approximate subject property within dashed lines (imagery dated July 21, 2019). Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 9 of 23 2.3 Groundwater Information Groundwater was not encountered in any of our test pits at the time of digging, except TP -1, where light, perched, groundwater seepage was encountered at about 4 feet bgs, near the surface of the native clay layer. Variations in groundwater levels should be expected seasonally, annually and from location to location. We anticipate that groundwater elevation could rise during months of peak runoff (typically November through May). According to State of Oregon water well reports, static groundwater in the project site vicinity varies from 3-1/2 feet to 12 feet bgs. See Appendix C for the water well reports consulted. Based on our explorations, there is a risk that the contractor could encounter perched groundwater if construction occurs in the wet season (generally October through June). We recommend the contractor verify groundwater levels at the time of any subsurface construction. 2.4 Seismicity In accordance with Section 1613.2.2 of the 2019 OSSC, and Table 20.3-1 of the ASCE 7-16, we recommend a Site Class D (Stiff Soil) for this site when considering the average of the upper 100 feet of bearing material beneath the foundations. This recommendation is based on the results of our subsurface investigation as well as our knowledge of the local geology. Inputting our recommended site class, as well as the site latitude and longitude, into the Structural Engineers Association of California OSHPD web -based U.S. Seismic Design Maps tool (available at httos://seismicma0s.or0/) we obtained the seismic design parameters shown in Table 1 below. The return interval is 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. Table 1: 2019 OSSC Seismic Design Parameter Recommendations Parameter Recommendation Site Class D % 0.656g S1 0.379g F. 1.275g F, null -See Section 11.4.8 Sms (=%*F.) 0.837g SMi (=St`F) null -See Section 11.4.8 Sos (=2/3`Sew) 0.558g Design PGA (=SDS /2.5) 0.223g MCEGPGA 0.311g Fact, 1.289 PGAM (=Foca x MCEG PGA) 0.401g Note: Site Latitude = 44.052142°, Site Longitude= -122.984058° Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0991 June 25, 2021 Page 10 of 23 Per Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16 a site-specific seismic site response is required for structures on Site Class D and E sites with Si greater than or equal to 0.2g. The Si value for this site is greater than 0.2g as shown in Table 1 above. Therefore, a site response analysis is required as part of the design phase. However, Section 11.4.8 does provide an exception for not requiring a site response analysis (reference Sections, and The project Structural Engineer should determine if the proposed building will meet any of the exceptions -if the building does not meet the exception requirements, then EEI should be retained to perform a site-specific site response analysis. We understand a Supplement 1, dated December 12, 2018, has been issued for ASCE 7-16 to correct some issues in the original publication. One of the corrections in Supplement 1 pertains to Table 11.4-2 (Table 2 below) for determining the value of the Long -Period Site Coefficient, Fv, which is then used to calculate the value of Ts. The Ts value is needed for one of the exceptions in Section 11.4.8. Wthout the correction in Supplement 1, it would not be possible to determine Fv and calculate Te. Based on Supplement 1, the Fv value may be determined from the following corrected table (Table 2 below). Table 2: Lona -Period Site Coefficient. FV (corrected Table 11.4-2 in ASCE 7-16). Note: use linear interpolation for intermediate values of Si. aSee requirements for site-specific ground motions in Section 11.4.8. These values of Fv shall be used only for calculation of Ts. In accordance with Section 1803.5.11 of the 2019 OSSC, we have included the following evaluation of potential geologic and seismic hazards including slope instability, liquefaction, and surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading. Slope Stability: The risk of slope instability on the subject property is considered low because there are no steep slopes on the site. A review of the State of Oregon's online landslide map (SLIDO-4.2) shows that the subject property is mapped in a low landslide risk hazard area. The nearest ancient, historic landslides are mapped about 1-1/2 to 2 miles northeast and southwest of the project site (see Figure 5 below). Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0881 June 25, 2021 Mapped Risk -Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 1-s Period Site Class Si<=0.1 Si<=0.2 Si<=0.3 Si<=0.4 Si<=0.5 Si>=0.6 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 C 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 D 2.4 2.23 2.0a 1.93 1.83 1.7a E 4.2 3.33 2.8a 2.4a 2.23 2.0a F See Section 11.4.8 See Section 11.4.8 See Section 11.4.8 See Section 11.4.8 See Section 11.4.8 See Section 11.4.8 Note: use linear interpolation for intermediate values of Si. aSee requirements for site-specific ground motions in Section 11.4.8. These values of Fv shall be used only for calculation of Ts. In accordance with Section 1803.5.11 of the 2019 OSSC, we have included the following evaluation of potential geologic and seismic hazards including slope instability, liquefaction, and surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading. Slope Stability: The risk of slope instability on the subject property is considered low because there are no steep slopes on the site. A review of the State of Oregon's online landslide map (SLIDO-4.2) shows that the subject property is mapped in a low landslide risk hazard area. The nearest ancient, historic landslides are mapped about 1-1/2 to 2 miles northeast and southwest of the project site (see Figure 5 below). Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0881 June 25, 2021 f � } r Ancient r Landslide r 11 of 23 RnciAt Landslid l �f Figure 5: State of Oregon's SLIDO-4.2 Landslide map of project site and vicinity. Liquefaction: In our professional opinion, the risk of liquefaction on the subject property is low when considering the site geology, groundwater conditions, and the consistency and strength of the native soils encountered. Surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading: The risk of earthquake surface rupture on the subject property is considered low due to the lack of mapped faults at or near the site based on our review of the United States Geological Survey's web site and Interactive Fault Map at hftp://earthguake.usgs.gov/hazards/qfaults/map. It should be noted that it is possible for faults to be present, which are not currently mapped. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21.0991 June 25, 2021 Page 12 of 23 2.5 Water Infiltration Testing and Results We performed water infiltration testing at the site on May 28, 2021 through June 7, 2021. The tests, IT -1, IT -2, and IT -3 were performed at the approximate locations selected by Project Civil Engineer Anna Backus with KPFF Engineering Consultants, as shown on Figure 6 below. The tests were performed within the native clay stratum at depths of approximately 4 to 6 feet bgs. At infiltration test locations, IT -1, IT -2 and IT -3 we encountered approximately 4 to 6 feet of undocumented fill materials, overlying native, Fat Clay (CH). Light, perched groundwater seepage was encountered in test locations IT -1 and IT -2 at about four feet bgs at the time of digging. We followed the procedures outlined in the City of Springfield Stormwater Capacity Design Standards, which references the EPA falling head percolation test procedure (Design Manual — Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems, EPA, 1980) to aid the project Civil Engineer in designing the stormwater treatment areas. We performed a washed gradation on a sample collected at the testing depth in infiltration location, IT -1, in order to classify the soil. At the infiltration locations, a six-inch diameter casing (stand pipe) was embedded approximately two to three inches into the soil at the bottom of the hole. We placed approximately six inches of clean gravel in the bottom of the stand pipes to protect the soil at the bottom from scouring. We then filled the stand pipe with a 12 -inch head of water for the initial pre-soaking trial. The 12 -inch head of water did not completely infiltrate in 10 minutes (pre-soak trial was performed twice), therefore we performed our first trials after the required four -hour -minimum pre-soak period. Trials were conducted until the measured infiltration rate between two successive trials did not increase and the percent change was minimal. We performed three trials at each location. The average infiltration rate was used to calculate the unfactored infiltration rate (i.e. no Factor of Safety has been applied). Testing was conducted by recording the time required for a 12 -inch head of water to infiltrate into the soil for a total period of at least one hour or until all of the water had drained. The infiltration test locations were loosely backfilled with the excavated soils upon completion. The final test results for IT -1, IT -2 and IT -3 are presented in Table 3 below. Table 3: Infiltration Test Results. Infiltration Trial Depth Infiltration Washed Gradation Soil Stratum test (feet) Rate* (% passing #200 sieve) Tested IT -1 6 Less than 1/8 97 Fat Clay (CH) inch per hour IT -2 4 Less than 1/8 _ Fat Clay (CH) inch per hour IT -3 5 Less than 1/8 _ Fat Clay (CH) inch per hour 'unfactored infiltration rate. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 13 of 23 Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0881 June 25, 2021 3.1 Geotechnical Discussion The primary geotechnical factors influencing the proposed construction are: Undocumented Fill. Fill materials were encountered from the ground surface to approximately between 4 and 5 feet bgs in TP -1 through TP -6. The fill consisted mostly of what appeared to be imported open graded crushed rock, '/." -0 and 1-1/2"-0 crushed rock gravel, and Bar Run gravels, however, we encountered oversized rocks and pieces of concrete (i.e. greaterthan 3-4 inches in diameter), asphalt, and deleterious materials (wood and metal pipe), in portions of the fill. The fill is considered undocumented because we have not been provided with any past reports documenting the fill placement (i.e. compaction testing results and lift thicknesses). We do not recommend placing the proposed building foundations on these in-place fill soils. See Sections 3.3 and 3.4 below for detailed recommendations. Potentially highly expansive native soils. Based on our past experience with similar projects in the near vicinity, and laboratory tests on a sample of the fat clay collected at the site on May 28, 2021 (i.e. Plasticity Index of 69), the clay soil at this site is likely to be very highly expansive. Footings, floor slabs and pavements constructed on these potentially expansive soils could be damaged when the soils shrink and swell. As such, we do not recommend that footings, floor slabs, and pavements be supported directly on the fat clay stratum. See Sections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 below for detailed recommendations. In addition, as noted above, EEI is currently the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the development on neighboring properties to the south and north of the subject property. An Expansion Index test (ASTM D4829) was performed on a sample of the native fat clay soils encountered on the adjacent property. The result of the Expansion Index test indicated that the native clay soils on the neighboring site are potentially very highly expansive. 3.2 General Site Preparation Prior to the start of any earthwork, the test pits performed for our subsurface investigation that fall under or adjacent to structurally improved areas, should be located, excavated to their bottoms, and backfilled with granular structural fill in properly compacted lifts, under the observation of a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 15 of 23 Vegetation, roots, and any other deleterious soils will then need to be stripped from beneath the building area. A representative of the Geotechnical Engineer should determine the depth of removal at the time of construction. Utilities will need to be located and rerouted as necessary and any abandoned pipes or utility conduits should be removed to inhibit the potential for subsurface soil erosion. Utility trench excavations should be backfilled with properly compacted structural fill which is constructed as outlined in Section 3.3 of this report. After stripping and excavating to the proposed subgrade level, as required, the building area should be inspected and proofrolled with a fully loaded, tandem axle dump truck. The proofroll should be observed by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer. If the subgrade cannot be accessed with a dump truck, then the subgrade will need to be visually evaluated by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer by probing. If fill is required, the structural fill should be placed on the prepared subgrade after it has been proofrolled or probed. Soils that are observed to be soft or are otherwise judged to be unsuitable should be undercut and replaced with properly compacted structural fill. When fine-grained soils are exposed, it is not uncommon for construction equipment to severely disturb the upper one to two feet of the subgrade during initial phases of site clearing and grubbing, especially if site preparation work is performed during wet weather. This may result in the need for undercutting and replacement of the disturbed soils if care is not taken by the contractor to protect the moisture sensitive soils. The contractor may also need to construct temporary construction roads to protect the subgrade soils from becoming disturbed. If fine-grained soils are exposed and repeated construction traffic is anticipated, we recommend covering these areas with 18 inches of coarse gravel underlain by a geotextile fabric to prevent soil contamination of the rock and to protect the underlying subgrade. 