HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1982-01-22-. RESIDENT. COI,IBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT F.ECEI?T T SPRINGFIELD CE! 0? S?RI.'|0F!ELD ,t< t,4D4U a-U cdr?fr SPPI:IGFIELD, LIRECQN 97477 Suildir4 Dioisio- 7 26-37 53 I T*rl-,El&oo n^.,;* robLoation,/ 7 fr Sa // Subdiu.!sicn: -4r.asEorc tW tt l'l- 01- 35- Ll I t"3roTe Lot # A&uaa//LLl fYDtw Pl,ot,t7V2=?67t OwB,L-tE Deacil,be llot'k AdAition 2 t-.l Ne., I )I EL-D -n A 1rh IP^ 'h^;\ Ccr2tftcto"s tt@E rJllmff Addresa # General Elect:ria,L It*heiccl Conatz.wti.ott Lendet Page t of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIOI{S It is the ncsponsibiJ.lty of the permit holder to s6. th3t aLl iesgections are made at the ProPer tine' that each address is ss6rlrht6 frsm the street, and that the pcrmit card is located at the friont of the plioperty t .{ll ranholas and cleenoutg .r. tc bc adJustsd at no cost to tha Clty forrs. U}IDEP.SLAB PLUMBING, EL!CT.D.IC.{L 6 UECHAN:CAL: To be rade beforc anyi6EiG-*,erca. FOOTIIIG 6 EoUIIDATION: To be madc after trenches arc e::eavated and fonrs are e?ect!d, but pricr to pouring concretc. I.,NDERGROI.IND PLWBING, SE}IER, I{ATER, @99: To be raade prior to fiJ'- llng trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI.IBING t MECHANICAL:@orfloor irrsulaticn on decking. tion. @,approval lfust be requGsted afterof rough plunbing, ca1 6 mechanical. A].l roofing' bracing 6 chiraneys, etc. musit be cooplet€d. No rork is to be con- ccaled until this inspection has bacn made and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be rnade after a.LI iosulation and ncquired vapor barrier:t ale in place but before any lath, gy?sua boa:rd or ral.l covering is applied, and any insulation is concealed. IIOODSTOVES: After installati.on,ffiiletea CIRB E APPROACH APP.oN: After forrns ane erected but Prior to pcurlng concrete. SIDEHALK t DRIVtrTIAY: For aIl, con-EG;fi'$fi"sTiEfi' stne.t right - of-ray, tc bc [ECe after aIL exca- vating ccmplcta 6 fotm trork 6 sub- base rEterirl in pJ,acc. STTE IUSPECTICN: excavation, but POST 6 BEAH:ffiii3Fcn To be nade after prior to set up of To be nade prior to of floor insulation EIREPLACE:;ffi DRYWALL INSPECTTON:iffiffi:. is P:ilor to placiag facing and before franing OTHER INSPECTIONS: may bc required in accondance nith Building Code, to be indicated in ;la::s or bY eo- tice fuom Building Inspector. To be rlgde in pJ.ace, or Cecking. ROUGH PLUHBING, ELECTP.IC.qL 6 HECH. AllCIl\L: No rork is to be covered nnEthese inspections have been nrade and apProved. EINAL PLUI.IBING FINAL ELSCTRIC.qL EINAL HECHANICI.L but prior: to any taping. MASoNRY: Steal locstlon, bond Effigouting cr verti.eals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. PRoCEDURE FOR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: CalL number, job adCress, type of inspection A11 project conditions, such as the installation of st!