HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-02-24.. RESIDENTIAL.. COMB INATI ON APPLTCAI IO N /PWJ4TT225 North ith Street Sprtn4fi,ed, 1regon 974?? Building Dioision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEID -u ,TO!6bt# ? Suitditision: Ascesaor3 fubD # iob ollD Phone: frDF? s-foo* vatuo LIOO-a O D*c*ibe tlork: Date of tddi;Lcn eWt;roti-, 2'24 -&L silR Tw-6 /5'60 -{ ( Date 8rgttT ruftdsn.- 4vo 15,00 $o Genem,L ?Lwbing EZectrical uechatccl - -VY t b; V}/f a-l 4Y oat\ltdin/J,/' Conatntctioa Lefia. It is the rczponeibLlity of te g*rit lodd b a.. tlat aLL inspections ee nadc at lhe prye" bine, t?at each ,zilreaa is veadabie fln xlu s-iTc.x, ord, that tiu pedt sd ia ?^xated. ai; the frunt of ile gqerty.rPutdiry Diuicio- aptnui pl,an elcll W".on thB h/idbla Site at all tinea. PRIC DWE PoR n{sPEc?rilg EQWsa: catt Si*1b*or**) -etate lour Citg dcalgnred, job turber, iob aldteae, type- of inspect'lcz @dgforiwpectiott'cont|acto?eola,ltotananeand'plotterulfua.Peq1b8t8yeceixedbefc.re7:00clltill fu flad. ttc sane d4, :n3qucats nodt aft* 7:00 qt utLL be nad,e tlu nezt lnrking day. t 2-O l6faw City Decignatd, Job tlwiba fe: S@ti'.@g eana cq-oei * f.op#l Lir.e Septtc tork puped ci filZad, ttlh gresel litu.L -,tken abcue itme ea ectxpLetedtd uhsn danciition ta caeleta or' sauc- twe noued as pratrLsaa clZaez up. Blocking od, Set-ltg P1-untbirig connecticna -- ea)e? ctC uater Electrical Cc*aectipn - Blcckirq, set-uo otd, plwnbing connectiona r*at 'ca q2rcxeti befote nequzatzng elec=rLcal trspectiort Acceacory BuiAnng icrehea, ekittitq, decksFinal - Aftct etc. @e cafio, lo be r& aft*priarbaetqof INSIILATTON /VAPOR SARRI-R I,'ISP9C?IO N : lo b. tula aftet aLL irLukticn e'd. rqui.td vqot ba*irr,la ot in place htt befota ary lath, ggpsu,t boai ot uaLL ao*ing ia qplied,, od beforaotl insulatlbn ia colceald.. DRWNL IllSPEd!1N: tc be nade aft* aLL &,AuELL ie in plz.ce' but fiot to ang @ng. I1AS1NRI: Steel Locatiott, bond. beans, grculittg ot ':erticcls in accotd@Ee r,tith U.B.C. Section 2415. i7l woo ro'n: Aftrr' irBtallaziotr ia Q) owpLete<i. CUFIB & AyPP.CACts AP.WN: Aftet formaoe etecteC but prion b pouritt4 ,pr1,2?eta. SIDIIIALK 6 DRLEIIAI: Fot aLL cotr- c*ete pat:itq ttithtn etteat ?ight- of-uq, to be tru,Ce aften aLL ezca- Dating caryLete & fonr *nk lt cub- base tcterlal in plaee. UNDERSLAB PLUilBING. zI,EC|RICAL & WCHAI|CAL: To be npde befote ctqWzovetd. FOl?flC ! F1UNDA?fCil: To be mlz @tud,od fazta ee etactcd, but priot to pounng ccideta. UND*CPPUXD PtUMenC, Sgr,ER. et.4?ER. Lirg trenciua. MDEPFLOOR PLUI,iBflG' i.IEC:,1ANTCAL:@o7 fl,oor inatktiotr or d^ecking. P1St A[P_-AEAM: To ba rudc Ptiot to -^- installat:tcn of floor ir.sl:lati.on ot &ckitrg. O|IGE PLATBT:IC. Z'!C:R!CAL 3 YECq- AflfC).L: ilo '.nrk ia to be co"^*ed ffithese itapec;ia.s itstte beeti nwie @d qprcoed,. a7Dtuf ia?. natetials FTIIAL PWABIIIG FINAL AECAI,NICAL IZBAL ELEERTCAL kior ta plccirA otd before ftaiing "-n8Pec- tion. fiAnglO: l,lwt be reouestd afte* qproval of rough Vlubittg, elecxr)- a,L & nechodzal. ALI toofitr4 btacittg & chittmeye, etc. rruet be camleted. llo trr;,.k ie to be eon- cealed, uatil chia inaoecfiat |as been rmde od, appzvoed.. ALL proieot eonditione, such a tle itutallation of saeet *8e6, ccno!;Cot_of itz requi"ed l,ordscairg, etc., ntust be eatiefied beJbre tla BUII,DI:C EIJ'IAL :ot be tequesxeti. ?IilAL BAILDINC: Th.e tinal Builditq Inapectior nst be requeoted. af)er :i'e Fittzl ?'