HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1997-11-17I I tI DI t PERMIT NUMBER: DATE ISSUED: Itittao?ttt.D v 226 FIFTH STREET INSPECTION LINE SEE INSPECNONS ON BACK SIDE ' APPLIOATION DATE: ENCROACHMENT PERMTT NUMBER: -7 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ENGINEERING DIVISION oFFtcE TELEPHONE (5031 726.3763 .LOCATION OF WORK PHONE PHONE: rrHorue: 4 T 2 ZlPz o ZIPz PHONE: 6 T,C- O(+eN Yz- /4 4/ STATE: 0/-- ADDRESS: TION.DATE: ADDRESS: APPLICANT TAX MAP: TAX LOT: .-€ONTRACTOR REGTSTRATTON NO: ?FOJECT SUPERVISOR: SUBDIVISION: OWNER: CITY: SITE ADDRESS: REOUESTED PERMTTS:f\BPCgnONS nEOUIREOT APPUCATIOT{ FEt / oEPOS|T ACCO(,NT NOIQ erucnoAcHMENT pERMtr No:g rio.oo IVATP R)R SIXTY ('O} DAYS;ROM DAT! OF E8UANCE Q cur srneer O aone EI oTHER %_Er Q ousr coNrRoL (wpE oF coNTRou n tr tr tr I I t n Q asexllr DEpostr............................i.....a.................... TYPE OF SECURIY NEPOSIT Q aunrer suRETy BoNo e sunttw aolo E cAsH / cHEcK Ef E q{to,oo*t.16/Fr.-60 tr [ 010.00+0.1s/FT. El New 0 REMovE / BEpAtB O pave pLANT srRtp Q'serarcr OcURBstoE OulorxlNsPF."roN. i|DEWALX ' OR|VEWAY FOR A[t coNcrEll ?AV|NO WTI{IN THE STREET RIOI{T OF WAY. TO BE ANO SUBSAEE MATERIAL 18 IN PIACE.MADE AFTER ALI EXCAVATINO B COMPLETE , ANO FOBU VrrORxI sarureny sEwER coNNEcloN rEBM v^t D FOB StXTy tCO, OAYS r80M DA?E OF ISSUANe! Q ro srue E MA|N UNE (EASEMENT-RM I srcinrvr sEwER coNNEcloN pERMtr: IT:E S5.o'o / E oTHER vAlD;oR axw t80t oAyt FeoM OAr! Of ESUA!{C! E cercx BAstN , BuBBrrR O srua El MANUNE PRooF oF INSURANCE: $EOO,OOO MINIMUM E r5.0o / I rrmcxeo E REOUTRED AMOUNT TOTALDUE: CI TOTAL DUE WITH PERMIT I DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PERIOD OF USE OB TIME OF CONSTBUCTION: Q rmns fiwo sETst ATTAcHED AREA: LENGTH:IA'IDTH: TYPE OF WOBK: CUT: OTHER: EXISTING SURFACE MATEBIAL: BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED: SURFACE REPLACEI\4tNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED: FROM DATE: TO DATE: TIME; TIME: DEPTH: BORE: BACKFILL MATERIALI HEIGHT: TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE NAME OF OTHER UTILITIES IF THIS IS A JOTNT PROJECT WABNING OEVICES TO BE UTILTZED: DESCRIPTION: WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH Advrnc. algnlng.nd work ronc protoctlon to ba ln compllrnct wlth lhr Mrnurl on Unlform Tnllc Control D.vlcc! lMUTCol. CHAPTER X ABNCLE 6 OF THE CrrY REVTSONS Ct21t06 FoAM ' ll! CODE. COIITRACTOR TO COMPLY WTH MUTCD. El_ E- CURB CUT PERMIT NOI ..................., REVIEW COMMENTS / SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: giilBtrtB'#l8P'f'r^ifdfr t,'5l8dF?t*.8H['E[dff . O(ISTINO CITY CODES AND\{"|,bMPUANCE WITH CURRENT ool 002 003 004 00t 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 or3 014 010 or0 017 018 Comments: Bccktlll wlth I'mlnur rcck. Comprct cvcty 1 8' loor drpth. Rcqulrrr compratlon wlth a fi..i tollltr. A.9. to mltch thr grcr&r ol rxlrtlng drpth ot 4'. All outt rrrlcd lor lln.l lmptotlon. Trmporury pllch mly bl urcd lt th. ltrd ol thr dry. Slgnlng rnd Zoncr protcctlon to oomply wlth MUTCO Cut oanotcta only. on rcorc llncr or cold lolntl. Sldcwclkr tnd ddv.rvlya mln. 3,00opd. Curblng mln 3,600pr1 / No Prtchworl lrrr thrn 3'. Mcct mh. rcqulrrmtntl on ctlb ct tt, Spld. aodt. 8ldort plonttd.arcu, Sptd. codr 206.3.05 Sp.c. to Borc / Jrck / No A.C. cut!. Mcchrnlccl comptctlng roqulrod. No pltahwork rllowtd. Llttr.l outr to htv. oonttol dtnrtty flll. Cutt to bc polymcrlrrd crcok ulcd lor flnal lnrpectlon. Mlnlnum 2' crurh.d rock l'mlnut. 0r9 020 021 o22 023 o24 026 o26 o27 028 029 030 03r 032 033 343 Mlnumun,l' chlrrnct .t lny polnt, rwing'rway. Concrtr mlnlmrrn 4' drpth. 