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Application APPLICANT 1/6/2022
City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Application Type(Applicant., check one) Partition Tentative Pre -Submittal: ❑ Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: X Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: ,Required •..section) Applicant Name: Hayden Homes, LLC Phone: 800 923-6607 Company: Fax: Address: 2464 SW Glacier Place, Ste 110, Redmond, OR 97756 Applicant's Rep.: Katie Keidel, Associate Planner Phone: 541 302-9830 Company: Metro Planning, Inc Fax: Address: MASt. Springfield, OR 97477 Property owner: SSR Investments LLC Phone: Company: Fax: Address: PO Box 2617, Eugene, OR 97402 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-04-00 TAX LOT NOS : 02800 Property Address: 5410 Mt. Vernon Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: 72.87 Acres X Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Woodland Ridge - Phase 3 & Phase 4 Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: 108 Lot Subdivision Existing Use: Vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 108 T0[at acreage of parcels/ allowabledensit 39acros@6-14unitslacre Proposed x t1we0Unks 108 Signatures: Please si nand rint our name and date in thea Associated Applications: ro riate box on the next a e. Signs: `611- 2z-000006 -Pk c - Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: MI6 aa2z- Reviewed by: D19 Case No.: Date: Reviewed b : Application Fee: tel. Vii • � Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7114 kl i of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelin s, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. S��� Date: 1 I Z Si ature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 222.178 pertaining to a complete application. Date: Print Revised 1/2/14 kl 2 of 10 Land Division Tentative Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Tentative Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. • The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided- by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At theapplicant's request, the Planner canprovide a. copy of the draft land usedecision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 kl 3 of 10 Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑x Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. ❑X Land Division Tentative Application Form ❑X Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposeddevelopment, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. .Density - list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. 0 Copy of the Deed ® Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ® Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 9112"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ❑ Right -of -Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ® Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. © Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms- of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Three (3) Copies of the Following Plan Sets: ❑X All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ® All plan sets must be folded to 81/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Revised 1/7/14 kl 4 of 10 ® Vicinity Map © The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. ® The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department © The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ®. The Time of Travel Zones,. as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department Q Physical features .including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ® Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor ® City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division ® Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division FX] Boundaries of entirearea owned by the property owner, of whichthe proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale [ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ❑X Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-af-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. [y� Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities [� Location anddimensions of existing and proposed driveways © Location of existing and proposed transit facilities [XI Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ® Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip Revised 1/7/14 kl 5 of 10 ® Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points ® The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated ❑ Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. Stormwater Management Wan Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ® Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system [y] Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ® Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) ® Amount of proposed cut and fill ❑ Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ❑ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement ❑ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ❑ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Revised 1/7/14 ki 6 of 10 ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ® An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served- by sanitary sewer ❑ All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Revised 1p/14 kl 7 of 10 un 9R n99II WmgR41 m RRmR 946 A STREET SPRINGFInD, OREGON 974A 15411302-9930 W W WAEIROPIANNING.COM TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR SSR INVESTMENTS, INC. WOODLAND RIDGE SUBDIVISION PHASES 3 & 4 Document Date: January 6, 2022 Applicant's Request: Approval of Tentative Subdivision Plan to create 108 -Lot Subdivision — Woodland Ridge Subdivision Phase 3 & Phase 4 Property Owner/ Applicant: SSR Investments, Inc. PO Box 2617 Eugene, OR 97402 Applicant's Representative/ Metro Planning, Inc. Planner/Project Coordinator: Katie Keidel, Associate Planner 846 A Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541)302-9830 Surveyor: Northstar Surveying, Inc. David Schlosser, PLS 720 NW 4" St, Corvallis, OR 97330 Civil Engineer: A&O Engineering Scott Morris, PE 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 302-9790 Subject Property: Assesssol's Map 18-02-04-00-02800 Site Address/ Location: 5410 Mt. Vernon Rd. Springfield, OR 9 747 8-9 52 6 Total Property Size: 72.87 acres Zoning/Metro Plan: Low Density Residential(LDR)/ Low Density (L) Number of Lots Proposed: 108 Residential Lots Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g P 11 Background This is an application for a Tentative Subdivision of 108 single-family homes, sectioned in two phases, on a portion of Assessors Tax Lot and Map 18-02-04-00-02800 (72.87 acres), located in Springfield near Holly St and 51" St. The Subject Property is approximately 72 acres, with the current Tentative Subdivision Plan — Woodland Ridge Subdivision Phases 3 & 4 - planned on approximately 39 acres of the total property, and future phases being annexed and developed at a later date. The Subject Property is located in Springfield and zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) which permits development of 6 to 14 dwellings per net acre. The proposed Subdivision will develop approximately 7.8 dwellings per 39 net acres. As such, all proposed development will meet the siting requirements and criteria specified for LDR zoned single-family residences as specified in SDC Section 5.12-125. This written statement intends to clearly demonstrate for City staff review how the proposed Tentative Subdivision Plan will conform to all standards, regulations, and conditions of Land Divisions under SDC 5.12-115 Tentative Plan — General; SDC 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements; and SDC 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) text sections are indicated by dark blue text, bold and/or italic typeface; Applicant's responses are indicated by black text and plain typeface. Land Divisions: Tentative Plan—General 5DC5.12-115 Any residential land division shall conform to the following standards A. The lot/parcel dimensions shall conform to the minimum standards of this Code. When lots/parcels are more than double the minimum area permitted by the zoning district, the Director shall require that these lots/parcels be arranged: 1. To allow redivision, and 2. To allow for the extension of streets to serve future lots/parcels. 3. Placement al structures on the larger lots/parcels shall be wbject to approval by the Director upon a determination that the potential maximum density of the larger lot/parcel is not impaired. In order to make this determination, the Director may require a Future Development Plan as specified in Section 5.12-120E. B. Double frontage lots/porcels shall be avoided, unless necessaryto prevent access to residential development from collector and arterial streets or to overcome specific topographic situations. Response: Tax Lot 2800 is zoned LDR (Low Density Residential) and designated LD (Low Density Residential) in the Metro Plan. The dimensions of each proposed lot in this Tentative Subdivision Plan conform to the minimum standards as specified for LDR (Low Density Residential) development. The lots on North-South streets are each a minimum of 5000 sq ft with street frontage of at least 60 feet. The lots on East-West streets are each a minimum of 4500 sq ft with street frontage of at least 45 feet. The lots on a Bulb Portion of a Cul -de -Sac are each a minimum area of 6000 sq ft with street frontage of at least 35 feet. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 12 No proposed lots within Phases & 4wilI bed ouble the minimum area required, nor double the minimum street frontage required. Compliance standards forth is Code have been met. Lot Descriptions and Dimensions are detailed in Appendix A, as well as on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set. C. Panhandle lots/parcels shall comply with the standards specified in Sections 3.2-215 and 4.1-120A. In the case of multiple panhandles in Subdivisions, construction of necessary utilities to serve all approved panhandle lots/parcels shall occur prior to recording the Plot. Response: Lot 1 in the proposed Tentative Subdivision Plan — Woodland Ridge Subdivision Phase 3 — is a panhandle lot. The portion of the pan does not exceed double the 4500 sq ft minimum area allowed, and meets the 20 foot minimum requirement for street frontage. Compliance with the standards have been met for the single panhandle lot. See attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set and Appendix A of this written statement for Lot Descriptions and Dimensions. D. Block length for local streets is as specified in Section 4.2-105D.4. 