HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6434 01/03/2022 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6434 _ (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE (SDC) SECTION 3.3- 400 — FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT REGARDING REGULATION OF DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN; AMENDING SDC SECTION 6.1-100 — DEFINITIONS; ADOPTING SEVERABILITY AND ABROGATION CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Oregon has in ORS 197.175 delegated responsibility to local governmental units to adopt floodplain management regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizenry; WHEREAS, the flood hazard areas of the City of Springfield are subject to periodic inundation which may result in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare; WHEREAS, these flood losses may be caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in special flood hazard areas which increase flood heights and velocities, and when inadequately anchored, cause damage in other areas; uses that are inadequately floodproofed, elevated, or otherwise protected from flood damage also contribute to flood loss; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is thus required to adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance regulating development in the community's floodplain; WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5366 on March 16, 1987 which repealed and replaced the adopted floodplain management regulations in Article 27 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC); WHEREAS, the City Council subsequently amended the floodplain regulations seven times; WHEREAS, the Springfield Development Code was reformatted through Ordinance 6206 adopted on September 17, 2007 which resulted in the Floodplain Overlay District being codified as Section 3.3-400 which contains the standards and regulations to be applied to development within the Floodplain Overlay District; WHEREAS, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), which is the designated NFIP coordinating agency for the state, completed an audit of Springfield's floodplain regulations which resulted in recommendations to update the City's floodplain management program to comply with FEMA's current minimum floodplain development standards contained in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 44, a requirement for participation in the NFIP; WHEREAS, to bring the City into compliance with minimum requirements, it is necessary to amend SDC 3.3-400 regulating development in the Floodplain Overlay District so that it aligns with the State of Oregon Model Flood Hazard Management ordinance produced by DLCD and approved by FEMA Region X. effective October 23, 2020; WHEREAS, notice was sent to the Department of Land Conservation and Development on August 4, 2021, 35 days prior to the first evidentiary hearing as required under OAR 660-018-0040(8); WHEREAS, on September 8, 2021 the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing regarding this proposal, Planning File #811-21-000210-TYP4, and kept the written record open through October 15, 2021, for submission of additional information to consider in its recommendation; and WHEREAS, after review of the staff report, evidence in the record, and testimony of those who spoke at the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the changes to the Springfield Development Code on October 19, 2021; WHEREAS, on December 13, 2021 the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners held a duly noticed joint public hearing regarding this proposal, Planning File #811-21- 000210-TYP4, and after review of the Planning Commission recommendation, staff report, evidence in the record, and testimony of those who spoke at the public hearing, the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners; WHEREAS, these regulations are adopted through the City of Springfield's broad home rule authority under the Chapter II of Springfield City Charter, which provides the following: Section 4. Powers of the City. The City has all powers that the constitutions, statutes and common law of the United States and of the State of Oregon now or hereafter expressly or impliedly granted or allowed the City, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers. Section 5. Construction of Powers. In this Charter no specification of power is exclusive or restricts authority that the City would have if the power were not specified. The Charter shall be liberally construed, so that the City may exercise as fully as possible all powers possible for it under this Charter and under United States and Oregon law. A power of the City continues unless the grant of the power clearly indicates the contrary. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The findings of fact set forth in Exhibit A are adopted. Section 2. Sections 3.3-400 and 6.1-100 of the Springfield Development Code are amended as provided in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 3. Savings Clause. Except as specifically amended herein, the Springfield Development Code shall continue in full force and effect. Section 4. Severability Clause. This ordinance and the various parts thereof are hereby declared to be severable. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and said holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Abrogation Clause. This ordinance is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this ordinance and another Ordinance No.6434 ordinance, easement, covenant, or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. Section 6. Effective date of Ordinance. This Ordinance will take effect as provided in Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code, or upon the date that an ordinance is enacted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners adopting the same amendments as described in Section 2 of this Ordinance, or upon acknowledgement of this Ordinance under ORS 197.625, whichever occurs last. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 3rd day of JanuaLy _, 2022, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 3rd day of January 2022. �a- Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder REVFEWFD&APPROVED AS TO FORM KrGatuux-K'aad- DATE: 1/3/2022 SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 11 STAFF REPORT and FINDINGS OF FACT TYPE IV—LEGISLATIVE AMENDMENT TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CASE NUMBER: Springfield 811-21-000210-TYP4; Lane County File NO. 509-PA21-05870 HEARING DATE: December 13, 2021 REPORT DATE: December 20, 2021 PROJECT NAME: Floodplain Overlay District Code Amendments AFFECTED AREA: Properties within the Floodplain Overlay Zone I. NATURE OF THE REQUEST The City of Springfield seeks approval of amendments to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Sections 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District and 6.1-100 Definitions to incorporate federal requirements as shown in the State of Oregon Model Flood Hazard Management Ordinance (effective October 2020). Updating Springfield's Development Code to align with current federal requirements will allow the City to continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). II. BACKGROUND The City of Springfield participates in the NFIP which is run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA).The objectives of the NFIP are to: (1) ensure that new buildings will be free from flood damage; (2) prevent new development from increasing flood damages on existing properties; and (3)ensure the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain are maintained. NFIP was created by the U.S. Congress in 1968 to help minimize the costs of disaster relief and reduce the loss of life and property caused by flooding. Participation in the NFIP allows members of the Springfield community to access federally backed flood insurance. Flood insurance is required for federally backed loans to purchase or build structures located within the floodplain. Participation also ensures the City remains eligible for Federal disaster assistance in identified floodplain areas. Participation in the NFIP requires communities to adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance that regulates development within their floodplain. SDC 3.3-400 includes the City of Springfield's regulating language.To ensure that a community is in compliance with FEMA requirements, a flood insurance coordinator periodically makes Community Assistance Visits (CAVs) to participating communities to evaluate their local floodplain management program in relation to the regulations that govern the NFIP. In Oregon, the Department of Land Conservation and Development(DLCD) conducts these visits on behalf of FEMA.The City of Springfield's most recent CAV visit resulted in the City being required to update its floodplain code provisions to meet current minimum standards for continued participation in the NFIP. The City of Springfield entered into the NFIP in 1985. Floodplain regulations were adopted as Article 27 (Floodplain Special Purpose District) of the Comprehensive Zoning Code through Ordinance 5304 on September 3, 1985.The Springfield Development Code (SDC)was adopted by Ordinance 5326 on May 5, 1986, and the floodplain management regulations were included as Article 27. FEMA revised its floodplain management regulations after the SDC was adopted, which necessitated that the City adopt revised regulations consistent with FEMA provisions by Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 2 of 11 April 1, 1987 in order remain eligible for continued participation in the NFIP.These updated regulations were adopted by Ordinance 5366 on March 16, 1987,which repealed Article 27 and replaced it with a revised Article 27. Ordinance 5366 also amended Article 2 (Definitions) to comply with required Federal definitions for the NFIP. The floodplain management regulations of Article 27 were revised seven more times up through 1999; most amendments were very minor, such as changes to the dates of the regulating floodplain maps or cross-referencing other code sections. Ordinance 5858, adopted June 5, 1997, made specific amendments to the floodplain regulations to again bring the City into compliance with current NFIP requirements by adopting several additional provisions including permitting procedures, substantial damage inspections, and enforcement language. SDC was reformatted through Ordinance 6206, adopted September 17, 2007; this resulted in the Floodplain Overlay District being codified as Section 3.3-400 of the SDC. Staff is unaware of any amendments to Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District that have occurred since that time. III. SITE INFORMATION Affected properties are those which are located within the City of Springfield's Floodplain Overlay District.This includes 938 tax lots.The Floodplain Overlay District encompasses areas within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary(UGB) along the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers, as well as around other streams and channels within the City. IV. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS AND CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Under SDC 5.6-110, amendments of the Development Code text are reviewed under a Type IV procedure as a legislative action.Type IV procedures, as defined in SDC 5.1-140, require a review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and adoption of ordinance by City Council. As the floodplain regulations apply outside the city limits, per the Urban Transition Agreement with Lane County, the Lane County Board must co-adopt the code amendments for them to apply outside the city limits.The Planning Director for the City of Springfield initiated the development code amendments on August 4, 2021 on behalf of the City of Springfield as is allowed under SDC 5.6-105 B. In accordance with the City of Springfield Citizen Involvement Program, the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) reviewed and approved a Citizen Engagement Strategy for this proposal on August 3, 2021. Per this strategy and other requirements (as noted)the City has completed the following: • Submitted notice of the proposed amendments to the Department of Land Conservation and Development(DLCD) on August 4, 2021, 35 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing as required by ORS 197.610(1) and OAR 660-018-0020. • Mailed notice of the September 8, 2021 Planning Commission Hearing and December 13, 2021 City Council Joint Hearing with the Lane County Board of Commissioners to property owners who own property within the Floodplain Overlay District on August 18, 2021. • Emailed notice of the proposed amendments to stakeholder groups per the Citizen Engagement Strategy on August 23, 2021. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 3 of 11 • As required by SDC 5.1-140 C, provided agency referrals to the Development Review Committee regarding the proposed amendments via email on August 23, 2021 (Springfield Utility Board Water and Electric Division Directors, Northwest Natural, CenturyLink, Comcast, Rainbow Water and Fire District, Emerald People's Utility District, and Willamalane Park and Recreation). • Published notice of the proposed amendments in the Register Guard on August 25, 2021 as required by SDC 5.1-140. • Posted notice of the proposed amendments and the dates of the public hearings on the City of Springfield website which routinely posts public hearing notices. • Social media post about the floodplain development code updates as part of the National Preparedness Month outreach campaign. Post published Sunday, September 26, 2021 • Creation of a floodplain webpage that includes project information. httpsellsprinfield- �r, ov/city/development-public-works/floodplain-management/. Webpage was first available October 5, 2021 and is updated periodically. Planning Commission public hearing The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 8, 2021 and left the record open through October 15, 2021 for additional comment to be included in their consideration. (Comments received after October 15, 2021 will be provided to the City Council and Board of County Commissioners for their public hearing). There were multiple inquiries about the proposed code language and the location of the floodplain. Two people submitted written testimony prior to the public hearing. Mr. Finley expressed concerns with 1)the requirements for structures partially located in the floodplain must meet the floodplain development standards and 2) requirements pertaining to the installation of new electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and other equipment. He stated that the requirements were too much for someone who was 88 and on a fixed income. Mr. Carpenter requests that an applicant be able to obtain a variance when the Floodplain Overlay Zone is based on an out-of-date map when conditions on the ground have changed to the extent that the floodplain map is no longer accurate. He also requests that instead of having to show an "exception hardship" that the applicant only be required to show a "hardship". The code provisions cited by these two people are required as put forth by the state's model code in order to maintain compliance with federal requirements for NFIP participation. Findings have been added to address these comments under Statewide Planning Goal 10. For this request,the Planning Commission made a recommendation to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners which are the Approval Authorities for the final local decision (SDC 5.1-140 F.). Per the Urban Transition Intergovernmental Agreement and SDC 5.6-115 B., development code amendments which impact areas outside the City limits must be co-adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners in order to apply to urbanizable areas within the Springfield UGB. Decisions of the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners may be appealed to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals within 21 Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 4 of 11 calendar days of the date the decision becomes final as specified in ORS 197.830 (SDC 5.1-140 G.). City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners The Lane County Board of Commissioners conducted a first reading of Ordinance 21-08 on November 30, 2021. The Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners held a joint public hearing on the amendments to Springfield's floodplain regulations on December 13, 2021. Notice of the public hearing was published in the Register-Guard on November 23 and mailed to the parties of record and those who had requested notice.The City sent out a media release that resulted in articles in the Springfield Chamber of Commerce newsletter and the Chronicle and was posted on front page of city's website. The Springfield Board of Realtors submitted written comment the afternoon of the public hearing. The Realtors expressed concern that the City is requiring more free board clearance than required for participation in the NFIP. They are also concerned that the elevation increase for replacements in mobile home parks and subdivisions would split neighborhood fabric and drive up costs. The City is not adopting standards more than the minimum required by the NFIP in either of these areas. V. APPROVAL CRITERIA& FINDINGS The request is subject to approval criteria in SDC 5.6-115, which covers adoption or amendment of refinement plans, plan districts and the development code.The following approval criteria are listed under SDC 5.6-115: A. In reaching a decision on the adoption or amendment of refinement plans and this Code's text, the City Council shall adopt findings that demonstrate conformance to the following: 1. The Metro Plan; 2. Applicable State statutes;and 3. Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. Findings showing that the proposed amendments to the development code meet the applicable criteria of approval appear in regular text below. Direct citations or summaries of criteria appear in italics and precede or are contained within the relevant findings. Conformance with the Metro Plan The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) includes policy direction relevant to floodplain regulations. Per SDC 3.3-100, references for the Floodplain Overlay District are contained in the Environmental Resources Element of the Metro Plan.The following policies from the Natural Hazards subsection apply to this request: Y.30 Except as otherwise allowed according to Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) regulations, development shall be prohibited in floodways if it could result in an increased flood level. The floodway is the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land area that must be reserved to discharge a one-percent-chance flood in any given year." Finding 1: The amendments bring the City of Springfield's floodplain regulations into compliance with current FEMA requirements for circumstances under which development is Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 5 of 11 allowed in the floodway.This includes requirements applicable to garages and appurtenant (accessory) structures when proposed to be located within the floodway(SDC 3.3.430(13)(2)(a)(i) and 3.3.430(13)(3)(f)(i)). Finding 2: The amended standards specifically require the City of Springfield to review all development permit applications to determine if development is proposed to be located in the floodway(SDC 3.3.425(C)(1)(c)). If so, the amended standards require the City to assure certain provisions are met as described in Findings 4-6. Finding 3: Under the amendments, the City requires applicants to obtain a Conditional Letter of Map Revisions (CLOMR)from FEMA prior to issuing a floodplain development permit for development that proposes encroachment in the floodway which would increase the base flood elevation (the flood level) per SDC3.3.425(C)(3)(c)(i)(aa). A CLOMR is FEMA's comment on a proposed project that would affect hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding source and thus result in the modification of an existing floodway. Finding 4: The standards prohibit fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development within the floodway unless an applicant obtains certification from a registered civil engineer demonstrating through specified studies that the proposed encroachment will not increase flood levels during a base flood, or the applicant has applied for and been approved for a CLOMR (SDC 3.3.430(13)(4)(a)(i)-(ii)). Finding 5: The amendments remove an exception from the currently adopted standards which allows existing manufactured homes and other structures already in the floodway to be replaced if located in the same site and of the same size without certification.This exception is not compliant with current FEMA requirements. Finding 6: The amendments maintain a higher standard that prohibits subdivision and partitioning of land for residential purposes if land is located entirely in the floodway(SDC 3.3.430(13)(4)(c)). Finding 7: The standards maintain approval criteria prohibiting the City from issuing a variance within the floodway if any increase in flood levels during base flood discharge would result (SDC 3.3.440(C)(3)). Y.31 When development is allowed to occur in the floodway or floodway fringe, local regulations shall control such development in order to minimize the potential danger to life and property. Within the UGB, development should result in in filling of partially developed land. . . Finding 8: In this case "floodway fringe" is interpreted by the City to mean the floodplain. The Metro Plan defines floodplain as, "The area adjoining a river, stream, or watercourse that is subject to 100-year flooding.A 100-year flood has a one-percent chance of occurring in any one year as a result of periods of higher-than-normal rainfall or stream flows, high winds, rapid snowmelt, natural stream blockages, tsunamis, or combination thereof." Finding 9: The purpose of the Floodplain Overlay District is to control development in the floodplain, including the floodway, in such a way as to minimize potential danger to life and Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 6 of 11 property. Bringing SDC 3.3-400's provisions into compliance with current NFIP minimum requirements will allow the City to better protect areas within the floodplain from flood hazard. The amendments add or update standards which specify how development within the floodplain must be built.These standards, such as anchoring, elevation, floodproofing, and flood opening requirements, are intended to ensure development in the floodplain is better able to withstand the impacts of flooding to minimize the potential danger during a flood event. Finding 10: The amendments do not prevent in-filling of partially developed land within the UGB, rather, they require that development be done in a specified manner and meet certain standards when done in the Floodplain Overlay District. Conformance with Applicable State Statutes ORS 227.186 requires local governments to mail individual notice ('Ballot Measure 56 Notice') to real property owners of pending land use changes that could limit or prohibit previously allowed uses. This notice must be mailed at least 20 days but not more than 40 days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposed ordinance changes. Finding 11: On August 18. 2021, the City mailed Ballot Measure 56 notice for the first hearing on September 8, 2021 to all owners of property within the Floodplain Overlay District, in compliance with ORS 227.186. This notice also included the date and time of the public hearing before the City Council and Board of County Commissioners. ORS 197.610 and OAR 660-018-0020 require local jurisdictions to submit proposed land use regulation changes to the Department of Land Conservation and Development. Finding 12: As noted in Section IV, the City provided notice of the proposed amendments to DLCD on August 4, 2021, 35 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing in conformance with ORS 197.610(1) and OAR 660-018-0020. ORS 195.305 requires public entities to provide just compensation to property owners when enacting land use regulations that restrict the residential use of private real property or a farming or forest practice and that reduce the fair market value of the property. Finding 13: The amendments do restrict development under certain circumstances in the Floodplain Overlay District, but do not require compensation due to the restriction of real property because they satisfy two exceptions noted in that statute. First,the amendments satisfy the exception under ORS 197.305(3)(c), which provides that the requirement does not apply to land use regulations that "are required to comply with federal law." The amendments are required by federal law to comply with the FEMA NFIP minimum standards for participation. Second, the amendments satisfy the exception under ORS 195.305(3)(b), which exempts payment of just compensation when the regulations "restrict or prohibit activities for the protection of public health and safety." Flood hazard areas are subject to periodic inundation which may result in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, and other adverse effects on the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed amendments mitigate these adverse effects and therefore are necessary to protect public health and safety. Conformance with Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 7 of 11 Statewide Planning Goal 7-Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards:Requires local governments to protect people and property from natural hazards, including flooding. In part, it requires local governments to adopt comprehensive plans that reduce risk from natural hazards. Finding 14: The Metro Plan contains a section entitled Natural Hazards which covers protection of life and property from natural hazards and disasters. Findings 1-10 detail how the amendments comply with the Metro Plan's policies for reducing risk from flood hazard. Finding 15: Goal 7 includes a "safe harbor" provision based on the implementation of the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program: "Local governments will be deemed to comply with Goal 7 for coastal and riverine flood hazards by adopting and implementing local floodplain regulations that meet the minimum National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)requirements."The amendments make changes to the SDC that are required to bring the City's regulations into compliance with current minimum requirements for participation in the NFIP.The amendments are intended to align SDC 3.3-400 more closely with the state's model floodplain ordinance,which has been approved by FEMA. Finding 16: The Goal 7 Guidelines encourage local governments to consider additional provisions that go beyond the safe harbor approach: "Local governments should consider measures that exceed the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)". The amendments retain all currently adopted higher standards. They also include new provisions that go beyond the minimum requirements of the model floodplain ordinance. These amendments regulate the storage of environmentally hazardous materials in crawl spaces and garages. They require an agreement between the City and owners of recreational vehicle parks or recreational vehicle storage to ensure compliance with the City's floodplain regulations and to create an emergency plan specifying how flood warnings will be received and how vehicles, trailers and occupants will be safely evacuated in the event of a flood. Finding 17: The Goal 7 Guidelines also state, "Local governments should give special attention to emergency access when considering development in identified hazard areas."The amendments retain adopted standards which require ingress and egress on streets for emergency vehicles and services during flood events, and also retain adopted standards which prohibit any new street from being at an elevation of less than one foot below the base flood height to ensure streets are drivable during a base flood event(SDC 3.3.430(A)(6)). Finding 18: The Goal 7 Guidelines also state, "When reviewing development requests in high hazard areas, local governments should require site-specific reports, appropriate for the level and type of hazard(e.g., hydrologic reports, geotechnical reports or other scientific or engineering reports)prepared by a licensed professional. Such reports should evaluate the risk to the site as well as the risk the proposed development may pose to other properties."The amendments remove an exception that allowed structures located within the floodplain to be replaced without a study if on the same site and of the same size. Removal of this exception now requires a site-specific report be generated for all development proposed in the floodway, which is a high hazard area.The amendments add a requirement to the Floodways section that requires hydrologic and hydraulic analyses be performed to ensure proposed encroachments in the floodway would not result in an increase in flood levels (SDC 3.3.430 (13)(4)(a)(i)).The amendments also add language to multiple sections specifying that information and certification Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 8 of 11 must be provided by licensed professionals, such as in the provisions for Non-residential Construction where the language of"registered professional" is added (SDC 3.3.430 (13)(3)(c)(i)(ca)). Statewide Planning Goal 9-Economic Development:Requires local governments to maintain a working inventory of buildable lands suitable for economic growth and opportunity. In part, the comprehensive plan must, "Provide for at least an adequate supply of sites of suitable sizes, types, locations, and service levels for a variety of industrial and commercial uses consistent with plan policies." Finding 19: The amendments are more restrictive in terms of what development is allowed within the floodway; however, the City does not count areas within the floodway in its industrial or commercial lands inventory. Outside of the floodway within other areas of the Floodplain Overlay District, the amendments do not regulate if development can occur, but rather how development is done. These new regulations add specific standards for tanks (SDC 3.3.430 (A)(5); for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and other equipment (SDC 3.3.430 (A)(4)(a)); and require conformance with floodplain regulations when converting a building to a commercial or industrial use. These design requirements do not have a material effect on the size or type of development allowed. Thus, the amendments do not reduce the development potential of Springfield's industrial or commercial land inventories in a manner inconsistent with Goal 9. Statewide Planning Goal 10-Housing:Requires local governments to inventory buildable lands that are suitable and available for residential use. Cities must develop plans "in a manner that insures the provision of appropriate types and amounts of land within urban growth boundaries."The amount of land planned for residential development should be adequate for a 20-year supply. Finding 20: The amendments are more restrictive in terms of what development is allowed within the floodway; however, the City does not count areas within the floodway in its housing lands inventory. Outside of the floodway within other areas of the Floodplain Overlay District, the amendments do not regulate if development can occur, but rather how development is done.The new regulations add specific standards for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and other equipment(SDC 3.3.430 (A)(4)(a)); specifically require that a manufactured dwelling park greater than 5 acres in size establish a base flood elevation if it is not already known; affects the height at which a manufactured dwelling must be elevated (SDC 3.3.430 (A)(8)(b) and SDC 3.3.430 (b)(3)(d)); changes anchoring standards for manufactured dwellings (SDC 3.3.430 (A)(2) and 3.3.430 (B)(3)(d)); creates design requirements specific to garages and appurtenant structures (SDC 3.3.430 (13)(2) and SDC 3.3.430 (13)(3)(f); and require conformance with floodplain regulations when converting a building to a residential use. These design requirements do not have a material effect on the density of residential development. Thus, the amendments do not reduce the development potential of Springfield's housing land inventories in a manner inconsistent with Goal 10. Finding 21: In his written testimony, William Carpenter identifies a Statewide Planning Goal to encourage Affordable Housing as the criterion he addresses in support of revisions to the variance language. He notes two problems with the variance section. One is that an out-of-date FIRM shows an "Impossible Floodway" exists where the past open drainage channels have been filled in and their flows directed into underground piping systems that no longer present a Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 9 of 11 channeled pathway for floodwaters to reach the property. The example he provides is actually an area of special flood hazard, Zone A, rather than a floodway. The process that FEMA has set up to address this situation which is referenced in the code language is the Letter of Map Revision. As stated in the definition, LOMRs are "based on the implementation of physical measures that affect the hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding source and thus result in the modification of the existing regulatory floodway. . ." The LOMR process appropriately addresses the situation described and therefore no changes are needed to the Variance Section. Finding 22: The second problem Mr. Carpenter identified in the Variance section is the "exceptional hardship" language, asserting that it should be amended to just "hardship". While the City is in need of affordable housing and supports the implementation of Goal 10, it seeks to do so while maintaining compliance with federal requirements. The "exceptional hardship" language is from the model code. Not including that language could result non-compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements which could eventually lead to the loss of ability to access the flood insurance necessary to obtain a federally backed mortgage when purchasing a house in the regulatory floodplain. That outcome would have a much broader and long-lasting negative impact on the ability of households to purchase homes in all areas of the community planned for residential development. Finding 23: Joseph Finley submitted written testimony. Although he didn't cite an approval criterion, he cited that certain requirements are too much for an 80-year-old on fixed income. The most relevant criterion is the Statewide Planning Goal for Housing. The two requirements Mr. Finely identifies (1—require that new electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and other equipment be installed to resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and stresses, including the effects of buoyancy, and 2—specify that structures partially located in the floodplain comply with the Development Standards) are minimum requirements of the model code. As with the Finding above, compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements enables community members to access the flood insurance required to obtain a federally backed mortgage when purchasing a house in the regulatory floodplain,thus allowing homeowners to purchase homes in areas of the community planned for residential development. Finding 24: The Springfield Board of Realtors submitted testimony that two provisions would increase housing costs. The Realtors stated that the City is requiring two feet of free board clearance which is more than required by the NFIP. For residential construction, the code amendments do not