HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-08-31.. RESIDENTIAL.. A??LISATICY/PIRILIT 225 ilorth 1th Streex Scr.ngf:-eli, Ctegon 97177 tsuildrng )iuision 726-37 53 SPFlIhlGFtEl.D ?.cce'itt t fute: Jt Cetzeral i.leciwr;iccl -> Cone3p,clicn_!ende!_ Job bca;icn:7 Aasesaore ilq ll tcs Lot # Stbdi:tisicn c d-- C;ner:/(r- Ad&ess:d+Ptone:7/4-77 -T0 Desczzbe h'ork: B(o[Sqp ; -b^J 70 x 4Z Dcte of AppL x-oh S:'un6w-B ACCiticn RenoCaL Ad<iresaConzt.caots Sanitarg seser eq2ed et Fo.oere Li-e Septie tork V"r.peC cd fiLLeC uith gz,a:;ei Pinal - i{hen cbcte ilens ate ccnpleced, cti uhen Cencltiion is car,plete o? st:-rc-tute aouo-C oi pre::n,see eleaned u2. ilcnes llocktng old 1et-tp Plunbing conneczicns -- Baier' otC udtat Electri.cal Ccmnaction , Blockir4, sei-u, an4 oltnbing cctmeetions tast 'ce c22rc;;ad be for e z.eque st'Jng e'l-ec:r)cal inso e c = to:: Aceessory Bui!.ling :crehes, skirtilg, deci,-s,FinaL - Aftcr etc. @e caro -r:je I o,i g !! ia 2he resgortcibi-Lit! orr.tto per*i" isl.C.er to see tho.t aLL inspectionl @e nad.e at 2he proper line, thct acch a.ddress is ren;.:'>eiy.-tlf stree.t,. ctd thct the-penmt c_al, ia i,oeated at the fzr,ti of ttte ?rcpe"tA.'?uiuiq v);ti:io- cpircv'ed pbt sTzli rer,a-Jn on ti"a Euniciing si* Zt tLL' tines.' ?!0C9OAP9. ?aR. f!1PlelCil,1-1--2.|EST;CALL726-3769 (yecorCer) state !ou? City l.esigrtted job nrber, job aC&ess, type of insoecli1tre.q-uested *i u:zenyou iLL be reaiy jb-r ir3p6s7.:.on, Cantvdcxcr" ci A.ne:s'rrare -,:rrt phole nubet.' t"q"ii"" recei:;Ld. bL;cre'?:00 c:t'-ILL be tade the sane da7, reqaests-ncrie cfte;. ?:00 ott viLL be naCe the ne=! i"i;rq'aoA,W# r3/S33 3i!9 !15?!C:!C:t: To be tr'ie cilar eccatat;,on, but, prict tc set u? of 1'crtns. qu)i.?slA3 ?:L'!E::|C, ZLZTPIC,i! t i.ECM.lliCAL: 7o be rarie beiore ang r.ratk i-s eor.tcteC. FOA?!:iG 1 !0U:\D,1TICI: ?o be :;a./e ffiG;Z*auated. arti fcrns cte erecxed, but crior topourirq ccnctet€. ,-l y.:DF6?ct.;::D ?au:,t3i.l3. -c;r:-q. ".1!9-?.', I DP,A!JAC!: lo be mne Vr-or ;o ;iL-Lir4 2renci,ce. 71 q,ozly:ccR ?Ltt:Bnc I :llceAtrc;i:t t lo be nace pricr to tnstal|a,tion ol floor insuia.tioa or decking. la msr AilD 3EA:t: ?o be raie orlcr co, I iffiffici i'ioor i>.sui.a,=ion cr decking. lCtlCE ?!?B!:;C, :IZIP:C:: ) .,!7C7-A;|I:).L: ;lo 'sot). id :o ce ccve?ec un:zL ;hesa ir.scecticzs 'e;le leer. _ twie .td, -ctc:sei.!t| | FiiZ?!.ACi: bhr '.o 7k*r4 jccing| | ncieials and bejore irminq inepec-tioz' : . ,( ?PA-t,!!:lC: iAB. be rec:tected zflentV I a??rcual cf ncugh plur,bir4, elee;rJ- caL 1 neciunical. ALI rcoiir4 brae-rq I chi:tmcgs, etc. trlsc beanaleted. llo .xr< is to be :ou - cecLed uncil ihis insceciicn i"s.a'been r,ad.e anC aVprtu-ed. FTiNi P!U:,:81::G ?I:IAL :E'A:II;AL .':LiAL zi:i-;J-;u Iour