4. Block Length and Block Perimeter. Block perimeter for all street classifications must not exceed the following maximums, except as provided or exempted elsewhere in this Code or in an applicable Refinement Plan or Plan District. i. 1,400 feet in Mixed -Use Districts consistent with standards in Sections 3.2-625E; H. 2,600 feet in industrial zoning districts,• W. 2,400 feet for mull'I development subject to Section 3.2-2401 and iv. 1,6W feet in other zoning districts. This Tentative Subdivision Plan must meet the requirements of SDC 4.2-105D.4(a)(iv) which indicates that Block Perimeter for all blocks in LDR zones must not exceed 1600 feet. In Phases 3 & 4 of the Tentative Subdivision Plan, block perimeters do not exceed 1600 feet, with exceptions detailed here for Director Approval: The central block in Phase 3 between proposed 50" Street and 51" Place (2057 feet), and the northernmost block in Phase 4 (3157 feet) exceed the maximum block perimeters due to the topography of the planned development area. The natural landscape requires that the two previously stated block perimeters exceed the maximum in order to most responsibly utilize the land in this area. To the north of both Phases is a steeply sloped and treed hillside that renders this area undevelopable in order to maintain soil stability on the ridge line. The developer additionally appreciates that this area may serve as an enjoyable natu raI, open -space amenity for the future residents. The required Holly Street connection was designed based on the most responsible development use in this area due to topogra phIca I limitations. Block Perimeter was designed as closely to the maximum as possible in order to meet requirements for Director exception. The Applicant is requesting an exception to the maximum Block Perimeter requirement fort hese blocks due to the previously mentioned limitations. Please see attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set for exact specifications. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 13 b. Block length must not exceed: L 600 feet for local street not in industrial zones or that do not serve industrial non -conforming or the maximum block length established in an applicable Refinment Plan or Plan District, whichever is less; it. 800 feet for multi -unit development subject to Section 3.2-140A or the maximum block length established in an applicable Refinement Plan or Plan District, whichever is less,• !it. 1,000 feet for local streets in industrial zones or that serve industrial non -conforming uses or the maximum block length established in an applicable adopted Refinement Plan or Plan Distract whichever is less. This Tentative Subdivision Plan must meet the requirements of SDC 4.2-105D.4(b)(1) which indicates that Block Length for all blocks in LDR zones must not exceed 600 feet. All block lengths in Phases 3 and 4 are under 600 feet in length, with exceptions detailed here for Director Approval: Due to the topography of the proposed development area, the north ermost blocks in Phase 3 (892 feet) and Phase 4 (1475 feet), and the Holly Street block in Phase 3 (949 feet) exceed the maximum block length. The natural landscape to the north of both Phases (where there will be no future street connections) is a steeply sloped and treed hillside that renders this area u ndevelo pa b le in order to maintain soil stability on the ridgeline. The developer additionally appreciates that this area may serve as an enjoyable natural, open -space amenity for the future residents. The required Holly Street connection was designed based on the most responsible development use in this area due to topographical limitations. Block Length was designed as closely to the maximum as possible in order to meet requirements for Director exception. The Applicant is requesting an exception to the maximum Block Length requirement for these blocks due to the previously mentioned limitations. Please see attached Terr ie Subdivision Plan drawing set for exact specifications. IXCEPTION: The Director may authorize a block length or block perimeter that exceeds the applicable maximum specified in this Section. In authorizing a block length or block perimeter that exceeds the above maximum lengths, the Director may establish requirements for interim meet connectivity and/or pedestrian accessways consistent with standards in Section 4.2-160. Where the extension of a publicstreet would create a block length or blockperimeter that exceeds the applicable maximum, the block length and block perimeter must be as dose as possible to the applicable maximum. The Director will authorize an exception only if the applicant/developer demonstrates that the existence of any of the following conditions justifies the exception: I. Physical conditions that cannot be mitigated necessitate a block length or block perimeter that is longer than the applicable maximum. These conditions may include topography or the existence of physical features including, but not limited to: wetlands, ponds, streams, channels, riven, lakes, steep grades, or a resource under protection by State or Federal low; or it. Buildings or other existing development on adjacent lands, including previously subdivided but vacant lots or parcels thotphysically necessitate o Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 14 black length or block perimeter that is longer than the applicable maximum, considering the potential far redevelopment; or Ill. Industrial development areas greater than 15 acres pursuant to an adopted Master Plan. As detailed in the specific sections pertaining to Block Perimeter and Block Length, due to the topography of the development area and adjacent landscape, the Applicant is requesting an exception to the Block Perimeter and Block Length requirement for portions of the Tentative Subdivision. Block Perimeter must exceed the maximum in order to best utilize the land in this area for development. Block perimeter a nd length was designed as closely to the maximum as possible in order to meet requirements for Director exception. Please see attached Tentatvie Subdivision Pla n drawing set for exact specifications. Land Divisions: Tentative Plan Submittal SDC 5.12-120 A Tentative Plan application shall contain the elements necessary to demonstrate that the provisions of this Code are being fulfilled. EXCEPTION: In the case of Partition applications with the sole intent to donate land to a public agenry, the Director, during the Pre -Submittal Meeting, may waive any submittal requirements that can be addressed as part of a future development application. A. General Requirements. 1. The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Professional Land Surveyor on standard sheets of 18"x 24'. The services of an Oregon Licensed Professional Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility issues (especially stormwater management, street design and transportation issues), and site constraint and/or water quality issues. Response: The Tentative Subdivision Plan has been prepared by David Schlosser, PIS of Narthstar Surveying, Inc., and Scott Morris, PE, of A & O Engineering in order to adequately and comprehensively address all standards and requirements of this Code, including stormwater management, street design, and transportation issues, and site constraint. 2. The scale of the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data, normally 1"= SL ,,1"=100; or I'=200'. Response: A scale of 1" : 5d' was used to prepare the Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set, and is appropriate to the size of the development site and the amount of data needing to be shown. 3. A north arrow and the date the Tentative Plan was prepared. Response: A north arrow and date are included on the Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set that is being submitted with this application. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 15 4. The name and address of the owner, applicant if different, and the Land Surveyor and/or Engineer who prepared the Partition Tentative Plan. Response: Property Owner: SSR Investments, PO Box 2617, Eugene, OR 97402. Applicant: Hayden Homes, LLC. 2464 SW Glacier Place, Ste 110, Redmond, OR 97756. Land Surveyor: David Schlosser of Northstar Surveying, Inc., 720 NW 4u St., Corvallis, OR 97330. Engineer: Scott Morris of A&O Engineering LLC, 380 Q St., Spfld, OR 97477 5. A drawing of the boundaries of the entire area owned by the partitioner or subdivider of which the proposed land division is a part. Response: A thicker, black line is drawn around the Subject Property to easily show the boundaries of proposed development within Tax Lot and Ma p 18-02-04-00-02800. 6. City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-aj-way, which cross or abut the proposed land division. Response: Phases 3 & 4 of this Tentative Subdivision Plan are within the Springfield city limits except for a small area along the southeast portion of Phase 3 (proposed Holly Street) that is being concurrently annexed. 7. Applicable zoning districts and the Metro Plan designation of the proposed land division and of properties within 100 feet of the boundary of the subject property. Response: The Subject Property is zoned UDR (Low Density Residential) and designated L (Low Density) in the Metro Plan. All adjacent properties to the East and the South are designated for low-density residential zoning. S. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either in squarefeet or acres) of each lot/parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site, where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale Response: The proposed lot dimensions are clearly labeled on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set and included in Appendix A of this written narrative. 9. The location, outline to scale and present use of all existing structures to remain on the property after platting and their required setbacla from the proposed new property lines. Response: There are no existing structures on the property. 10. The location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications an and adjacent to the site, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable N. Indicate the proposed connection points. Response: The existing sanitary sewer line, stormwater facilities, and water mains are all shown and labeled on the attached utility drawing plan set prepared by & O Engineering. In addition, the plans show franchise utilities in public utility easements on both sides of the existing and proposed public streets. The plans also show the proposed sanitary sewer connection location for each parcel and associated offsite easements for these tie- in locations. See attached A & 0 Engineering Sheets: C-3.0 — Utility Plan West and C-3.1— Utility Plan East. