HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-11-05.. REsID-..lTlAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Notth |th Street Springfield, 1z,egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision / zo-o / oo Additian RenoCeL Date of AppL VaLue General +l SPIIINGFTELE)\J t6 $/ 44 $5og Descz,Lbe Work: &rr/oz t-l Date: L Construction Lendet Reouinerl Tn sn aaxian s It is the responsibility oi tle permtt hoder to see that all inspections oe nade at lhe pyope? tine, that eaeh addtess is re44anie fron the street, ard. tltat the permit eatd ie Located at the frcnt of the pz,opetty.*Buildirq Diuisiot appro"*ed plan shcll yemain on the Bunlding Site Zt aLL' tiines.- PRocgDUPE FoR rNsPECrI?ttl RI0.WS?.'CALL725-3769(reeorder) state youy City Cesigrnted job ntmber, iob aiitess, type of inspec=i.cn requested and uhen ilou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contractars c? Arne?s ncne and p-tane n:unbet,. Pequests receii;ed befcre 7:C0 cttiLL be made the sane dcy, ?equests ncde aftet, ?:00 an urLLL be made the neat aorkirq day.f;toi,Iou? CitA Designated Job Nwber fs 11L3 T-4"rob Locaticn: AssessorsMap# /AC)3 pb (S />zoo?cs Lot # Subdioision: A,mer: ehoae: JAddress: qTryA TNCDD'frTAAI. *cAaioa-but To be nade after priar tc set up of fotms. UNDERSLAB PLUITBING. ELEqTRICAL & WCH|-IUCAL: ?o be nade before ang uotk is cooered. ECOTIN} & FOUIIDATICN: ?o be tmCeaO;;-affis are eacaoated and forns are erected, but prior to pout"ing ecncrete. INSULATTOII/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and required oapor berie?s @e in place but before any Lath, Wpsum bcarC ot, tnLL eoueting is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL LNSPICIf)N: ?c be nade;f;evAT@;Afrs in ptace, but prior to ang taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bondtffiilgrouting or oerticals in accotd"otce t th U,B.C. Section 24L5. DEI.iCLTTrcT OR :.:CW) BUILDi|:CS Sanitary seser eapped at properfi; Lir:e Septic tank V.r.ped and filled ttth gra;;el Final - l{hea cbcoe itens ate cc*oleted and uhen CqtcLition is eomplete br stn "-ture moued and. pnetrLses cleanei up. ia uwmcpouuD pLUMp_!l!L_fy,rE!r_ h!!!B),J Lirry trenchee.il UI|DERFLO)R PLUI,IBING & I,IECHANfCAL : oy floor insulction or decking. P)S! !!D BEAM: ?o be nade pz,iot to ilstiTTatlcn-o| floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLABITC, ELEC?RICAL & T,,IECH= ANICAL: No uork is to be co.-et,etiutil these inspeetio'ns ltantc- been nad.e and. approueC. FTPEPLACE: PrLon to plaeirq faeing mater.LaLs and. before franing inspee- tion. FRA].'!ING: Itust be requested after approtsal of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofing braeing 8 chinmegs, etc. rrust be eornpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon-,cecled until this inspection ltas 'been nade anC apptoued. WO1DST1'|E: Aftet installation i-s atttpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsate erecteC but prior to pourtng cone"ete. STDEWALK & DRTIWAI: Fot, aLL eon-c"et"narrfr-;lTtr; etreet right- of-txy, to be naCe afte? aLL etca- uating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base naterial in place. I"lobile Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plutnbing eonnecti,ons -- sare? otd. uatet Electtical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uo and pLunbing connections m;st be apprcu*eC before requesting eleclrLcal inspeelio;t Accessory Bui\Cirtg Piral - After pcrehes, skittittg, decl<s, etc. @e e.crnpleled. IENCE: h1ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sections thtough P.a.E. I _l FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL I4ECHA\IICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL project conditions, such as tle .i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landsceping, etc., mtst be satisfi,edbefore the BUfLDINC FfllAL canbe requested. ilNAL BUfLDfNc: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested aftet the .qinal Plwnbirq Electnical, qnd Mechanical fnspeetions laue been nade and approoeC. Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTYEII! TO BE I,I4DE !.? TIO CCST TO CI?Y t--t N ot,t / tr SOLAR A' CESS REQ.-L-co d Zone: Building PerwLt State ?otal Clanges NELI Plunbing Peytrlt State Neu/Extend Circuits ?otaL PetttrLt Issucrtee MeehanieaL Peymtt Clpbcut t, Fenee Mobile Eane Seitoons lleat Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Signed e -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penn t is granted on the erpress eondition tlnt the said constractionslwLl, in a,ll respects, conform to the Ordirwnce edopted fiig the City ofSpr_ingfield, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulcting tttb ccnsttubticn and -use of buildirqs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at "ny tine upon oic- l.a.tion of dtA prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. Plumbing Perrnit No_ person slull consttuet, install,., alter or change cnA neu cr eristing qlutnb_ing ot drainage systan in uhole or in pott, inless such pez.son is- the Le-gal.possessor of a oalid plwzber,s Lieensb, escept th,at a pZtson nay doplunbing uork to p?opertU uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the qpli.-cant. Electrico I Perm it wete state La requires tTnt the eleetrical uork be done by an llectriealcont"acto?, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be uali.c untilthe Label has been signed by the Eleetrical Contractor. Mechqnicol Permit r HAW cARgFaLLy EYAMINED the completed appli.cation for pennit, ad dalereby certify that aLL infornatibn hereoi is true and irreet, anC. tfut'thet'-eertify that any ard aLL uork perforned ehall be dote in aceo?-dance trLth the ?rdinance.s of the city of bprtngfield, and the La;s of thea state of }r'egon pertaining to the wtk cescribLh nn Zir, cnd. trn! No occa-PAIlcy ?,vill be rmd.e of an-a st?ucture uithout permission of the Bui.td.ing N-uisio-n, r further eertif"- that orly contraciot,s ad. enplcyees uho arL ineonpliance uith 1RS Z01.0ss uiLL be used on this project //'J^ -8c- JOB NO. Lot Faces -Energy Sourees Setbacks Df House Caraae Aceess Water lleaterllorth East Fireoi South Wood-ttoue Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cotserage_ LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac VaLueI?EI,I F?G x # of Stortes ?otal lleight Iopogrqhy 14est l,tain Coaoe Ca?Dort Aeeessoru ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Cheek - CHARGEPPF Ei.stutes Resil.ential (1 bath) Sewet, .T- oOdr) r /.oo Oota ii0 FEE D^^ Setoiee Lectr - CIIARCEFIE Ptpnaee 9TU I S khanst HooC Vent Fan Vcodstoise -- EilCROAC|LMENT -- Secarity Deposit Storage Maintenanee Permtt Sida,talk TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:*Zu oc Signed Date PLan L'AE2 i{ctet Electnical Label