HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-19fJob Locaticn: 7-2= -Tat lot #Aesessors Map # Subdioision: Add.ness:Phone DeserLbe h'onk: Eraf /affi &*:a> 2 {/Vc-u..,.tdditicn l2- lqt.yl Value t--t Neln L Date of App Lication Ecce t!..RESIDEIITIAL.. SPIIINGFIELD" APPLICAT. 225 North |th Stteet Springfiald' Oregon 97477 BuildLng Dtuisio.n 726-37 53 ,PERI\ITT Date res1S General P lurnb ing nical z a,6-Ill,ec Er 2a 1anElec Lt:S rrperv DEI.IOLTTIOII OR !,|OV!D BUILDIiICS Sani.lary seuer capped ct ptoperty Li'te Septic tank pti:"tped and filled uith gra;sel Final - Ifiien abctte itens are caapleted and uhen Cenolt tion is cotnplete or strus- ture noued otd pretnises cleaneC up' Hcmes Blocking and Set-uP PLunbing connecl:ions -- sa)er arLi dater Electrtcal Ccnnection' BLockittg' set-u; and pltunbittg conneetions nust be apprcr;ed beforc requbst'Jng el.eelrLcal inspecliot' Accessor;r- BuilCtng Pinal - After pcrckes, skitting, decks, etc. are comPleled. Page I of 'J permL ho Lder that 1 Lnspec tions a.re nade at the propeP time thaL ecch address readab e 7.A the responaibility of the to see fron the stneet, and that the' Diuicion appt'o"*ed P perrtt Lan shc card LA Located the fronLding Si t of the property 1 l:ines.*Bui Lding L fend.Ln on Bui at a L PROCEDUPE FOR INSP :CA nequ;;t;A-arA-fiPn gou uiLL be readY 'aiLL be nade the sane dcY, r'equests LL 7 2 6 37 6 9 (recorder.tate aou"tg Cesigrnted job nwnber iob aCite:ss, type recei-ted of nspecli.oi for inspection,Cott tractars Afiei's tlcJne cnd plnne nunbu'P.eque is befcre made aftet,7 00 L L nade +L-ncrt aorking dail' 87/17?Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is S|TE INSPEC?IIN: To be made after e-caoatffi;T"t prLar tc set uP of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & utcttrliircu,: To be made before ang Git1i-i5oered. EOOTING & FOUNDATION: ?o be rnaCe ifitF tr enc6i-ariTxcaoated artd forns a.re erected, but Prioz' to pounirg ecncrete. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISP.ECTION.: To be ,nade-$t.r aLL insulaticn ar'd required oapor bawie?s ole in place bui belore oty Lath' gypsun baatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECIION: Tc be nade afier, ilT@,ntt-'t s .in ptnce, but prior to anA taPlng. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond frfiijgrouting or uettieals in accordorce utith U,B.C, Section 24L5. UN)SRGPOUI\D PLUMDTNG| SEhPR, w.4T-E'1' DRAIIIAGE: To be nad.e prlor to JLL- T@-lin hee. uupERFLooR PLUJ.IBTNG e, MEC!!4NrC{L : T;beffi Drlor to installation of floor insuT.ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to ffilffill67of floor insulation ot' wooDsrovE: cc@et€4. After installation is decking, CIIRB & APPRCACIT APPQN: After forms are ereeteC but Prior to Pourlng conct,ete. SIDEWALX & DRfYEWAY: For all con' crete paofrii itthin stt'eet right- of-unu-. to be nade after aLL exea- uZtiio- canplete & fotn unrk & sub' base'r,aterial in Place. cou{'these inspeetions haoe- beet made and approrted. PIPEPLACE; ^"t;;l;l; PrLor to Placirq and before fratning facing inspec- tion. FRAIIING: lhust be requested after approoat of t'ough plwrbing' -electt'i-&L & mechanieal. ALL noofing braeittg 6 chitrmcye, etc. naot ba conoleled. No uork is to be eon- eeiled unti,L this inspection lae 'been nade anC appnoued. ?ENCE: hlhen conPlate -- ProttiCe @Zi or nottable sectians thnough DI'D ?ITIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL aLL ptojebt conditione, such as the i.nstal_Lation of etreet t_ree-s.,^ conpletion of the required Landsccping, LtZ.,-iit te satisfiZd-A,ifoi"n-lL" BUILDIN1 FIiAL can be requested' FfNAL BU1LDfNG: The Einal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing EL";;;";;;L:-'ia ue"to*t'"il ii"pn"tiono i'q"n been nade and approoec' w *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUT| MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTUENT TO BE IIIADE A? NO CCST TO CEY Otmen: U,L aL 7 tr u SOLAR ACCESS REQ'_ Lot Faces - G*JOB NO.L-CO Bedt ooms Building Volue & Permit This penfit is gnanted. on the etpte$s cond-ition tha-t the- saidrconsttuction iiitt', ln al-L nZspects, conforrn'to the Ordinanrae adopte1 by the City 9f ipr.tngytn1, inclluding'the'Zoning Ctdinanc-e, regulctittg the ccnstructicn ora ,'i'n of Lu.tLd.ings, and mty be- susperuled or reuokeC at cn! time upon uic- Latton o1; any prcuisions of said ordinances' Access.DT JQ.rlu TO?AL VALUE I!ouse Fi e t x ValueITEM * PLan Check Ilee Date Paid: Receipt ll: Duilding Pet'mLt Total Clwrges State LOr rwE fntericr Lot Sq. Ftg. x of Lct Couerage I of Stortes Iotal lteight lopography Corner Panhanrlle CuL-de-sac Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon sLnLL consttuct, instal1." alter or clnnge,any nett-ct' existing plrkltrw o, d,ainage systLn in ulnle or in pa,t, unless such person is the iugol p"on"e""on ol"a rLlid pl*rbnr,'s Lic-ens--e, ercept that a pe"son mail Qo ptlrAihg uot'k to propertA ,hi.h i" oamed, Leased ot' opet'ated by the appli- cant. FEE CHARGENO * San'i Seuer ITETl Fistures Residential (1 bath) Plwnbing Pernit State Surcharge Total Electricol Permit were state Lato requires t|",at the electyical uov,k be done by _an Electt'ical Contnactor, the elicttieal portion of this pennit slnll not be oalid until the LabeL las been signed by the Electrical Contracto!' I LL = Na,t/Ettend Circuits Set uice State ?otal -. ENCROACHMEN? -- CIIARCENC Mechonicql Permit Echant HooC Vcodstote Vent Fan Petnrit fssuance Meehanicel Pernrit Sec,rttu Deposit Storage Mainterwnce Permit Curbcu! Sida,:alk !ence Electnical Label Mobi1.e Home f HAW CAREFULLI EXAMINED the completed application for pertnit, and do hereby certify that aLL information het'eoi is true and correct, ond r furthLr certiiy that any ard aLL uork perfonted shall be dote in aceor- 'dance tLth the" 2rdinancbs of the CitA bf Spningfield, and the Lans of the state of oregcn pertaining to the uork cesctibad hez,ein, end tlwt N0 occu- pANCy ;tL bZ rude of any structure aithout peytnission of the Building Di- oision. I fu?ther cbrti"fy that only contt'actors and enplcgees dho are in conplianee dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL Z- ,I'O'fAt, A\'TAUNT DUD: *?3-05 Signed Date rl