HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-07-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s !tor--h sth s; treeAP?L;cAr r,N /PER,I,Y SprJngileld, Cregon 97477 Builiing Dtuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFTEL.D ,lob loecticn: ?a tot * Ot$AAsseseotc ]!a I Subdlr)sicn: j-ter: .l,C&ess:f*- zip: Descibe h'ot'k: 5-tr-t3 var,e d r??a-otcxe of Apg L 12,,,, a))-'.-' ^- \U ,8- Date ) -21-8j icnitcczo?s s3 D1 L n=r01r 70?n\l nD t.ArE^ Sanilaq seset ecp;ped zt prcpati:; Lite Septie totk yr2eC ad. filled. tith greizi llnal - l.then cbcue itens ee ccnolexei anC uhen d,e-.pli;ioz: is eoatlele bt stt-;:-tute r.oued o'i crznises clbaned uc. l.!obi 2 ECttzS Blocking od. Set-ttp ?lunbit,g ccnnecticns -- 6a)e? ed. ucler Elecdccl Ccntection - Blceking, set-u: and plwnbing connections nr;st Le oprcuei before request')ng electn)cal i-nsa ectiotz ,4ccessct.g' tsuili}q Einal - After icrches, skirxing, Ceci-a, etc. @e ecncle2ed. ?=:e 1 ot' 2 Constrtc..ica Lcnier Yow Cifu Desigra,ted Job !futtber Ic:q3 tu?q iilSULA.t:ON /t//1.P0P SARRf?R lUS?lC!fiIt : I! io lhe reeponcibi-liiy of -ttB penti! iolder to see tha, aL! iwpectiorla @e r,ade at lhe propet ttne, i!.et each.-d,lness is read-il.e iy-tlP stree.t,_ anl,'-iax the tenr)t cJJ,d. ie Lccated at the fza*'of tlte ptoperty,'1uiai-g vl;ti:io- agim-ed pbn si=zl rew,in on thi it;al,."g- sil" ,t aLL ttnes. ?!1C!DUP", !0R, I:!S ll PSQU|ST:CALL 726-376_!| (yecorCer) state Aou? Citg CesigTnted iob nmbet" job olitess, type of inspeclicnrc.qu@eaiy,"El1LQLG,o"'coiiL"ti,"-o|,an.,"",,-,""*,di7,1e,,-ot.t..-Pequestsreceii;ed,beicre?:cCs,'-itl be trad.e the sane icg, requests-nc.ie aftar ?:00- on viLL be naie the "zJg-i"i}rrg'ar.g. r c;-r -ta:i-?^\r. eaccvctlorT, ,Ua ?o be r:aie afler p?ior to aei up of rlr I forms. UI9!PSL;3 ?!:J:,9I:IC, ZLIC:?IC,IL ti9Ci)l:iCAL: ?o be rcd.e beia:e cny :^rort is cc,,tetei. ?cc!:; 1 !Ct-,::DA!:2:t: lo be taie ;,='- e r.'t "-ncT;; a,;Ze qtat ed ari fcn:ts cte erec:ei, but .ario" topourir,g ccnc:ete. u :t.i'Ic?c u:!, ? :11!3 !:;c, s?EP,'i.1! ? ?, DP[):AGE: io be ns.ze pr)ar co it i- Lirg zerchee. u:t9EP?ZiC? ?LiJ:Bttc I itiCllltlCA|: ?c be tzce pr.!.cr '.o :ns;cliat:.on of f'loor insulc;icn c: decklr.g. ?05'l AilD 3eA!4: lo be ncCe pdot +-o tnsxcll;;t cn cf flcor irsui.a.tiai or Ceckt ry. 3)t.'i:i ?:'jt9::;3, !:!c:?!:;a t, '.,2,:i-;.1::;.:: )io :cri is =c ce co--epec ut:='-L =kcse irscee:'Jcr.s n;ve ieerneie =:nC :19rcv'e!. F!?!?I^CZ: . or ..o p'r,cctr4 lzctngmcrer,!,a:s crd. befcre irtttr4 tns-oe-c- ??.1J:!;;C: !fitst 'ce tec.aes;eC cflencpproucl ci raqh piuriinq, electr.)- caL ! nechznicei. AL! noi-!r4br=irq 7 chi:z:cys, etc. t=tsc beccrwle=e<i. .'lo ..)cp< is to be cot- cecied uncii th-Js insoecicn i,a.s been r.ade cnC cporcteC. II:IAL FLU:.!91:IC F:IAL .',EC.