HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-03-08INF0R'{.\TI0N : 7 26 - 37 53 CIEY C)F SPH,I}TGFIEIJD . SPRINGFIELD. OREGOn{ 97477 CIfi OF SPRII,]GFTELD SIGN CONSTRUCTIO]I AND ELECTRI CAL I)fSTALI,ATION 2-gicl'sh.*AUs (s,pae) INSPECTIoi- P€QUESTS: 736- j:og CO}IB INATION APPLICATION/ PE R\IIT LoCATION OF SIGS(AoDRESS) LE6AL DESCRIPTION orirER oF peoptnttt/01 sf r PHONE 7 AoDREss ld-fo r S? #11,t/gryFaliaa2 ZTP oliliER 0F SICI{(IF oTHER TH.r\ pROpERTy Otn\iER) ADDRESS NA\E OF BUSINESS, FIR\I, ETC. o x ERECT RILOCATE ALTER gNIER fiPE OF BUSI}IESS PHONE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE x NON- IDE}ITIfi SECONDARY SINGLE FACE }ruLTI - FACE TAX LOT R TYPE OF SIGN:LE x WALL -:_ RoOF _ F!{RQUEE OTIIER FREEST,L\DINC PROJECTIn*G READER BOARD BILLBOARD CO\T&\CTCRS: SIGN ERECTOR A.DDRESS CITY LICENSE }iIJ}IBER PHONE EXP. DATE SIG:{ TI,i"\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL{\ ADDRESS EI.EfiRIC.T,L CO:\TRACTOR PHONE ADDRESS L ICENSE NTITIBER TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE a ITRTICAL DIIIENSIoN oF SIGN {pn RIZONTAL I{IDTH OF S DIIIENSION FRO}I GRADT TO BO-ITO}I OF SI6N THICKNESS OR DEPTI"I OF SIGN ./2 ai DoEssIcNPR0.JEcTBEYoxDPR0PERTYLINE-YEsXNoIFYEs'DI},ENSIoN8EYoNDPRoPERTYLINE- ir-OTE: IF PR0JECTION IS i.iOR[ Ttlr.\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TttE SICN ERECTOR l.itST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OFHIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.\D PROPERTY DATI.AGE INSURA"\CE POLICIES. I{ILL sI6N t{AvE ELECTRICAL IVIRING? XYES -No rF YES, t'iHIcH AppLy? XETECTRICAL sIcN rILU]iINATED (INDIRECTLY LTGrmED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF I{ATER,I..\IJ SII:}I IS CO}ISTP.UCTED OF Nllraa 2t#.e '(a PROVIDE UL M,ITI8ER IF APPLICAB VALUE OF SIGN \a .3 z-o SITE INFOR.\IATION (LA.\D USE)-.EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR L.Aq\D (OR LAST USE IF L 2k, PROPOSED USE OF EUILDING OR I,l},ID C}IECK ONE IF APPLICAELE:BUSINESS OLTDOOR }IERCHA.\DISING ARE TTTERE E.xrSrrNG srGNS? _YES xlo IF YES, DESCRTBE ALL EXrSTrNG..sl9N9..Fg! prlsi.)Efs,EXISTING S1615 (SiGN CODE): FIRY, ETC.: AI.L EXISTING SIGNS ON PREIIISES(SA,\[E T&X LoT) I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the conpleted application for pemit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopred by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the Stare of Oregon pertaining ro the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License Hith the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Spri,ngfield City Codes 8-2-6(J) and 9-7-20C2). I ril.l request alI required sign inspections listed on the approved perrdt. NA.t'lE (PLEASE PRIITT),?aeecf 4 SIGNATURE 2.e SIGN DISTRICT PA<.ZONE DISTR OFF I CE ONLY FOOTING OR I''IETIIOD OF ATT.ACIL\IENT TOTAL SQUARE.FOOTAGE OF SIGN tz ;5prrcrnrc.,u ,)(FrxerINSPECTIONS REQUIRED: SITE/LOCATION FEES T0TAL FEE FOR PER,\IIT F/{.40 STATE SURCHARGE -+o OTHER SIGN PERMIT: CIIARCES: EI.ECTRICAL PERI'IIT //o.o o$ao CIIARGES \ ? aotLL r)SeDsr:rte Sien.