HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-01-20city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFIINGFIEL.D lN Fo RMATION: 726-3753 lNSPECTlor,.rs: 726-3769 SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION 9/o o 7qe ooL</ ?7 cl7 7 OT EUSII:ESS A. o <z- 4<, o r u. s/ rnt lor -* PIIONE LOCAIION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRII'TION PR.OPERTY 4.- y1 I tloJs'--t^= OIINER OR ADDR.ESS C"--.,1) u h), " oUNER 0F SIGt'r cIF OTHER l'ltArr pROPERTY oWNER) ADDRE55 I S4'.*\<' }IAME OF BUSINESS, FIR}I. ETC, TYPE OF HORK: - ERECT AL:ER 0THI:8, TERrr rl^ STP.UCTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: / tttt;t FREESTANDnTc RooF _PRoJECTrbIG _ MARqUEE UNDER I,'AROUEE OTIIER c usE 4r.lD cPi.cACTER 0F SrGN Zro*r* D INCIDEI{TAL DOUBLE FACE SIi.IGLE FACE YTTLTI-TACE PEADER BOARD BILLBOARD C ort"t Ft+ il f Tlll-$r ER.ECToR) fu.<./--r.z 4a4,L E .< EXP G. 1,,NO 7 EP. DATE za? . VENDORS, COMTRACTORS; CiTY LICENSE }II]}I A nhDFCC S IGi'I AIL D(ISTING SIG}IS FOR, EUSINESS, ETC. SIGN I.IANUTACTUR,ER (IF ADDP.ESS EXISTING SIGNS ARE THEPJE ANY E(ISTIIIG SIG}IS? DITETISIONS, UISTALL\TIO}I & CONSTR,UCTIO}I TOTAT HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEP.TICAL DIJYENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT1I OF SIGN DI}IEiISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO}1 OF SIGN - DCES SICN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LIIiE? _YES _NOIT YES, DI^\IEI.ISION BSYoND PROPERTY LIIIE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOIT IS tiORE ,r{Ar, lr"OVER PUBLIC ?ROPEP.TY TT]X SICN ERECTOR. I.IUST FILE WITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISIONCOPIES OF HIS/IIER LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP-ERTY DA}IAGE IIISUP"A}ICE POLICIES. E TIIICKi{ESS OR DEPTH . IIILL SICN HAVE ELECTRICAI, I{IRIIIG?- IF YES, I^IHICP }.PPLY? g"EI.ECTRICAL SIGii _rLLL'I{TNATED (lNDrpJClE lrcurio) ELECTRICAL COIITPJ,CTOR H ADDRES LISC DESCRIgE TYPE OR YATER.IAIS S . VALUE OF SIGII: IS K o CONSTRUCTED 'slTE INTOFITATIoN (LAlrD rrsE)0F BUILDtlrc oR LAIID (oR i-AsT ,d_rltooon BL's rNEss _curDoo?. rrERcr{At{D r s rlrc PR.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDINC OR I.AIID: J -. EXISTING USE USE IF VACANT) . I HAVE CAREFULLinfornaEion is accorCance withSoringfielC and Creqon pertaini cense wich che8-2-5(3) and 9-permic. -a 3 PRI}IT)<?t* rE /^ >c> apPfurt certifTd shal-l Sprinqfurtherns Eo Cic;r 7-20( pring Iwi E'f 1 \l,I DII{E the d Elica on1 rfo rnr.comp doand Fcha 1a IherebyEruanderreccocIandher:ice E Pe ha rormerkvroIa1L 1ndoneo9esher1dIIsPrnancrditcheinggn .fy Uni orn Iq aCo edEadeCo E h e LI t toby11atheedinancosf.the !E o I fi 1v gn;cheand 1aw of aE Ehe o vt ';o rl:E-1e de edcri.b Ii1eIn ri..:-tscha Con fo L-9 lllv Jfo fi I lsd in II t aod Ec as d b rr.n fi I Codd esreou].v Sp I2IIEIalred!eques s e .:-onsrequ]-rnsp I Lt5 de cheon rove dAPP NA}TE (PLEAS B. \ . PLEASE READ I 1)w:Aseparateapp1icat1onisrequiredforeachseparates1gn.asdefl.ned 2) Eleccrical: Ehe suppft urusE be n2d and excerna dinance. 3) .Any P-erEnlE issued under thls application will lnclude wiring in or on sign sErucEure,wires for connecEion rrusE be covired on an electrical p-errnic.