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g e 16 As stated in the Stormwater Report prepared by A& O Engineering, the site is currently vacant undeveloped meadowland and wooded hillside. The site naturally drains southwest where existing ditches carry the run-off east and south through a series of culverts passing beneath the existing maintenance path and offsite railroad tracks. From there the run-off flows west along a ditch north of Jasper Road flowing south through a culvert beneath the road. See attached A & O Engineering Sheet C-5.1—Storm Facility Details. 11. The locations, widths and purpose of all existing or proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division; the location of any existing orproposed reserve strips. Response: All existing and proposed easements will be shown on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set. 12. The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated. Response: The locations of all areasto be dedicated or reserved for public use are labeled on the attached Tentative Subdivision plan drawing set. B. A SiteAssessmentof the Entire Development Area. The Site Assessment shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed LandscopeArchitect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 3 foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and deltneates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated. The Director may waive portions of this requirement if Mere is a finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water quality, either on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment shall contain the following information. Response: The Site Assessment of the Entire Development Area was prepared and by David Schlosser, PLS of North star 5urverying, Inc., and Scott Morris, PE of & O Engineering, and includes all of the General Requirements, Site Assessment items, and Stormwater items. See attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set. 1. The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water quality Limited Watercourses (WQL W) Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department; Response: There are no watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map that encumber the subject property; thus this requirement is not applicable. 2. The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; Response: According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 41039C1167F, the subject site is located in Zone X, an area determined to be outside of the 500 -year floodplain. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 17 3. The Time of Travel Zones as specified in Section 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department Response: According to the Wellhead Protection Map, the Subject Property is outside the Time of Travel Zones 4. Physical features including, but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs watercourses shown on the (WOLW) Map and their riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings; Response: There are no significant physical features on the subject property. 5. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County; and Response: According to the Soils Survey of Lane County, there is one main soil type existing on the subject property - Sa Ikum Silty Clay Loam and the depth to restrictive feature is more than 80 inches. No high water tables are known to exist on the subject property. 5. Natural resource protection areas as specified in Section 4.3-117. Response: There are no natural resource protection areas present on the subject property; thus this requirement is not applicable. C. AStormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 -foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 1096 or more, contours may be shown at 5 -foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormweter management system for the entire development area. Unless exempt by the Director, the City shall require that an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as pan of the stormwater management system, an Oregon Licensed LandscapeArchitect may also be required. The plan shall include the following components: 1. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; 2. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns, 3. The size and location ofstormwater managementsystems components, including but not limited to: drain lines catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measurer and natural drainageways to be retained; 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and contours; and S. A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and documentation shall be consistent with the Engineering Designs Standards and Procedures Manual to allow staff to determine if the proposed stormwater management system will accomplish its purposes. Response: Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 1 18 Stormwater design elements are shown on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A& 0 Engineering. See attached Sheet C-2.0 - Grading & Storm Drainage Plan West and Sheet C-2.1- Grading & Storm Drainage Plan East. Utility design elements are shown on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A& O Engineering. See attached Sheet C-3.0 - Utility Plan West and Sheet C-3.1- Utility Plan East. A Stormwater Report prepared by A& O Engineering is included in this submittal as required. D. A response to transportation issues complying with the provisions of this Code. I. The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb gutter and sidewalk AC mat or gravel, widths and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights -o¢ -way within or adjacent to the proposed land division; Response: Both Holly Street and South 51^ Place terminate to the west and north of the Subject Property, respectively. Holly Street and South 51" Place are proposed to extend into the Subject Property to provide connection points for traffic circulation. Holly Street will be built to collector standards per City Transportation Plan. This Tentative Subdivision Application proposes to construct two new public streets for Phase 3, South 50" Street and Glacier Drive, that will service the development, as well as Holly Street and South 51" Place. This Tentative Subdivision Application also proposes to construct two new public streets for Phase 4, South 52ntl Street and South 53r° Street, that will service the development, as well as Glacier Drive. All proposed public streets will be fully improved to City standards. 2. The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other rights -of --way to include the approximate radius of curves and grades. The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan or Springfield Comprehensive Plan, including the Springfield Transportation System Plan [including the Conceptual Street Map) and, any approved Conceptual Development Plan; Response: The proposed development is located approximately 1,250 feet (0. 23 miles) south of Daisy Street, a Major Collector, as classified on the City's Functional Classification street map. This Tentative Subdivision Plan proposes the construction of four new public streets - South 50`" Street, Glacier Drive, South 52ntl Place, and South 53" Street. These proposed streets will service the proposed development and add extensions of existing public streets South 51" Place and Holly Street. Glacier Drive within Phase 3 will be built to City standards for a local street with a maximum slope of 2.1% with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet and a minimum curb -to -curb width of 28 feet. South 50" Street within Phase 3 will be built to City standards for a local street with a slope of 5.0% with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet and a minimum curb -to -curb width of 28 feet. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P 19 The South 51" Place extension within Phase 3 begins with a 36 -foot road within an existing 60 -foot rightof-way before tapering to a 24 -foot road within an existing 80 -foot right-of-way. The right-of-way then increases to 100 feet. Finally, the curb -to -curb width tapers back from 24 feet to 36 feet within a 60 -foot right-of-way. The Holly Street extension within Phase 3 begins with a curb -to -curb width of 35 -feet within a 50 -foot right-of- way and then transitions to a 60 -foot right-of-way. Glacier Drive within Phase 4 will be built to City standards for a local street with a maximum slope of 4.02% with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet and a minimum curb -to -curb width of 28 feet. Both South 53`d Street and South 53rtl Place within Phase 4W I] be built to City standards for a local street with a slope of 5,0% with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet and a minimum curb -to -curb width of 28 feet. Details including radius of curves, grades, and street sections are shown on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawings by A& 0 Engineering. See attached A & 0 Engineering Sheets: C-2.0—Grading &Storm Drainage Plan West C-2.1—Grading & Storm Drainage Plan East C-2.2 — S. 51" Street Profile C-2.3 — Holly Street Profile 3. The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, multiuse paths, and accessways, including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip; Response: Proposed public streets within the development includes sidewalks and planter strips as shown on the Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A & 0 Engineering with the exception of the South 51" Place extension over the ridge where no planter strip or street trees are proposed. The proposed development will include street trees on all other proposed public streets. Location of the trees will be provided during public improvement submittal and will meet City specifications. See attached Sheets C-4.0—Street Tree & Lighting Plan West and C-4.1—Street Tree & Lighting Plan East. 4. The location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities where applicable; Response: Where applicable, these items are shown on the Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A & 0 Engineering. Transformer locations will be designed by SUB Electric during the PIP process. See attached Sheet C -3A— Utility Plan West and Sheet C-3.1—Utility Plan East. S. The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways demonstrating conformance with lot orporcel dimensions and frontage requirements forsingle-family and duplex lots/parcels established in Section 3.2-215, and driveway width and separation specifiootions established in Section 4.2-120, where applicable Response: The locations of proposed driveways are shown for reference only on the Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A & O Engineering. Final driveway locations will be determined during the PIP process. Driveways will meet the minimum required width of 12 feet. See attached Sheet C-3.0 — Utility Plan West and Sheet C-3.1— Utility Plan East. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g e 110 5. The location of existing and proposedstreet trees, assodated utilities along street frontage(s), and street lighting: including the type, height and area of illumination; Response: Street Ilghts on streets with curbside sidewalks shall be installed behind walk and shall have an 8' Mast Arm. Street lights on streets with offset sidewalks shall be installed in planter and shall have a 6' Mast Arm. Street trees interior to the site are shown for reference and will be planted during individual lot development. Street trees along common areas shall be planted during PIP construction and shall be chosen from species listed. Street trees shall be planted no closer than 20 feet from street lights. Street trees located within back of curb sidewalk areas shall be planted 2.5 feet behind RUE; 9.5 feet behind property line. Street trees shall be planted no closer than 5 feet from driveway approaches and utility features. Vision Clearance areas are indicated on attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set. Trees shall be planted at 30 feet O.C. See attached Photometric Analysis by A& 0 Engineering for light type and area of illumination. See attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set by A& 0 Engineering -Sheets C-4.0— Street Tree & Lighting Plan West and C-4.1—Street Tree & Lighting Plan East. 7. The location of existing and proposed transit favi ities, Response: There are no existing or proposed transit facilities adjacent, or within, the subject property. The nearest transit facilities are located approximately .5 miles away on the south side of Main Stand 48'" St, the southside of Main Stand 51n St. S. A copy of a Right-of-wayApproach Permit application where the property has frontage on on Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and Response: The subject site is not adjacent to an OD OT facility. 9. A Traffic Impact study prepared by a Oregon Licensed Traffic Engineer, where necessary, as specified in Section 4.2-105A4. Response: Based on the Institute of Tra nspo rtation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, sIngle- fa milydetachedhouses have anaverage inpgenemdonrate of9.57 veh icles daily. Asingle-family dwelling on each of the 108 lots proposed generating trips per lot per day results in fewer peak hour or average daily trips necessary for a traffic impact study to be required (1,000). E. A Future Development Plan. Where phasing and/orlots/parcels that are more than twice the minimum lot/parcel size are proposed, the Tentative Plan shall include a Future Development Plan that: Response: No Future Development Plan is needed as no proposed lots/parcels are as twice the minimum required. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 111 A Additional information andlor applications required at the time of Tentative Plan application submittal shall include the following Items, where applicable., 1. A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed land division and the existing use of the property; Response: This written statement serves as a narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed Tentative Subdivision Plan and the existing use of the subject property. 2. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permisslon from the property owner is required,• Response: The attached application form has been signed by the property owner. 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed land division and all existing Partitions or Subdivisions immediately adjacent to the proposed land division, Response: A vicinity map is shown on the Tentative Partition Plan drawing set. 4. How the Tentative Plan addresses the standards of any applicable overlay district Response: There are no applicable overlay districts pertaining to the Subject Property. S. Now the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable; Response: Single-family residential is a permitted use in the LDR (Low Density Residential) zone; thus no Discretionary Use Permit is required. 6. A Tree Felling Permit asspecified in Section 5.19-100; Response: No trees will be felled as a part of this application. 7. A Geotechnical Report forslopes of 15% or greater and as specified in Section 3.3-500, and/or if the required Site Assessment in Section 5.12-1200. indicates the proposed development area has unstable sails and/or high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County; Response: There are no slopes greater than 15% on this site and according to the Soils Survey of Lane County the soil is composed of mostly Salkum Silty Clay Loam with a low water table; therefore no geotechnical report is necessary or required. S. An Annexation application as specified in Section 5.7-100 where a development is proposed outside of the dty limits but within OWs urban growth boundaryamt can be serviced by sonitarysewer Response: An annexation application has been submitted and approved priorto this application. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 1 a g e 112 9. A wetland delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property; Response: There are no existing wetlands on the subject site; thus this requirement is not applicable. 10. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be submitted concurrently; Response: No federal or state permits are required with this tentative subdivision application; thus this requirement is not applicable. 11. All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of finaricing, Response: The applicant will construct this subdivision in 2022. Financing of the infrastructure will likely come from private sources. 12. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of a Homeowner's Association Agreement where appropriate; Response: No deed restrictions or Homeowner's Association are proposed at this juncture; thus this requirement is not applicable. 13. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address the design standards specified in Section 3.2-230; Response: This application is for a Tentative Subdivision and not a cluster subdivision; thus this requirement is not applicable. 14. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal requirements specified in Subsections A. through M. However, the Tentative Plan shall address the applicable standards listed under the park Subdivision approval criteria specified in Section 5.12-125. (6412; 6286; 6211) Response: This application is not for the subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park. Land Divisions SDC 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application. A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to for/parcel size and dimensions. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a c 113 Response: All proposed lot/parcel sizes and dimensions are detailed on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set, as well as detailed in Appendix A -Tables 1 and 2 of this written statment. All lots conform to the provisions of SDC 3.2-215, which establishes the minimum lot/parcel size and dimensions for Low -Density Residential Districts. The minimum requirements for UDR Standard Lots/Parcels are as follows: Lot Size: East/ West Streets: 4,500 sq ft North/South Streets: 5,000 sq ft Cul-de-sac Bulb: 6,000 sq ft Panhandle: 4500 sq ft Lot Street Frontage: East/West Streets: 45 ft North/South Streets: 60 ft Cul-de-sac Bulb: 35 ft Panhandle: 20 ft B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map. and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The zoning of the Subject Property is Low -Density Residential (LDR). In the Metro Plan, this area is designated as Low -Density Residential. The minimum density in the LDR zone is 6 units per acre and the maximum is 14. This Tentative Subdivision Plan proposes development at approximately 7.8 units per acre. C. Capacity requirements of public and privatefacilftles,, including but not limited to water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve thesite at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capadty issues. Response: Ca pacity requirements of public and private facilities, e.g. water, electricity, sanitary sewer, stormwater management facilities, street and traffic safety controls, will not be exceeded. Public improvements will be available to serve the site at the time of development. D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: This Tentative Subdivision Plan complies with all applicable and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and any other applicable regulations. E Physicalfeatures, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable sail or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility offooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQL W Map and their associated riparian areas, other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 114 Response: The proposed Tentative Subdivision Plan includes no physical features that must be addressed by this criterion. F. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to meet the standards of this Code and compliance is detailed on the attached Tentative Subdivision Plan drawing set. G. Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Code. Response: Development of any parcel remainder can be accomplished as specified in this Code. The applicant acknowledges and accepts the terms under this condition. H. Adjacent land can be developed oris provided access that will allow its development as specified in this Code. Response: Adjacent land can be developed in compliance with all specifications in this Code 1. Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urbanizable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply. Response: The applicants have concurrently applied for annexation of a ny remaining portions of the Subject Property that is not within the city limits. J. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following approval criteria apply: Response: This tentative partition is not part of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park; therefore, this criterion does not apply. Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 1 is APPENDIX A TABLE 1: PHASE 3 -WOODLAND RIDGE SUBDIVISION LOT SIZES & DIMENSIONS Lot Number Zoning Orientation Minimum Area Required (sq ft) Lot Area (sq ft) Minimum Street Frontage Required (sq ft) Lot Street Frontage (sq H) LOT LDR Panhandle 4500 7071 20 36 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 1 5064 45 60 LOT4 LDR East/West 4500 7006 45 61 LOTS LDR East/West 4500 5293 45 48 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT 30 LDR East[West 4500 5162 1 45 52 LOT 11 LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT 12 LDR East/West 4500 5162 45 52 LOT 13 LDR East/West 4500 5144 45 52 LOT 14 LDR East/West 4500 4912 45 50 LOT 15 LDR East/West 4500 4541 45 47 LOT 16 LDR Cul -de -Sac 6000 6277 35 81 LOT17 LDR Cul -de -Sac 6000 6016 35 37 LOT 18 LDR Cul -de -Sac 6000 7738 35 46 LOT 19 LDR Cul -de -Sac 6000 6302 35 70 LOT 20 LDR North/South 5000 6472 60 60 LOT21 LDR North/South 5000 6402 60 104 LOT 22 LDR East/West 4500 7877 45 70 LOT 23 LDR East/West 4500 5504 45 54 Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P age 116 LOT 24 LDR East/West 4500 5524 45 52 LOT 25 LDR East/West 4500 5571 45 52 LOT 26 LDR East/West 4500 5619 45 52 LOT 27 LDR East/West 4500 5321 45 52 LOT29 LDR East/West 4500 6801 45 52 LOT 29 LDR I East/West 4500 7708 45 52 LOT 30 LDR East/West 4500 7928 45 52 LOT 31 LDR East/West 4500 7736 45 52 LOT32 LDR East/West 4500 7580 45 81 LOT 33 LDR East/West 4500 5281 45 62 LOT 34 LOR East/West 4500 4863 45 46 LOT 35 LDR East/West 4500 4954 45 47 LOT36 LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 LOT 37 LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 LOT 38 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 39 LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 LOT 40 LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 LOT 41 LDR East/West 1 4500 5032 45 1 50 LOT 42 LDR East/West 4500 5625 45 50 LOT 43 LDR East/West 4500 7157 45 50 LOT 44 LDR East/West 4500 7736 45 50 LOT 45 LDR East/West 4500 8057 45 50 LOT46 LDR East/West 4500 8494 45 56 LOT 47 LDR East/West 4500 8743 45 64 LOT 48 LDR East/West 4500 8787 45 96 LOT 49 LDR East/West 4500 6571 45 90 LOT 50 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 51 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 52 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g e 117 LOT 53 UDR East/West 1 4500 5000 45 1 50 LOT 54 LDR East/West 1 4500 1 5000 45 1 50 TABLE 2: PHASE 4- WOODLAND RIDGE SUBDIVISION LOT SIZES & DIMENSIONS Lot Number Zoning Orientation Minimum Area Required (sq ft) Lot Area (sq ft) Minimum Street Frontage Required (sq ft) Lot Street Frontage (sq ft) LOT LDR East/West 4500 7385 45 70.50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOTS LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5011 45 50 LOT LDR East/West 4500 5040 45 50 LOT 10 LDR East/West 4500 5076 45 50 LOT11 LDR East/West 4500 5113 45 50 LOT 12 LDR East/West 4500 5149 45 50 LOT 13 LDR East/West 4500 5186 45 50 LOT 14 LDR East/West 4500 5222 45 50 LOT 15 LDR East/West 4500 5258 45 50 LOT 16 LDR East/West 4500 5295 45 1 50 LOT 17 LDR East/West 4500 5331 45 50 LOT 18 LDR East/West 4500 5368 45 50 LOT 19 LDR East/West 4500 5404 45 50 LOT 20 LDR East/West 4500 5441 45 50 Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 118 LOT 21 LDR East/West 4500 5477 45 50 LOT 22 LDR East/West 4500 5513 45 50 LOT 23 LDR East/West 4500 5550 45 50 LOT 24 LDR East/West 4500 5586 45 50 LOT 25 LDR East/West 4500 5623 45 50 LOT 26 LDR East/West 4500 5659 145 1 50 LOT 27 LDR East/West 4500 5696 45 50 LOT 28 LDR East/West 4500 5732 45 50 LOT 29 LDR East/West 4500 5767 45 50 LOT 30 LDR East/West 4500 7467 45 75 LOT 31 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 32 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 33 LDR East/West 1 4500 4998 1 45 1 50 LOT 34 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 35 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 36 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 37 LDR East/West 4500 5898 45 56 LOT 38 LDR East/West 4500 5915 45 55.50 LOT 39 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 40 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 41 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT42 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 43 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 44 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 45 LDR East/West 4500 4998 1 45 50 LOT46 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 47 LDR East/West 4500 4998 45 50 LOT 48 LDR East/West 4500 5909 45 56 LOT 49 LDR East/West 4500 5914 45 55.50 Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g N 119 LOT 50 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 51 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 52 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOT 53 LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 LOTS LDR East/West 4500 5000 45 50 Metro Planning, Inc. JANUARY 2022 P a g e 120 ^ * ■ __ S. 51ST s ■ . \ � ) 46.... 4 52ND r \ \ e , ST. _ . 'M !.] , -- |- / Larw County Clerk�o1�.01J Lane County Deeds and Rae..dz Aller Recording Return To: IIII npnp $12.00 Olson&Morris II�IPI IIBIII IIII�II�IIIIIIIII I'IIIIIIII IIIIII'II 3RO Q Street, Sidle, 200 B2s6661700577160060067 Springfield, Oregon 97477 11/22/2017 09ANG AM RPR -OFFS Cnlai Stu 40 MA IER Ol Send T. Statements To: 130.00 511.00 521.00 $10 W No Change DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SSR Inv¢almems, LLC, an Omgon Limited Liability Cmnpany, is the owner of two adjoining parcejs ofpmlxrry referred to hersin as Tract I and Tran 2. SSR Inveshn®is, LLC is setting forth Nis declaration m sec an adjusted PmpmY line between Tong 1 and Pont 2 to comply with City of Sgingtield Land Use Regulations and provisions of ORS 92.190(4) as approved by City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000004-TYP I. The true ennsidaidion fon he enioeyetme is 5 0 . 1. Thelegal desonipdan forthe T -O l property hint In this adjostmem is provided an Ne anacbed Exhibit 2. The legal description( We Traet2 property pries to this adjosooent ispnovide, on the altsebed HxhiHt ..8,. 3. Following Nis poscrry line adjustment, the description oftbe Tann l progeny is provided on the anacbed Exbbit "C". 4. Following 1Ms property line adjushamq Ne descnptlnn fdo, Tran 2 groan, is dwcdbM on the atesebod Exhibit "U'. 5. The Portion M the legal descxiptioas which depict the new adjusted line between Tran l and TTw.+.2 is underlined on the attached Exhibits "X'& "B" THIS INSTRUMENT WRd, NOTALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEF. TITLE TO THE PROPER'I Y SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITYPR MINTY PLANMWG DEPARTMEVT 9'0 VERIFY USES. most bi131 daYofh—�B[Xl .,20]7. §eA, oie Gu �gg Mwnbn SSR Investments, LLC STATE OF OREGON ) ka. COUNTY OF LANE day ok 2017, Pers ea nlly appeared before me the above e e O.dwm, tnerober of SSR In 1 ts, LLC, and.kno he tasegoing inarrvmoo ry act and dad. Na ;=6�4 Nief Ore CNLBTMOP MY Cmnmisaion F."": LVH HINSBAW P11BLIC gpn{p-0p yy IXPWE6PIt6nSr10, EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1 PRIOR TO PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT A portion of those lands described on that deed dated November 9, 2017, recorded November 9, 2017 on Clerk's Reception Number 2017-055853, lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Brass Cap monument marking the East Southeast comer of the Richard G. Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47, in Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89046'10" West 119426 feet to the stone with cross marking the Interior Ell comer of the said Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47; thence continue North 89D46'10" West 301.28 feet to a point on the West line of said Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47 as said line is fenced; thence along the west line of said Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47, along or nearly along an existing fence, North 0°24'25' East 1478.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being marked by a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 89010' West 374.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 87050'40" West 436.07 feet; thence South 0024'25" West 402.79 feet; thence South 89033'3T' West 1788.78 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad as said right of way is fenced; thence along said Northerly right of way line as fenced, North 69032'25" West 285.95 feet to a point on the West line of that property as conveyed to Jack B. Lively and Gwendolyn L. Lively, by instrument recorded in Reel 997, Instrument No. 31442, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, as said fine is fenced; thence along said West line as fenced, North 0015'35" East 815.54 feet, more or less, to the Northwest comer of said Lively tract; thence East along the North line of said Lively tract, 2870 feet, more or less, to the Northeast comer thereof being on the West line of the said Hixon Donation Land Claim as fenced; thence along the Fast line of said Donation Land Claim as fenced, South 0024'25" West 529.81 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, in Lane County, Oregon. EXIIIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 2 PRIOR TO PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT A portion of those lands described on that deed dated November 9, 2017, recorded November 9, 2017 on Clerk's Reception Number 2017-055853, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of County Road with its intersection with the East line of the Patrick Gordon Donation Land Claim No. 62, which is 20.0 feet North of a point due West ofthe Northwest comer of the John Smith Donation Land Claim No. 48, Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point of beginning being on the East line of the Patrick Gordon Donation Land Claim, by reference 41.43 chains North of the Southeast corner of said Patrick Gordon Donation Land Claim; and running thence North along the East line of said Donation Land Claim, 29.08 chains to the Southeast corner of a tract conveyed to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, et al, by instrument recorded July 10, 1947, in Book 351, Page 305, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence West along the South line of said Weyerhaeuser tract 2868 feet to the Southwest comer of said tract; thence South 1017.78 feet to the center line of a County Road; thence South 790 East along the center of said road, 8.86 chains; thence South 65030' East along the center of said road, 13.45 chains to the East line of said A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim; thence North along the East line of said claim to the Nath line of said road; thence Southeasterly along the Northerly line of said road to a point on the North line of said road West of the point of beginning; thence East to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THF.RFROM that portion lying within the bounds of the Southern Pacific Company tract, in Luc County. Oregon. TOGETI IER WITH that portion of ML Vernon Cemetery Road adjacent and inuring thereto by vacation proceedings recorded February 17, 1987, Reception No. 8707542, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. IFill I0 at'lIl Beginning at the Brass Cap monument marking the East Southeast comer of the Richard G. Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47, in Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89046'10" West 1194.26 feet to the stone with cross marking the Interior Ell comer of the said Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47; thence continue North 89046'10" West 301.28 feet to a point on the West line of said Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47 as said line is fenced; thence along the west line of said Hixon Donation Land Claim, along or nearly along an existing fence line, North 0024'25" East 1478.