HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-08-18?cee;-Dt " SPFIINGFIELDAPPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision / zo-o/b6 .tob Locaticn:2+4rt+ Aasessors l.ldp #ry0 73s rN Subdioision: Anter:O-,g0vl- Address: City: ldditicn RenoCeL llobile Hone Date of Apo Lieaticn Deseribe llork:\-l fAnx-o*., ,{) Tc.r lot il ? -rH <-l( -Kb Z_ zip:-olL VaLue ceneral WU,^r,,\)PLunbin2 SLectricaL l.!ec)aer.iccl Constrtetict Leruier l.: is the resaonsibilit,u of tie Dermit ]totd.et' to see that aL! insoections are nad.e at the pyope? t*ne, that ss4ft aiirsss is vpa:n'^'-::1on..x!leat?eet'anlt}uttheoerzrttcatcisLocatedat.th'efnontoftheorooerty '7uilding Diuicio- acprou*ed cl'an sig.il yenein o, ti EtiaL"L- !"t; -a= alt tines.' f"n^5n.rrr FnD llteDia?l"''" !""'-ri)ll .F-?WST:CALL726-3769 (reeovder) state you! City desigra.xed. job nta::ber, job aii:'ess, t-y=e of itcsoee=icna2.cu3s;ea a-i ui':en'gou yiLL be reariy i'c,r insocetion, cont?acxcrs ci oumeTs nene -cni =7one ni,mbey.' :."qo."." r,eLeix'ei b'ejcre'z:c3 r.:LLL be naae the sone dcy, requests-ncrie cfxer z:00 on tiLL be r*in "a.n-)"r;;;"k;;''Lr. Icur City Desiar,a.ted Job Nwn"oer Is Etoo.r 77?eauinei Tr seeeticns | :'-l 1.','_?-::i:--r.:r: To ce nacie afver I ezcalat;.cn, but pricr tc set up of - forms. -1 uitDt.?sLA3 PLL':.BL:tG. iL::rPr::,r n ) r:u1.--t!rud!: i'O_ be maAe oelope cny DO?K LS CODet'ed. -ta | ?1C?.ri:G , !CU:\D,1TIC!]: ?dbZ niCeI afie:" t?encnes are eceauated arui forms are erected, but p"io? topout!r,g ccncrete. ]):SL'LATIO\I/VAPOR EARPIIR I!]SP!C?IC]J : Io be nad.e after aLL i,nsuZaticn d. rcouired uapor borievs are in place bat before ory ldth, Wpsum bcari ortnli couerino is c:tlied, and. beforeoty insulation is c",:.:ealed. .F :Ft + -- -pRyn[LL iltsiEc?rc:;' ]c be made a1'xer aLL ctyuall is in plaee, but priot, to cny taping. I,lAS1llR!: Steel Location, bonC beans, grouting or oetticdls in aceoui.otce Llith U.B.C. Section Sanitarl seser cqcei ct prooert3' Lit:e Septic totk p:r-ceci ad filled uith gratzl Pincl - Ithen cbczse itens ate cczoleteiari dten iqtclition is cot::=Lete or s'--r3- tuye noued anc pret,rlses eleanei up. art,1f Tnratt ^) a, l _l l l uu9liic <ETF9 To be prior to -l u_uoFnpzoc.p :,zu:.snc a rcc:u.t:tct:,, -t 'l'o be maae pricr co inscallation of floor insuLction or deeking. I p.osr 4t!o atm: To be natie priot, toI LnstalLaxtcn of floon insulation on deckinE. p,Q-wl _pLu,!Br:tc, ELECT?TCA. A ||ECH: 4!!9!L: i,lo uo?k is to bc cou*ered-witil these inspeetiors lnnp- beer; nade and. aporoueC. PrLor to plceir4 fceingarul befot,e frarting inspee- x?enenes ?TDfrf A.D. ^a;;;l;Gttot:. ilOODSTOYE: ccmpleted. After installation is CUPB & APPRCACIT APPON: After formsoe ev,eeteC but prior to pour-ing eoncrete. SIDEWALX & DRTIEWAI: Fot, aLL con-crete paoirq utthin street night-of-tx!, to be na.de after aLL e.rea- oatina sonplete & fotn tn,k & sub- base tnctertal in plz.ce. ?El!!E: Men conplete -- Prooi.Ce gates or mouable eections thnough P. U.E. FRAjlIllC: liust be tequested afterapptooal of rough plunbing, electri_eal & neci+anical. ALI roofing braei-ng €,- ehinmeys, ete. nntst becotflpLetcd. llo ucrk is to be eon_. cecled until