HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-203,Vt/Xt'SftID. 4" RESID-'.lTlAL" 22s North stt, it nlPPLrcATr,N/PERttrr Springfield, )regon 97477 il'r:*ZlDitsision zt ?s Ns& Job lacaticn: Q SPTIINGFIEI.D ?az lat #1/ Phone 7-833 A Aesessore Map ll Slbdioision: Asner: Address: Citg: RemoCel Date of AooL p ?o€ :? ,1/ 55z. ft iceticn a Describe Hork: ,lau €.sio. ns€ (y Value GeneraL PL@tbi-ng 7 C o ngtrue ti an_ I eruig!_ - 2o 1 s41sa.-F rt i8 the resconsibi-Lilv of -xne penrit ttolder to aee that aL! inspeetiotts ee nade dt the p?ope" time, that 2cr:fi :,t,irsss is vea)rli2f-y.-t!y atree.t' anc that the permtt eard ia L.ocated. at thi rroioy the prooerty.t9uiuing Diuisiot: aDp?ou-ed plbt shcll remain on tto ii:\i;rb'iit" ", aLL'tines.' ??ocs!!P,e- lpt! ilisPsnrolt RWE|T"CALL ?26-3769 (tecot'd.er) state gour citg d.esigruted job ru2,-tbez., job aiitess, typ,e of inspec=icntequesied' ar'a alzen uou aili be teady for inspeetion, contrdctot,s oi a,tners nane Lni e,iaoie n;,urber.' biqri"r" receixeti befcre ?:00 antill be natie the s&e dcy, ""q.iii"ioin i1i* z,oo'o, viti aL ^aalelh;,;;;;;;;ri-.;;''L!.81o s?(ofow, Cifu Desigr.ated Job Nwnbet, Is:l -J esccl)dtion, but prior tc se! up of wq2?^4 Tnrt .lo be nade after TNSULA.TION /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECIIOII : be made plaee, I,LAS1NRY : Steel Location, bond beans, g:touti.ng or uerticcls in accordorce Ltith U.B.C. Section 241 5, VOODSTOVE: ccnpTetA. Aften installation is CURB 8 APPRCACI| APPAN: Aftet formsee erecteC but prior to pouring con2?ete. SIDEWALK & DRftWAy: Fo? all eott-crete pairg aithin st?eet right-of-tey, to be naCe after aLL ecea- uatina carplete & fonr Do'k & eub- base natet LdL in place. DE||SLI?IA\t 0R !.:ow) Sani:ary saner capped tt properel Lix,e Septic totk p;,itqed and fnT,Led uith gra;tel lindl - hlhen abcte itans are canoleted and uhen Cenclition is contplete bo st-r"-ture moued otC. prerrlses cleanei up. iicmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa/re" od. ualet 7 rc_ormc t rou;to,lrrcu: ro be nuce. 't afte" xtenches ane eseauated and. forms ate erected, but prior topourLrq ccne?ete. Z EL!C? Io be maae ana eouet,ed. SEWP to t?enei7ee. 7 urtil these inspectiors haue beer; ANICAL uork to oe coxer FTilAL PLUI,:BIIIC FII]AL MECHA\IICAL FTilAL EETRICAL To be maCe after aLL insulaticn cd. requi?ed uapor batiers @e in pla.ce but before ory Lath, Wpsun bcanC or rnLL eouering is applie<i, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. l-71 DRY\.ALL rilSP!trro!: Tc I y{,ld1ier atT *fiit-ts in - but prior to cny tapirq. To -f, unotppttcp pru:snc a ttctttycnt.AJrobenM ftoor insulction or decking. I pgsr 4t!o E:tu: ?o be natie prior to'\! Lnsta.LLattcn of floon ittsulation or d,eckLns. Electriccl Ccnnection - Bloekittg, eet-uc and plunbing eonneetions m:st Le dpprctbC before ?equeating electrical inspee--io:t Ac.essory BuilCit'tg of w m _ naie awi cporots-ed. Xl npzptt?t: pz-tor to plccirq fceing'\t mccerials and. before franing inspee_tion. \) fru::ntc:, t4ust be requested after 2\) app_rouai of rough plur,bing, eiectri_cal & necitanical. AL! r,oofing bracing E chittmcys, etc. rrust be . contpletcd. lto uc"k is to be eon_. cealed until this inspection ltas'bee.n nade anC approoed. skirting, declcs, IENCE: hrhen conplete -- PnooiCegatel o? motsable aeetians through DIID ALL project cotditions, such ae the i.nstaltation of street trees, conoletion of tierequired lattd.secpir9' atc., ,mtlt be eatisfied. before the autr,oiilc FIinL can be tequested,. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buitdittg Inepection mtet be reEtesteC cfter the Ftnal ptunbinXElectrical, otC Neclur.ical Inspections 'haue been ;i-;A ;p;;;;rri. Final - Lftcr etc. are comp gcrckes n n a l IALL I'IANHCLES AllD CIEA\IOWS MU1? BE ACC',eSSrBLE, ADJUS?lllttt ?o BE n!4DE t? t:O rcsa ro cI:,:y Page 7 of 2 Add.ition tr @ JOB NO Iat Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Caterage r of Stories iotal iieight ?opogra>hy !?!;! SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- 0eeu Grqt: f n? ?n: _ Intericr Corner Panhat-tdle -X cuz-<ie-sac 1y'' /Corst: J.L-CO G^ llar a-- a i'irc Lac," -- Fc Building Vcrlue & Permit This pernit is granted on the esp?ess condition tlnt the said.consttaetion slwll, in all respects, eonfonn to the Crdinance edopted by the City of Springtield, tncluding the Zoning Crdinance, r'equlatirtg tiie ccnstracticn and use of buildings, and mty be suspend.ed or reuokeC at ctiy t;.ne upon vic- lation of cn! prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. ?O?AI, T/.|LUE s.D.c. 1.5 : Euiliing Pernrit State Totc! Clnrges ?esiielztial Q, bctit ) :cni Se:tev 'ictev c+-+- q-,n^i--^- Siated: f ,a" w Plumbing Permit No pe?son sLaLL construct, instal?-, al.ter or eiange cnA neD cr e:isting plunbing or drainage systen in ulale or in patt, unless such ierson is the'Leoai pbssessor of a ualid plwtber's License, esceDt tl"a.t c pelson na'1 Co otinAiig uork to prope"t! ahich is otmed, Leased or opetaxed by the appli- 3A Lat Faees -Enerly Sources Setbac'rs ieat DT ilous.Ca?aoe Aceess h)atey, lcTi"" llortn /3. Eas t /6'€" Sot;th /,r/z3'[,/oousiol',-' llest ,/8' c.^ a- -x L'aLuc /zqgfr 7d/ /6a-' k a-, e a.>6 26f,.* Date Paid/V.zf Receipt fl?8, z5 S2-sa ze- oa //s.no )4.2e).€o * TP.S> ?-63f,f, /3 ,eS :di9a?eu Sezn":iee ?SO & Eiectricol Fermit Lrnere Stexe Lan reauit,es that tize eleetrical uork be done by an glectvieal Cont?eetcr, the elee-.r:.ccl cortion of this oernit si",c.Ll tat be xclii unt'il xhe LabeL ias been cignee cy xne Eleccrical Contractot. C;:.1, -::i.1j :iLa$t HoaC .'ent Fct "cotisto;le IVlechcrnicol Permit PerrtLt Issucne: l'lecicnice! Perit 1 -- E:;CiJACii,\::.'Jj -- ectitt to?coe Tata! Crct oes :ebet! iie.taL't 39o' onie ieetricai :bile Hane f HAW CARE?ULLy SXLt'lIiiED tle eonDleted acpltcation for petni'-' and <io hereby certify tiut aLL itfotnation het'eott is true anC ecrrect, anl f further certify that any aui aLL uork perforaed s|all be dote in aecon- aance tith the 0rdinancbs of the CitY of springfielC, anl th: Lc;s of the state of Oregcn pcrtainino to the uork iescribcd hetein, cnc tiat I:c ccc'J- Pl.Ncy ;tL ii ,ta,Ce of any structure uithout permissi-ott of the Suildingz D.i- vi.sion. I fut'ther c-ertiiy tbet otly eont?actot's a;'.d etplcyecs aho are in carpliance uith CRS ?07.05s uiLL be used on this pt'oject /q.5> Z 3.*./ so(2- /s oo -"u z<.o6 -.ir tiiiti)' iu!:' u ) = //2.a8 ' -:., i /4 "a 8(ga.?/ t^ L./7 sftiD. 4.. RESIDENTIAL... APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Spz,Lngfield, )regon 97477 izz'-|r;1, Diuision zt ? z N B& Job tacaticn: & Aasessore Map # ,t/. ssd L SPFINGFTET.D Ics Lat I 41 Phone 7*rS'33 L N ?O€ Describe h'ork: Value Stbdioision: Anter: Addaess: ci leL 78 f-rl 71 ^*r,r",7 an oa"z ,leu, €.=io. ns€ C? Date of A GeneraL 87 3 Conattuetion Leruier sELF r-t ia the respons'ibililv oi-tle penit hotd.et to aee that aL! inspeetioas oe nade at Jhe p?oper time, that 23411 :,t,trsss is Tsns-hi2t_1r1-t1g stree.t, anC that the oimtrtt eard ie Located at th.e frcnt' of the propertAt9uiuing Diuicioz approxed pl.bz s?tcll t,emain on ti Eu:Zat"g- sit" Zt aLL' tines." P'?otsDUE Fo! rl"SP5c?Ioll F'gQtgsr.'CALL726-3769 (recorder) state yout, City d,esigrn_ted job rumber, job aiiress, ty;e of insoec=icnrequesxeri ari u'zen uou uiLL be ready fon inspection, conttdctct,s oi ormets ncsne Znc piune nunbcr. p.eques.s receixed beicre z:oo Gl'-iLL be nade the sdne d.cy, tequests"nlctil "ft* ?:g0 an aLLL be r"e" t;,;-;;;;;"k;.;;'La. 810 s?(oIout, Cifu Desigrr.ated Job Nunber fs: ..._l cf-" Trrq>?^arntt. 1 ucauffi;-iG -lt l.J:lp_gpsLAs pLUt,BrNC, ELtC?prcAL A I t.JLt.a.,JwdL: IO De nAae OeJO?e Anu ,.b"t< Ls core?ed. fl pcprntc a rQu;totrrcn: ?o be npce ' 'I dfcer xyenches are eseauated and. forms ote erected, but ptio? topout-trA ccnc?eta. A u::olnceou::o pLulpfic, sswp, w.qrtp., 1 DPAIilr'.G:: To be naae pri.or xo fil-Lirq trenches. fl alo*yrect pzu:snc a rccsrytctt,,,,1J To De noAe orioy to installation offloor insulction or decking. ll 10ST AND BtA!.:: ?o be nade prior to'\! installa--icn of floor insulation ot,decking. nl R)ucri ?Lo:gr:tc. ELEC??rCA\ I t,tEeq_y'ltutcar:@ - urx-il these itr"spections iuue beer:_ moa.e au. cpprouei. fl fezpucz: prLon to plccira fceina'\t macerials and. before franing inspel_ti,ot:. \l fp*:tilc:_ Must be requested aften\l app*ourl of rough plunbing, eiectri-a,L E meciianieal. ALI tooiittg bracing E ehittmcgs, etc. mtst- be ; coilpletcd. lto ucrk is to be con-. cecled until th;s inspectton has'been no.d.e anC approued. rNSULI.TION /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPIC?fi!] : ?o be made after aLL insulcticn e.d.reouired uapor barie?s @e in pla.ce but befcre ory Lath, Wpsutn bcari or rnLL couering is applied, od. beforeoty itrsulation is concealed. DEtpLnrclt oR Scnitary seser eaptped =t propet$ Lir,e Septic totk p:i:zped and fnlled atth gta;tel ?o be nade afterprtor tc set up of w fVl AIHALL rilSPtglo!: lc be nadeL[l ;1tA-m-&*;tfrs in ptace, - but prioz, to cny tapirq.- Pi.nal - I{hen abcoe itazs are eataleted av;d uhen Certclition is conplete o:r si:rrr-ture moueC oti prarises cleanei up. fi cuaa a nppne,qct nppon: Aftet formsCJ ee etecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete- fV1 SlpElrfuLK & DRT\TWAY: For all can-lr'\l crete pauirlg uithin ct?eet right-of-rxA, to be maCe aftet, aLL esca- uatina sanplete I for-a uork & sub- base nnter"ial in place. I.|ASONPI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or te?ticals in accotdorce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415, WO1DST)I|E: After installation is ccnpLet,ed. Iicmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aa/te? oll, ualer Electriccl Ccnnection - Blockitq, eet-uc and plwtbing conneetions m;st Le ap2rct;bC before requesting electrical inspec:io:t Accessory BuilCing Piral - After tcrckes, skitting, decl<s,etc. aye conpleted. n nI l FTilAL PLU!,!BIilC FIIIAL ME'HA}IICAL PITIAL EIEC:RICAL @ UN!: Men conplete -- tuouiCe gateg o" mouable seetions through P.A.E. ALL project conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of stpeet trees, corylction of tierequired lat'tdsccpir9, etc., tmtet be aatisfied, before the BUILDIT:C FfiAL can be requested.. FINAL B|ILDIIIG: The Einal B-uild,ittg. rnsoection ntet be reouesteC cfter the Finat ptrutbinXElecttical, otC tleclur.ical Inspect:,ons 'iauc been ,,-d.- ;"d ;p;;;;"4. 'ALL |'|ANHCLES AND CIEANO\4S MUS? Be A1CESSJBLE, ADlufrlt?tt! To 8E IJDE tt? EO cts? ?o e7y Pa_ce 1 of 2 tr JOB NO. 3o,:c : !.ot Sq. Ptg. i cf Lct Cateragc ; of Stortes iotal i.eight ?opogrqhy TO?A!, IIALUE s.D.c. r.5 : Euiliing Pev'rtt To--cL Clanges lit1.' ?esiizrtial Q,bctit) D7-,-'^.'j^ Da*'+ soLAR AC^-,SS REQ.-I L-CO G+ Ee:r.cors: $Crat Intericr Corner Panlandle Cul-de-sac €a lu: c LdCrlZ -- F;cs -- Building Volue & Permit This penr:-t is granted on the etpress cond.ition tllat the said.eonsttwction slatl, in all respcets, conform to the Ordinance adopted i2y the City of Springfield, inelud.t-ng the Zoning Cvdinance' regulctina tirc ccnstraci;-cn and. use of buildings, and mzy be suspend.ed or retsokeC at cnu tzne upon vic- lation of a/t! prcuisions of said 0t'dir,ances. Sioteci: /.a Plumbing Permit No person sitall eonstruct, instal!, al.ter or charrye cnA ne) cr e=isting plutnbir.g or drainage sltsten in ahole or in patt' unless sueh person is the Legal oossessor of a uali.d plunber's License, eeceDi tha.t c Delson nay Co pltnbing uork to prooe?tu uhich is oumed, Leased or operateci by the appli- ccnt- Ipt Faces -Enerct Soilrcos Tu-e Setbac'rs Tcaa pl ilous'.CaPaoa /,ceess.Wate? !!e1:". "llortn /3. Eas f /6 Z" Sot;th /.r/23'1,,/oouliot:r, llest /8. sc..":;x Valuc /?qgF 7a/ /6,a-" //1 /Pian Cheek Fee: / / a ar) &2 /7-25 Reeeiot fl: B Ltl'?8-zS {z"sa /?.oa //f."o ,y'>-'2A.€o 3A //2.A8 5;D & .s> ' :.r Eiecf ricol Fermit llhe?e Stcte Las reauites tha.t the electr:'cal uork be done b7 cn Slecltical Cont?aexc?, tite eleerr'-ccl portion of this oer.xlt sitcil rov be xalii until the i.abel ias been eigned. cy xhe Electrical Cotixtc.exc!. ';as/Ezterd. Ciretits c ^tu,i ^- E LESt?LCA L q-5b Z 3,*,/ 6d(2- ./s oo "ut*zS A4echo niccIl Permit 'Eh"a.!st HooC ,?nt F5,t ;Jod.saore ectrlt:t totcce :.-nta.73r3 t' lT9CJ; ide.taL't .n2e !ectricaL cbite ime Pen*t Issuanea llec|:enica! Perit -- L,.od-ACn*L.t) -' f HAW CAREFULLy lXAltItiED the eonPleted acplication for pernit, cnd da hereby certify ti1dt aLL info:nation heveon is true anxi cc*ccc, cruT f further certify that any arl aLL uork penformed siull be tiote in accot" aance tvith the 1rdinancbs of the City of SprinofielC, ani th: Lc;s of thc State of 1regcn pertainina to thc uork iesct'ibcd hereit' cnC :i'a,t I:0 occ!' P/lilCy tvttl itZ ,rnae of any sttuctw'e Dithout permission of the gutlding D!- uision. f further ce?tif, tiut otly cont?actot's ar.d enplcyecs uho are in conplianee uith cRS ?07.7ss uiLL be used on this proiect -€^/3-a:. /1- "o44 a6, -.At *ij'j.tii' iti:.E //ga.z / I u ) Date Paid: t 2.23 I i