3.0OOPrl. Trrnoh to ba 'T' out. l N.rd. stlt. / Count, p.tmlt. No rbovr ground rnclodngr ln rldcwalk or hlndlcap rrmpr. Dhmond ogl r\C.lConcrcr valuc boxcr to gndc. Forh Oll rlgnr I Qrudcd. Comply wlth Am.rlctil wlth Oltlbllllit! Act. Concnr rlrbr, 72h0. curlng tlmr. tl600pcl. Concntr drbr nqulrr lolnt rrrl mtttrltl. Drlvrwry rrqdnr dowrlt rvrrY 18'. Submlt tnlflo cintrol pltn prlor to cxccvrtion. Notlly Trrlllo Dlvlrlon bctorc cxcrvltlrn' Con drlll mtln llnl, lnt.rt tac, 2ll mln. gradr. Murt comply whh th. provblonr ol ORS 757.541 to 757.671. C' Clrculrr hoh/H2O.Vrc. I YOU ARE REOUIRED TO CALL THE LANE UTILITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL'S "oNE CALL NUMBER" 1-800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING INSPECTIONS: .N CUNS CUT AND SIDEWALK INSPECTIONS CALL 726€769 (BECOBDER} STATE YOUR DESIGINATED CITY JOB NUMBER/PERMIT NUMBEB, JOB ADDBESS, TYPE OF INSPECTION REOUESTED, AND WHEN YOU WILL BE READY FOB INSPECTION, CONTRACTOR,S OR OWNER,S NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. REOUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:OO A.M. WILL BE MADE THE SAME DAY, REOUESTS AFTER 7:00 A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE To BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVAT]ONS ARE MADE AND FORM WOBK IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. I sarureRy sEwER, sToRM sEwER, ENCRoACHMENT pERMrr AND oTHER tNSpEcTloNs CALL clrY MAINTENANCE AT 726.3781, SIGNATURE: Bv slonature. I state and aoree. that !have carefullv examined the comoleted apolication and do herebv cortifv that all information h6reifi is truC and correct. 6nd I further c€rtifv that bnv and all work oeiformed'shall be donc ln accordince with tho Ordinances of the Citv of Sorinofield. aoolic'able Cltv Standard doecifications and Drawinqs. and ths lawg of thr Stato of Oreson pertainino to the work des.crlbod heieln. Iftjrther certifylhat only cohtractors and employees-who are ln compliance with ORS 7O1.055 willbd used on this project. The Cltv mav lnsoect the work slte deacrlbcd ln thlg permlt atianv tlme durino ! ono vEar perlod followlns the receipt by the Citv of notice cif.corholetion of tho doscribed work and aoecifv. at the Citv'r cole deicression. anV additionalresforation wbrk iequired to return the sltito a rtandard accaotablc to tho Citv. Ttid oermlttec-wlll be notified in Wdtin-o of anv work reouired and will'have thirtv Sifrfft,{!"g1$r";}filt3tllilo",tilf;.,Br.,fi,.1ltl"#'sc w6rk. work not complsted at thc cna or thb thlru davs will be perrormed bv the I funhor aoreo to snsuro that alt reoulred lnroectlons are reou&ted at the orooer time. and the ap'proved set of plans will r'or.nain ori the site at all times during cohstruction.' Signature Date that project address ls readable from the stre6t, AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT NO:RECEIVED BY: I DATE PAID: VALIDATION: I eenur rssuED BYi FOR SIDEWALK AND CURB CW PEBMITS PLACE A COPY (COMPLETED) IN PEBMIT DRAWER. DATE: I DATE: AT TIME OF COMPLETION: DAT!: DATE: E uerrureNANCE : I eruatrueERrNc REVTEWED BY: I rnnrrrc REVTEwED BY: DATE: DATE: DATEI DATE: DATE: INSPECTION: . INSPECTION: WORK IN PROGRESS ADDENDUM City of Springfield To: From: Date: Subject: PermiteeAJtility Installer/tJtility Company Mike Koivula, City Survey Dep't.- April9,1.997 City Specifications, Survey Monumentation, State Law PAGE 1 OF 2 All permittees under our "Encroachment Permit" program should be particularly aware of their responsibilities as noted under the section "PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" on the reverse side of the permit form which refers to the current city specifications document. Besides the full gamut of construction standards the document also has specific provisions relating to the protection and preservation of survey monuments. (1) In addition, there are Oregon State laws that deal with the same subject.