HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-18" RESIDENTIAL" APP L i C AT I O II / PEP,ILI ?SPFIINGFIELD 225 llorth 1th Street Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 $ fi1 Uhnd' -+nJob Loceticn: S{Assessora :!ap 4 Tcz Lot # SubCiuistcn: ^aa""f,{ r$q n q'"lr\3L 6 ,,,*,", f o City: Date of Appli"ation_ Desez,tbe llorl<: Vai.ue RemoCeL !!obt n nei). , Pltnbing GeneraL L lLecttical I iII.!CLIT-AR Sanitu.l seaer ccpped:t ?tcper* Lire Septic tank p'"arpeC ad flllei ,rith graLal linal - i'lhen abcue -Jre::.s ate ecncietei atcC xhen lencl):iot is ccn=Le=e Zr "a=r"-tuye noued o"i crarr)ses clZaned tc. !'!cbiLe tsLocktng ad Sat-up Plwnbin4 conneciicns -- sater el, ualer Electr"Jcal Ccnnectian - Blcekilq, set-ut arui pltnbing eonneet"Jcns rr;st be apprc"-ed before requestang electz,ical inspec;ion .l.ccessc,g Buildtnq Firnl - Aftar :crekes, skirting, dec!-s, etc. @e ccncle:ed. Constoteticn Len<ier h is lhe responaibility of tla permit hollet to see tl1at aL! inspectionE @e nad.e at lhe propet, tina, that eceh cddress i3 v4n;c^i.2jron the stteet, cnC il1at the pernit card. ie Lc,cated at the frcnt of the ptope?tA. '?uilCitq )iuiciovt colloL-ed plan sicll remaia on the Building Site ai aLL- tiinas.- PI?OCIDUPE F)R lllsPinruil P.9?WST:CALL726-3769(recorCer) state you? City Cesiq"a.ied job nzorber, job aCiress, tyge of inspec=icn te3uested ard uhen 11ou vLLL be ready for inspe.cxicn, Conttactats o? Atnei,s nc:ne erd phone nunber. P,eques'is receixed befcro- 7:C0 a:, t'iLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests made aftet ?:00 ott viLL be taCe the neet tnrking- day. cinF I:ICr7^-rrrr. escA;rr-a"- bu. To be ratie after pt"iot' tc set up of forme. U:ID!RSL;3 ?!L':,,!3I,IG, !LiC:?IC,I! t iECili.,:liCil: lo ce nacie befare eny - wrK Ls ccueled.. PC)TI\G , ?AU;IDAT:C\I: ?o be taie ;F;; rr"-ncf;; a,-eeaated and fcrna aze eto-ctei, bui ptic? to pouzirg eonc?et€. q !!D!EG.?QI1I!D P tt;!'e rti G, qlliP- lliE ?, DPAIIIAGE: lo be raie prion eo fil-Lirq rrerchee. flooz, insukcion or Cecking. Yau? City Desigr,ated Job Nwtber Is INSALATTON /VAPAP il.RRrgR II]S?ICTICN : To be nad.e after aLL insttlaticn ed. requit'ed oqot baz-tels @e t)n olace bat befoz,e otg La.th, Wpsun bcavC cr tnLL couez,ing is dpplied, er.d. beiore ay insulation is concealeC. DRIZALL iilSPlcTf)y: Ic be naCe after aLL arguail,)s in place, but prior to anA tapin4. \IASQIE: Steel Location, bond iidiigroutin4 or De"ticcls in accoriotce Dith U.ts.C. Seetion 241 5, 'iC1DSyCi.n: After installation is anoLeted. CUFB & A?PRCI.CH .A.PF.CN: I 71 utotpviclR ?LU:.sttG t :t!C!1.4:trcAL: [_-litffioi tl POS? Ai:lD 3EAt,!: lo be naCe prlor to -^- insyallat'.cn cf iloor irsuiation or .*e erecteC but pz4or to Af'ter .forns ;-iliC).4: .:;o tititL L ir-ese ')nsaeeliot:s han e- b een moie zrd. qgrcrsed. FIPIPL.ACE: Ptn)or lo plcctrq lcctnancxerials ard before frarLr4 inspec- l?4]!!!t: i4ust be tec.uested af'-er apgroual cf tough plurbing, alectr)- eal I neehanieal. AL'|. roofirg bractng A chimegs, ete. rrtst be . cornpleted. )lo t;crk is to be con- - cealed until this insoecicn l"a,s 'been nad.e cni aporcu'ed. I lttAL :LU-451.tU ETilAL :LECAATICAL ?TVlr if?