HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-2303 351/ f-egal 0escription 74t * .ll Lt,,i 37i3TI Ran IY ION APPL I Job Address 9Z tlater l.leater S.L?EET PtcT 1oil L lilt -37 69 c0rlB I U PERH I T EIIERGY SOUNCES Hea t f llorkYt, . rtg. Acce-- . Ftq. 0ther So !q Sq IE--TeD. -llel Add Al _Change/Use . Ftg. ,.iain Z rY Arld rc s s Owner I rk F Ga lles crt ng ernto:t n i dence l/i 'n<///Gr/[Lo OR 9U7 z 'E uc E4_71/<E ZnT "ft)t?Construction Lender f87c,t!,1/ J?O/$?68 .\ddress Phonc DISIGN TIAII ,latne address lics. no. )X C ON T RACTOR 5 ll (lnle address (ics. ne-) (exoires ohone no- ) at ELl 4, PLUIIB I IIG E LECTR I CAL Each sinqle fixture Res idence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTLl' s Relocated bui ldinq (new fix. additional)New circuits altsor extens ions Floor furnace and vent I S. F Pes den ce SIRVICES Recessed wal I 0uplex (l bath) each Additiona l bath Ternporary Construc t j On Apol iance vent llater service Chan in existine ta t i ona r-v evao Sewer nrul ti f ami ly, conrrn or an $ri tht torm Ser.rer 0f t t systern apartVen rom n r c014il./IND. FTEDERS hanical st lns ta I I /al ter/rel ocate t'lood stove/heater 0f s. ISSUAIICF OF PFRIIIT TOTAL CHARGTS 2?-e TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CIIARGES UHEnE STATE Lllt REQUInES that ttre Elshal I not be va l i J unti I tha label has b ectrical work be done by an Electrical een siqned by an Electrical Supervisor Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit and returned to the Building Division sIGilA 97 It E LLU il tD the e ed tCA noconrpa p!-,DCfor trnr i and do rtcehe reL..v tha d fornran ont-v nhereo etrunadcorcreandfuthrreerhanat./oand oerk for rmed hafyvs tre done an nceccorda thwl t he 0rd ona nces the cro tyDfedcndaethn9l^rSLa fo eth taS ote on0reo r nDEta n to rk!the wo crdes be d nhere a thand lr0t UPAI{0cc t{lCY madebeforUtcareUwlthounyhetrmsopenoutheud0sonurtnqrheectrhattrasonhfymyreqvrtButhedersrdBoanSfocendaUeecasUrreqed0ns0lbyhebassorexemDtonno tes hed nddreon ha tnobcSUnrvctorandwhoeesaerxpoyrecomcnncawieth0nsbeUSedonhDsecro.i rrAirE(please print) Z/.4uae Y F ttt Fto Ftg TOTAL VALUATIOII I S rl0ccY Group x Val Access x VaInrno"Mro,ue 6rre.* Sq Zone Bed rooms TyoelCons t ni ts So l'la i n F i re Zone Occy Load Flood Plain---stories Plan Ck nd e 1.5r. VCtems rqe opnren t 2 FeeB an Ck. Res Fence *.o BUILDIIIG PERIIIT Charges anC Su rc ha rge s PLUI4B ING PERMI T Charges and Surcha rqes ___2q=7_ /-n"Demo Sidewalk I ?