HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-03-12.. RESIL_.,{TlAL.. APPLICATION /PERIIIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 ccee'- Date: t# SPRINGFTELD {c Geney,aL ELectrLcal Constr,.uction Letde" It ie the responsibility of tle pernit ltotdee to aee tlzat alt inspections ate nade at the F;topte" tine' that each addreas is t'eaCahie fron the atreet, dnd tlwt the p*nit card ie Located at the frcnt of the property.*Buildins Nuicion approxed plan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PROCEDU1E FOR INSqECTION RIQWST..CALL726-3769(recorder) state you! Citg desigrn-ted job nunber, job aCtiz'ess, lUfe-9f inspec=-t)^cn eadyfoz,inspection,contraetar8o1,a,ners-,tcl,eLndp7anenllnber.Pequestsreceitedbefcre7:0Cc:; ''viLL be nwde the sane dcg, ?equests nade aftez, ?:00 an rrLLL be nade the nect:,nt'kirry day. Your CitA Desigr,ated Job Numbez' fs:(oa3</ ,2,A y'7Job Loeaticn: Assessors aap # flD 3t(n t a.ras rnt r Ol dhl Sttbditsision: /')a)U-lOrmev,: 7as0 Z,(f (&7Ab - z7/7Address:Phone ,J.b-+z;tt /-r;d. ok,oz</ 7 7city: RenoCel Value ilr*/Addition f4 r^ ryDate of Page 1 of 2 I I efTE INSPEC?I)N: To be nnde aftet' acAatzon, ffi prLor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHT-\|fCAL: To be nade before ang Gi(-li-froered. POOTLN? & FOUNDATICN: lo be rnade AftA-fienctrs are eseaated attd forns are erected, but ptior to pouring ccncrete. UNDERGPAUTID PLUMEINC, SEWEP. W.ATER, DR{tfl4 ;: To6;naCe pt"Lor to fil- T@-66nctee. IIIIDERELOOR PLUMBIIIG & MECEANICAL : of floor insuT,ation or deeking. POS! A!,ID BEAM: To be nad.e Pt'Lot to GtatT&lon of floor ineulation or decki.ng. ROIJGH PLUIETilG, ELECTRICAL & MECE: ANfCAL: No aod," is to be co.^ered ffiiTthese inspecti-ons hat;e been nade and approtteC. FIPEPLACE: PrLot, to placirq facing,nct;ifi; and before f"*tt,.s inspee- tion. FRALNG: l'lust be requested after approu"l of rough pl;r,bing, electr"i- cal & neelnnical. ALL toofing bractng E chinmeys, ete. rrust be . atnpleted. Ito ucrk ie to be con- . cecled until thi.s inspectlon lae 'been made anC approued. TNSULATTAN/VAPAR BARRIER IIISPEC?TON : To be nade after aLL insulaticn and requ:Lred oapor buriers @e in pl,ace but before ary Lath, Wpsurn bcatC ov' tnLL cooering i.s applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL ITISPECTTON: TC bE MAdE;fre"2fi-A,a;A-is in place, but pnior to any taPing. I,USINRI: Steel Location, bond Tffilgrouting ot oerti,cals in accord.utce tvLth U.B.C. Section 241 s. After installation is ccmp O]] OR !.1OVE' BUILDI;ICS Sanitaty saser capped at W'oPerfui Lire Septic totk prut.ped atd filled trtth gta;sel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are eupleteC and uhen Cernclition is eontplete o" st"Lic- tute noted otd ptewises eleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaue? otC uate Electri.cal Connection - Bloeking' set-uc and plunbing connections mist be apprcz;ed before tequestirq elecltieal inspeeliott Acceasory- Bui.ldnng CURB & APPR1ACH AP!9N: After fortnse.. e"e.t;Anut@ to pourirq conerete. SfDEWALK & DRIIWAI: For aLL eon- cr.et; pairfrAffi st?eet rLght- of-reA, to be made after aLL esea- oating conplete & forra wt'k & sub- base naterLal i,n place.Firal - After etc. a?e comp pcrehes, Leied. skirting, decks, FTNAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: ltrhen conplete -- ProoiCe g&6i or motsable sections tht'ough P.U.E. ALL y,oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street t?ee_s'- conoletion-of the onqiinnh indsccping, -etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUTLDTN? FrNAL can be z'equested' fiNAL BUfLDING: The Final Building Inepection mtst be requested after the Final Plumbing ElectricaL, otC l,teclnnical fnspections h*tse been nade ard appt'otled' /I LContractorsAdd.ress T tr I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAS?UE\II TO BE I,L\DE AT IIO C)ST TO CI?Y 2 JOB NO. . Zone ,SOLAR' ESS REQ.-v,)L-co c Bedtooms: Lot Faces -Enerq! Sou"ees TEoe Setbacks Ileat DT House Caraqe Aceess Water lleaterNoPth East rttep1"q9 South Iloodstoxe r.ot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooerage_ LOT ?WE _ fntericr Cormer# of Stortes Total Eeight Topogrqhy Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac West -- ?ees -- I?EM F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This pennit is granted on the etp?ess eondition tlnt the said constntcti.onslnll, in all respects, confonn to the 7rdinanee adopted 6y the City ofSpr,lngfield, tncluding the Zoning Cydinance, regulating the ccnsttueticn and.use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or rbuokeC at cr,y time upon oic- T.ation of dnA prctsisions of said Oydinances. TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 s * Building P"xnit State ?otal Charges NEM NO FEE CHARGE Etbtures Plumbing Permit No_ pereon shal,L constz,uct, inetal!, alter or eltatqe an! neu cr ecisting qlunb-ing or drainage s7stat in uhole or in part, inlesi sueh person is- theLegal.possessor of a rtalid plwnbet,,s Licensb, eccept that a pbrson nay doplwbing uork to p?ope"tA uhich is ourned, Leased ot opetatei ty tne oppll- cant. Resid,eitia.L (1 bath) Saner Plutnbing Pezwit State * wlere state Lan re,quires tltat the electrLcal uork be done by an Electr.icalcontractot', the electz"teal portion of this permit shall not be oalil. untilthe Label lne been signed by the Electrical.- Contaactor,. eal Permit * NailEstend Circuits Senuice State ?otal Electricql Permit bha$t Hood -- ENCROACEMEI]T -- NC FEE CIIARCE 74- * Mechqnicol Permit PentrLt fssucnee Meclnnicel Perrrit bo- ,o Sec,Fitg Depoait Sto?age fub,interwnce Pezrrit C\rbeut Sil.ettalk Pence EZeetrical Label Mobile Horne Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed PLAN uate r HAw 1AREPULLY ExAr,trNED the eontpleted applteation for permit, and dohet,ebg cetti.f-y that aLL infonnatibn heteon'is tnue ord obroo.t, o*C t furthet, 9ettify that any ard aLL uo,k perfornted stalt be done i, o""oo-dance vlth the Ozdinanc1s of the City of bprLngfield, and. the Las of thestate of )z'egon pe*taining to the wrk cescribbd herein, old tlat No occa-P4Nc! DiLl_b3 ngce of ana stractu"a uithout perniseion b1 tlte Building DL-oision. I fuz,ther certify that otly contraciops ad. enplcyees uho e-e ineonpliance ttith ORS 707.055 uiLL be- used on thie projeei 7 ,l /a 3-t"z-8s- L TOTAL AMOUNT DTJE: *t sbg Date htrnaee PTUTS Vent Fot / Y0<