€et trees' coEpletion of thi rcquired }andscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. EINAL BUILDIIIG: The Pinal Building Inspection mrst be r€quested a-ater the Elnal Plumbing Electrical, and Hechani.ca.L lnspections have 5een nade ald apprcved llo occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building fnspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY HAS BEE!{ ISSUED BY THE BUILDI}IG DIVI- SION AND POSTSD ON THE PREMISES. 726-3 7 69 recorder sta te your ty designa'ted ob tionnill day. eontracto"s or ouners name and phone nunbers" be eade the sane day' requests rnade 3fter 7:00 YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUT,IBE8. IS: requested and when you nilL be ready for !nsPec- Reques ts ,ved beiore a.wi].l be 00 a m. next rorking 7 Dm^{tr; fr'*:t IIP:ge 2 REF]IRENCE \IT'I4BERS L-COG ,-!JOB NLT:EER. ZONE OCCLTPANCY CROUP TYPE / CONSTRTICTION BEDROO!"!S Lot Faces: of ilouse 'i.1"a.!e llorth South West Lot lype fntez-iot, Cornet Setbacks So'-,:'ces i.tater Heate? 0thet FEES BUTLDTilG VALW/PERUIT Sq. Ftg. Ceage thi.a permlt is granted. on the et?"eas endi'.':on t Et the said constmetiort slta!,L, in all'tesiecte, eonfor. ,o tle Mittoees ddopted by the Ci;J o;' Spzzngiield, istcluiittg the Zoning Miaoee, reVtlatzng :?e cqz- structaon otd uee of htildinge, *ti ..ct1 be staperd.ed or retsoked a! aw tine rqoa tiolaticn of dV ?"ari-eione of eaid Minotces. Ftg. Cay?o"t t/a Pl.ot Check lee JJIAL O&*frUL)Date Paid !r 1 PLTIMBINA PffiMIY Sa)er No pe?son slfiLL constm.ct, itetell, alter ct ehozge dty neu or ecietin4 pluribing ot draanage sya:em in ul@Le o? in pet, unlese such persoz ie :he '.egal posleasor of a ualid pl,ttber's Liberae, eaeet thot a pe"son nrg Cc pl,mlrtry uork to'p"c?e";! uttch is wnad, Leosed ot operated bg the qVlicant. sU8TOt.4L Stata *tcltatge ?q?AL CHAP.GES ELEffRTCAL PaPILII llhe"e State La,t tequitee tlol the eiect-tcal aork be doze by o,- Elactm)cal Ccntractor, th.a eleeL*)cal. g,ot- tion cf thia pernit shalt rlot be oaiidT.tntai ihe til- bel lus been signed bg tlze ilectric:L Ccnt"*to?. Tls Electyical Safety La't does not rcqtire . ?e?sonto obtain a License dE dt elect?ictan atd/cr elec- Ly)q,Z contrcctcr b nake qt electrieal ine=:ilaticn otl p"o?e?ty uhich is olmad bA hinse',1 or a -arbet of kis itrnediane fanily ukLch is not itlencad ;'cr sale, Lease cy rett. Colst?Ltction SUS?OIAL TMAL CITARCES MECEANIC.4L PfrMI? Vent Fot ElICROACEMEIIT Seatn.tg PLot EcanrLtet Date !;!aincttnze I HAW C.4Rg?UAy 4XAMINED the conpleted application fot penrtt, aln dahereby cefiifg tlat aLL infontafLoi heteott ie awe otd, cohect, ctd. Ifytner cettify that dty oul aLL wtk petforned ehall be done in aecot-dance utih the bdinoves of the City bf Springfield, ct1d, the La,ta of theState of )rcgon pe"taining tc the tsotk desctibed hez.ein, @A tfut NO OC- CWANCY vtLL be na.da of d1U etructttte tLthout permieeicn of tto BuildingD-i,-tiaion. f f,trthet eettify tlut only contructo"s od. a.,ployeee uho aiein caryLiattce vith ORS 701.-055 oiLL ba uaed on this gojebt.- PeurLt lOTlIL ANOUIE DlE Sida,talk Fencz lZecttieal l,a.bel -r 1 r'J41AUT DUg 00 tistes. Division apptotted plan slu,Ll rencin on the tuilding at aLL Lot Sqtate !tg. i', cf Lot Couered i o;' Stortee !fial Heioht :c?og?qh.!