- gleciri;ai connection 9-o91y by a Stace Licensed ElectrLcal ConcracEor. Illirurinated signs (boch incernally,L1y) must conforrn Eo Seccions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-re oi-irie-s;;i"iii;Id-ii6--o;:' tt"ry n"q"iEg:. Ttrls-application is to be submitted wich two conrpleEe seEs of plans showing dl-Eensrons and height of_sign; adverrising message on sign; location of slgn o., piop.rty wiitr-ai-oensions cc ProPe-rEy 1!nes, -scructural decails-of supp6rr fraoing, braciig and'footings; narerlalsof eonsErucEi.on for sign and sign sEructure-; elecrriiil equipmenE'arra figf,ri"g; iii" 5nd locati.onof existinE.siqni.on property fgr the-same b_usienss, all is iequired to ieceriinq cornqrliance wirhthe Sprlngfield Sign.ordinance (Afticle 7 of the Spiingfield Ciry Code). AIsJ,.dto, ttre fo1low-Lng infornacion on. che ploc plan (plan sb,owing prolertj llnes and location of iis"s) , 4) s) 5) 7> 8) e) a) show Ehe locarion of all exisring stgn(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the. length of che streeE fronEage taken up by the buslness or building. For wal1si.gns, show r,he length of the brrilding frontagl. - c) show uhe locacion of entrances open to Ehe public and drlveways. l'Ihen -required, because of design,- size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations trrusE be pre-pared-by a licensed engineer or shall conform to deslgn standarls on file at the Building Divi-sLon Offlce. Plans of insufficlent clarity or decail will be reEurned Eo the appllcanE with no permit beingissued. Signs rn:sc DleeE corner visloo clearance requireuents ag described in Figure 9 of the SpringfleldCouprehensive Zoning Code. N9TE: ,No.sign.nay be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horizonrally or vertically from overheadeLecirlcal conductors Ln excess of 750 vo1ts, or less than 5 feet in- any direction' froo overheadeleccrical lines which are energized at les8'chan 750 vo1Es. If a sign is noE lnsta11ed within 60 days after the date of lssue of thts peruit, the pero.iE sha11be void. Inspeccioqs : a)Site Insoection - to be nade before the slgn ls placed. UsuallfiT€jj-Ii&-ofet qray b_e aade-ar rhe saoe tiie as the siu" Inspection is to be n^de after hole(s) ls excavaleci, buE grior to the Flnal Insoecrion - to be mrde upon eou4plecion of all work. y, the lcqring_Ingpectiontlon. fFe-TooEing-Inspec- placeuenE of concreEe. b) !-lectrical - all electrical signs oust be lnspected for electlical hook up after the signis eredEa and before the sign-is turned on. &uL roR TltE REQUTRED TNSPECTToNS ON T]ltE 24 HoUR TNSPECEoN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRTCT C OH /4, ZONE DISTRICT TOI{L SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED rNSPEClfOlr!: /Z _srrE/LoCATIoN _ELECTRTCAT. OTHER _FOOTTNG OR MElllOD OF ATTACIIMEMT _fnul SPECIALcoNDITIoNSTotsESATISFIEDBEFoREERECTIoN0FSIGN: ADDITIONAI INFOR],IATIOi'I IIEEDED BEFORE PER}fiT I'IAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY: Aa /+FtPdu€T) 8/ 6an€C cF nqrtr) Ls ,/- 11- f 1 DATE ELECTRICAI PER},{IT FEE : OZ' oo TOTAL: oz?q 5 svec1lRz_ oC) 4/. 5 rArs DA 0,1 CLEBK SICN PERMIT EEE: J08 # SECTION:SIGN ORDINANCE y'- eo-83 (j /.{t tt)\ i{" RJ ,-,1AtN St. t-.-NgWstcrt HOLIDAY teu.nur(At{Af +tt L" t.L\eoa\ u '^sq(e Yq" - l' 1t-o"_l tr\"\ Pt^^ S co-\<- \'t . lc(2 r vrCL\ + .1, .6 tU o \l c6 iS J r3 o 1l .t O.r rl .Pt 5,11 b.{o L c-(.-s' er^ B^c.k.ry"'4J.i t\i I I I Stgn T>c.rn,+ bra.J'r.l-Tt,} C.c,odsruav.t e-?-fL rro oDSI AN FIRE-sroHe. tdoo D 5tt4A N sce..(<- f6q -- | ,f rrbA. \.t -'4rF- y -=--\^A-Fv TAUnAXyvoo0s!ulrIil N ll7 South l4th Street \ I ffi \ -..,] tn -/ ' rt