HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/8/2022380 Q Street, Ste 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)302-9790 dylanmciver@ao-engr.com A a: O Engineering LLC Stormwater Report RUI-b Woodland Ridge Subdivision Phases 3 & 4 tacatimc Jasper Rd & Mt Vemon Rd, Springfield, OR Prepared syr Dylan McIver, EIT $0 03% Reviewed Scott Morris, PE b7r Dater 12/20/2021 Type of Praiecc Residential Subdivision � Wla Project Overview The Woodland Ridge subdivision on the south side of the ridge is proposed to be constructed in 6 separate phases. This report includes a detailed analysis of phase 3 & 4 and a general design overview for phases 5 through 8. Woodland Ridge Subdivision (south) is a proposed single family residential subdivision with 265 lots on a 72.8 -acre parcel. The property is located north of Jasper Rd and east of Holly St. There is an existing 18" culvert passing beneath Jasper Rd right of way flowing to the south and west through a series of ditches and culverts before eventually discharging into the Willamette River seveml miles downstream. Stormwater runoff from the subdivision is proposed to discharge treated stormwater upstream of the existing 18" culvert beneath Jasper Rd at pre -construction peak flow rates. To meet City of Springfield detention and treatment requirements for stormwater runoff in the subdivision it is proposed to construct three separate stormwater quality ponds at different locations within the development. Stormwater runoff will be routed to these ponds via underground piping within the subdivision. Runoff within the right of way will be collected via curb inlets, with houses proposed to discharge roof drainage to streets via weepholes in the curb or storm lateral connections depending on the lot location within the proposed subdivision. Phases 3 & 4 includes 108 lots, located in the northwest quadrant of the development, and includes the south 51s Place connection to Woodland Ridge phase 1. Existing Conditions The property currently is an open grass field with a private gravel driveway running through that previously provided access to a home that has since burned down. A gravel maintenance path exists along the southern site boundary that services a series of sanitary manholes. Web Soil Survey lists the following soil types as present on the site: #73 Linslaw loam HSG D #121 B Salkum silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes HSG B #121C Salkum silty clay loam, 8 to 16 percent slopes HSG B The total parcel area is 72.8 acres; however, the new development area is approximately 49.68 acres, and this will be used for existing conditions analysis. The remaining acreage flows down the ridge or south along the historic drainage path detailed next: The existing site within the development area slopes towards the Southwest, but a ditch along the southern site boundary carries all runoff east into a series of culverts beneath the existing railroad track where runoff would leave the site. After the discharge passes the site boundary, it flows west along an existing ditch north of Jasper Rd where an existing 18" culvert conveys stormwater runoff south under the road. Within the property south of Jasper Rd is a series of check dams conveying the stormwater runoff south and west towards the Willamette River. Below is a table summarizing the physical characteristics of the existing site: Table f: Existing site physlcatcharectenstics. Land Type & Description Total Curve TP -3 Acreage Number Meadow, non -grazed, 10 0.1 TP -16 49.698 71 HSG C Infiltration Infiltration testing was performed by Geopacific, Inc. In summary, three infiltration tests were performed throughout the site and the following recommendations were made: Table 2: Summary ofgeotechnioal sal tests. Test Number Test Depth (Ft) Measured Infiltration Rate (In./hr.) TP -3 7 0.2 TP -11 10 0.1 TP -16 6 0 Tests 3, 11, and 16 were conducted on the southwest, south, and southeast portions of the site respectively. To provide a factor of safety, an infiltration rate of zero inthr was used for analysis in all ponds. The test pits were dug between 8/31/2021 and 91112021. No seasonal adjustments for the design were used. All test pits except for TPA 7 found no groundwater seepage between 7.5 to 16 feet below ground surface. TP -17 observed groundwater seepage at 7 feet below ground surface which is located at an elevation of 508 feet. Proposed Destination Treated and detained on -she stormwater runoff is proposed to discharge from the pond outlet through a flow spreader into an existing ditch south of the existing maintenance path. The stormwater runoff the s Page 2 flows west along the maintenance path until it reaches 4 parallel 12" culverts crossing beneath the railroad tracks. Stormwater runoff then flows west along an existing ditch between Jasper road and the railroad tracks until it reaches an existing 16" stonnwater culvert beneath Jasper Road. Stormwater runoff then flows south through this culvert before eventually reaching the Willamette River. Post - construction peak flowrate will be controlled by detention facilities to be at or below pre -development peak flow rates. To work with the proposed layout and the existing site contours it is proposed to split the stormwater drainage from the