HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-06-05LocnroN oF pnoposED woRK: /23? A4 24 V t SPIrINGFIELD r_oT: ASSESSORS MAP: BLOCK:SUUUIVISION: --- - .- RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 JoEI NUMBEaftff./-- 225 Filth Street Springf ield, Oregon 97477 IAXLOT; # I'l la)Nt:*a5>2-S>rg ZIP 7?gar4. / STAI I OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: -4+bX57*@z- ADDITION DEMOLISII OII{l:Fl DESCRIBE WORK NEW _--_, REMODEL "ruZ t4cpfuffi-z#)b,PI IONE 726 ELECTRICAL: -- MECHANICAL: CONI]L CONTRACTO GENERAL: PLUMBING _ OFFICE USE - LAND LISE: / OF UNIIS: CONST'FI. TYIJI:, llt:Al S(-)t,ll(;l- ITANGE: I=LOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: --- , OF BDRMS: ----- Sf:CONDARY HEAr: SQUARE FOOTAGE: OUAD AREA: # OF BLDGS OCCY GROUP: --- n OF STOHIL:S: WATER HEATER: To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. This ls a24hour recordirrg. All inspections recluested bclorc 7:oo a.rn. will be made the same working day, lnspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be tn;r<le the {ollowing work day' REOUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Electric Rough Meclranical - l)rior to cover. Final Plurnbing - Wlren all plunrbing worh is <;otnPlele. Rough Electrical - Pritrr tr-r cover. Eleclrical Service - Must [rr.r approved to obtain pcllll.rrlenl eleclrical power. Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and f rarnitrg lnsp [--l Frarning - Prior lo covr-'r. Wall/Ceililrg lttsulaliott -- l'tittt trr cover. Firral Electrical - When all electrical worl< is cotnPlete. Site tnspection - To be made af ter excavation, but Prior to setting forms. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Footing - Af ter trenches are excavated. Masonry - Steel location, boncl beams, grouting. Foundation - After forms are erecled but Prior to concrete placement. Underground Plumbing - Prior lo filling trench. Undertloor Plumbing / Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking. Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking. Floor lnsulation - Prior to decki ng. Sanilary Sewer - Prior to filling trench. Slorm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. Water Line - Prior to lilling trench. Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. tl r_.1 Otlrer | - | Final Meclranical * Wlten alll"-l rnecllanical work is <:onlplete. LJ Final Buildirrg - Wlre:n all required inspections have been approved and builclirrg is cotn 1.llotr:cl.tl n I--l Drywall - Priot to tal)irr(l Wood Stove - Aftcr install;ttion lnserl - Af ter {ireplact.' ttpptr.rv;rl and installation of unit Curbcut & APProach - Aftot forrrrs are erected but lrtior tcr placement of concrete. Sidewalk & LtrivewaY - Af tt:r excavation is cotnPlete, [ortrts; arrd sub-base tnaterial in 1llacr:. Fence - When <;omPletoti Street Trees - Whan all rcqtritc<l trees are Planted. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS r:l Blocking and Set'UP - When all blocking ls corrlPlelc. LJ Plumbirrg Contrectiorrs - Wlten hotne has boen connected to waler and sewer. I- I Eleclrical Conrreclion - WhenI I blocking, set-up, arrcl Plumbing inspections have bo'cn aPProved and the home is connectetl lo lhe servlce panel. L_l Final - After all required inspectlons are aPProved and porches, skirting, decks, and venting have been installed. E t_l r tl r r r r r r Lot faces Lot sq. ltg. Lot coveraoe Topography Total heighl Lot'[yt]e v - lntcrior --. Corner -- Panltanclle -=- Cul'de-sac Sctbacl<s HSE GAR ncc[_f!,=] N .-THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE H ISTORICAL REGISTER? -.