HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-20.. RESIDINTIAL..Rcce tlt APPLICA 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 N/PERMIT SPFIINGHEL.D- Date: 26-3769 (recorder) state your City Cesignzted job runzber,job a&iress, type P,equests recei"*ed of inspeciiot inspection,Contractot,s or A,mers ncsne cnd phone number befcre 7:00 a:, aftet, 7:00 an uiLL be rnade the ncat Dorking das' Ioun Citg Desi.gr,ated Job Nunbet, fs: INSUI,A?ION/VAPOR BARRIER I]ISPTCTION : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaLicn and. required oapor bam,iera are in place but before @tA Lal;h, gApsun baayC or rnLL eooeting is applied, and beforeay inaulati,on is concealed. DRYHALL INSPEtrI)N: Tc be nade after aLL dryunll is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beona, grouting or uerticals in accordance btlth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: @raGtA. After inetalltttion ia to OP ate erecbeC but pt,ior Lo After fonns ' pouring CURB & APPRCACII APPON: concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIIIEWAI: For aLL eon- cr.ete Wo@ nitiin etreet right- of-tny" to be nade after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn wrk & eub- base nnterial in place. IENCE: hthen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sectians through P. U.E. ALL project condibione, such as Lle i.netallation of atpeet trees, conpleiion of the required Landsccping, ctc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be nequested- FINAL BUILDIN?: The Final Builditq fnspection mtet be requested afte? the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Mechanical fnspectiona lraua been nade ard approued, Ceneral tlec n].ca S rrp Elec t t:cian It ia the neeponaibilitg of the permit holder to aee that aLf, inspections are nade at *he proper tine, that ecch addreas ie neaCabie fron the street, and that the petvrtt eard ia loeated at the front of the prope"tA. 'Buitding Diuiciot apptou*ed pllan ahatl remain on the Bunldfug sit;'at aLL' tilnes-" PPOC DUPE FOR INSPEC?ION R1QWST:CALL 7 requeated ard uhen you ttill be neady for'siLL be nade the eane dcg, requests ncde SI?E INSPECTI)N: To be nwde after e.rcaoation, but prtor tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELIC?RICAL & ut c n rr.iI.n r, :-fo b e ffii-Fefor e ang wt k is cotlered. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be raCe ;ft;T;enc4es a"e -eicattated and fotns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete.I UND\RGPAUND PLTNBING. SEWR. TI,'ITER, DRAIilAcE: To be nade prior to fil-Tfi-lFinchee. UN DERFL,OOR PLUI.IB IN G & MECIIANICAL : o1 floor ineulal;ion or decking. POS! AND BEAM: To be rrude priot TietaTGi6Vof floor insulition decking. ROUGI| PLU|BINC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No wk ie to be cotered unliTthese inspections lnoe been nad.e and. approueC. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to plceirg faeingmatetials and before fratring inepec- tion. ERAI|ING: l'tust be "equested aftet, approtsal of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & neclunieal. ALL roofing btacitlg 6 chinmege, ete. mtet be cottpleted. No ttork ie to be con- eealed unttl thia inspeotion lae'been trude anC approoed. FTilAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL 6s{,!ob Location: Aesessots uap # /72 aofizrD ?a.c tat ll liubditsision: aumert 3 4 6- rto35-Address Phone zip:7 Deecrtbe ffork:-/A tl-X7ry 6il8tr*- 614- /lat-''* a/.h4; Tf,oo,9*)Date of Applicatian Value Neu Additicn RemoCel orsr rS a P lurnb in El,ec E.r ca DEI,IOLI?IO!1 OR !,iOVED BU ILDIi'|CS Sodtarg saser capped at p?opertq Lire Septic totk ptoped and. filled uith gra;tel Pinal - I{hen abctse itens are ectnpleted and uhen dertolition ia conplete ott struc- ture noued and premises cleaneC up. I'lobi Hcmee Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaue? and uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, aet-up and plunbing conneetione rrust be apprcr;ed before requeating eleclrical inaptee'-iott Aeceesory Building Final - After pcrchee, ekirting, decks, etc. a?e completed. Page 1 of 2*ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BD ACCESSTBLF, AD,IIJSTI{EI/I TO BE I"L4DE AT NO ECST TO CITY T rl tr o l1 ,rouorn ro^o LOT TYPE _ Inter"icr _ Corne? _ Panhardle CaL-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- nst: West ^*(J toDe JOB NO pr Ilolise rot Sq. Ftg L-CO Crot Lot Faces - % cf Lct Cctterage_ # of Stories Iotal Height Toooarahu -- Fees -- ITEI!FTC x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the eip?e$s cond-ition tln-t the- saidreon-struction "t-tt', in all rZspects, confonn to the 7rdi.nance edopted b:y the city 2fipil"gyl.nti, inctlding' the 2oning Crd:-nanc_e, regulati-ng the ccnstmrcttcn oid ,"o"n of buildirqs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation o!' any prcrtisions of said ov'dinances. TOTAL VALUE *s. D. c,L.5 x Building Permtt 57 Date PaidStateReceipt il: Total Clntgea .2.Stgned: NO.FEE Plumbing Permit No person stnll construct, instal!, alter or clnnge -any neD-ct' eristing il"irl;rrg o* dtainage systen in uhole or in part, unlees euch pereon is the i"jo-L p"o"tn""o, o7"o uLtid pl*nb"r"s Lic-ens-b, es-cept that a Pe"son nay 4opliialig aork to ptoperty ihioh i" o,ned, Leased o, operated by the appli.- cdnt. Eirtutes 42-:P ResiLential (1 bath) Sani Seuet Plwnbing Pern:t,t z?4e State lotal - Electricol Permit whete state Laut reqtires tlat the eleetrical ootk be done by -an Eleetrical Cont"actor,, the el)ctuical portion of thi,a permit slwll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical cont?actot" aZ EqVl <7c- 2f Zn.r-,:n/-e frfV/,Y % @22-Z Neu/Exterd Citcuits Setoice State lotal ITlM bhanst HooC ILL CIIARCE & *4 ar Mechonicol Permit Vent Fat [,lcodstooe Perrrit fssuance MecLnnical Permit -- EI:ICROACHMENT -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Asbcu! Sida'talk Penee Electrical Label Mobile Home ?otaL d4-*rrrr, //-v-e2Tafe-- Lt - 22^ 77 f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the completed application for permit' and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon is true and conrect, anC f further certily that any ard aLL uork penfonned elnll be -done in accor- dance vi.th the- 0rdinanc'es of the Ctty of Spr"ingfield, and the Lans of the* State of }regcn pertaining to the uotk desc?ibcd henein, and tlnt N0 )CCU- Pl.Ncy ;LL bZ maZe of any structure uithout pennisaion of the Building N- uision, I further cbrtiiil t?nt otly contnaitot's and enplcyees uho a7'e in eonpliance uith oRS 701..055 ttill be used on thie ry'oiect ,IOTAL AMOUIIT DUE: */tz.at Signed Date Caraqe 'loPth ttSouthll Bedrooms: .*z?-?*a.*Bl"bin Ci:?ac e Ca?no?t Acce,sso?u pun cne"* eee, 4'K' *^$v-7a NC. 2.-/€r7@z ,75