site into three separate systems: the north and western third will be routed through the detention pond #1 in the southwest section of the site. The central third of the site will be routed through detention pond #2 along the central southern development boundary. The eastern third of the site will be muted through detention pond #3 in the southeast section of the site. The full buildout ofthis subdivision will include 265 single family lots. A basin map summarizing drainage basin details for the finished subdivision is included in the appendix of this report. The table below summarizes the physical characteristics of the ponds: Table 3 Open storage area. In addition to the open pond area provided above, the ponds are proposed to have 12" of growing media. The following table summarizes storage capacities for the ponds: Table 4: Storage capacities foreach pond. (Soil media 8 rock chamber) Pond: Open Storage Oa1adtyfdl Bottom Top of Top of Slope Side 3,050 Bottomof Of(ft Pond 2 90,673 2,817 93,490 Pond: Stupe EL Square Slope EL Square Footage Slopes Footage(sf) (ft) (so (H:V) Pond 1 510.00 21,065 514.00 30,495 3:1 Pond 2 513.00 17,377 517A0 28,168 3:1 Pond 3 518.00 13,069 522.00 1 19,392 3:1 In addition to the open pond area provided above, the ponds are proposed to have 12" of growing media. The following table summarizes storage capacities for the ponds: Table 4: Storage capacities foreach pond. (Soil media 8 rock chamber) Pond: Open Storage Oa1adtyfdl Growing Media Storage Upadtyl0%void space kf) Total Storage (cf) Pond 1 105,523 3,050 108,572 Pond 2 90,673 2,817 93,490 Pond 3 64,538 1,939 66,477 0 Page 3 Hydraulic Calculations HydroCAD software was utilized to calculate existing condition peak flows leaving the site from the development area. Below are parameters utilized in calculating the existing condition peak flowrates leaving the site from the development area: Runoff Method: Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) Area: 49.698 acres Curve Number: 90: 1/8 acre lots, 65% imp, HSG C 100 -Year 98: Paved roads wicurbs & sewers, HSG C Land Description: 71: Meadow, non -grazed, HSG C Time of Concentration: Existing Phase 3 & 4: 212 minutes 2 -Year Existing Macro Basin is 27.0 minutes Existing Macro Basin 2:152 minutes Stomr Type: Type IA 24 -hr Stone Events: Water Quality -0.83 inches 2 -Year Storm - 3.30 inches 5 -Year Stone - 3.60 inches Peak 10 -Year Storm - 4.30 inches Peak Elev. 25 Year Storm - 4.80 inches To ensure stormwater structures will not cause flooding, the following hydraulic elevations were calculated for a post -construction site: Ta Me 5: Hydraulic elevations whin ponds dunng each storm event. Curve numbers used in the model include 98 for the impervious ROW and 90 for the 65% impervious lots. The city of Springfield requires a type IA 24 -hr design storm for each of the water quality, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 10D -year rainfall events. The city of Springfield also requires an emergency spillway system that safely passes the 100 -year, 24-hour design stone over the pond embankment without overtopping any part of the pond in the event of a control structure failure. As shown, the ponds completely contain stormwater runoff from the site dud ng each storm event with the required 1 -foot of freeboard per city of Springfield stormwater design standards and thus are adequate to protect the subdivision and surrounding properties from damage. 0 Page 4 Water 5 -Year 30 -Year 25 -Year 100 -Year Top -of- Top -of - 2 -Year Overflow Quall[y Peak Peak Peak Peak Elev. Bank Berm Pond: Peak Elev. Peak Elm. ElmElm. Elm. (ft) (ft) Elev. (ft) Eley. (ft) ElWeir (ft) (ft) (ft) Pond 1 510.19 512.77 513.20 513.53 513.69 513.76 513.70 514.00 514.69 Pond 2 513.43 515.87 516.17 516.38 516.62 516.75 516.65 517.00 517.62 Pond 3 518.37 520.40 520.69 520.95 521.23 521.33 521.25 522.00 522.23 Curve numbers used in the model include 98 for the impervious ROW and 90 for the 65% impervious lots. The city of Springfield requires a type IA 24 -hr design storm for each of the water quality, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 10D -year rainfall events. The city of Springfield also requires an emergency spillway system that safely passes the 100 -year, 24-hour design stone over the pond embankment without overtopping any part of the pond in the event of a control structure failure. As shown, the ponds completely contain stormwater runoff from the site dud ng each storm event with the required 1 -foot of freeboard per city of Springfield stormwater design standards and thus are adequate to protect the subdivision and surrounding properties from damage. 