HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-15?.ceei '3 Date PLtnbina 22s itorth st;t streeaE?LrcA?rcl/PERI'E!Sgr-nifieli, 1regon 9?12? BuiLCng ?iuision 726-37 53 .. RES ID E NT IA 1..SPFtINGFIELD Job bcacicn: Aacesoors ltao I tca i-ot il Subdiisicn: C-:rar.: AC/-ess:Pl;ane: 747 ? Deacr.be l,ork:.ry/-J ^/ Value 7 ^*rn"n Dcta of Applia:icn. Generu.L CotutrtcCcn Leader 5i?5 .rriP56:;r.r.. acacticn, but To be afaetp,:icr ,-c aea u? of Iou! Citl'Desigrata4, Jab Nunbet fs:k1 biB 7 wpiPSLA3 ?:1,:Anc. iL1q9IC,1r. t:ocis:!rcs@y .rrrt is :oocyed. O?!iC , ?0U]!D,1TrCtt: ?o be zaCeai:et a"enci,es cre e=ca;ated crd. fcrtts. cre erected, but pr;o? Apurtrg ccncre;a. ] '!!:.i"cicn:o=p:wz::!q, s;,:.p, t.r:.=i. [.-|'- I DPA:)|AC|: io be r.u.e pr|cr =o ..ii- | Lir4 zrerci,:ea. UIIDEPIICCR !'?-U:B r:C " .'1!C7AJ ICA ! ::o 9e izat ?,'1cr a insczli.zt--on of fkor tnsuktiot or deckirg. 57 Ail.o 3*:.1: To be ruie prJcr witstalk=',cn of 11oor iwub:iat cr @cR'.rq. 7 .t{i.?a';3!:;c. ?!279!c:t 1 :.tzc?-AiliilL: :lo )o:i- ..a :o bc eotete{w:ztl thcsa i*cec:iczs i,:ue beer.neie t-C ert)ie!.Fi??lAi!: H,or -a Vkir1 lcc.lngnccencla ard, beJ'ore irairq inepei-?iot. ?P-4lIilC:, i+tBa be rec'tested ai)tr app_rcu;! of rcugh pltrair4, electrl-a,L I neci,ankal. 'il!. rcbfi"1 braalrq t chiwpgs, etc. r.tac- beanoZeted. .'.b .;rort is to be ccal . ceclad, uncal ;his iwcecicn iza'beqt noCe atd, cppmve'd., required uaor berJe?s @e in plaee bat beJbre ag lath, Wps.t1 baad orrnLL ouertng is qglied, ad. befcre ozy in*la.tion is concealed. To be naie a DPY,|ALL IIISP9CICII: Tc be mad.eaiter aLL Ctl,.mLL is in pla.ce,but priot to ctry taVitq. W.SA!I?!: Steel Location, bord. beats, grcutin4 ot ttereiccls -in ctceo"do@e vtah U.B.C. Secti,on 2415. DE1,:OL|TIO!! OR Soti'-a1 sa:et cqryteC =t Fopere Li-e- Sc7tic tank VtneC c.d inlleC wth grz;e. Pincl - ilhea cbcue iians are cc:.aleteric.ri uien Cer.rl)tior. is co.tpZete or'. si:."-tute aouol, ai pre::rises cleazed up. tlcftes tsLock;.ng otd, Set-'tp PlunbinX cowtecti.czts - tta/te? od, txtat Eteccricc! Ccttneex.lon - Blockitq, aet-u:atd pi.:rnbing canecx-ions nr;st ie qprcr:)i before reque e=ing electrical ir.s r-cc=io- Accessorg tsuiliittg ?inal - Aftcr etc. @e cio a3?ar.e3 slirting, d,eci,.s, l'ct ns. ?T;:Ai ?!A:$I::G ?T:IAL :!!:AilrcAL ?!:IAL !3?91::L ?ooDS?0,/t: ertoM.After instalZation ie CUFS I IPPSCACE !.PPf[: Afte| foxnsa." ";;Affi'a pcunrrg cone?ete. SIDIYALK A DRfTnA!: lor aLL cot- caete Pa)ir1g ttthtn atreet rtghf-of-r.cy, io be nade altet aL! ezca- vating earolele I i'om uoz,k & sub-ixse ntter-al in .olaee. !8flC9: lhea conpZete -- *oviCe gates o? novable sectians th.roughDtt? ALL prc.iect ccrii:.Jcns, ;uch cs zhe -..nszallctiln of s--reet trees, 2c-lctjct of :hs ?eq..iPed lctascesir4, !tc., ntst ce sac':siied befcre cie 3AiL}I:iC illiAL:an ie reqaested,. :r:lAL auiJr:tc: *.e ?inal 9uild,!r4 lnsgection 16t be requecte:i :::et ;he ?inal ?lu:,:bingileccriccl, ora .Vec;@.n-:c:L ir:sceczicns }goe been ncce erri'ccctouaj. a4 'Aii.:.!A:iEC:jS At{D CLtAti)trs:!us? 38.4C3353:ZL?,.{iji,st..g.7t :o 3s:.:AD' !.: ::O ::5! ?2 cry ?