HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1988-03-21Reeei t#..RESID \TIAL.. zzs North rrt, irr"lr"trcAruo* /PERItrr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPHINGFIELD v dil,", 6 btc q)D Itlt K- Date:O-a / -E. Iot* City Desi.gr,ated Job llunber Is:8X cA3q It is ttt rcaponcibititg of tle pendt lDlA* to aee tlwt aLL inspections are nade at the F;loper tine, thdt ecch addreae is reaC^hle fln tln at?eet, dnd ttdt the petnrit cod ia Located at th9 ftont of tlry pro.putU-lguitdi.W Diuicion a@?ou*ed pLot sltcll remain on tLe Building Site at aLL times. PROC9DU1E FOR INSp.tigPN_ffiO.tlE5!;CALL 726-3769 (z,ecordet) state your Citg designa_ted iob ntnber' iob allt'ess, type- 9f insP?"i\cn eadyfolitt,spection,contlacto?8iya^rners-7wle-andptonenlnbet,.P.equestsreceixedbefcle7:00an t"iLL be tade the sane dcy, "equests made aftet, ?:00 ant ttLLL be nade the nest uotking dag. Flamti-nai Tacnaa'ki an< rob racaticn Jf2 89 l'..\ EtL AeseeeorsMap# )1 63 {G ta Otzol?cs lot # Subdioision: Addl:ess: p.?Eq l$, 3F Phone: Asner: 1zc 77 tl1 cifu:L Ly. DescrLbe l,lot'k 0rrxb crij. Value n NeD Date of App 4aLLcatlcn / RenoCel GeneraL Page 1 of 2 |I!L INS?LCIIQN: ?o be nade aftet' ercauatlon,El prior. tc set up of fonns, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHl-llfCAL: To be made before any ffi76aooered. FOOTTNG & FOUNDATICN: To be nACe @ffi ate ercauated and fonns ate erected, but prior to WurtilS ccnc?eta. UNDgRCPOUIID PLUMEING. SEWEP,, W.ATER. DRAIliAg!: To be maCe prior to fil- @-66nctee. T]NDERFLOOR PLUT,ETNG & MECIIANICAL : o1 floor i.nsuT,ation or decking. P1ST A!! BEAM: To be nade Prioz' to ffiiffiGn o7 floor iraulation or deckitq. ROUGH PLU!,IBIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & MECEA l,ntCaf: Uo uotkls to be cooet'ed ffiiTthese inspections hntse been node and appz,otted.. PrLor to placirq faeing and. before f?onLng inspee- FIIIAL PLUUAING FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION : fo Oi iade after aLL insulaticn ald requited oapor berie?s @e in Pl.ace but before atg La.th, WPswn baa.rC or tnLL cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is eoncealed. '1011 0R :.:)wD B Sazritaty seoex capped at WoPerQi l,ine Septic tork V"onped atd filled trith gta;tel linal - t{hen abcoe itens ote ecntpleted and uhen Cencliti.ort is canplete or st?uc- ture mooed atd pretrLses eleaneC up. Hcmes ('l ( R cuna a'appacncu nppan: After forns | / 'l ee erecteC bu.t pz'ion to pourtrq conc"ete. SIDETIALK & DRIWWAY: FoY aLL con- cretendfrg iitn;n street rLght- of-teA, to be made after aLL eeea- oating conplete & forn Lsork & sub- base naterLal in place. DRYWALL INSPECTION: ?C bE MAdE firA-At @ualfre in plaee, but pnior to any taping. tulASlNRI: Steel Location, bond dffiigrouting or uertieals in aecordotee LlLth a,B,C. Section 2415, WOODSTO',/E: empT;i;A. After installation is Blocking old Set-uP Plunbing connecti,ons -- sare? od ttater Electtical Ccmnection - Aloeking, eet-up and plunbing connections rntst be apprcrsed before requestirq eleclrlcal inepectiot. PiruL - After etc. ue contPt pcrekes, skitting, deeks, Leted.ETP.EPLACE: maGfrA; tion. ?RA|4ING: I,tust be requested aftet, approrsal of rough plutrbing, electr.i- ul & meclwnical. AL! r'oofittg btaclng & chittmeya, etc. rmtst be . conpleted. llo uork ie to be con- . cecled until this inspeetion hae tbeen nade anC approoed. ?ENCE: Wten conPlete -- PtooiCe gates or mortable sections through P.U.E. ALL ptoject eonditiona, such as the i.nstallation of st,eet tree_s-, conpletion-of tie ,"q"i"na-t"ra"cipi,,4,'Ltu., mtet be eatisfied befoie the E\TLDING FLNAL can be tequested' FINAL BI|ILDIN|: The Einal Buildittg Inepection mst be requested aftet the Pinal Plumbittg Electrical, and Meclnnical fnspectlona -ltate been nade and approtted' *ALL MANI\CLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEW IO BE M4DE A? IIO COST TO CI?Y .. I .-- - \ \'* 7 o*rroon LLsc.Conttactors Adfuess SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zone: cJOB NO.L-CO BedJ'ooms: LOT ?WE _ fntericr _ Co"ner _ Panlwndle CYL-de-sac Lot Faees -Sourees Ileat P. L,House Access West ITE14 SQ. F?G x Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp?ess cond.ition tLat the sciid eonsttactions-lnll, in_all -r,es_pe_c.ts, gonform to the Ordirwrce adopted 6iy the City ofsp,ingfield, includtng the zoning crdinance, tegulating thb ccnstrubtibn and..use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at c-nA time upon uic-Lation of cnA pz,ctsisione of said h,dinances. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 e DE Building Pairit State Date Paid: ?otal Clntges Signed: NO PNF CEARGE Fi.ctures Plumbing Permit No, pereon s?n|l consttwct, install, alter ot cltottge anA netn cr eristing eL*Ptr,.S o, drainage s\2rq in uhole or in patt, inleei such person is'thelegal.poseesso, of a ualid qlawnberrs LicensZ, e.rcept tlnt a pZrso, ^alt ioplutrbing uork to property whieh is otmed, Leased or opetated oy ttn "ppti-eant. Resid.zt-rti,al (1 bath) Sa,ter Plunbing Penrtt State EEE Na,t/Extend. Cireuits Electricol Permit llhez'e state La, ?e_qui"es tlab the eleetrical uonk be done by att Electricalcontraetot' the electri.cal portion of this permit slw.Ll roi be oalil. untilthe Label lns been signed tg the Electuical- Conttacto?.Setwice Stcte ?otal NC TEE UILMUL Mechonicol Permit Esha$t Hood Vent Pdt Hcodstooe Perwtt fssuotce Meehanieal Permit * -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sectrttg Deposit Storaoe l,laintenanee Pezmtt //-go>/AEbeut Si.da,talk Pence Electrieal la.bel Mobile IIane Receipt #: Iotal r HAW 1AREEULLY ExA-r,rrNED the eompleted application fo, permit, and dohereby certify that aLL infornatibn hereon' is ttue "hi oZ"iilt', "*a t fuz'tket' .certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slall be done ia accor-danee rtith the ordinancbs of the city of -spr"ingfieid, irra ti" Lcas of the* ltate of. 019gon pe,taining to the ,nlrt-aeslcritZ:a iLiZti,,-*ra-that to occa- ,..,P,4NC! tr,Ll_b3 tmd.e of any struetw,e tyithout perniseion-o7 tt. Building N- l rlutsion- r fut'ther eertify that otly contractore otd anplcyees uho arZ in- canpliance uith CRS 201.055 uiLL be-used on thie projeet (,z 3-2 /-EP ,/ TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *Ite Signed Date rat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cooerage_ I of Stories Total Hei.ght Topogrqhy