HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 1/5/2022AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review., Tuesday, January IS 2022 A'00-9,•30 a.m. 1. Site Plan Modification Major 811-21-000322-TYP2 811-21-000235-PROJ Les Schwab Tire Center Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-31 TL: 4200, 4201, 4500, 4600, 4700, 4701, 4800 and 4900 Address: 3294 Main Street Existing Use: Tire store Applicant submitted plans to remodel existing site, with some exterior work to include driveway and sidewalk areas. Planner: Drew Larson Meeting: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asi)x VICINITY MAP 811-21-000322-TYP2 Site Plan Modification Major 17-02-31-31 TL 4200, 4201, 4500, 4600, 4700, 4701, 4800, 4900 3294 Main Street Les Schwab City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W * Application Type (Applicant. dieck Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Major Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal, Site Plan Review Submittal: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Mah Hannigan Phone: (541)416-523a Company: Les Schwab Tire Centers of Oregon Email:'" tthaw.t.hassgae@W.hwab.coml Address: P.O. Box 5350, Bend, OR 97708 Applicant's Rep.: SuzannahStanley 6-3808 Company: Mackenzie Email: sstanleyCbmcknze.com Address: 1515 SE Water Avenue #100, Portland, OR 97214 Property Owner: Matt Hannigan Phone: (541)416-52W Company: Les Schwab Tire Centers of Oregon EmaiL matlhew.thanmgan@leaschwab.mm Address: P.O. Box 5350, Bend, OR 97708 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1762313 TAX LOT NOS : g=.'g .2.011664500,04606,04706,04701, Property Address: 3294 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: 157,532 Acres ❑ Square Feet Proposed No. of Proposed Name of Project: Les Schwab Springfield Main Street Store Remodel Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. The proposed project is a within -the -walls remodel, also infilling most of the existing canopy area. Exterior work limited to Proposal: refresh of materials entry en hancement and driveway and sidewalk work alone 33rd. Existing Use: Les Schwab Tire Store New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): NIA sf Si natures: Please sign and Drint Mour name and date in the artDrortriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next Dmre. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Ia_ 1 of 11 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre -Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: ,,/� n ` I ,VI • '�G�nn— � Date: November 11, 2021 Signature Matt Hannigan Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affnn the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.176 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: , Date: December 20, 2021 Signature Matt Hannigan Print Revised 1/7/14 Ia 2 of 11 Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 160 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 3 of 11 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ® Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. ® Site Plan Review Application Form ® Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. Density - if applicable, list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. ® Copy of the Deed ® Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. va State or Federal Permits Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. ® Completed Attached Scoping Sheet ® Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: ® All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ® All plan sets must be folded to 61/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents. • The City's Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or n part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. Revised 1/7/14 KL 4 of 11 a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Vicinity Map ® The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ® The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ® The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ® The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ® Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/3 feet above the ground (stands of more than five (5) trees may be shown as a cluster with mix of trees species noted), riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings b. Site Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings; measured setbacks shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor when minimum setbacks are shown. ® Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ® Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and ADA parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping. ADA routes from public rights-of-way whall be designated including at grade connections ® Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ® Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ® On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ® Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ® Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ® Note location of existing and planned Lane Transit District facilities (within '/3 mile) Revised 1/7/14 Ia 5 of 11 ® Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses �a Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a defined sequence addressing street connectivity between the various phases and accommodating the logical extension of other required public improvements, including but to limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. The applicant must clearly indicate which phases are proposed for approval under the current Site Plan application and which are deferred to future review procedures. c. Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Location and width of all existing easements ® Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including jurisdictional status other than City. Indicate connection points for roof drainage. ® Location and type of existing street lighting ® Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, waterline backflow preventers and similar public facilities ® Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ® Location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. Detail must be proportionate to the complexity of the proposed project. ® Show existing and proposed spot elevations or contours, and direction of drainage patterns. d. Proposed Grading, Paving, & Utilities Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer, except where noted below ® The approximate size and location of storm water management systems components ® Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rights -of -ways within or adjacent to the proposed development ® Location and width of all proposed easements ® Location and type of proposed street lighting ® Information on existing slopes over 5% shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed surveyor and be drawn with one foot contour interval lines; land with a slope over 10 percent shall be shown with 5 foot contour interval lines Revised 1/7/14 Ia 6 of 11 e. Landscape Plan ® Prepared by an Architect, Landscape Architect, or other Landscape Professional approved by the Director ® Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage 3 Where applicable, screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ® Location of existing and proposed street trees f. Architectural Plans ® Where abutting residentially zoned properties, exterior elevations of all proposed structures over 140 square feet for the development site, including height, shall be shown g. On -Site Lighting Plan ® Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ® Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Additional Materials That May be Deferred at the discretion of the applicant until Final Site Plan or Building Permit Submittal: ❑ List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size and spacing ❑ Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, a planting plan shall be provided. ❑ Irrigation Plan showing of irrigation lines, required backflow preventers and above ground utilities. ❑ Photometric test report for each light source. ❑ An applicant may submit conceptual floor plans in order to have staff address Resolution of potential nuisance conflicts Additional Materials That May be Required by the Director: IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ® Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ❑ A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 7 of 11 ❑ Where a multi -family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table, or if required by the City Engineer ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives ❑ Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ❑ The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ❑ An Annexation shall be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Revised 1/7/14 Ia 8 of 11 MAC KENZIE. MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW MODIFICATION APPLICATION To City of Springfield For Les Schwab #027 Dated November 17, 2021 Project Number 2210232.00 MACKBNLB Snce 19f Rverfasl Center 11515 SB Wata Avenue, Suite IM, Porllan , OR 97214 M 111 RO Box 14310, Pm1laM, OR97293 I T.Yx3.224.95 1�.meb .com M. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECTSUMMARY.............................................................................................1 II. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 2 Descriptionof Request............................................................................................... 2 Site& Surrounding Land Use....................................................................................... 2 Description of Proposed Development........................................................................ 3 III. SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE APPROVAL CRITERIA.........................................4 Chapter 3 Land Use Districts....................................................................................... 4 Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts..................................................................................4 Section 3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District...........................................................5 Chapter 4 Development Standards.............................................................................. 6 Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards—Transportation............................................................ 6 Section 4.3-100 Infrastructure Standards—Utilities...................................................................... 13 Section 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards..................................................... 14 Section 4.5100 On -Site Lighting Standards.................................................................................. 16 Section 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards ..................................... 17 Section 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards......................................................................... 17 Section 4.8-100 Temporary Use Standards................................................................................... 18 Chapter 5 The Development Review Process and Applications ................................... 