HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-02-17Building/Combination Permit
Status Issued
225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR
54l-726-3753 Phone
541 -7 26-37 69 Inspection Line
PERMIT NO: COM2004-00187ISSUED: 0211712004APPLIED: 0211712004
EXPIRES: 0811712004VALUE: $ 500.00
SITE ADDRESS: 1545 8TH ST Springlield TYPE OF WORI(: Interior
ASSESSOR'SPARCELNO.: 1703264204500
TYPE OF USE: Alteration
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Drywall and insulation in garage, NOT a conversion.
PhoneNumber: 541-686-1145
License Expiration Date PhoneContractor Type
# of Units:
Primary Occupancy Group:
Secondary Occupancy Group:
Primary Construction Type
Secondary Construction Type:
# of Bedrooms:
Frontyard Setback:
Side I Setback:
Side 2 Setback:
Rearyard Setback:
Solar Setbacks:
Street Improvements:
Storm Sewer Available:
Special Instruction:
# of Stories:
Height of Structure
Type of Heat:
Water Type:
Range Type:
Energy Path:
$ Per Sq Ft Square Footage
or multiplier or Bid Amount
$1.00 s00.00
Total Value of Project
Page 1 of2
Lot Size:
Sq Ft lst Floor:
Sq Ft 2nd Floor:
Sq Ft Basement:
Sq Ft Garage/Carport
Sq Ft Other:
Impervious Surface Area:
Date Calculated
Bid Amount
Type of Construction
Use Bid Amount
Building/Combination Permit
Status Issued
225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR
541-726-3753 Phone
541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line
PERMIT NO: COM2004-00187ISSUED: 0211712004APPLIEDz 0211712004
EXPIRESz 0811712004VALUE: $ 500.00
tr'ees Paid
Fee Description
+ 10oh Administrative Fee
+ 7o/o Stzte Surcharge
Building Permit
Total Amount Paid
Amount Paid
Date Paid
Receipt Number
Plan Reviews
To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m.
will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work
1 Drywall: Prior to taping.
2 Wall Insulation: Prior to cover.
3 Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover.
By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all
information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with
the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and
that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety.
I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project.
I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the
street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all
times during construction.
Owner or Contractors Signature Date pE
Pase? oI2
Keourreo lnsDectrons
Construction Contractors Board permit X, CcMZr,st.l <X) t tl7
700 Summer St ltlE Suite 300
PO Box 14140
Salem OR 97309-5052
Phone: 503-3784621
Web Address: www.ccb.state.or.us
Address: l-gqt rfL s,|-
Issued by:R Date:u
Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4) requires residential construction permit applicants who are not
licensed with the Construction Contractors Board to sign thefollowing statement before a building
permit can be issued. This statement is requiredfor residential building, electrical, mechanical and
plumbing permits. Licensed architect and engineer applicants, exemptfrom licensing under
ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will befiledwith the permit-
Fill in the appropriate blanks and initial boxes I and2, and either box 3A or 38:
1. I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure.
2. I understand that I must become licensed as a construction contractor if the structure is sold or
offered for sale before or on completion.
3,A.. My general contractor is
(Name)(ccB #)
I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the stnrcture must be
licensed with the Construction Contractors Board.
3B. I will be my own general contractor.
If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors licensed with the Construction Contractors
Board. If I change my mind and hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is
licensed with the CCB and will immediately notiff the office issuing this building permit of the
name of the contractor.
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and do understand the Information
Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form.
-'z'Je<, " Ly*!U-
(White copy to issuing agency pennitfile, pink copy to applicant.)
Property_owner.doc 03/ I I /03
Statement: Information Notice to Property Owners
About Gonstruction Responsibilities
Q -z*7 -o
Actf;xrg fi$ Ycur #wre Generml Contractor?
