HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-06-21" RESlDu,.lTlAL" zz5 lto*th rr^ irrnff'LrcArroN/P,Rtur SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Reee'-tl ed: -g o(*4ae /t OO 4lo ' u'2o 6/5 bo Date Job Locaticn:D Aasessors )4ap #Tcs Iat # Subdilision: Ctmez,: Ad&ess:Phone:fr - Tffo 7/7 Date of Applicaticn_ Cenetal Value L Inl 7alt471t^ oF Fnr 7t*/ z-n!,tr<r Desq4be I'lork Additian Soilog saser eqtped .t prope"4- Lite Septic tank p;.tped ed f"!,Lled, uiih gzaxi Final - i.,1ten abcte itens ote ccr,pLsasiatd ahen d.azclition 1,." "o,r,p\rlZ ;;';Z;"_ture nooe<i ani prerises elleaned. ur.--'* LlobiLe acnes Plmbing connec=ions __ sa)e? ad uc:er Ele_ctt tccl Co,tzeeto!.on _ Blockir4, eet_,r,an<i pltnbin-g cmnections n"+ lZ'acr"l)ioe;crc request)ng eZec:rica! -Jr:s;ec:-:ort Accesson; Suilintt4 \ncl - After -:cre.kes, sktrting, lecks,ete. ge =5lrttle=ea. l tsLocking otd. Sex-uo Constptettcn Lancier La !he responsibili ty oj the pennit no Ue?J"om the tyeet,and.tllat aee that inspections are the tine,!ding D.)uiciot the permit lqt sltc catd LA located the fzwnt- t<i;nq :ite of tl'e acch -i,bsgs ,e Z t,emain on the Bui f D?oDeytu L DLNES. 26 37 6 I (z,ecorCet S tate aouy ty deeigrwted obinspection, aft* 7:00 Conttactcrs c?A'tners ctd nuaber,iob ai,bess, tupe Pequesls recei"^ed of insoec=icn befcte ?:C0 anL /?c1e piane nlolDc?.be nla.Ce the ncst wrking daii yot& Citl.Desig:nated Job Nznber Ierberru<ie afier fotne se up of Io be rnaCe Wte..ee/iF-.tiLAL: .!.o oe made befole cnyttork ts eouered. !ry:lc _1_F?Ap$rc!: ?o be naieqj rer i?encn2s a?e egcc1)ated and, llyr. *. erecteci, but pricr topou?Lfig ccncreie. t1!,tALL=lItS=pyClIClt: ?c be nade ?fle" c:LL awuaLL is in plaee,aut p?1a? to any taping. I4ASANRI: Steel location, bonCbeorc,. gzouting or uertiLa\s lnacco?4awe 'nLth A.B,C. Secticn2415. lrr tocrenches. ffi'.,ltoor insuZction or decking. ryEP:gAu: ?o be ndde pta.o? toLnaxaLLatlcn of floor insulb,tion ord,eekl,ng, ttf:t_LL ,4ese .-ztsoecti1r:a ha.te beenndae dtd. aoorouei- FIl.tpf.ACE; priar to ?Lccirs feeinana=ettais and, beJbre'f"_rirfi f;;; ;Z_tion. SW Afte? irstalTation ia !!E?-! APPr?4gl_Apzu: Aftet formsae. _erecced but pr-or to pcuringcone?ete. SfDitiALZ 4 gRftVnA!: Fot aLL cott_c"^exe pauing uithtn st?eet right_of-.yy, to b,e naCe eften eZ! Lea_uatlng can-o-i-1t1 d fotn uork & cub_bdse na;er:dl in piace, W: tlust be recaesxeC aftet,dpp-la.uaL of rcugh pltttrbing, eiectni_ f!