HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-09-07..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s i,torvh stir s;tteeaPPlr cAr ra, /PERl,rr Sprlngfield, Cregon 97177 tsuilding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIET.D ?,eeetct ! (D u-1K La.. a Job bcaticn: Assesso,.i:4q r \q03364 lcz Lot #obSf) SubCi:trsicn: J.-tter:.lPhore:Ad&o-ss: -l '+Lnu- l},tmit Date ot' A>olia.ticn Descrtbe htork: Value n J<6dD ACCitica RaroCeL L !'!ecitat:iczL Generel ?!aibing DEI.iOLTTIC!! OR .',:CV!) 3U ILDI;|CS Sani;ug seaer eqped zt ProPetti Line Septic tank yaeed and f"!,Lled aith gra.'zl ?lnal - it4tet. cbcue itens are ccnoleted a:ci ahen CarcLtf,ioTis eotnplete or stt1i.2- ture naued ai preniaes cleaned up. e flcaes tsLocking otd. Set-:tp PhnbittX connecrictts -- Baie? od. uatar ElecLrical Ccmx.ecxr1on - Blockin4, set-u. and pLwnbing eoltnections nr;st be approu'ed be for e reque a-.'Jng e7. ec'-r) cal t tn sp ec 2 i ar: AccessoPi BuilCing Pinal - After *rekes, skirtirlg, deci's, etc. @e cryLe=ed. ?aie 1 of 2 I-] .t;?9 I:tsP9C::):t: I I *cavac'-cn, but iclns. i-'r i?Di."sLA3 ?:1',:/s::tc. ltic?PIC,1.L t tt-I | .EC|:.;.;|I,:AL: lo be nctie cejore :n1 lJct!( ?6 acueled.. i--'l -ror:.';c I ?cu:tDAt!c:t: ?o be tade'J dr"t '"t"r*iG-t; aecuateci ari Iour City DesiEra,ted, iab !funber Is: INSUL)IION /VAPCR SARRIIR I:'ISPICTIOII : lo be rr.aCe afler aLL 'Jnsttkticn ei tequired uqor baw'Je?s de in place but beJbre e.g 7.aih, !y?s"tn boatC or tnLL couering is qplieci, cnd. before ag insul,atian ts eonceaT.ed. DRYIALL IllS?!C!!C!l: 72 is ratie;fr;-;tT'&rET-is in pl.ace, bat prtor tu cny tapirq. WS)NPI: Steel Location, bond 6@gro"tir,4 or lterziccls in aceordotce tLzh U.ts.C, Section 700DSTC'/I:e,wtm.,Afler irotalktion is ConlrrucCcn_lende!_ !2 ie 1he reegonoibility of tle penit inolder to see ;rat aLL inspections @e nade at lhe ptopet linz, that ecch cddtees is ren;azie fwn tle street, cnC, tltct the peni; ad ia i.ocated at the frctt of the ?"ope"tA..?uiAir4 ?iuiciot c2pro"-ed plan shc.il tenain on tha tsurlding Site at aLL ti*tes. P2OCIDL'?S ?AR i;ts?SflCil Ri1,ES-ftCALL726-3769(tecotder) state you" City lesigr,ateC job nw,ben, iob aCbess, type-9f -insPeelicn@eoiyi.orir-spcccion,contTdctc?sc|a.1e"snanecndpltonerulnb*.Pequescsreceit;edbefcre7:c0a|'-iZL be nzlie the sane Cc1, ?eque6ts naie cftet ?:00 on utill be rnade the nezt wrkini day. 83 lLo To be ncCe aflerpicr tc set u? cf :-l y.'Jr;i6?0,::!D ?!u!e;!A- stEL_ u.t: !:J,J Lir4 --renchee. 7 ulcep.raccR ?!,il:BE:c 1 :4ECgAltrC;!:I I ?c be ',oce pr|cr '.o insxalkttan cJ' fToor "-nsuition or decking. i-I pcs: .r.vD zgAlt: To be naie ticr to', I lnscalkxtcn o1' ;'ioor i*ula,iicn cr deckt ttg. - ?ct-tcE ?!';Br:tc. !:z::P:cAa t ;{!c.1- il !na'-t ines2 '-t".sceetlols .:te ceer. naie td. ;pcrcliei. : I FI?.Z?LAE: *-)or '.o 2lcctr4 jcctng rr-| | lcUet2;13 erAA ?eJofe Jt!.t1,ng LnADeC- tiot. V l:X:::tct !.tus. be redlested ai:a" i) ffii oi rcugh pittrbing, eiec;ri- cal 7 nechanical. ALI rco;'Jng btae'Jng I ch*rmcgs, etc. nrsc be analeted. !!o ..tcrk is to be ecn- - cecled uncil :his inspec?)cn has'la2n na,Ce anC aVprc,^ed. fcns are e?ected, but ptiot -"o pourttq ccnctet€. FT;IAL P!.A:.:BI:]C ,?.r_.r tE-ur.rf-ar =7rtA r ?l ?adf -.7...r^p -rp9-.4/vhL CURB & APPRCACE .4?2CN: Af'"er fornsse erecceC but prion to pcu"'ing conatete. SIDSTIALK 3 )BlTxA'!: lor aLL con-ffi pAfu-dnli st?eet rLght- of-rxA" to be naie after all ezea- uating conolete t iort aark & sub- inse tctep|al in place. ?