^aofaAf con'2rete. SID1HLLX ,t DRIIEiAI: !oz' aLL ecn- ;"ete pao6,rEE; str.eet right- of-txA, tc be maCe after all- etcc- ttating ecmplete d forn ,"prk I eub- base ncterial in place. ALL ptojecx eondi;ions, ;uch ae the itstallacran cf street erees, :c::oletion cf tie requined Landscccirg, etc., trast be sattsfieC before the tsUiLDI:iG ?lilAl =cn be requestei. ilNAL tsUILDI:tC: Tne F.JnaL But-Ld:.ng Inspeetion ntst be requestei alter the iir'al Pluabirti \-/ Eleccrical, anC tlednnicci Inspectt-cns ,taue been taCe ard':torcuzc. .ALL !4A:|HCLZS AilD CLil.;tCU:s:tUS? 3E.1C:ES3:3!!, .1,,tt:5::!1::! !0 3i:.t^,t,,'.!:10::5::t:::v Date: r "S>nL t0[qf (l .d,{r/t (onrY'r-)7qc{ -[\r-HroR\AnfU.lnt l'/*USl(1 Reauired fnsoecticr.s :ll l l _ll ] l ?a7e 1 of 2 17 ltltct: I,lhen conplete -- Prouiie J gaxes ot, nouable'secticns thz'ough [_l - b,u.e. L-l t_l 2-ge 2 JOB NO Ipt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Ccuerega ) of Stor|es !ota1- leiEhx ?ogogtqhy soLAR-.CCESS REQ.- LCT TY?g _ Intericr _ Coraer _ Pcnharuile CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ e/Consx:2edtcons: Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is granted on the e*press cond.ition t @t the said-consitaccion slall, in ail resoects, confcrtn to the 1rdinance adoate,L fiiy the CitT ,cf Sprt)ngfield, incl,tiing :he Sonir;g CrCinar.,ce, regulctlt:g tke ccnetr.tct'.cn a,zd use of bur.Ldings, and na,g be susperd.eC or reuckei at cr.y tine it!.yi DLc- Laticn of zt".y prcoisions o! saii Crdi*;nees. Date Paid: {. Sigted Euilding Penr:,t Stdte ?otal Chanaee Perrti Meci.anl ccL 2sv,:rit Mechq nicol Permit I'LCrL Juznlrer f HAW CA-REFULLY lXAt4filED thz eorrcLeted coplication. for pennit, ai dc hereby certifg t\u.t aLL itfo:nation heteon- ls tnta a7d. cbrtect, and. i f4lrhet cet+-if"- ihat ang ard. eLL uork pez,forned elall be done in aceaz,- dance vtth the Ordinenees of the City of Spdngiield, and the Lcus of theState of 0regcn pettaining to tke aork Cescribcd herein, cnC li,tt :iO 1CCA- Pl.JlC.y tili be rad.e of dzA sx?ucture uithout peznission of the 3uiidirc 9i-uision. I fuz,ther =eriif.g th-tt only ccnttaetcrs a;d enplcgees t)ho ar> in carpliance uith CRS 707.ASS uiLL be used an this prcject Lot Faces - J, Df !^,, -^ fL Li ;iaodstove M:t Va ?a!.11 Vt LL'.S cn^ , (- ?ee: ii.ztutes Resilizdtial ( 1 bdth.) Sede" Plumbing Permit No pereon shalL cotnstzttct, install., alter or c?wnge cnA r.et) cr ecistinq plunbin4 cr drainage syste'n in ahole or in part, unless such pez.scn is the Legal possessor of e ualid plunbet's License, o-scept tha.t a petson nay do pLwrbing xork to p?ope"b! uhich is ottned, Leased or opercted bg the qpli- cafit. Plunbing Perrtt 1tate Surelanae llat/Eztend Circtits Electricol Permit Were State Lan teEt'it'es tlwt the elecfi.ical aork be done by cn lleefu"ieal Contractot,, the electrtcal portion of this permit slull not be uali.C. untilthe Label las been aigned by the Electz"tcal Contrdcto?. ,s Exltanst goo1 tleit ?ot Tcodstate oc -- axc,2.cAci|.8:!! -- 9ectr.j Curbcu! !1rAL hr!)u:ry Dag:.B,a Mobile ilone /,oGruftzZ ,/;. Date / gz- Storaae ilaintencr,ce ?ence ELeCa?--CdL tAteL