HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-14.. RESlDErrlTi .L.. APPLICATTO.,, PERUN 225 North ith Street SprLngiieT.d, Oregon 974?7 Buildtng Di.uision 7 26-37 53 .iob Loeeticn: Aesessore Map ll itbdioision: )ntet: lddz.ess: 3ity: Additicn RenoCel Date of .cnxrccao?s jezez,al FTilAL PLUIIBII|G FII|AL I4,'HA:IICAL FII]AL EL'ORICAL Hichacl o o0no r A/.qtL SPFtINGFIEI.I) lcs Lot # Phone: 7Zb- 2033 ?.cc Date:- tLl- 1 av Describe llonk: Valuet0 -ll -?5 To be nade aftet, priaz, tc set up of freeshndili wool s hv<- 1 ,,oorrn ro n fr --t ie the respotzsibililv of-the pernrit ttoldet-to eee-ttnt-all inspecttons oe nad,e at the pro?er tine, that 2ssft -;.t,-ess is vsasn-^-."i1!,*.-"*:.1:,,:d_!y!-tJz1,e7yyt.eatd. ie. Located. at-the frcnt of the propetts. - ''- r'Y(e' ""e' e"'e ' t?tL'dl:1g DauL.Loz approu-ed pLot shcll remain on the Builciing sitc at aLL' tines.- 20C9DUPE F1l? rllsPEtrr)ll RgowsT:CALL726-3769(teeorder) std.te aou? city desigma-ted. job ntm,ber, job ali,less, type of inspec--ic-n=ouesxeci ar<i a'cen uou uiLL be ready fon inspection, contraetoi" o-, asners nctne cnd. plane ruubcr. Requests receixed, befcre ?:0c aziLL be natie the sdte dcy, ""q"niii"ioi. iiler z:oo on viLL be nad.e the ne.zt ,,nrking aay. :onslrugtionJgde!_ 0v'l -1 Cr-n fNqDt^6fnit. J ezcaDiion;Et Jorms. -1 AilDIRSLAB PLUI,IBTNG. ELECTRICAL & )nauo"k Ls coDered. 1 Fc_orunc 1 FquNpAncN: ro be tmCe J alter trencnes ane escauated and, fotms ate etected, but priot topour.tr,g cc-netete. 1 ultpiRcpoultp pLaprNSr_EEt/Ei2_u.qTEB, )Lirq trenehes. I uao*rrcop pLUtErNc & t4EcgANrcAL: -) 't'o be naa.e pric? to installation of floor insuktion or deeking. I posr 4t!,o eem: ?o be nade prLor to) insxallaxian of floon insulation ordeckittg. 1 R2lc:ry,:Lu7rltc..Ery E: I A:t.LLt-L: tlo DO"k Ls to oc couet,ed- uzxil these inspectiotts iuue been _ maie dnd approued. I FIP|?LACE: pt-Lor tp plccirq faeinq) mctenials and. befone froning inepeL- tLOn. a PPi-i,:INc: ttust be reauested aftet ) app_roual of nough phttbing, electrL_cal & meciunical. All roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rrust- be . conoletcd. lto ucrk ie to be cort-..cecled until this inspection tas'bee.n mad.e anC approtted. TNSILA?I)U/VApOR BARRER I\SpECTT1N : ?o be naC.e after aLL insulaticn etZ yequired uqon berie?s @e in pl,acebut belore ory lath, Wpsun bceC ortnll couering is applied, attd. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRWALL IilSPl2!)N: ?c be nadeafter aLL a,yuall is in pla.ce,but prior to any tapittg. I,IASONRY: Steel Loeation, bondbeans, grouting or oerticals inaccotdotce urth U.B.C. Sectlbn 2475. p\ ttooosro,n: Aftet iretall-ation isV\l arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON:@,e;tecteAWV;lo" ancrete. SfDEVALX & DRTIEWAI: Fot al|. eon-erete patsitlg ttthin street right-of-rxy, to be naCe aftet aLL eoea- oating canplete & fotn uork & sub- fuse rpterLal in pla,ce. ?EN1E: hrhen eonplete -- fuotsiCegates o? motsable eectians through P.A.E. ALL project eonditions' such ae the installation of stteet t?ees, ccnD1etion of therequired Land.sccpirq' etc. ' trust be satisfied before tne auti,biib FIyAL can be requested.. FINAL BUILDINC: mu ,-\:11 Build'ing. Inspection rru;t be requested clter the pinal pttnbizgElectrical, otC Neettarical rnspeet:.ons 'hq'c bee, ,raie- ird'ipp"oird. Iottt