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being marked by a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 89010' West 374.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 87050'40" West 436.07 feet; thence South 0024'25" West 402.79 feet; thence South 89033'37" West 1788.78 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad as said right of way is fenced; thence along said Northerly right of way line as fenced, North 69°32'25" West 285.95 feet to a point on the West line of that property as conveyed to Jack B. Livelv and Gwendolyn L. Lively, by instrument recorded in Reel 997, Instrument No. 31442, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, as said line is fenced; thence along said West line as fenced, North 0015'35" East 815.54 feet, more or less, to the Northwest comer of said Lively tract; thence East along the North line of said Lively tract, 2870 feet, more or less, to the Northeast comer thereof being on the West line of the said Hixon Donation Land Claim as fenced; thence along the East line of said Donation Land Claim as fenced, South 0024'25" West 529.81 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1 FOLLOWING PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT A tract of land in the northwest one-quarter and the northeast one-quarter of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "KPFF INC." marking the northeast comer of Tract G of Westwind Estates, as platted and recorded on Clerk's Reception Number 2009- 070575, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon; Thence, North 89056'05" East, along the South boundary of Booth Kelly Road, a private road, 2868.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; Thence, leaving said South boundary, South 0024'25" West 401.89 feet to a 518 inch rebut with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655"; Thence North 89059'10" West 1435.78 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow elastic can marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655 Thence South 89056'05" West 75.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cat) marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655 Thence South 89056'49" West 426.72 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic can marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PGS 655 Thence North 0003'55" West 64.91 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with vellow plastic can marked "L B OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655': Thence South 89056' 05" West 256.72 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655"• Thence North 0003'55" West 60.00 feet to a 518 inch rebar with Yellow plastic can marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655 Theme South 89°56'05" West 250.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with Yellow plastic can marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655 Thence North 0018'24" East 35.24 feet to a 518 inch rebar with yellow plastic cat) marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655": Thence South 89°52'01" West 200.23 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with Yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. Thence North 0°14'37" East, along said East boundary, 136.47 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 23.44 Acres. EXHIBIT "D" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 2 FOLLOWING PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT A tract of land in the northwest one-quarter and the northeast one-quarter of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655" lying on the East line of Tract G of Westwind Estates, as platted and recorded on Clerk's Reception Number 2009- 070575, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, said point lying Smith 0014'3T' West 136.47 feet from a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "KPFF INC:' marking the northeast corner thereof, ASSOC. PLS 655" Thence South 0018'24" West 35.24 feet to a 518 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L ➢ OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655 Thence North 89056105" East 250.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655": Thence South 0003'55" East 60.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC PLS 655' Thence North 89056'05' East 256.72 feet to a 518 inch rebar with yellow Plast a cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655" Thence South 0003'55" East 64.91 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L B OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655", Thence North 89°56'49" East 42E72 feet to a 518 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & ASSOC. PLS 655": Thence North 89°56'05" East 75.00 feet to a 5.18 inch rebar with yellow plastic cap marked "L.B. OLSON & Thence South 002410" West 1609.91 feet to a point on the northern rightof-way line of Mount Vernon Road; Thence, along said right-of-way line, South 85012'35" West 80.01 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right-of-way line, 138.91 feet along a 316.48 foot radius curve to the lett, the long chord of which bears South 72038'08" West 137.80 feet to a point; Thence, leaving said right-of-way line, South 85012'35" West, along the northern boundary of those lands conveyed to Lane County in that certain Warranty Deed recorded on Deed Reel 221 OR, Reception Number 9658346, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, 138.45 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; Thence, along the northerly right-of-way line of said Southern Pacific Railroad, 351.22 feet along a 1939.90 foot radius curve to the tell, the long chord of which bears North 52031'28" West 350.74 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right -o€ --way. North 60001'55" West 241.84 feet to a point, Thence, continuing along said rightof--way, North 61018'40" West 565.62 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said rightof--way, North 61029' 10" West 90.24 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right-of-way, 728.81 feet along a 5759.60 foot radius curve left, the long chord of which bears North 65023'10" West 728.32 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right-of-way, North 6901 T 10" West 90.24 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right-of-way, North 69027'40" West 745.45 feet to the southeast corner of Tract E of said Westwind Estates: Thence, leaving said right-of-way, North 0014'37" East, along the East boundary of Westwind Estates, 685.77 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO: Beginning at point on the southerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, said point lying South 0014'37" West 63.97 feet from the southeast comer of Tract E of said WestMnd Estates; Thence, along said southerly right-of-way line, South 69°27'40" East 723.26 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along said right-of-way line, South 69017'10" East 14.62 feet to a point; Thence, leaving said right-of-way line of Southern Pacific Railroad and traveling along the northern right-of-way line of JJasper Road, 250.71 feet along a 3849.72 foot radius curve to the le$ the long chord of which bears North 73°46'03" West 250.67 feet to a point; Thence, continuing along the northern right -of --way line of Jasper Road, North 75038'00" West 254.44 feet to a point; 'Thence, continuing along said right-of-way line, 206.78 feet along a 984.93 feet radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 81038'52" West 206.40 feet to a poim; Thence, leaving said right-of-way, North 0014'37" East 95.74 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7236 Acres. Produced by Aietret Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9:45AM using RLID(vvv rrlid.crg) Debit"Pl WAW Report Page 1 of 5 Site Address SROMt VetmnRd Sptingfidd,OR9747 5% Plvprety Uxnerf Map&TaxngY iBozog000zaoo SBR[mecment lu` SIC N/A 10 Wxz6r Tex Aemuutx o56u5J Eugene, UR 9Jgorz Taxamoun[acreege 39.v6 Mapped tadotacreagef 7z.87 9mrvw*aver a..aa.�:Me.miwveasaeol. n.-.�a..am...i mm �N <we�n msivJaimv. v�tluooue Lmueahtleylpwpvv, We Split - Other land tax —nays) ussocWtedwith this h duto561165 Map&T.A tzv&os-oo-oo-osSoo Business fire mfion pj�• N RLID does not contain ary' business data far this oddrece �Fgrf� Improvemeuls 1duPn Re Uwu14nR t / Building Type. Business fire mfion RLID does not contain ary' business data far this oddrece Improvemeuls Uwu14nR t / Building Type. Class for 2 dwelling Aaeeecne Philp Aasecwr Stehh_ n nen rya u Inaperlion Date uJ/r3/zovz Buimoms 3 ReefStsle Hip Sa9di,clam _ PoII Bap,R) i Rnifcver tbmpshinalelight Year lilt 1947 Ha1f6oM(a) 0Dfvnnt`FirepLre(s) Yes Eff-R-Yrar Budt 1957 Deprecation 25% P,centcmPlewasofJmuA 00% Heat Wa➢unVs Flaw'CWraeleeic4® Older Saunrc Fwdve HM,M,n n..3� Sm Ft harh S Detached N/A Attarlred Gala, N/A mtFlaor m9z ro92 W—dradin,—dar Outage Tuml sq Ft 1,rs vo9z Basement N/A Carport N/A Cgcag Poravl Potiu N/A Paved 0rileway N/A Sift Address Iararmminn Min Mt Vernon Rd Springfield, OR 9J4JS,,r6 H9ueee Sim spfCfx N/A FndimGloral N/A Street Name Mt Verna. Street Tw Rd Unit upe/e N/A Mail OLy SPdngBeld Stet, OR Zip Code 97478 Zip +4 9526 Land Ux un Sipple fLwly Housing USPSGmIer Hunte Rao? cenefnl'ladnrennreermialias Produced by Metro Plannvng Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9.95AM using RLID (www rlid.org) oGmgraphicC mtdirmtes X 4e8u ,' V SMfPet lsdePoroKq Litilnde a4.mTJ Lonlgimmde - -WRyt .Zoning Zoning Juriadketion Springfield Springfield Patent Zonr LD Lovv Derain Roeidentinl a land Use Deoenl bead Uae Code D—IVtlun damnnavailable dalx mnevailnble Deti led land Use Cade Deaeripafon data not maleble dant not arAutrle Service Providers Fire Protection Pr,,%t1cr Wileirazie Rural Fir, PnA inn District Ambulance Provider Eugene abringfield Fire Ambulance District P.(' Ambulenee Sereire Arm Past/Central L'ID Service Area? Yee ITT) Ride Source? Yes EnHrunmentnl Dam P8MA14codllaznrd Zone Cade negation. X Aurae detenninaiW be outride of""—, flaaL FIRMMnPNomI` r 41o396nfi6R commuaky Number o,39C P i -FIRM Date dour not avagable Panel Primed? Yas Tadoxcnaarbrrisdm matPPatedr..n umitarene trtnan cronthBoa,maD sprinxbdd Ymr AnnexN N/A Annexation N/A APpnmmere TexIM Acreage T.87 APprox T.vlot S9Fcomge 3,11,"19 FWn lae.'eaion Met. IT.. Me, Eugene Neiahbnrhred N/A Mery Area Nodal Der Area No Septic Yea Well Yes IandseaPing Quality' Fair Hlstorlr Property Name N/A (9talilsronrinodmark? No National Ilislodml llegiatar? No S.I. Code Nam ScytVI District Soil Map UVIWSoH Type De—eiptinn %of TaxintAga—ITydne% euM sanum Slty(IV Immn, n la a Pc¢ent Slopes 46% me Vemon ,,C Sal kurnEty Clay Tum, 8 to 16 Percent Slope4"49a g 73 Linalmvluam t8% 3 8 99H Ochrep6s m:d ilmbrepLv, Vat, Steep tz% 6 34 C—tncy Gravelly Silty Gayimtm a% 4 97 Sahoule PaRticat Diatiete Election Precinct Code Nam ScytVI District N/A Springfield Funic mn'Schwl 554 me Vemon Middle 5.1-1 1353 Agnea Slmmn I1igh5choal rt1 "11—ton PaRticat Diatiete Election Precinct 3,{8 CRy Caaacl Wmd N/A City Ceundinr N/A Can an Cn nmim'icarr Distrkt"(Springtield) Ccntal Mncoln RlD BoanI ZoneN/A Cauab'ComMmmnm .1ceBemev EWEBCummiesloncr N/A LCC seem]une 3 Census iofn,meadon Page 2 of 5 State Representative District t" Bmemld PUD Board Zone N/A state Representatlm MI. U -1y Haste PDD Boer! Zine N/A Sete Senate District 6 Ccntal Mncoln RlD BoanI ZoneN/A State Senator Ice Beyer Sml Water Ceua.Dist/Zane Tipper Wdlamene/5 Cresveil N'a[ert'onaol DistriR we The informLion pa riWgdbelmr is onlr a small mmpliagof ne ingrmation amilablef.m We I'S Cereal Burmu. The linos w flu:eadof-uh ,rtien below will take �ua toumree tables at American Fart FiMer,nith adeitional details.Throelinks,vill rainy—to the moata---t esfimetea but estinn. fin, saveralpminusyvara will absnh m�laMe. Tonna more(Ienwa deWd aWe"his Mat fait Cenaoa Reomter. DemograPLic C2maneriap® Tran r9n4 Crp•1Jmita Ione Comty Eaucagne Macein�vfP een EgDgiggl Marv:.. nrn.+. r 8vhm to Margin" Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9:45AM using RLID (vnvwrlid.org) haet.'e, City Limit, Lue Concert, Page 3 of 5 Trial Population !o Tr, +/-tror °Bmbelow *See below 36,Air „«« 4,oz5.m7 .««. Fcmcntage5mtd Under Bx% +/-ys •arehelmre -Sea h,", S.a% •••.. 5.B% +I -o.1 Percent Age optimal than y.r% +/-3.4 �Saa below' +Seehalrnv R1.11% .... 711,59a +/-a.r Penamtage GSand Chen ,7.9% +/-3s •8ae halm' 'Se below qy% +/on 16.3% +/b.1 Martians, 40.3 +/,. 'Sec lelm, «Se helm. 394 512% +/-op (o 7% Fora completebrmkdmmofpopula[ion byage, gender, race,a[hnieilcandmore, eistAmer[,aa Fart Finder, +/,e,-.Seebalmv •See below 4r.,% Housing Chanaeterisid. haet.'e, City Limit, Lue Concert, Oregvu natinute Mdoma of Faeoe Fir na'r n Marvin of Omar ggppmn, Marso MEvmv Batipam, Marvin jiggpady,Maniv of Rmar itiSlMAeg Macsnofluccom $�mg[YMarvin„fFrn.r Median Hooaholdlecon-dnllers) (S) DH'Scehdm, '8ac,hahw (K) (K) MtlMnnFsrmr 00 Occupied Housing Unita (X) +/-u5*Seebelnx• •See below 148,,. a/987 451,631 /-4x73 Housing Union VacantPercent 136 a/-,xm*4ee helm, -Sec below "'4588 +/-074 im,410 +/+/-03 Percent Uvvn C)crapfcd Housing Onto 56,3% +/q.8 �eoebelos behiev 512% +/-op (o 7% +/-c.,q Ibrccnt Renter Oaupimtf[oueinR Unffi m A3O% +/,e,-.Seebalmv •See below 4r.,% +/-07 383% +/-m;5 Ra¢ o.a% +/-z6^Seebalow •See below r.3% a/-09 rt/tG/shah Sr,9u7.93 a/.err FommwnerYamnry Rental House,Ra¢ 8.4% belmv "Sc, belovr $1,834 em $56gx 3, Sr,89o.R Median Hoose Yalue(dollars) r�4,aia, w,s,8•See beim. +/-+/-,,R 'Sre below rz3114M +/-z,/-m rzr $5,.48 Median Mar ble p9aia,35 lie, +/--T3 `See bear, 'flee t,'er a/ -r6 t, 594 1,5a4 +/-6 Rent(doe(dn)Un) Median MonNl,Ren[(dollars) 935 +/-Gz'See below Mesa •See below 9a +/-u 988 a/ -q For a mmple¢ mealdoxn afrousing b, coo namber ofbedmoms.year bulk and more, visit Amen®n Fact Findea, Rcouomie CharaaeeisDv¢ Tract 1,9 on, Unifies LeeCeaoty Dim natinute Mdoma of Faeoe Fir na'r n Marvin of Omar ggppmn, Marso MEvmv Batipam, Marvin of Rtm Median Hooaholdlecon-dnllers) (S) DH'Scehdm, '8ac,hahw (K) (K) (g) 00 Unemployment Rale IXI (x)'seebalmr *4ebdmv (.Y) (X) W 00 Vm'em-Ra¢ v +'-47-flee bels, 'See helm, 19.8% +117 141% b3 Fora complex, brealtlonm ofinmmes, pmaarp', emplqunent mmmu¢ patrernsami moon, risitAmeriun Fact Findea, Suaa]CMne¢rivtica Teaa 1904 City finals, Lane County Tax Smfements d Tax Receipta Oregon FO®IWmadOofFE rR3,�Maner, ofErmr E.gggat,Z,,.:n M'erme �g[g Marsh"prmr• PercentHxMlor De H gnerr, Higher 11.1% y-5x«See balm, 'Seebelm, x9.6%x1,6 32.3% +/w. Percent High school Gmlc dmor Higher 78.0% +/-pr'face helmSee , • helms in 5% +/.0.5 9m.z% +/-m.x Far. complete brealdonn ufedenom al miummem, sdxm] enmllmcnt, nmdtal slim a, macaw, and sure, visit American Fa Finder Tax Receives -Comade ettr lint Comm data arc mr, available. Source: D.B. Cr— Buream, +or immAmerican Cmmmmnity SLruev'Yea, Lttimales Explanation M """•'nlSvbe mentre in be margin ofermrcnlumn indicates bar the estimate iamntmllai, and a margin nfermris out provided Lien, None. RHD displa)c lista waned by Cottage Gra, Amerea, be Ora of3pringfieid and Springfield➢tilitc good. Additional liens can he found in Deeds and Records. Building Permits Plmac creel: the State ofanown cpermiwllQ Seale" Lvd Use Applicativvs RLID deo not contain sm-landua application data for thisjurisdiction Petit ons MID does net common am-palmon doer for the,readictian Tax Smfements d Tax Receipta Acr Ye, Us sta¢crents) tom Tax Receives Receipt Date Amoavt Received Tax DisrouM fateae,t Applied Amount rt/tG/shah Sr,9u7.93 $19o743 ,,.m Sm.un SI,966.94. u/ter/rzo19 5;B34.mu $1,834 em $56gx S..00 Sr,89o.R uP.S/am,8 11,7l3J4 io,M 74 $.5486 30.00 Sr,8z8.6m Wllflm7 3,,66x.68 $5664.68 $5,.48 $0.mm $1,7,6.6 It/]G/'1miG 8;6xm,n 31,Gxm.rG $5m.,, sO.nO $1,W -e7 nnNnunn lune tn,mtyry.9veAvmrnt nnATn.u,ron Owvee/T ps,, Mn m Owmav Address t5ry/smte/zip Produced by Metro Planting Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9 45A using RLID (a3vw.rlid.org) Page 4 of 5 SSRlnreslmenta LLC MBoxaGiJ Errllpe,ORIirra l Pasty Naum Address at9/stag/zi, SBRimestments LLC PoHmrabrJ Eugene, OR 9Jboz Bvinsoutte Wee tAuulP.iveaexntnnATnxrtirm Aecoant3tatus BL tlu Atite Acumnt Nrreat Tax Yex, Code Split-Uthedand lax sreoenhO a®ociatedwinathis hxlot os6u6c Acuiunt SWtos Remarks potential Additional Tax Special Assessment Pregman Farm Deferral Genera]T Axa ess. lnfonlwtiun Tax A4muutMreage Saab Pin Aerea N/A p"r,rh Class 549- Farm, ummhadfarm land, imprea'nl SWlistirul Cl— xa,- du¢ a single familydnalbng Naighbodwod so,loo- Urban Mixed Omde"regu, Category land o nd lmprevements Dao emsel: lane Cmmn _aveamnnr&A r—non us.— Una Connb ise —rl asdTxxx ion TowueltipltangnSecsou / Subdivisiw Data S.InImsianl}pe N/A Subdirieiau Name N/A Subdivision Numinx N/A Phase N/A Int/1'mrt/Unit# 1L9a0a9 Rmardia, Numher N/A Umu wane: lane Couon Aaessment ued'rnsemuu Property Vahmas & Taxes The values shente am Nu values certified in GFtaber unless a value change bas been pmussedon the prupevi. value changes npiedlyomur as u msul t appmis, lericalermn and carried pmperig She tax shone is the am ant certified in Octnhec This is the full am9unt a tax liar the year indicated and does notinclude any disee—seofInd, payments made, inleer. nein, 9r pnell. awmonfn,. It aLm does. te0rctanyInho Changes. -Ree) Mei#ei Valne(RMv) TutalAse NValee - ..Tao[ vea,: lad Damnoei#eat Tsital 1.120.45- 0-_ srzG4u .A.44G.a6a Ei6a6i6` $1.96194'.. s"56,66o Sug9A8. 91,rz66,A 4'. $169,8$1 {t,A9n:T, a6i8 $r,1486r3. A!hS.Jbn $r,154.gi3 S"'n'L ${ess.& tot] $19 Aal - 193.916 $r46,JJ4 S .J1f.i6: s.,6 $v,1Gy6J4 }MA. staiatur, $i42461 .$1.67617 aoi$ $1.o86,18 -soil _FMti;, _.. syw3.053 IiVAij _. - d9 $1; . .94 $1.wet ri godRiaj.-. Si,v3Sii'z —_ _ $v.{4.41$. .ee amA 4 b-A-^.1 -$4a.84o. _.... 9lPtft,AGg .. 41i7A04 61.3=A..7 44,3 on. $v,ro9,9�6 a4+.551 SS514.1JB - 3u2.,ry'ry S43'toyu gnu $Iv4,afifl $19.,43. 5514.134 20"1 k,465,gfi5 -Pb9,n6d. - 41,]99 $43aSA66 zoo) $6 .>oe. ... .911>44d. "95 335 $709,3LS_.._ . $rr8;G35'.- :$1.99:18' a66, $681,•44. - $S Zdd obi. _. _ $u5.ra6, - $i;20jjj. u-6 $638184 _ _ $93996_ -$91A8o $Wad64',-- aria $ i$a5. ,e,' $4eq'95a f5 $1-0,566 $L-re-O' $1,_71i4 S39A956 $Td,3no .,,56' $462,5/61 {S88"8j a..G aB6y 536:,949 -6563 - x5ii,tiSo A4 3.ii99: S80;SA4 t14122 $94j.22: $'f24.da8 $68;3,56' S3Tj,9_49 f91,a47. $9)9.r4'. $648,5M $,jj;eso E31z,946 62 82911358 ado," zoo. $245,634 $49,iyo.. $49J.jo4'. 4111RO- $84,918'.. 59113 58 906 $65 J59 ."f49.160 $Sasi.=9 SAS.]8G. Sex8a9 1999 9266,37- - :s $392,.x3- SJ9,ino v998 $'e4,6,6,a b,,S6 _ S5Gy5o $302,32i - 594169. 4nxI8d4i $$ 948.3] 1996 g5ii4llEe 4286.Aeo $904.30f iing's1ti 1996 R94.a6n "$48.556 .4_84.68. '$ft4.p67. gai'va0 %868l'. 1996 s'Gg58b -Sdi,to6 "$ioj,Geo -$12,6,48-. $i,111.71, Produced by Nfetro Planning I= on 8/9/2021 at 9:45AM using RLID (w rlid.org) S1svo,avv E1,4vo,00v 41,3oo,doo sl,zov,vva 41,lav,vov 41,060,000 5900,000 faov,00v nve,vve Saov,vao 5400,000 5400,000 :300 00 izvoodv El vo,ova E0 RMV and Assessed Value (1995 - 2D20) Page 5 of 5 ❑ PWLmdWue axVlmorwemeMVLue I-sF—e im Ae UValue SrOq,(x6 v" Lsn luemPfinn Amount/ $16 TaxableValoe iarµ,6;b mun Pt'ee uuc mw. nnww'mn:aaerv-eiiep"e.F.m,.m nndTnuOem Tan CMe Area & Taxing Dlal 'Pue'adu Area(U— Code)fOrcxrrent.,« ,.,9, Tangy lTtric for TCA 01937 lane Cnmmunit,' b.1 k'. I—CnunW Iaue Pduralian sen ca DLI d NPri .Ud Srh of DisMR19 Wi1191[eKic Rurul Fire Prot ldon NA —NOTE Irma C.Ont}'AssessmentnndT atlon"11 Code Area&Taxingt dcts reflect the current rertifled}ear. The Billing Rate Doeumentma)' still reference the PdmdEaYx latex and dewilaunHl rtr recon, the eurrent report fwm lane CO ,w. sales & [Mnera6ip Cbnn�a Sale Date ale Aiee Doan Tnage Anayss Code SSR I'ieian me Ltc dxln 1 aifndid' UIW,c l6I'L dnmim Sblc dau 1 raAbie ♦o/ovJrgga $3S5,000 19y2o 7 R olTdhv91 Su - SmrnutacaTble W.11bbleGY,Eiidol3e(L �,launa.,affable U 1 ;Gaendol,nL 64%s41sv0 $o. vmio-n53 66 does noteiaJable 6 .._. 617 4/1989 $u _. 198Y1<aj 5 ix/n9/19Nk iu 19aN-rpi�? :.. s fi ai/a0)iyNB $ 19Ra-Sio91 ..^. J. N.--: T.- 11 icr—L and I -Ii - M.16,9en ti`i c Wre) ci.ntsNal fes - t .tack SSR I'ieian me Ltc dxln 1 aifndid' UIW,c l6I'L dnmim Sblc dau 1 raAbie 'l r ul ndnljnl date aa: dablc... . dab t ailable - L 1 G endolm L dery fiddI Tble - dau - SmrnutacaTble W.11bbleGY,Eiidol3e(L �,launa.,affable U 1 ;Gaendol,nL no¢udel6Ele - dntenotatail5tile Lry t ,vRendoldL 66 does noteiaJable -- —14 11.1 cbaurt _taeumem md'rwmwu Produced by metro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9:42AM using RLID (ww Aid.org) nemikd P—Ree'Iy Aepurt Unknown/Nall) Site Addteee &ieo Mt Veenun Rd SPrmgndll,ORq/61R-Aµy Prvperty Ox'neet MaP&iaxbtxteozb-0boozeoo SSR Tne rnn.ls WL' Sic N/A NJ Box z617 Tex Acmuu[x a56u66 Eageaa ORpp40z sladngfinAOR9J49, AUS fax account annege 33.z Houvex ,qnn Mapped Wrclut acreage-y2RT Gde Split -Other lend lex—.at(.) aan-ii ned all, this nxlot o,6u6y Map & Taxlotx ae-oz-n4-vo-ozBoo Page 1 of 5 W'r tmau,n: �H�aim —.1 m',�`,i`%eP`m',a"'�ai`"wm� n" Rnain— I.C.—fin. tg6o RISDda� ammo inambuslaes &u Gnlidsaddn'ns Unknown/Nall) imPemxments Appmx Tarlot Sgpoonge Photos & Skekhea foe Tax Aacouai ...p si Site Addeess lufoemation He, -Nn hMehwd �a., Metro Area Node] Der Atha sladngfinAOR9J49, AUS I .. Houvex ,qnn SaRu Sneer Name Mt\'em n Street TPe Mail city siamefidd 9Cdk N/A ysv, man el U Rnain— I.C.