|AWCAL ;?tttf :t:Por.., ?o be nade after aLL izsulcticn ed. t equited oqor baviels @e in plaee but beJ'ore ory laxh., Wpfln bcarC cr tnLL eouering is cgplied, ard before a.:1 insulation is concealed. DRY'IALL iilSPZCEC:t: ?c be naCe efvet, aLL arguall is in place, bui prtoz. to cng tapin4, \ASCIIRY: Steel Location, boad bears, gzvuting or terticcls in accorriorce ,ith U.ts.C. Section 2415. After installation isicjDslc"E: -eUru e 4P?RcACu .4?PnN: Aftet fornsa,e ,"eeteld; pior to po"r:r,a cortcl,ete. SItZlll.LK 4 DRI':ViA?: ?or all ean- .t e;;Vau6;l;ffi st/eet right- oi-,":c!, tc be ncde after aL! etcc- uating eanoiei;e t fom ,,;ork 3 sub- base nctertal in place, I ll:l ?tllC9: llhen conplete -- Prouiie gates o? mouable aectians through P. U. E. .ALL I4AIII|CLES AIID CLZAIICIJTS YUST 88.1C'ES;i3i.E, ADJUST:Ii:I! lO 3E:.!1'E !.? I]O::S? TC CrY ALL project conCitions, suci as the ins;allacion 2f stteet ??ees, :ca?1.eiion c;' eieteqired Lcnzscqirg, ctc., lllrst be scxisiied be;'cre the SU|\DI;:O FliiAL :an be reqttesteC. ?I;IAL BAfLDillC: Tt:.e Fi.ncl Buzldirq lnscecticn tl;,at be requested zflet the iiccl ?Lubingllectrical, od :lech,arie=L Insceccicns -itavc been naCe ad'c=crcuei. x Genercl Plone: t"-t \uo l?r/o a'\ ,Ji,.] d'\. \ T a---, lrou NO g3ll"gq soLAn McEss REe.-u-co ct L Zeclzars: Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is granted on the eq?ess cod.i'"icn tlat the said-conatrtc:ion sha,ll, in ail rescects, eonfctn tc the Stdirnttce edopted big the Ciiy .tf Spr.lngfteld., incld.ing ;he ionir4 Criincnce, regalcting lke ccr.a;-.tc:')cn eti use oi butl,7in4s, cnd ntg 'ce succetieC or reuckei at aZ ilne u:cr uic- la;ian cf .nry >rcuisions of se,!.i Crd*"cnces. Sigzed Plumbing Permit llo pereon sltzll corlstmtct, instal!, alter or clun4e c:ztg nea ct e=is;ing plunb-)ry cz, drainage syste'n in aiole or in pott, unless such petson is iLelegal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, *ce?t that a person ncy do plrnbing aork to p"ope?t'! ulvtch is ouzed, Leased ot opercted by the ,t??Li- @ft'. Electricol Permit Were Stz:e ta,t requin*"tffiftil" electrical aoyk be done by at lleetrical Contnetor, the electt4cal Vorliozt of this pernit slall not be ualiC until the Lobel ius been signeC by the Electrical Conttdeto?. Mechonicql Perm;t fnt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Ccueraga I of Stor)es latc! ileighc Togogqhy Stdte lolal Cl",angea Pl'anbtng ?err:it State Stc+-e lolal Aances D-ar; L f --.-^- Meci:a.nical ?erni; Crct= LC? :v?! _ in-tetict _ Cordet _ Pcnhantile Ctl-<ie-sac ? Z SotreeaLat laces - ,r TaLue )hin la.e /??a,,6 ?clAL TtLA! 2O,r .s.r.c. .1 .5: PLan Check ?ee: L .O O Date?aid: 5-tl-gj.ro Reeeipt #: l? loOl26.p CiAP.G! !i.ztures Resiienti.a.L ( 1 bcth) Sa,itarl Seaet Tcte! -:'j Jai'io. ?es. So. fta. N€t)/Eetend Circyits larocre-u Setlice :?::.! furr.=ce ?TU'S *hast llcoC Tent :ut vcoisxote -- a:lcicACi:.:::t: -- r.ez' f HAW CARETULU l{A.ryfilED tl,z coopletaC coplieation. ic," pernit, ani io hereby certify thc.t dLL infc:na!{on heyecn ls ;nte arl, ecrree=, a,d, i fir:her ce:tiig ihat ang cd c.LL ;otk :eriotned slall be dote i:r ccccr- danep- wtrh the Ard.inenees of the City cf SpingfieU, ani lhe La;s of z'ne St<zte of )regcn pertaininc to tke aork Cese-)bcC herein, crl. :]tcr :i0 ,:CC!l- ?/.JCI ,,nli be na.de oI' cnl stt tcliu.e ui'-hottt ?erm:-ssictn of the 3uiZ<iing 9z- vision. I further :ertii'i ths.t o:tly ecn.tcc.crs c.d. rtplcgec-s ,;i,-o ,:::z in cc::pi.iance utth CRS 701.055 trilt be usei. cn thia ptcjecv #3a:Es= Asbe* : )lobile ilcne Sec.ty):u Detcsi: Stotaqe i4aintercn:e aLeea?'-C7.L LCiet ?O!.l,i A:.!AU:E DUE:' I 2A.80 SiEned Date .17/ -27 at-at