Citg'Desigrated Jab Nwtb* Is: rilSUL)llOlI /IIAFCP BARRI'?. ilIS?IC?IOII : ?o be naCe after aLL insukticn ei required tqor bm-Je?s @e in place bat beJbre ary lath, Wpsr/tn baarC or tnLL coueting is qplied, od. beforeotg ir,sulation is concealed. Q?YiALL i}lSPlfiClt: Tc be t-ade aiter aLL ir1,;all is in pla,ce, bat prior to ang tapinq. i,AS0!lP!: Steel Locatzott, bond beons, awtling or terticale in accordoce vLth A.ts.C. gection 2415. vO0DS?c,/!: a,toLete<i. Aftet irctallation ia CUPB 1 A?PRCACP- :??lN: Aftet fornsa.; etecE-frtfrA to pcar-"g cone?ete. SIDEYALZ " 9RIiTnA'!: For aLL coa- crete p@ffi st?eet right- of-ucy, io be na1e after a'!-'1. ecca- uatit':a s6rolete t lom t:ork 3 cub- inse r,a'"eial in plate. !!NCE: 'Jhen compZate -- ?roui.C.e ?atel or nooable sections thnough DilA ALL ?rc;ect eor.ii;ions, suc.l cs che'.nszcilcticn cJ's.reet =rzes, :c-!c;'Jcn cl ='nereqaireci iarasccpirq, etc., rast be sax'Jsiied beiote ,-he SuiLDIitC !!)!AL :cn !e :':qres;c.C. ?::lAL tslIiDItC: The iinal SuiAlr4. Insoectlon -tst be teouected. :j'.er che !')r-ti ?lu-i;rq Sleccrical, orC llecharic,:L ir:soecticns 'tatte been nccie arui' =pprouei. fI 'Aiz :.tA:titcljs AitD cLrAvculs :!us! eE lccissrlL?, .{;Ji'si..j:.i,r :o sg :,-l:i .'.? ::o .':sr 9 ci:y T l T rr rr t-l V ,,orrr" ron" )-aa 9 Stet)3ectcoes Lot Fa.ces - :3.r-^id 2f t^,,--S.ccess*?an Ecs;qc) Se;tit -.rr\tnlnil it! :!?! _ Intericr _ Corzer _ Panhcd.Le _ CUl-<ie-sac : -t lit Sq. F'i. / .cf Lct Ca.terage il of Sturtes iotcl leight lo_oogrqhy fl\sls\'(s\s} Qtaca Aqo \b@ t\$e tceessc!! - r\\so \ Rto.ob 44d." ,t.?tta-v:.1t fALiL \.bsn.- s.D,c. t.5: n n-.^ D-:5. Htl\ f?"v NO. -Prbures Resi<izrttial (1 bath) Scnitaz.g Seuet 'ictev Ci:iiCi:i0 Pes. So. Jtc Neu/Eztend, Ciraits lawcroy Sen;ice cf@ces iIf:/,.:C E\trrza2 37ry t g bhatat HooC Veat lan Tcodstc;se -- a;tcP0Acii!t:!7 -- !egt-:t-" Decosit Cutbe,t.- S:-j,euaLl - JOB NO.5b9 soLAR..ccEss REe.-L-COG+ o Building Vqlue & Permir ?his--_oerd,t -is aranted on the er?"ess eondition tlat the sai-d. eonstntclionshall, ln zll tescects, 7onicry to the Ctdinaxce edocte,i. by the City oispt-)ng fiel"'t, -.ncliding lhe zonrng c'rdir.czie, ""g"iit;:"g- tie "iisi.r"tl"nctd..use of builiitqe , ozd n:v be susoen<ied br rleuckei Lt "r,1 tine u?ct: uic_lation of ,zty gncuistons of iaiC OyCir.ances, EuiT.ding Perrit ?otcl Changes Plunkng Pert::it St gted Plumbing Permit Ilo- perecn sita_ll ccnsauct, instal!, a'!-ter or ehattqe cna lcu cr ezistingqlwnqing or cirainage sA2i? in a'tol,e ot in part, iort"s-s auch person is theLe_gal.possessor oi a ualid plunber,s Licensb, e,ee?t th"at a pLrson,*y do-plurbing uork to p"ope"t! ultzch ts owzed, Ledsed ot ogerated bg the ippli-cdtt. Electricql Permit were state Lan re-q'uiz,es tl",at the eleetr.Lcal uork be dcne bg an gleetr.ieal contructor, the electrtcal portion of thia peznit sha.Ll rot- be ualil, untilthe Label has beea signed by the Electr.ical'Contractor, Do\e'. O\-.e\eq.)sLico"O. FO\Nt^ Ys '*\q,s\ed. PeI\ccl"\O\ RNc\ \NcnNe.c.