18 Section 5.17-100 Site Plan Review................................................................................................. 18 IV. CONLCUSION..................................................................................................... 28 EXHIBITS A. Application Form 1. Site Plan Review Major Modification Application Form 2. DWP Overlay District Development Application Form B. Deed C. Plans D. Stormwater Management System Scope of Work E. Preliminary Title Report F. Hazardous Materials Handling, Storage and Emergency Spill Response Training Plan G. Setback Waiver H. Photometric Study M. I. PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant: Les Schwab Tire Centers of Oregon PO Box 5350 Bend, OR 97708 Owner: Same as applicant Site Address: 3294 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Assessor Site Acreage: 1702313104200 (0.66 AC) 1702313104201 (0.01 AC) 1702313104500 (0.29 AC) 1702313104600 (1.09 AC) 1702313104700 (0.54 AC) 1702313104701 (0.39 AC) 1702313104800 (0.32 AC) 1702313104900 (0.32 AC) Total: (3.62 AC) Zoning: Community Commercial District (CC) Overlay Zones: Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District Neighborhood Refinement Plan: Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan Comprehensive Plan: Commercial (Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan) Adjacent Zoning: Community Commercial District (CC) Existing Structures: The site contains three existing buildings at 3294 Main Street: the existing tire center (8,620 SF), the alignment center (8,720 SF), and the truck shop (7,460) Request: This application requests Major Site Plan Modification and Drinking Water Protection approval for the modernization of the approximately 8,620 SF existing building including partial renovation for interior and exterior work. Project Contact: Suzannah Stanley Mackenzie 1515 SE Water Avenue, 11100 Portland, OR 97214 sstanley@mcknze.com 971-346-3808 1 M. II. INTRODUCTION Description of Request The purpose of the project is to refresh the existing store. The existing store previously received site plan review approval under case file number DRC2004-00033. The site abuts residential zoning to the north; therefore, a Type II Major Modification to that Site Plan Review is required. Site & Surrounding Land Use The subject site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and 33rd Street in Springfield, Oregon. The address is 3294 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478. The site includes eight tax lots: tax map 17023131, tax lots 4200, 4201, 4500, 4600, 4700, 4701, 4800, and 4900. Each lot is developed and relatively flat. No changes are proposed to the existing pylon sign (approximately 25' high), which will remain as an existing nonconforming sign in conformance with SMC 8.232 (a setback waiver was approved for the sign on August 4, 1969, under Reception No. 75965; see Exhibit G). Other existing signs may be relocated, and a newwall sign is proposed on the existingtire center (see elevations on A201 in Exhibit Q. Sign permitting will be conducted separately from this application. The subject site currently contains three buildings with canopies totaling approximately 24,800 SF. The distribution of uses on the property is presented in Table 11.1 below: TABLE 11.1 EXISTING BUILDINGS Building Use Area Existing Tire Center Customer service 8,620 SF Existing Alignment Center Tire Shop 8,720 SF Existing Truck Shop Warehouse 7,460 SF TOTAL 24,800 SF The total existing paved area is approximately 86,568 SF. The total landscaping and open space area is 46,164 SF. There are 77 parking spaces including three accessible spaces. The subject site has frontages on Main Street and 33rd Street. Access to the site is provided via 32nd Street, a public right-of-way that was improved and dedicated with a prior project. The City has indicated that improvements to 32nd Street will not be required with this proposal. The Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) lists Main Street as a minor arterial and 33rd Street as a local road/alley. Main Street is a 5 -lane road with bike lanes in both directions. Pedestrian amenities on Main Street include sidewalks, curb cuts, cross walks, and a bus shelter. The 11 -bus line stops on Main Street in front of the tire center. 33rd Street does not include vehicle lane striping or pedestrian amenities. This site is located within the Community Commercial District (CC) with a Drinking Water Protection (DW P) Overlay (10 to 20 -year Time of Travel Zone). The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Commercial (Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan). M. Description of Proposed Development The proposed project is a within -the -walls remodel, also infilling most of the existing canopy area. Exterior work is limited to refresh of materials, an entry enhancement, driveway, sidewalk work consisting of upgraded sidewalk, landscaping, and grading improvements along 33rd Street. Other than a 10' deep landscape area that will be added between the building and right-of-way, no changes are proposed to the landscaping. The tire wash station will be moved from outside the building to inside. No changes are proposed to other paved areas, access points, trash areas, signs, utility connections, or. stormwater. The floor plan included with this application in Exhibit C, sheet A002, shows proposed building area by use. As shown, there is 2,915 SF of proposed warehouse/storage use, 2,666 SF of service space, 1,906 SF of showroom space, and 385 SF of office space. M. III. SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE APPROVAL CRITERIA Applicable standards of the Springfield Development Code (SMC) are addressed below, to demonstrate the project's compliance with applicable approval criteria. Chapter 3 Land Use Districts Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts 3.1-310 Schedule of Use Categories The fallowing uses are permitted in the districts as indicated, subject to the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Cade. Uses not specifically listed may be approved as specified in Section 5.11-100. "P"= PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED unless exemored elsewhere in this Code. Automotive, Marine and Mobile/Manufactured Hames Sales, Service, Storage and Repair (Section 4.7-115) Response: The project is an expansion of the existing Les Schwab tire store, which includes sales, service, storage, and repair of tires and accessories. The operation is a permitted use (P) in the subject CC zone (Automotive sales and services: tires). The applicable provisions, additional restrictions, and exceptions specified in this Code are addressed in the responses provided in this narrative. This standard is met. 3.1-315 Base Zane Development Standards The fallowing base zone commercial development standards are established. TABLE ADAPTED FROM SMC 3.2-315 BASE ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 0&.n.d.,d Community Commercial District Proposal Minimum Area The site is made up of several tax lots ranging from .01 to 6,000 SF 1.09 acres, totaling approx. 3.62 AC (157,532 SF), no changes proposed Minimum Street Frontage 50' 500+', no changes proposed All Panhandle Lots/Parrels 40' N/A Minimum Street Frontage Maximum Lot/Parcel lot/parcel coverage limited only by Coverage standards in other Sections of this 15.7%, no changes proposed Cade. M. Minimum Landscaping Minimum requirements defined by standards in other Sections of this 29.3% Code. Maximum Parking, loading Lot/parcel coverage limited only by and vehicular circulation standards in other Sections of this 55%, no changes proposed area coverage Code. Landscaped Setbacks Building Setback Approx. 9' (in conformance with the dimensional standards in place at the time of site plan 10' approval received under DRC2004-00033) (east side of the tire center), no changes proposed Parking, driveway, and 5 12' (abutting Main Street to outdoor storage setback south), no changes proposed Maximum Building Height When abutting an LDR or No Maximum, except as specified MDR District to the north below Defined by the Maximum Shade Point Height requirement of Section3.1-115A.1.b., or up to 50 Approx. 15', no changes feet south of a northern lot/parcel proposed line a plane extending south with an angle of 23 degrees and originating from the top of a 16 foot hypothetical fence located on the northern lot/parcel line. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.10), the proposed design comp ies with the applicable standards as presented in the table above, though no changes are proposed which would affect compliance except landscaping. The landscaped area is currently approximately 29.3% but will increase to 29.9% with the proposal. These standards are met and exceeded. Section 3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District 3.3-235 Standards far Hazardous Materials within Time of Travel Zones Applications shall comply with thefollowing standards. Where thefollowing standards are more restrictive than the standards of the Springfield Fire Code, thefollowing standards apply:... D. Ten to Twenty Year TOTZStandards. The storage, handling, treatment, use, production orkeeping on premises of more than 10 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities is allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. Response: According to the Drinking Water Protection Area Map published by the City, the subject site is located within a 10 to 20 -year TOTZ. A DWP application for this project will be submitted concurrently. Exhibit A.2 contains information demonstrating compliance with the DWP standards. M. Chapter 4 Development Standards Section 4.2-100Infrastructure Standards—Transportation 4.1-105 Public Streets A. General Provisions. 1. All public streets and alleys must be improved as specified in this Code and must be dedicated through the approval of a subdivision plat orby acceptance of a deed approved by the City. Response: No new streets or alleys are proposed, and no lots will be created through platting or deed revisions. The site is developed and uses the existing street system. This standard does not apply. 33rd does not meet current standards, and as shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.10), improvements will be constructed to the northern extent of the area of work. The improvements are proportional and are related to the remodeling scope of the project. 1. Functional Classification of Streets. The City's street system consists of streets that are classified as Major and Minor Arterial streets, Major and Minor Collector streets, Local streets and Alleys, consistent with the Springfield Transportation System Plan (Figure 1) and the Federally Designated Roadway Functional Classification map, contained in the Regional Transportation Plan. Local Streets include all streets not classified as Arterial or Collector streets. Response: Street classification is recognized. 3. New connections to arterials and state highways must be consistent with any designated access management category. Response: The proposed application does not include any new connections. This standard does not apply. B. An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. A TIS is required if any of the fallowing criteria are met: 1. Peak Hour Threshold. If change in land use orintensification of an existing use generates 100 or more trips during any peak hour as determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, a TIS shall be performed by a registered professional engineer. 