HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-07-08Eo-24 " RESIDrr.lTlAL" s,,FrrNGFrELD ?eeeict 4 Date: eb zzs itorth sttt streeAP?L;cA! r,N /PERI',rr Spmryfield, ?tegon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 fttJob Loeztictt:5 D -02-6-2 ?cz lat llAEsesool,e lhP I 5S-ubdiuJa'Jcn: O-ter: Ad&ess:P|'ona: St p(rtg Fr+,o/ / L Y- fuua-, cE a/rTlZafeO Arrzrta x Deecribe tlork: lzo -iaxe of ACd,itica L Value Genctal P L ileclu*tczl OR Soti'.a4 eeset eaVped =t ?rcParfu Lina Septic tork y"..Ved al fiLLaC'tith gratei litul - then cbcve ite::e ate caplevei a.d then lenol:.iion ie cryie"e ot 8i?t.t' hse aaueC o,l. aret:rises cle,ztei u2, iicnes Blockittg od Sa'.':tg ?funbinX conaectioas --. ta)c? d oa'-et Electriccl Cdnection ' Blocktn?, Eet''tz - and clwrbinc conr.ectione t;st be Q?rct;c' beibic requ-eatltt4 elec:rical inspee)io:z Accesso,g Builiinq :crci:es, akirting, decl-t, Lb:ad. Final - After etc. de c;t',r ?:ia 1 oi 2 Co nsjgdL!9yiz!- bld*thot aL ,inapectiona @e nadc at :he ?ropef tinQt acch ddrese LS teaaarg -c L8 !he reaaonaibility of tht Petrt st..e'ect d,nC !1L,t the -Pe:rtitl}ti=2o- a.oPm^ed Plin sicl ,o see Il,rr tiL cati LA Laaled at the fro* of Ldinq Site at thc ?ro?eftyI tues.!c,:.:4 b retwri,n on tha Bui aL ?:?OCSDI,JP| ?Cft T\\SPiCTION 1|JIPST.'CALL 7 requested ar.d uien ':iou i.rLLL ce "e6c! iot:;iil ba rade the aane Ccy, tequests nclie 26-3769 (teeorc*) Et(tte gour city ceaigrateit iob nnber, iob aiireas, type of inspeelicn ,insoection. Cont,acta"ls ot huie:s raae dA pttOite rt*"let.- .eequeets teceit;ed befCru 7:00 az ai,fiar- l:oi al vtll, be naCe tha nczt '"nrkini da'g' vour Ciq'Deeigrateil Job ttunbet"' 63 t '?Kl Jt:J /.tJ(J'r--Jt:. ezcaocticn, aut To be nacie af',er prior tc aea u? of tr required betiers @e LN P 7a.ceforns.tqor ',th, gtlpsunt bca4 ot qplied, td before concbaleC. b'ut before oty L couering La 3 rnL is ?o fdde cnu cDt!LnSU la;1bn \-7 Pcct:tc , iou;toAT:cll: lo be race 6) ffi*" ,rcqtated ard. - fcxns cte eto-ciei, but Ptior to powiry ecnc?e;e. I-tt DRWALL ittsPgcfrcl: 7c be naCelXlffi@te in pta,ce, - but priot to cnY !aPLn'7. E m u:tpfr c?ru:t I ? !11.e riq. slFP,'.r.|Ts?.. D?Ai!:AGi: :o ce ie,.i'e ?rlar to ii'L- @rches, uttgEPltio?. ?Ltx.gTtC ',i Er?:jttICiL: -lq ia ncce pticr to LnsicLi.at'i'on oI fToor ineukzion'ot Cecking. ?lsa AitD 3EAi4:' To be ncCe Ptior +'o ffiffof i'Loor irsulatior, ot Ceckit'q. FOtlCl ?!',r|elJc, iiJCglCAa I j!2C3- A;liCAt: ::o ,c?,< 13 io ae cotered ffit-;i.cse irscecaians 'a;ue been naie crd, <ggrcted. Fi?i?LA!Z:' *bn b Plaeirq fcingffi ard before frortr4insgec')ion. o <<€*/r..LY<e FR.4jtMC: itus! le recttected cfler ffi,t of rctigh pltrbinq, alectr)' &'L , neci"anica-:,. - ALI mofirq bractn4 ! chitmeya, etc. rrtac be . coroletcd. llo ',:crk i8 to b4 con' - ceiled un;il ihis insoecion ",aa'beetr md,e cnC cPgm"*ed. tlA1l!l?l: Stee! loeation, bottd ffigrot:itq on Devticals in aceoridce oith a,ts.c. sectbn 2415. '.ICODS?O'/E: Aftar itrstall,atioa ia:&tlto Lzratl, E K CUFB & APPRCAC\| A49N: Afte= fotns ae ereeteC but Pr-or to Pcrt?'t1g &fi,rtete. sIDgw).L't d DRI',EIIAI: For aLL cott' ffixhn etreet