HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-04-16SPIIINGFIELET CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 76, tglz Mr. Brian Shafer Lane County Housing Authority 172 East Bth Avenue Eugene, 0regon 9740L RE: Housing Report for 1817 North gth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97417 Dear Mr. Shafer: I'm.writing-in regard.to the prel.iminary ,inspection conducted by the Springfietd BuildingDivision relative to the proposed work to be performed on the direlling'loiitea it ttreabove referenced address. The enclosed items shall not be construed as a complete Iist of Housing Code vio'lations,but rather as a supplemental list to your existing report detailing deiiciencies andcoffective actions necessary. These items shall be included as pait of the originalreport and corrective action shall be necessary for obtaining substantial comp'lianceto the Wiforrn Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield. 2z,eqon Stvaettrcal Speci,altu Code artd. trtre and Life Safeta (S.S.C.) The laundry room shall be provided with an exhaust fan vented to the exterior, capableof providing five air exchanges per hour. S.S,C. 1204 Oregon Electrieal SpeciaLty Safety Code (E,g_-f .C) A minimum of L25 amphere service with a main disconnect shall be installed. E.S.S.C. 230-74, 79, 94 Extension s'leeves shall be installed in al'l outlet boxes not flush or beyond the finished walI surfaces. E.S.S.C. 370-L0 Secure a'll loose receptacle and switch outlet boxes. E.S.S.C. L10-73 and, sro-ls A dupiex receptacle shall be installed in the wall between the living room and kitchen area. E.s.s.c. 21.0-52 The dining room light fixture shall be properly bonded. E.S.S.C. 2s0-42 Remove the existing grounding type receptacles located in non-grounded areas or install a properly connected grounding conductor. E.s.s.c. 250-50 The cable wiring on the floor in the kitchen cupboard area shall be removed. E.S.S.C. 1L0-8,336 (b) Install an outlet box for the northwest bedroom light fixture. E.s.S.C. 300-1-5 (a) The metal face p'lates in grounded areas shall be removed or the outlets shall be provided with a grounding conductor. E.S.S.C. 250-42, 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 Mr. Brian Shafer 172 East 8th Avenue[fi -iorring neport for 1817 North 8th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ApriI 16, 1982 Page 2. 10. Pull chain lampholders are not approved fixtures for use in grounded areas. 8.5.5.C.250-42 7u 7u Code and Fire and r,i (M. S. C. 1. The duct work serving the forced air system shall be properly insulated and securely fastened in place. M.S.C. 1004 and 7005 2. The vent opening in the unlined masonry chimney sha1l be permanently sealed. M.5.C.91_3 Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, aJ* Dave Puent Building Inspector DPlsh 0 ,4 TNSPECTION REPORT: INDICATED NEEDS SECTION 8 MODERATE REHAB OWNER: Cynthia Stafford PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1817 North 8th Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 \ueo. \aL I OWNERIS BXPBESSED NEEDS 1. Electrical system 2. Bathroom plumbing and remodeling 3. Insulation: floor, ceili-ng, storm windows EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS: House - approx 33rO, x 44,7,, Attached Garage - l-g'Jt x 24,3n EXTERIOR:ed Items Pest control rnspection Report notes minor structurar dryrot,inadequate sub-structural ventiration, existing celrulose debris,structurally damaged sub-floor in bath and utility, etc. Complywith recommendations of Report; have follow-up inspection for compJ-iance by a Licensed Operator. strip existing roof coverings on rear (East side) of structure,ship roof. strip to sheathing, repair/replace damaged sheathing asnecessary. Re-roof with 24o Lb seal down 3-tab shingles to matchexisting. Re-fl_ash as required; flash chimney. 3. fnstall roof ventilation to Code. There is apparent damage/roL lo the 12" soffits throughout; (totallinear ft approx 200 ft). while all material not clamaged, thereplacement of soffits would al1ow for inclusion of soffit vents tocomply with Requirement #3 (above). Install new continuous gutters (approx 200 linear feet) and downspouts.city rnspector to determine either continuence of existing splashblock(s) or to require standard roof drainage to City storm system,/drywells. 2 4 5 Inspectior. _.ep 1817 North 8th ':rcreet Page T.wo Re-g1aze all windows where glazing compound is deteriorated. l,lakeall non-fixed windows operable,/lockable; provide locks where missing. A11 broken glass shall be replaced; deteriorated window sashes,frames, and trim shall be preped, primed, and painted. Caulk around all doors and windovss to correct for air infiltration.Weatherstrip as necessary. Place a 6 mil poly vapor barrier on grade in ventilated crawl space;approx. L225 sq ft. rnstall pipe insulation on all water pipes and fittings in ventilatedcrawlspace; insulation wall thickness minimum of L,' and sized tomatch designated piping 10.Exposed electrical connections in attic area sharl be placed inapproved junction boxes. - 11.Raise the existing electrical service drop/weatherhead to comply withcurrent Code requirements. l2 rnst,all 5/8" type X sheetrock on walr of attaehed garage adjacent tohabitable space (approx 250 sq ft). Have existing forced air furnace inspected and serviced by aqualified HVAC contractor. rnspection report shall be retuiredon file. 14. Remove existing dilapidated (hazardous) line.fence along North property EXTERIOR: Optional_( Recommend ed)ftems 15- rnstall a new fence to reprace fencing required to be removed. 16. lnsulate the underfloor (crawlspace) to an R-r9 value. rnsulate the attic area to an R-30 va1ue. ADDTTToNAL roof ventiration,beyond Required rtem #3, shalt be necess"ry*ir-ttG-op.i;;"i-;;J* i" done. 6 7 I 9 13 L7. Inspection .-po 1817 North 8th S-rreet Page Three I8. Install storm windows, screens, or combination storm/screen windows throughout. Storm window application for bedroom fire egress windows sha1I comply with Local Ordinance. Paragraph Two (2) of UBC section 1210 "when alterations, repairs, oradditions requiring a Permit and having a valuation in excess of $1,000.00 occur..., the entire buitding shall be provided with smokedetectors located as required for New Group R, Division 3 occupancies, ie, receiving their primary power source from the buitding wiring,'(hardwire units). LIV]NG ROOM (11'5" x 18'6") Required Items 19. Weatherstrip front (exterior) 3'0" door. FRONT BEDROOM (South) (1Or0" x 11r5") NOTE: No Deficiencies FRO}TI BEDROOM (North)( 1I '4t' x 1l '0" ) Required Iterns 20. The existing non-fixed (operable) window dimension (Sash total 27" x 32", si11 height 52") doesnrt meet current uBC or springfierd Housing Code Requirements for emergency egress. "Every sleeping room shall have at least one (1) window or exteriordoor approved f or emergency exit or rescue. Where windows areprovided they rhust have a net crear openabJ-e area of not less thanfour (4) square feet with no dimensio" less than 22 inches, u.H.c.801. The North bedroom window does not meet this minimum sizerequirement and shall be replaced. Section lO4(b) of the StateStructural speciality code and Fire and Life safety code requiresthat installation or replacement of glass shall be as required for new installations; that being doubte glazed glass with a minimumnet clear opening of 5.7 square feet with a minimum height of 24inches and width of 20 inches." silr height sharr be lowered to maximum 42" height. lnstarr a new window to conform to the above standards; interior/exterior wa11 surfaces shall be restored to match existing. REAR BEDROOM (9'6" x 10'0") NOTE: No deficiencies INTERIOR: GENERAL REQUIREMENT I.nspection Fepor.- 1817 North 8th Street Page Four DINING AREA (9'6" x 1I'6") Required Item 2L. Replace broken window 1iqht. KITCHEN (13'0" >r 11'6") Required Items 22. rnstarl either an exhaust fan vented to exterior, (or) a vented orre-circulating range hood. 23. Install- new vinyl floor covering (owner supplied) . UTILITY AREA (8r0" x 5rl0r'ired Items 24. Install a cover over exposed electrical box disconnecting wiring from circuit. in the ceiling after 25.Pest rnspection Report indicat-es sub-t1oor dryrot. Remove damagedsub-f1oor. rnstall new sub-f1oor, underlalment and sheet vinyl(owner supplied) floor coverings. BATHROOI{ (5'0" x 8r2") Reguired I tems 26- Insta}l a GFI type receptacle adjacent to vanity/lav working area. 27. rnstall an exhaust fan vented to exterior. contror to be wallmounted separate switch or humidistat. 28 Pest Inspection Report indicates sub-floor dryrot. Remove alt rottedr/ damaged sub-floor tnd u'aII structural members. Replace with newmaterials (to Code), new sub-floor, underlayment and vinyl sheet(owner suppried) floor coveing. Reseat toilet on new wax seal. 29. Remove tub, tub surround, plumbing warl. Replace all damagedstructural members, re-surface walls with waterboard sheetrock.Install either new tub and surround, or, combo tub,/shower/surroundkit. A11 plumbing (feeds and wastelines) to be corrected to meetpresent UPC Requirements. Fixtures to be property caulked/sea1ed. REAR STORAGE ROOM (7'10', x 14'4") (off Utility) Remove existinq damaged carpetinq. carpeting and pad. 30 Install new indoor/outdoor type JOB ADDRESS PLUMBING INSPECTION REPORT JT /t^ /3 - g 2 Cr *rrlta {r*7ann, DATE PHONEOI^INER TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: y'HOUSINE OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT FIRE DAMAGE Xn s t,l c.ta a ,€C-ao ^, fltctta nt ? r4O eza Af,- (e *1. -Tn1t"''pl a*zo nl 0ar* - 4 - /3 ^6i' 2 /oo fr ,(s,,r"t, fn,us ./t t r. #/3 Ao-o /<t(<//rJ ,4ocGo ,*.L (. 3*".t Icr-Cc t,A// >J:-T*tclt*ry ,9a.) ao{lq r,e f apru* - 4a"-o {ac,/0 o ( /*, Da,t /va /0 -!P/. t, c, b t/4oo 6xd*o"- €a,,1 /A,v,<t n l/aarq ,L {&*r /t< {.ti,/td K d,.f,c,4/s (0rv.n3-4 4ro"n ?/,,tr4 - ,b*>* o Z,/ ,,ll rtttt J /c, ti r -- /r/rot,* o .Z < /rla p&o ,4,ve l/b r n8t ?(/ *leu - //l ilt *tr'/aarto * frzc,Y hUr*ot .faco ?t 3 n/, .' c, INSPECTOR ?* Erectrieat Inspocriou Heport ()n.il-Jlza 726-3753 lYIRIHG INSTALLER AOORESs OF INSTALLATION TY'E OF STRUCTURE USEO AOE,RESS (crTY OR rowx) LABEL NO HEIGHY OAYE wtRtNG METHOD' NoN-METALLIC SHEATHEo CAELE E ^"*o"=o c,.aLE [-l aor.or,r E - powER co OIYNER AE,ORESS ICrTY oR To wN) CHANGES OFIOEREO (r 7 d cov€R ? , x 3PEC 70 ra FINA,L ACCOMPANIEO BY