1. Average Daily Traffic Threshold. If a change in land use orintensification of an existing use generates 1,000 or more trips per day as determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, a TIS shall be performed by a registered professional engineer. 3. Variance and Known Issues Threshold. The Director may determine that a TIS is necessary to support a request for a Variance from the transportation provisions of this code or where traffic safety, street capacity, future planned facility, or multimodal concerns may be associated with the proposed development. 4. The nature and extent of the TIS scope shall be determined by the Director based upon a trip distribution and assignment prepared by the Applicant. At a minimum, locations impacted by more than 10 trips during the identified peak hour shall be included in the trip distribution and assignment. M. 5. The Director may modify TIS requirements consistent with applicable local and regional transportation system plans and the intent of this Code when existing conditions make their strict application impractical or inconsistent with accepted site planning or transportation planning principles. Response: This project does not meet the above criteria as this application is not for a change in land use and no intensification of the existing use will occur as the proposed changes are focused on modernization and aesthetics. Therefore, a TIS is not required; this standard does not apply. C. Minimum street curb -to -curb widths and minimum street right -of --way widths are as specified in Table 4.1-1, unless otherwise indicated in the Springfield Transportation System Plan, an applicable Refinement Plan, Plan District, Master Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or the adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan, where necessary to achieve rightrof-way and street alignment, or as needed to meet site-specific engineering standards, including but not limited to requirementsformu/ti-way boulevard and/ormodem roundabout designs. Example street layouts meeting minimum street standards are provided in Figures 4.1-B through 4.2-V for illustrative purposes only. These Figures are intended to demonstrate potential street configurations that ' Additional right-of-way may be required to accommodate a center turn lane where significant volumes of left - turn traffic occur. Response: The subject site is adjacent to Main Street, 33rd Street, and 32nd Street. No new streets or alleys are proposed. The site is developed and uses the existing street system. This standard does not apply. D. Street Network Standards—General Criteria Response: No new streets are proposed. This standard does not apply E Street Network Standards—Needed Housing. The development of needed housing, as defined in ORS 197.303, must meet thefollowing street networkstandards, unless the applicant elects review under the general criteria in Section 4.1-105D.... Response: No new streets are proposed. This standard does not apply. F. Medians. Response: No new streets are proposed. This standard does not apply. G. Additional Right -of --Way and Street Improvements. 1. Whenever an existing street of inadequate width is abutting or within a development area requiring Development Approval, dedication of additional rightrof-way is required. Whenever street dedication results in rightrof-way that does not connect with the City street system, a deed restriction shall be recorded with the Lane County Deeds and M. Records stating that the property shall not be built upon until a fully improved street is constructed to serve the property, and connect with the City street system. Response: No existing streets of inadequate width are abutting the site. According to the Transportation System Plan (TSP), Main Street is classified as a Major Arterial with minimum 100' right-of-way and 76' curb -to -curb width; because sufficient right-of-way and curb -to -curb width appear to be available, no additional right-of-way dedication is required or proposed. According to the TSP, 33rd Street is classified as a Local Street, less than 15% slope, with minimum 50' right- of-way and minimum 36' curb -to -curb width; because sufficient right-of-way and curb -to -curb width appear to be available, no additional right-of-way dedication is required or proposed. According to the TSP and further clarification provided by City engineering in the Development Issues Meeting of September 23, 2021 32nd Street is classified as both a Minor Arterial and a Collector, with 60' to 70' minimum right-of-way and minimum 36' to 48' curb -to -curb width; because sufficient right-of-way and curb -to -curb width appear to be available, no additional right- of-way dedication is required or proposed. This standard does not apply. 1. Whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and the development site has unimproved street frontage, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications in accordance with the fallowing criteria:... Response: This proposal is not for a land division and the proposed remodel is not expected to increase traffic. This standard does not apply. 3. An approved performance bond or suitable substitute in a sufficient amount to ensure the completion of all required improvements, including the installation of sidewalks and accessways is required prior to occupancy or Final Plat approval when necessary to ensure compliance with a development agreement. Response: This provision is understood. 4. Partial -width streets shall be permitted only if both of the following approval criteria are met:... Response: No partial -width streets are proposed. This standard does not apply. 5. If the developer bears the full cost of dedicating the necessary right -of --way far and/or constructing partial -width street improvements, the developer may retain a reserve strip subject to the fallowing terms and conditions:... Response: No reserve strip is proposed. H. Where a development would result in the need to improve a railroad crossing, or an approach to a railroad crossing, the developer must bear the cost for the permitting and improvements. When other property owners are benefited, other equitable means of cost distribution may be approved by the City. Response: No rail crossings are required. This standard does not apply. Traffic Control Devices. 1. All traffic control signs, pavement markings, street name signs, and other traffic control devices must be in conformance with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (including Oregon supplements), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications and this Code. 1. Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director. M. The developer is responsible far providing and installing all traffic control devices and street name signs as necessary to support the proposed development. b. Where a proposed street intersection will result in an immediate needfar a traffic signal, the developer shall bear the cast for the improvements. When other property owners are benefited, other equitable means of cast distribution may be approved by the City. Response: No changes are proposed to proposed traffic control signs, pavement markings, or street name signs. These standards do not apply. J. Bus turn out lanes must be consistent with current standards in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Response: No changes to bus turn -out lanes are required. This standard does not apply. K. Street names are assigned as specified in the Springfield Municipal Cade. Response: No new street names are proposed. This standard does not apply. M. Special Street Setbacks. Response: No special street setbacks are required or proposed. This standard does not apply. 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways Response: The proposed development has direct access to public streets, including Main Street, 33rd Street, and 32nd Street, along the frontage of the property. No changes are proposed to driveways. These standards do not apply to this remodel project. 4.2-125 Intersections Response: The existing intersection of Main Street and 32nd Street adjacent to the subject site is directly opposed and laid out at right angles. No changes are proposed to intersections. These standards do not apply. 4.1-130 Vision Clearance A. All lots or parcels must maintain a Vision Clearance Area to provide adequate sight distance for approaching traffic. Vision clearance areas must be shown on Site Plans for applicable land use applications. B. No screens, plantings, or other physical obstructions are permitted between 174 and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the Vision Clearance Area. EXCEPTION: Items associated with utilities or publicly -owned structures far example, poles, and signs, and existing street trees—may be permitted. C. The Vision Clearance Area must be in the shape of a triangle. Two sides of the triangle must be property lines or a property line and edge of driveway far a distance specified in this Subsection. Where the property lines ordriveway edge have rounded corners, they are measured byextending them in a straight line to a paint of intersection. The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner of the lot or parcel joining the non -intersecting ends of the other 1 sides. The fallowing measurements establish the Vision Clearance Area: Type of Intersection Measurement Along Each Property Line Any Street 20 feet An Alley 15 eet M. Any Driveway I 10 fee[ Response: As indicated in the development plans included with this application in Exhibit C (see sheet C1.10), the subject site is located on a corner lot, and a clear area is maintained at the access to Main Street. A clear area is also maintained on the southeastern corner of the property at the intersection of Main Street and 33rd Street. Sidewalk upgrades are proposed along the driveway on 33rd and no new encroachments into vision clearance triangles are proposed. No screen or other physical obstruction is proposed. These standards are met. 4.1-135 Sidewalks A. Sidewalks and planter strips abutting public streets shall be located wholly within the public street right -of --way, unless otherwise approved by the Director. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.10), the existing and proposed sidewalks and planter strips abutting Main Street and 33rd Street, public streets, are located wholly within the public street right-of-way. This standard is met. B. Sidewalks shallbe designed, constructed,replaced orrepaired as specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, the Development & Public Warks Standard Construction Specifications and the Springfield Municipal Cade. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.10), the proposed sidewalks and sidewalk improvements are as specified in the applicable criteria, consistent with existing sidewalk design. These standards are met. C. Concrete sidewalks must be provided according to Section 4.1-105.C, Table 4.1-1, and the fallowing criteria: 1. Sidewalks must conform to the existing or planned street grades. 1. Sidewalks must conform to currentADA standards. 