(2) For a general overview of survey monuments, please see the following page. For general information regarding city specifications and the permit process, please call our office at (541) 726-3753. For specific assistance with survey monumentation please call me directly at (s41) 726-3679. (l) City of Springfield Standard Specifications, 1993 section 105-l0 "Protection of Survey Monuments" (2) OREGON REVISBD STATUTE 209.150 *REMOVAL AND DESTRUCTION OF MONT'MENTS..'' ADDENDUM City of Springfield PAGE 2 OF 2 TYPICAL MONUMENT CONFIGTJRATIONS CAN INCLUDE: l) Property corners Thbse usually are a piece of steel reinforcing rod (rebar) of ll4 to 1 inch diameter or lengths of iron pipe with diameters of ll2 to 4 incheS. They may or may not have tags or caps of brass, aluminum or plastic with identifuing letters, numbers or combinations of the two. They are typically found at recognizqd property occupation limits, fence corner areas, hedge rows and between utility services like water meters. Along road right-of ways, they can be found ll2 to eight feet behind the back of sidewalk , and may be found at typical "occupation" lines as delineated above and also at areas where roads make angular changes, curye or change in width. 2) Roadway centerline markers In asphalt or concrete streets, these are typically nails of various types, sometimes with identifuing tags or washers. They can also be "rebars" or iron pipes as delineated above. They can be found typically at the intersections ofroads, on the center ofboth roads, and on the center of one and the right-of-way of the other. They may also be found at angles and curves of road alignment or at changes in roadway width. In unimproved dirt or gravel roads, they are typically "rebars" or pipes set below the driving surface. 3) Road Reference Monuments and Benchmarks These are typically small nails.set in concrete curbs in the vicinity of road centerline markers. They also can be brass caps of ll2 to 2 inches in diameter. Benchmarks.(vertical control monuments) can also be squares chiseled in to the curb concrete. A system of federally installed precise benchmarks comprises iron rods set into aluminum "valve-{rpe" cases at South A st in the vicinity of 14th st_and along Main St. in the vicinities of 24th st, 33rd st (at house no. 185 -N 33rd), s 41st st, 59th st, and 64th st. 4) Government Control Monuments These typically comprise brass caps set in concrete monuments , railroad spikes set in paving and various types of monuments set in "valve-f/pe" cases. Their location varies with the type of monument and does not follow any typical location pattern. Often there are warning signs in the vicinity or survey sfakes and colorful ribbon to alert you to these monuments. SPF.INGFIELE) 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DIVISION A4AINTENANCE APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY / OVERWIDTH DRIVEWAY APPLTCANT (PROPERTY :--)'T" ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERMI APPLICANTS TELEPHONE 1t Please sketch the proposed driv'eway. lnclude the following app[cable items: house or building, proposed driveway, existing driveway, and street names. lnclude dimensions and measurements to property lines, road intersections and bordering driveways. (See attachment for an example.) - i(,{ ,4/ . / /4= I'i //1rr fJv/ \-\ f-.xQl 'f,)C)ueu'l A'1 try-tgAt<'b <'__l -2,;,,2 /-/rq,. € ?o"Zu-Znz4/4 ,A''*: p\ c.rc:9p_ ALL APPUCATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRTNGFIELD THAT ARE WtTHtN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REAUIRE A I.ANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permil on an Arterial or Collector Street. ADM t N t STRATI ON / E NG t N EE Rt NG (50s) 726-3753 FAX (503) 726'3689 MATNTENANCE (50s) 726-s761 FAX (503) 726-s621 a DATE: ,'//trl- Li'/ LXAMPLE +I f,3s r.tAfuPoru Io a rrl ExtSTti.l6 DRIYE}VAY applrcanoru ron a s DATE:- APPLTCANT (PROPERTY OWNER): ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT: APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBE Please sketch the proposed driv'eway. lnclude the following applicable items: house or building, proposed driveway, existing driveway, and street names. lnclude dimensions and measurements to property lines, road intersections and bordering driveways (See attachment for an example.) STR€ET NAME I t5'25t+-l'tt Ner cuWPs llotts?. o -{,! rn CI { 77 7 fa Eo, ALLAPPUCATTONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRTNGFIELD THAT ARE WITHTN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REOUIRE A I-ANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permit on an Arterial or Collector Street.