*TLICIRICAL PIRIlIT Charqes and Surcha rges Total Comb. lermit '-t72A/C Pavi nq 7?',€,{ I,IECHAIIICAL PERHIT Charges and Surcharges IOTAL /527a Pri ma S t ruc tura I Electrical llechani ca I lunrbin E//'u? 971d1 NECHAN I CAL /r-L /-/ /fl,llL ,1 -7 ,flg|ru-*I .e. r rps I FFF r llA ar: F iln Frr rHAPT:E t,t I FFF seoa ra te <a 4/- Y IXAIlI .055, tha t i f exenrot .055 r.ri I I /?z-ra cor-tB t r{AI I 0N AppL I cAT r or,t/pERf,tI T ( CAp ) l. Applicant to furnishA. Job Address8. Legal Oescriptionl. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map ReferenceT7-01-A32. exanrple- Lot l. Block 3. ?nd Addition toSFFingfield tstaies Name, etc. of owner and construction .lender Energy Sources PERMIT VALI DATION c. D. II l. examole_ heat/electrical ceilinq/or forced air oas_ z. examit-e- wat;;[eaTE;iEi;t#')o. ,ol;--\ E. squai6-T6-tag" o'^ ,uiruli;# I gxamole- .13!9 rq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garaget. exanrple- if new project, check-new _ if aAOitioil- ch-eil add , e rc .t. Building permit information:l. gll!?,1u.- construct single farnily house with an ^ attdched garagez. examole _ rcrnodel existing garage into family .oom3. gl3llli. -. converr ii.gi. i.r',it]'residence into- restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in iiction 103 (a) of the.. Structural Specia I ty CodeH. OESIGN TEATI AND CONTRACTORS To avoid desiqn or.constr.uction delays, IluilrJingDivision Stafi must be able to.oniult appropriatepersons_regarding design infornration or job ilte--corrections, etc.Abbreviated prunrbing,. Mechanicar, E Erectricar scrreduresA. Except r.rhere btirrk ,puiui-o.JrI ;;';;" descriptionportion of the Mechanicaf inJ-ffeltricat Schedules,the applicant need fiff_tn-onfy';;;'N". Boxes adjacentto the aDoroDriate itern(s) to'6e-i'n=stattea8. Fuu pryl,bllb, HectranicJil .'^a"ir.l,iiicar schedulesare avai Iable at the Bui lding Divisionl' To conserve space on the permii io, the schedureshave been abbreviated2. I.f tt,: item(s) to be-installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedule, yor-rtorfa consuit the.t,ull schedulesc. qyl!q!NG 0rl/rsroN STAFF-I^,rLL FrLL ouT ALL FEES ANo^ CHARGES ON THE SCHEOULESu. As noted on the CAp, the label must be de.livered to theelectrical contractor fo";i;;ul;;J o, n,s electricalsupervisor. The general .ou[.uiior i's not authorized. . to sign the electiical Iabel. -'--' Apptlcdnt to sign and date}Jhenever possible. the jnitial application wi.ll be used asa $rorksheet only, !,there possibtu, griioing Oivision Staf flllJ.!I:?tl^: g ivp" written i"py-i"i".",rrn it to theapprlcant at the time the actual peinrii-ii irrr"O for hiss r gna ture. Fees and CharoesPlan.check feis are due arld gayable at the time of theappl ication. and no nrans wii i';;';";;";;lo unti I thesefees. are paid. A'l I otner i"u, .r,1".i.;;;;'u." due andpayable when the pernn E rs tssued. FOR OFFICE UST OIILY III IV V Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUI'AIICY: Pe rm t a I ci na tpp e t fromxemp r e i S rat tI no iW t h het UB ed r IJs rdoa ubeca s e Additional project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name sl 9na tu re da te i II but.r.yr..