3. Sidewalks must be separated from the curb by the planting strip, except when necessary for connectivity, safety, or to comply with street design requirements, and subject to approval by the Director. 4. New sidewalk width and type must be consistent with existing sidewalk design in the some black, but must physically transition to comply with current sidewalk standards as determined by the Director. When replacing damaged sidewalk, new sidewalk must be located in the some position as the existing sidewalk. 5. Facilities including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs, and bus stops must not be located within the sidewalk, and must be removed or relocated prior to the construction or reconstruction of the sidewalk, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. If facilities remain, there must be at least 5 feet of unobstructed width on arterial class streets and 4 feet on all other streets. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.10), the proposed sidewalks and sidewalk improvements are as specified in the applicable criteria, consistent with the existing sidewalk design along Main Street. No obstructing facilities are located within the sidewalk. These standards are met. D. Planter strips are required as part of sidewalk construction.Planter strips must be at least 4.5jeet wide (as measured from the back of curb to the edge of the sidewalk) and long enough to allow 10 M. the street tree to survive. Planter strips must have approved landscaping consisting of street trees and ground cover allowed per the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Tree wells set in concrete or sidewalk areas must be a minimum of 4 feet by 4 feet. Concrete, asphalt or other impermeable pavement are not allowed to substitute for landscaping within planterstrips. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet U.10), planter strips will be provided along the new sidewalk on 33rd. They measure at 1T by 8. This standard is met. EXCEPTION: Planter strips less than 4.5 feet wide may be permitted when necessary for connectivity, safety, or to comply with street design requirements, subject to approval by the Director. E Maintenance of sidewalks is the continuing obligation of the abutting property owner. Response: This standard is understood. 4.1-140 Street Trees Street trees are those trees required within the public right -of --way. The primary purpose of street trees is to create a streetscope that benefits from the aesthetic and environmental qualities of an extensive tree canopy along the public street system. Street trees are attractive amenities that improve the appearance of the community, provide shade and visualinterest and enhance the pedestrian environment. Street trees also improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff, and moderate the micro -climate impacts of heat absorbed by paved surfaces. Street trees may be located within a planter strip or within individual tree wells in a sidewalk, round -about, or median. EXCEPTION: In order to meet street tree requirements where there is no planter strip and street trees cannot be planted within the public fight -of -way, trees shall be planted in the required front yard orstreet side yard setback of private property as specified in the applicable zoning district. A. New Street Trees. New street trees shall be at least 1 inches in caliper. New street trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and installed as specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The Director shall determine which species are permitted or prohibited street trees. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet L1.10), three new street trees are planted on 33rd. The three existing street trees adjacent to Main Street will be retained. These standards are met. B. Existing Street Trees 1. Street Tree Retention Standards. Existing trees may meet the requirementfor street trees (i.e., trees on the City Street Tree List specified in the City's Engineering and Design Standards and Procedures Manual with a minimum caliper of 1 inches) if excavation or filling far proposed development is minimized within the dripline of the tree. Sidewalks of variable width, elevation, and direction may be used to save existing trees, subject to approval by the Director. Existing street trees shall be retained as specified in the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, unless approvedfor removal as a condition of Development Approval or in conjunction with a street construction project. 1. Street Tree Removal Standards. a. City rem oval of existing street trees within the public rightrof-way is exemptfrom the Vee felling regulations specified in Section 5.19-100. 11 M. b. Existing street trees on private property cannot be removed without prior authorization by the Director. Removal of 5 or more street trees on private property is subject to the tree felling standards specified in Section 5.19-100. C. Existing street trees on private property must not be removed to accommodate additional or expanded driveways. 3. Street Tree Replacement Standards. Where possible, any street tree proposed to be removed shall be replaced with a tree at least 1 inches in caliper. a. It is the responsibility of the City to plant any replacement tree within the public right -of --way. b. It is the responsibility of the property owner to plant any replacement street tree on private property, either as a condition of a Tree Felling Permit or when the property owner removes a street tree on private property without the City's authorization. Any replacement street tree shall meet the standards specified in Subsection A, above. C. Whenever the property ownerremoves a street tree within the publicright-of--way without the City's authorization, that person is responsible for reimbursing the City for the full value of the removed tree, to include replanting and watering during the 1 -year tree establishment period. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet L1.10), the existing street trees adjacent to the site will be retained. No street trees will be removed. These standards do not apply. C. Street Tree Maintenance Responsibility. 1. Maintenance of street trees in the public fightrof-way shall be performed by the City. 1. Maintenance of street trees on private property shall be performed by the property owner. 3. Removal of street trees on private or public property does not constitute maintenance. Any removal of street trees on private property is subject to prior approval by the City as specified in Section 4.1-1408.1.b. above. Response: The property owner/applicant understands that maintenance of street trees in the public right- of-way will be performed by the City and that maintenance of street trees on private property will be performed by the property owner. 4.1-145 Street lighting Response: No changes are proposed to street lighting. This standard does not apply. 4.2-150 Multi -Use Paths A. Development abutting an existing or proposed multi -use path identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan (including the Conceptual Street Map), City -adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan, or the adopted Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan must include provisions far the extension of the multi -use path through the development area by the dedication of public easements or rights -of --way. The developer bears the cast of multi -use path improvements... Response: No multi -use paths are abutting the development. This section does not apply. 12 M. 4.1-160Accessways A. Accessways allow pedestrians and bicyclists convenient linkages to adjacent streets, residential areas, neighborhood activity centers, industrial or commercial centers, transit facilities, parks, schools, open space, or trails and paths where no public street access exists. Accessways may also be used as a secondary emergency access. Accessways must be dedicated as public right -o¢ -way during the development review process... Response: The site has access to public streets. No accessways or dedicated easements are proposed. This section does not apply. Section 4.3-100Infrastructure Standards—Utilities 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers Response: The site contains existing development with connection to the sanitary sewer system. No new development requiring additional connection is proposed. These standards do not apply to the remodel. 4.3-1105tormwater Management A. Stormwater Management Regulations. By implementing the policies set forth in the currently approved Stormwater Management Plan, provide far the effective management of stormwater and drainage from the City into the groundwater and watercourses within the City and its urbanizing area, minimize demand on the Citys stormwater management system, and alleviate future costs of treating the discharge; promote water quality, • preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers it supports, reduce peak storm flaws; minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions, and minimize stormwater discharge impacts on water quality and quantity and stream flow patterns, including peak and base flows in intermittent and perennial streams, within the McKenzie River and Willamette River watersheds. Response: The proposed site modifications do not create any new impervious area; upgrades to the existing stormwater system are not required. This section does not apply to the proposed project. 4.3-115 Water Quality Protection Response: The site does not contain any WQLWs. This section does not apply. 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas Response: The site does not contain any natural resource protection areas. This section does not apply. 4.3-120 Utility Provider Coordination A. All utility providers shall be responsible far coordinating utility installations with the City and the developer through the Development Review Committee or by separate written correspondence. B. The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider. Response: The developer understands their responsibility for the design, installation, and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider. These standards are met. 4.3-115 Underground Placement of Utilities Response: No changes are proposed to utility systems. This standard does not apply. 13 M. 4.3-130 Water Service and Fire Protection Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet C1.30), the subject development area is provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development with sufficient access for maintenance, and fire hydrants and mains are provided. No changes are proposed. These standards do not apply to this project. 4.3-140 Public Easements Response: No new utility easements are required or proposed. These standards do not apply. Section 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards 4.4-105 Landscaping B. Three types of landscaping may be required: 1. Landscaping standards for private property as specified in this Section and other Sections of this Cade. 1. Street trees in the public right -of --way as specified in Section 4.1-140. 3. Curbside planter strips in the public rightrof-way as specified in Section 4.1-135. Response: Specific standards related to these types of landscaping are addressed below. C. Materials and installation costs of planting and irrigation other than what is required by the Minimum Development Standards (Section 5.15-100) shall not be required to exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including parking facilities. The Director shall determine the location, quantity and quality of required landscaping as specified in this Cade. Response: The Minimum Development Standards do not apply to this application. The applicant is not requesting relief from providing any of the required landscaping. This standard does not apply. D. Unless otherwise specified in this Cade, the fallowing areas of a /at/parcel shall be landscaped: 1. All required setback areas and any additional planting areas as specified in the appropriate zoning district. 1. Parking lot planting areas required in this Section. Response: No changes are proposed to the existing landscaped areas. ld of landscaped setback area is being added on the corner adjacent to the tire center building being modified. E At least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with living plant materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant materials shall be distributed throughout the required planting area. The planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required planting area is as follows: 1. As a minimum, 2 trees not less than 6 feet in height that are at least 2 inches in caliper (at the time of planting, not including root ball), and 1. Ten shrubs, 5 gallons orlarger. 3. Lawn and/or groundcaver may be substituted jar trees or shrubbery, unless required jar screening when there are adequate provisionsfar ongoing maintenance. EXCEPTION: These standards do not apply to single-family and duplex dwellings on individual lotslparcels in the LDR District. 14 M. Response: As shown in the attached landscaping plans (see Exhibit C, sheet L1.10), no changes are proposed to the existing landscaped areas. 10' of landscaped setback area is being added on the corner adjacent to the tire center building being modified. These standards are met. F. Parking lot planting areas shall include 1 canopy tree at least 1 inches in caliper that meets City street tree standards as may be permitted by the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and at least 4 shrubs, 5 -gallon or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right -of --way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2-1/1 feet in height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas shall include: 1. Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district and 2. 5 percent of the interior of a parking lot, exclusive of any required parking setbacks, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street, and are visible from any street. 3. See also Section 3.1-140D.8.c. for multifamily design standards. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C, sheet U.10), the parking and driveway setback areas are landscaped for compliance with the applicable standards in the existing plantings as part of the previous approval received on the site. No new parking lot planting areas are proposed. No parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street (Main Street and 33rd Street); therefore, the interior parking lot landscaping requirement does not apply to the proposed development. These standards do not apply. G. Allnew required planting areas shallbe provided with a permanent underground irrigation system unless where planted with native species or plant communities, or as may be exempted by the Director. Response: The irrigation system will meet this standard and is proposed to be submitted concurrently with the building permit. This standard is met. H. Landscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the some property may be exempted by the Director from planting requirements if the area is not visible from any public rightrof-way or adjacent property. Response: No setbacks on the property meet this exemption. Planting Installation Standards. 1. The applicant shall provide methods for the protection of existing plant material, which will remain through the construction process. The plants to be saved and the method of protection shall be noted on the Planting Plan. 1. Existing trees to be retained on private property shall not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a landscape architect certifies that affected trees will have at least a 90 percent chance of survival over a 5 -year period. Trees to be saved shall be kept free from trunk abrasion. 3. The Planting Plan may be required to include specifications for topsoil, including depth and organic matter requirements, to ensure the health and vitality of required planting. Where planting areas have been excavated, the Planting Plan shall provide for the replacement of topsoil. All waste material shall be removed from required planting areas prior to the application of topsoil. 15 M. Inspection may be made by the Director prior to planting to verify proper rough grade and installation of irrigation systems. b. Plant materials and soil preparation may be inspected prior to or in conjunction with the occupancy inspection to ensure that placement, quantity, size and variety conform to the approved Planting Plan and the requirements of this Section. Nursery tags identifying variety and species shall remain on plant specimens until the Final Building Inspection by the Building Official or the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Response: As indicated in the landscaping plans, the applicant provides methods for the protection of existing plant material, as noted on the compliant planting plan. No planting areas will be excavated for the planting areas. These standards are met. 4.4-110 Screening A. Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required: 1. Where commercial and industrial districts abut residential districts and no approved screening exists; 1. For outdoor mechanical devices and minor and major publicfacilities; 3. For outdoor storage yards and areas in non-residential districts abutting residential districts along their common property line, 4. For trash receptacles; 5. For automobile wrecking and salvage yards, and 6. For multifamily developments. Response: The site abuts a residential district, but no changes are proposed to any of these areas. 4.4-115 Fences Response: No new fences are proposed. This section does not apply. Section 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards 4.5-110 Illumination and Height A. On-site lighting shall be the minimum illumination necessary for a given application including parking areas and vehicle sales areas. All exterior light fixtures shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property, and directed downward and awayfrom abutting properties, public rights -of --way,• and riparian, wetlands and other protected areas identified in this Code on the some property. B. Height. 1. The height of a free standing exterior light fixture shall not exceed 25 feet or the height of the principal permitted structure, whichever is less. In this case, height is measured as the vertical distance between the paved surface and the bottom of the light fixture. 1. EXCEPTIONS. The Director may allow an increase to the standard in Subsection B.1., above when a determination is made that personal security is an issue, special security needs exist, or where vandalism or crime are possible. The Director may consider specific 16 M. site characteristics, level of vehicle and pedestrian conflict, special security needs, and history or likelihood of crimes in making the determination. Any approved increase shall be the minimum necessary to achieve the desired result. The height of a free standing exterior light fixture within 50 feet of any residential district and riparian, wetlands and othersimilarlyprotected areas shall not exceed 12 feet. C. The height restriction in Subsection B.1., above shall not apply to lighting used to illuminate outdoor performance areas, sport and recreation facilities, and playfields, unless these light fixtures are located within 50 feet of a residential district. Response: As indicated in the lighting plan included with this application (Exhibit H) the proposed on-site lighting is the minimum illumination necessary for the application including parking areas. All exterior light fixtures are shielded and/or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained with the boundaries of the property and are directed downward and away from abutting properties and public rights-of-way, designed for compliance with the applicable standards regarding height. These standards are met. Section 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards 4.6-110 Vehicle Parking—General Response: No changes to floor area or number of parking spaces are proposed. This section does not apply. 4.6-135 Loading Areas—Facility Design and Improvements Response: No new loading areas are required or proposed. This section does not apply. 4.6-145 Bicycle Parking—Facility Design through 4.6-155 Bicycle Parking—Number of Spaces Required Response: No changes to floor area or the number of bicycle parking spaces are proposed. This section does not apply. Section 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards 4.7-115 Auto, Manufactured Dwelling, RV, Boat, Motorcycle and Truck Saes, Service and Rentals C. All activities associated with motor vehicle repair and service, with the exception of maintenance activities including the pumping gas or changing tires, shall take place within a building constructed to ensure that noise or odors do not disturb the normal operation or tranquility of neighboring residential, commercial, campus industrial or public land uses. Storage of motor vehicles to be repaired shall be screened by a sight -obscuring fence. Service stations in the NC District shall be limited to 1 pumps. A 5 -foot wide landscape strip shall be installed along the street frontage of all service stations. Response: The existing and proposed use is a tire service shop. The proposed remodel will enclose the current service canopies as well as relocate the current outdoor tire wash station inside the building. These improvements will ensure that any associate noise or odors do not disturb the neighboring land uses. This standard is met. 17 M. Section 4.8-100 Temporary Use Standards 4.8-110 Manufactured Dwelling as a Construction Office A manufactured dwelling, provided it meets City and State construction and safety standards for the proposed use, may be usedfor a temporary construction office in any zoning district until the construction is complete. Response: As shown in the attached plans (see Exhibit C sheet C1.10), a manufactured dwelling that meets City and State construction and safety standards for the construction office use is proposed as a temporary construction office in the subject commercial zoning district until construction on the proposed development is complete. This standard is met. Additionally, a customer showroom trailer will be placed within the parking row to the west of the existing tire center during the remodel of the retail space. Chapter 5 The Development Review Process and Applications Section 5.17-100 Site Plan Review 5.17-105 Purpose and Applicability B. Site Plan Review is requiredfar. 