change the existing requirement to elevate the lowest floor to one foot above the Base Flood Elevation (one foot of free board). In these situations,the City is not requiring two feet of free board, nor is it requiring a height beyond what is required by the model code. In areas where the Base Flood Elevation is unknown (unnumbered A zones), the model code does require that the development proposal be a minimum of two feet above the highest adjacent grade to be reasonably safe from flooding. This safety measure may increase development costs, but is necessary for the City to conform with the requirements of the NFIP. Finding 25: The Realtors' second issue involves the new requirement that replacement manufactured dwellings in existing Mobile Home Parks and Subdivisions be elevated in conformance with the requirements for new manufactured dwellings. The City agrees that this requirement may increase costs and result in the replacement dwellings being elevated higher Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 10 of 11 than their neighbors, but it is a requirement of the model code and therefore will ensure Springfield's continued participation in the NFIP. It will also enable the purchasers of these new homes access to federally backed mortgages should the owners need to finance the purchase of replacement dwellings. Statewide Planning Goal 12- Transportation:Requires jurisdictions to create a transportation system that supports a variety of transportation modes so as not to limit residents in the way they can access various aspects of their community. The Transportation Planning Rule(OAR 660- 012-0060)implements Goal 12. Finding 26: OAR 660-012-0060 requires a local government to establish mitigation measures if an amendment to a land use regulation would "significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility."Subsections (1)(a)-(c)determine whether the requested land use regulations amendments significantly affect a transportation facility. Finding 27: A land use regulation amendment "significantly affects" transportation under Subsection 1(a) if it "Change[s]the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility(exclusive of correction of map errors in an adopted plan)."The amendments do not change any functional classification under OAR 66-012-0060(1)(a). Finding 28: A land use regulation amendment "significantly affects" transportation under Subsection 1(b) if it "Change[s]standards implementing a functional classification system."The amendments do not change the City's standards for implementing its functional classification system under OAR 66-012-0060(1)(b). Finding 29: Under Subsection (1)(c), a land use regulation amendment "significantly affects" transportation if it results in (A) types or levels of travel or access inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation facility; (e)degrades the performance of a transportation facility such that it would not meet performance standards identified in the TSP or comprehensive plan; or(C)degrades the performance of a transportation facility that is otherwise projected to not meet the performance standards in the TSP or comprehensive plan. To determine whether the amendments "significantly affect" a transportation facility within the meaning of(1)(c) a local government should compare the most traffic-generative use reasonably allowed in the current zone with the most traffic-generative use reasonably allowed in the new zone.The amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District do not change the underlying zoning districts or materially change the uses that are allowed outright, conditionally allowed, or prohibited. Accordingly, the amendments do not change the most traffic-generative uses reasonably allowed on impacted properties and therefore do not result in any of the effects described under(A)-(C). Finding 30: The amendments to the code will not "significantly affect" an existing or planned transportation facility under OAR 660-012-0060(1)(a), (b), or(c) and thus complies with OAR 660-012-0060 and Goal 12 requirements. VI. CONCLUSION Based upon the evidence above and the criteria of SDC 5.6-115 for approving amendments to the Springfield Development Code, the text amendments to SDC 3.3-400 and SDC 6.1-100 are consistent with these criteria. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit A, Page 11 of 11 Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 1 of 37 Legislative Version of Amendments to the Springfield Development Code Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District to Incorporate Federal Requirements AMENDMENTS Section 3.3-400 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) has been re-organized to more closely match the structure of the Oregon Model Hazard Ordinance (version October 2020) that was developed to incorporate requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The recommended amendments are shown in legislative format (deleted text with strike-thru red font and new text with double underline red font). For ease of review, this legislative format does not show where code language was moved from one place to another. Commentary is shown in purple italics font, preceding the text to which it is referring; commentary is provided for explanatory purposes and is not adopted as code. Commentary,- The existing structure of Section .3.3-400 is shown in purple. A table of contents outlining the new structure of the Floodplain Overlay District section will be added(shown in red) to match the layout used in the upcoming Development Code updates, l'hroughout, numbering has also been formatted to match the upcoming Development Code updates. Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District .3.3-405 Purpose .3.3-410 Applicability .3.3-415 Review .3.3-420 Development Standards .3.3-425 Emergency Approval .3.3-4.30 Variance Procedures .3.3-4.35 lost-Flood Substantial Damage Procedures .3.3-440 Periodic Floodplain Inspections and Enforcement Actions .3.3-445 Laud and Drainage Alteration Permits...........Enforcement of Requirements and Penalties 3...........3....................4..........0........ ..................................................:::::..1.. .. .. . ..... .iii.0 ...... . . .ur..[a. per. II ............................................................................... ............................................................ 3:4:05........................................................................... at l ;, mf . t ,ii . ru ureta�iiiour :.............................................................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::Ilrll : ::�: : 3,3,415 II)efui u�ll'tJi oins ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Ap 3,3,425 Adim1liistratiioin ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3,3,430 lf;)evellloou��ieu � S�au daurds 3,,,3,43 ..........................................................................IIIIllood Illauiu ......ill„ evelllo...u��iein�, Ilf ermults II ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::II ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,3,,3,:440::::...........................................................::::::: a uriii a u�ces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3,3,44 if euriiiodliic Ilf°°Illood Illaliiu Illus ec�liiou Ilf;;;;:u fourceu��ieu � of III°fie uliiureu��ieu �s and .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. lf,)euallltJes ................................................................... ................................................................... Commentary: Creates new section on Statutory Authority and Interpretation that adds required language from model code. 33...J.05.................................................. .t. a.. .t. .ur.. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 2Of37 vernmental under state statutes. Matches language from model code by making minor changes to wording and adds (9) and(10), Adds language to (7) stating a purpose is also to inform potential buyers of approved variances in the floodplain, (,A:)rThe Floodplain (FP) Overlay District is established to promote the public hea|th, safety and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas. The provisions of this Section are designed to: Protect human life and health. (2:.)-. Minimize expenditure ofpublic money oncostly flood control projects. (.3J. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding, and generally undertaken at the expense ofthe general public. Minimize prolonged business interruptions. Minimize damage to public facilities and ud|ideo, ino|uding, but not limited to: water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas ofspecial flood hazards. Help maintain a stable tan base by providing for the sound use and development of areas |OOd h2Z2Pd~����� O nOiOinOiZ8futur-e-flGod-b|ight 2[82 floo� . (.7J.I:; potential buyers FDp8rtv ��-. Minimize the threat b» peroono, propertv and urban water quality from flooding:,,and inadequate or improper drainage resulting from uncontrolled development or redevelopment of land to include filling, grading, excavation, removal; earthwork Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 3 of 37 construction including berms and dikes; stockpiling of materials; or other N::::: a.a N e i- t� �G. . .c�..... .c�.....c�.r .i. .. : ..... N� r �. . . ti.f........th.a . ....wh.�a..... u:j s eciaN flood hazard areas that the assume res onsibiNit .. .::::::........:................y.............:........:.......:.......:.......................:.......::...........:.......::......:.......:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,...............................................................................................................................................,.... for their actions... .......................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ t . . . i. .i........ t .....i.. ..... . .and..... .. i.. .t ..i. .::::e.i.. Nbili i for flood insurance and disaster relief. Commentary,- Matches language from model code by making minor changes to wording, Updates title of permit issued in floodplain to Floodplain Development Permit to clarify that It is a separate permit from the Laud and Drainage Alteration Permit(LDAP), :.(.BI-. In order to accomplish the purpose, this Section includes methods and provisions for: „ 1 - Restricting or prohibiting uses nd::d velop. N which are dangerous to health, safety:,,and property due to water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities. „2 :, Requiring that uses ,,,,.dv .N:o: „vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such,these-uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction. „(3 :, Controlling the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels,,and protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel flood waters. „4 , Controlling filling, grading, dredging,,: and other development, which may increase flood damage. „5 - Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters, or which may increase special flood hazards in other areas. :..(6:.)-. Issuing a..... .... i..r :AggdpN :N :::: l :Nq:p Permit. Commentary,-Adds a definitions section, Defines terms as required or recommended by model code. Clarifies definitions in this Section apply to the Floodplain Overlay District, Definitions specific to the management of floodplains removed from SDC 0,1-110,as described below, 3,3, 15 I)efuiin lit 1iiours ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... . . .r....th. .........:y[...... . . .... .f...th ..... ..lood......N. .i. ..... .rN. . N�NstrNct onN the f0llWli definitions a N . There p.....:.........p.....::......:........:......:............:....................:........:............:...........:.......::......::....p........::..........:.............:::................:................:............................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. the definitions in this ection conflict with a definition rovNded in N� � . � � 5 or N� � ."� 1"� 5.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5............ ................................................................................5............ .............................................................1. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................p............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... th .....d. :..i. ..iti. . ......i. ....this. ......5. . t.i.�a. ....wni...N..N............r �: ..i.I..::........ . .I. . ..... ecNfNcaNN defined beNown� or Nn SNC . �... ..................::.......:..............:........:.................................p..........::...............:.................................:...........::......:.......:...........:...........................................................y................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... w ords or rakerases used in this Mood Iain verNa N"district skull be inter reted so as to ive them ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................p::::::....................................................................lk...............................................................................................................................................p..................................................................................................r............................... y.......... :. g...:..... the,A. have i _common usa e. . �ewn� of the inter......r t ti. . ..... f.... . .................r�avii .. . ealll, re oast for a rev . . ..... f....th.i ......5 . ti. . ..... .r.... . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:........................::..........:....................................::...............::.......:...y......p..........:............................................................................................................................................................................. .iir ..... :f... .11 .. .III.III. ....:flll. . . .lii. g.........................d.. esio .t . ..... :. . . .... . .::::: ..H....::.....x —.........-.........—.........-... ..... .....::... ....................o.........r.........�...........R..........I....�............�......N........o.........n............a........ communil ys Flood Insurance Rate ......................t.....e.........r.........a.........n........n.........u........a........l.. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 4 of 37 t::i:::a: nce of flood:in ed.. channel does not exist here velocit ................................................................................. fi.Q�2djn .......................................................................... ....——---------------------------- ---------------------------------- hoa.wn on the Flood O ................. .... .................:::::::: ::::: :::::::: :: : : ............................................. Insurance Rate:::IMap..::::.( H 3 ......... ............. ...... 0nd definition with the y ..fNOOd herd"". ........... cent chance 0�� .................... 2:0:� 11::3ase,fill ood &1eva, iii:ointed to rise .............................................................. ............................................................. the base flood. .11::3 a s elm. elat..............A::n:..y.::::::a::::r::e:::a:::::::o:::f::::::t::�::i::e b:uil:di:n all ................................................. ............................................................................................... .................... ::s::i::d:::e::s:::.:: 1E3 Wj61 1 .................... .................... Coiniinlui6lt field's iurisdiction which extend field's urban Q ........... ..................................................................................... :in :::fillin ndation of nnr--,,-flk, r1ry :..(-I:Ihe unusual arid rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any Our e. :::::ca :s :d::::b [I ooding ............. .........— ........................................................ IUe:::: r:!a:ces::::of::::nOr:mI:I ::::dr :ja :d:::a e s current of ........ ..... w::a:ter::: nd::::dalo:::e::p.........Qaited:::: :g .... ore of a lake or other br-Ale Of%A,.nf r urrents of water exceedi :n:ti:ci:p e orsuddenl c u e b an unusuall s y ........ ... ........ Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 5 of 37 naIur:a:lDod ::::o :::w ter accompaniie fici ated force of :::::b a severest r :,:::::o :::b :::::a :::::unan p ... .............................................. ......... ..... ........ .............................................. ......... ............ ...... ... ........ bsome similarl unusual and ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... . u dy. S y ...... ........... - —------Stud-- 11:1ate Ma: ch the Federal Insurance Administrator has delineated both the sp.gcial hazard areas and the ............ risk zon:es:::::ap made available ..... ............. ............D F I R l.M.......... 11::::]ood 1insuirainq:e::::S,tu:d in of flood haza:rds::::and,p..p i,.....te,:::jao:1res: ... .....EQP.:E:p .............:.......... ew� li�etlon end deterrr�lntlon of e l.e. ------- ructural additions ch d'ustments to structures which reduce or eliminate risk .......of flood O -ag or Mp-----reel-----p-D --ywn� ter end nit— :Jacififies, structure.s a,nd their conte ints. ............. oir,flood:j1p mine ire An land area susceDtible to bein inundated b ............... ---------q-------y water::from::::an..y.::::aoume.,..........S I o i .. ........:::::::::.....................................................g...e 11::::joWjp..Ill al1inadinil161stiratorr, he com:munit yofficial des: noted bi title to administer and nfo:::rce::::Ih :::fIood D I a i in m a iin mainag l'-`he--pDeration of a- _yg--p[-p I o M a d s . . . . flood control wn�or end flood NNn rr� n err�ent re.. .i. t:i.hr�. .::. in 11::::jopd�jp..jai1 iin i i ire Wafioins Z ordinances.,:::::.s u b di yJ sJ o in r.9.g----, .... ..... ............................................. .. ................ ............................................................................................. buNNdln codes health r ordinncg n a n.:Q � Notion of : :. :poNNoe—p..Qwer. I huche term describes sstate or local re ............ th.g.mgfj ....................................... ----pmide standards::::fo :::t e:::p r h g:::p ..................... 11::::j1o0dWa ["he channel of a river or other watercourse and the ad.acent land areas that m:u:sIOereser::v:eOinOrder toOi:s:c:harethe base flood withoutcumulatiw�e l---eg-" "RePp -----y--------y- 11:::::u in et jii o in a 1l 1l din its intde de ....1ie unloadingOf rO Or ..............a. ------g— es not include IrNnrl term .............. ................................... ........... Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 6 of 37 natural elevation of the::: 11 hstoiric stiructure Antructure that i&: y l isted individ:ually in the Nationa:l:::::Re ................................................................................ .... ......... ................................................................................ theNie p,...,...rtment of Interio ::::::o ::::p inarj determined b t :e::::.S.. �a 1 ryj2f the Interior as :::::h e lea ......................................................................... ...... ............ ... .................................................................... ....................................................................................... meeti:n nal Reister: .................................................... .................................. r i i d r:I determined b t W ec:rata:. :::::Qf the Interior as contributingfo — .......... ............. the historical sinificance of a Ie:rm: ined: ::::b the Secreta[y::::Io::::.q a... e [J. :g— .............. ates with historic of lnterior� or ................................................................................. :lodi : vjdllmun uaitiewith ith historic ........................................................................ 3- rior or Ms. 11 efteirp,fMap------ga-��:,., Means an official FEMA determination ::::Ietke[,-- amend or revise effective Flood Insurance Rate iM .............. a a and Flood Insurance Sludes. "The .............. ....... ................................... f.0. .1Jowi:ng=AMM ........... ................... ---921WULLW" ................................................................................................................................................................. t o I ori existi:ng–------g:rQund above thebase ( per e fannual chance flood elevation on ............. :::::P..g:r:t:::ion:::::of::::a::::Ie d b the base flood. ....................................................................................................................................... is EMA's comment on a :prop..gsgd:::::p io .... ------- u c..t=.Q. ............. ...... ........ ......................... ohroferlfNo o o d.j n.. ................................................................ Or fhe -----y— :::::.t.:h ::: [[ecti::v: ::::bse:::f:lood:::: Ie:v:ati.o:n:s-------p MR F is EME:MA's comment::::on:::a::::p—g -----p ct h t o ............ modification of::the:::soecial flood hazard area fhro h fhe ......lactim .rpt...of fill outside the ................... I amendment bV letter to the Flood ........................................................................... I:ns: ran ::::::Rate::::::lM a. ....... .......(.1V1 ...................... ........ ......................... stru:ctu:re,p,...,...rcel of land or ort n io of ...,...rcel of land that is natural:l hi h round j2 : ap..p ........... ded in the special flood hazard area. ............. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 7 of 37 EIMA's modification to an effective Flood Insurance::::Rate::jMap.::::: FIM or .... ........................ both...........L::Q.M..R.a ::::based on the i:mp ................................................................................................ jementation of y ::::p..b s: ical measures that .a ff.e:ct the h drolo idraulic characteristics of p......aource and thus result in .............................................................................. of the exi in." r I o wa st WatQy d Y.:----------------------- ....... .................... ........ or fhe S UMMMMU ...............E...H.A., ih.g Q..ffJ::c::::a I I Incur ance:::3—tud :::(...E:LS: ion of the .......... y modifications. he::j= :M:R::::is:::: e ............................................................ 1.0.................................. ....................................................................... ... ........... ......... .a .....ff.eted:::::p.....grtions of the F.LRIM BFIM:,:::or:::FIS::::re:p 11 ............ : ......... :: : Q. M: F iEIMA's modification o[the::::sp..gciaI flood hazard area shown on the Flood Insurance Rate IMap:::: ........... :0:::::the:::p.jacement of fill outside the:::eAsfi:n" O f an effective Flood bas:ed:::::on:::::p..b sN measures that affect the h drONO N Or h draulic characteristics of a 1JQ::q: :::d:ji:n:: d thus result in the modification of the erg closedares (---- Nr�--gba e e :n:f:i:n:isUedorfIooOresistaref erg closureus a bleo s lel f r:p.p.r king---Of -------------g .. ........ a other than a basement area is not considered a b--Hrfing'c orovided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in vi :I: t:ion:::::of:::th :::: ::p ..... ...................................................... .M. ............ Mainu,factured dM61HIHIn A sfru cfore,::::tra:ns:p n i h is ...................................... .........................: Uu:::iI:tonarmanent chassis and is desig t o::::t h .....r e:q ::d:::o::e:::s:::::::n:::o:::t::::::i:::n:::c:l:::u:::d:::e:::::::a::::::':'::r::e:::c:::r::e:::a::t::i:::o:::n:::a::I:::::::v:::e::::I:,:i::i::c:l::e::':'::::::a:::n::::d::::::issnon,y ctured home". ,...rnous with "manufa ............ Mainu,fac,tIuiired :dwe�l��l��'�in airk our suWIVIs�1pii2., : !�......... ........... ............... ...................................... ................................. ------------------ :::M:::e: ain sea:....III.ey&lI ::::Fo:r:::p.:y. :ram jtj p . .....N lional .............:...................................................................... C;..�a::o::d:::e:::t::i:::c::::::V:::e:::r::t:i::c:al::::::D t :m::::( a u VQ of 1929 or Other:::datu:m:, ................... .....................:.......... :::E::I:::e::v:::a::t:i::o:::n:::s:::::::s:::I:,:i:::o::w::n::::::::o::::n:::::::a::::::::c::o:::m::::m::::u:::ni:. 's Flood Insurance Rafe iZap ire referenced. N New constiructJoin For floodp n mana jai of a::::floo:dp-!—pg tion:::ado I ifNeNd end Nn N de Egg— .................... ans :::: g5ub a w�an :::jmprQvements to suc struc ures. f:.le G.r e at.i 0 n al Ye W.C.]e............A Y...Q....h.Lq 1.g. gthjgh i.a., .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 8 of 37 Built on a singjg=Lin�: W. 4Q0::::§ rgj:a:Ction y.P: .. .......... .............. ............ ............ ::.Feai :::::::: ::: Earters for recreational ra .......... od hazard" for this definition. ............................... ::S:,:I:ai:rIo:,:(cons:,:Ii:r::u:c:,:ilii oi:n., IncIuOessuOsIanI:iaiimp..Eovementand means thedate the :: ::iIdi:n::. ermit was issued,:::::p------------- f rf Of Ori------------------pNr„ reconstruction ement was within 180 ........................................................................ day f I it he:::fi:rst::::p a from the date::::o ::::the::::p..ermit. I he actua start means either t ........... :s:::t e:::p ..............h............ slab or footing-- ............................... .............. the installation::::of:::: e of va::I:iofoundation. Permanent construction does not mpa[ t include land a i rdin end fiNAin nor .................................................................................... p. . :Qoauch as cleari:n: . .............:............ does it include the installation of streets and/or walkwnor doe it in N de e w� tion for aUase:me n t fOOtin ::ar5,:::j2r foundations or the erection::::of:::tem:p r j2 anor .... ............................... doe it inNde the intNNtiOn On the r0Of cgemr i ... .......rpOr y p. y -W-t -P--gD ......... ........ sheds not occu ure. For a substantial .............................................................................. im o e t y Iman ......... ........... ceilin er or not that alteration affects ................................................. ::MMMI .S tructure For::fl o ................ ............................... ell as a manufactured dweljjng. ................... Substain,fi4ll daini:a cost ofresto:ri:n the structure to its before raerent Of the rr� ret w� Ne Of the true before the dr occurred. c veinient An reconstruction r ha ilii a ion addition or other .................. o::::::::: ::::::reha t t :: i:::m:::p 0 the cost of d 0 raer ant Of fhe uals or t his actual rqoair Work performed. I he term does nrNf, h0w.e.ver.,......i n cJ u d e eJ:t::h:::e: :::r:: ..... ...... ............................ ...... ................................................................................. ..................................................................................... :W An.y.:::::p.E. .jgg!.....--.r ... ..... .... been identified hy fhr., .NO caI :Ode enforcemenIoU:iciaIand:w::DictiareIUe :m: ni:m:umnecess:artoassure safe JJYJ:D::: a Q .�.:.�. .N . :;...... .f Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 9 of 37 An alteration of a "historic structure,:":::p w 0 mvided that the alteration ill::::n t:p.mdude the sIrucIure:'scontinued deal gnation as a ""historic structure."" — V auriiiaince, A rant of relief b the "mit of rin field from the ms of a floor' nkain fliiolllatliiou , "N"'he failure of a structure or other deveNoment to be fully comr�Niant wn�ith the ----------- communit "s flood ........... management ...... ..... nent regulations. A structure or other,, amalim.ment — without the elevation certificate: e ............................................................................... ............... ruined in this Section is , resumed to be in w�ioNation until such time as that documentation isp W. . .............. Water surface dlevafioin hehe:iht in relation to the National Geodetic�erticaN tum .......................... LNgUQL2Ljga:::::Qr other datum the ................................. 11:99=0p ..... -----111 lii----------- Iii--------------- ,3,.3-440-ApphGab&ty Commentary,-Adds clarifying language, (.X;-jThe FP Overlay District applies to all areas of special flood hazard within th „prep roWth bound Commentary,-Adds required language from model code identifying FIRM panel numbers applicable to Springfield and physical location of flood maps, .(.B,,,.jThe areas of special flood hazard are identified as follows: ..(11r Those areas identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in scientific and engineering reports entitled "THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY,::(-I......... FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON”, dated June 2, 1999 and any revision thereto, and "THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON, UNINCORPORATED AREAS," dated June 2, 1999 and any revisions thereto, with accompanying F4GGd k�,�, �, :Elood Insuran e::::Rate::jV1ap..::::.( 1134 1j.35 1165 1166 1167 and ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1170 are hereb a o ted ):�j �:i ;:)art of this I ection. 1 he FIS :vi reference and declared to be ..... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................... nels are on file at the Develo "..enter located fi e 1d::::.Qj :::::Hal:l ................................................................................... ---------------------- .......... ...................................................................................:::::::::P. Commentary,- Makes wording changes to accurately reflect process for designation of additional flood hazard areas, 'These areas would be designated through a zoning process rather than by the City Engineer, .(2. Areas of special flood hazard designated:::::as within the F:P:::Qv:ed:a... district because ............ 1he:.y..:::::a: ::[e. t)y4he-Gity-lingr,w-�', susceptible to inundation of water from any source where the above-referenced maps have not identified any special flood areas. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 10 of 37 Commentary: Makes minor wording additions as required to comp�y with model code, .(G;.1 The flood insurance studies.... :. . ...... : a.r0, an y. Flood Insurance Rate IM s specified above are 4efeby-adopted by City Ordinance and filed with the City Engineer. These studies and their accomp,.,...nying shall form the basis for the administration and implementation of this Section. ;..(Di;; Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of flood protection required by this Section in the areas designated in Subsection:.(B��., above is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by human-made or natural causes. This Section does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazards or uses permitted within these areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Section shall not create liability on the part of the Cit f . . .....rigg -any officer or employee of the City, :Qr the Federal Insurance Gr Administrator,for any flood damage:s that may-result from reliance on this Section or any administrative decision lawfully made under this Section. Commentary:Adds required language from model code, Codes. Pursuant to the renuirement established in Q.R.S t � e f field administers and enforces th ... ......4 ............................................ ......55 lball i e S ............................................ ............................................................................................ ...................................................................::::...........................tate�Qf. Qm ereb acknowed e that th:e..::::Q.[e.gon _ .................................I.................................................................................. ................... ecNaNt Codes contain certain [ovisions that:::ap.p .b. u il d i n..: s and structures located in oecial flood hazard areas........................ this S.g�ion is ................... ................................... ion wn� Intended to be administered and enforced in cOnNunct ith the Ore on SP c a ja i I:ly ('.�2daa .............. Commentary: Renames Section to better match model code layout and intent of language added to the Section, 33.....4.25.................................................Admin.Ji6 tr ati 0 n. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ,13444-ReWeW Commentary: Makes minor wording changes to clatif .y review process, ,Ar Qo d development proposals within the FP Overlay District st-la"eare reviewed i under Type �:.!.:::::::r)rocedure:::found::::::i n::::S D Q:::::5:::.:::1 1::2 5::,., (:a&ee SeGt�ep,§DC::::4.3-145 for siting standards and review process for certain wireless telecommunications systems facilities). Elood pdad n .D- development opment approval within the FP Overlay District, andi.-r-w4u444g a Land and ....add............. ........ ........................ ........ Drainage Alteration Permit, sha4-Wu§1::::be obtained before construction or development begins within any area of special flood hazard established in SeG4GP'SQQ 3.3....:421.0.('B�. .................................. .... ........ . ... Approval is required for all structures, manufactured homes and development as defined in this Code. Commentary:Adds language required by model code and identifies the job title within the City responsible for administering the floodplain management program, a:ti ::::of:::th ::::FIodDlain Administrator.�'he Qirecto:r: :jshereb: ap.Qinted to admi i termp. e t and enforce this action rantln ..... :.........::::. ......... ... ...::: p : :::: ... ............................. .................................................... . o r..........d e n Yj::02 ______pman ::p.jarm its in accordance wit ::jts isions. "'I he t ... ............................. ........................................... ................................... ..................................... ........ .... to Admi::n:i:sIratorma .gate authorlt----------yl____pNement these rovlsions Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 11 of 37 Commentary:Adds Subsection (G) which is required language from model code and explains the City's duties in administering the floodplain management program, Deletes Subsection B, and moves bullets 1-10 wader Subsection (1) Permit Review and rewords or deletes as described below to match required language from model code. ;;; . e a.i......:: 'eve. e fes—.44ie,..... N re N.NGon& a. raeer,............... N�utNes and Res, onsibiNities of the Flood, NaNn administrator. Duties of the floodlain . :c. ..i. .i. r :to.r or their desi nag .-kali include but not be limited to: t ermNt Reviewna. Reviewna ail deveNo ment ermNt a. NNcatNOns to determine that: Commentary: Subsections 1.-4, are reworded to match required model code language and renumbered to (a)-(o) and (e). Subsection (d) is required language from model code that is added and requires the City to determine if proposed development is located with an area of the floodplain where Base Flood Elevation (B1=E) has been determined, e) e N i dei e a:t...:t::�::h e is ..., el - . . e e= requirements of this Section have been satisfied;,, plea e-d ,all other:::r q e r e H e:...... .c.....f c r .N............ r ..: ...... l ..... . .N .....a a ..�..N . .:.:neGe N.Is.... have—been ............. Review all development applications to determine if the p -pesa ria rrrN:::is located in the floodway. If t e °° . , located in the p : floodway, assure that the...fi..o dw a r visbns.....i. .....S.i .C 3.3:....430.(..... . .........� Groat eRt ....... pro) .of........ ct �....... 