- PI{_II /tt = o"OREGONS"RANGEIELD' Pulol-i-c Notks lnspectorts $emo /f ?s 4{r r/3 o /-7 4 ,o- L1/A4 a /e- t Z t 2.are ez tLr *flr"lr' rU 2 C dlz Ot/t-t p/- z O, /!o r- / ta .Fot stJte o Szotr . h-z i-V,ar ,/z,emu" Phone 747 -422L INSPECTOR zfl, t,//i- , ---t - J I *h EI.:: Jlrr.j -:=.:-:-L.::,:iir:i.i :;;:: :=:-;,:::::::-1 i-:1C:';.: -i;-,-:ii :;;:ij- :;;ji-r': :+- .-;.-,,;.. -.-- ,.--..i -.'.-,-..J _ -= i..:;: '_:'i..-i ,_i '-::= i:r :;i:ri: 'i. -:.,j ii:i..:-.::,:::.JI='j'3.U'jlj:-.jt,=|'iIE:.+.,:,J. r::lIr-, :,r i:_.:::r i';* 1,.,-,ii. -i;ir .-:i f l;l,ii-. -.-..:i ,:,i .-::Ilini';i = : - ;r -r; j.i _,:,'ij-:_1i_i,.j;,, r..r. .;:i:i=ri'_. .: 'I .-,.. ;..-.,,-,. l:*- ;i*i_:" : ., -a i i:.. !--!!:.-t, t \ , -.- .t:i.'Y!, i l; l, : :;:.':- Sfr?hGfAtl L{rrt-rr/ rAc,qrao i/{/n .;i LAYI< A,J hr/.*f-&q ;';::f i,-:;':' {iiti:,f :::J' :..: lgf;fti-i / /. ir;, i,f i:'.i;.:.';'1 :,lf: ti;i-ni.i r, - -J /*-h A- - - i-rr ir c,-,1r, -.-..-.; -. -..- ?.i'_r'-Jr, -r J ?z I :nn-n- a.n .-:-:i-a:i -_..._i _J .-!-"s: -*A-q '':::.9 t ---' "--t- - -€nqaqa - - -J - - A err- - -;---. ,!-.;- ,,.-1,.-..i--.,. -.-.i -a i'sp:.r..:'i 1,, :ilFE'iftd +,h* ;i:,ut* irlHrri 'r r:,iii,:,i *ns f nr.Efi,-,ir,n i r,E+?itii6r'+ +-._-__! l.tl!U .jli!'..:l.j-Ji-.J:r'l ultE i!:r tr:rirlj rIr=i.r:J!:lEili. !ii i. i r_ i_= :- :.,', i, r:,.' E j tr I :;r.* i': I i r i u i,', : i, i : -6-3:fr.-- ,: ...: rii I I .. , . ffi 'E; .q. 'b. d Xr l'": * ,I1 i- ? t, $ 1- fir J61 1',t' l;lv 'il il. , fii '1. r i,i .H,*80496?8 rrLL IllY tv Trrrsa Pnrslr.':t, ?t ....!ltCll EL.J-...SIFLEY....lII.IIAM...f,ISI fL, .,.. B t . t 'rlill rr001.1i Io ll.u. lnd lo llold lh. gonlci!Prabc. tnlo lh. eid Cmilra s, theirl"'ld drd At'lc t l6ad' Iid trr. Cruto? sdo..- . @vddtrl lloa....thqy q-re ....laurully ..b.d ln I...lmPl. o, ah. obdi Cfiit'd mnldlro1'6lllddnbron..r ercept casotrents,.conditlon5 and rottrlcllst"of". '' recoid,'anrl l9E0-81 tExcs,. o.lie.n not.yct p8yabl9, vlrich Gran!qc. sErclr ro pry .rdrLl ..!hoy... .etu.trd. .lhclr ...lretrr,.r@aon.nd.dilnl'1"'ort,.td tqoc d.lnd rta orrt.d pnlx., qtrltt tlt lap/tl cklru rtd ,; s..).Wltiar tid r sl sAL tbt ol Luu f Co. 6"6 ?/ t t -o3 - js - r-/-t-io* zu Cnr&.-.... tlr lolloultg dervlbrd ol ttoldtl, dtuh ti atr. C@nty or....