3.3 Structural Fill We recommend structural fill consist of imported crushed rock gravel, Controlled Density Fill (CDF) (as discussed in Section 3.4 below), the in-place crushed rock gravel, or Bar Run gravel that is determined by an EEI representative to be relatively clean and, free of organics and deleterious materials. The maximum particle size of any in-place granular fill used as structural fill should be approximately 3 to 4 inches. In addition, we recommend that the on-site open graded crushed rock, if used as structural fill, be mixed with a well graded granular fill to help limit moisture intrusion through the fill. EEI should observe the material prior to use to determine that it is well mixed. If crushed rock gravel is imported to the site, we recommend imported structural fill consist of "dirty" crushed rock gravel. Structural fill materials should be free of organics or other deleterious materials, contain at least 15 percent soil passing the U.S. #200 sieve, and have a liquid limit less than 45 and plasticity index less than 25. The purpose of using a well -graded granular fill with a significant amount of fines is to lower the permeability so that it limits surface Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 16 of 23 water intrusion into the backfill that could saturate the native potentially expansive clay soils. Imported structural fill should be relatively well graded and have a maximum particle size of 1- 12 inches. We do not recommend the use of the on-site fine-grained native soils as structural fill due to the over optimum moisture content of the soils, and due to the likely high expansive potential of the fine-grained soils. All structural fill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor. The Modified Proctor can either be the ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T180 test methods. When placed, the lift thickness should generally not exceed 12 inches prior to compacting. The type of compaction equipment used will ultimately determine the maximum lift thickness. In addition, we recommend that the structural fill be placed within +/- 2 percent of the optimum moisture for that material. A representative of the Geotechnical Engineer should approve any selected granular fill material before importing it to the site, or any in-place fill used as structural fill. Each lift of compacted engineered fill should be evaluated by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of subsequent lifts. The fill should extend horizontally outward beyond the exterior perimeter of buildings and pavement at least 5 and 3 feet, respectively, priorto sloping. Where fills are constructed on slopes steeper than 5H: 1V, the slope should be benched prior to fill placement. Level benches should be a minimum of four feet wide laterally, and should be cut into the slope for no more than every five feet of vertical rise. The placement of fill should begin at the base of the slope. All benches should be inspected by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer and approved prior to placement of structural fill lifts. If evidence of seepage is observed in the bench excavations, a supplemental drainage system may need to be designed and installed to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind the fill. Fill and cut slopes and disturbed natural soil slopes should be graded no steeper than 2H 1V. Areas of the slope which are not disturbed may be left at their current grade. Given the existing site topography, fill benches will likely not be necessary. 3.4 Foundation Recommendations We do not recommend supporting proposed building foundations on any of the undocumented fill materials that were encountered in our explorations. Fill materials were encountered to an approximate depth of between 4 and 5 feet below current site grades, in all of our explorations. In addition, laboratory tests on a sample of the fat clay collected at the site and our past experience with nearby similar projects, indicate that the clay is potentially very highly expansive. As such, we do not recommend that structures be supported directly on the fat clay stratum. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0661 June 25, 2021 Page 17 of 23 Based on the soils encountered in our test pits, assumed maximum column load of 75 kips, the results of our laboratory testing, and our current limited understanding of the project, we recommend footings be designed for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,800 pounds per square foot (psr) when supported on at least an 18 -inch -thick layer of properly compacted crushed rock gravel structural fill (as outlined in Section 3.3 of this report) overlying the native, stiff fat clay stratum. In addition, we recommend the depth of footing excavations (includes the thickness of the recommended structural fill), be extended to a depth of at least 36 inches below adjacent finished grade (see Figure 7 below). The minimum footing excavation depth of 36 inches below adjacent finished grade is recommended to help reduce the effects of moisture changes, which could cause the potentially expansive clays soils to shrink and swell. Note that the fat clay soils, if exposed during the dry season (generally June through October), should be covered with structural fill the same day they are exposed to prevent them from drying out. Finished —r ' grade adjacent Footing to footing 36" minimum Structural Fill, 18" minimum Stiff, Native, Clay Stratum Not to scale Figure 7: Footing sketch showing recommended 18 -inch minimum structural fill thickness and 36 - inch minimum embedment depth. The width of structural fill gravel used in footing excavations should be equal to the width of the footing plus the thickness of the structural fill gravel beneath the bottom of the footing. For example, if the structural fill extends 1 foot beneath the bottom of a 2 -foot wide footing, then the total excavation width should be 3 feet (1 foot of structural fill plus 2 -foot wide footing). Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 19 of 23 Alternatively, backfill of footing excavations may also be accomplished with Controlled Density Fill (CDF). If CDF is used for backfill, it should meet a minimum compressive strength requirement of 200 pounds per square inch (psi) at an age of 28 days, and have a minimum of 1-1/2 sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete. A representative of the Geotechnical Engineer should be provided with documentation of the mix design strength of the CDF and should observe and inspect the placement of the CDF during construction. Note that for footing excavations that are backfilled with CDF, the width of the CDF can be equal to the width of the footing. The allowable soil bearing pressure is based on dead load plus design live load. The allowable soil bearing pressure recommended above can be increased by one-third for short term wind or seismic loads. Minimum dimensions of 24 inches for isolated column footings and 18 inches for continuous wall footings should be used to minimize the possibility of a local bearing capacity failure. Please note that our subsurface investigation was limited to the areas explored. At a minimum, we recommend that during construction we observe all footing and floor slab excavations to observe that the material is similar to what we observed during our subsurface investigation and, subsequently, is similar to the material our recommendations are based on. Unsuitable soil zones encountered at the bottom of the foundation excavations should be removed to the level of suitable soils or properly compacted structural fill as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Cavities formed as a result of excavation of unsuitable soil zones should be backfilled and compacted with structural fill in accordance with Section 3.3 above. In addition, our observations would include verifying that the footings have been placed