3--� ,� ,:.....are met and. d Reviewna ail deveNo ment ermNt a ......N..i. .ti.. . ....te.... .efer .i.. .e......i:....t .e.....rsrOrsosed c.ewe.N.eamant is located in an area wnahara kasa Flood k .lavation tBF data is nsu i.A. . N.e.....e..if .e.r....fh.ra. .. h the Flood Irance tud Fl or from another than ensure comraN............................. authoritative sourca....I�...R. � ...data � not a��aNNabNe Banca wraith the provisions of SN�� � 3.3.�3C .�... : and e provide to the BuNNdNn e fficiaN the Base Flood Elevation BFB. a NicabNe to .n buiNdin . When base flood elevation data has 1 ........ ......... p p not been provided as specified in SeGfiepSDC............ . t e......:::..... .....:p..: i , crrra.r er wn::i: -iall obtain, review and utilize any base flood elevation data and floodway data available from a Federal, State or other source in order to administer this Section. Commentary:adds required language from model code which outlines responsibilities of the City in administering the floodplain regulations, f Reviewna ail deveNo ment .....e.r ..i.f.....e.......raNNcatNOns to determine if the ......r�a.......e .ed. p.....:..............:::....................:....p.................................................................................................................................................................................................p..........:....p.............:.......::......::... deveNo ment uaNifies as a substantial im rovement as defined in N. X3.3. �I . Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 12 of 37 etermine if jb--p�� eVe:JQ2— 2MP..Q:s:::!a:d: ::: etermine if I:b: de::M::elo2MaoLg. "::::i:ncl:ud:es::::th:e::::p.lacement of fill or excavation. ................... .... ................... Commentary- Language deleted from this Subsection to match model code layout. Covered by Subsection (2)(a) of this Section 3,3,425(C), aS SpeGified4n Sub&eG4GR-P-4—, a G'Wat--e4evra#en-(in rela#en-te meaw'e-&t41Gor(4;GWd4ng-ba-,,',',eFnen:4--Gf a444ew OF basere , Commentary- Language deleted from this Subsection to match model code layout, Substantial Improvement requirements are covered by Section 3,3,425 (D), 6-.::TF"GF.4NRew-er a.I:;......................................Ve-r-ify a-Rd-FeGeFd4he-aGtua�r b-----AAair4a+n the4kxyJ-pr-Gof��ef�fl-Gat�on-&4equiFed4R-Sec,� 42013727a�4-, Commentary- Language deleted from this Subsection to match model code layout. Covered by Subsection (2)(k) of this Section 3,3,425(C), Ma*AaR-fer puN��speG4GR-ae s..... .. f.... e " ...: SeGfien, Commentary- Language deleted from this Subsection to match model code layout. Requirements covered by Subsection (3)(b) Watercourse Alterations of this Section 3,3,425(C), and Subsection (A)(1) of Section 3,3,430, &.-No4fq,����ies,ind4he � ands p4Gr ta-anl,��*on e. submit-e .....e i- e F"e4e-r-al perg Gdw,+nspeG4en--a Rd4na NRtepafwA-be prev i4e4-vvith thrGew-se ,� at4he4k�G�GafFy+n.g-GagaG" the-watef GG6Pse4&+K,*4-m....4Fw-4;-ed-'--a-n- d Commentary, Language deleted from this Subsection as this is now done through a FEMA process (LOMA, LR), M. Make44AeFpretabGR-,-wheFe4ieeded,—a&4G-exaGt4GGat4Gri-ekhe4)oundar+e&-of area....... between IGGabGR-"e-boundafy4nay-aperpretabGR-as-specgted "eGtior�—� ,14DG- Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 13 of 37 Commentary,- Adds required language from model code. Subsection ( ) clarifies the information related to floodplain management that the City must keep and make available for the public. Subsection (3) describes circumstances wader which the City must provide information to other entitles, This includes,- requiring the City to notify the Federal Insurance Administrator of annexations to the City and urban growth boundary expansions), notify DLCD and relevant agencies and adjacent communities prior to altering a watercourse, providing information to the Federal Insurance Administrator when the base flood elevation changes, lr�fOrrr�atlOr� t0 baa taNr�ad arad N Nal aN a N a fONNOwn�N Nr�formation skull be as needed: faNr� ra Ord,..... . .d..... . ..i. . .i.. ...... . ..... .N...... N.. .i.a. .......Nr� raNafNOr� f0 mean sea N—s gh Of ......I.a�n ...fi.. .r....lNr� N dNr� as arra f � arad aNN af�a dar�f �NNNfNa Of a11 new Or tarntNaNl NmrQved structural where Base Flood Elevation::::(.... E.� data N rOw�Ndad .r h fha IOOd lr� rar� a td l ...... .1.adad.....A.. . .r . . ...... . .....i . .............C. ..A.. .i ...p........ r obtained. ......i. .....accordance with.....S.DC..... .::. ::.�. ..� b faNr� arad ra Ord fha aNaw�afNOr� Nr� raNafNOr� t0 r ears sea level Of the natural rade Of fha a NldNr� Nta fOr a tr t ra . rNOr t0 fha Mart Of construction and the ..................................................................................................................... 21gc r�ar�t Of ars fill and ...en re that the r uirament Of Q 3.3. 3 B � arad .....�............. ......................................................... f rthar w�artN aN Ori tr tlOr� Obtain - ----RtatNOrR ra arad arad aaNad a ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. . . . . .... . � ....fha aNaw�atNOr� lNr� raNat................ �rrOfaNOr�aN lNar� ad rw�a Or Or a inaar certNf NOr� t0 . . . ..... . . ....I.. w: .N� Of the lowest flOOr Nr� N�dNr� a arr�ar�t�. � Ihara as a fNOOd aNaw�atNOr� data ra tNNN ad O atain As built certification Of the .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .I.aw�:af:i.c. ......�N raNatNOr� t0 r aar� Baa law�aN Of fha lOwn�a t flOOr Nr� Wm ha arr�ar�t"� ra...arad and aaNada a rOfaNOr�aN lNar� adrw�a Or Or r� lr�aar rNOr t0 the :: : :::: l::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............:::::::::l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................................................................................................. f � taNr� ra Ord arad r aNr�taNr� fha aNaw�atNOr� Nr� relation t0 mean sea law�aN t0 wn�hN h ..... r. . : .r ..... . .d..... I..A..... . .d. . ..... :i..N..i..i. ....wnr .r ....fN.a.�arOOfad fOr aNN r�awn� Ortar�tNaNN im sr wtd fl aOd Sr alaf d structures where allowed ridr the � ion andwn�h r Base loo ......Elev::ati . .......C.H..:EE:......d. 1 .....i. ...........r w..i . .d.... h.r a. fha 1 1 1 1 Or O ataNr�ad Nr� ................................................................................................................k................................................:.........a............:.. accordancewith SDC x : .:430.� llaNr�taNr� aNN flOOd......rcfi:::::::::::::Q. artNfNata ra Nrad radar thN atNOr� lam a Ord arad r aNr�taNr� aNN w�arNar� a a tNOr� Nr� N dNr� ... :i.fi. .i for th... .i.r.....i. . . . . . .1. - ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ii taNr� arad raNr�taNr� ail h drONO...i. .... . .d.....h.....dr . ..l..i .... . . .anal..... . . .....raarfOrrad a ra ..i.rd. a Ord arad r aNr�taNr� aNN tar�tlaN l rOw�arr�ar�t arad tantial Damar— calculations. . . ..... . .d.....determinations as r --- �r-dar SM 3.3.---(JF....:... ..... Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 14 of 37 ovisions of this ..................... Sa�ion. ............................... it New echnical Data. N n Administrator shall notify fhr, frlr� fl Nd hen the bound of the comm:unily::::bas been modified::::. n y ............ b d ............ anaement ..............................I.............................................. od Hazard Bounder NMS resentthe Qmmuni. 's boundaries. Include within such notification a copyOfOf the .............. ............ ... ........ nnexed area or the new nit has assumed or refin n fl and tion and Devel :p ment and other a p[ :p iate state andfe e al ...................................................................... .......................................................................................... e and submit evidence of such Administration as a::: ::::::N.....etter of Ma .................................................................................................................................................. iii ::Rev:is:ion ........................................................................ p p Qsed maintenance:::p.jan to assure the flood cany:nNf wn�NfhNr� fh altered or relocated oortion of the watercourse is maim ai en riodic maintenance. .................................................... heap..p e onditional l etter of IM on uired to subm .(Q ired under S.... . .. . .:... .::.4C. 25: (......... j ..................................................................................... ........ ap SDC 3.3.43nt,& (1 base flood elevations ma i.ncrease or decrease::::reS:y1fing 1:190din han six months after the ................................................................................. Administrator of the chan bsubmittLg I or scientific data in accordance with itle 44 of the Code of Federal R ...........:g re nce ith this S..e�ajion::::th:roug ........... .................................. ------pp——-------p-Q ditional l titter of NMS Revisiou:::gdor to the issuance of a fl o :p o d 1a...J:0::::deve: l:o g prrr�Nf for: NrO Qsedfl:oodway Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 15 of 37 ba Pro used deveNo ment wnahich increases the ase flood el—gifign hy more than one foot in areas where FEMAhas rovided base flood elevations but no::fl:oo:dwa.y. .:,, n when anap obtained 0 M vision::::......... pUcant has ob aine a md.itional efter f:::i lila j Q.M.B.1 ................ from FUMA, "I"his notification to FQMA shall e b NNa...... ........... ......................................... ... ........ ........ .............E...... ...._.... ..... associated wraith the :0:::M::::R:::/:J: OMMMEM.: . liivt N.he Flood. lain Administrator sk�aNN be under no obNN anon to sN n the a oficant demonstrates that I ............ P-.P—. — re ermits. Commentary,- Moves Section 3,3-435 to Subsection (D) of this Section 3,3,425 and renames to better align with layout of model code, Subsection A. is reworded to match required language from model code. Changes require City to now make damage inspections for any event, natural or other causes, not just post-flood. Wording in Subsection C. is updated to accurately reflect timing of reporting damage, A determination of Substantial Improvement(which includes a determination of Substantial Damage) triggers requirements for the structure to be brought into compliance with current code requirements, including the development standards of Section 3,3,430, This means a property owner wishing to substantially improve a structure within the Floodplain Overlay District will need to comply with the floodplain development standards, ents and Determinations. ,3,.3-4,3542ost --PGe4-Subst'&iA'ta4�ll'::)am�age44Gcedure-s Building inspectors from the Development ge-Fvicie-&-and Public Works. .....Department shall conduct Substantial IM v m ...... ...... rr ::I::::dvIo:�g--o -9 -p pp withjnp.jarmit files in accordance with......................... ...,...nd shall conduct SO( ...................................................................................................... ..............u...b.A.I.A.0112J: N�ama e SNS as defined in SDC 3.3. assessments when structures are dam--,.—n- H due to a natural hazard event or other causes and shall make SQ determinations ..................................................................................... whenever structures within the spjacial flood hazard::::area::::( s established in....... ...F ........... ....................................................................................................... ................................................................................... S..............( 3.3rin the structure to its 42% ......................1 ................................................................................................................................ ed condition wnaouNd e uaN or exceed ercent of the market value of the ..................... structure before:::the::dama.ge occurred. — a te4y, structuFe"y the4kaGd+ng-. Illiiii;- A list of damaged structures, which are not in compliance with the provisions of this Section, shallviJIM,be reported to FEMA. The City s-ha4-�n:i::iI::I:::::,notify affected property owners pfk*--tG fte:n:submitting the damage report to FEMA. 3,3, 3 lf; evellloou�rieut;-----S taudaurds Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 16 of 37 Commentary,- Minor wording changes to match model code language and to use UGB rather than "city and its urbanizable area," :(.Ai;;.l General Standards. In all afea&-Gf-special flood hazard a:::reas::::::within the G. afmJ 4s ::::UGQ, the following standards app�yahall be adhered to: :...........:......... . ....... Commentary,-Adds required model code language, Some of this language was contained in 3,3-415 B.9_ If development alters or relocates a watercourse, requires that the flood carrying capacity not be diminished and requires that maintenance be provided to ensure this, t Alteration of� latercOurse. e airs that the flood car Nn ..... acNt wnaNthNn the altered ::r::::re::Ioca:Ied::::::p ortNon of said wnaatercourse Ns maintained. e ..i.r ....th. t..... . ..i. t . . . . .....i.. rovNded wnaNthNn the altered or relocated ortNon of said watercourse to ensure that the flood )ac is not dimini_!�)� Hance with SDC 3.3.42 P...........9 ................................................... Commentary,- Updates to comp�y with required model code language, These changes remove the use of two anchoring standards and removes anchoring requirements for manufactured homes from this Subsection, Anchoring requirements for manufactured homes are contained in 3,3,430(B)(3)(d) Manufactured Dwellings and have been updated to match required model code language and comp�y with current requirements, 21-:1--Anchoring. All new construction-7m....a­n. ufaG.tu.F9d--heff49& and substantial improvements "eGt-[G less than-48 inGha�ss eP49ed-watef-dufi-ng-a40"ear flGGd shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure::r::es::::u::I �'::n::.g. dr d narnic and h drostatic load g All ...........................5 .. ........: .... ... .................................. ...................... be anchored :::m [ cIure ::::d:weII::in:g-----------------par SDQ 3.3.430:.( ..)L a4;d-sha4--be insta#ed ethGds and prac*c-��- ' eod4amage. A-no1:iG4ng--methGds fi-e-s G-9 F Mapmf aGkif ed 1 lai.-.ard-Ar-ea&Lg44ebe(* fGF-adck:t.ona#4eGhRkp4es)-.4f-vableGt4G-1- P- 4GP4e&4n...... la-tea a4444Gvement afK44e_de-ssha4 tape-c�' ed-by-aR-engOeer or awA*teGt-. Ma-F�� exisfiFK an_ g-Mob4e-H-erne-Ra* Gr-SubdivrisiGn may-u-&e the4a so t. atxwe- Commentary,, Minor revisions for consistency with model code language, ..Construction Materials and Methods. :.(.a. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with a.. ed-materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. .(.1birl All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed using a.. ed-methods and practices that minimize flood damage. Commentary,- Moves Subsection 2, c, to this Subsection, Renames 3, Utilities to (b) Water Supply, Sanitary Sevver, and On-Site Waste Disposal Systems and makes it a subsection of(4) Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 17 of 37 Utilities to match model code layout. (fader(a)" adds duct systems, provides more speoltlo requirements for how equipment must be designed and installed to resist flooding and more explicit requirements for where equipment must be elevated to. Requires equipment to meet these standards if replaced as part of a substantial improvement, Minor changes to wording in (b) to comply with required model code language, a E.lectrlcaN llechanlcaN,......P.i. .rn. .:i.n, and Other E. ul, ment. Electrical, heating, lumbin .....c�.N NN= sto , , do e ven i a ion, a:: :::pp.NDN:::::::::�:::::NN�NN::r, ,-p 9:;. . .. y....:'......::::.. . .:�.. and other ...... . l service facilities shall be ale .................. elevated at or above the base flood eNevatlon or shall be desloned and installed . ................................................................................................................ IeGated to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components .nd.....t a. resist h drostatic and h droll namic loads and stresses. lncNudln the effects of . . .... .r. .... durin conditions offloodin ..:::. ..... dd:ti.�an:,:.... .N. trical heatNn ��entNNatNn y....::.......:.......:...1.- 9 9 .....:......:............:.......::.......:...................:.......:...............:...........:.......:....................:.......:........................................................ ..................................................................� .air::::. ond.i.:t.i.oni.. . , olumbNfacilities skull meet ail the re ulrements of this �ectlon if re. laced as art of a substantial ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... J ::p:rplpp ::, :LW,3. 6::: .r.... . . ......N. anitar ewnaer and On Nte �l�l ste r�ls osaN stems. All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system;;, New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharge from the systems into flood waters; On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding,p a.p . p.p , n: h:::: h ::::: : :: ��. arta. . .t....oaf::::::..r���i..r a.r�.ment. .l...... . . lit..... ....................p........................................................................................................................................................................................................................y Gown mentar.y:Adds Subsection with required language from model code, Subsection covers specific development standards for tanks including anchoring requirements, Adds a reference to the Springfield's locally adopted fire code. .l.anN�s. a .k ..n.d .r, round tanks shall be anchored to ......r vent...flot tion colla...... ........ . d....I. .t .r .N. ......... ..:..... ....... .......... movement under condltlons of the base flood.. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... b AbO��e round tanks skull be lnstaNNed at or above the base flood elevation or skull be anchored to rarevent flotation colla se and lateral movement under .. . . ....... . . .. . . . . .... cOndltlOns of the base flood.. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. c Above-o.r a. .r.d.... .r.d..... .r�.c. .r. round store e tansN in-....... um..s and related ........................................ ..........:........:.......:.......::...........:........:.......:............:.......:........:.......::......... ................................................................................„........................................................................................ ...............................................:...................................................................................... ulrament sk�aNN meet the re ulrements of the Gilt of rin :fi. .N.d". .....I. .I.I......... .c.o ted fire ....................................................................................................................................y.................................p................... ............::..........:..........:...............::......::.......:..........y........::.......:.......::....................................................... code. ..................................... ..................................... Commentary: Moves Subsection .3.3-420 B. 5, to this subsection to better align with new layout of Section . and makes minor updates to wording, Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 18 of 37 , _&Streets. :..(a:.)-. Adequate provisions s-ha4-mustbe made for accessibility during a base flood to ensure ingress and egress for ordinary and emergency vehicles and services during potential future flooding. ..(b :, No street or surface of any new street s :a ::be at an elevation of less than - o,r)e:::!oot below the base flood height. ::: ubdivision Proposals. Commentary,-Adds language to comply with model code layout and required language, l'hls language is similar to the standard contained in.3.3-420 A. 4, f tat All newn�subdivision raroraosals and Other r�ror�osed new devoW2Ments includin . .......................... r0osals for manufactured dwn�ellin. . arks and subdlw�lslOns rester than lots or p: ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ............................................................................................................................................... five acres whichever is the lesser skull include within such ro osals Base Mood Commentary,- Changes formatting of a, and b, to match model code layout and wording of a.-c.to align with required model code language, Expands requirements to include other large developments, including manufactured dwelling parks. b All :new...subdivision ro osals:and:::::o h.e.r..........r posed new dew�elo...... .e. .t p p p..........::............................................................................................................................p.......:::.......::.......:...........:................................................................ . ro..... sals...f .r.....manuf :tore .....dwn�eN...l...i. .. e.r. ..... . .d..... . . ..iw�:i. ..i.�a. . ........shall:;. p.....:.. ...... .... ii..:a, AAk + Be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; Nave public utilities and facilitiessuchas;;...i. i.�. sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located, constructed;,and maintained to minimize,,ar::::e:N:.i,r :.i:.n : e,flood damage; ::::lave adequate drainage::: rgl� c to reduce exposure to flood . . :: .rc .:,: a d Commentary: Minor wording changes to make terminology consistent with other Sections, „ d.... undo e r .e flood elevation data.s. must be provided and shown ... ............................... on final and subdivision plats. The boundaries of the -14)G-yea .flood and floodway :r ::u: ::::,be shown on the final subdivision plat; :."e-.:::.A permanent monument s r I„be established and maintained on land subdivided, showing the elevation in feet above mean sea level. The location of the monument.s..- r ::u: :::,be shown on the final partition map or subdivision plat; Commentary: Deleted to match model code. Language contained in Subsection (a) above, od e e t a s.... e e o ... . .t.... an—e a.... ri.:ta.twe ,G�e-,-4-,ha44)e-pfepaFed �._a s ..-.. � Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 19 of 37 Gommmentar.y: Subsection renamed to align with model code layout. Language added and deleted to comply with required model code language, Requires Base Flood Elevation to be determined for large-scale development in any A zonae if there is not an established base flood elevation, Now requires development proposals within unnumbered A zones to be elevated a minimum of two Meet if no base flood elevation data is available, Removes the exemption for manufactured homes in existing mobile home parks and subdivisions, ....... . . .... f..... :t . .r BaseFloodData. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... a �,�lhen ... e base flood elevation data....h ..... . t.::::b . ........._rcvid .d......1. ......accordancewith ............................................................... .�.I ..C�.....3.::.3.:.. . .. N the lOcaN flood NaNn admNnNtratOr sk�aNN ObtaNn......rw�:l. wn� and Flood ..... reasOnabN ut�l�ze an N ase Elevation.....data....availablefrom.................. .. state Or y :::::: :::::a::: :federaN::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Other source in Order to administer SDC 3.3.430. All new subdivision rOr�Osals and p..................................................................................... tf. .r..... rO......�a . d.... . wn....d. : .Nra........r . .r�t ......C..l. c.N. .c:l. c r�r0 OsaNs for manufactured dwn�eNNNn ......... p.:...... ....:... ......... p ........ k.......: .....:.�rr---rc- ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ narks and subdivisiOns� must meet the re uirements Of�N.�C� 3.3. 3a ..... b Nase FIOOd F.levatiOns sk�aNN be determined for deveNO. ment . rO. OsaNs that are fi.w�: ..... cr . ....cr..... .c.r .....i. ..... ..i : .....c.r.... r ..... ......l.�at .....cr....r .c.r :� wn�hichew�er is Messer in an � zone that does not have an established base flood elevation. Development rO OsaNs :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::p:::::::::::::::p:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, NOcated wnaithin an unnumbered : zone shaNN be reasOnabl safe from floodin . a.. a e e a.... ti PefM+t&-Rd.U.djn@4hG&ee plaGement assure..... ... d....Gen 4-be reasonalAy safe fF - . The test of reasonableness �° includes tnl� � 1� � � a e tie-use of historical data, high water marks, „N ,,,, rlc Nas 1::::: wl gineerin d. t photographs of past flooding, where available. �Wl'hen nO base flOOd eNew�atiOn data is avaiNab1e the eNevatiOn re uirement for 9:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: deveNO ment rO OsaNs wnaithin an unnumbered zone is a minimum Of MO feet ........................................................................................................ fNOOdinO. Failure to elevate at least 1w612:::.feet above grade in these zones may result in higher insurance rates:.;:..:TN.& Gowaawamentar.y:Adds language required by model code. Requires structures that are partially located in the floodplain to comply with the Floodplain Overlay District standards, and requires structures located in multiple flood zones to comply with the more restrictive requirements, fractures 1.....Ocated in Multi Ne Or lartiaN FIOOd hones. In coordination with the tate .............................................B.......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... cf..... .r . On eciaNt Odes: a Then a stricture is located in multi Ne flood zones on the cOmmunit "s FIOOd Insurance date lila s Fl l l the m isions for the more restrictive flood zone sl, aNN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... p.....................................................................................p........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ :p&...: b Then a structure is artiaNN located in a s...... c.1. .1.....flood.....hazard......area. .:.....th. .... . .ti.r structure.... .shall.....meet....the req for newn� cOnstructiOn and substantial Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 20 of 37 Commentary: flakes changes to wording to oompa y with required model code language. ,(Bir)-Specific Standards. In all s f� :o ::::: ,within the City and its urbanizable area w e + e�� ' e ° °� � e ams e e the following : ::p . : ,,,,. .... t ::::. 9 N standards skull a N to aNN newn� construction and substantNaN Nm row�ements in addition to the p: 1,...:::Io all p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G . . .bra..I.......St . .d .r . otii ..... ..� ................................................................................................................................ 5........�......................... .:..............:..................................0..............�....:...... Commentary:Adds required model code language, Some of these standards for flood openings were applied to residential construction in .3.3-420 B. 1. B. i.-iv.. The new required language applies flood opening standards more broadly to all development with telly enclosed areas below the lowest floor: Adds a higher standard that limits the storage of toxic materials in crawl space areas. t Nood enNn s. ANN newn�construction and substantNaN Nm row�ements with foil enclosed areas b e I o w the NOwn:est floor::::.(cxcNud basarnants ars subNect O h fONNOwn�Nn .r E.New�atNOn NncNudNn .... :r :W1.... ., aces sk�aNN: ................................... ................................... drOstatic flood forces On walls b ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... b Be used solei for arNn store e or buNNdNn access hown�ew�er store e of toxic nor... . . .t .ri. .l. ONN asONNna Oran r Nt r .i. .t . :t...., oNNutant identified b the re on e artment of E.nvNrOnrnentaN QUaNNt Ns not aNNown�ed unless confined to a tangy installed.....i.. ..... o .......N.iance wn�:.it ......5. . g..... ::. .:... . ..� and the "�Nt Of rNn field"s NOcaNN p............:.......:.......::......::..............................:.......................::.......................:............:...........::.......:........:.............................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................... o :p c Be certified b ..... .....r . Nstered rOfessNOnaN en Nneer or architect or meet or exceed N.Nofthe foil w:�'n::q r ............N. N.. . N...... .G.it .Gi. .::. �n.. . 'il � r ...NnN. . . .....2fi....f�nl�a.....�a...... Nn . i shall not be Ness than One s oars Nnch for each s oars foot of enclosed area wnihere the enclosed area is ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . .rid.....�a. .....t . ..... :t .�i. .�.... f...t . .... . . N.�a. . .r ....wn�: .A.A. .::. iiliilii N"'he bottom of aNN o enNn s sk�aNN be no hN her than One foot abow�e rade. �, enNn s ma bee uN ed wn�Nth screens Nouw�ers w�aNw�es or Other coverNn s �ded.that the sk�aNl aNNown�the automat............................................................................................................................................................................. ......... or devNc:e rarow� Nc fNown�of fNoodwn�ater Nnto and :::::::::::::::::::...............................................................................................................1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Out of the enclosed areas and sk�aNl be accounted for Nn the determNnatNon of the ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ANN additional hN her standards for flood o enNn ......:i. .....t . ......Stt ..... f.....G .r . On „.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....:...............:................:........:..........................:...........::...........::...................................... ................... P. .idntiI.......5. ecNaNt ........ . ......5 . ti.a. .....P.X22.::. .:...2..... .k:�. ..N..N...... . ..... a. ..raNNed wn�Nth wn�hen 1k....................:.......::.......:.......:......................:.......:...............:.......:.............::........:.......:........:...........::...........:...........:................:...................:.......::...........:.......:.........:::......................................................................................................... .................................................. 22:.....h .N. .::. Commentary:Adds required language from model code, Subsection corers specific development standards for garages, Allows attached garages to be constructed below base flood elevation as long as certain standards are met including that the garage is only used for Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 21 of 37 parking, building access, or storage. Clarifies that detached garages must follow standards for appurtenant structures as described in Section., Adds a higher standard that limits the storage of toxic materials in garages. f�aohad ra ria ba oor� frofad wn�Nfh fha .... a floor Nab ballown�fha Naa .............................................. .....:............::....n„...........................................,.......................................................................................................................................................................... ..........:.... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Flood Elevation NS E. N flood �or�a Nf fha foNNown�Nr� ra �Nrarr�ar�f ara rr�af: ii if looafad wn�NfhNr� a floodwn�a fha ro orad ara ..... .. . t.... .........N..........wn:it .....t . „......................... ...:::::.............:::........:.......:...............:.......:.........:::..... ....1............................:................:.......:... .o.....g.12g.... .id ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..::......::......::.......::...........:.......:............:........:...................:.......:.......:...............:........:.......:............:........................................................ .;:. ho&aw:ar Mora a of foxNo rr�afarNaN oNl aoNNr�a or ars rNorN� arNfar�f ..... ..................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ oNN far�f Ndar�fNfNad b fha Cera ori Nva, arfrr�ar�f of viror�r ental �aNNf is not aNNowod to oNovafod oro foOf abovo ba a flood aNavafNOn Or.:Ori Nnad fo a . . .....i.. . tI..I. .....i.. ..... ........N..i. ....ancewn�:i.t ...... .F�. g ............:.......:.......::......::...............................................................................:............:...........::.......:........:.....x............ ......... ............... .................................2................... : I a j::y:: d a fad fNra Dods. iii N a ara a N oor� fr ofad wn�Nfh flood o...... r�.:i.r�.. N oorr� NNance With N� .::. .::430IE l l fo a aNN a h dro faflo flood foroa ori ax�arNor wn�aNN b aNNown�Nr� for ..... . :t . t.i. .:::e tr...:::: . .d.....exist.....of...floodwater. N ha orfNor� of fha ara a oor� fr ofad ballown�fha NS E. are constructed with .................................................. . . .t .ri. .I. .....r . .i. t . t....t�a.....fN.�a .....d. . . .. a:. I iii N ha ara a N corp fr cfad N corp NNar�ca wn�Nfh he standards in SDC liilil ...N..ha ara ......i .....constructed withelectrical: ar�d O�har arw�N a fa NNN�Na NO a�ad ccur ulat............ N hNr� fha Via. � � ..... . .�.�.N�N.. ..... �a.N�. .�.�.�.�a.N�N. .....2fi....�. . ..... . . ....f N_�a .:: he standards for .p residential structures in SDC .::. .::430lE�l3 Commentary:Adds required model code language and language recommended by DLCD, 3 dor acNaN Mood �Na and raa wn�Nfh N a a Mood Elevations. In addition to the .......................................... anaraN fandard lNfad Nn � � 3.3. 3 � fho foNNown�Nn...... . ocNfNc fandard k�aNN a............i..........i.. . acial flood hazard areas w ith Nyasa Flood Elevations ( ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::........................................................................................................................................................................................................... .i .. ions are available or ra uirad to .kap.....d .t .rr ...i. . d..... .. .d .r.... . . t.i.ons::............... .::.:3,:4 .................................. ............................... .................................:..... .- Commentary,- Moves Section .3.3-420 D. to align with model code layout, renamed and language revised to comply with required model code language, Language now specifies zones in which the requirement applies and affirmatively prevents development in the floodplain unless the stated standard is met, Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 22 of 37 III). eros e BeforeN�.p..qulatorw� Ioodwn�aw�. In areas wn�here a ro uNator floodw a has not been des Hated no new construction substantiaN Nm rovement or y::::::::::::: g p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: otho.r...dovoN. rament lNncludino fNII� k�aNN k e ermNtted wn�NthNn hones 3 and N : on ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. the communNt 's Flood Insurance Rate Imla IRII unless Nt Ns demonstrated that y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::p : : :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, ...................... = the cumulative effect of proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, sarnh,ll not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than .4... foot at any point wn�;if :::f ,,, a i:�y. Cori mentar.y: Subsection moved from .3.3-420 B. 1, to align with the model code layout. Wording changes made to align with required model code language and to delete flood opening requirements which are now contained in . Adds that conversion of building to residential use must elevation requirements, 44,1.2.1. Residential Construction. –New construction conversion to,.and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to 1--one foot above the easeflood elevation,,,, � �. Enclosed areas below the lowest floor skull com N wn�Nth the flood o enNn py::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::................................... .: e ....... e......lGwest-fleGr t.... .. t e on- extenwar I.I. -ex — k...... N.. e u e..... otaG.....net-a-rea.....o f....not le sty Gvi )eR'ngs s e.....te e . w' estr4ct c.re.ss......fl. toe rs r. e aee ....e. a. ... toa.:t.... e „ a t . ...: ..,,,,water.