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RESIDENTIA-L .- CCI,TBINATION / T.PPLICATION PERMIT SPRINGFIELD Ll--!. -': D,.:1.!.!lUt:LLJ ,q<'?4D4! <r2:a2t7l SPRT::CFIELD, ORECO:I 97477 tsuildir"4 Divisio:z ?26-37 53 g-El Adent 3 // /a q\ -0EiJob Location: S&diuieicn: Te lat ll.r.ssesso?s l.tag ll R,f 4 f,)zif/,r'a trrusa,* Deaqibe llork o a f: saru,ael- Address us_f 7r-:zz* .- Anner tl-*---,- f I A.ccition Li sclCo:tttaexors llane # General llectrical. tt€ Canstr.etiott Lender Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSFECTIONS It is the responsi.biUty of the per,ni't hclder to see th.1t all iespections are mde at the ProPer ti.Ere' that each address is readable frcn the street, and that the perrait card is located at the ftont of the property' * .q!L rianho.Les and cl,eanouts are tc be adj SITE IIISPEC?ICI{: To be nrade after A;ffi;G prior to set up of fotns. usteC at no cost to EIREPLACE:ffiffi tion. the Clty Prior to placilg facing and befone frauing rJ}{pF.sLAB PLUI,{BrG, ELSCT9.IC.{L s HECHFilICAL: To be nrade before any wonk is covered. FOOTIIIG t FCUI{DITIoII: To be nrads FR{HIIIG: Must be requested after apfi"-al of rough Plunbing, electri cal 6 mechanical. A1I rocfing' bracing 6 chimneYs, etc. nust be conpleted. No rork is to be con- ceal.ed unti] this insPection has bean nade and aPProved. IIISULATION/VAPoR BARRIER INSPECII0N I fo-be made after a.Ll insu.l.atioa and required vapor bar:ricrs are ia placa but befo:re any 1ath, gYPsuE board or wa.l,l eovering is aPPIied' and any insulation is concealed, CURI 6 APPRoAC:{ APPoN: After.forrns are erected but Prlor to Pcurlng concrete. SIDE'.IALK t DRIVfvr+Y: For alL con- crete patins-tithln street right- of-Hay' te be rade after a.Ll exca- vating ccmplete 6 fozrn work 6 sub- base rateri3l in Place. OTHER IIISPECTI0NS: oay be rcquiredC-E&-aiffih Building coce, to be indl.cated in ;la::s on bY eo- tice fron Building fnsPector. UNDERGROIJND Ptul{BIllG, SE-!{ER, I{{TER' SilIIAGE: To !e n:ade prior to fil'- ling trenches. U}IDERFLOOR PL'JI,TBING 6 MECHANICAL: @offloor insul.rticn or deeking. PoST t BEAM: To be nade prior to f?ffiIiffi'n of flcor insutation or Cecking. RCUCH PLUMB:TIG, ELECTP.ICAL 6 UECH- AllCIlL: l{o ?ork is to be covered GF! th"se inspectloes have been urade and apProveC. after trenches a:'e and forrns are erected, but Pnicr to pouning conc=ete. FIIIAL PLUI,IBING F:NAI ELSCTP.IC.TL ETNAL MECHA}IICT.L DRWALL INSPEETICN:;5f@s IIOODSTOVES: E-r;pietea After installation I City designated job ready for inspee- before 7:00 a.m. the next working To be made in pJ,ace 'but prior to aDY taPing UASONRY: Ste€I location, bond SEfrElgrouting er vertj.