HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-03-07Rece Date tl.. RESIP'\TIAL..SPHINGFIEL.DT- APPLICAT,IUN /PERIIIT 225 llot'Lh Sth Street Spn'Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 General Plurnbing Llechanical ?R11EDUPE FoR INSPEctIpg_ngQUEsg;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state Aou City designated job eady for inspection, Cont?acto"s oi Anets- none cnd plone till be tade the eane dcg, "eEksts ncd.e aft* 7:00 an ttLL be rrude the nest rntking dag. you" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet fs Reoti-roi Tn snaeti.ans o It ie the tesponeibi.tity o! tle penrtt holder to aee tlnt alt i.nspeetions oe nad.e at '-he F;roPe? tine' that acch ,zddtees is reaCabie fran tle at?eet, ar1d, tlat the penrtt eazd. ie Located at the frcnt of tlle Wopertq.*BuiUing Noicipt apprw^ed pLan shc.Ll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL ti.nes. nwnbez,, job aCirees, type of inspeclicn number. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 an Blocking otd Set-up Plttttbing connectione -- aclle? otd. uatet Electv,ical Ccmnection - Bloeking, eet-uo and plwnbing connections n,rist be opprcued before requeating eleclrical i,nspecliott Acceesory BuilCing Piral - After pxckes, skirting, decks, ete. @e e.cnpleled. Pege 1 of 2 Job Locaticn:(h ?cs Int #00Aesessot s Mao # Subdiuision: Asner: Ph,one:4r0+Addtess:L ol,M, frt()i+ Una,,,x- DeserLbe h'ork: 3-7-?o Val.ue Net) Date of A Additian RemoCeL ecErE c 1anElec trSupe ./l SfTE INSPEC?ION: ?o be made after ei;aufian,'but priar tc set up of forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHI-\IICAL: To be nade before ang ffi-Z76ooered. POOTING & FOANDA?ICN: ?o be IMCe after trenches are and fortns ate erected, but ptior to pou"'tng ccncreta. FTPEPLACE: ^ateAA; FTilAL PLUIIBIIIG EIIIAL I,IECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPZC?ION : To be made after aLL insulcticn ed required oapor berie?s @e in Plaeebut before ory Lath, gApstnn bcarC ot' rnLL cooering is applied, cnd before oq iraulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECTI)N: ?c be made A$;;n'firuatTis in ptaee, but pz,ior to anA taping. I,!AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond Eifrilg"outing or oerticals in aceotdotee ttth U.B.C. Seetion 2415. VOODSTO'IE: After installation is ampLeted. Sanilata saser ecpped ct pz'opetfi1 Lire Septic totk punped a'-d filled ttth g'a;sel Final - h\tea abcue itens are eanpleted and uhen Cqtclition is eornplete o" sttas- ture noued anl prerdses cleaneC up. e Hcmes V uvlsacnoul D zLUMEJ! s2_E!ttE\_y!EB.), )-Itrq trenchee. 7 unomrtooR zLULETNG & I,IECIIANTzAL:ilof floor insuktion oz' decking. P1ST ANl FEAII: To be mad,e Pr"tot' to Gf,dlffiGVof ftoor insulation ot deckittg. R)|JGH PLAIBIIIC, ELECIRfCAL & I,IECH= AnICnf': No uotk is to be co.*ez'ed GllTthese inspections haoe beqn mad.e and approted.. PrLor to placirq facing and before franirq inspec- tion. 1844L!!C: ttust be requested after apptouat of rough ptrtnbing, eleatri- cal & neclnnieal. Al! t'oofing bracittg t, chinmcys, ete. rrust be completed. llo uct'k is to be con- . cealed until this tnspeetlon lne 'been trud.e anC appro'"'ed. DE}.IOLN CURB & APPRCACMPPQN: After forns d,e aefiAffi p;G to pour-t-na conctete. SfDEWALK & DRf',EWAI: For aLL con- crete pa,r@Affi stteet rLght- of-reA, to be made after aLL ecca- iating conplete & forn wrk & snb- base naterial in pl.ace. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonpleiion-of tie rnqrirnd. Landsccping, atc., rntst be satisfied before the BUILDIN? FIIIAL canbe requested- EINAL BUILDING: The linal Buildittg Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, otC Meclrurical rnspections h4ue been made artd approueC.I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,IADE /.? IIO CCST TO CITY fa Ymct: Nhen complete -- ProuiCe J Wr.on motsable' sections through tr trr JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co # Grc Bedrooms: lleat Reeeipt #: [1, Lot Faces - Setbacks DT House Carage Access North Ran East South LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Co?ner _ Panlnndle CuL-de-sac ITEI4 EiU Y Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccuerage # of Stories Total Height lopography llest Main Ceace Cat ooyt Accessorq TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid Building Volue & Permit This permJt is gx'anted on the enpress cordition tlnt the said consttuctionslwll, in _a_ll respects, eonfonn to the Crdinance adopted 6;y the City ofSpt-ingfield, includ.ing the Zoning Cydinaree, r,egulating th-e ecnstta-ctibn otd..use of buildings, and mag be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic-Lation of cnA pz,cuisions of iaid 1tdir,ances. Building Perwit ?otal Clntges State Plumbing Permit No, person slnll cqrcttact, instal!, alter or ehange altA neD cr ezlsting glunb_ing or dtainage systan in ulole or in patt, unleeb such petson is'the Legal .posseasot of a oalid plutnbetrs Licensb, eceept that a petson may doplunbing uork to propertg uhich is oumed, Leased or operated ty the "ppli-cant. Electricol Permit I'lheve State Las requites th.at the eleetrical uopk be done by arz Eleetriealconttaeto", the electt"icaL portion of this permit shdll not be oalil. untilthe Lobel Lne been aigned by the Electrtcal- Contracto?. Total Sigred NO.FEE CHARGE 7 F ,ob rTEM Fi.stutes Resil.enti.a.L (1 bath) Plunbing Pern:tt 9tate 1 Nas,/Ertend Citcuits ?atpcroy Setoice -- ENCROACEMEN? -- NC FXE Mechonicol Permit bLtafit Hood. Hcodstote Vent F@t PenrLt fssuance Meclnnical Permtt Secarity Qeposit Storage Maintenctzee Pemit Cutbcut Sideualk lence Eleetrical Ia.bel Mobile Honre YL@L uate ?otal r EAW CAREFULLY ExA!ffNED the cottpleted application for permit, ar1d. dolereby certif-y that aLL info:mation heteoi is true and. ob*r,ecti ad. tfut'ther .certify that any ard. aLL uonk per'fotned srnll be done in oooon-danee '"rith the 1rdinanebs of the city of bpz"ingfield, and. the IAa of thestate of )r'egcn pertaining to the utotk ceseribbd hetetn, cnd. ttnt No occu-Pl.Ncy till_ b3 ryce of ang stz,uctw,e vithout permission of the Buitding DL-o1-slon. I lunther ce?tify tlnt otly conttactors ad enplcgees uho arb ineotpliance uith CRS z01.0s| uiLL be used on thie pnojec't TOTAL AMOI]N? DIJE: *15,15 Signed Date Sanita4t Saner Hater h,@n1ce PTll's ?otal Choaes Stafa , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Planning and Dev pment Bui 1di ng Saf ety Di vi s ,r 2?5 North 5th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 726-3753 (Bus. ) 726-3769 (Insp.) DATE /L:Y=tl ?o Dc rY JOB ADDRESS d '..5 OI^INER:k+ L f^ a-ff rn p*-f s OWNERS ADDRESS: APPLICAIJT -ahp ,Je RuLu - (r\- APPLICANTS ADDRESS:o5o rd -J FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TE E NI]MBER 728- 7 /d HOUSING INSPECTIC'-. APPLICATION SPRINGFIELO A $35.00 TNSPECTToN FEE rS REQUTRED AT TIIE TTI.IE OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM }ruST BE SIGNED BY TI{E Oh"},]ER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED o J*d J-,rr*a4urfr SIGNATURE OE PROPER.TY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NU}IBER I 5L?rDATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT DATE PAID:4 fo DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COIO{ENTS: