HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1978-04-11J.,RNAL No. J -7Y-7- c> APPLiCATION FOR ZONE CHANGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI'IEN THE COIqMON COUNCIL AND CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ,C TP ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, ERMIT, OR VARiANCE TO 1. Applicant's Name ,/ 2. General Location of the Property Sz.44i-Z 4r' l/ /azz .-1 4 .;fi rd AL f,2re 3 4 (Addresy's'ide of st' Pe"/4Property as record.6 irlfee#*cck C'lerk's 0ffice. Assessor's Map Number /7 3 Ef 7/ Tax Lot Number(s)e3a" reet,location between cross streets ,toionenlfr7/f 4a€* 77-2t?67, recorded in County Legal Description (Attach separate sheet 'if necessary),-ffi-*Z;/ o-L./G-/ fr{#' 5. Size of parce'l :acres and/or 7 eOa square feet. 6. Present use of property:f€Zt/a-ttc-e 7 B Present zoning of property f-/ Proposed use of property (Explain in detail):./.a /Ztzzr) u/ /rszaet. ./67v 9 Covenants and restrictions on property ('if any): 10. Applicant's request: (Check one) Zone Change:From ,<'/To /<P By Reso'lution of Intent to rezone: By 0utright rezoning: Conditional Use Permit Pl anned Un'i t Devel opment Permi t Variance from Land Use Restrictions Pt"- 1 OVER 11. Exp'lain why the request should be qranted. Show how the change is consistent with and promotes the obiectives of the General Plan and the Zoning 0rd'inance. Alsoprovide informatjon showing horv this request suoports a pubiic need, convenience,or the genera'l commun'ity r,lelfare. i hereby certify that: 1) the foregoinq statements and other information attached heretoare true and accurate to the best of my knolledqe and bel'ief; Z) I have the fo]lowin g 1ega1 interest in the property:owner of record ;\lcontract purchaser ;I essee;holder of an exclusive o ption to purchase;dul y authorized to act for-a person !,rno has the fol I owi ng i ega'l interest:and3) t he owner of record is know'ledgeabl eo s app cat on am not owner. 0wnerts Name 2 Z/r1.-Address: Te1 ephon za% e: 2/2- a762 -Nor h?4 dp-----;^r- 9*.4eApplicant's Signature: By:Tel ephone: Address:/77 7*?/6 Date Filed: Received by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal Nurnber: Date Fixed For Planning Cor'.rnission Hearing :8-2-7 e Action Taken Resolution of Intent Number:7f,'t 05 Appeal By Applicant: Date Fixed For Common Council llearing: Action Taken: Receipt fssued To: FINDII'IG OF FACT FOR ACTIO}tr TAKBI: Ordinance Number RESOLUTI0N No. 78-265 RESoLUTI0N 0F I NTENT TO REZONE I UHEREAS, an application has been made by Edward D. Ervin ({qyTl1 I?,t,);78- 7-62 springit.io-piihhing commisiion) to rezonL certain property located-at'I47 No' lOth street from its ex.isting n-i iingi. ri*l1y Resident\al District clasrqification to RP Res'ident'ial Professional Distri6t ctass'iiicat'ion; and '' '' WHEREAS, the prospective change of zone i.n such area is in accordance with, and in furtheruni.-oi, ihe fog'ica1 aid orderly development and comprehensive zon- i ng p'l an of the Ci ty of Spri ngf iel d ; and I^IHEREAS, the Council is desirous of allot'ling such.l9le change, bu! does not desire that the ion.-i. ihanged and held in a vacant condition for speculative.qur- Doses. and it th;;;ioi. upp"iring io be in the,public interest that the resolution 5i-int.nt procedure as freib'in set forth be followed; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS F0LLOt,lS: l. The Connnon Council of the City of Springfield.does.hereby resolve its intent to rezone-UV ipp"opriate ordinancL the follow"ing described property: property located at .l47 North l0th Street, on the Southeast Corner ot f,foriir lOtfr and "A'i Stieets, from R-l Single Fami]y Res'idential District to RP Residential Professional District. 2. That said ord'inance rezoning the property h.tqlnabove described wjll be adopled only upon the happen'ing of tfre fol'low1ng conditions: a. Approval of a s'ite plan within six (6) months' b. start of constructjon with'in s'ix (6) months of site p'lan approval . c. Completion of construction w'ith'in one (l) year of site plan approval . d. Signing a street light agreement on t'lorth "A" street' e . I nstal 'l ati on of a hand'i capped s i dewal k ramp at the corner of 10th and North "A" Street. 