HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1990-08-01SPIIINGFIELO % FENCE PERMiT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 Flfth Street Spri ngf ie'ld , 0regon 97 477 Offi ce: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 7 26-37 69 YNJob Location: Assessors Map owner, \{ o \q 335 ia N\a+ZrLerS #:Tax Lot #:08000 Address:Phone il: Fence Permit is $5.00 ( City:State: $Val ue of F ence: Con tractor / I ns ta I I er : Address z fr City: -- State: Construction Contractors Reg'istration ll: ure FOR OFFICE USE By signing this permit/application, I ag fence has been constructed (726-3769).this appl icat'ion/permit is correct and t Development Code requirements for fence ree to call for an inspection once myI also state that all information onhat I was provided with the Springfield standards . Z1 p: @ Phone /l: Ll (* Ex p'ires: a Dabe of Appl ication:Job #:q Receipt i/:Issued By: Total Amount Collected: checked for De'linquencies: / checked for Historical status: ( Permit No: Address: lssued by Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERSABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITTES Fill in the appricabre branks, and initiar box 1 and either box 2A or 2,,: r' rt r own, reside in, or wirr reside in the compreted structure. A.My general contractor is Contractor registration number I wi' instruct mv generar contractor that _ail subcontractors who work onthe structure must-be r.giJt"i"i*iii, tn; e".;i;*t;;; contractors Board. Note: oregon Law, oRS.7o1.055(4), requires residential building permit applicantswho are not reoistered with tlie'Construction Contractors Board to'sign thefollowing staterient before tne-ouiloing permit can be iisued. Licensed Architectand Engineer appricants, exempt from iegistration Lnoer oRS 201.010(7), neednot submit this statement. Thi; statemeit *irr o" riieo ,ritn the permit. 2 OR I will be my own general contractor. tr#fli.,*;i tl*arUii[[,iti#h?iHr*mi il:;drssuing this buitding deimiT;T't"h;' I hereby certifv that.the 3bove information is correct and.that_t have read and understandl3;, I f 11]T,ll, lii mJ: ;;il fii'o 'nn ;;; ;;LTb li, " t,u o i o n R e s p o n s i b i r n i e s o n t h e B nature 1 ppl antt Dat B', fi ,ir833\ryJ? lF##ft f c ENcy pERMrr Fr LE 33}rrl3,!fli"N co NrRAcro RS BoARD @s 1