this iaspectton laa'been made anC dpptooed. ] prttAL pLuuBruc ) nnm uE.nAttrcAL ) ruur ELEenrcAL l ?INAL BUILDINC: The FinalElectrieal, anC Neciur:icat ALL project cottditiona, such as the i.nstallation of atreet tnees, cmoletLon of tierequited Landsccping, etc., rflLtst be satisfied befo?e the BUfLDIIIC FIlilL can be requested.. Building Inspection mtst be requesteC cftet the Final Plwbing fnspectione iaue beea made anti apprcveC. llcD Le Ecnes Pltnbing connectians -- aa)er d. ua:er Eleetriccl Ccmnection - Blocking, aet-u. and. plutnbing connecti.ons nr;st be apptou*ei befot,c reques ting el,eclrical inspec=iot Aeeessory BuilClng Final - After pcrcl:es, skitting, decks,etc. are eonpleled. Bloeking od. Set-up Page 1 o! 2'ALL l.tAllECLES AND CLEAilOWS ilUST BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUfrlt1iE TO 3E E4DE !.? tlo atsT TO Crly I ,fuPhone: tr JOB NO Bb l"oLAR Accrss REe.-r--co c* Ldte:OecuDancu G?oui, LCT ?WE _ Intetio? _ Cor.ner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Int Faces - Setbdeks Df House Canaoe Access North Eosf Sa;th ,laoactoxe West Eecrootas: eat LACe { :!x;.1 ;.lain ?OTAL VALUE I DC LUe3.D.C. 1.5 :c Euildinq Pentr[t State Total Clwqes lI:,r., resiienti-a.L (i bcth) Seuer y L1.L-D'-|:3 .oeyrLt Totel as/Ezterui Circyits ?otal --F Building Vqlue & Permit This permtt is granted on the e*T?ess condition tha.t the said construction s^lta.L.L, in-a-ll .?es?e-e-ts, coniorm to the Ordirnnce pdopteC dy the City ofSpr-ingfield, ineltd.ing *.he Zoning Cydinance, ,nodl"ting th,e ccnsttacticn otd .use of buildings, otd nay be suspend.ed ot, r'euokec -ot oty tine upon ui.c-Lation of dny prcuisions of eaid Ordinances. ). Reeeipt # SiEted: FEZ Plumbing Perrrit No_ person sltall eonshwet, install, alter or cl-nnge cny tleD cy existinc qlumb_ing cr drainaqe systen in uhole or in pott, inless sueh Derson is the Le_gal possessot, of a ualid plunbet,,s License, etcept tl"a.t a i":son nay Ccplunbing uork to p?opert! uhich is ot^med, Leased ot, opetate<i by the ippli- Electrico I Perm it Itinere State Lal teouites thax the eiectrical uork be doneCont?acta", tne eleetrical aortion af tn* pentit sice.Ll r:othe Label ius been aigned bu tite ELecttical Conxrcctot. I I .-t x Valuc PLan Cheek n!1c-l I t;:t'1-:a ft/iechonicol PermitP?UIS sitast HooC ent Fo1 cod.sto;.te PennLt fssuenee Meei",anictl Pemit -- Et,tcRcAciltlEllT -- :o?aoe ',iasalk Plant Exaniner ?otal Cnataes f HAW CAREFULLY IXLAfNED t?e eornpleted aoplication for perni;, cnd dchereby certify that aLL itfo:nation het,eon is true ani correcz, atC ffutthet, cettify that any ard aLL uork penfotned slnlt be dote i.n qecor- dance trLt'lt the Ordinences of tize City of Sptingfietd, anl thc Lct;s of thestate of oregcn pet'taininc to the uot'k ceseribcd herein, cnd. lirst uo occu- Pr'.ilcy ditl be nade of any structure uithout permission of the suitd.ino Di-uision. f furthen eertifi; that only eontractot s ai;d enplcgees uh.o arie ineonpliance aith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project rrs L bile Hane , <,pS TAL A,\OUTT DUE: I 5 ,o(3 Signed Date Iot Sq. Ftg. z cf lct Couerage ! of Stortes - iotal P.eight Toooctehu Date Paid: -