rtght' or'-uzit', U be ncCe a;'ter aL! ezca- oLtinl- conolete I font ":otk I cub- baa e',rctettal in Place. FI\IAL PLU:/3r:IC FI;IAL :.IE'EAIICAL ?!XAL Ef,iCP.!'Ai 6) eLL proiect condilions, suci. ce tlu ins=allaxion of elteat ?t-e-1.,- 3oQlliiln of rig requircd LanLseqir4, L/a,', ,zutt be aaxisJ'ielLeil"e tl'c SuiLDI:iG Flial:cn be reqttestdc' plltAL 1UILDI:IC: lhe F"JnaL Builditq lnagection ;ntat be rcquested a!2er the iittzl ?Ltnbinx !1: ;: ;; r;;;1:'' *a w " r,"r1, i "-t t i" p " " t'i oi a ;qt a p e en n a c e od' a=.o t o u e i' x a a .ALE ilAilECLZS AilD CLEAIICWS iAS? 8E .ICCESJIS;E, A}Jttgi:!i:;! lO 3i jln'g !'l !t0 ':i,S? iC Ctr! 7 ,,or.rr, ,*u f-l -"Efltg: 'then co:tplate -- ?roviiel) #; """ ^Zi"ii' t",,iion" throush trP. U. E. T 2 JOB NO.7A / soLAR A Ess REQ.- Plnbing Pernit gCatc Plumbing Permit No pereon alull constmtct, ina*a.L!, al;et ot clunge Gng vcu-c" e=isting ;1,;;;; "i-ari;ioo" arteten in ulpie ot in part' uleas such pcraon ia tLc iiil-t'i"t")";;-;f";iZlii pi," t"t'e Lic-ensZ, E:e?t tbat.a pb:son ru, lo. ptGOtog xork to propeitg ihi"t, i, or,ned, Laaeed or opetated by tl'e qPLt' Electricol Permit l{tere Shte tai nequirea that the electtical wonk be done by -an lleetrieal Cit-iton, ttu etictrtial lo*ion of thia-pernit alall rot be valiC until the tabel -ias been eigned by the Electtical Contracto?' i-cod 7-+t3 - , Stctc a r ilAW CASEFULU |XAlllitED ile eonpleted qplication !o-r pernit, cnd d,o i"'iiav iiriiiy ttoi-iti-,:"fotalibn heteoi ia tnte ar'd' cortec!, an!' i i""ti:* ""rti'yi ihdt ana ord oLL x2rk 2e-tl-oned slal.L be do,:te in ccccn' .'rlance'ith *Z-ona;io.'""""-o7 ihe ctry cf bpringfield, ad':h,e i'c;a of !'he . sratu of lregcn pet*ining to the wik cescr".:bcc herein, cl, :iac ::0 1cc!,]' pAnU vLlL ba nad.e oi-",rU' ,ri"turz uiJhout permissi-on of the 1uilCing N- uiision. r further;Lr;;:fu til o"ty ccn*cclors cd' r'rplcyees uza cre in Lanpliance',ntA cas ?01.b|s uLLL be-used cn thia ptciect D\ tseCtoons: Building Vcllue & Permit Thie penr|t ia granted ot the er?resa eottd.icion tta,t the, l9ilrc1ylxruc;ion "iiitt', ;" all r'esgects, eonfcrn'to th.e Srdinar,ce tdopteC b;y the Ci:l--1i- ipirA\i"U, incliing-'-he loning Ctdir'cnc.e, tegulctirlg +'h'e cc.nsirtc'-:":.r- aa "'oZ oy -buil,ii,gs,- and nzy be. ;unleruieC or revokeC at ca! tane u2.r, 'Lc-latian o7: aq prcuisions of aaiC CtCitancee' bt Faces - _r5l tnteni.on AccesS. ?EAL i'ALUg 45/6,?/*> 7/ !7 t'ffi tot;e .r Va a a s.D.c. I.5 ; ?o z aot a,yl ".9a Date Paid: tl: Iotal llargea EUL Penr!t State tnt Sq. Ftg. Z cf tct Cooeraga ! of Stodes lotcl geight Togogv?lq Contef Potlatdle CUL-de-aac CttttPGE,\,o.I?!i.t Ft-u"ztea I 250aResidatia,L (l bcth) Sanitart Seuet 'le!ap 20.ee90fu29177a71,(a-q€o, 1.pq6.eo C;4L1CE:io e>E F Raa. so. rtr. /62* tlott/Ertetd Ciratits laipctq Senticc o{& /'aa 26.o4 .5o c:tAicE I /z / AD )2 Mechonicol Permit blont llooC Vctt ?st <a Penrit fssu.ttcl l,lechaniczl ?efirit Sectritv Decoait Storage i,bintencq,ce Per'rrit /y.yd2DCvtbe* 2.not/d 'Si.Ce,tzlk Zleetnical Lcbel ]lobile llane ?zz? 3v6.7b -rr..1.tr67tw DUE:./28."a Dacc I:L vmaa 4U'S 4-fo tl ao" €.oa'Jhdstcse ?o*a 3?.<.Fm,wt Anarq <<-