.tnbing \_/ Electrical, o1d, lleohnioal fnspect:-ono'hante been nade otti approueri- *ALL I,IANECLES AND CLEAIIOUTS IIUSI 9E .ACCESSIALE, I.DJUS"I!{EII! lC 3E WDE I? NO :AS7 ?C :TY F;ie 1 of 2 7 ,rourr" r*" T i-r ENCE: i{ttelt2 coiloLaxe -- fuot)iia U {r"."r.* nouable' eectials ttwatqh I fottra. rr u Refetnce lltonbets:L-C06 #:Jcb ilwbet: 'lrnt sq. rtg. 'iL cf Lot Caterage i # oy stort", IiTotol Eelght ',?opogzqhy Building Pqdt State ?otal Chapaea LOT YWE _ fntet-icr _ Coraer _ Polhodle CuL-de-eac Bedtooms: Building Volue & Permit ?his pernr-t is granted on the esp?es! cotdition tt74t ttz said, conetmtctioa elall-, in aLL rbspects, eonform to the 1tdit'wnce adopted by the cifu o.f Springfield, inclilding the Xoning Cvdinoue, regzlating the ecnst?ueticn &d use of buiT.dings, otd nay be suspended ot retsokeC at ary tine upott ttic- Ta.tion of ary prcoisione of eaid 0rdinancee. * Access.Dr.House Lot Faces - :!EM x Value llain G@doe Ceoort Aceegao?u ?OIAL VALUE ucS.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: {. Signed: Plumbing Permit No petson stwll canstmtct, instal|., alter or eltoqe cnV nan ct er:isting plunbing or dtaina4e systad in uhole or in pott, ttnleaa euch pereon is the legal posseesor of a oalid ph.tmber's Lieenee, ezeept tlut a Pe?son naA q plwnbiig uork to p"ope"tA ulrieh is ot'ned' Leaaed or opetated by the aPPLi- cdtt- NO,FEE * i?EM Fi.xfizteg Reeidznti.a.L (1 bath) Saiet Platnbing PenrLt St6te Electricol Permit whene State La't requiree lfifiil electrical uork be done by o't gleetrtcal Cantmctor, the eleetm)cal portion of this penrtt shall not be oalil, until the Label hae been stgned by the Electrieal 1ont?aeto!. * ll a,t /Ezt end Circtti ts Sem;ice O Mechonicol Permit Eal@,tst EooC llcodstotle Vsnt Fut PerwLt fssuance Mechanieal Penrit -- ENCROACHME!!? -- Sec,rtty Deposit Stordge liainternr,ee Pdrtit Curba* SidandLk Penae ELeet?'L.caL h.DeL Mobile 4cme TOIAL AM0UNT DUE:* f tAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the eonpleted application for pentrLt, etd do hereby eertify that aLL infonnation heteon ia tnrc and. correct, and. f fitthet, cettify that ory ard aLL uork penforned shall be done in aceor,- dance ,,ttth the otdinorcee of the City of sprLngfield, ad. tha La",B of the State of 2tegon pertaining to the uork Ceaa.Lbed herein, otd. that N0 )CcU- PANCT uiLL be rm.Ce of ang atructure uitlrout permission of the Building Di- tision. I further eertifg thet only contractors otd anplcyees uho @e in cotryLiance uith ORS 707.055 tyLLL be used on thie proieet Da'te DateSigned * Plan't EcatrLner Zone:)canpcncu Grouo:Tape/Cor-gt: Plnn i:hdau hoo. 1 ,,fl /,5,1rC