HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-09-21" RESIDtrr{TlAL" 22 s Nonth stt, itonlPPLrcAr r,N /PERMrr Sprir'ryfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD 2eeeict ! Date ?Job Loeaticn: Aesessore Map #Tct Lot # Subdioision: A.mey: Address:Phone Desa-Lbe t*'ork:l-t \J1DA^L od VaLue [oC[)Date of App Lication Addition RenroCel GeneraL i4echotical Jilt1Ll?rjt| 0R Sanitey seter capped tt properc! Ltt:e Septic totk put-7ed and. iilled tith gz,atel linal - hrher, abcue itens are ccnoLeteC ard ;,then Canclt tion Ls complete or stza:- bse noued a,l. prenrises cleaned up. Ecnes Biocking od. Set-tp Plunbin4 eonnecticns -- s€uev od. ua--er Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, ae!-u: ard plwrbing eolneetaons m;st be otrctad before requestlng eT.eetrical irspec:io:: Accessor"r. Bui.LCnflg pcrekes, skirtirq, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc, @e ccnp Pace: of z It ia tl2e respons:ibility ol tle penrit holdar to aee that aLL incpectiotlt ore r,ade at lhe propet tine, that each addtess is reala-b';e frotn the street, and titat the penrLt cazl. is Located at the fr<nx of tile p"ooett!,*9ui1-dizg Nuiciot aoprot;ed pl,an slcLl rsnain on tie tsuil<iing iite tt zLL- times. PR1CIDU?E ?0R INSPgilI)il R9?AIS?:CALL726-3769(recordet) state yout City Cesignated job nanber, job aCi.ress, fupe of i.rs-oec-.ictt re.qttested ard uhen gou uiLL be ready for irspection, Contraetors cr C)nets nane cnd phone rtrnbet. Pequests receited befcte 7:CC an t':iLL be nade the eane dcg, ?equests ncde aftez, ?:00 an urtll be made the nert:wking- <iag, ycu" CitV Deeigr,ated Job Nunber fs: SI?E I\SPICIfCE: To be nade afterffio",E; pntar tc se! up of fortne. Carsfprcticn_Lende!_ UNDERSLAB PLUIIBIIIG, ELTCTRICAL & iECIlLilICAL: To be made before ang aork is eoueyed. PC)?ING 1 F)ANDATICN: ?o be rruCe M t"effi a1,e- cauated ard forms ote enected, but prtar to pour'tng ccncret€, P)S? AND BEAM: To be nade prto" to --4 instaLlaticn cf fLoot, insulation or deckitt4, ROUGH ?LU,!tsI:JG. ILSCTP,ICAL 3 }TEC!I- ANICA-L: ilo itork ia to be coL-ered ffift-these ir-spections itaue been made and. qonooed.. Ff-oELACE: Ptq.or to placirq faeing natet"Lals cnd. before froring inspec- tion. FP,AI'ING: lhtst be requested af|er approoal of rough pLwrbing, electrt- cal & neclwnieal. ALL rwo1-irE bracinq & ehinme'gs, etc. tast be cotnpleted. )lo ,actk is to be con- - cecled unttl this inspectlon las'been nod,e anC appro"-ed. :IISLILATION /VA.PCR .CARRIIR I}IS?ICTIC iI : ?o be nade after: aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor bez,.Je?s @e it pLa.ce but befcre o1A 74th, Wp€1rn baatC or tnLL cooering is cpplied, end. before oty insuiatinn "Js concealed. DRWALi INSPEC?!)N: lc be nade after aLL CtyuaLL is in p-lace, but prior :o cny taying. \IASONRY: Steel Location, bondiffi$o"ting or uerticdls an aecordotce aith U.B.C. Section 2415. 