{orlk:tion: A separa[e f,pplication is required for each seprr3Ee stgn rs .letrneq in the sign code. 2) Flectricat: Any pernit issued under this application will include wir- ing rn or on sign structure, che supply wires t-or connection musc be covered on en elecrrical permit. Electrical connection mus! be made only by r State Licensed Electric:I Contractor. Illuninated signs (both internelly and externelly) nust conform to Sections 9-7-.1 (4)6(5) and 9-7-lS of che Springrield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plens Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets ot pi:ns dr:un to scele, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising nessaqe on sign; Iocacion of sign on propercy wi.th dirnensions to property Iines, structurl details of supporc franing, bracing and footings; neterials of construction for sign and sign structure; elec- tricrl equipnen! end li,ghting; size and locarion of existing signs on properiy for the sane business, all as required to determine compliancerith rhe SpringiicI.J Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Spri.ngfield City Code). Also. show the following info::nation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signsJ: a) Shor the location of ell existj.ng sign(s) as rvell as proposed sign(s). b) Shos the length of the stieet frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Shov the locarion of entrances open to che public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, becruse of design, size, etc,, engineered drawings and calculetions,iust be prepared by a licenseci engineer or shall, conform to desrgn slandards on fi.le 3t the Building Division Offi.ce. 5) Plens of insufficienc clarity or detail will be lelurned to the ap- Plicanr sith no Pernrt being issued. 6) Signs r:rust neet colner vision clearance requi.renents as described i.nFig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horilontallyor verticflly fron overheed electrical conductors i.n excess of 7S0volts, or less then 5 feet in any di.rection ftoo overhead electri,cal lines vhich ere energized ac less than 750 voLts. t B) If e si;n is nor instelled riithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis pernir. the pemir shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: a) Site Inspection - to be made before the s ign is placed. Usually,the Fooi:nq Inspection (if appLicable) nay be made at the sanetine as rhe Srr.e lnspeccion. The Footing Inspecti.on is to be oade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concreE e. 'b) Finel lr.soection - to be raade upon conpletion of a1l work. c) Electricrl - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hook up efter the sign is erected and before the si.gn is turned on. CALL FOR TtlE REQUIRED I.T"SPECTI0NS 0N THE 24 H0UB, INSPECTION LINE AT726-376e. jl SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: )!\,,,\LID.\TIO}J CLERK DATE 4*t/-YZ ii.\0 ADOITIONAL INFOR\IATIO.''I NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT IIAY BE ISSLIED: PL{YS REVIEi{ED BY DATE 9*?-rL- \ I Sour u v-A3T 810 NORTH 7TH STREET I \ t'|1t! 7\ EA ! \ \- - 3r 4 l \1l a E ,D .,-- fFloa sta) 4F rUaaal /f,aa //a*P ?? ?a OarfAaa 641'aue1 dt? ?7{2" ,4/.r..2- ?rz- -?zz1: I SU N,SHI LI /z' a€cp V \T 1-nA 7 "* -( ZoNE a-OccUPANcY c qiV.f$:ra-r,U.t r:.1 AP'FRCVED Ccc'-rF/1_r.lcy LoAD GRouF \-.-- owNrR ( THE corfiENTs PlinE OF lrll/fiNLTEFIATIONS t}J DIa T:D tir a-.:OR ALTERATI Ch*S MADr a iI.1: a .i!t il L..*.-i! Ir-LrlrJ {i-:lBY THE EU|L i ,-L ULDiNj oF NGFiILD, CREGO N DATE REcr EVED aereT? - APPItoVED jIGAL Descn:prlcu Typr Ccxsr UNITs CITY CF JcB Nc. SToRrEs S/ TEt/u rtca' 4 /Y€^! /,foa ty'tt**f ?" t/a. €ar7aaU d+Uu€, a< ? zt/zlt n/rrr* ?/z- ?rz; * v\ st\ tt 77/0 snREET ctAett 7o A€ rUar4/74o aa, A4OCF EaAS aP eo.rzd ,rpD H6?,rraS.gAF Oancot*ta. fi/pQr7atzrdpac Gt30*-. .9/Et4rALl< *.?& et&u7a Ea /Or-alt Ari4l,o€.o flrts,lroe ,iae0Aer4 ucr 6L"d'sT<EEr * S/44r Urtz. 8A tva'a'7co 7? u"+LL ' .lhiat .f ff' r E'pzareo 14A 6E'4Ea.s ,l'€/1as2g' led€ sfr /zzoxtlatqjapat*rtc t4tjdUr\lt alrgppcttlsi - gif'yAc + ,r&s na?.r*To F<ottl # s//&c a '(b? ?.e.4&r au51 PADce q fiioned * sir*ts Oo .?af E x7e2ro t+@uF t9tttt O/4 APPRovEDff -***\ CIlrTT OF SPH,I}TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 INFoRYATIof{: 726- 5755 INSPECTIoIi REQUESTS: 716-j:69 CITY OF SPRT},IGFTELD S I G]i COXSTRUCT I O}I A.\D ELECTRI CAL I:,ISTALIITION CO}IB INATION APPLICATIO)I/ PE R\IIT 2- tkg'^rh tn^rE6*t 8) LocATtoN 0F SIGN(AooRESS LEGAL DESCRTPTIO:{ OI(:{ER OF PROPERTY t TAX LOT I PADDRESS ohliER 0F SICI(IF OTHER TlLd\ PROPERTY OTINER) ADORESS PHONE N&\IE OF BUSIXESS, FIf\I. ETC ! rnrcr RELOCATE ALTER, crntER fiPE OF BUSIN t+€ l5l rorNrrrv NON. IDENTITY SECONDARY SINCLE FACE }ruLT I. FACE PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE ;t', \ i za+)i- 7?t 7 'YPE 0F lr'ORX TYPE OF SIGN CHEC !f werr r_ RoOF _ I,TARQUEE OTIIER FREEST.\\DING PROJECTINC READER BOARD BI LLBO..\RD RS SIGN E puoxe ?/Z-rJ% AODRESS CIfi TICENSE . DATE SIGN Ih\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL{\ ERI:CTOR) g44e ADOR.ESS EIICTRIC.{L COITRACTOR . PHONE -i NT'itIBER TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE C&\DE VERTICAL DITIENSION OF SICN HORI:O].ITAL I{IDII{ OF SIGN DIIIEXSION FRO}I G&\D[ TO BOTTO}I OF SIGN OR DEPTH OF SIGN DOES SIGll PRGTECT BEYO.T"D PROPERTY LINE _ YES il NO IF YES, DI}TENSIoN BEYOND PROPERTY LINE_ I{OTE: IF PROJECTIO:T IS i.ioRtr TIIAN 12.'OVEN. PUBLIC PROPERTY TIIE SIGN ERECTOR i.iI,ST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIYISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ND PROPERfi DAI[A,6E INSURA.\CE POLICIES. rtLL sIG\ xAvE ELEcTRICAL I{IRTNG? Xlvrs _uo IF yEs, wHrcH Apply? $,elrcrnrcrl srGN _rLLU}TINATED (INDIREcTLv LIomED) DEsCg.IBE TYPE OF !11TTR,I..\IJ SII:}! IS CO}ISTP.UCTED OF ,tG*o*2cz+*ne-lrt UI pRovtDE uL M,r.rBER rF AppLrcABLe AL *lQa7?t VALUE OF SIGN .@ SITE INFOR,\IATION (L&\D I,JSE).-EXISTI}IG IJSE OF BUILDING OR LA"\D (OR LAST USE IF VACA.\T): heoasey gr?eE i PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LA.l,lD: ,rA*l E CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE:BUSINESS OUTDOOR}IERCHA.\DISING EXISTING Slcls (SiCN C0DE) : ARE ]ilERE EXISTING SIGNS? -YES t(No IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING.SIGNS..FoR PqS.lllE:|, ALL EXISTING SIGNS 0N PREIIISES(S,$lE TAX LOT) I HAVE CAREFULLY EX,IIIINED the completed application for perrDit and do hereby certify lhat all infornation hereon is tnre and correct, and I further certify that al1 rork performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforn Sign Code as adopred by the Ciry of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the Stare of oregon pertiining to the work described herein. I further certify that ny Sign Contractors License rith the City of Springfi-fd is in full force and effect as required by Springfiefd City Codes 8-2-6(l) and 9-7-2AL2\, I vill request alt required sign inspections li.sted on the approved perruit. rn're(pr.erse prrltr ,?a86ff / Tfuplt sr sIGN DISTRICT_ZONE DISTRICT INSPECTIoNS REqUIRED: _SITE/LoCATI0N GNATURE TOTAL SQUAXE IOOTAGE OF SIGN FOOTING OR TIETIIOD OF A'I-TACH.\IENT ,lfrecrntc,rt fruat o FEES TMAL FEE FOR PE&TIIT:/ r{.qo STATE SURCHARGE: OTHER ilx.::|"' / {.do PERI.IIT:{/o' aoELECTR ICAL CIIARCES: t aa P 1D T I,'\LtD-\ l) Seoerete Sign iorl ic:tion A separare applicetion is required for each seprr.lre itg,n rs.leirneo in the sign code. 