HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-11-30Y!"97,/\iodob Locatton:t511 .<ubdiui aicn: Assessor,s llaD f l'l-?@ Lot # ELLE ' Ga,tnee T" Grc- 5.r,ehone # -/?88+ Addtesa 19. -t ) ^J Corltractors ll@te AddNee scl GenetaL llectria,L O\r tJ €Ll.tealuniccl Constructi,on Lcndet collBruA;;$rtfr'ifi ...IION PERMIT l:. -- ;i;',;ilf!{.1,{:x*L :PP.:r.o:rE.D, oaiiii' p z E z zd_uttd,tr,4 Dtuisiot ./ z6-3? 53 SPRINGF'EIO dCErP? T /5 r%4 CIomr Deeeti.be glotk AdCition Sanoda L REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the nesponsibiUty of the pemit hoLder to see thst all iespections a:ie made at the proper readable frcrn the atreet, ard tha: the permit card is located at the f:ront of th6 priopetiry.* A].l rEnholes and cleanouts at'e tc be adjusted at no eost to the Clty ti&e, that each address is SI?E I}ISPEC?ICN:;ffiffiffi forns. POST t BEAM:E'stffiAA To be rmde after prior: to set up of To be nade prion to of flcor insulation : After installation I tioa. FRAMING: approval CIjRB 6 APPROACH APRON: After forms cal 6 mechanical.. A.l.l roofing, bracing 6 ehimaeys, etc. must be cotnpleted. No wonk ls to be con- cealed untiL this inspection has beeu urade and approved. are erected but prior to pcuring concrete. SIDEWALK t DRI\rEilAY: For all. con- ;Gt e p-$fiE{-Itiffi' street night - of-way, te be Eade after alL exca- vating ccnplete 6 forlll work 6 sub- base raterial in plaee. , To be made after all insulation and rcquired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath' gypsun board or OTI{ER INSPECTIONS: may be required i.n accordance with BuiLding CoCe, to be. indicateC in P!a::s or bY no- tice from Building InsPector. DRYI{ALL INSPECTICN: To be rn:de ffier alrE@1s in prace, but prior to any taPing. UASONRY: Steel location, bond Sffigrouting cr veutical.s in aceordance 'dith U.B.c. Section 2rr15 , Al1 projeet conditions, such as the installation of st?eet trees' conPletion of the required landscapi.ng, etc., aust be satisfied befone the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the ginal P].umbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspeetions have been naCe a:rd apprcved llo occupancy of the premises c:n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and aplrcved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIiG DM- SICN AND IOSTED ON THE PRE!'!ISES. FIREPLACEIffi'Prior to placiag facing and before franing inspec- Must be requcsted after of rough plurnbing, electri- t !{DIRSLAS PLU!{BING, ELSCTp.IC.qL t MECTIANICAL: To be made bef,ore any6i[--iGvered. FOOTIIIC € FCUIIDATION: To be made =t#:ti.ffi; ar;-.'rcavated and forns are erect:d, but pricr to pouring conclete. U}IDERGROUHD PLUI{BING, SEI,TER, I{ATB, DMIIA.GE: To be rnade prion to fil- J.ing trenches. wal.l covering is applied' and any insulation is concealed. or Cecking. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTP.IC.qt 6 MECI{- AllCIlL: No work is to be covered Gilth.se inspeetions have been naCe and apProveC. EINAL PLUI,IBI}IG FINAL ELECTRIC.{L EINAL UECHAUICI.L rgelof2 UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING € MECHT${TCAL:@orfloor insulstlcn or decking. I P:.ge 2 I L-coc l-' REFIRENCE \IM4BERS JOB ICI,'UBER' TYPE/ CONSTRI]CTION OCCUPANCY GROU? BEDROO}1S ZONE 5o'-.:'ces i:c.te" He4ter T.ccessllotseilal'7.?eor Ilorth Easi South legt Setbaeks i"cf Lot Cooered G Lot TYPe Interioz' Coxner Pd".ltuna 0th2" r of StorLes lctal Heigh! hVogtqh.Y Sq- Ftg. Gorzge Sq. Etg.CatTott TOTAL CI:.4RCES Valte ?en'it Cnareee Thi.s pertftit is gto*ed on the esP"ess c'ndi':tofl tllct iil" "fi,i'Z*tiiLe.o" sha/'l, in ali res?-ecze' colf!{ ii'tri"fua.""i.;';; ,r"priA av tne ci=1- o-' spnnsiieu' inclwii-ng bhe Zoning 1tdinoee, reqllat'-ng :4e ecfl- ;;;;*ta."i ii u"" o7 aritat,,as, oi ."v b-e s"r'spzid'eci on resoked a! ary tute tqon tLo|ati:n 2:- dt! 'uatL-aions of said Cwitn@Eee. BU.LDING VALUE/PERUfi ?Lot O*ek ?ee 1ate Paid { No pe"son ehall coflBtrct, :-netzll, ll+.e" cr c?totge crA neu or er-ating pttnbing o" d.raanage sga=an in uhole or in pot, unleas such petson is :he '-agzl possesaD" of a ualid plwber's Lieerae, esce.t iilat d pe?son may i.c plrnbing uork to prc?eti! ui:-ch ie or,med, Leased or opetated by the apiltcant. PLIJMBING PSMET Szni SWTUIlL Seruice Sa)e? State Sureltarge TOTAL CIIARCES l,lhere Stale La't requitea that the eiact=icai uotk be done bg an lLeetrical Contractor, th,a eleeL*)cal pw- tton cf this petnrit elalL tlot be oaiid until the la- bel las been signed by the ilec*icci Ccnt?arto?. The Electrical Safety La,t does not !.q/are 5 ?a?sonto obtain a Licewe as dt eleet?tcis, a-d,/ot elec- Lz'ical eo,ttractc" b nake a electtical ins::Llcttcn on p"o?e"tV ahich is anmed by hinseif or a -tbet ofkts ilrnedicte iarily adeh ia not irtenczd j:r aale-, Leaae cp "ent. ELEC?RTCAL PERT,ET MECqANTC.4L PMMT? Ce.shrction CITARGES Eclnust Hood Vsnt For ENCROACHIVENI Seeud.ty ).ldincnetce Pennit LabaL AMOAIE DUE Diuision appror;ad, p at aLL 9 Bui tines shaLL renain on the Building Ill^ ao