—fin. tg6o RISDda� ammo inambuslaes &u Gnlidsaddn'ns Unknown/Nall) imPemxments Appmx Tarlot Sgpoonge Photos & Skekhea foe Tax Aacouai plan Designation Site Addeess lufoemation He, -Nn hMehwd 54o0MtVetnonm Metro Area Node] Der Atha sladngfinAOR9J49, AUS Reppe Houvex ,qnn SaRu Sneer Name Mt\'em n Street TPe Mail city siamefidd 9Cdk Lvd Use tai single Famay Housing USPS (Seriee Rnuh N/A General Texlot Cheraetettieties o GeogtaPhic (uoNire[es X4s 0600 Y873559 (Spa PUnn],l) Ialitude 44.03)9 Lonptade-i22.g365 Springfield Zoaidietivu SPrioBfield fiel PercotZmee l.n Wx'Ittu:iblLsMmtdal o Land use ncmeral land Iran CrcR Uis pian N/A Pmditeclional Rd Unitow/a OR Zip Cade Taxlat Cham aeintiw Inwrporeted nla Limits Springfield IJrbaa Grmrth B0ardg, Springfield Y—An-xed tg6o Anagaa[ionx Unknown/Nall) APPweimnRTHxlot Acreage T -.RJ Appmx Tarlot Sgpoonge 3474,u7 plan Designation Me. Plan Map He, -Nn hMehwd N/A Metro Area Node] Der Atha Me Reppe dame,, ,,bbtc Well don Prot ,.,able landscaping Quality dnnpotmailable Hignenc Reo,snrName N/A N/A N/A 974" Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9 42A using RLID (eww riid.org) dam ad ... A.Me dab not a,Adble D Iasi land Hce code. Dene Itn s dam."rallable ddmwtaeoldble Service P-oridera Pim Prorectlo. Pmtider Eugene 8wwfield Fre Ambdanm Psmider Eugene Springfield Fire Ambalawa District EC Aminlanes Samcr Arun Eaq'Central 1:FD Service At al Yes LTD Ride Sanme? Yen Environmental Dam um wane., Ianmwrk'r No National Hiamriad Regime&? No PRMAFhxslll.m Zane Ttaet 19-4 Cade DeseAptim Laux Canary R Aremdelernmed tabeounideaf"alae- Owd. RsmmAlr Matson of Error Estimate Marek PIRPd Ms, Number yo39CVIr6F Total Pa I»tion ➢o G354 Commdniy Number o..0 6..823 +/-49 P.aLFI MDale dmanatatailable 4A2.q,12J Panel Printed? Yes Pen-eLa,,5vnd Under 8.2% Soils 6.9% +/-a.J Sail Map UnitdSOa Type Desoriptiou %ofT of Ag M.H>drie% 1s,B Salkum Silly Clop let., e m 8 Pawad Slopes 46% J91% 1rzft1 Salk—SBLy Clay luam, 8 to 16 Pemeut Slows P% 3 +/-o,.8 73 Un»lox'Loam 18% 3 8 991, Ochrepts and Umbmpts, Vep Steep 1216 6 aJN% 34 Cowan, Gmta6} SJh' On, Inane a% 4 97 Schools +/-n, 66.3% c de Nam MudlwAga 4 a 3 School District 19 Swo'eald 348 +/a.o Elementary Sehod 5`v9 Mt. Deman y-o.z 39 Middle Sahwl 1353 Agnea St -A For a complete breakdoxn of population by we gender, rnca High School 561 Thurston mora, fiat A veriean Pam FNder. Political Dianiuts Elecdan pedoet 7v6, State Reply-+nnmdta Dimri,t 12 City Council Ward S6 State RepremnWthe John Lwak, Cih-Cowil., Marilee Weadron State Senate DisMet 6 Comq CummiScin-rer Di."d2(Sprinfield) Stole Soutar Lee B,,r CommCnmmissiawr Joe Berm, ,X—ded Housim Units z u EWEB Commissioner N/A rz-IJ1H +/-6e3 L( PwolZwm 3 /J cewmn lnfrcmapon Page 2 of 5 Emerald PUDBwrdZwe N/A Hereto, PUD Board Zone N/A Central Lincoln MM wed Zone N/A Boil Water Come. nupzoes Dpperw11ameue/5 C—di Nater Comrol Distrit No TheinformationlesatAdbcbn aodynsmallar,aMgofthe iNls-Thwnidaw Afmm[MIfs Census Bunnu. TheIwks d[ibeeW o[eachxclionbe,vism an }nettonobea Lbles atAmelima Pad lRnder. tndr, additinmidmilc Thoselinla will Lake.aurothe mv#mnenkmBmates, but estimate. farseremi preriw»aea7a .ill alao be at:stlubie. To nen mom Censns detail eMut daevaeq slat Cen»u» Reporter. Demngrvphie Clmraeteeistim Ttaet 19-4 SpA.,rald Laux Canary Oregon RsmmAlr Matson of Error Estimate Marek of Error FYnate Mman of Error �L M LaofRemr Total Pa I»tion ➢o G354 +/-4oi 6..823 +/-49 363.47 4A2.q,12J Pen-eLa,,5vnd Under 8.2% +/-3.2 6.9% +/-a.J J.a% aa"' '.8% Percent Age 16 and LTxr J91% +/-3.4 nq% +/-o,.8 81.e% •'•^ 78.5% +/-ai Nocaw Age65and Over aJN% +/-3.2 t9.r% +/-o' 17+� +/-n, 66.3% MudlwAga 4 a 3 +/-5. 348 +/a.o 39.42 y-o.z 39 +/-..rz For a complete breakdoxn of population by we gender, rnca eNnidh"antl mora, fiat A veriean Pam FNder. Haa»ing Chmadmabea Track 'aa, Springfield fine Coanty Cha'.. pstimafn Mmain of E., Fsd_has. Malvin of F+ror slim 6e Marcia ofS"hr Gtis_smte M. of Drror ,X—ded Housim Units z u +/-125 rz-IJ1H +/-6e3 18,75z /J +/-4.273 V.uael Houeia, lrnily 63 6 +lew 429. +� '� µB88 41561,69- + /-D4 7644m +/-3.975 Pemmt[hrcer Qzapitd Reusing Uron, 543% +!'?+8 a/19 58.8% a!-o.J a/ -o.3 Penes Renter Occupied Hwsin%Units 43J% +!-J.8 4%1% 49.2% -n.8 q1.,% +/-o.J 8-3% 385% !�3 HomrrmnerYamavry'Aale o.o% y¢6 1.4% a! -u.8 43% ./-.y t.5% +/o.t Rerdal Vemncv Ram 8-0% ./-a, Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9 42A using RLm (www Ifid.org) Page 3 of 5 Median Hausa VAe.(dollan) u4,o.o +J-z;g8 i"..o +/-4.648 z 909 +/-z,334 zbug.a g Median M9nllilTMortga%e (dollars) v,T. +/_W r,afl3 +/39 s,>,sy +J -r6 v5W +/ir Mian Mon[hk Rerrt(dnlan) T. +/-62 flG± +/-t5 9^-r +I'tt 488 +/y Fora mmPlers M1reakdmm Mhousingb)'tenure, number of hdmnms,}wr buJlond mare, sisit Amerie=n Fan Finder. Emnome CLaeacterislio Tnctunoi Springfield Lane Cn..q Ortgov land Der Applicudon, Ratimme Mardll of Ereor Ebtiuoub Marsfrr oraobe @N_mnie Marcia of 8reur Eeimate MaruineffErrnr SSR lmratmenm LLC Median Household lamme (dollen) M W (X) (X] (X) M) (g( M Unemph9'menl Raln (X) M w (g) (y) M) M QQ 1`o,er}Hoe tra% +/-4-7 on 3% +/-r.9 v8.9% +/-oJ ry9% +/-0.3 For a mmplete breakdown ofinmm, pmcrtg employment, emmnun: paacma and more, ai,itAmerican Fact F'nder, Social Chanemri,dcs Tnna9o4 Spriogfield lane Comty Oregm timate Marcia ofN12C Agay Mani- of&mk Euibbu Mania oflirrt Retimate Maeda of Eemr Parent Baahclor Degreeor Higher ua% +/-yz I'M +/nq .9.6% +/-0.6 3z3% +/b_ Dement High Schoul Graduate or Hipper 78..% +/-±a 88a% +/-v.5 91,5% +/-0,5 9..z% +/o.a Par. complete breakdowmofeduntional attainment achuol nmllment marital a tua, ave -t, and mo ,risk AmeNnn Fact Finder. Tax Statements & Tu Reeclpts Wwrre: ti.3. Cesvus Bunvq zon�zmG.Amednu Commuwtr3uruey ySeor Cs}mates Hxpl.naEon0f : Au.,' cntnin the marp,in o(errvrts nn[Pmided Lima None. RLIDdiapleyubcns Vaned be C.LU,Coo, Mne,f, the Ciy'of Spd4Tield.ndSpringf Id Uolip'Board.Addlfiunal liens can he found in Dceda and Records Building Peewits Address Zip mns 352Itnenm LIX' PO Box B26q Pleau check the Sbde of Ore, ePermittioe Sean.n. Ta P.," N..e land Der Applicudon, Ciw/ enjZip SSR lmratmenm LLC PO Bar on, Eugene, OR.... Rllll due, mL mnmin gullonduse uPPlicatiov data tur thi jonsdlcdon Petitions RLID does rat mnmin any petition data forthmjurlediction Tax Statements & Tu Reeclpts Aamount.:.56,16$ View bee t,un", u)loeva an.a Tax Receiom Receipt Dab! Araooat Received T— Dlaenb. Internal AppliedAm.unf W,b/zazo 69Dz.6q $7oe-N $zl.yd $o.oa SR439 11/iz/aory 369&42 $698.gz $e,f. Sono RRo.oa W45/2m8 $67-5.o4 $rT u4 $zo.NB $..on s69q.96 u/U/za9 $3z9u $3%9'7 $m.v9 in,... $3397- rr/U/zo16 "Sl. $33o.P. $+o.{; so— S"..o ...-.—: I'll, (oannmtl'fux n owner/Tax ,n ffi ownee Address Zip mns 352Itnenm LIX' PO Box B26q ru Euenegene, OR 994oz Ta P.," N..e Mdswsx Ciw/ enjZip SSR lmratmenm LLC PO Bar on, Eugene, OR.... nae+rmnnei tone counly.9nevmwtnnd Txmti.a A ouitSfadm Sbtm Aenue Attvunt Current Tux Year Code Split -Other lami ttx eecouut(s) aawxmu dwild this rosin[ 0�6avt� Renarl, Potential Addificual"Nr Produced by Tietro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 at 9.42AM using RLID Psw rlid.org) Page 4 of 5 Speriol Assemncm PrOgmm Farm Deferral nu aaumr f.n.. ca,oN ;�nv�1 �,d r.xnnan Cenral Tu Account Intiarmau,e Tax ArnmrtAcreage 33.2, FimAmac N/A pmperiy Qas 3p- Parra, mooned farm land, impmred Sestismam Cie. dammtova9.ble Neighnoide,md n.m.. tons. Mixed[,node. Thurston Category Landsnd rmpro,rin is Oaarwm:Inne CmmNAsseta�rcnl e.d Tuffioc T...I a-RsMlmSeetion/Subdivisbn D,G Sawhie9n9)3m N/A Subditinno Name N/A Seld'nisi iNumber N/A Phase N/A SotRractjundf TI.02A,o Reaneding N.mber N/A raw—. t.n. ewmN.ur,9nem..e iam� Fro" ty Vnmea & T. The lalare a namo.re, the values certified in <mmlmr unl.a value chamte hes been pommed on the pmWrLF. Value changes pyiraRp occur as s result of appeals, rlencalermmond omitted pmmrl, The. Menu is the amountce ified inCmmber. This tithe Poll amount.fonfortneseat indicated and does not include any 3ismunts offered, psgrm ds made, intettst owing or pmt4,os years win, it also dors not mpmt an, (alae changes. Real Madmt Valee(RMV) -- T cl Aam®edvdm "- "T. Y4ffi leald 1 Tnl.l amio 51,o93tzf -- $14.076 S416Aa9i: $39,0227 $ P4 37' $964,988 <iSAAn Sy ).978; A xvor9 5941,1- $;5,99o: $ $"8'g $ $69F, 9f, $ 3.W nm6 x146422 017 $"rcm I ftfir1 5151491 _..$9.gt•i t mxim J6 $ 499.]6: so17 5494.4J1 S1A o i;49i $m'W 2dig 6i. $8.756 $y2;joi Si4 i3 .4 593435` 'Wid eci,61;4,A1y' $18,76 tµ4-'y. $8,1,6 $18136 2019 8[29,819. $lA,-/o. - 5µ6,989 $'i]Gdb' S 32z.AR: voi2 $eJ.al:S. $vAdSo: 5147,903 8$2,94 S§93(46 vuii 344-49so $2AJ1. -$q2-071 vain $44044. So 3AA4 $143,144 - 42,399: Y4r.asl Ionil $ng5i $o. 56J,31a. 52,3291 A4a.v21 e on8_ $)3.955 xitoi, 81'1,955._.. $ 564' gag„561, z„J $ Sbo; a,i9Bi S y5:T3' 2, 45, ” $45;3(1$,• so 50 i55' - $46.566 lie}9n ,994.191 , ¢006 $3,088 $o' $2,o]d,- 53&49' ,04- 3o 3Zmal1. 43,oBg' 5324-1 $3aAAA' mB3 $3o,3SS: 50:' r3m,3 i $3a,39S ee;&6 "S 3S4- SW$29.J55 - $2917&S $o.” S29.T,u' _.L;951. 2001 $29dA $o $2g.lp $-.9.91: S 2493. 266u $31,19.9.... .iii.. sh gs. 54-39 429.2. 1949 .i"'gio So $.3T39a $4 SW 5697, _ $2S.Sgi�' 'S6 $2$ego 'mm sS+i6' (99% $2-,JAfi "Ao 43-,3,9, o. tat.. Sgj33:. 1997 $2^EOO Go .... $vJSdo --s" .51,9„ $19.21: _:.._ 19y,'r 871.8[, Sti." SSi.-10- $$L-id $813.25 Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 8/9/2021 aL 9:42AM using RLm (wamAid org) ;I,200,DUo Amq.0. ;900,000 M0,o00 ;somoio 1500..0. ta..,.D. 11.0,0.. ;2.q..o Wallis, ;o RMV and Assessed Value (1995 - 2020 ) Page 5 of 5 � gaa tmdvalm © ere. imprown+enrvnn. C.—at Y... Ao dVnlue Sy9, 26 U. GemPiiov Amen.- N/A Tawbla Value 699.226 eocen Dnu emirte loon Cnnn¢lwexmminntl Tnw(nn Tax Code Area & Tarin, est i cts Tex Cod. Area (1 -,Cue) Po,ao eem lea }ear Ur9W Taxing) ric for TCA U19UU Cl¢'ofSPringfield Lane Community College Ian, Ca only Ian, Aduatlno Seniee District SW ingfield Fwnumic U,rclapmentAgenc}' Springfield School DisMct ry Willamvl0ne Park &Rvmention District "N(YTE Ione Cuudy A ,anaent and 'raxationTaxlaude Arca& Taxing Districts mfie,i the current eerfifed Sear. The BiainR Rare Document may still reference the prix. s ares and details until,receireche eurant a,.,t from lana Co.., Dew xmmtlueCunvrvi enxmdTnmiiun Sales & Ownerabip Clrsnges Bok Date Ms MA urcb 1., Pnalla. co& Multiple Ao a Gran".) G4auteefs) tir69/201; SU ¢oiT-SSN.a N ye. �uiedack SSR`Ivs ¢nis LLL D »ur[e:lane Cow�Ane.smrntend Taxetiou �e .l _rvle 9 — ' � eNoo Se —_ C � Y 1 I aoxp° e i s,aa C"• - 3 Photometric Analysis s u East View • Woodland Ridge 3 & 4 0 u N • I t T D __. •.o- _ W I = e i Y � al U. A Z s I e Mot omMric Analysis y Center East View , - Woodland 0.idge 3 & 4 C I W I = e i Y � al r r ++++++.....+ 0 C F" x@ 7 I 1 YN. Fs�s . ba Nl mFP.e� eeZ 8 p MONSOON j I 3 £,sows c ` m : Dhott Analysis N Slat y i s N 51st Dlace Woadiand Ridge 3 & 4 a kxa w e � i .m oa w re I g : of 7o ea � a s _a a - va a rote' �aqe / !t e 6 az'�ev, ooe., e� ae0000 et �ss�aMVP e`d s ess - f T gs egg a [M7 � 1 a �,8 1 �s 'da B� ku' Ae 1 gs 8 `= I 3 - Photometric Analysis n antral View - Woodland Ridge 3 & 4 C