- -- lf yes, this application must be slgncd ar-rd approved by the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED:E t_ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This perrnit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Dcvelopment Cocle, regulating the construction and use of buil<lirrgs, and may be suspended or revokeci at any timc (rt)on violation ol any provisions of said ordinances' DatePlans Rcviewed By Plan Check Fee: Date P;tid ller; e i 1r t N t-r ttt l;e r: Rc<:eived By BUILDTNG PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Merin Garage Carlrot t .. VALUE fregrz*y'fre7Vro (A) x $/so FT Total Value []trilrling lrct tttt I [jtlt-' Stiltc S(trcllitl(l{) Total [:et: /5*,D Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being lmproved. sysTEMS DEVELOPMENT CI-IARGE (SDC) (R) ADDITIONAL COMMENTSPLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtu res Residential Bath(s) No . ---- SanitarySewcr IT'- - - - Water LT , FEE (c) FT. Plumbing Perrnit State Surch:trge Total Charge Slorm Sewcr Mobile Home Wood Stove/ lnsert/Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent (D) N0Vent Fan Mechanical Pt'rtnit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnace Exhaust Hoo(l By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any slructure without perrnission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliancc with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address ls readable frorn the slreet, that the perrnlt card ls located at the front of the property, ancl the approved set of plans will rem.rin Signature Date n0rlurl construct lonon the site MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Stale lssuanoc State Surcharge Sidewalk -, - ft Curbcut -- - ft Demolition State Surcltarge Total Miscellaneous Permlts (E) &G 2_ i DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIVED t]Y - VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER _ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) 7"'ftaor O€ro?v :iPRINGFIEL[:, BLOCK: Zfr, .{ zf]rr, SftiD wonK:-12&fu, Ilt qh, Or Srutl *" Spr ing f ielcl, Ot egot'r 97 4 / 7 SUBDIVISION TAX LOT: RESIDETJTIAL PERMI'I AI'PLICAI'ION lns pectiott:;:,''16'3709 Of tice: 726.3;',9 LOCATION OI PROPOS ASSESSORS I\vlAP: - - LOT: JOB NUMBER - 221; Fif tlt Strect PHONE S'IATT::C .WNER: Krc)Myil ouA under-eqfcx4.*odfi u4trY, DEMOI_rf)OTHEN DESCRINE W. )TiK: NEW -nEMoD[ , !., ADDtrl()N - - CONI'RA() l()i .'S NAMt' CENERAT: - ul-LLD \X€r PLUMt,}INCi: MECHANIt)Al : ..- ELECTRICAL l,llot', rEXP|nt:l;Al)DRl::lS l-30.17 "+L1@641Er,R- zq"i; Wls{tL An _ W61 - CONST. CONTRACTOH # OUAT) ARI A , OF: BLD( iS] OCCY CROUI, , / Ol' SlOFllt :: WAI-ER l-lEAl r R: . - FLOOD PLAIN: --ZONING CODE: , , OF BDRMS: --SECONDARY l-IEAT: - SQUARE FOOTAGE: _ OFFICE USE _ HEAT SOURCF: -- - -.RANGE: LAND USE: -- -. r OF UNITS: , . CONS'TR. TY['E: . To request an inspection, you rnust call 726-3769. Tlris ls a24tt<tur recording. All inspections requestecl before 7:00 a.m. will l-re rnaclc the s:r1rc workipg clay, in:;pectiorrs requesterl after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS l-l RouOh Mechanical - Prior to t ]'--- (:()ver.f I Tt:nt;ro,lry Electrir:L __l Sile lrr,;lrectiott - To bc ttt;rcle af ter ,r-.(iavatiofr, l,ut priol to scttirriy lorl)ls. Undcr sl ab Plurnt>irrg/ Electrical / Meclrarrical - l:'rior to cover. Footirrrl - A{ter trenches are excava tcd. Masonry - Slecl location, borld beanrs, groutittg. Uncterground Pltrrrrbing - Prior to fillirrll trencll. Underlloor Plumbing/ Meclranical - l)ri(rr to insulatlon or tlccking Post arr<l Beanr - Pr191 16 flor;r insul;,rttr ln or (lc(;l,.irlg' Floor lrrsulation - Prior to decking. Sanitaty Sewer *- Prior t..r f illing trenoll. Storrn :)ewer - l)rior to f illing t rc'nt: l t Waler Line - Prior to filling tren(: h. Final Plumllirtg - Wltctt itll lrltrrrtt-rirtg wor l< is <:rlttt;rlclc. Final Electrical - Wlre rt all cleotrical wotk is coilrl)l(-'te. Final Mechanical - Wllen .rll mechanical worl< is (r(rtrll)let(r Rouglr Electrical * [)tior to c()ver. Electrical Service - Must be apt)roved to obtain Perlnanent elcclrlczrl power. Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and f rarning lnsP. fff ramino - Prior to cover' Wall/Ceilirrg lnstrlatiotr - Prior to cover Drywall - Prior to taPitlg. [-l Wood Stove - A{ter installation lnsert - A{tcr IiIePlace aPProval an(l installirttorr rtf unil. Curbcut & Approach - After forms arc c'rectL'd but 1-rrior to placement of cottcrete. Siclewalk & DrivewaY - After ext;avatiorr is contJrlete, fornrs arrtl sub'[l;rse rrtaterial irr place. Fence - When completed. Street Trecs -- When all required ttu(:S aft.' lrllttttt:tl. t_l t__l fl r_l fffinal Building - Wlrert allr required inspcctions ltavtl bt.:, tt approved ancl buildirtg is completed. f-YFoun<lation - nf lcr fornls areU urualao l)ut Prior to concrcte placett ten t. Other -- MOBILE HOME INSPECTIOI{S Blocking and Set-UP - Wlrr:tr arll blocking is cotttPlctt. Plunrbing Colrrrectiolrs - \ ,i ll, rl r lrorne has ber.:tt conncctr:cl tt.r water and sewer. Electrical Cotrnectiorr - Wht.:t'r blocking, set-up, antl Pltrmbinrl inspections lrave beln .t[)pr(]v(:(i and the hotnu is conrlccled l(, the service panel. Final - After all reqtrircd inspections are aPprove(l ancl porches, skirting, dechs, anrl ventin0 ll;rvc lreen itl:;t'rllr:tl'Rough Plumbin$ - Prior t<l COV(:f. \ tl n E fl r l_l rf tl fl tl r Lot fitr;es Lc:ll sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topt>graPl'tY Total lreigttt Lot Tyt)e - v - lnterior -- Corner -. PanhancJle - Cul-de-sac Setl.l;rr;ks PL.HSE GAR 49c_ VALIDATION: BECEIPT NUMBER DATE PAID ,.._ AMOUNT RECEIVET) NE,CEIVL,D BY - - -IE t'tloPO{;ED WORI( IN TTJE -rlT5tontcAl DtsrFllcr. otl oN I llE HISTORICAL REGlSTr.n? --DA It yes, tlris application mutit be signed anrl approverl by thc Historical Coordirr;ttor prior to permrl i.ssuance. APt'ROVED: J E BUTLDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT l his perrrrit is 51r;rrrlcrl ott tltt]) {)xl)res:; cortclitirlrl lll;lt tllc ljiti(l <-;onstructiott slt:rll, irl;rlI rc:;lrr:t:ls, r;ott[ottn to tIr': ()r(linance ;rrlopletl by tlrrt ()ity oI SllrinrlIioltl, irr' ltrrlirrg tltr: [)cveloptrrt':trt Cotle, tr)ilttl;ttirtrl 11161 r'titllrttttclir'rr;tttcJ ttsr: of btrildings,;tttd ntay Itc sttl;1rt'ttde(l '-]r Iovoko(l at;lny tilrre b/,5#1 ( zlf*: - ll P [:;:;ioupon violalion of a Plan Check Fee: .- Date Paid: Receipl Numbet:- ;tiri ortlit r. rtt,;rl:;. BUILDING PERMIT VALUf-- ?3 (A) SQ. FT. X $/SQ. FT. /, 3A 5o lIElvl M;tirt C',,1 t. r,1r: C;rt 1'ott Iot;rl Valtrc ll,riltiing lrctntit Fec S,t;rl{) SllI()ll;ll ge 'lr,l irl [:er: Systems Develol;mcnt Chargc is due on all rrndcvcloped properties within the City lirrrits whict.t are beirrg intprovccl.SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I I L.t\4 [' ix lllles t lr::;i dcn tial Elat h(s) l";rr 1 i I ;rry lir-:wt:t W;tllt Stottn St-'wt---l Molrilc. llt>tttr: FEE NN FT. rr._ FT. (c) PLUMBING PERMIT Plurrrbing Permit Statc Surcharge Tcrtal Charge Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Fireplace Unit Dryr:r Vetrt (D) N0Vorr t [:an Mr:clrani<;al [:'crtni t lr:l;trance St;ttc Surchargc Ttrlal PcrtttiI MECHANICAL PERMIT [:rtttt:tce [.xlr;rrrst lloocl By signature, I state ;trttl agtcr:, that I havc care{rrlly examined the completed;rpplic:rtion and do hercby c'.rrliI)&that all information hereon is true atld correct, and I (rrrllter certify that any alld all work perfornrcd shall be done itr accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield,;rrrcJ lhc Laws of the State of Ore-<1orr pertaining to lhe w<rrl< tlescribed lrerein, and that NO OCCTiPANCY will bc trr;rrlr.' of any structure wilhout pertnissi<.rtt oI the Utrilding Sirt' rty Division. I f urther certify that ortly cc)rltractors and errrployees who ;rre ln compliance witlt OnS 701.055 will bc rr:;r:rl on this trrroject. I f urther agree l() erts(rre tllat all rcrluitcd ittsl'tr.liotts are requestecl at the prol.rcr titllr-', lhat e;l(;h addrel;:' ir; rca<jallle from the street, that the pcrrnit cartl is localcrl;rl the f ront of the property,.ln(l lltr: aplttoved l;r:t oI pl;trr" will rcl]lilit'l on the site at all litrlc:; duri rrg con:;lruction {iirlnatutl MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Molrilc l iotttc J;t,-r lr) lss[,an(;c St.rte Surcltarge liirlcwalk - ft Crrrl;cut -- ft Dcnrolition Stirtc Surcharge -.:-_ .lol;rl Mis;ccllaneous Permits (E)*ary N TOTA L AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, tr, C, D, ancl E Cornbinocll -2/a1V3 70