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this applicarion will include wir-ing rn or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Elecrrical connecrion must be nadeonlv bf r State Licensed Elecrricel Conrractor. Illuminated signs (both internllly and e.trernelly) riust conforru to Secrions 9-7-{ (.1)6(5) and9-7-tS of rhc Springtield Sign Ordinance. 3)Plrns Beouired: This applicarion is to be submitted with two conplete secs or plans draun to scale, showing dirnensions and heighr of sign; ad-vertr.sing nessrge on sign; Iocation of sign on property with dimensionsto property lines, structual details of supporc franing, bracing andfoocings; ntteri,als of construction for sign and sign itructure; elec-triccl equipoenc anri lighting; size and loiation of exiscing signs onproperiy for the sane business, all as required to deternine compliancexith rhe Springiiclr! Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfieid CityCode). AIso. show the tollor.ring infornation on the plot plan (plan showing properry Iines and locarion of signs): a) Shov the locecion of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Shon the length of rhe street frontage taken up by the business or bu i Id ing. c) Shorr the locarion of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, becruse of design, size, etc., engineered drawi.ngs andcalcul:cions nust be prepared by a Licensed engineer or shall cont.ormto desrgn scandards on r'i.le et the Buil.ding Division Office. 5) Plens of insufficienc ctari.ty or detail will be rerurned to the ap-plicanr yith no pernrr bei.ng issued. 6) signs must mee! corner vision clearance requirements as described inFig. 9 of the Springr'i.eld Conprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: lio sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontallyor vertic:lly frorn overherd electrical conductols in excess of 750volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electlicall,ines vhich ere energized at less than 7S0 volts. t 8) If a si;n is nos inst:lled rrirhin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis pernit, rhe perilir shall be void. 9) Ins-oect ions: a) Site Insoection - to be made before the s ign is nJ.aced. Usually,the Fooilnq lnspection (if applicable) may be made at the sarnetine as rhe Sice lnspecrion, The Footing Inspection is to be aade sfter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of concret e. CLERK DATE ?//-FLb) Fin:l l:'.soection - to be made upon completion of all uork c) Elecrrical - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hook up efter the sign is erected and before the sign i.sturned on. CALL FoR THE REQUIR.ED INSPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HOUq INSPECTION LINE AT726-s76e. i SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I,I,AY BE ISSTJED PLT\S REVIEifED 8Y T s- 7-92 s4 \ i I 4 /3 1 I a P \ ?7{2y' A S UN ,SHI R 1I EL[ 9/2 2€e? I I * I I I I It : I I I I \*t5 t t*+\? rt\q\ :\ \R {.*cr\ $d*r\sarEq fxs S*rbqt q+tttr-\t*s\+ *"N Iti*-_ \ - r,-{ha I IFI A I r ) Lr U3CsT i I I I I I i I I !I nliil Joe Coiisr LoAD NGF I ELD OREGON CiTY F Dete zoN€ Uwms !cglealrir Ol iL';'.13,,,1y GRCUP -.--_*_ Da TEt/u r.aa, 4 /Y€, '/,faa ,4tet*1' 79 24 €az7a6u Aeau€, a< ? ztt-z,g fr/,,*?rz- ?rz6 * v\ Ttl\ h zz4erRcEr staltt 7a e€ /uuico a? HCaFEoo a&, tDu7t, ,uD Hc? e.a3s At Sancotata. t1/p,?, /atiAlc Qt*98 t ,srGtarALl< *2* e4ta/7a ua/rr-aU .rrar,,oEO/ lopsrr/ro,e /t0eagar4 ucr ,soz&e, '-eiq * ,* "d's?<E6r g|s236 4/41 eA 4atJ75o 7? 4/e+LL ett7at ,/ *' , 3' pz,*4ro 1& SE'QEU s ;iFr1?v% Signed C, Sslary' .e a€ s/ Pcllcrtc tR&Ur-o 22244 d)t47J/9 O/atotOlg - Jf if'Y*T ,* ,r4?S nA?lrZTo Faes.? * s/dt?., A 47 ?4a/6d7 a?€Q Pa4cCl * .r:rars Oa .?ar Er7czo "+&u' *9ozo/4