=7a ! oJ' 2 !: it !h. reaponaibi-lity of -the pend2 holdel _b aee that aL! inspectiona Gpe nad,e at the po?e, t;Jfl6, t!,:zt 34sft -itl>sss is rea;n'^'i.Y.-t|y ttreet, cnl tl,at the o*trt; eal ia iaca2ed ct the frotti of *.a ?Topert!.'3uiui:4 r)vicio.-- ct=toted ptbt s;rLL retu,--n i"-tna a";if,i"?'s;i" ot alt t.;nes. W:CALL726.3769(:ecorcel)state!au,CityJesigz.lted,jobtw,ber,jobn)i-ess,tg7eofinspec)icn:fr""r:L-T:-!:":'lo-" viLL be ieatiy for ir-spcction, condaccc?s ci a,ne:s-r.a,e |zrl. pirane mtnbct.' biqui"-u reZe;iie<i tLfcte'irii *'"|'LL be nc'ae the sore i.c7, reqlteaas ncie cfta ?:90 at vtLL be ruie the nat..nrkini-d,.qi. tl r u tr iJcb Nunbe!:405 y7 Referer.ee )lumbers: Zcne: % of Lct Cooetage_ # of StorLes lotal Height 1'opog'ta'phy ITEI,I )lain Euildi.ng PemrLt State Iotal Clnrges I,lctet, Plunbing Pettrit State ?ota?, I IEI,I Setoice Stcte TotaL ,c Gtot^ LCT TYPE fntet ict, Cor.ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac /Cotst:Bedroons: Lot Faces - Electricol Permit Where State Lau requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Electrieal Contrvetor, the electrLeal portion of this perrnit ehall not be oaliC until the Label las been signed by the Electrical Contracto". Plant Eeatrnner * f HAW CAREPULLY EYA!,IINED t?w cornpleted application for petwit, and do het,eby certi.fy that aLL inforrnation het'eon is true and. coru'ect, and f further eerti.fg that any ard aLL uotk perforned slnll be dote in aceor- dance tith the }rdinanees of tlte citg of sprLngfield, attd the [ans of the State of 1regcn pettaining to the oov'k Cescribcd henein, and that N0 OccU- PANCy ttitl be tade of any Bttucture tvLtltout permission of the Building Di- ui,sion. f further cettifg that otly contracto?s ard etrplcyees uho ote in cot'pliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect Va Ihis pertnt is granted on the eEp?e's cottdi.tion tlnt the said constmtetion shall', in aLL rbspects, conform to the 7rditwnce adopted lU tne City 2fSpyiigfield, ine1-;d'ing'the Zoning CYdinanee, tegzlating the ccnstmtcticn ,ira *. of -buildings,- utd may be suspend'ed or retsokeC at cnA ti'me upon oic- Tatton of anA pt'c,tisions of said Ot'dir,ances- Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permi No per.son slnll consttuet, i-nstal!, altet or change -any nat -c? ezisting ptlhttpg or drainage sgstan in uhole or in patt' unless euch pet'son is the iegaL p-ossesson of o tt:alid plwnbet's license, eteept that a Pe"son na! q- ptinnalig uork to properfu uhieh is ooned, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. * E-,,t-FL/ DT House Can aqe Aceess lleat Soifi'ces Not,th Range Eost l. L?eD LACe South West Sq. FTG x Ceaae Accesso"u TOTAL VALUE NO ILLI?ELI S.D.C. 1. S x PLan Check Fee: I Date Paid: I Reeeipt#: Ab377-zE CHAPGE /.7 Signed: Fiztu?es Residential (1 bath) Sazzitazg Sa,tet 10.+.ta NO.FEE ilas/Ectend. Ciy,caits 6(} €a €o tllC.FEE t-i;AtlLL E*hanst HooC Vent Fst llcodstotse aa {o Mechq nicol Permit Permit fssucnce Meclnnicel Per,nrit -. ENCRAACH}4EN? -- t Permit Cutbeu! sideutalk L s Mobile Hcne 70TAL AM)UltT DUE:*g{.9 'L/ TataL Signed ,| Date ilot Sq. Ptg.