on at least 18 inches of properly compacted gravel structural fill (or CDF) overlying the native, stiff fat clay stratum, and that footing excavations have been extended to a depth of at least 36 inches below finished grade (adjacent to footings), overlying the stiff, native, fat clay stratum (see Figure 7 above). Exterior footings and foundations in unheated areas should be located at a depth of at least 12 inches below the final exterior grade to provide adequate frost protection. If the building is to be constructed during the winter months or if the foundation soils will likely be subjected to freezing temperatures after foundation construction, then the foundation soils should be adequately protected from freezing. Surface run-off water should be permanently drained away from the foundation excavations and not allowed to pond. Lateral frictional resistance between the base of footings and the subgrade can be expressed as the applied vertical load multiplied by a coefficient of friction of 0.40 for concrete foundations bearing directly on crushed rock gravel or native gravels. In addition, lateral loads may be resisted by passive earth pressures based on an equivalent fluid density of 300 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for footings poured "neat' against in-situ soils, or properly backfilled with structural fill. These are ultimate values - we recommend a factor of safety of 1.5 be applied to the equivalent fluid pressure, which is appropriate due to the amount of movement required to develop full passive resistance. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 18 of 23 Provided our recommendations above are followed, we do not anticipate that total and differential settlement will exceed the typical values of 1 inch and %-inch of total and differential settlement between columns, respectively. M'Igr• 5k17C- .r7�.T7 i7i4@iT.Ffi6M As noted above, we have not been provided with any maximum loading from the project structural engineer. For the purposes of this report, we have assumed that maximum floor slab loads will not exceed 250 psf. Ideally, no floor slabs would be supported on the undocumented fill materials or potentially highly expansive fat clay soils encountered in our explorations. However, given the thickness of the fill materials (at least 4 to 5 feet) and native fat clay soils (encountered to 8 feet bgs), it is likely not economical to remove all of the fill materials or clay from beneath proposed floor slabs in their entirety. As such, a partial mitigation could be used where floor slabs are supported on at least 18 inches of properly compacted, well -graded granular structural fill (as outlined in Section 3.3 above) overlying the in-place fill or native fat clay, as long as the owner is willing to accept some risk of future slab cracking due to settlement of the fill material, or heaving and shrinking of the expansive clay soils. Note that the greater the granular fill thickness beneath proposed floor slabs, the lower the risk of excessive slab cracking. To reduce the risk of differential settlement cracking, the floor slab could be constructed with additional rebar and concrete thickness to make it more rigid—the option to use additional rebar or thicken floor slabs should be evaluated by the Project Structural Engineer. The granular structural fill should be placed and compacted as required in Section 3.3 of this report. Prior to placing the structural fill, the subgrade surface should be prepared and then proofroll tested as discussed in Section 3.2 of this report in order to identify any soft or unstable areas that should be removed prior to structural fill placement. The proofroll should be observed by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer. Note that if fat clay soils are exposed during the dry season (generally June through October), they should be covered with structural fill the same day they are exposed to prevent them from drying out. The structural fill should provide a capillary break to limit migration of moisture through the concrete slab, however, if additional protection against moisture vapor is desired (i.e. areas where there will be floor coverings) a moisture vapor retarding membrane should be incorporated into the design. Factors such as cost, special considerations for construction, and the type of floor coverings suggest that decisions on the use of vapor retarding membranes be made by the architect and the owner. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 20 of 23 M -19.7r M a1049-7 mann IU Our scope of services included evaluating the surface soils for the specific purpose of a detailed pavement analysis. The primary factors in the development of the proposed pavement areas on this site are the presence of undocumented fill materials and potentially highly expansive clay soils. The only way to completely mitigate the risk of reduced service life from placing pavements on the undocumented fill or potentially highly expansive fat clays would be wholesale removal of the fill and/or clay soils from beneath pavement areas. However, this may not be economical. It may be more economically feasible to only partially remove the fill materials and/or fat clay soils with the understanding that there may be some select pavement areas that require repairs sooner than normal. We recommend a partial overexcavation thickness of at least 18 inches (to be clear, this 18 -inch thickness includes the base rock), and replacement of the overexcavated material with properly compacted structural fill, as outlined in Section 3.3 of this report, underlain by geotextile fabric (Mirdf 500x or equivalent). Note that the greater the structural fill thickness, the lower the risk that excessive settlement of the undocumented fill, and shrink/swell of the potentially expansive soils will adversely impact the life of the pavement. After the site has been stripped and prepared in accordance with Section 3.2 of this report, the pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a fully loaded dual axle dump truck. Areas found to be soft or yielding under the weight of a dump truck should be overexcavated as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer's representative and replaced with additional base course. Note that during the warmer and drier summer months, the potentially highly expansive clay soils, if exposed, should be covered with structural fill the same day they are excavated to prevent them from drying out. The base course should consist of at least 18 inches of well -graded crushed stone with a maximum particle size of 2 inches and contain at least 15 percent soil passing the U.S. #200 sieve, and have a liquid limit less than 45 and plasticity index less than 25. The purpose of using a well -graded granular fill with a significant amount of fines is to lower the permeability so that it limits surface water intrusion into the backfill that could saturate the native potentially expansive clay soils. The base course may also consist of recompacted, in-place, crushed rock gravel or Bar Run fill, with a maximum particle size of 3 to 4 inches, that is relatively clean and free of organics and deleterious materials. The base course should be moisture conditioned to within 3 percent of optimum and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of a modified proctor as outlined in Section 3.3 of this report. Using the AASHTO method of flexible pavement design, the following design parameters have been assumed: • An assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 5 for the fat clay that underlies the proposed new parking and driveway pavement areas. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 Page 21 of 23 • A pavement life of 20 years. • A terminal serviceability (Pt) of 2. • A regional factor (R) of 3.0. • An assumed 18,000 pound equivalent axle load (EAL) of 71 per day for delivery truck and car parking. • An assumed 18,000 pound equivalent axle load (EAL) 141 per day for delivery truck and cars drive lane areas. • An assumed average weight of 4,000 pounds per car and 80,000 pounds per loaded delivery truck was used in our calculations. Additionally, the driveway and turnaround must be designed to support an 80,000 pound fire truck. The project Civil Engineer should review our assumptions to confirm they are appropriate for the anticipated traffic loading. See Tables 4 and 5 below for recommended pavement section thicknesses based on the above assumptions. Table 4: Asphaltic Concrete- Recommended Minimum Thicknesses (inch) Pavement Materials Car Parking Driveway Areas Asphaltic Concrete 3 4 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (underlain by 18 18 Mirafi 50OX geotextile fabric or equivalent) Table 5: Portland Cement Concrete- Recommended Minimum Thicknesses (inch) Pavement Materials Car Parking Driveway Areas Portland Cement Concrete 5 8 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (underlain by 8 8 Mirafi 50OX geotextile fabric or equivalent) Asphaltic concrete materials should be compacted to at least 91 percent of the material's theoretical maximum density as determined in general accordance with ASTM D 2041 (Rice Specific Gravity). The geotextile fabric should be placed over a smooth subgrade and should be placed with no wrinkles. The fabric should be overlapped a minimum of 18 inches. Construction equipment should not be permitted to travel directly on the geotextile fabric. Water should not be allowed to pond behind curbs and saturate the base course. In down grade areas base course should extend through the slope to allow any water entering the base course a path to exit. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 EEI should be retained to provide observation and testing of construction activities involved in the foundation, earthwork, and related activities of this project. EEI cannot accept any responsibility for any conditions that deviate from those described in this report, nor for the performance of the foundations if not engaged to also provide construction observation for this project. 4.1 Drainage and Groundwater Considerations Water should not be allowed to collect in the foundation excavations or on prepared subgrades for the proposed floor slab or pavement areas during construction. Positive site drainage should be maintained throughout construction activities. Undercut or excavated areas should be sloped toward one comer to facilitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff. The site grading plan should be developed to provide rapid drainage of surface water away from the building areas and to inhibit infiltration of surface water around the perimeter of the building and beneath the floor slab. The grades should be sloped away from building areas. Stormwater runoff should be piped (tightlined) to an approved on-site private system or public storm drain system. 4.2 Excavations In Federal Register, Volume 54, No. 209 (October 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, part 1926, Subpart P". This document and subsequent updates were issued to better insure the safety of workmen entering trenches or excavations. It is mandated by this federal regulation that excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavations or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the new OSHA guidelines. These regulations are strictly enforced and if they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's "responsible person", as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. We are providing this information solely as a service to our client. EEI does not assume responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's compliance with local, state, and federal safety or other regulations. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 5.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS As is standard practice in the geotechnical industry, the conclusions contained in our report are considered preliminary because they are based on assumptions made about the soil, rock, and groundwater conditions exposed at the site during our subsurface investigation. A more complete extent of the actual subsurface conditions can only be identified when they are exposed during construction. Therefore, EEI should be retained as your consultant during construction to observe the actual conditions and to provide our final conclusions. If a different geotechnical consultant is retained to perform geotechnical inspection during construction, then they should be relied upon to provide final design conclusions and recommendations, and should assume the role of geotechnical engineer of record, as is the typical procedure required by the governing jurisdiction. The geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are based on the available project information, and the subsurface materials described in this report. If any of the noted information is incorrect, please inform EEI in writing so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report, if appropriate, and if desired by the client. EEI will not be responsible for the implementation of its recommendations when it is not notified of changes in the project. Once construction plans are finalized and a grading plan has been prepared, EEI should be retained to review those plans, and modify our existing recommendations related to the proposed construction, if determined to be necessary. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein have been made in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering practices in the local area. No other warranties are implied or expressed. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client, Tall Pine Contracting Inc, for the specific application to the design and construction of the proposed industrial facility located on tax lots 4000 and 4100, on 30" Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EEI does not authorize the use of the advice herein nor the reliance upon the report by third parties without prior written authorization by EEI. Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-0884 June 25, 2021 APPENDICES Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-066-1 June 25, 2021 APPENDIX A - TEST PIT LOGS Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-066-1 June 25, 2021 Appendix A: Test Pit TP -1 Earth sheet 1 ort Engineers, Client: Tal Pine Ccotracing Inc Report Number: 21-000-1 Prajeat Tal Pine Industrial Fal Excavation Contractor'. Emerald Excavating Inc. as Address: Tax Lacs 4000 end 4100, Min Steal Springfield, OR Excavation Method. John Deere 85G Excavator Location or Test Pit: W. 44.0524T, Long -122.98410° Equipment 2- foot widetoothed bucket Date Excavated: 5(2&2021 Approximate Elevation (fi): 480 Logged By: Greg Thibeaux, P.E. L'dhology Sampling Data e - - c Geologic Description of _cri N in 4 RemaMs - Soil and Rock Strata ` rE m�`o uc ao v o'E 'a `o as m - yE 0 5 ern rnz ow o d� 0 ONDOCOMENTED PILL MATERIAL - brownand gray, Mod. mover inM open shed rock, rounded and ca bl8 sand (locally known as gravel and cabbies with silt and 1 "Bar Run"), crushed rock, 3 inch thick asphaltic t bgs, conmele slab encountered at about 2-12 feet bgs. b enc 2 3 4 - FAT CLAY (CH) - natNe sail, dark gray, moist, stiff. Mod 5 6 2.0 97 96 69 46 Plasticity Index (PI) = 69 Pocket penetrometer tests 7 performed on bucket sample. 