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. All project conditions, such as the installation of stlaet trees' cotBPletion of thd ""qrr.i".i landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. EIIIAL BUILDING: The Final Bullding Inspecticn must be requested after the final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical lRsPections have been made aed apprcved' llo occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Fiaal Building fnsgection has been nade ani approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEI, ISSUED BY THE BUILDII:G DIVI- SION A}ID POSTED O}I THE PRE}IISES. PRoCEDURE EOR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: CaIl' 726-3759 (reccrder)state your ection requested and when you will be tion, Contractors or Owners DatBe and phone nunbers. Req'Jests received wil,l, be nade the same day' requests made after 7:00 a.m. wifl be day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBEF. IS: UYd'-Sta/- l5,bo a v REFERENCE \III\{BERS L-COC '! JOB IIIJtIEER, ZCNE OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ C0NSTRUCTI0I,T BEDROO}1S Lot Square !tg, :i cf Lot Cooeted # of Storiee ?ctal Heigh! !cpogroly of r/otts e Sor,tth West i;4,te? ileetet Setbacks t2u e Other Lot Ty2e fnteviot Cor.zer FEE.S BIIILDIN G VALW,/PER!,ITT Sq. Ftg. Gotege Thi.s penot is ganted on the e,q"eas ectd,i:-ion ;tutthe said cotstnetinn slnl,L, in ali ?ea.ecr-=, eonfonto tle Minanees adnpted by the Ci=y o;' Spr)ngiield.,iaeluiing the Zoning'Otdinai"e, reVilat:-:n4i :7e- ccn-slztction otd. uee of b,tildings, ot -.ay be esgzrd.ed. or. z,asoked at ory tine upon tiolo.ticn i;, an7 prcti- eions of said Ctdittstcee. Ftg. Ca4ort Valle t C4u.Jes TOTAL CIL4RCES PLa, Check ?ee Date Paid { PLNBINC PERATI Seni Sa)e" No pe?aon sluLZ eanehuit, itatzll, allez, ct chotge ctrtg let/) ot eazsttng plwbing or dtaitage sye:at ittulela or in pat, zttZeea such petaati ie :he jeszl po*Beslo? of a oalil. pl.tnbet,s- Licerae, eacsjt thata pe!-son ncA @ plufiing uork to pr.?etj-J wi-:"h isotttwd, Leased ot operated by the aglicant. SUB?AT.q,L State Sutclunge IOTAL CHARGES aLE*ETCAL PERILIT lla,) \lhere State La,t requites t|Bt the eiecd-cai uotk bedone bg ot llectrical C.nt"actot, ti.e elec*Jcai pot..tion cf thia pe*at shall tlot be ualid zntii the 7a-bel lu.s been signed bg the ileetticcl Ccnac,-tor. Tho ElectricaL Safety Lo,t does trot rcquire . ,elsonb obtattt a Lieetse ae ot eleetrlcist'ad,,/ct 'elec- dca! anttacf,c" bc make ot electrical ins=:Llatictt f p"qe"P uhich is owted, bg hinsell or a:.anbet ofhis itrnedia,xe fo,rily utich ie not i*erdzd ;':t sale-, Lease c? ?ant. Coltgt?uc.-ion SU?TO!AL ClIARGES MECEAilTC.4L PAbIIT Itood Vent Fan l,lood Statc ElICRCACHi.IElTT Secuitg Deposit PLot Eeanltet Date !.laincrtce I EAW CAREIULLY EXAI4INED the contpleted applicatioa fot penrit, @d dohyrebg cettify tlat all infomation hereon- is tm@ otd. coirect, sd. Ifyrthet c*tifg that oq awl aLL wtk perforned shall be Cone in o".r*danee u*th the rMinances of ttte city bf Springfield, and, the tani of theState of 1regat pettainiag tc the uotk described hetein, ad. that NA OC- CWANCA dLL be tmda of e?V stTrcture tLttout pe*rries.icn of the BuildittgD.i,siaion. I f,*thet .e"tifl tltat only .ont"acto"a od. etployeee ullo d?bin eonpliance tilh 1RS 701.-055 DiLl, ba ueed on 2hts ptoject.- Perwit TOT/IL A!,!OU!|T DIIE 5ida,talk ?enez Zlectrteal Label Diuision approled plot sha.Ll rene,in on the Euilding te at al,l$QA!I? DUE tiaes P:ee 2 - ,.,._- , --;_ -i,,. j..-: ,.,