HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-01-12, .. REslDrr{TlAL" APPLTCATTON/PERPITT 225 North ith Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD TD drt, Date: TITJob Locaticn:\no3etA3 IANU)Aesessore Map #?a Lat # Subdiuision: qot 'M/Ctm.er: Addtess 7 So],{c.l zip: qf Li-l)v"g. Descr.i,be ilork: Addition RattoCel Data of Applicatian Xeu I il *ss I Val,ue 55e rn IU GenetaL Plwnbing Electrical i4echa.icaL Soti'-eg saser capped .t ptope{tA Lil:e Septic totk V"itTed atd f,JLLed vith graLzl linal - i{hen cbcue itens ate cqwleted and uhen T,encl"Jtion is eanplete oy st?,.e- ture noued oti pre,triaes clearted. up. MobiLe Blockittg od. Set-up Plunbinq cotmections -- seue? od. ualer Pinal - Aftar pcrehes, skirting, decl<.s, etc, ee ecmoleled. Electrlecl Cotieetion - Blockirq, set-u, and. platnbing connections m;st be dpprcxeC before requesting el eclr,Jcal inspeclio;:, Aecessoz-i BuiLCing Page 1 of 2 consJptgfu_!ende!_ It ie th,e respoaeibilitg o! the penrtt hod* to see ;hat all inepectioia @e nad.e at lhe propet tine, ihat ecch addzess is rea)nhle iron the street, and trtat the p*nrit eod ia Located. at the froat of the prcpe?W.r9uiAing Dirsiciott appro"-ed plot sitc.Ll rettzain on tle Builciing Sitc at zLL- times. PI?)C9DUPE F1R INSPECTI2I| R9O,WSTTCALL726-3769 (recorder) state your Citg Cesignated job ntnber, job aCiz.ess, type of itlsoeelim requeated ar'dohen gou aiLL be reoly for itzepection, Contndcto?s o! a,ners nane and phone ntnb*, Pequests yeceiued befcre 7:00 mz,till be nade the sone &!, ?equests nade aftet ?:00 an aLLL be rmde the nazt:,ntking day. SITE INSP4C?I)N: ?o be rmde aftaescauatlffiE prtar tc aet;p of forms. UNDERSLAts PLUI|BING. ELEC?RICAL & WCH{IIICAL: To be nade before any t'toz.k is eooered. PCOTINC & FAUNDA?ICN: To be rmCe @erffiEesd catated and. fozns are erected, but prior to pouring cczcreta. your City Desigr,ated Job llutttber is: INSULA?ION/VAPOR tsARRIER IIISPICTIAN : Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ed required uqor bmiers ee in place btt before @U 1.ath, gypsurl bcatC or rnLL coueying is applied, and. before ay insulation is eoncealed. 83C)t7 DRI\IALL INSPltrf)N: Tc after all, C.rguaLL is ,Jn but pnior to any tapin4. be nade place, 7 uvoeRcp,oultD ptuMDJJt2_WE. t/A!!!,,J Llrq trenchee. UNDERELOAR PLANBING & I4EC1AIITCAL :@o7floor insu|a,tion or decking. ?OELI!!.D BEAIa: To be nad,e prior to -^4 instaLlation of floot, insul,ation or d.ecking. ts,OUGH PLA,IBI\IG, ELECTRICAL E ![EC,g- ANICAL: No Lto-k 'is to be eoteredffiTthese insoectiotts h,a,,se beer, nade ard. aporctl-eC. FI?EPLICE: Prior tp pkeir4 laclngnctertals and. before frotrtng inepee- tion. ?RA!.ENG: lhtst be requested aftenqproual of rough plurbin1, alectz,i-cal & neclnnieal. ALt roofing bracing & chirmtega, ete. rrust be . eonplexed. llo acrk is to be con- "cecled until this inspectiar laa 'been rwde anC apo ot;ed. |,!AS2NRY: Steel Location, bond @grot/ting or ,serticals ia aceord.otoe ,,nth A.B,C, Section 241 5. W)1DST1,/E: After installation is atrpLeted. conc?ete. SIDEWALX & DRflEllAI: For aLL con- .t ei;V@Atffi