& Cori mentar.y: Subsection moved from .3.3-420 B. 2, and language revised to comply with model code layout and required language, Adds conversions nonresidential uses must comply with these standards, Adds requirement than certification be done by a registered professional, Non;;residential Construction. ii a, New construction a l r �– ,,,_f�a,„and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall have emer-the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to E-at least.. QaI ::::.foot above the Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 23 of 37 base flood elevation::::.(K �; er-Q[together with :t:t::e:::n:::d:::a::::n::t:::uti I ity and sanitary facilities shafl: jMi.r Be flood proofed to .4 �Qne foot above the base flood elevation4ev- ei, so that the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water; Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy; .."447 Be certified by a: . [a� Tessio rofessnalp engineer or architect that the :............. design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting provisions of this Subsection based on their development and/or review of the structural design, specifications::,and plans. The-such certifications shall be provided to the I. o S.............................. ........... .s elforth in SDC 3:..142:5 W4�ng-QffiG�S-Sf�d4R_SeG40R.3- .............. .. ............................. 44597&7b. Nonresidential structures that are elevated, not flood proofed, shall meet :0::WRjyMMthe same-standards for:: c:lose:d::::: ::rea:: ::::be::Io::w::::::t:::h:::e::::::I:::o::w:::e:::s:::t::::::f:l:::o ::r::::::in:: S-P6,Gifie��-SeG4GA .................................................................................... 1:34� & Tl� Applicants flood-proofing non residential buildings shall be notified that flood insurance premiums will be based on rates that are.1... a foot below the flood-proofed level (e.g., a buildings tFuctedfIQQ:dpo the base flood ::e::I::e::v:::a::I:i:onIe-vei will be rated as 1-Q:Q::e:::::foot below that4eve4). Gown mentar.y: Subsection moved from 3,3-420 B. .3., renamed, and language revised to comply with model code layout and required language, Requirements remove the two different standards that were in place for elevation and replace with one standard for all manufactured dwellings regardless of location, Requirements change how elevation from base flood elevation is measured for manufactured dwellings from lowest floor to bottom of longitudinal chassis frame and electrical crossover, Adds anchoring requirements specific to manufactured dwellings to this Subsection, Some of this language was previously contained in 3,3-420 A. 1, Removes c, regarding Recreational Vehicles to its own subsection to match model code layout. ManufacturedlewesDwe:1:1j'ng a.w:lManufactured:dweIIjnC§ 19 be Naced -newn-Or re--------pNacement Or substantiaNN� 1:MP 0 U E ved that are s :p A with flood 92en:nga ply���� qkman4acture444Gmes that-afe plaGed eF-sstan#a4y impfeve4-w*i�n ZeRes-.Al ,4ia"e-elevated e4evated4G-a4ieight-Gf4 foGt-above4he-baseAGGd-e-�aliGr�- i-L On--,y lesc i enu,. WFed-heme paflsubdk Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 24 of 37 ...... .........�. .. . . a�faeWre e.....pa* &UbdhM&W.a ...... .........s. i4Ufa...... LIPOR d,- iii iii :...l::.he..... .gat:e .....ef....the.....l.a. .. NtudNnaN chassis frame beam sk�aNN be at Or abO��e N�ase Flood......E:.le : t.i. . ... ............................................................................................................. . l.anufactured s-dwelN.i. ., s to be placed :( er ..ent.......or p ....... p ..... substantially improved shall.....be..... .anchored.....te...........�ew�:e. .�....fi.ejj.i.e. .. ee.N.N..e....... e....... . . . p..........::..............::.......:........................:...........::...............:........................:.......:..............:....p....:.............................................. but are not.....l..i. ..itech....tea.:...... .use.....of....over:::::the::::.too Or frame ties t0 round anchors Reference ... . ... E.N N "s °°N Manufactured i Nome InstaNNatNon Nood Hazard areas"":::::. uNdeboo for .::::::::::: ed :isfiona::te h Nl::::: . . ``::...... . . ... .........s .,-nufa w a. r k....... t � ° u.... t thi' s. that- i-. ... e.st...: s....a a . eN The4nanufactwed4iome....Gha s p - force e er iie+ b e ... ... ....e- fiiivt N-.NectrNcaN crossover connections shall be a minimum of fin�eNve t12 inches . .�a��:e.....B.e .e..... ..feed......�:.le��:eti.�a. ....... NSE. . Commentary: Creates new Subsection speoltlo to recreational vehicles (RVs) to match model code layout. Language from .3.3-420 B. .3, o, moved and revised to comply with required language from model code. Changes further clarify what is considered temporary siting of an R V and requires that if an R V does not meet temporary siting requirements It must comply with the development standards for manufactured dwellings, Clarifies that Rvs get a Floodplain Development Permit if not temporarily sited. Adds a higher standard for recreational vehicles in Recreational Vehicle larks or Vehicle Storage, e .P.ereti.o.n. I..... .Vehicles.......Recreational vehicles placed on site ..... .re.....reuNred to: 4 .::::....nes-AI-30-,-AH..... � Be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days:.... .W "' R e fully licensed and ready for highway use; p „� „wnl .N. ...p.r..i. g :.ng stem �s attached to the site onN b uick disconnect t o utilities and securit gypp .......................J............................................................................................................................................................................... gypp per,... ::::::::IIY.::::::::::::::........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ----:x............::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: II::::: : ::::: :d:ewe.i. e .:......andhas..... . . ..... .ra............errs.. . .e tl.........ettached.....ec�. ..l:fi.ons; or p.....:..............:::........:........:.......:.......:.............. ....::...............::.......:...............::......::...........::.......:.......:...................:.......:........... iijj., SatWMeet the revleew:....pr rer :g ,r r g ofSection-� �:: : 3.3 X30„ N 3.... �ncN �n to ancor�n ....end oNvat��a ro �romots fear iiv btain a Nood Nain l�eveNo ment Hermit er 0 .� 3.3.42 . Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 25 of 37 f a creaI:io:n:aIVeIiicIeNear ka:n:d/orRecreation:..aI Vehicle S.tore g rr� t orator'Nato .......... a: :::::a reement WitMt fing Ithat—fha Or-----------—----S— a a —���pl :in::::r g a.................e ----------p ........... .................................... co:Mp- in h e :uirements above, and create an:::::emerg. .....!an that [y :p §2acifies how flood:::wa ijng ...,...nd : .... ....::... d :::::::::::::::U amts will be safely Commentary-Adds Subsection with required language from model code. Subsection covers specific development standards for appurtenant structures. Requires certain development standards be met including limiting uses and size, requiring flood-resistant materials and design, elevation or fjord nrrNrfi. tures in floodOr�a riaba ................ -------y— Howinre uirement& ........................................ .................................................................................................. st ......... ::oma-y—:yirements for dev:elo: meat within afl:oodwayfound in SDC ............. structures:wi:thin::::sp a e s .n. ::::.story .,...::::structures less than 600 s yare feet. ed below the Base Flood ............................. fl..212M..20... QQ:l I a ----------—------------- rorn:::: yd: .. arnic andp : d........ :::h:.Y.::d:::r::o:::s:::t:::a:::t::i:::c::::::I:::o::a:::d:::s::,::::::includin� the effects of bio oor�dNtNor� of fha baja ::::: ��� py---y-----�g— flood:.: Lilii hgm.. ii ze h drostatic flood forces on exterior walls :p ar�d i1n!h araguirements for y............ h - s SDC 3.3.430(g= --------------- nstructed to have low ........... :::a:: a Mora toxic rnat-ri,,fl nd r n ment ..... ... ..... ...................................... of Enviro.nM:entalQupHt i i i 11 i omp : y ........... S D Q, 1.14.30( .......................................................... Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 26 of 37 ..._ rurtenant structures sk�aNN be constructed wnrlth electrical mechanical and oItierser::v:icefacilities located and installed soastop.mentwaterfromenterin ......................... :::: conditions of the base flood. ::o:::r::::a:ccm:u::Iat:in::a within the cg--p------------q- Commentar.y,- Makes changes to comp�y with required model code language, Adds Subsection clarif ying conditions under which the City may permit encroachment in the floodway resulting in an increase in base flood elevation, Removes an existing exception which is not compliant with current requirements, W& Floodways. Located within t:h:e::::,afeas--of-speciaI flood hazard a::[:ea::established in ................................: :44-GA-an- d-S- are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions apply: Encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development is prohibited withJnthead:op..!g g d e ----- unless,. ............. ii - .....certification by ap:re.g engineer GF-ar-G-h-k-eG-t is provided demonstrating:W[Ug-1-y ----gJc:::and::::h dr ..uHc::::ana1y e ormed in ga a::p arf actice that the s ------q-p ::::p.mp ........................ . . .....encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels :w:ith:::in:::the::::c::o:m m u ly::::during the occurrence of the base flood discharger; that would result in an increase in base floode............1....e...............v........a. fi. ons ovided that a .......................... .............,::::p................... andflonal etter of::JAM22 R-yj§ioQ§ ..................................... -Q---)-�pfied for and ap p - :::1.h...a. Federal insurancedminlstrator and the re uirements for such revision as estabIisIiedunderVolume 44 of the C'enda�2f Federal -ulatlons------S- ....................................................................................... ..........::MM.... If the requirements of SubseG4GR.S 4 F C..3 1.........3Q.".Q.). ,, G4--abGv-re are satisfied, :I( all new construction.,,and::::,substantial improvements and other prne deve:lont shall ............... comply with all ::o:::t::t::i::::e:::r::::,applicable ,�,,paGi-.a-1flood hazard reduction provisions of .. . ........... ................................ Subdivision and partitioning of land for residential purposes is prohibited if land is located entirely within the floodway. Gown mentar.y,-Adds Subsection with language from model code that is required if a community has any shallow flooding areasM,(designated as AH or O) on they FEMA flood maps, Although Springfield does not currently have any areas designated as such, FEMA is updating the maps covering Springfield and may add AO or AH zones, Inclusion of this language allows the City to have provisions in place should FEMA designate areas of shallow flooding or should the City designate areas as such. Subsection covers specific development standards in areas of shallow flooding for development, including new construction, conversions, substantial improvements and RVs, Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 27 of 37 FIRIMs as AQ zmga ij.h. ..::::.dep------g:nations or as AH zones with Base Flood Elevations,, Or ........ ...............Q .................... ................. .............................. zones the base::::fl:ood:::dep.ba........::::.............[an: re a lea defined channel does not:exi:st:, th of flooding e and --p —p Vh1 :::::ve locl. :::fl:Qw::::rnay e d eyi ent S ............ ..................... .................u.!.ah :::F::o: ..[ bath AQ a nd AH zones,:::::ade s on :::::::::...................................................................................... ................................. slopga:::1 structures. .............................. H Zones must co-ph-A ith the standards in S.I.).Ce 3.3.43 and S .............................................................................................. ......................... ...Q Q ..................................................................................... ............... win , rovisions a I in addition ............................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... to::::th:e::::reg:!Iirements in SDC 3.3.430C and SDC 3. nt of residential structures and manufactured dwellin S within AO zones shall have the lowest ffm t to the .............................. D: :M:Jjldin� at minimum to or above the::::dep h : m e : p Ori the F ood ..........: ..........:..:.......... ..p- §2.g i e ::::: ............. bottom oLlha:JonaRodin al chassis frame beam. .............................. nts of non ....................... residential structures within AQ zQ.n.egi gi.i'lall either: ......................................................................... elevated abov:e:::the::::hig� . ........ ................................ .............................................. ........ ad'p e the de th number --- ............................................................... §2acified on the Flood Insurance Rate IM p ::::: ............. .................................................................................... no dep e ::::s ...... ........................... ... withatte:nd:antutiIily::::p,...red:::::ap,...na ifit. com :itar j :e ::::::be::::: :pe::::::::: i s iay I ............. 1JQQdp..[oofe-d to or above:::th:e:::dep.b::::nwrnb [:::ap ::e:: : ::c::i:::f::i::e:::d::::::::o::::n:::::::t:::h:::e::::::::F::I::::R::::M::::::::o:::r::::::a: h number J ::::::s: oecified so t-pj p- -p ht with walls ............ substanti:a[I ::Jmparmeable to th asp water and with structural ............. :::gf:::msjsti:ng .............. ... . .... --y--------------y---drOdy :::...... ............................ loads and the effects of bu n ................................................................................... :::: :::::::!Z . [f this_methodis used rI:if:id:::::::b ::::a:::re j-jg[ ......................... 3..............3 A 3 Q&(jWDj�0L ................................................... e communih,'c Flood Insurance Rate::jM ( ........... hwn� LhAL5j=::J:Jc: ::nsed an.......d.........::::.r....e.........a.........d........y....::::IQ........r::: :i:.g----y,:::::: n its whes..:::.o.. r - --g ......... Y.:S::1am::: :uick disconne t::. :p e utilities and ...... ..... .................................................................................. ........ cr:iIy::::demices and has no Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 28 of 37 cat fleet the eNew�atNor� reQf SQ( ac ................................................................................................................................................................................ nhorin .. for manufactured:::d welfing—A-3-L .3 3.... ::Q:j�.--- � .............. ......................... Y�a P..P-- a.[da in S c :mp -[y 0 .................................. ................................................................................... structuressba.1.1 QQ1D.pI ............................. ........ ..............................................................................................LAM Ihe::::reg:!Jrements in SQC..... .::. .::.43 ( . Commentary-Adds section with required model code language, Makes clear that a Floodplain Development Permit must be obtained before any development-related activity begins and describes the required elements of a permit application, .............................. !.A.1�....n..::j.....Ilf:; .... 1� p leint !:)erngllt...... ..... s ....... rmit shall be obI@ine ::::befo:::re::::cos1rucI:i:on:::::o:::r:::::devel:op ns wn�—gL--------y----------y §Rgcial flood hazard area estab.fish d in S " ermit shall tae re e F)(.......a..-.3,A2.Q ....................................................................................................�.. structu:res:,:::::incl:ud:in: fined in ..........................................................................................................— ......................... S (.11 13,415 includin fill and othe[ ............................................... --y-j-p on forms furn:isl,ied:::::b ::::t the Mood Administrator and includes::::p 1 wing. ::: ::::::::y.:::::h .... .....jans drawn to scale sl, o :::::::: ..... ....... ::t:::h:::e:::::::n::::a::t::u::::r::e::,::::::I::o:cation ea��- existin or ....................................................................................................................... .................... .................. Qsed structures e location of the ............ fore ired: n to mean g.f the lowest I new and sWo§jpaj---yNrr�rsrow�ed Iruc:Iu re& N accordance with fhe re �Nrerr�er�t of----------3 _Q------fL� 2 I to which an non residential structure will be:::fl:oodp.:mofed. ................. er or architect licensed in the State of 0 non residential structure meet ............. t h e floodp o i residential structure criteria for non ............ ... ...... r will be altered or relocated. ............................................ owls or other :nt when reqtired .... ..F .......a..-.3,A25(Q' I----ar-d S-NSCC------ .. . ............ ....................................................................................... renoyd:on:,:::::or rel'iabilitation of an existin Commentary- Updates Section title to reflect model code layout and adds required model code language, Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 29 of 37 . .3.....44: .................................................. . ....hien. . . . ........................................................................................................................................................................... � - , gee A "N"'he issuance of a variance is for flood. NaNn mane ement ...... .rraoses onl . Flood i::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::::: nsurance remwm rates are determ:ine:d::::::::b:,y federal statute accordin to actuarial risk and wn:i.N...N...... .fat.....kap..... ..ifi. .....a........t . ...... rantin Of a ��ariance Commentary: flakes minor wording changes to align with terminology to be used in the development code updates. N .A A Variance from the provisions of this Section, with respect to the provisions for special flood hazard reduction, .s. wn:iJ:Ji::::be reviewed as a Type 11 ,,c i ;iia :as specified in S. e SNC 5.1-135. Commentary:Adds required model code language covering the conditions wader which the City may grant a variance, ( ) and(3) were covered by 5.5-4.30 E and F, and were moved here and reworded to match model code. �,�OnditiOns for Variance t GeneraNNwa.....w: .ri. . . . ..... .. .. be issued for newna construction and substantial .im rovements to be erected on a lot of One half acre Or less in size conn uous to and p: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r................................................................................. . .rro. .. . . .d lots withexis. .ti.nstructures constructed beNO�n�the base flood eNe��atiOn in conformance wraith the rovisions of lD 'e 3.3. "� 3 and l '� 3.3. 5 ands p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................::::::::::......................................................... Q.k3.3. E . As the lot size increases be Ond One half acre the technical ::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::::::: :::ustificatiOn, :............................................................�ncreases.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... determination that the variance is the ...............................................................................................................................................y.........::.......:..............:.......:.......:........:.......:............:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .r ..i.n.i.r .. .r .....n . : . . yr..... cOnsiderin the flood hazard t0 afford relief. ................................................................................. 3 Variances shall not be issued wn�ithin an floodwnaa if an increase in flood levels :.. .........................................................................................................................................................................................:::............................................................................t d.. .ri.. , the base flood dischar e wnaouNd resin . Cowa mentary:Adds required model code language, 3.3-4.30 B. 1.-3. and 9.40, are covered by required model code language (o), 4.-5, are added to (a) as examples of good and sufficient cause. .....Variances..... . . .A.A.....2.N�.A.y.::: - .:::1: : :�1 a A sk�ownain of cod and sufficient cause b A determination that failure to ...r t...t . ....w .ri. . . ....would.....r . . .lt.....i..n... . . .. tiOnal h. .rd. k: il ::: :::i:a::: :��l N.i ll and c A determination that the rantin of a variance wnaiNN not result in: i increased flood hei hts ii Additional threats to ...... .bi.:i. .... . ft.........,such as otential den .r...th. t... . tri .i. . lt....................................................................................................................................................... ..:::::.....................:.......::.................:::........::...........:................:..........:... ma be swnae t Onto Other lands to the in ur of others otential den er to life and y::::::: :: :::: p: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............................: p................................................................................. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 30 of 37 pmpe. :jue to floodin or erosion d:ama &- inabilay1mmugim ............ . ...... c :::t . .._p_ dy--------------L r::v:ices::::dri: .g flood conditions including,,,,IJ 11glijuji. 10 a n ge a n d ra ........................................................................................2WL!2= ----------------- ............. sediment debris tran the floodwaters and the g f- t Y_ fo:::rce :.,.::::if a pji ab ejNf :p....jj: .... ........ .............. Commentary:Adds required model code language, Allows the City to grant variances for new construction and substantial improvements if certain requirements are met, nstruction and substantial im:Ploye:mants: uct of a funti-nail..........:::::::: ::::::::...........: : deDendent use p e rt i f Q......rQvided that th c i era o S F.Q and the ............. Q.X-L ............:::::........................................................................................... .......... ........ IrucIureoroIherde:v:eIoD::ment::::is::::p.rOte:ciad:::::b methods that minimize fl:ood:::dama y :d:u:I:J::n::: the base flood and create no additional threats t Commentary:Adds required model code language, Requires the City to provide certain disclaimers when a variance is granted and keep records of variances granted, variance is construction below the base flood elevation increases risks to life and p M. a.. :�� S notification and a record of all variance acfi.onsjncI:udjn be maintained in accordance with.......S..F ........ .l.a..4 5 .... ............................................................................................ Commentary: Deletes approval criteria. The criteria below are either removed or covered by (4)(a)-(c) of the above subsection as noted, 4 419�ppfcp� fs and st a n- daf d&­s��� e4'Aw�hqr.e A-Va4a­n- Ge-&h a"e-,gFaAted4f4I4e-pFGpG&ak& AppfGvaI-AuthGRty-tG4neet eaGh--Gf44e fG4GW449 Grgte4a--. -he +Rjwy-Qta r,s-, .2......................................T-hefe4&4io-pGtep4at4apk-jeF4G4ife a.n. 4pfGpe4y, 446ie4G41-99din. dama-ge, 3 TbeF6-4'& RG-s-ky4iGant&u&GepUb4"-e k- be-pFGpesed4aG&y-a­nd4-6,-GenterAs tG 94DGd darnage-and4he-effeGt of that-darnage4m4-the4ridv�duat-Gwner-,-- Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 31 of 37 " e e , O" A6 .�" •• " " " .". e an and Fleodp4ain...... aF . prGgram feFtl a ae p ,,,, were-� x0".... "a fe aGGess.....t .�.... " a' a ...:t „se era , s.... e e Arates-and..:.t. effee fie;ea e...:.t t :ie..sem;....and :. Nfere.... o......s.u.... . pro��'i o�� ��. " ere, ees fq , .•. .... ........iaelu ti " e . .e:' . " ger....... a.....a.a � b-rkkjes.. Commentary: Makes language changes to update the process to be used for recording a variance to ensure It aligns with Lanae County practice and expands requirement for this to be done to include a variance of any kind, I , Reasonable conditions may be established in connection with a Variance if necessary to comply with the purpose and e ertt . .c. .rc. ....of this Section. If.... .p..p.rl s e " .. utrod °. t. au wn.. . t. e e applicant scant� r .. . t...recor a e moi: . ice o ��ariance : �.t ......A:::::: . ..... gra. . .t:.........��. . . .... . .c�......E. . rc. :::.t. �. " Wensw ble r. Gown mentar.y." Deletes language which is covered by the required definition for Substantial Improvement in Section 3,3,415(34)(b), PlaGes-w '' e e preGedures......s.... f4h.'" & Gown mentar.y." Deletes language which is covered by required model code language in Section .3.3.440 (G)( )-(3). dt e• Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 32 of 37 Commentary,- Creates new Section combining 3,3-440 and 3,3-445 and making language edits to comply with required model code language, 3.3 4:4:5 440- Periodic Floodplain Inspectionsand Enforcement o ::J: .q f lRe .................. ................................................................... Commentary,- Updates to clarify departments and roles responsible for floodplain inspection, updates name of required permit, removes language that does not align with City practice, :(&.F ield-sta#fFGFP,4:']'he Development Se and Public Works Departmentsha4-�:A::iJ:JJ::make periodic inspections of floodplain areas beth-within the- omits as t ani the City's L*ban-&epAc�e.s afeaW:G:Bto establish that any activity involving the fill and/or removal of materials within the floodplain is being performed in compliance with an After-a#Gn-Ra�� appr-ovead- ::::::Food ..Iain::::Delo n n :::::: r m:: k a estaff4ipp :: ::: :::: ::: :::::: :i r4d a-R444a+Rage lHafepafe��G444&#Ag-non GGMP1Y, 4'ng--GGRd#i-GR6,t"e delwefad te4he-: -PNFeGto_r. Upon receipt of the-a::::::rer)ort:::Iisting non-complying conditions., the FloodDlain AdministratorFN.r.eGtef s.ha,4-will :::::::::::: ::::::,proceed with enforcement actions including, but not limited to: the issuance of a Stop Work Order; the issuance of a citation; and the commencement of civil legal proceedings. ,3-.34444- ll'::).iir-aiRagG-A4tefa#e*"2e-R.-m. Rena4fies Commentary,,Adds required model code language stating requirement to comply with the requirements of the Floodplain Overlay District and clearly stating the consequences of a violation, to the term", of this '--fion ........................................................................................................................................................................................... and re aired to com p& ............................................q and all other a:p misbns ........................................... ..................... h r cable C o structure or Nand shaNN hereafter ba constructed Nocatad a�tandad...... ��. �t .d, or liance with the terms of this Section andOther:::a pli requ____ n a gu ( ��:::yiolafionof conditions a d::::s fe: uards established in connection with conditions shall constitute a civil infraction su. raNNcabNa r�roca turas and N...........o........t...t....)......i....n........ .contained hg[gjo §t) Other lawful .... . action as is necessar ::::t ::p.ment or remed ::::any c d e (`iLM::::fmm:::::us:h ,...::yio:a ion,::::::nor:p. ..................................................................................... I t g:::1 ................................................................................... .............. .......... ............. ... ...................... ...: .................. an other remedies available Commentary,- Updates language to comply with required model code language and relevant enforcement procedures within the City- Updates name of permit required to reflect that the Floodplain Development Permit is the permit required in the floodplain, Gity, kFR#&- ------L-y--, 44.E...enforcement of the provisions of this Section is through GGMWteRGe4'44e+# theD. .....�i a b e::::p ::: P [ocedures for abatement and ............: : R :v::I::::i:::n:::f::r::actions:::::::a :::::p in the Springfield MunicipaIG-e-w-Ft ode.......V+& e 5. __ Cle........................... ..... ................................. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 33 of 37 � ee AIt� Nie he...: o wr p er:. ..... *�y..... . . -o prN s of a4 sft e - e pa e- 2.- .:it .i.. .....t :e:::.U..G ..B......NncNudNn .....wn:.it .i.. ......C.it.........l.i.. .ia . I�:. nforcement of the provisions of this .. : .........:::..............:...........:................:........:...................................::................................................................ .............................:...........:..........................1..................:::..............:.... Section may also be through commencement of legal proceedings in Lane County Circuit Court. Upon determination that a violation has occurred, the court may: „�a -. Require the person responsible and/or the property owner to cease the violation of the provisions of this Section and bring the property into conformance with this Section; „.b - Require the person responsible and/or the property owner to take action to return the property to its original condition action before any work initiated without a q.q:: :::p: NNDN:::::eve:qp NN:::::::::: Permit; „c - If the person responsible and/or the property owner does not return the property to its original condition within the prescribed time period, authorize the City to take whatever action is necessary to return the property to its original condition prior to the initiation of any work without a N a Rdr e Alt� or „I�a . NaN N ,N:o:,p , :::::Permit, or otherwise bring the property into conformance with the provisions of this Section; ..(d:)r Authorize the City to charge the costs for restoring the property to its original condition or for bringing the property into conformance with the provisions of this Section either against the property itself, the person responsible, or the property owner; and/or „e -Order the person responsible and/or the property owner to pay to the City its attorney fees and costs incurred in pursuing its civil legal remedies. Commentary,- Delete language that is not applicable to enforcement of a Floodplain Development Permit, Existing code does not clearly explain the difference between a Floodplain Development Permit (which is required by the Development Code) and Laud Drainage and Alteration Permit(which is required by the Municipal Code). Updated language in this Section .3.3.445 focuses on enforcement provisions for the Floodplain Development Permit which is within the City's jurisdiction to enforce, even outside of city limits, alaateme � . s........ t e 5.... � . pa4 Code-, - .. ..... . to 's- u.f.... �� prt , e6 Lffban. ....se AG'96....Fe n: ,,... e ...f.....Gf t.... .... . .y..... so......., e . e ....s r aG......proe e e p a 4-. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 34 of 37 .... .e....... e....a.... r. e . pf-GWty-to4t&-or� . �...... e '" � � r.t ..... ee��.....w� � :ie.... epi " . e � , e „...-e 4h, sae a ' e as .... ,' t... �::: � e .}. e. �..a..... w-Qt e..... +.... prepeFty e....... �a.... 4;....AuthGf4e...: e Ge.....Gha-Fge4N e.r.....Fe&tG4ng t. e per...: ".... na[. a....:. ..a.... a. ....: . e.....pef•S �p e....... e e- ,.q.. �, .a.ey Commentary-- l•hls Subsection was deleted from .3.3-420 Development Standards B. 4- The model code does not have any re ulrements specific to foundations as that is covered by Section . (B)(3)(d) and the Building Gude. + e......a. �........ ... ," �a.......i fnaPmfaGtufe4.....:; 4e .... e• nra e .. a '" pe . . .. e. ......:::: .4 ted " GGnstFucAkxT,--s,ubstai;4a] a. ee :.. • ........... f enter a,, .....sized the-4-se GP44ghef4a]ue&afe--&ubm4#ed-, gfade.... .......engineer-ed.......q. .......e-case4e&s-dian4he-kG�ct4�n"epth�, and sp " 3. s....:t "... .H.....v •, wy.....reasonably era e . Commentary- This section was removed from the Floodplain Overlay District Section, SDC 5,1- 110 B. corers emergency situations within the Glty. ee . e e. -a ... ...w . . Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 35 of 37 �u e e t e ee i` tai e. Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 36 of 37 Legislative Version of Amendments to the Springfield Development Code Section 6.1-110 Meaning of Specific Words and Terms to Remove Language Specific to Section 3.3.400 Floodplain Overlay District AMENDMENTS The amendments to the section are shown in legislative format (deleted text with strike-thru red font). Only definitions that are changed or deleted are shown below. Commentary is show in purple italics font. Commentary is provided for explanatory purposes and is not adopted as code. Cows mentar.y: .The changes to the definitions in this chapter remove any of the speoltlo language related to the floodplain, 'l'hey also remove words that are only used in the Floodplain Overlay District Section, '7'he required definitions for the Floodplain Overlay District are contained in the proposed amendments to Section .3.3-41 as shown above, Building. Any structure used or intended for sheltering any use or occupancy. e R &Y.:. ., a.nd.... r era -to ', t.r.... ed.....o. ... .,, 6t aGr .......s.pes.4J.e. a ..... , Building Official. The person responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Building Safety Code& epi. sem} - .. �. . :. :.... .. �. .....:the4ntefpfetafien ef.... e 3,.3p .i::: strict. Development. Any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, a change in use; construction, installation or change of a structure; subdivision and partition; establishment or termination of a right of access; storage of materials, equipment or vehicles on the land; drilling and site alteration due to land surface mining, filling, grading, dredging, paving, excavation or clearing of trees and vegetation. Agricultural uses (including agricultural structures), when otherwise permitted by the base zoning district, are exempt from this definition..........;.,; ei . . As_ d4 Qverl :i. c ....e....c .... . ped.....Gr i.....estate4t Ar. . fH.J.F p a As used in Section 3.4-280C., any activity within the Glenwood Riverfront portion of the Willamette Gr .r;i n y Overlay District that would alter the elevation of the land; remove or destroy plant life; cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed; or result in a measurable change of any kind. Ffem t tew:... ...:ia.... ... slers.....a . e a pi a.... :.. _ ... u. .,,.s ... .a. . Ordinance No.6434 Exhibit B, Page 37 of 37 o.r.....ex y to.....a.... d ... a . ::)es ate ,,,, A o Poed4nsuranGe Study-.4449 Gff4G4.....r pro.. . t ,uf et.::.....a_... oar r. s th e a. is,.....u. ,.. a � ., 4ern'49dte-; and,......�� ,,,,. ,,,, argr .... kip` r...wc cel... reap r..... ... a. .a..... u.....a. ..... • . ,,,, --h II s,A 9GGr....of the4ewest....enctGsed....aFe u. p... -basenqen ur4nished a.n. afeae thew sur uiN i4 t rW Structure. Anything constructed or built, any edifice or building or any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. A ° ,...... ao stGra,ge. Ordinance No.6434