HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1996-02-06Qtos 0L/12/98 00: Jl 6503 728 388s SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifth StreEt Springfietd, 0R 97 471 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOHK: SPFD DEV. SER @ooz BPirilortrLo JOB NU lnspection Line; 726-3769 Of{ice: 726.3759 ASSESSOHSMAP: L7 3642 OWNEHT Mrtch Ae" ADDBESS P.0. Box ?125 CITY: Jasper sTATE: oregon EUSINESS NAME, FIHM ETC.3M Media / reloeate billboard TAX LOT; 03500 pHoNEr ?4t-z6Lr6 ztp: 97438 , DESCHIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl; (please check and complete all appropriate lnformation) - Wall - Freestanding .- Projecting _ Roof ,/_ Slngle Face _ Double Face y' - ilttboatd Orher _ Marquee t Square Footage:288 each side Total Height above Grade: 30 I Vertlcal Dlmension of slgn or enclosure:721 Horizontal Width of sign or enclosurel Dimenslon from Grads Elsctrlcal lnstallatlon: f yur_ Noto bottom ol slsn: 'il.ffi ;;;,;ri]lpra', is requiredl VALUE: $tr'7,500'oo Material Sign is constructBd of: Llst ALL existing tlgnege and attach a photograph of each slgn: (al Typo (cl Type Sq. Fts. Sq. Fto. (bl Type (d) Type Sq, Ftg. Sq. Fto. CONTRACTOH/INSTALLEH:3I4 Media pH,NE: 48t+-5960 ADDRESS: CITY; P.0 Box 401 Eugene srATE: oregon ztP:974o4 CONSTBUCTION CONTBACTOBS REGISTRATION NiJMBEHI 58 584 EXPIRES: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER:9 t6 PIRES: OFFICE USE Sign Distrlct: Billboafd tuio Urr,5300 Zoning Code Section: Approved 8y:Slgn Parmlt Fee: HEOUIRED INSPECTIONS:uffuJr t/ ,Foottng prior to placement ol concrete Area c-s \RS DATE: ) _ Sire to be msde prlot to slgn placemant Attachrnent after tasteners ara installed/prior to cover r' Erectrlcal prior to energizlng - 4,^u, completion ol sign installation & Addltlonal Comments and/or Condltlons: By slgnature, lstare and agree, that lhave.carelullv examlned the.compreted application and do hereby certlfy that allln{ormation hereln is true and corrsct, and llurther certlly tndt anv-ano all work perlormed shall be done in accordance wit[ the ordinances ol the clty ol spring{ierd, and the Laws o{ the state of oiegon pertalning io tr,e *or'. 6escribed herein. I {unher certify that onlv contractors Bnd ,mprivi.r who are in compliance with oRS 701 .055 will be used on this proiect' are requested at the P[oPer time, thal proiect address is readable from ths street; that Slgnetura /qe ll tlrnes /5 in3talhtlonI lurther sgree to tho perrnit card ls ol the slgn(s). ensure that all requlred lnspections located at the lront of th€ propsrty , snd tho approved set ol Plans will remsln on the slte I 2 n - +. 5-l,l 251 n -^:.. , SPFl!NGFIELt) 1lr(),r/,..'O .,ir'1,,.r' FAX (s03) 726 s6B9 This is an agreement betveen the City of Spring and Bernard Conklin, 3M National Advertising' t field Building Safety Division h he rm ort1 construction of a billboard to be located at can be erected once the CitY and, the billboard located at removed. Mr. Conklin agrees (1.0) days to request an insPe et co a perm o has bee to contac ng e v 1S10n Vt ction once the billboard has been removed. approva nthin ten 5,4c /qj n Daternar l"A C'TY OF SPF"VGFIELD,OREGO'U 225 PTYffi STREEf, SPRrGFIBID, OREGoN 97477 INSPBCTION REQUBST: 726-37Qflte Electrical Contractor .a*-A f/-.*r IC c.. Address P c - ,b, 2s q-z Citv EUr-a*-Phone 48t -8As--S- Supervisor License Number /.?3 /- Expiration Date u /fi7 Constr Contr . Number 2.3 {8 Expiration Date Signature of Supervlsing Blectrician 0wners Name Address Citv Phone OIINER INSTALI..ATION SPllI]{GF!ELO 200 amps or less /201 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 500 amPs - 601 amps to 1000 amPs- 0ver 1000 amps/vo1ts Reconnect 0niy approval Zoni Arnhorlzed 4s#b The lollowing prolea as suhniilei hDi tllr iJ"r"s, ;ld"oiies not require opociiic le.rtl a-BLBCTRICAL City Job Nunber BBLOTI A. Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-FamilY Per dvelling unit. Serviee Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or Iess Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home or Hodular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 ka $ 1s.oo $ 40.00 B Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: OFFICB: '726-3759 1. IOCA'TION OF INSTALIATION / crS J'4.2/{ I,EGAL JOB DESCRIPTION $ so.0o $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300. 00 $ 40.00 Sum vr permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CO}ITRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY The installatioh is being made on property I own vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Otmers Signature: c D Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 amis to 400 amps - $ 55.00 over 4bt to 600 am-ps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or lbOO voTts see "Bu a66E Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel ,t One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t -z- $ 2.00 4. oo B. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation - Sign/0utline Lighting- Limited Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm €4 $ $ $ $ 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 c,c DATE: 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL RECBIVED =.zo +I-*z \SZ-C 7