HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-08-14.. RE. )ENTIAL.. APPLICAT ION /PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Reeei Date: (os/ t! SPFIINGFIEI-O )s b 0) (!0t5' Geney,aL Plt*abing EleetrLcaL l4ectmical Constmtetion Lende? Rean|narl Tn sn o efi.nn p It i8 the reepons,ibility of the pendt hoQa. to aee tlat aLL inspectiotts oe nade at the p"ope? tine, that sasfi :ditsss is neqCah:-e fnon the st?eet, and tltat the penrLt catd, ie Located at the front of tlte p?ope?t!.*Building D.iticion appro"^ed pLan slnll yemain on tLe Bunlding site Zt aLL'tines.- PROCEDUPE. F1R INSPECTI2N RI?UES?:CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state gouz, City Cesigrated job teQuested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for tnspection, Cont?aetc?s oy A,tters ncne end ptnne ', 'vt|-L be twde the sane day, requests ncde aftx ?:00 an urtll be nade the nest tnrking day. you! CitU Designated Job Nutnbet, fs: ntriibet,, job aCi:eess, type of inspec=i.cn nunber. Requests recei"^ed befcre 7:00 an 8t ,<a/ L). EJob Loeaticn: Aesessors Map # )1-OS - 35 . l3 r-btu06qco Svbdioision: pOtmer: ?s/ p tr: &{')L/1, - tnV(SAddress:Phone: Sd-{d O{-q7q77City:IU Descz.ibe l,lotk: 844 K_ -hzD ValueDate of App Lieaticn L Additicn RenoCel Lisc. #Contractors Address Page 1 of 2 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH!-IIICAL: ?o be made before angwrk is eotlered, F)O?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be np.Ce SI?E IIISPEC?ION: To be rrude aftet, eccansation, but priar tc set up of fomna. TNSALA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : To be made after aLL insulattcn a""d requ:-ned oqor bavie?s @e in pLa.ce but before ory Lath, Wpsl)n baatC ot, ULL cooering is applied, and. befone oty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL IfiSPECU)N: lc be nade ;frAZfT-A,aam'ts in plnce, but prior to any taping. MISQIRY: Steel Location, bondGdijgrouting or uerticals i.n accordotce ttth U.B.C. Section 241 5, WOODSTOVE: @mpTetA. After install,ation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON:After fonnsue erecteC but prior to pourirq conerete. SLDEWALK & DRf',TIAI: For all con- clet; paofr utffi etreet ri.ght- of-tny, to be made after all, etca- oating complete & fonn tnrk & sub- base natet"Lal in place. OR Sanitary seaer eapped at properfui Zir:e Septic totk y"rrped and. fi.Lled ttth gtarel Final - I'lhen abcoe itens at'e ecnpleted and uhen Cenclltion is compl;ete or struc- ture notsed otd prenrtaes cleaneC up. Mobi e Hcmes Blocking old set-up Plutrbi,ng connectiotts -- saie? d, uatet Electrical Ccmneetion - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections mtst be apprcoed before requesting eleclrieal inspeetion Aceesson; BuilCing Pi.ral - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. an,e completed. -fter tiencTes are e-ccatsated and. forns are erected, but ptior to pow.Lng ecnereta, !lp48!?,p.rytt D PLWIN GL EEWR' y.4TER' @-6enchee. AIIDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING & MECHANTCAL : o7 floor insul,ation or decking. POSI ANP BEAI4: To be nade prtor to ffiii|Tatlon oy floor insul.ation or decking. ROUGH PLUTBITIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH:- ANICAL: No uot'k is to be coteted .u Tthese inspections lnte been mad,e cnd approued.. EIP.EPLACE: PrLor to placirq facingmatertals and befot,e frantng inepee- tion. ERAI'IING: l,tust be requested aften approual of nough plur,bing, eleetyi-a.l & nec?nnical. ALL toofing bractng E ehinmeya, ete. rrust be . eonrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- - cecled until thi.s i,nspeetLon lae 'bee.n made anC apptooed. FTilAL PLUAAING FINAL MECHANICAL FITIAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: h4ren complete -- ProtiCe gate6 or mouable seetions thtough P.A.E. ALL project conditions, sueh as the "l.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of tie required Landscepirg, atc., m$t be sattsfi,ed before the BI.ILDfNG FIIIAL can be requested. fiNAL BAfLDING: The Einal Building fnspection mtet be requested aftet the Final Plunbi.ng Electrical, and Meclnnical fnspections l'wte been made and approtseC.o *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,IADE A? NO CCST TO CIIY gY f u il StrtLt n Na,t pl*rr;rb 'J5 j</E Zone: *JOB NO.soLAR ACCr. REQ.-L-CO BeCroons: Lot Faees -Enerait Source's Tuoe Setbacks lleat DT House Cat aqe Access.Water qeater North Range East Fireplaee South Lloodstoxe # of Stories Total Height lopography LCT ?WE _ fnterior _ Conler _ Panltand,Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotterage llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penrit is gtanted on the eqress cond.ition that the said constyactionslnll, in aZL respects, eonform to the Ct&Lnance edopted biy the City of Spz,ingfield, ineTudlng the Zoning Cydinance, r,egalating the ccnsttacticn otd use of buildings, otd nay be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of @U prcoisions of said Oydiranees. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: rTEM FTC x * Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 c Building PermLt ?otal Clnrgee State Plumbing Perrnit Ng person shall constmtct, instaL!, alter or change anA ned cr eristin4 glwnbing on dtainage syaten in uhole or in patt, unless sueh pet,son is the Le_gal.possessor of a ualid pltntberts L,Lcense, eccept tlnt a pbrson rag dopltnbing uoyk to p?operty uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the "ppli.-cant. NO.FEE CEARGE Fi.stttz,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Sani Sa'ler Plmbing PerrLt State Sutch,atge Electricol Permit Whete State La,t requires that the electuieal uoyk be done by cn EleetricalCont?actor, the eleetr.ical portion of this pernit shall not be ualil. untilthe l.abel lns been signed bg the Electrical- Contractor. FEE ',1 Neu,/Esterd. Cincuits Setwice ngM NC FEE CIlARCE ,+ Mechq nicol Permit llcodstot;e Vent Fot Ecltalet HooC ,S Pentrvt fssuanee Meehanieal Peymtt Seeut tty Deposit S!9rage lhintenance Perwtt Cvtbcut Sida,talk lenee ETectz,ical Label Mobile Eone # PLan Date IotaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXA!4fNED tle eonpleted applieation for pernit, qtld dohereby cetti,f.y that aLL informatibn hereoi is ttae aid. eb*eeti and t furthez, -ce,tify that any ard aLL aork perforned slalt be done in aoooo_dance vLth the Oldinances of the c.LtA bf -sprLngfield., and. the L,,as of thestate of )r'egon pertaining to the uork ceseribbd herein, otd that No occu- P/.NC.I ttill_b^e, _ad.e of a\a st"uctt."e uvlthout pernission of the Buitding DL-oision. r funther eertify that only contracioz,e ord. e:npicyees uho arZ ineonpl'lance uith oRS ?01.0ss uiLL be ueed on thie project TOTAL /I,MOUN? DUE:*/5 bd Signed 7 trt Iotal C'harae-s -- ENCROACHMEN? -. -