City Desigr.ated Job Nutnbet Is:?5077? Aftet fontsto pottr-tng l Il l Sodtary saser eapped ct propatfil litze Septie to* Vqed aad. fi.tled vtth grcsel Final - I{hen abcoe itaw are ecnoleteC and uhen Certclition is cot.olete Lr s*zr;- tuye mooed otd. prenlses clbaneC up. licmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbi.ng conneetions -- aa/te? otC ualer Eleetrieal Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-u= and plunbing connecti,ons m;st be aVprcr;bC before tequesting eleclrteal inspeetiot: Aeceasory BuitC'Jrg Pinal - After pcrches, skirting, deel<-s,etc. ane conpleted. Page 7 of 2 0k 1 7'.1 7?zip: 'ALL l'rAltttcLEs AND CIEANOUTS r{US? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST|?E}:! ?o 3E L'ilDE r.? t:o cgsr ro crly -l u T tr il tr T | .roe No 8so1n soLr .ccEss REQ.-t-co ct i Zore:Ccgtianer Eealoons l,at Faces - DI t10use Cdraoc Aeeess Ilo"til IIc-,+i ll l.lest l M!.t VaLue llain bace Aceessot,t TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 .r ( Lot Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Caverage ! of Stories n^+-1 u^: -L. Topogrqhy fariw= J _ Interict _ Corner - _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac .\eat c tove -- Fees -- Bu d ing Vqlue & Permitil ?his pertnt t is granted on the er;p"eas condition that the said. eonstntction s_hall, _in,all.respects, conform to the Ordinance adopteC bg the City ofSpr-ingfield, including the Zoning Cydtnance, regulcting thb ccnstruiticn and .use of buildings, otd may be suspended or pbuokeC -at o:y tine upon vic-la.tion of @ry prcoisions of said 7tdinances. Build.tng Perwit ?otal Clanges i i Resiienti^a.! (1 bath) Sani Sq-ne" Pllnbing Perrit Cheek Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Sigred: FLa t Plumbing Permit No person s?rall consttaet, insfal!, alter ot clange cny ned cr e:istingyltn2ing or dtainage systdn in uhole or in part, unlesi sueh petson ie'tt.e Le-gal .possessor of a oalid plutnbet,s License, escept th.dt a petson nay doplwnbing uork to ppope?t! uhich is otsned, Leased or operatei ty tt n oppli-cant. L l.a;1i i i Nao/Ezxer"C Ctrcuits i latcc?eu 5€z,Di"ee Stcte IotaL Esh.atst HooC 'tlcodsto;te Pertr-t fssuotcz MecTsnieel Penmt L Permit Electricol Perrnit were state Lan tequires tha.t the electtical uork be done by an Electr.icalconttacto", the eLec--rLcal cortion of thia petnit shaLl rox be tsali.c. wttiitirc Tabel itas been signed by the Electri.cal Cont?aetop. Mechonicql Permit I .',-. | ;;: | .;-..r j: t,o, I t;: h,e, ,aee gTU t S I 15.00 15.00 .eo ls'co -- El,tcEcACHt'tElt? -- Sec"ri Pcnrit Cu?bcu! Sidasalk !on:e PLan , I I{AW CAREFULLy SXA!.IINED the co^pleted application for permit, ar1d. dohereby certif-y that aLL info:nation hereon is ttue anC conect, anC f further _certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be dote in oo"on- dance '"vLth the ordinences of the city of spr.ingfield, attd the l/..i,s of thestate of 1regcn pertaining to the urrk ceseribcd herein, ffd. ltat No occu- P4Nc! tiill_ b-e nade of any st?uctu,ve without permissiott of the Building Di-uision. r furthen eertifg that otly contrae'to?s at-d. anplcyees uho aie incanpl':.ance utth CRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on this projec't I MobiZe Hae a?OTAL AECUI:? DUE:'ls.n Signed Date 'aJetet Res. So. f:c- Vent Fot