7 ulogncnoum p:,tuefic, sgvgp, 'n,4,:sp, lJ DRAIilAGE: To be maie prtor to fil- Lh^4 trenches. V uacenpLccR ?LUi.EflG t !4ECltANrcAL:rt@of fl.oor ineuktion or decking.8w IENCE: 'n4ten conple'ie -- ProuiCe Saxes oP notable seeYians thrcugh Dna After installation is CaRB & APPRCACE APtuN: After fozntsee erecteC but pr"Jor to pcurtng conc?ete. SID{iALK g DRT,WAY: For aLL eca- c?ete pauirq uithin stteet night- of-txg, to be maCe aftez' aLL eoca- udting canplete & forn uork d aub- base ncterial in place. FIIIAL PLUVAIUG FINAL IECAWCAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL pro;eet condi:ions, such as the installation of s.reei trees, ccnc1.etion of the tequired LanCsccping, atc., ilast be satisfied before the BtILDftlG FI\IAL een be tequested. FINAL BUILDING: the Final Building Insoection nrust be z,equested aftez: the lirral Plwnbing Electrical, anl. Meclanical fnspections ha;e been nade and. approtseC. *ALL I4ANHCLES A-ND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJT]STIIE\II ?O EE !,'"4D8 I,T IIO :35Y TC CIIY o ! T T D--^ ' bt Sq. ?tg. % cf Lct Cooenaga # of Stori.ee total Height lopography SOLAR. ]ESS REQ.- LC? TWE _ Interiot _ Cor.ne? _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac L-co c Reeeipt #: Stgxed: )tJo B *". 8[ Bed.roomsGtouc: Lot Faces -Enerou Sau?ees Tuoe !!eat Df House Calaae Aceegs Vater lleatet, No?th Range East Fiz.eolace South Haodstoxe Hest x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pentit is granted an the eapreae cotd.ition tha,t the aaid consttwctionslwll, in all resoects, confcrm r.o the Crdinance adopteC 5:y the Citg tf Sprt-ngfteld, inc!.uding the ionir.g Crdinance, tegulcti;tg the ccnst?.ctacn arL use c! buiLdings, and. m=y be ausperuied. or revokei at ,:/:,! t.Jne i?on uic- Lation of any prcuisions of saiC C"r,dirances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Euilding Penit State D-+^ D-"'5. ?otal Clrdtaes ltn FSt Plumbing Perrnit No pez,son sha.Ll constntct, lnstall, alter ot ehan4e ary nel cr ecisting plutnbing cz, drainage syetai in ulole or in pott, unLess euch person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet's License, ezcept that a petson nay doplw$ing uotk to p"ope?t! uhich is ottned, Leaaed or operated by the qppli- cdrtt. Fi*ttpes Resil.znti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plafiing Penrit State Sutehange Electricol Permit Were Stdte Lan reqtiree tlvt the electytcal uork be ilone by cn Electrical Conttacto", the electrtcal portion of thia permit slall not be taliC untilthe l,abel has been sigzed by the Electrical Conttactop, L Na,t/Ertend. Circuits Sewice kha.Bt Hood. t/qnt ?al itc F!3 UiIMLL llcodsto:se PerwLt fssu,sce Meclnnical Perqnt -- 1NCRCACHLIE1IT -- Secu,tty Deposit S.tgrage l,laintetnyee Cvtbcut Si.Catalk !ence L LECITLCAL L,4.bE L Mobile tatte TOTAL AMOUN? DAE: *bo PLcn uace I EAW CAREPULLY IX.LAINED thz completed application for pentit, ad dc herebg certify tlnt aLL infotnation heteon is true and cortect, and. I f'"uthe? cerlify that ory ard, aLL uork performed alall be done in aecor- dmee vith the )rdinances of tire City of Springfield, anl. the Lor:s oi theState cf )regon pettaining to the -aork Cescr-[bed herein, cnd tlat NO OCCA- P!.NCY ttill be naCe of any st"uctL.le,,rLthout perwLsaion of the Building Di-uision, I futther certifi that onLy conttactots ad. aryLcgees ul^a arZ incttplicnce oith CRS 701.055 aiLL be uaed on thie project L/- )llo i!!,14 15.ctotOl5 00State Swehaqe ?otal Charoes Mechqnicol Permit 9.