\oQ iA Mechqnicql Permrt !otaL ait | ).? Pe*,rit rssu.ance !4echanic:L ?et*Jt lobile ilone I EAW C,l,lEiULLy ?X+W:|ED tle eoragleted qoolication for cemtit, oui doherebg cert:-fg tlat aLL irfotnatibn hereoi'is iie ":i "Z""ri", "*e, t fotther -eeltiia that ,rty crc aLL aork perfomted stwtr be done i* accor-dance :,rtth the Ordi,nznces of de City of Sprtngfield, anl. the Lc.;s b7 tze* state of cregcn pertaintno to the woik cescztl-ed herZin, ctd. :i.z.v :ro icct,r-P!'!lc'l 'ntLL be tade of cna st?uctu?2 uithctt petnissiol )y lr" 3uiiding Di-tision. r further certiir- ths.t olzlg contraetors a-.i, 4lcyees ,;l"o az.Z incolpl:-ance Dath CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on this project t :?TAL A}.lAtJ:ry JUg:.lL\1b \= BuBs -Trrr I -/ o\\.t)\\agr IAtsI fnl:f. (nooos Slalo Stotzze :4c.:ntencrze It is 2he responsibilitg of tla permit hold* b see that aL! inaoecCons dre nade at )he proper tbne, that azch cdbese is v2a;nil2 J'toit r.iB street, and tilct the perwit cal is Lccated at the fzrat of tle prooertu. '2ui!,i,iry Vluisiovt cp=rw-ed ptin sicll renain on the Euiltinng Sitc'at aLL' tunes.' ?!?ociDUPg ?0R ltlsPinrcil R9?\ES?.'CALL726-3769 (recorCet) state aoun Citu ,!,esiqTrted ,iob ntm.ber, job aCiress, type of inspec='tcn @eed,yforinspe'ction,conttdctarsoia^".".,.,,e.e.cpt.o7ettir,,tbcr.-P.equests,eLeiicZdbefcre.7:cCan'viLL be rade the sane &y, "equests nade aft* ?:00 at v[l,L be rmie the nest *rking dc-g, Consrrrcti4_lgdC!_ cidc ?!rc:r^-r.^, s;A;;i-a4'but lo be na.ae prion tc set ..RESIDENTIAL.. z2s,orth stlt streeAPPLicA? r,N /PEF'I/L,, Sprlngfield, 2regan 97477 Building Diuiston 726-37 53 SPFtIHGFIEI.D Your Ctty Desigra,ted iob ltunber fs:€3/-t3 ? iilsaLtr:aN/ttAp1p eA.RRrzR rys?lc!rcil :lo be tnaCe after aLL insulaticn ed. required tqor baz4e?s de in ola.ce bat before ory Lath, Wpsun bcarC cr uaLL coueying is cpplied, crd beforo- @z'y li.,sulA'uion is concealed. DRI\|A.LL illSPldf?)l: Tc be naCe after aLL ct-4"a!,L is in pkce, but prior to a1V '"a?Lng. l{ASC!li?!: Steel Location, bon<i beans, grouling or ve?ticcls in accordoee ,,nth U,ts.C, Section 241 S. ffi. Aftar installatr.on oJe CAPB & A!P1CAC1! .A?P.ON:Ai'tet fornsee erecteC but pr.or to pa"r.Jnq co?1crete. SIDgil-Li(. d DRf\WAI: ?or all ean-*e;@-ffim st?eet rtght- of'-t&!t to be ncde aftet aL! etca- tating canoLeie d forn ,,;ork & sub- base tr,cterial in plaee. a1'tar uP of E ts I I Irr forms LI|ID,?SL;3 ?!U!,8:IC, 1LZC:1[':I' 1 i,ECi!!