1. Multifamily residential, commercial, public and semi-public, and industrial development or uses, including construction of impervious surfaces far parking lots and storage areas, including: a. New development on vacant sites and redevelopment as a result of demolition and removal of existing buildings and impervious surfaces on a formerly occupied site, except where a proposed development qualifies as an MDS Application in accordance with SDC Section 5.15. b. Additions or expansions that exceed either 50 percent of the existing building grass floor area or 5,000 square feet or more of new building grass floor area and/or impervious surface area, except where a proposed development qualifies as an MDSApplicadan in accordance with SDCSection 5.15. C. Additions, expansions and changes of use, regardless of size or intervening use, that: L Contain or are within 150 feet of the tap of bank (as measured from the property line of the subject property) of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) identified on the WQLW Map on file in the Development Services Department; ii. Contain or are within 100 feet of the tap of bank (as measured from the property line of the subject property) of any direct tributaries of WQLW identified on the WQLW Map on file in the Development Services Department; iii. Are located within the City's urbanizable area, outside of the city limits or 18 M. iv. Are located within 50 feet of residentially zoned or designated land (as measured from the property line of the subject property). V. EXCEPTIONS: (a) The Director may determine that a Type II Site Plan Review does not apply to certain changes of use required under Subsections I1.c.i. through iv., above if a finding is made that the change of use will not have an adverse impact on water quality and/or residential uses. In this case, the change of use may be reviewed under Minimum Development Standards procedures specified in Section 5.5-100 or a Minor Site Plan Modification as specified in Section 5.17-145. (b) Developed or partially developed industrial properties 5 acres or greater in size that have never obtained Final Site Plan Review approval prior to the adoption of this Code may obtain Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval as specified in Section 5.17-135. This approval is necessary to allow the property owner to use the Site Plan Modification process specified in Section 5.17-145 for future additions or expansions. Discretionary Uses, where applicable. Development within the area of adopted DevelopmentArea Plans and Conceptual Development Plans. Any uses listed in the applicable zoning, overlay or plan district, which specifically require Site Plan Review. g. Certain wireless telecommunications systems facilities. See Section 4.3-145 for siting standards and review process far applicable underlying zoning district. Response: The proposed remodel is subject to Site Plan Review due to the project's location adjacent to the single-family residential zone to the north. These standards apply. C. No development permit will be issued by the City prior to approval of the Preliminary Site Plan application Response: This standard is understood and will be met. 5.17-110 Review A. Pre -Application Options. Although voluntary, prospective applicants are generally encouraged to request a Development Issues Meeting (informal process) or Pre -Application Report (formal process) as specified in Section 5.1-110. Response: The applicant requested a Development Issues Meeting, which was conducted on September 23, 2021. This standard is met. B. Site Plans are reviewed under Type II procedure, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this Code. Response: The subject site plan is reviewed under the Major Site Plan Review Modification process, a Type II procedure. This standard applies. 5.17-115 Phased Development Response: No phased development is proposed. This standard does not apply. 19 M. 5.17-110 Submittal Requirements All Site Plan applications shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect Civil Engineer or Surveyor as determined by the Director. A Site Plan shall contain all the elements deemed necessary by the Director to demonstrate that provisions of this Code are being fulfilled and may include, but not be limited to, thefallowing: A. General Requirements. A Site Plan shall be drawn in ink on quality paper and shall contain the following information: 1. The scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, for example: 1" = 30; 1" = 50' or 1" = 100), north arrow, and date of preparation; 1. The street address and assessor's map and tax lot number,• 3. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area, 4. Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (grass floor area), conceptual floor plan, setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings and height, 5. The location and height of proposed or existing fences, walls, outdoor equipment and storage, trash receptacles and signs, 6. Proposed number of employees andfuture expansion plans, 7. Area and percentage of the site proposed far buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces. This information is necessary to allow staff to determine the Site Plan Review fee; 8. Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the appropriate zoning district 9. Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, 10. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas and other similar public and semi-public uses. B. A Site Assessment of the entire development area prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated. The Director may waive portions of this requirement if there is a finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water quality, either on the site or adjacent to the site. Adjacent properties include those within the distances specified in Section 5.17-105. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment shall contain thefollowing information: 1. The name,location,dimensions, direction off/ow and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department; 1. The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision, 3. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Section 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department 20 M. 4. Physical features including, but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water quality Limited Watercourse Map and their riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings; and 5. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. 6. Natural resource protection areas as specified in Section 4.3-117. G An Access, Circulation and Parking Plan complying with the provisions of this Code and containing the fallowing information: 1. The location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping; 1. On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation; 3. Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways and driveways proposed to be closed; 4. Exterior lighting as specified in Subsection H. below, 5. The location, type and number of bicycle spaces, 6. The amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement far the proposed use, 7. The location of off-street loading areas, 8. Existing and proposed transit facilities,• 9. A copy of a Right -of --way Approach Permit application, where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility,• and 10. A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer as specified in Section 4.2-105A.4. D. ALandscape Plan, drawn by a Landscape Architect orotherprofessional approved by the Director, complying with the provisions of this Code that contains the fallowing information. 1. Screening as specified in Section 4.4-110, 1. The use of plantings in erosion centro/ and stormwater treatment facilities, if any,• 3. A permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted as specified in Section 4.4- 100, 4. Street trees as specified in Section 4.1-140, 5. A specifications list far all materials to be used shall accompany the Planting Plan. Plant sizes shall be listed at the time of installation, and shown on the Planting Plan at mature size; and 6. A description of planting methods as specified in Section 4.4-100. E An Improvements Plan complying with the standards of Sections 4.1-100,4.1-100 and 4.3-100 that contains thefollowing information: 1. The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed development site including the right -of --way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status, if applicable; 21 M. 1. Location of existing and required traffic can "I devices, fire hydrants, streetlights, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities,• 3. The location, width and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and trails, and 4. The location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. F. A Grading, Paving and Storm water Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 - foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 10 percent or more, contours may be shown at 5 - foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire development area. For Site Plans with more than 5,000 square feet of new paving area, an Oregon licensed Civil Engineershall prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as partofthe stormwater management system, an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect may be required. The plan shall include thefollowing components: 1. Roof drainage patterns and dischargelocations, 1. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns, 3. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds, stormwater quality measures, • and natural drainageways to be retained,• 4. Existing and proposed elevations, site grades and contours and 5. A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and documentation shall be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual to allow staff to determine that the proposed stormwater management system will accomplish its purposes. G. A Phased Development Plan, where applicable, that indicates any proposed phases for development including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as specified in Section 5.17- 115. Phasing shall progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases and accommodates other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. H. An On-site Lighting Plan showing the location, orientation, and maximum height of all proposed exterior light fixtures both free standing and attached. The lighting plan shall also detail the type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and the type of illumination, the wattage, luminous area, and a photometric test reportfar each light source. 1. Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Site Plan Review applications submittal shall include thefollowing items, where applicable: 1. A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development and the existing use of the property. 1. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required as specified in Subsection 5.4-1058.1. 22 M. 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 100 feet of the proposed development area. 4. How the proposal addresses the standards of the applicable overlay district, where applicable. 5. How the proposal addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable. 6. A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100. 