8 1.0 9 0— I 12 13 14 5 Notes: Test pit terminated at a depth of approximately 8 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in stiff FAT CLAY (CH). Light groundwater seepage encountered at about 4 feel bo at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 5282021. Approximate elevation Interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagery dated July 2019. Mod. = moderate. Appendix A: Test Pit TP -2 Earth sheet 1 ort Engineers, Client: Tal Pine Contracting Inc Report Number: 21-088-1 Frgect: Tal Fine Industrial Facility Excavation Contractor: Emerald Excavating Inc. Site Address: Tax Lobs 4000 and 4100, 3M Slreel, Springfield, OR Excavation Method. John Deere 85G Excavator Localbn or Test Pit: W. 14.0523T°, Long. -122.98350° Equipment 2 -foot widetoothed bucket Dale Excavated! 51 Approximate Elevation (1):482 Logged By: Greg Thbeaux, P.E. Ulhology Sampling Data e - Geologic of _ 1i Nin Remarks ea L E Rock Strata Soil and Rock Strata E� m�`o no y wz 'ow m - 0 5 �w a°a o al Mo 0 UNDOCUMENTED FILL MATERIAL - brown and gray, Mod. moist, contained 6 inch open crushed rock, Bar Run gravels with rounded cobbles up to 12 inches in diameter. 1 2 3 4 5 FAT CLAY (CX) - nafive sob, dark gray, metal, stiff. Mod. 6 Pocket penetrometer tests 1.0 43 performed on bucket sample. T 2.0 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 5 Notes. Test pit terminated at a depth of approximately 8 feet bgs in stiff FAT CLAY (CH). Groundwater not encountered at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 5/28/2021. Approximate elevation interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagery dated July 2019. Mod. - moderate. Appendix A: Test Pit TP -3 Earth sheet 1 en Engineers, Client: Tal Mine Contracting Inc Report Number 21-088-1 Project: Tal Pte Industrial Fell Excavation Contractor: Emerald Excavating Inc. Site Atltlress: Tax Lots 4000 and 4100, Min Steel, Springfield, OR Excavation Method: John Deere 85G Excavator Location of Test Pct: Lat. 440523xV, Long. -122.98335" Equipment 2 -foot widetoothed bucket Date Excavated: 52&2021 Approximate Elevation (f)'. 481 Logged By: Greg Thibeaux, P.E. Lithology Sampling Data e — — c Geologic Description of _ Nin 4 Remarks — Soil and Rock Strata o v 'y, _ q' — O @@� .4.E a a 0 UNDOCUMENTED FILL MATERIAL - brown and gray, Mod. moist, contained 6 inch open crushed rock, Bar Run, WV -D crushed rock, 2 foot diameter pieces of concrete 1 and a piece ofwood encountered from about 1 to 2 feet bgs. 2 3 4 Hard Practical digging refusal in fill material at 5 feet bgs. 5 6 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 5 Notes. Test pit terminated at a depth of approximately 5 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in stiff FAT CLAY (CH). Groundwater not encountered at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 512812021. Approximate elevation Interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagery dated July 2019. Mod. = moderate. Appendix A: Test Pit TP -4 Earth sheet 1 ort Engineers, Client: Tal Pine Contracting Inc Report Number: 21-088-1 protect Tal Pine Industrial Fal Excavation Contractor: Emerald Excavating Inc.Site Address: Tax Lds 4000 and 4100, 3Oh Street, Springfield, OR Excavation Method John Deere 85G Excavator Localbn ofTed Pit: W. 4405218°, Long. -122.98342° Equipment 2-footwide, toothed bucket Dale Excavated: 5282021 Approximate Elevation (it)'. 480 Logged By: Greg Thibeaux, P.E. L'Ahology Sampling Data e - -o 0 Geologic Description of _ Nin 2 Remarks 0 c E Soil and Rock Strata E E = "` u c °a a o5 ro ie V= 2M.E V so 5 w ow a N. .5- 0 UNDOCUMENTED FILL MATERIAL - brown and gray, Mod. moist, contained 6 inch open crushed rock, Bar Run gravels, pieces of lumber, and 2 inch diameter metal pipe. 1 2 3 4 5 FAT CLAY (CX) - nalrve soil, dark gray, moial, stiff. Mort. 1.25 tests PockePeder performed on bucket ed on bucket sample. 6 2.0 39 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 5 Notes: Test pit terminated at a depth of approximately 8 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in stili FAT CLAY (CH). Groundwater not encountered at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 5/28/2021. Approximate elevation interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagery dated July 2019. Mod. -moderate Appendix A: Test Pit TP -5 Earth sheet 1 ort Engineers, 0 Client: Tal Mine Contracting Inc Report Number 21-088-1 Prgeat Tal Pte Industrial Fall Excavation Contractor: Emerald Excavating Inc. site Address: Tax Lots 4000 and 4100, 301h steel, Springfield, OR Excavation Method: John Deere 85G Excavator L.A. of Test I Lal. 44.05201", Long. -122.98362° Equipment 2-footwide, toothed bucket Oahe Excavated: 5282021 Approximate Elevation (it maty. 481 Logged By: Greg Thibeaux, P.E. Lithology Sampling Data e - -o — Geologic Description of _ Nin 2 Remarks c E soil and Rock Strata E E - re c aie v = 0 UNDOCUMENTED FILL MATERIAL - brown and Mod. gray, moist, contained 6 inch open crushed rock, Bar Run gravels. 1 2 3 4 5 FAT CLAY (CX) - netrve soil, dark gray, moist, medium Pocket penetrometer beet shin. Easy 0.75 36 performed on bucket sample. 6 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 5 NotesTest pit terminated at a depth of approximately 6 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in medium stili FAT CLAY (CH). Groundwater not encountered at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 512812021. Approximate elevation interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagery dated July 2019. Mort. - moderate. Appendix A: Test Pit TP -6 Earth shed 1 ort Engineers, Client: Tal Mine Contracting Inc Report Number 21-088-1 Prgect: Tal Pte Industrial Fall Excavation Contractor: Emerald Excavating Inc. Site Adapters: Tax Lots 4000 and 4100, 30fir Steel, Springfiel OR Excavation Method: John Deere 85G Excavator Localbn a Ted I W. 4405213", Long. -122.98408° Equipment 2- foot wide toothed bucket Dale Excavated: 5282021 Approximate Elevation (it malt'. 480 Logged By: Greg Thibeaux, P.E. Lithology Sampling Data e - -o 0 Geologic Description tion of _ Nin 4 ReaMs m E c E Soil and Rock Strata d, c u c a o v d`o _ Hal a° a 0 UNDOCUMENTED FILL MATERIAL - brain and gray, Mod mold, contained 6 inch open crashed rock, Bar Run, 1-1/2"-0 crashed rock, 6 inch thick asphallic concrete slab 1 encountered at about 2 feet bgs. 2 3 4 FAT CLAY (CX) - native soil, dark gray, moil, diff. Mod. 2.0 Pocket penelmnela tests 5 perrarmetl on bucket sample. 