-iliCiL: lo be r,arie be;'ote any Dork is ecueted.. PCO!flC 1 FAA;DAT;CN: lo be raCe ;t= er tt "t tc;;;-;-,caated and forns ate erectei, but prior io pourirq canc"eta. u!!DiRc?0u:!9 ?ii,a.!9I:ic, s7'Ep, T .4T!R. 084!lj4gi: Io be na.te pr-ar co i'il-Tl{dirchee . ililaP9?l nn) Dl ll.@ 7ta 2 t,,?f,J t ,rTf I f , @oifloor ,)naul,cxian or Ceeking. ST AilD 3EA!,!: lo be rcCe prioz, +.o GltaTffi{of fZoor irsulition or deckittg. RA|C:] ?!Ll:g!:!C. ?aZC:P!C.1a I :.!!C,1- GIT-;h.ese lnsceeiioz:s h;ue beer rnie srd. ryprct'e!.. F!?.!PLACZ: -Pm,or lo -olccrrq fcingncxer4ais ard befote frartr4 inapee-tiot. W!!C: lhtst be reaesteC afierqgroval of raigh plw:"bing, electri- cal E neci,aniea!. AL!, tooi-)rq brcctng ! ehinneys, etc. a.rasc be . conplered. ilo xcrk is to be con- . cecled until lhis inscecicn has 'beett node cti aporc'^eC. II|IAL PLU:,!BI:iG FIJAL :AC;IA:IICAL ?I:IAL E'iC:?IC:i !!IfC|: |lhen conpla'Ee -- Prcuiie gates or arcuable sections tht'ough b. u. e. ALL projeci eor.iiifons, suci cs the "l.nstallac'-an cf street r?ees, :c==!ec'Jon c;' ;he requined laniscqir4, ctc. , rust be satisfied. before ,he SU|LDI:iG F!}IAL :cn be regesteC. lItlAL tsUILDi:tG: fi..e Eincl Euild,in4 b.scecticn nust be requested li:er the iir.al Pltnbir.g !7.eccrical, a1z .tleeha,r.acci ins>ect'-cns h,aue been nade ad a=ercuzd. /7AJob Loeaticn: -o Ycz tnt # d? 641aAssesso"e )!a? I ? Subdit'Jszca: LL*,>ter: a- 4 t// 1qa A&bess: L Plane: 1 Ll Descibe llotk: Vaiue /75b. o5 - ilqt Dare of 4o *tcr4 (-?.\r ( L *" t RanoCel 6rl Date /G.z 7-2o- / q-"o 'ia P<. 87.+?2, !,!eclcniccL DT;-!OLI?rcT OR :.:CW) SUILD:::CS Scni2ar,1 se.ser cap?ed.t prcp.lrli LiTte Septic totk pzVeC atd f'lLLeC ,,tith gra:ei. linal - l,4zen abcue ite::s aze ccnoiecei and uhen ietcl'Jtiot: is ccn=Le:e'cz, stt-;:- hse noxeC od, aretises eleaned. uc. tlobiLe tsLocking od Set-ttg PLwbinX conneciicns -- sanev ol, ua;er Eiectrical Ccmnectlot - BlcckinS, set-r, and pltotbing conrections r;st be aptcued bey'or e request'Jng e! eclrical ins;ec liot: Aecessct.g Suiliirg :crckes, skirting, de,cl-a,Firol - .tfter ^+- ?z:a 7 or' 2'ALL i4Ailric!,zs AilD cLSAilcu?s itu€T Be.lccts,:7i', .4DJ1S|:S::!:0 3E:'"408 !-l lto:3s7:c ci:v d 4 tr r T ,--- 9 JOB NO. Plunh.ng Permt Pern[t fssu.zwe l,leciunieal ?errat eL !'lobila ilcne OLAR T.CCESS REQ.- Ccatidvc! LC? :'.!?' fntertJor Coroet Paniuntile Ctl-ie-sac L-COG* Seitcons: Sourees 2 ?eo Lcee Reeeipt 4: Stgred: Plumbing Permit I'lo pereon shall casttact, instal!, altet ot cltztqe c.r7y veu cr ecisting plunbing or drainage sgstan in alole or in part, unless such person is tr.e Legal possessor of a ualid plwnberts License, e.ce?t tha,t a pe:son nay doplwbing xork to propettl alyich is otmcd, Leased or operated bg the dppli.