$ruTffiRM,&YI#N ru#TICffi ?ffi PRffPffiffiYY *WNNRS
AB*UT SSN$TRU*YI#N &ffi $r*r{${ffi ll-lr}r$
fu#I#: Ifols infcnnafJi:n &i*t;** f* ffr*p*rfy #m,n*rs *b**l #**sfr**ff*:: ftesgr*nsri:i/rfrss w*s d*v*lopa# fty til*
#*fis$rusfr'6n So*fra*frrs Bcard im acc*r#a*ce rrrfffl SfiS f$?.0SS{SJ, p*ss*d by ffie f 9$S Oregon legrsfa*itr*"
if you ar* *l*ting a$ ,v*ur *wn *ontr&ct{:}r ti} con$tru*t a nevr.home ar maire a sxbstantial improv*ment t* an existing
$truclure, y** *an pr*r,,eil{ n:x:'ly pr*hl*mr by b*ing arvar* *f th* f*}ii:rvir:g re cp*r:*li:ilities i}$d **nc*ffiis.
Hrnployer }Ae$pomsibitrities
You will" in n':ost irstances. he n"rlerl t* h* a* *'er*ployer" *nd the contractsrs you c*ntract rrith will be "*mployers" if
yo$ use **Rtractors not licerlsed r,vith the C*nstru*tion Coniraetors lloard to cic) lailor in cor:stru*ting or to assist in the
er.rnstru*tion r:r impr*v*ment *{'a resielential structure. As th* eurploy*r, y$& r$ust **mply with the folfowing:
Oregon's lVithholding Tax Law: As an employer! ysu must withhold income taxes &om emplayee wage$ at the time
employ*es ar* paid. Y*u wiil fie liatrle flr:r the tax payrnents even if you don't actually withhald the tax frorn your
enrployees. For a State Business ltr) number, call the Business Information Cenier at 503-986-2200.
Unemplayment Insuranc* Tax: As an eiirployer, you are required to pay a tax fcr unemployment insurance put?o$s-s
on the wages *f all employees. Fnr rnore infcrrnation, sall the Oregon Empln3'rnent Department at 503-947-i488.
'lYorkers' Carnpensation Insuranru As an enrployer, you are subject to the Oregon Workers' Compensation Law,
and rnust obtain wcrkers' cornpensation insurance for your empl*yees. trf y*u fail to obtain workers' compensation
insurance, you eould be subject to penalties and be iiable for all claim costs if one r:rf y*ur employees is injured on the
job. Far mcre information, call the Workers' Compensation Division at the Department of Consumer and Business
Services at 503-947.7815.
U.$. Internal Revenue Servi*e: As an employer, you must withhold federal income tax from employees' wages.
You will be liable for the tax ptyrnent even if you didn't actually withhold the tax. For a Federal EIN nurnber, call.the
IRS at 866-S16-2065 or fax thern at 801-620-?115"
$ther ffi"esponsibilities amd Arse$ sf Conccrns
C*de Cemplia*ee; As the permit holder fur this project, y*u are resp*n*ibl* f*r r*sotrving any failur* t* meet *ode
req*ir*rnents {hat maSr he br*ught to your att*nti*n t}rr:ugh inspecti*ns"
Liahility and Property Damage fnsurance: Contact your insuranee agent to see if you have adequate insurance
coverage for accidents and omissions such as falling tools, paint over $pray, water damage from pipe punctures, fire or
work that must be redone.
Timer Make sure you have sufficient time to supervise your employees.
Expertise : Make sure you have the skills ts act as yor.:r swn general contractor, to caordinate the w*rk of r*ugh-in
and finish kades, and ta notify huilding *fficials as the appropriate times so they can perfarm the required inspections.
If you have additionai questions call the Constructioa C*ntractors Board (503-3784621) or write the agency at P0
Box i4l4$, Salem, OR 97309-5052.
Properfy_owner.dr:c 0311 I 103
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97 477
541-726-3759 Phone
City of Springfield Officiat Receipt
Development Services Department
Public Works Department
#: 1200400000000000214 Date: 0211712004 2:21:48PM
+ 1Yo State Surcharge
+ llYo Administrative Fee
Building Permit
Item Total:$s2.65
3. l5
TypeofPayment PaidBy Received By Batch Number Authorization Number How Received Amount Paid
CreditCard JOYCE TEMPLE djb 000300 017616 In Person
Payment Total: