HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-07-09city of'springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFlTNGFIEI-E' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION t N Fo R MATtON : 726 -37s3 INSPECTIONS! 7?6-3769 ADDRESS New ltraven$ Conn. PIIONE- NAI'IE 0F BUSIIIESS, FIRTY, ETC.J6ssets Tire & lrJheel House IYPE OF BUSIiIESS Tirrcp store ANllDF<A A. zl? OIJNER OF SIGI'I CIF OTHNR fiIAN PROPERTY OWNER) t7.^D 2 -7/-q> d- oR Ttre A:mstrong Rubber Co. tDO( LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION 101 So. 15th St.. SorineCie TA.:r. Lor ? 5A1,{ .B. rypr oF r.roRK: X ERECT ALTER RELOCATE OTHER STP.UCTURAL TTPE OF SIGN: -X uau. FREESTANDTITc ROOF PROJECTINC -****- I'NDER I,IAROUEE _oTHER c.USE AIiD CP-A.RACTER OF SIGN: IDEIITITY J( llrctosrrral DOUBLE FACE X SINGLE TACE IfUTLTI-PACE PJADER BOARD BILLEOARD D. . VENDORS, CONIRACTORS: srcN EREcron Bav-GI.tte Sigs . prrcNc 48H044 CITY LICENSE IWBER RIOIT4 (rr.. ,enewa't in xp. DATE 6-30-A2 E OR SIGTI I,{ANUFACTURER (IF OTIER r!IAN ERTCTOR)Dralite, Itc. W.A\/e..IODI'€SS 97402 EXISTING SIGNS ARE TItrRE A}IY E(ISTII'IG SIGTIS? X YES IIO G. A],L EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. 'I.[LL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL l'rlRll.rc? yes IT YES, WHICE }.PPLY? ](x ELECTRICAL SIGIJ -IILLI{INATED (INDIPJCTE LICIiTED) ELECTRICAT COI;TP.ACTOR rrratrnnun LISC.NWEER ADDRESS DIl'fEllSIONS, IIISTALIT\TIOII & CONSTRUCTIOil 'TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 19t ItoRrzoNrAL wrDTrr oF srcN 6t DI}IEIISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN 111 riIIcKl.rESS 0R DEpTn applaIJzn DCES SlGi.I PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES -ENOIT YES, DI}IENSION BEYO}ID ?ROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12" 6TEE puslrc ?RopEp.Ty rrlx srcN EREcroR. I.IUST EILE WITI{ THE BUILDINC DIVISION COPIES OF }IIS/}IER LIAtsIIITY AI,ID PROP- ERTY DAI'{AGE ITISUP"A}ICE POLICIES, E VEPJICAL DI.MENSION OF SIGN 2t DESCRIBE TY?E OR YATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. sheetnetal & pLastic 'VALUE 0F SIGN3 SlgO^0O t. K 'srTE TNFoFILATIOI{ (LAtrD USE) -- EXTSTING USE OT BUTLDING OR LAI.ID (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) Pire store lcr INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOP. I4ER.CHAI.IDISING PF.OPOSED LISE 0f BUILDIIIG 0R IA'{D: J 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EIL\}IIIIED che compleced applicacion for perrriE and do hereby certify thaC a1l lnfornacion is Erue and correct, and I furiher certify that all work oerformed shall be done in accordance wi.rh che Springfield Sign 0rdinance, Ehe Uilifonl Sign Code as-adopced !y ct. CLcy of Soring.iield and all other-0rdinances of rhe Cicy of Sprinqfield and the laws of che Scace of Cregon oercaininq Eo t:1e worl: <lescribe<t !'re.ern. I further certJfy Eha! rnv gigL Contractor Li- cense wiEh che Cicy of Springfield is in full force and erfect as-reouireil by-Springfietd Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-2'C(2). 't wi.tl requesE all required sign inspeccions listed-on Ehe aporoved pernic. RINT) 7-7-82 NAr.lE (P LEASE SIGNATUR,E Lite OI]NER OR 1) z) PLEASE READ iepalatg,Steq 4oolicatlonr A separace appllcation is tequlred for each separaee sign.as de.flned1A Ene stgn Uooe. Elec trical Ehe supply wlres Any Pefo rulE issued under thtsr connecEion ausE be covered on an e APP Iication will 1ec include wirtrical p-erai lng ln or on sign struccure, E Eleccrical conneccion 3)Plans Required: ntls appllcacion is to be submltted wlth hro coupleEe sets of plans showing di- oensions and heighe of sign; adzertising message on slgn; location of sign on groperty with di- uensions co propirty linei, structural details-of supgort fraoing, bracing and footings; rlaterlals of conscruc;ion for sign and sign sEructrure; elecErlcal equipneni and lighcing; slze and location of existing si.gns on property for Ehe same busienss, all as required to deteroinq comoliance withthe Sprtngfteld Slgn Ordinance (Artlcle 7 of the Springfield Ciry CoCe). ALso,. show the follow-ing lnfornaE.ion orr cire.ploc plan (plan shoeing properEy llnes and locaEioa of signs): BtusE be uade only by a Srace Li:ensed Electrical ConErac tor. Illuminaued signs (boch incernallyand externally) irust conforra Eo SecEions 9-l-4 (4) & (5)and 9-7-18 of che Springfield Sign Or-dlnance. a) Show the location of all exlsting stp(s) as rlell as.proposed sign(s) b) Show the length of tha street frontage taken up by Ehe busiaess or bullding. For wallsigns, show che length of the building frontage. c) Show the locatlon of enErances open to the public and driverays. lhen requ{red, because of desig::, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Enrst be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conforo to deslgn standards on fLle at Ehe Building Divi-sion Offlce. Plans of tnsufficlenc clarity o: detail will be reEurned Eo Ehe applleant with no permit being !s sued. Signs rrusc trEet coEner visloc clearance requireoenEs as described ln Fi.gure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zor:ing Code. N()TE: No sign nay be erected which ls less ghan 12 feet horizonEally or vertically from overheadeleccrlcal conduccors ln excess of 750 volts, or less Ehan 5 feet in any direction froo overheadelecErical lines whlch are energized aE less thaa 750 vo1Es. If a sign is not installed wlthlo 60 days after the date of lssue of thls pez'ait, the perur.it shall be void. Inspectior.rs : 4) 5) 5) 7) 8) e) a) SlEe InsoecEion - to be nade before the sl.gn ls placed. Usually, Ehe Footj-nq fnspection fffippFiSTtI may be rnade aE the saue tiue as the SiEe Inspectlon. mbTdoElng Inspec-tlon is Eo be alade after ho3.e(s) ls excavale<i, but, prlor co Ehe placeaent of concrete. c) f-lectrical - all electrical slgns oitrst be lnspected for L1""tri""i hook up after the slgn is-erec.Ed and before the sign-is turned on. cAr.L FOR TltE REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON t1E, 24 IIOUR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726-3769 srGN DrsrRrcr Ct7- lL ZONE DISTRICT 4.-la-- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OE SIGN @, /Afr _SrTE/LOCATTON _FooTrNG OR METIIOD 0F ATTACHMENT '( srscrRrcAt. Xrruel OTHXR b)llnal Inspection, - Eo be oade upon coryleEj-on of all work. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BSTORE ERECTION OE SIGN: ADDITIONAL IMORI,IATION NEEDED BEFORE PEBMIT I'IAY BE ISSUED AIPROVED tsY edd-:l€Q 1r (gr 2I ELECTRICAI ?ERTYIT FEE : .oo 47. STATE SI,IRC}IA*R.GE : ,92 Ig frLL : ( 3DATE /5 J08 SIGN PERMIT EEE: SECTION:/x-NGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE 7 -71> .f - E ratrL I _t I OI SOUTH 35TH STREET z-fi-Y3 ll't II q ar- rt- |l ; I ---r ( i I t-I ) Goottdt a tr / 3.-o Tt-Ir!f-'l a a