-e, ""1;-:ieai. ' nn noZii:"s'""'"b:".ry !, eht:rmeys, ete. ,iust'bevvt'ttt,v ue4. .ro uork ts to be eon- .7ealed until -this t""p".Acn iiDeen nade cnC appro"*eci !illCg: ttthen conplete __ protiCe gatea or nooable sectione th.rouah P. U. E. lrilAL .oLAWr:ic PIIIAL ,WCpalttICAL FTNAL IL1C?PICAL ALL pro;ect ca.di;ians,.suci; as cjte installaclon oi street sv2ss. co::tirequired LanCsecping, nt"., iit-i" ,"rrii.l"a beibre ,t.e *ILDI:;C F!:uL e xt on of t'ne ean be reqttestei- '"rilAL ilrLDrvc: 1he Fi.nal 3-uild,i*g rnspection trust be tequested. ciler the Final ?runbirtzE L e c t ri c a L, otC il e c iur_t c c t t " s p ei il c'i- lZrZ", b " ", ^ ca e arrri. a p _ciii eZ. iALL IIAIIHCLlS AIID CLEAIIOU?S !.IUS? BE ACCES,stjLE, .4D;as::2:1i 10 3E ;.!.r! !.! !t0 ::s: ?2 l,rnv P4eloiJ lt ND )-aa 9 L-CO c*JOB NO,soLAF :CESS REQ.- t:3edtcons aot Fdces - 3i iouse riest bt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Caseraga # of Stories ?otal Height ?opogqn4 r nm nlDe Intericr Co"ner ?aniunile CuL-de-sac -- ?ees -- X ValueI!Z14 f tu 4aatr -:.ii:: S.D.C. 7.5 e Fee Building Volue & Permit This pennlt ie granted on the et?reis eor,lition tLla,t the said.eonsttaelion sha.Ll', in a!7- r"escects, confctn -to the Crdin'ace tdo-a-teC b'1 the City of i:ilr; rontL, rnc!ud:-r,.g ;ii'zonirg CrriTnar'c-e, regtlati,ng ;he ccnstrtc!;lcn iA u"u'" ci butldirqs,'onri ^ry be- suspenied or tbuckec ct ':1x! tin2 upan uic- Laticn of ,n:1 pt'cuisions oi saiC Ctdirances' Building ?enrit To'"aL CVttgea State I?FE! liztz;tes ResidentiaL (1 bath) Seaez'Scni Plurnbing Permit No person sha-\L .constz'ttet, insial!,- aL;et or eiun4e cny leD ct' ecis)ing plumbing c? d?alnage "i"t*'- ii- "n"ie or in part' inlesi such person is the Lesal cossessor of " rz"iz"pi,r^f,Jn1i 1i"i"'", i."r; t\".a'c.a p)-:so\ rut do plubing aork to pr"iii*int7i-1-" -*"a, Leised or opercted by the appli- cotlt. Ptuninr.g Pertit !i!I!T:4 Serlice af, r oa!J'.!5i 2 bhant HocC tlent ?o1 ilcodsta:le )cees ]la,t/Esterd Cireaits St te Total PermLt issu.anee Meciunical Pennt ^-+ ^ Dn.'S Receipt t 1i-gzed: Electricol Permit ttlp?e btate La requires tl'a't the electrLcaL aork be done bg c* Eleetrica'L cont"actor, the electieotlon"'iln- of thia -peiit IIDLL rot be oalil untiL ;;" L"b;1 L" L."" signed q *e ELect"LcaL cant"ecto?' Mechonicol Permit -- ENCROAC,ai.!E:!T -- Secztz-.tu geeosit J Pentrtt f HAW CA-RIFULL:I IXAI4IJED the eonpleted' t9pl;;eaxion fcr perm|t' crui Co ,yT"i;;;i;i:;*:*:',i";li*:;,1:-.1;;Zr,l,,;"lT:#oz";;2".1,*"1"r- hlZ2"in'rT',1t' ,"frI;;::""'irii ;',; .;i'spn:1ir:ia' .znc :h, -Lc;-s oi ;7'e 5tat2 of crzgcn p"ot'i7"-:7g-':o- tie uo-rk ces'ex'ibLd hetein' :rl thd'= :to cccu- ?.IJC'I :.nLL be raie of '*".i"""*'Z'7i-l'titl"o't ""i":"tio-' of th'e Suiliin'E D:" ti;ian. r firrnet' =nr1-';?r";:';;"-;"iu-;;;;;;"1ots oi ztolc,ees x'r'o zrz ')n conpliance at;h CRS 701"05: aiLL be- useci on +'his proiect uar2 ?.//''SiEne<i WZxan-"ner IjTAL AilAIJIIT DUl: * Sidasalk 1 !{obt le ilcne * _ C:]|.?CE:io. I5.IrbI:r(.1"r)