-ent. Mechqnicql Permit -v_3ars-} uat2 I HAW CAREFULLY 1XAYfilED the eonpleted coplr,cation fot permit, ad. da hereby ce"tLfA tlnt aLL infotnalian hereon ls tnte arL cortect, anl, I fur+-ker cetli1i that ang crd aLL xork perJ'orned slnll be dote il aceot- dance vLth the 1rdinsrces of the City cf Springiield, and. ihe Lc;s of the State of Cregcn pertaining to the uork CescribcC herein, sd. :lur YO 1CCl- P/.!|CI tttll be na.ie of c.ny atructw,e uithout germisaiot of the Suilding 9i-uision. f futlher ,:ertifg titst ottly ccnt?cctcr.s a..d. nplcyees uia arz in cozpliatzce urth CRS 707.055 uiLL be useci cn this ptojeot ;.eeess.icuse Lot !a..es - fn=1,?'/alue i.bin a:s^:cz Sr.*O Ds1 L./ n4 I n),4r4.€ 4.d T0r.1L 7A.:L',!fi$ia.-a S.D.C. 1.5 s Fee:o.sz /cl.# CEAP,CE Building Vtllue & Permit lhis penr-t ic granted on the e.p"esa cond.ition ttat the sai.d-conatmc-.ionslall, in aiL resoects, confcrn to the Crdinotce adoated by the Ci:y cfSpirqfieid, znclding lhe Soning Ct&Jncree, reaulctino th.e ccnsttttct')cn and use oi bur.L,7ings, cnd mty be ;uegeruieC or reockei at ey t'Jae u2ctz u't)c- Lat:.cn of .ny prcttisions of saii Crdirances. Zuilding ?er -t lolal Claxoee State Resi<izrttial ( 1 bcth) Sa,it:r'g Seuer Electricol Permit Were Stcte Lan tequines that the electrtcal uork be done by an lleetrical Conttaetor, the electrical potlion of this permit slall r.ot be ualil. untilthe label hds been signed bg the ET,ectz"ical Cont?dclor. IS.1/ L Pe*tit Neu/Eztetd, Circuits Semtice Stcte !?!:4 fuir-zee ??U'S *ha;st ilooC Vent ?ct ',lcodsto:e -- i:tcPCACi:.:!:,t: -- Sec"tr,)tu Decceir. Stortge itainterc:nce SiCa,nlk :CTA, ;:.:OU:IT DUE:'/8-re Oate lat Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Couetala_ ! of Stor.es !ota!, Iei-cht ?c9ogryhg c9 L ,rbo'X-{l L" fb"o 6- o l-+ sJ tor ()T',L '.T15 iu( --5 N r-C \n l:L t ------9.-.gO t-IS -r x Fa-cl*- P-i t l'6r,or-- El^.rL A l,-J Y;x\o CD l&(L r)I ).---e) -.--P-e E S i-b-I,--: g rp l'-x* - i ) P -a) 5 ---=-----'-- HOUS+ulot $ v? :-t-- G,. APPRCVED PLAI{S T.4'JST BE B SITE CT tiii r*{ r"i t tt C I Vt; iT!-iii\ r 80 Dii'i$-CR F0i? A Pi:;:ilOD-CF 3€--.8 'i'S- Vi'll-L il\VA 0rJ R_ PIRi'r'ili- s. s. c., s. E. c. 3t]3 /b) D4 ./., SPR!nlGFIELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works March 14, 1984 Mr. Robert Stockdal l 401 South 47th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Dear Mr. Stockdal I : Your request for an extension of your permit for work being done at 401 South 47th Street, Springfield, Oregon, City Job #831533 has been reviewed by the Superintendent of BuiIding. After reviewing your request, the Superintendent of Building has granted a one time 180 day extension which will expire on September 15, 1984. If you have any questions, please fee'l free to contact me at 726-3659. ncerely, a HopperL B u lding Safety Division Ih S 'l 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726'3753 Z ,/auu ./o J S*7o7, '{*/ z/; s- )s / 'Oo'"2/ if rl4o,u,t7 6*.sa"-<.s r/uo)/o//*- l*s Z Luoa/- / Z;.f* 70 ,/az* Z /'aa'rds'f*fr'r;)a* in, O,J.o 7> 'F'"k'e1 7/* '/-vpo=- )*Z /?