7. An Annexation application, as specified in Section 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the Citys urban service area and can be serviced by sanitary sewer. 8. A wetland delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently, where there is a wetland on the property. 9. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been appliedfor or approved shall be submitted concurrently. 10. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer shall be submitted concurrently, if the required Site Assessment specified in Section 5.17-110 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. Response: As demonstrated in the Exhibits included with this application, a compliant site assessment; access, circulation, and parking plan; landscape plan; improvements plan; grading, paving, and stormwater management plan; on-site lighting plan; and this narrative are included with this site plan application. These standards are met. 5.17-115 Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type 11 Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria in Subsections A. through E, below have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The subject CC zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram/Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan designation of commercial and with the applicable Mid -Springfield Refinement Plan diagram. These standards are met. B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including, but not limited to, water and electricity; • sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: As demonstrated in the responses provided in this narrative and as shown in the attached plans in Exhibit C, capacity requirements of public and private facilities and streets and traffic safety controls will not be exceeded, and the public improvements will be available to serve the site at the time of development. Because the remodel is limited to the existing tire center and will not intensify the development, it is appropriate to limit the new frontage improvements to the northern extent of the building and driveway. These standards are met. 23 M. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: As demonstrated in the responses provided in this narrative and as shown in the attached plans in Exhibit C, the proposed development complies with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. These standards are met. D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion, provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas, minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: No changes are proposed to the parking areas or ingress/egress locations. Improvements are proposed to the driveway from 33rd Street to the site. These standards are met. E Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions, • areas with susceptibility of flooding, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas, other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117,• rock outcroppings; open spacer and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.135-140, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Response: No regulated physical features are known to exist on the subject site at the time of this application. If any objects of historic and/or archaeological significance are discovered on site during construction or other activity, then activity will cease until a qualified professional can assess the discovery. These standards are met. 5.17-130 Conditions To the extent necessary to satisfy the approval criteria of Section 5.17-115, comply with all applicable provisions of this Code and to mitigate identified negative impacts to surrounding properties, the Director may impose approval conditions. Conditions imposed to satisfy the Site Plan application approval criteria shall not be used to exclude 'heeded housing" as defined in OAR 660-08-015. All conditions shall be satisfied prior to Final Site Plan approval. Approval conditions may include, but are not limited to:... Response: This provision is understood and the owner plans to comply with any applicable conditions. 5.17-135 Final Site Plan/Final Site Plan Equivalent Map A. Final Site Plan, Generally. Within 90 days of an affirmative decision by the Approval Authority, a complete Final Site Plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Department. The Final Site Plan submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff report. The Final Site Plan shall become null and void if construction has not begun within 1 years of the signing of the Development Agreement required in Section 5.17-140. Response: A Final Site Plan application will be submitted following approval of this application. This standard will be met. 5.17-140 Development Agreement A. To complete the Site Plan Review Process, a Development Agreement shall be prepared by the Director to be signed by the applicant The purpose of the Development Agreement is to ensure that the terms and conditions of Site Plan Review approval are understood and binding upon both 24 M. the applicant and the City. The Development Agreement and the Final Site Plan approval are valid for 1 years from the date the document is signed. If construction does not begin within this time line, both the Final Site Plan and the Development Agreement shall became null and void. However, 1 extension, not to exceed 1 year may be granted by the Director upon receipt of a written request by the applicant, including an explanation of the delay. Work under progress shall not be subject to Final Site Plan or Development Agreement expiration. EXCEPTION: No Development Agreement shall be required for a Final Site Plan Equivalent Map application that is approved as specified in Section 5.17-135. B. A Building Permit may be issued by the Building Official only after the Development Agreement has been signed by the applicant. C. No building or structure shall be occupied until all improvements are made as specified in this Section, unless otherwise permitted in Section 5.17-150. D. Upon satisfactory completion of site development, as determined by a Final Site Inspection (prior to the final building inspection), the City shall authorize the provision of public facilities and services and issue a Certificate of Occupancy. Response: A Development Agreement will be prepared and signed following approval of the Final Site Plan. This standard will be met. 5.17-145 Modifications A. The Site Plan Modification process establishes procedures to allow certain adjustments to an approved Site Plan, either after Preliminary Approval or after Final Approval. This process shall assure that any proposed Major Site Plan Modification continues to comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-115. B. The Site Plan Modification process shall only apply to Site Plan applications approved after June 5, 1986. 1. The Site Plan Modification process shall not apply to any proposed development that qualifies as an MDS application. 1. Where there is a change of use on a property that received Site Plan Review approval, the Director may perform a site visit prior to a Site Plan Modification application submittal. If the property is currently in compliance with all criteria of approval specified in Section 5.17-115, no Site Plan Modification application will be required. C. The Director shall determine whether the Site Plan Modification will be processed under the Type I or Type II review process as follows: 1. A Minor Site Plan Modification application is evaluated under the Type I review process. The application is reviewed based upon a particular standard as specified in this Code that does not involve a Type II or Type III Variance, e.g., a modification in the location or type of required landscaping or an insignificant change in the number and/or layout of parking spaces. 1. A Major Site Plan Modification application is evaluated under the Type II review process. The application is reviewed based upon a particular criterion as specified in Section 5.17- 115, e.g., a revision of the stormwater management plan, a substantial increase in the size of the building or when commercial or industrial development abuts property zoned residential. The Type II review process shall also be applied when: The modification involves any items listed in Subsection 5.17-105, 25 M. A Federal or State agency issues a permit that substantially alters an approved Site Plan; or Pad sites in shopping centers or future phases shown on an approved Final Site Plan have not been constructed within the time line specified in Section 5.17-135. D. The criteria of approval far a Site Plan Modification application shall be in compliance with the applicable standard and/or criteria of approval specified in Section 5.17-115. E. The Director may require approval conditions as specified in Section 5.17-130. F. A Final Site Plan and Development Agreement is required as specified in Sections 5.17-135 and 5.17-140. Response: As described above, the subject site previously received site plan review approval under case file number DRC2004-00033. The City has indicated that Major Site Plan Review Modification approval will be required. The proposed development is designed for compliance with the applicable standard and/or approval criteria. A Final Site Plan and Development Agreement are understood as required, and these items will be submitted following approval of this modification application. These standards are met. 5.17-150 Security and Assurances All required improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or Final Building Inspection for the development unless specified in Section 5.15-100 or improvements may be deferred far goad muse by the Director if security as specified in Subsection C., below is approved to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. A. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued prior to complete installation and approval of improvements, if security is filed with the City. B. Required security shall equal 110 percent of the cast of the design, materials and labor, as determined by the Director. Required security may consist of cash, certified check, time certificate or deposit, or lending agency certification to the City that funds are being held until completion. C. If the installation of improvements is not completed within the period stipulated by the Director, or if the improvements have been improperly installed, the security may be used by the City to complete the installation, or the security may be held by the City and other enforcement powers employed to prevent final occupancy until the improvements are completed. D. Upon completion of the improvements as certified by the Director, any portion of the remaining security deposited with the City, including any accrued interest, shall be returned. Response: These standards are understood and will be met. 5.17-155 Maintaining the Use Once a Certificate of Occupancy has been granted or a Final Building Inspection has taken place: A. The building and site shall be maintained as specified in this Cade in order to continue the use. B. It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the planting required by Section 4.4-100 in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation. Plantings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 1-1/1 foot height standard as specified in Section 4.1-130. 