\NCE: llhen conplete -- ?rouicejffi or nouable' secticns ti"'nougi. -l lI ,_-l I U, E, ALL proiect coztii=icne, cuci as the i.nscalldtion cf street crees, cc-clexion_c1' tie reqzr.Lreti La:1dscc irg, ctc., iilat be satisfieC beJ'ore the StILDIilC !!]|AL een be req-uested. ?l:lAL ilJfLDMC: the ?inel BuiLd.ir,4 Insaee+-ion ntst be vequesxed zilet ;he ?inal ?lwfiing Electrtcal, od Meclwrtccl irscecxicns iane been nade an<i approued. .ALL.'IAJEEIES AIID CLEANCUIS:IUS! 3E ACCZSS:31l, .1DJUS7:!::]I ?O 3!:.!ADE.'.:::O::5T ?) JIIY {r^ I1Y S 'bq I )--- 9 JOB fnt Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Casereg:e I of Stor-es iotal ileight lopog"qh7 .l,ccessor.t No.8 ol SoLARH:CESS REQ.- 5rant: L-CO G* 3eitoons LC! :y?i _ Intericr _ Coxne? _ ?anhztuile CUL-<ie-sac S.D.C. I.5 c Date PaiC: # blro'lled: Plmbing Pernrtt State Surclage -- i;tcR2AcqtE:t! -- Plumbing Permit Nq ?ereon sitall cottruet, instal!, alter ot eltotge anA rea cr e:istirq qlwn2ing czt drainage s!2!? tn ultole ot in part, ,uttes-s such pet,son is- theLegal possessor of a ualid glwtber,s Licenab, eccept tirct a gZ:eoa nag doplmbing uork to p"ope?tJ uhich is otnted, Leased or operatei by the qpti- c@tt. Electricol Permit tlhe?e State ta,t nequires tllat the elec+-rtcal uork be dcne by dn E"Lectricalcont"dctor, the eleclrical portion of thie pendt s/nll rot- be ualii unti.Lthe Label las been sigrled by the Electrical- tonttacto?. r EAw cA.REFaLLy gxLarilED tllz conDleted qolication foz, tezni=, cn<i dchereby certif.y that aLL i,fona=ion heteon- ia t?ue ""a cbn"et, ord, tfutt|".er -eertif.g that ,ny ard. aLL aork performed shall be done 'i, o..or_dance :'ith the ordinctces of the city of spm)ngfield, anc the La;i of thestate of 0regon per'cainina to the ao"k ces'ci-tbd herbin, ad !h,a, ilo cccu-P-t!lc.'r ''/ili_ bs _de of Ay_ strucfare aithcut cermissiat "f t'n" 3uilding ?L-tteion. ! fitthet ce?tif! tlnt only .ontvactot,s cd, *rpioyees uha are incanpltance utch CRS z01.7Ss aiLL be- used on this project Lot Fdces -!ne?o,J boutaes T'tcz leai )f liouse Cotade S-ccess 'iater 9eaterliorxh-o.ange Ttreoi.ace Soih West -- Fzes -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perltct ,)s granted on the etp"ess condition ttat the said constmtctionsinli, i_n a-ll.respects, confcrm to the Crdi.notee cCop;eC cy the Citg cfSpr.ngfielC, tncludtng lhe Zoning Crdlnc:r,.ce, regulctl).tg xhb ecnstrtbticn std.use cf butiiings, ,znd n;y be susoen<ieC or reuckei at crg tine upcn uic- l.a.tian oi a.y prcuisions of saiC Crdirances, ?OIAL VALUE F?C :{ Euilding Pel*nit ?otal Clw:ges Restietttial (1 bath) Seuer i5t Na,t/Eztend. Ciretdts Semsice JC.7F? Mechonicol Permit *lwnst EooC Tcodstc:se Vent F.,t Pettot fssu,ance !,lechaniecl PeprrJt >ec,Lzr.tu 92ao3Lt Stotz.oe Maintertcrze Cutbcttt Sida':alk I Kgo cLeC)?1CCL LC3cL , rroIOTAL A},!OU:E DUE:' I i Mobile ilane Signed Ddte 7*rs - i g,tl aa,il Lf Lef Date -- f Lt, ffi;