-.... Lue............. ard St ta d Or.r'oir aeEla: Bc8lnnln8 8t s point on thc rost boundary of Lot 9, Plst of Xrrhburn'!Addltlon to Springfr.cld, rs fla!tcd and rqcorded in Eook 2, Prtc 72,Ltno County OrcSon Plst Records, yhich ls South 0'22'00" Esst 230.25fcct fror tho Northucst cortror of ssld Lot 9i thcnce Elst 92.28 fcct: th?ncc South 0'22' o0" Esst parrllel ylth ssid llcat boundary of Lot 9 209.28feot to thc North rrrgin of South A Strect, as convcyed to thc Strto of oregon by d6ed recorded Xarch 5, 1953, RcccDtion No. 981!S, Lrno County Or.gon Decd Rccordsi thcncc North fest 91,15 fcct slon8 lrldNortherly Errgln to slid l{cst boundrry of Lot 9i thcncclctvlng sald Northcrly nargin and runninE lorth o' 22t oo* llo3t 197.19fcct rlon8 sEid l{cst boundrry of Lot 9, to the point of BctlnnlnL sllln SprinSfiold, Latr€ county, orcgon. ..,.. ....... (sEiL,lilt chrsl- b ;P 'if1'c)i;':. 6 ,,1,1 , }.r :,1 :1 ;1;t.. q' srltt ot olloox GCE r,Lrna Or rXr*.hC*frr c,-.-..0ct0hrr. ....... r...E0, bL*...- E!Fl cD9()E -T fd I 6 i a E .smlff raJ.r.pn--oBsE-Bl!tp.!m"+?*ggl9.{ L .lllLsortLL-Stl!!ol..*-._.*- ffiithfl+i*iaaeg-:.::: -l I .t i{ h,fl li1,:II I itfi liit t-.-lumntruC 2,/tS zef /5 /'n'foF- /92 5o. //Lr srnazr ? 03 3{ AND 70 HOLD, er...the ro. hln. de[ r-.b Gni,, m.dl' Co,mly ol An oar.norrtproporty Addltl.rnol tho Ha:.t(rr C. Arr art(Ersltjtddttlon. ltcxantl! Bdna Bi\rttr' glnnlng et aald corncr cornctr o!the 9t,. thenc:o tlrcnce flout! gtruUng tt tra16on L. tbcsrds ltr I,855.18 fc.t TornrGIlpllorth 78 thence Southto thc potnt of A.a a Boglr'nttg rA tDt end l:urJ.cl. fGGt 8)utb South IrLd, ,d oeootl, rlri ar. l.t!.-' rd dcalbd o loJlorr. .i-ptt: f,cct of the follotllrrl <lnucr 25 foat of Iot 9, WastrSu;.rrr lot 9 bGlng thc South li)'{r to bc ulcdl Jolntl P ! .' Co.lcct ol Lt l0 of llanhlrrrr '' ' durg tho South llne or: trr,. br, urcd Jotntly bY EnIl . ';i:P&duct, oo.d.tcrlboA agr IJe- 't lddltloD to $PrtrrY:'-": 95 lcGt hrt of g116 961.3.!1r^r:_rt; L7 Soutlr, nrrye t I'lest. .- : 7{t',59' tLat 57.9,7 (.:2,*t i ?8t 59','latt 6?.87 tee,:r of bGgirtnl$g.prcolrorr dorcrlbcd atr b*:- o, laod conrreyrd Lo ln lrno oountY Dao,l 7!8.97 fc€t 6o{rth 4;.': Brlggr DIC tso. 8J, 1r, PrGfl.o t dorcrlbod agt to ,rcalrr:t Blyd c'oaEor bc1ry 662.6rl.d Ioun.hlp- Soqtn 76:rortb ?g' lnl.ut of corrGr of OtC to. tl3 irLrldtan rntl rua tlroncetl' tut 20.11 tcct, ttrc$i.+a O' 3l' L.t l0.ll' tott tx, tha F..oragL *,Ao* I tSatt fcotr 20.41 feot I frrafluto lL aoq 1-T' >. (,.*t -^Jrn rrl -{ \ { \ o*tt- \ il\c\ t"t s Lr F- l/..i t, o.n L^ >i UJ i (i (^ (, o iio I hr\ YUa : u: Ln ts\ srx -1) Ir1fn tJr o (^) o. \J .n (^ -{n {\\ ul!t t/)I s 6 L^ I o\ \) h so. ll I-d ST or rr El)IGALE l"= 30!il.oArctfY.DATf A?? SPRINGFIELD UTIL ITY BOARD tPtrtcftfLo. oiteor A?? ot^trxa Io.tw.LANO SCAPE t12 5 tt PLAY STLi B9 oez I II I I I i I i ( i ! I i I : I I t^,)o