sh,eet rt ght- of-ac!, to be na.Ce after aL! ezca- uating sonplete d fotn lwk & eub- fo.se tcterial in plaoe. CIIRB & E?ACACH AP-aQN: Aftet fonnse,;;"ectA7utnffi u pcur";rq FTilAL PLAMBTIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?ENCE: rathen conplate -- ?rouiCe gates or nooable seetians thro'ugh Dltd ALL proiect cot2dttions, such as the znstallation of stteet ttees, eo:pletlon of the rcquired Latd.sccpirq, etc., tntst be eatisfied befote the BUILDLNG EttAL can be requested. ?IllAL BUfLDING: Tke E,JnaL Buildin4 Inspeetion rrust be requested c1'ter the Final Plwnbirq ElectrLcal, qtC Neclurical Inspeetions hqtte been nade and'approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ,4.CCESSIBLE, ADJUST:E\II IO BE :.L4DE .4I IIO C3ST ?O CTY oI Phone: ^* L1-ac. #Phon2JontrdcaorsAdltessErpl?es T T u tr Pege 2 L-co cSOLAR]ESS REQ.- Bedrcoms: L.Hause Lot Faces -tat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Caserage_ LCT T:IPE _ Intericr Cor+1erj ol ExoTLes !'otdL i€Lght Iopography Panhandle Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertrtt is granted on the ex?"ess cotd.ition tlwt the said-constmtction sha.Ll', in alL rZsoects, confoz'nt to the Ctdirtance edooteC jy th.e Citg cf springfield.' inciuding- -:he'zoning crdinance, regulctir'g th'e ccnstracticn crra "s" o1'buti-iirqs,- anC nay be suspended oz' teuckei at er"y tine:*=on uic- T,atian of my prc,tialons of said )v'dinances. ICTAL VALUE ?ee: trG A Va Signed: # ot^r<- Total Clwrges Plumbing Permit No pe?son slwll constmtet, t-nstall., alter. ot ehange-any ned-cr esisttng phi6l,ng cr dtainage sAsta-n in uhole ot' in pott, unless such pe,son is the iegol pZss.a"o, o7-o rhtid pl*rb"t's Lic-ens-b, ez,cept that a -p??so!. nay (o. ptinAing aork to prope?tA ahi.h is oanted, Leased oz' opereted bg the appLi- cant. NO Pthutes Resil.ential ( 1 bath) Seuer PLwtblng ve"niLx 9tate Electricol Permit ilhere State La requires tl|zt the eLectt ical uoyk be done bg,an Electrdeal Cont"actor, the el)etrLeal pottion of lhis permit shall r,ot be ualiC until the l,abel lws been siy'ed by the Eleetuieal Cantractor. ?otal Naa/Eztend Cirqaits Semtice FEE Mecharnicsl Permit llcodstotse kltanst HooC era' PetwLt rssu,otce Meehanical Pertnt Sea"ri.tu Deposit Stora.qe Itdintevance Cuabeui Sida,talk !enee Electz,ical Label Mobile Hcne d^fr,r ,.,A1,\,a ,lle. * -JldU tu':VUrti UUL,Ff, ?Lcn Lg@nlne? /7/'F3 I IIA'IE CARE?ULLy ELAI4INED th.e eornoleted application for permit, cnd do h.ereby cettifg tha.t aLL infornation herean is tm.e an'd carT ect, an'C I furthlet cet'tiiy that ang ard' aLL uoxk gerforned elra'Ll be done it aceoz'- 'dance "rLth th-e- ArCinanc-es of the CitU of Sptingfield, an'd' th9 Las of the* State of Cregon pertainina to the ao?k Cesctibed herein, cnC tiun N0 ?CCU' ptNcy;LL AL nnZe of any stzttcture rsithout penrtssian of_ the guiiding Di- tsision. I futther cZrtt-iy thet only contTactors a"d anplcgees a|"o are in conpLiance aith 1PS 701.055 aiLL be used on titLs proiect 5L1n2C JoB No q aecuDancu GtoltD:;iipe/ L',Or"SX :Zone: ?EEiTEi,l t^/a* or lotal Chaz.aes Vent Eat