26 M. G Parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a condition free of litter and dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be improved to maintain conformance with these standards. D. Undeveloped land within a development area shall be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be usedfor parking. Response: These standards are understood and will be met. 27 M. Iv. CONLCUSION The findings presented above have demonstrated that the proposed site plan is designed for compliance with the applicable standards and should be approved. The proposal meets the applicable standards for Major Site Plan Review Modification. 28 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.spdrygfiald­or.gov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ----------- — (Area helm this b'neJUIed outbyApplica n) __— (Please return to Clayton MEachern @ City ofSprb4giiield Development and Public Works, Fan # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1036), enwd:cnae�lern@sprirtglleldor.gov Project Name: LS#027 - Springfield Applieaaf: Contact: Susannah Stanley Assessors Parcel #: 1702313104600 Date: November_ 2021 Land Use(s): Commercial Phone#: 971-346-3808 Project Size (Acres): 3.62 Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: 111,368 sf (2.56 AC) Email: sstanley@mcknze.com Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The proposed project is a within -the -walls remodel, also infilling most of the existing canopy area. Exterior work will likely be limited to refresh of materials and a potential entry enhancement. Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: No modifications to the existing drainage are proposed as part of the scope of this project. Improvements to right-of-way on 33rd Street will continue to drain via a paved ditch to an existing catch basin. Proposed Storrewater Best Management Practices: None proposed as the project is not modifying the existing drainage or storm system. (Area below this line rdkd ord by the City andRehvned k the Aaaheand (At a nunimmte5 all bases checked by the City on the front and backoftids sheet shall be subnutted or on application to be coaWletefor subnuttal, although other requirements nay, be recess Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study—(use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Wedand/Riparian: ❑ Soil Type: Downstream Analysis: ❑ N/A ❑ Flow line for starling water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: ❑ Other Jurisdictions Return to Clayton McEachem @ City of Springfield, email: cmceachem@springfeAd-or,gov, FAX., (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r Baredupon the tnfor nation provided on tie front ofdds sheet, the follou>ing represents a ndndnnou of uvh w it merkdfor on application to be complete for subnddal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu ofde Sprirgtield Development Cork (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design A3mma1. Connpltance with these requirements does not constitute site appromol, Adebooml site specific information nary be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subndttal, ensure completedfornu has been signed in the spare provickel below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A ❑ ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e. g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stonmvater quality. Additionally, aminimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. ❑ ❑ Where required, vegetative stommwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormrmer Management Manual. ❑ ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stomrmvater Management Manual (Sec2A.1). ❑ ❑ If a stormrmer treatment Swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stomrmvater Management Manual. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 50,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoma pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. drains. ❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year stoma event and overflow effects of a 25 -year stoma event Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section 4.03A.0 ❑ A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ ❑ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 50,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoma pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. ❑ Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to another. ❑ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03A A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: him/Avww.deo.state.or.ushvo/uic/uic.htm for more infomuation. ❑ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *Thisform simU be inchukd m nn Nhuhmen5 inside the frontcover, ofthe stormnsder shady. * IAWORTANT..- ENGINEER PLEASE READ BEEOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stommater study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 FORAONN.E.1/4 S.W.1/4 SEC. 31 T.17S. R.2W. W.M. TAXATIONXATION ONLY LY Lane County 17023131 1"= 100' SPRINGFIELD SEE MAP m SOUTH 17023124 17023124 100 a °w�oR. 0.61 Ac \��ii X30 30'3 1101 SEE MAP LCATJXG-2017-OB-180]:58 LL1 5 5°P 2200 J S s o.zz 0 zo , 17023113 03800>°• U 37008m 3400ID> e ,35uE i 4 ' z 0,2AC 0.2AC - 4 i CANCELLED 9 Q 41 " k U) , mW , APPROX ' 5700 J as 200 201 m e 202 CTR SE 1200 5800 3900 a 3601 x °a�'„W .-E Au'tl£ 84 goeaac F ". 02 AC ® 4300 00 1202 " 1201 - O.zs AC ��� 'x'0.16 AC 33 B Of 3300 a / 0 3501 f 3502 M - I Ac '`' ,,,,.«. , a ,,, 3 1300 J 0.17ACtI g0.14AC (h z°o ,w,p 1400 m N a 3800 Pc�1 f_ PC4z 21 a 1500 'm•' M tcp ac sa,,34a ') 1 s _w," \\j° 300 1600 4000 � , S,,, k 1 a 3200 ZJU\ 8100 \y\\� 7900 PD1Nf-0300�-!!\\ y� 1302 3500 "•3° 028 ac "z 8200E 0.14Ac \� o2 ac `1301 \�\�' Bova o.14 ac ;4' 1303 wam.,oE 0.14AC' s 8000 E <° 0.21 AC-G �Fo _qa U>>°, ex„z 4300 Py, a y. p d'� 0.18 A 0.14 AC` r\�9 1 y°a � 4400 11 30\ g a a z 1 w aye\ ,w. k ..».m .� 5100 ,R 3100 • • vPo z Wp-35T+{- �pl}RF - - }°R j: r y _ _ _ 2 5104 5103 o.« >°. ,' 0.32 AC \� 400 5105 5000 n.> ". , p\� s a7o39 xeo-me ,m @ BI, m 4100 m 4101 $��°°" .F 19 % 401 xsa•me „ Q m �.,, •'°"' w 5108 o.1 kc o25 ac 402 403 J lt 0.nnc Pc�1 o.19 ac o.zz ac 1306 wg m„'a s•'s 3000 PCLz MA �!Fi :oesac �mc6x °°�+'E= xs 1304 5200 0.32 AC 5300 4-080 g ^ 130 c ' Sir 019A 4900 4200 4202 w --- ---- 5_mw 8500 e ^ I : 18 ,«.T ,>e 8800 o.ee ac ll.l W 500 .13A 8400 ---______ -_ 13 �- 2900 �' oss AC a 7400 7500 7600 %0.13AC ---- -�s� 019 00 3� �a 4800 4300 4201 --- 14 o.az� J 2 X0A Ac 0.12 AC E0.1a act H°'a` n llQ 2 .15 A Z� WersanE 1y 1 2 .rv° 3 A 096AC J�� _______S>3r is 1 2800 600 »ems 8800 4701 9 0.31 Ac 4499 0.81 AC m.°a im5y.!\ 8600 30.13 AC 0.38 ACI 16- 3690 0.12AC 5 Lu 8400 15 H°"5E- g 0.12AC 0.11 AC, e b 8700� wa«.e 2700 „" W- 1 3 ,�i z d 0.14AC 4_ Is� m' 4500 Q0.45 AC 2400 700 o.e1 ac E " 0.6AC 4600 ; a 21A s 1700 0.21 r J 0.21 AC eh „ m H, oT mP«e 1U 1801 M x 3 mP«E x 3 8 F 2801 2800 - 2300 °5' w' ils 027 AC 0.19 AC p F a a 801 800 900C'm R Lr) 1900 %21 Ac °2000 2100 s I ma a 1000 � a SEE MAP ! ig . 2500 2501 17023100 4 --!I-v ?: °„ 0.18AC 0.15 AC _a a I SE COR --x°a'm - - -J-C CARTE DLC 58 _-______- _ _ _ _ _ _ CIN- fffff ' .HL fff ffffff tffffftf fCfffKlEffv> > >r>r� ��»>>>>✓�s--I---FJJ-G »> >✓» -----------E----------F�LChILllAY_---------- �x; : r--------------------------------- NE COR �rz 3i °i °>'s.n>. 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SEE MAP 17023131 17023134 - - - SET MOM y'TIVER AGRfEN112 i0.0f ALL ICK BY lllF E P6lS'fll TI nJ In oar If acratlo I 111'C1 ty of L",I" p 9£I Id Ip 1 P -H L CoontV. SW[s of Dt o9nn, 9rontl n9 to tho u itleulgned a alver of too ord of .ho City of SPrI 9rlcld uqulr ln9 o sot from tbo came of F• Ill to Street oru-foot, ;o that tba and or slcnac m ,YaClr motruct and maintain an otivur kl sin9 s 9n u I t a fonor n9 dcccrlbcd fall proper b/r to-aIC l 3E&1 of E y 1n Strout In too Clky of SPri n9f cold, Env y Is number L ty, Staort f 9 9 b [ Ilk Imin p oM1lbltaJ sot back Ll l.h..f bl tl rdin f tF Clty f S, Jfl Id but lak cl oscr Mo d rob, C th 'cob 11 f ':(d sv t t1 d rs l9 d pp 11 n nil P f r oly h t i 1 t tM1 City of Sp nfl Id drum It y Pr Ind vo tor II b.,E rriltia,ad d tl 1 9 11,rro.pIly.�. TII _g e oh.11 b bl dl 9 P th. J 19 'd h o tI d/or d eF i 1 f to b If,d I P P ty a d/ f Id 19 l' id d/ I ho abovo And 19 and u Y h l 1 I t f C ,19 6 d d In el d J J of Lana d crlbctl ^ 1 Y.proportY• ThinJ t 1 t, 111,11 tb,va County, Orogon at tho cos of tha pot itea for the perp ora [I ed �f rf ofRat. f mold cu to e11 slbsnquont onn,9'ocnort hall bu bl ding horoof .o^°ttco,a•yo nthe I oal arty offasold sign ,ad provl sl of this orra'targ pro upon Into s s'9 s. Loo Sohvvb flan Lantae i .✓ /� d °!<.u„ � ern �trr. STATE 9R OREGfY, es. [ I, L G anally .0 I f j rotor, 0 ehl Y 3 Y £ f� / o �• rs P_ lk PElie In o d f Id tY 6A TtM1I— d e�.;A-ve dy l d bvd J o t CGtl Iho q to p Yoo 11, r t bo th "'i vl d -d that ` noIn th arc fro.ly old Iu.thl Inst t n phpId" jilt tI In it, t rlly P fh 5 J�Py Is dr, and your t b wrltt NITNFs 4 ICI wl 4ffii 1"foA/ � 01 'F . `Efnl Notary P bli�410��� R{E a�u, to a. % /P9/ 1 my I Ion ARPI t I oAl��w _ �� d pp 'e �. 4 G tf All that serfam real prnaerty situated in the elty of spine field, are Co.", state of o. ogee,. a toed -follows. hagmomg o th° southwest col f the'nae C e Wnatian L,ma Clem No 01.4 wnsihl 177 So oth, Ransage- 2 2 ,.it, of Willamette Me"awn thence eoath0 50 west 1567. i feet to an free, pipe oa thenorth rspht of way line of fhe McXen is H.ghway thence north 09 44 west 240.7 fort along the north right of way Use of the mexenexe Ehghway to at, Iron &n marl,b- the tree Islet or begcmung. thence sontmue orth 09 44 west 243 i feet along the —01 has ofthe Mc%e.aae Highway to a point marked by an van sin, thence north o° 30.1/2' ant 236 05 feet to an iron pin thence south C9 44 —31 65 0 feet to ar. iron pin, thence esnth 0° 30-1 Ilwent 56.7 feet to an s iron pin; the"— south 89° 44' east 170.7 feet to a letnt on the ,,as, hne of a 60 footroadway; th°nce south 0° 30 t/2 west 179. 35 feet steel the west line of said bo foot roadway to the point of begin.,, to Lane Coonly, Oregon. 3 o xia xia �°• n �v I� oym 'dk UO'$ -AA acYos 69V--9nIV Les Schwab - Springfield Photometric Simulation for Site Lighting Interface EngineeringI N T E R F AC E ENGINEERING 100 SW Main Street Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97204 503.382.2676 kristinm@interfaceeng.com Date: 11/16/2021 Page 1 of 2 umiz m xnea�e s mha -a L D 'm uF Dm.NA1R 4 'WIA'-WS LED N i K VF MVOLT 6taiu NAll Sm Nan 9JJ] Wvrs JOJ] Fa I.. S t 'M..-- LED P1 --V-1 16taia--, Nan. 150] W , 40J]"ww DZEiWvn 1 0&p 1'1 2 'N1'- Iere6 nlvt Nom.294lumena 4 K MW fl UUa MWn I I].5 Ca Ia on summ CaleT WVR A Mex A n Max.Min Cavo Canopy IWnirace 3B4 OS 18 1 378 Dnvewa Lefi I1=n a F: R 00] 00 OA NA. NA. NA. Dnvewa NorP Iluniurce R 111 113 OA NA. NA. Paltlng Areas Botbm Iluniurce F: 00] 0.0 OA NA. NA. Paltln Areas Center Iluniwce F: 00] 0.0 OA NA. NA. Paltln Areas Pi M Iluniurce R 0T] 10A OA NA. NA. Stlewalk sou0 IWn—e F: 00] 0.0 OA NA. NA. Wall Pi9M1t Ilunvice F: 1]8 ].5 02 S85 3]50 Aem Exterior Canopy wall Scone (Type: W1A / wlE) Downlight: (Type: N1) Les Schwab - Springfield Interface Engineering INTERFACE Photometric Simulation for ENGINEERING 100 SW Main Street 110 Site Lighting Suite 1600. Portland. OR 97204 503.382.2676 kristinm@interfaceeng.com Date :11 /16/2021 Page 2 of 2 �� ee pee ee eel