0 Page 4 The following table lists the peak flow rates for run-off from both the existing site and the proposed site: Table 6, Pre-mnstrucflon peak flowrdtes As shown in the above tables 6, the proposed peak flow rates are lower than the peak flows for existing conditions. All calculation details can be found in the attached HydroCAD report. This is an aggregate analysis that covers all eight phases of the proposed subdivision. The design for future phases will be refined at the time of the tentative subdivision and PIP process for the respective phases. Pollution Control The stormwater from the pollution control event will be 100% treated prior to discharging into the public system. Pond #1 contains an interior grassy swale for stormwater treatment for each of two inlet locations. Ponds #2 and #3 are connected to exterior grassy swales upstream of the pond inlets for stormwater treatment. To meet water quality standards, see the table below for grassy swale dimensions, travel times, and flow depth. Table 7: Grdseyswafe dmensions and tmafinentcapability dwnga water quat tystorm. Swale Proposed Swale Existing Peak Swale Storm Event Average Peak Flowrate Length Flowrate (cfs) Side Bottom Bottom (cfs) 2 -Year 5.48 5.42 5 -Year 8.55 7.21 10 -Year 11.99 9.98 25 -Year 15.68 13.59 As shown in the above tables 6, the proposed peak flow rates are lower than the peak flows for existing conditions. All calculation details can be found in the attached HydroCAD report. This is an aggregate analysis that covers all eight phases of the proposed subdivision. The design for future phases will be refined at the time of the tentative subdivision and PIP process for the respective phases. Pollution Control The stormwater from the pollution control event will be 100% treated prior to discharging into the public system. Pond #1 contains an interior grassy swale for stormwater treatment for each of two inlet locations. Ponds #2 and #3 are connected to exterior grassy swales upstream of the pond inlets for stormwater treatment. To meet water quality standards, see the table below for grassy swale dimensions, travel times, and flow depth. Table 7: Grdseyswafe dmensions and tmafinentcapability dwnga water quat tystorm. Each swale will be vegetated to assist in treatment of stormwater runoff. Each pond also has 1 -foot of growing medium to hold vegetation. Stormwater runoff filters through this vegetation prior to discharge off-site. • Page 5 Swale Swale Swale Swale Swale Average Pond: Length Depth Side Bottom Bottom FMInImum Travel Depth at (ft) (ft) Slope Slope Widthme(mIn) Peak (ft/ft) (111W (ft) Storage (ft) Pond #1 251 1.0 4.0 0.0025 14 0.36 West Grassy 29.6 Swale Pond#1 East 129 1.0 4.0 0.0025 21 0.39 Grassy Swale 14.2 Pond #2 120 3.0 4.0 0.003 23 0.40 Grassy Swale 11.8 Pond 93 131 3.0 4.0 0.0025 23 0.34 Grassv Swale 15 7 Each swale will be vegetated to assist in treatment of stormwater runoff. Each pond also has 1 -foot of growing medium to hold vegetation. Stormwater runoff filters through this vegetation prior to discharge off-site. • Page 5 As shown in table 7, the minimum travel times within the swales are above 9 minutes and the flow depths meet the maximum 0.4 feet. Thus, stormwater from the site will be adequately treated. Proposed treatment methods adequately provide treatment for water quality storms while using the 0.83 -inch water quality stone from the City of Springfield Code. As the proposed ponds do not include rock chambers and the existing soil conditions at each pond location shows poor infiltration capacity, the only means of treatment during the water quality storm is by discharging through a grassy swale. For treated stormwater discharge to drain from the pond completely between water quality storm events, the lowest orifice must be constructed at the flowline of the pond. Table 9Gmssyswale drawdown hares, during the waterqueW slam event. Conclusion The proposed stormwater system will adequately serve all phases of the proposed development. The system is designed to keep post construction peak flows lower than the pre -development peak flows. Therefore, the storm management system meets flood control requirements. Peak water flow elevations during water quality storm events within the grassy swales do not rise above the 0.4' maximum. This means the swales are adequately sized to allow the runoff to be completely treated by flowing through vegetation and thus the stone management system meets pollution control requirements. Emergency overflow weirs are designed to be located on the south side of each proposed pond. This will allow water to flow away from structures in an unusual event to protect public safety and prevent property damage. Lastly, the system will contain runoff thereby protecting public safety and removing the potential for properly damage. s Page 6 Drawdown Storm Event time (hours) Pond 1 West 34.00 Grassy Swale Pond 1 East 29.00 Grassy Swale Pond 2 Grassy 2 28.00 Swale Pond 3 Grassy 28,00 Swale Conclusion The proposed stormwater system will adequately serve all phases of the proposed development. The system is designed to keep post construction peak flows lower than the pre -development peak flows. Therefore, the storm management system meets flood control requirements. Peak water flow elevations during water quality storm events within the grassy swales do not rise above the 0.4' maximum. This means the swales are adequately sized to allow the runoff to be completely treated by flowing through vegetation and thus the stone management system meets pollution control requirements. Emergency overflow weirs are designed to be located on the south side of each proposed pond. This will allow water to flow away from structures in an unusual event to protect public safety and prevent property damage. Lastly, the system will contain runoff thereby protecting public safety and removing the potential for properly damage. s Page 6