*Z*7- _T ,/// a r 6-- /?* oo/ * / ./ 7- ?///- z,f// fXT </? off' c <- 2"/-tt?? ,/rzz--- .D/ * gs/ f,Js /r/enT f 7o./{/ozz 4a/ ;? 2 STri*/Fte/J 2.-,n 72228 7'-/' 7' 't7" -f cz.zc,/ / /ff.€z)47,- /Ze77<o azpZo-u /,? f 6r .4<- .' -u ? .2e Of ,)/a C:Z ,2o C ) f) 2Z-zqL z ;r1o.. Go,- SPFlINGFIELE, CNY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Robert Stockdale 40.l South 47th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 S i ncerel y, isa Hopper Building Safety Division attachment March 6, .l984 'Dear Mr. Stockdale: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permitto remain valid, construction work-authorized by it niust beg'in within 180 diys from thedate of purchase of the permit. If wgrk is sus-pended or abindoned during thl-course ofconstruction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatica';"1y expir.. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has notexceeded.one year, a permit_to start or resume work may be purchased toi^ one half thefee requ'ired for a comparable new permit, provided thai no changes have been made inthe original plans and/or specifjcations. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more timeto begin constructjon urork, the Superintendent of Building'may choose to grant a onetime extension of the peryit not to exceed 180 days upon ieceipt from the"peimii f,oiO.tof a written request explaining why the extension- is necessa"y. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard toconstruction activity associated with your permit. Please advise this office-6i Vor.intentions with regard to the perm'it by ten'(i0) days from the date of this letter" Please direct all inqu'iries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. lh 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 ( JOB ADDRESS: 401 South 47th Street LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: JgB #. 83.I 533 September 15, l9B3 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: I_VALID: However, your" permit wit 1 expire on March .l5, .l984 If_you wish to request an extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in wrjting prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you.plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. *If the "expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear(ten (10) days from the date of thisour files of all reiated information with regard to the perm it. th frorn you by 1 etter), we will clear *