3. In the event the forego'ing conditions are not compfied with within the t.imes hereinabove mentioned, trrei-and'in tr,ut.u.nt thjs resolutjon of intent shall be of no further force and effeii,-ina in the event of such compfiance, the counc'il does affirm its intention to..ion" trch property as hereinabove stated' AD6pTED by the Common Counc'il of the City of Springfield this 2lst day of August,.l978. r r ATTEST: ty er flb,"L CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGTIELD PLANNING COMM]SSION WTLL HOLDIIA PUBLIC HEARING 0N WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, l-978 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOII,I OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTTLITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH tA!.STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Edwand Daniel- E::vin (.Iounna1 No. 3-78-7-62) Assessorrs Map 17 03 35 41 Tax Lot 2300. Located at 147 Nonth 10th Street on the southeast ccrner of North 10th and rAr Streets. Applicant requests a change of zone from R-I Single Family Residential Distr ict to RP Residential Pnofessional Distr"ict for. the purpose of pr^o- viding space for professional offices. In the event of appnoval by the Planning Commission or. appeal by the applicant or other" intenested parties, the City Council will eonduct a public hearing Monday, August 7, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the aforementioned palce for the punpose of hearing views for or against the above l-and use nequest. I _l "r _I .J I al --l I.t _t 1 I zt i?- I :-.-t k-{ r' <aQe-- Richa::d Johnson, Secretany Springfiel-d Planning Commission 26 Nor"th 4th Street, Springfield 726-3 59 NORTH SCALE: lrr = 400 I AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-I TO RP. MHP t--. l.rj ,.i,, F L:la & t- r) I t-I l- :-rl LUt F (ri I l-- Fa !.rli(r(t -r 'r.-l t<- I r<-l e -'+' '?--l p..-t ,-t -:- | c-3 tl5lKi=-l '1 -i !r.-i Tq f-- ir- | A S TREET r u ll t- 6l a f- d NCi?.-t-t-..1 t- ui uJ( l- 3.l IF v Pt- E -r L -4. c --t M-3 M. -3 t-",.'.J c-+ M I-IP l\4 -7 rl.i r l'<I c-4 C-4 -r R-3 ^{ "-*i L -'tC-3 (_-"f ftttt -rt_ t\^-3 t rrol"j,I L^--- F.4 -3 t-ttt t1 t-tttt ttt_ttt -rt- tt__t -ttt_ €-l CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR]NG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD.IA PUBTIC HEARING 0N WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOI.,I OT THE SPRINGFIELD UTITITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH tA!' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CTIANGE: Edward Daniel Ervin (Jounnal No. S-78-7-62) Assesso::ts Map 17 03 35 4l- Tax Lot 2300. Located at .l-47 Nonth l-Oth Str.eet on the southeast ccnnen of Nonth 10th and rAr Streets. Applicant nequests a change of zone fr:om R-l Single Family Residential-District to RP Residential- Professional Distnict for the purpose of pro- viding space fo:: pnofessional offices. In the event of approval by the Planning Commission or appeal by the applicant or" othen interested parties, the City Council wil-I conduct a public hearing Monday, August 7, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the afonementioned palce fon the purpose of heaning views for on against the above land use request. R c s-rREE-r Richar:d Johnson, Secretar"y Springfield Planning Commission_lII.)."' :,][ 1,. {<-1 c-r p.-r c-3 c-4- lr-. - Ii{-r I U UJu t-(n I F F ul LUdi- r) It- I 0'' Fu Ld c( t-(ri TL ?-r 26 Nonth 4th Street, Spningfield 7 26-37 59 NORTH SCALE: -lrr = 400 | AREA TO BE CONSIDERXD FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-l TO RP. MHP M t-.rP 9.- | 5-.I'REE- T ,l -l -: -t.lt-' -l I-l II I I..1 _t ,'i I.:.i I i a -'t- c-3 Pt- ri -l L-J <-t NCi?.'t-i--r <-l A S TR.E--T F tJ !J uL I 6) a F ! F IT uJ M F.,$ I F v c -i,. E c-+c-4 C --l c-+c oi Rl\4 -')- lL: -r rllll -ttt :-ir f."1 -3 M-3 M.-3. c-4 c-4 C-4 R-'3 c-4 ii- I fi'- I x.-t Cc-3 rit M-3 rr_t r'Sr L:r-a'-r ttttt ]--trr rtt_t tttttt ttt__ t-t