8 34 7 2.0 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 5 Notes: Test pit terminated at a depth of approximately 8 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in stili FAT CLAY (CH). Groundwater not encountered at the time of digging. Test pit loosely backfilled upon completion with excavated soil on 5/28/2021. Approximate elevation interpolated from Google Earth aerial imagerydated July 2019. Mod. - moderate. APPENDIX B - SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-066-1 June 25, 2021 SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND APPARENT CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS (PECK,HANSON&THDRNWRN 1W,1,A To 1985) Descriptor SPT N. bimatfoot • Pocket Penetrometer, Qp Jtsf)is Torvane Field Approximation Very Soft < 2 <0.25 <0.12 Easily penetrated several inches by fist Soft 2-4 0.25-0.50 0.12-0.25 Easily penetrated several inches by thumb Medium Stiff 5-8 0.50-1.0 0.25-0.50 Penetrated several inches by thumb w/moderate effort Stiff 9-15 1.0-2.0 0.50-1.0 Readily indented by thumbnail Very Stiff 16-30 2.0-4.0 1.0-2.0 Indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort Hard > 30 > 4.0 > 2.0 Indented by thumbnail with difficulty Using SPT N. is considered a crude approximation for cohesive soils. APPARENT DENSITY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS AASRTo leas Descriptor SPT Ne, Value (blowsHoot) Very Loose 0-4 Loose 5-10 Medium Dense 11-30 Dense 31-50 Very Dense > 50 PERCENT OR PROPORTION OF SOILS (ASTM 02488-06) Descriptor Criteria Trace Particles are present but estimated < 5% Few 5-10% Little 15-25% Some 30-45% Mostly 50-100% Percentages are estimated to nearest 5% in the field. Use 'about" unless percentages are based on laboratory testing. MOISTURE (ASTM D24811 6) Descriptor Criteria > 12 inches Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch, well Dry below optimum moisture content (per ASTM %inch to 3 inches No.4 sieve to%inch D698 or D1557 Moist Damp but no visiblewater Passing No. 200 sieve (0.075mm) Visible free water, usually soil is below water Wet table, well above optimum moisture content(per Well -graded gravels and ravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines ASTM D698 or D1557 SOIL PARTICLE SIZE (ASTM DU88-06) Descriptor Size Boulder > 12 inches Cobble 3 to 12 inches Gravel - Coarse Fine %inch to 3 inches No.4 sieve to%inch Sand - Coarse Medium Fine No. 10to No. 4sieve(4.75mm) No. 40to No. 10sieve(2mm) No. 200to No. 40sieve(.425mm) Silt and Clay ("fines) Passing No. 200 sieve (0.075mm) GRAPHIC SYMBOL LEGEND ® GRAB Grab sample SPT Standard Penetration Test 2° OD), ASTM D1586 Engineers, ST Shelby Tube ASTM D1587(pushed) DM Damesand Moore rin sam ler 3.25'OD and 140 -pound hammer CORE Rock coring UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ASTM D24E8 Major Division Group Description Symbol Coarse Clean GW Well -graded gravels and ravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines Grained Gravel (50%or Gravel GP Poorly graded gravels and ravel -sand mixtures little or no fines Soils mare retained Gravel GM Silty ravels and ravel -sand -silt mixtures on No. 4 sieve) GC Clayey ravels andgravel-sand-clay mixtures ,kith fines (more than Clean SW Well -graded sands and ravel) sands little or no fines 50% retained Sand(>50% 50 sand SP Poorly -graded sands and ravel) sands, little or no fines an #200 passing 4 Sand SM Silty sands and sand -silt mixtures sieve) sieve) with fines SC Clayey sands and sand -clay mixtures Fine Grained Silt and ClayML Inorganic silts, rock flour and clayeysilts CL Inorganic clays of lcw-medium plasticity,sandy &lean clays Soils (liquid limit< 50) OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity (50%ar mare MH Inorganic silts and clayeysilts passing#200 Silt and Clay CH Inorganic clays or highplasticity,fat clays sieve) (liquid limit> 50) OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity Highly Organic Soils PT Peat muck and other highly organic soils GRAPHIC SYMBOL LEGEND ® GRAB Grab sample SPT Standard Penetration Test 2° OD), ASTM D1586 Engineers, ST Shelby Tube ASTM D1587(pushed) DM Damesand Moore rin sam ler 3.25'OD and 140 -pound hammer CORE Rock coring APPENDIX C - HISTORIC WATER WELL LOG REPORTS Proposed Tall Pine Industrial Facility Earth Engineers, Inc. EEI Report No. 21-066-1 June 25, 2021 STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT on bandied by OAR (590 200-035) GRmOK.ao� V Z., '. DEC 2 3 1996 * �,9019 WATEP HE�,G(AL._S D6PT. (1) OWNER/PROTECT: Hole Number Alteration Rotary Ah ([Hand Auger Xifollow Stem Auger ary RotMud ❑Cable land E] Push probe ❑Other (4) TYPE OF HOLE: ❑ Untried Temporary xc.wd Permanent (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: pp^^ Special Construction approval XYes [-]e No Depth of Completed Hole ft. ` HOLE SEAL Diameter From Ta MahMl F—.. To 9ur4v or puunde " O 8 6ZMCNT O Backfiliplacedfrom ft. to Filter Packplacedfrom ft. ft. m ft. Material Srstofpack • (7) CASINGISCREEN: Dbnnucr PYam To Userge SIW Plastid Welded TLu�undN Casing' El11y>� ❑ El1❑ ElElE] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Screen: _ El ❑ ❑ 1-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Slot siu Ab �C/J 10CT QAI T!) 6ROUNDWATFOi l (s) wELLTEST. No ❑Pump []Bailer E] Air ❑ Flowing Anesisn Permeability Yidd CPM Conductivity PH Temperature of water 'F/C Depth artesian flow found_ ft. Was water mulysis done? ❑ Yes ❑ No By whom? Depthof strata analyzed. Frain _ft,,. ❑. Remarks: (9) LOCATION OF ROLE by legal description: j¢ounty LANE Latitude Longitude IZ2°58t�(8tW Township -----_LN or(S)Raage E mowkt, Seetion-3 t,_ AJC 1/0 Lei 1/4 Tax Lot Lot Blnek Subdivision_,_ Street Addresaofwen (orneemstaddress)OVF) ? MAIA) _ SPRw(,FI tE�LyD Identified_ M I YHWGFEnmust be attn hell Y,. ELLA(�G€D 2.1 (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: ^ Io ft. below land surface. Dare 6/T/96 Artesian pressure _ Ib. per square inch. Date (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Ground Elevation _��.. Date Sinned 6/8/46 Dae Completed 6/7-7/96 (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Date sunned Date Completed Professional Certification (m be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor or registered geologist or civil eagiueer) I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work Tertormed on during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. This report is we to due beat of my knowledge and belief. I/ jlLiarts,01R,iistrationNumber 6lztk1 Signed yLJLY i� Date l- -WA6 Affrlimi, OO&E6C,6j OhrpT <EAL �/LIVV 1jvDq< THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY -CONSTRUCTOR . THIRD COPY -CUSTOMER �cCe:lr11�[c�IMUT•:[i1Fv�:it•1•�— C�1!��3IL�g��s�!r�■r�IF�� • Date Sinned 6/8/46 Dae Completed 6/7-7/96 (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Date sunned Date Completed Professional Certification (m be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor or registered geologist or civil eagiueer) I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work Tertormed on during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. This report is we to due beat of my knowledge and belief. I/ jlLiarts,01R,iistrationNumber 6lztk1 Signed yLJLY i� Date l- -WA6 Affrlimi, OO&E6C,6j OhrpT <EAL �/LIVV 1jvDq< THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY -CONSTRUCTOR . THIRD COPY -CUSTOMER Y STATE OF OREGON / GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (n required by OAR 690,]40035) I rasa "vax6 1p le j J(„ 1 S 1997 KJC30ENV.97G -s'1A7f_R r"iESOUFICES DEPT. SALEM, OREGON (1) OWNER/PROSECT. Bole Number TW -4 Name Oregon Cedar Products Address 3600 Commercial Ave City Springfield stare Oregon zip 97477 (2) TYPE OF WORK ®New ❑Deepmieg ❑Alteration (repairhecondiuon)�AbaMonmem (3) CONSTRUCTION: ❑Roury Air ❑Bard Aager ❑Hollow Skm Auger ❑Rotary Mud CableTool [3%ahPmbe 70don (4) TYPE OF HOLE: ❑Uncaud Temporary ❑Cau/Peroration Groundwater sampling (6) BOREHOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Consrmction approval ❑Yes []�#lo Deplh of Comple[d Bole 1Z' ft I N.".0 , " - mm�mmmmm Bwediplacedfrom - - ft. to - - ft. Meurid filter Puk placed from_3_5t ft. ml2' ft. Siuof Pack lQ-2D_ (7) CASING/SCREEN: From To SWL As halt 0' Dl.nsrer Porn h G -W steel PWrk WeleeO lTreWetl coding l 1 71 91 ❑ ❑ S nd S'lt 2' ❑ 1-1 F-1 El ❑ El F-1❑ Scrzen:1 ' Rl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Slmsize .020 (8) WELLTEST. ❑Pump ❑Bailer ❑Air ❑Flowing Artesian Pemwabilay. - - Yield - GPM - - CoMucuvity PH - Tempermue of water 550°F/C fhpN artesian Bow found Was water arralysis done? ®Yes ❑ No By whom? Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Depthofsparaandyzed. From 0' ft. to 12' ft. Remarks: Don Hanson Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: County Lane Latitude- f-m:gisude Township T 1] $ N or S Range R 2 W E a W. WM. section 31 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Tax Lm - - Lot -Block Salsivision Street Address of Well (m nearest add,ess) 3600 Commercial AVE_Springfield OR MOP With location IndantiMd must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: 3.5' R. below hand amfue. Dare 5/27/97 r,Y Artesian Pressure - - Ib. per square inch Date (11) SUBSUNFACELOG: onnandEbevaboo 475' Mass.al Desai lion From To SWL As halt 0' 6" oorl raded ra el 6" 3' Silt w sand Poor] raded Sand w silt 5' 7' S nd S'lt 2' (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Daze Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registerod geologist or civil engineer). I uupt responsibility for the constmcto n, alteration, or abandonment work pedonned during the oonsuuaion dates reposed above. All work performed doting this time is in compliance with Oregon's geotechnical hole coruWetion starrdarda. This report is live to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lic ru a Regisvazivn Number 10348 Signed �te 6 28 97 Aln'tor a N J D' 111 n THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY -CONSTRUCTOR THIRD COPY -CUSTOMER STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT LANE 57689 les required by OAR 530-240435) Hole No, Co Job No. B-2 Name SPRINGWOOD, INC siroN 622 S 57TH PLACE city SPRINGFIELD Shite OR Zip 97475 (1) TYPE OF WORX ® New E] After (Recondition) E] Alter(Repalr) ❑ Deepening ® Abandonment ❑ Robry Air ❑ Hand Auger E] Hollow Shim Auger ❑ Rotary Mud ❑ Cable Tool ® Push Probe Ober (4) TYPE OF HOLE ® Unicameral Temporary E] C ... d Permanent E] Uncapped Permanent [_] Slope stability Other Spedal Standards E] Depth of completed well 16 g. HOLE amHer rom o SEAL From Material Backfill placed from ens unit ni Filter pack placed from d. TO Grout Size in. U.0 18.119 an on to Depth of abate b be analyzed. From d. b Remits Backfill placed from R TO It Material Filter pack placed from d. TO fl. Size in. Screen rd/ =J TC.V Formability Yield GPM Cond,Kdvly PH Tempereture &water 50 °F/C Depth edesien now found Was avatar analysis done? ByMom7 nOORP Depth of abate b be analyzed. From d. b Remits Name of supervising GeoloMst/Enginser R rz Reeer,ad dare 12107/1999 County Lane LatliWe Longitude Township 17.00 S Range 2.00 W sece. 31 SW 114 SW 114 Tex lot 700 Lot Block Subdivision Legal deet: Street Md.. awall for neera.t address) 30TH AND MAIN ST, SPRINGFIELD 12,0 FL below land su lace. Date 1111011999 Areslan Prenure Mean. In. net. Grouts Ebvatlon 0, IAND AND GRAY e Date started 11110/1999 Completed 11110/1999 Date started Completed M,baned by albenead water suppy d monitoring well constructor, or registeredgeologic or W I engineer). 1 accept reaponelWlily for Ne conHrodbn, aiteredon, or abandonment work perimmed on this wall plane the op rstMdion tlates reporled above. All work perfomnd during Mis time Is in oompliance with 0 on geotechnical hole constmdlon standards. This repod is tme to Ne beet of my knaMedge end belle/ License or Reglstralion Number 10347 signed By THOMAS WILSON Dete Amlla9on GEO TECH EXPLORATIONS G EOITEC,H.EXPLORATIONS S� gY 5'1 l¢�tY atD® 6924759 12/10 '99 02:25 NO.177 03/04 i 93 it � —e • 7-1 v mm3EM D�SSiYj •[� n� ago Q �' BDZOt1C7tC Zsd TD it,m3 sonal10 _. STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (u o,turoi by OAR (aW346035) REL—ANE 63111 OCT 1 7 2003 I ��'�Piia• o (1)OWNER/P OJECT: HoleNumbnr //0 Nam Address ZD Cie Same 7i (2) TYPE OF W New E] Deepening ❑ Alteration(remaireeondidon) Abandonment (3) CONSTRUCTION: ❑Rotary Air ❑Hand Auger ❑Hollow Seem Auger ❑Rotary Mud ❑Cable Tool UPashIstabe ❑Offer (O TYPE OF HOLE: Untried Temporary ❑Cased Pemmeard Uacand Permanent ❑Slope Stabilay ❑Orher (5) USE OF HOLE: (6) BOREHOLE CONSTRUCTION: //nn ' Spxial Cotm nsction approval ❑ ""A No Depda of Completed Hole eft. HOLE SEAL Disamor From Tb hr 11 Flom To Sudorr Poande Backfill placed from eft to --ft. Material -- Filter Paekdated foram `t, to 'ft- Sizeof Pack (7) Diurnme Ta Gaage Steel Plan itdad ltueaded ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ (S) WELLTEST. ❑Pump E] Bader ❑Air E] Rowing Artesian Permeability Yield GPM Conductivity- PH 7runpuamre of water Depdt artesian flow found ft, Was wazer analysis doyen. No an p � By whnma / . �•• Nl� Y Depdtofdramadidyzed. n /=Z' rcro '(9J -LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: County Z: . Latitude � Longitude Towaemp 2727 N mo Range <-2 E m WM. Section _ 3l A&,f- 1/4 Ai I/4 Tax Lot ^ Lot Block ss Subdivig Street Address fWell(or neare tad / ) tfANogg � location Itlen[ilietl must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: ,� // H. below land surface. Daze /o ,P—C3 Artesianpmsuve fib. per square inch. Daze (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Ground Elevation �� (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Mutual Description From To Sacks or Pounds g Date sinned /Zs—r,,a Date Compered/D.—R—o3 Professional Certification (w be signed by a lire..W water supply err monitoring well o.e sam,, er Oregon registered geologist or evil engineu). I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed during the co adoutton dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in comphauee with Oregon's gemectmica hole commuetion standards. This report is ave to the best of my knowledge and belief. License or Registration Number THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL -WATER RESOURCES IMPARTMENT FIRST COPY -CONSTRUCTOR SECOND COPY -CUSTOMER LANE 63111 * 0 80 N 30 (FEEn Pit 55_10A y • 551118 PIO-1 SS -10C 55-11A SS -108 • • e (4 Ballarde Location of Forma Memo! AST oP8 SS -12B 55 -BA SS_9A PP112 • • T SS -8B SS -12A • w RFCFIVEE PISS -7A- +0 -B f+ OC f 17 2003 SS -4A ME • • -.SA ASSO G SS_ DEPT —`—SAIEnA, OREGON I OFFlCE BUILDING PIC PIG Former USr Tank Pit /T p P�SHED P3 P1A+ G I iFGFND FIGURE 2 P7 Push Probe L.ocatiop no IdenGfioation Number INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 945 N. 28th Street, Springfield, OR SS -7A Surface Soil samples and SITE PIAN WITH SURFACE & SUBSURFACE SAMPLE LOCATIONS • klentificaU.n Number -e--><- Fence Bergeson-Boese & Associates, Inc. Job Code: UB03PH2.03E Comprehensive Environmental Services GADO roe: ue03.0eC -fLt— Property Line 65 Centennial Loap aiov : N11�HM DAMS Eugene, Oregon 97401 LTeckod: JIM KODION (541) 484-9484 D -107107w—