HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-11-30INSPECTION TINE 7263769 INFORMAIION tINE 726-3753 CIIY Of sPRINGTIETD COIAEINATION A?PTICAIION /PERMtt L43B North gth Street TL 4600 tlal 77 03 26 43legol Description .lob Addres: Ronge ENEROY SOURCES: Heot - Woter Heoter --Volue of Work: 500.00 Sq. Ftg. Moin -New-Add-Alter-Rep. -Fence-Demo-Chonge/ U se -Other - Sq, Ftg. Accesr Sq. Frg. Orher o*.". Douelas Taylor Address 1438 North gth Street pr,"n"746-9569 Fomily Residence With Attoched Goroqe) Building Permit lnfo: Describe Work (i.e., Build Single Springfield, 0regon 97477 Foundation Conslruclion Lender Address Phone DESIGN TEAM (nome)(oddress)(lics. n6.)(expires)(phone no.) Primory Slructurol Electricol Mechonicol (nome)(oddress)(lics. no.)(expires)(phone no.)CONTRACTORS Generot DOuq Tavl or Owner Plumbinq Electricq I Mechonicol PTUMBING ETECTR ICAt MECHANICAT FEE CHARGE NO FEE CHARGENO.FEE CHARGE NO. Eoch sinqle fixture Residence of fr. furnoce/burner to -BTU'S Relocoted buiiding (new fix. odditionol) New circuits, olterotions or extensions Applionce vent seporore S.F. Residence (l both)SERYICES Slotionory evop. cooler Duplex (l both) eqch Temporory Conslruclion Vent fon with single duct Amps. Yent syslem oport from heotinq or A.C.Addirionol borh Woler service Mechonicol exhousl hood ond duct Wood stove/heoterSewer FEEDERS Heot PumpStorm Sewer A-Pr. Air hondler to I0,000 crM Air hondler over I0,000 cFM ISSUANCE OF PERAAIT TOTAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE tAW REQUIRES rhoilhe Electricot work be done by rhe Electricol Contrqctor, the electricol portion of this permit sholl not ba vslid until s lobel hss been signed by on Electricol Contraclor qnd ottoched to the eleclricol ponel. I HAVE CAREFUTIY EXAMINED the compleled opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby certify thol sll informotion hereon is true ond correct, ond I further certify thot ony ond oll work performed sholl be done in qccordonce with the Ordinonces of rhe City of Springfield ond the Lows of the Stote of Oregon perioining to the work described herin, ond thot NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of ony slructure without lhe permission of the Building Division. I further certlfy thot my regiitrotion with the Builder's Boord is in full fore ond e4fecl os required by ORS 7O1.O55, lhot if exempi the bosis for exemption is noted heron, ond thot only subcontrocrors ond employees who ore in omplione with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiecl. SIGNATURE DATE ,.l1 Bosis for Builder's Boord exemption: NAME (pleose tl FON OfFICE USE ONIYal R{.Type / Const. R;3 lJni 500 -nn Zone TOTAT YATUATION Sq. Ftg. Access ls --.Sq. Ftg. ,v{oin Flood Plqin stories-Occy Group Fire Zone-Bedrooms ccy Lood x --Volue x Volue Sq. Frg. Other-x -Yolue Syslem s Chorqe Development (1.5Y"\ BUITDING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Plon Ck. Comm/lnd 5 20 Per Fee Per Fee Plon Ck. Res Fence Totql Comb. PermitDemo Chorges ond Surchorges PTUMBING PERMIT Sidewolk A/C Povinq ETECTRICAT PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges {_ tH{ "uEb . MECHANICAT PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges TOTAT 5.20 @ C)o\o (J) \l Curb Cut coMBrNATloN APPLTCATION/PERMlr (CAP) l. Applicont to furnish A. Job Address fB. Legol Description I. exomple-lox lot I00, Lone County Mop Referen< 2. exomEie-Lot l. Block 3,2nd Addition to Springfie fC. No*", "1. of owner ond construclion lender { D. Energy SourcesI. exomple-heot./electricol ceilingz/or forced oir gos 2. exomFle-woter166tE@q!, ot tolg' PERMIT VATIDATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CilY Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT J{0. B 55G75 t4 ( ( E. Squo re footoge or voluotion, elc. exom I 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot gorog' 2. exom proiect, check new -if oddition, cl' fnew c etc. F. Building permit informotion: l. exomPle-conslruct single fomiiy house with on ol goroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily roc 3. exo;pfe-convert single fomily residence into Est6Iront (chonge of use) ) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of the Struclurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Divi Sloff musl be oble to contocl oppropriote Persons re design informction or iob site corrections, eic. ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Scheduh A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description p of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, rhe oppli need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the opprc item(s) lo be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division l. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedul hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on th oted schedules you should consull the full schedu C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES I CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicotion will be used c worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff prepore o typewritten coPy ond rerurn it io the opplicor ihe rime the octuol permit is issued for his signolure. +- Received tOr Amount Received 'n+ (( BY { AUTXORIZED SIGNATURE FRINIERS . EUGENE OR 974OI I I Permit Clerk lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these.fees ore poid. All other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Proiect lnformolion: signolurenome5I.{TTH 6o1. 10-3-F0 PTANS REVIEWED BY: 0p ( (