HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-17" RES,JENTIAL z.s North stt itonff"'cArr0*/P,Rl4* Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRI,{GFIELD ?ecez t# Date nJob Locaticn: ?oz bt #Aeeessore Map # Subdi's")sion: Address Ctmer: Descibe Hork: oo r-l S -\-L Date of Appli"ation-Value Addition CeneraL I t )fL/-.'1- PLwbino ELectrtcal l4echo:ical BUILDT::CSCR Sanituy seuer eap;ped ct ?roPer4! Line Septic tazk prped ctd. fiLLaC oith gza:sel Pinal - l',4ten abctte ltens ate ccmoletei ard uhen Cernolition is cornplete br sttuc- ture noved od pretriaes cleatzed t4. Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plmbing eonnecticzs -- sar)e! od, uatet ocrches, skTrt.ing, decks, 1 ^L^S Electriecl Ca-tnection - Bloeking' set-u, ard plwnbing conneetions nr;st be apprcu'ed befone requesting el,eclrlcal inspeelio;^. Aceessory BuilCirtg Einal - After etc. ce cornp Page 1 of 2 Con€Jflietion Leder_ It ie ,he reapons.ibility oi tle penrit lutdet to see tho,t aLL inspectiona @e nade at lhe ptopet tine, that ecch cddrees is t'eaCabi-e fnon tiu streei, dt1d. t|1at the permit cad, ia Located at the frcm of the goperty.*zuilding Vioiciot appro"'ed plan shcll remain on the Buildt-nq Sit; at aLL times. PROCIDIJPE FOR INSP1CTTOII R1O,UESIICALL 7 requested ard. ahen gou uiLL be ready for "viLL be nade the sane dcg, requeete ncd.e 26-3769 (tecordet) state gou! City Cesig"nated iob rumber, iob aC,be inspection,cont?dctc"s cr a,tters nc-ze arLc phone r.utnbet, Requests :ss, tlpe receited of inspecticn befcre 7:00 m aft* 7:00 on tiLL be nade the nect :xtkitt4 day yo1/" Citg Deeigr,a.ted Job Mtnbet Is *,A\&S3 t_l iI I €I?E !!E?LC!!qN: To be rmde after*cduatlffi prtor tc set up of fotns. ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBING. ELECIRICAL A i,ECH!-ilfCAL: ?o be nade before cnyffi'G-ioeved. EC1TfNG 1 IAU\IDATICN: Io be tmCe after treaches are escaated and forms oze etected, but pr'ior to pouring ccncret€. ultpiRcPoullD PulwI:tG,. sv,FP, tt.4T=81. DRAilIAGE: lc be rnaae prtor to fil-Lirg xrenches. ANDEPELCAR PLUT,ETIG & !|ECEANTCAL : @o1 fLoor insui,ation ot decking. POSL 4!L tsElN: To be nade prLot' to ffiffiGiof Jloor ineulaiion or deckittg. ROI,IGH ?LU{31:]C. ELECIRICAL 9 :,{ECH- nlttCnf : llo uoz,k is to be couered ffilT-these i'nspections b;ue been nade ond. apotooeC. FLPEPLACE: Nor to plccirq factngnaterials and. before frartnq inspec- tior.. FRAI'|IIIG: ltust be reqtested aftez, apgroual of rcugh plwrbing, electri-q.L & neclanical. AL! roofinq btactng & ehi;megs, etc. tntst be . anpleted. !!o wrk is to be con- , cealed until this i,nspecLion lns 'been tade anC approxed. FTilAL PLUMBI1IC FINAL ATCHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL INSULATTON /VAPOR tsARRTER IiIS?ICTION : fo be nnde after aLL insulattcn dd. required oqor ba"rie?s @e in Pla.cebilt befo"e oq l-ath, Wpsutn boarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before aty iraulation is concealed. DRY\IALL IIISPE2I1N: lc be nade after aLL dtn1ua1.L i.s in pl,zce' but prior to ang taVLng. IIASONRI: Steel Location, bonti ffijgvo"titq on uerticals in d.ceo?dfr7ce ,'tLth A.B,C, Section i,t00DST0"/8:@ffi.After installation is CUFts & APPRCACH APP.ON: a.e."4ta@@ Aftet forrnsto pouzn)ng conzrete. SIDEILALK & DRflTllA!: FoY aLL can-cr*e@-ffiffi street t'ight- of-t'xg, to be na-4e aftez' ali- erea- oating conplete & fotn aark & cub- base ncter[al in Place. LL pz,oject conditions, such cs the ;-nstallatlon of stteet trees, eon-oletion of tie Landsccpir4, etc.' nast be satisfied befote the tsUILDING ?IIAL can be reqttested. *ALL ILAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS |IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{!:II ?O BE :,UDE I,! lIO CSST TC CI:Y FIITAL BAILDING: The Einal Buildirq Inspection taet be ?equested cfler the Final Pl-unbing Electrical, arl Mecharicel inspectlons h,qse been nade otd aaotoueC. Ch./x- f1 ,,or",r" ,o " I 17 Ytllcs: 'llwn conplete -- Prouiie I iAA ot, aooable' sections thrcagh n - P,U.E, I I Page 2 JOB NO SoLARACC j REQ.-L-co d BeCeoona: Lot Faces - DT House Aceess.# of Stories total Eeight lopogqhy _ fntetiot _ Corne? _ Panhard,Le _ CUl-de-sac ht Sq. ?tg. Z of Lot Ccvetage -- Fees -- !?G Value I TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 c uate Paad.: qU Building Volue & Permit This perwJt is granted on the ecpress eond.ition ttlat the aaid eonsttactionsiu.Ll, i,n all resoects, confcrm to the Crdinance adopteC big the Ci-.y cf€p?-Lng:".eld, .tncluding the Zoning Crdinance, regalcting tke ccnstraiticn and..use of bu;.Lciir4s, anci nay be suspend.ed or reuokei at d.!! tlme u?on uic- La+.ion of any prcuisions of eaiC 7tdirances. Building Pemn t Total Clanges State Si.gned: FEE F#.rures Reeil.zntial (1 bath) Sani Seuer OO ? Plumbing Permir N9 person slnll constntct, install, altet ot clwt4e aruJ rlca cz. ezistingqlwnline cn drainage saltel in ahole or in part, -rot."-" sueh penson is theLe-gal.poseeasor of a,talid glrunbgr,s lieensb, ezcept ti,:at a pZ:son na.g dopknbing aork to property uhich is orsned, Leaaed. or operated by the oppti-cant. Pltnbing Pem:it Na,t/Ectend, Cireuits Sezqsice oo Electrico I Perm it llher_e state Lan re_quinee th,at the eleetrlcal aork be done by ot Electricalcont?actor, the electrtcal :ottion of this permit shall rat-be uali,c, untilthe Lahel las been signed by tne ElectricaL'Cont?actor. khanst HooC Vent loz ilcodstoite -- ENCROA Pemn'i.t Sidalalk Mobile tlane TOTAL AIAOUN? DAE:* Reeeipt #: Mechqnicol Permit Penrtt Isguance Meelaaical Pemtt r EAW cAREFaLLy gxA.r,tr:'!ED. t-he eontpleted applteation for petmit, cnd. doherebg certif-y that aLL info,:nation heyeon'i.s tmte "rA "Z"initi "rra tfutther .cetlify that ang ar.l aLL aork perfonted arwl|, b" doi- ir=o".or-dance rrith the ordinances of the cita'of'sprtngfieid, "ra-tni i,a*i o7 tneS_ta\ ol _a-rggon p,ertainino to the uork Cescribiod h"rZar, ora ;it- tto occa_ llyF *tZL- b3 yde of c.nA- st"uctltla Dithout, perwlssion b7 tn. siitdlng oi_!1'saon. i i-urihen :ezwif'; titat only eontractore ad. enplauees aic.o otb ineonpLicrl'ceaithcRS701'.055aiLLbeusedonthispz,ojeeit TataL Signed a Total Acroes Stcta Sulehcme Secarity Dapoeit Sto"age i&aintqrunee !ence Eleetrical Lqbel , -9_o 4 Z {\a - Pl.anZcann-net-